#transfomers jolt
starliights-shining · 2 years
NNBMNWNSJ where do I start?? AH YES. ur stories. They..are fragging AMAZING?!?!!? Actually it would be more than one word if I could even describe them.
And if ur request are open, could u do Cybertron Jolt? Bc he is so unloved..
Oh and, NSFW? Well, if u do them? I just feel like he would be jealous and I mean really jealous- if we hung out with the kids and minicons instead of him- and female human?
oh hey! If u have alot of request or something, take ur time and please do take care of urself! Thank u and goodbye! :)
Hello, Sorry this took so long. I got caught up in writing something else and I dont really know Jolt like that, but of course I got it done. I'm glad you like my writing! My requests are always open as well, but I hope this story is to your liking! Take care of yourself as well, Enjoy! :)
Pairing: Jolt x Female!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Female Reader,
An off day, a day you get to spend time with the Autobots and the kids. So you spent the day cooking, cooking for the kids. You lived in a rural area, so no one would notice the large robot chilling outside your house. You decided it would be fun to have a little picnic, you had accounted for everyone, small or large, but it was just the kids, the mini-bots and Landmind. Everyone you regularly talked to was there, except Jolt. 
“Hey, where's Jolt?” 
You asked anyone, a worried but sad look seemed to be present on your face, your grip on the serving dish tightening as no one was answering your question. 
“He said he had something to do, then he’d be here.” 
Lori said, sitting at the picnic table. 
“But he should be here by now. We’ve been at Miss (Y/N)’s house since 10.” 
“Maybe he just got caught up in what he was doing,”
Colby said, he saw the worry on your face. He smiled at you before also sitting at the picnic table. Jolt never missed the opportunity to be with you, even though you had previously told him about the idea before inviting people. He had told you he would be here, but you guess with him being the avatar of primus and all, he must have gotten busy. 
By the time the picnic was over, It was just you and minicons. You had sent Lori, Bud and Colby home. They didn’t want to leave but with the excuse of ‘needing lots of energy for tomorrow's great adventures.’ they left with the happiness and excitement of any other kid. You had cleaned up the house with the help of the minicons, a smile on your face as Reverb handed you the dried serving plate, and Six Speed drained the skin. 
“Heyy, thanks for the help guys. Y’all probably want to get back to the base, so I can take it from here.” 
Both the minicons nodded, they helped clean up the kitchen and then left. Jolt's arrival was something else, almost all the lights in your house were off and you sat on the couch watching some weird documentary. 
“Hey! Where is everyone?” 
His question threw you off guard, you turned your head to look towards the bot.
“They all left, considering half the group were children, and I sent the other minicons back to base. They helped me clean up, so I didn’t wanna keep them any longer.”
He hummed, walking around to where you were sitting. There was a moment of silence before jolt sat down. The tv in the background is still talking about some type of animal as you thought about what to say next. 
“Next time you see Reverb, please thank him for me. He did a whole lot of things, he didn’t have to do anything at all.” 
You paused, turning to fully see Jolt, watching as the colors flash on his face plate. You noticed he didn’t have the glass dome around his helm this time, his rest folded behind his helm. You really could see the way his plating connected, you knew that cybertronians were different then humans, but no matter how many times you started at other mechs, the way they're playing fits together to make their version of skin fascinates you.
You reached out towards his helm. Your fingertips lightly brush over the seams. You startled him, he originally pulled back but then came closer to your touch. 
“No matter how many times I see you guys. I’m always fascinated. The different configurations of plating, and textures are so different. Your plating feels smooth, almost like it's been untouched its whole lifetime. While Reverbs has the same configuration but its rougher, battle worn. Then,” 
You paused, climbing into his lap, turning on the side tables lamp before you grabbed his whole helm. Moving it around and examining it.
“Then it ranges in difference from the big guys, like Jetfire or Landmine.” 
You drag your thumbs under his optics, Hearing his intake in the process. He places both his servos on your hips, his thumbs  rubbing back and forth on the skin under your shirt. 
“You guys are so human, but made out of metal.” 
You brought your hands down to his mandible, resting them lightly there as you angle his helm down and then back up again. Your thumb is running over his bottom lip, you glanced up at his optics as you felt his servos tighten on your hips. 
“I wonder if Reverb or,” 
You were cut off by Jolt, his lips hungrily eating at yours. You felt him pulling back, but grabbed the sides of his helm pulling him into you. You weren’t letting this go, you felt the way his grip tightened, the simple actions that he thought would go unnoticed. He lets the kiss go, pulling back to say something. 
“Stop talking about them,” 
He kissed you again, a more possessive kiss, like he was trying to claim you. 
“This isn’t about them.” 
You can feel his servos getting antsy, one of them trying to move further down while the other is moving upwards. His servos that moved down finally found what it was looking for, pressure pressed on as he pulled away from the kiss. 
“You haven’t shut up about some other ‘bot since I got here.” 
You let out the moan you had been holding in since his servos found its spot there, moving around his servos, his digits found their way into your panties, and straight to your slit. Moving from the bottom up, giving your clit a little nudge before repeating the process. Each time he meets your clit his nudge gets harder.
Each moan you let out getting louder and louder, until you're practically just moaning his name. Your body rested fully into his, your knees brought to the side of his tibulen, the fingering he did to you hitting in just the right places. Your hands were not displaced to his shoulder plating, at this point you just wanted release. 
“Any questions you have about my plating, I’ll answer myself. No need for you to ask anyone else. Ya got that?” 
You could tell he was in fact very upset, comparing his plating to some other bots, not shutting up about some other bot, hanging out with the other minicons and the children, and not just him. This was punishable, and he knew how he was going to do it. He wanted your confirmation of his question. You were to come to him with such questions about cybertronian plating or anything, and he’ll show you. He allow for touching, pulling, pushing, and if need be he’ll fuck it into you. But you were for him and only him, not Reverb, not Six Speed, not Jetfire, just him. 
He still hadn’t received his confirmation, so he picked his pace up. The once slow and normal pace was replaced with a quick one, one that brought you closer to finishing, the knot tightening far too fast then your use to. 
“Im need an answer, (Y/N).” 
You hum first, then change into a fast string of yes’s, until you're begging to cum. His pace is still not letting up. 
“I can’t hear you.”
“Yess yes yess, I'll do anything, please Jolt.” 
You managed to mona out in between breaths. He hums in agreement, which you take as a cue to let go. Jolt slows his pace to an almost stop. 
“I didn’t say you could finish.” 
You let out a whine, a high pitched whine. You were so close, yet he would not allow you to finish, so in the wake of not moaning like a pornstar, between breaths you look up at him through your eyelashes and ask.
“Why can’t I finish?”
And with the most evil and devilish smirk, he responds. 
“Because, you spent the day with other bots and people.”
A pause as you lower your head, a whine escaping your mouth as he lean in placing a kiss to your forehead while saying, 
“You're only mine.” 
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autobot2001 · 4 months
Guilt and Sadness
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: T Warning: Talk of poor mental health Pairing: Drift X Jamie (OC) Description: It's not only Crosshairs and Drift struggling this time as Jamie suffers a flare-up.
@medwhumpmay day 28, alt 8; unconscious & alt 18; chronic illness
Despite the unpredictability, Crosshead and Drift struggle as it’s only been three months since Jamie’s last flare-up. They struggle to relax, knowing she won’t decline and they can keep her in their room. A rule Ratchet decided since the two know how to care for Jamie and she won’t decline. Still, Ratchet worries about Crosshairs and Drift’s mental health that he has thought of telling them to bring Jamie to the medbay, but Jasmine and Jolt advised him not to, pointing out that the two would panic. They also believe daily visits to the three’s room would also worry them. 
Ratchet sits in his office, hating he has yet to figure out how to rid Jamie’s body of the chemical and thinking about her list of chronic illnesses. Hating the chemical counts as one as it tries to kill Jamie. Add her anxiety and depression. Everyone hates watching her struggle. Crosshairs and Drift believe this is the worst it has been since they met her twelve years ago. The Autobots who’ve known Jamie longer can’t remember if Jamie has struggled this badly or close. Which they find good rather than bad. Ratchet is one of them.  “Ratchet?” Ratchet sees Optimus has been sitting before the desk, “what troubles you?” “Jamie suffering another flare-up, her chronic illnesses which adds to Crosshairs’ and Drift’s. We know they struggle with knowing grinds and fellow Autobots are dead, but they are struggling a lot more watching Jamie struggle. I feel like I’m failing them.” “I understand. We know mental health is complicated. We don’t know all of Jamie’s battles and missions, but we know enough to know being in battle has affected her mentally as it has us. Add what she dealt with and continues to deal with in her dimension. The bond she has with Crosshairs and Drift affects them differently than the rest of us. Even while Bumblebee and Hound also watched Jamie fight for her life.” They decide Rung will check on Crosshairs and Drift later today and in a few days. They hope Crosshairs and Drift will talk to Rung.
Crosshairs and Drift know they shouldn’t push friends away, but they want to be left alone even from their closest friends and Crosshairs’ sister. Everyone knows the situation and worries about Crosshairs and Drift. Especially Crosshairs since he acts ok. The two mechs pushing them away adds to their friends' concern. “You know that going into the room when they don’t want us is not advised,” Lightning reminds Sunstreaker. “Yes, I know, but they wouldn’t push us away like this. Seldom do they when Jamie is in the medbay. I worry they haven’t recovered mentally from Jamie being in the medbay three months ago. I don’t think they remember the rules set depending on the level of flare-up Jamie is suffering.” “Frag, even with good vitals, they could be thinking she’s dying,” Sideswipe adds, “that’s not something we can ignore, Lightning. We need to tell Rung.” Lightning recognizes the potential mistake of the brothers, but her concern lies in the validity of their claim.
Drift sits on his knees by the bed, holding Jamie’s hand. He knows she’ll be ok, but it’s hard seeing her unconscious like this three months after she was in the medbay. Seeing the oxygen mask rather than the breathing tube doesn’t feel any better. Crosshairs sits next to Drift and hugs his worried friend. It’s still hard for Crosshairs to see Jamie unconscious, but he’s worried about how anxious Drift is. The two see Jamie’s stable vitals. “She’ll be ok.” “No, she won’t. I know she’s stable and won’t decline, but think about it. She’ll be struggling mentally when she wakes up. I know it’s normal because anxiety and depression are chronic illnesses, but this period of… feeling more depressed has lasted almost a year. Add this fragging chronic illness; a fragging poison in her blood trying to kill her. We learned Jamie deals with all this soon after the KSI scrap, but I never thought we’d see her struggling like this. I think this is the worst her mental health has been—.” “I know, it’s hard to watch her struggle. I’m worried about how this is affecting your mental health.” “What about you? You act like you’re ok until you can’t. I know you do this, so you’re not helping me.” Drift doesn’t want to argue, but he strongly dislikes Crosshairs’ behavior. He’s afraid Crosshairs will lash out. At anyone could get Crosshairs into trouble, but he’s worried about Crosshairs lashing out at Jamie. “Scrap,” the two hear. They see Rung standing by the couch. The psychiatrist worries the two Re arguing. “We’re not arguing, Rung,” Crosshairs assures him, “how much did you hear?” “Just what Drift said. The twins and Lightning are worried about you two. Actually, I think more Autobots are. I think you two need to talk to me.” Crosshairs and Drift have no choice but to talk to Rung, despite knowing he can’t help them.
Rung can only listen as Crosshairs and Drift talk to him. He doesn’t believe this is harder on Drift because he romantically loves Jamie. Even if he didn’t love Jamie like that, both Drift and Crosshairs love her as a friend and hate seeing Jamie’s mental struggle. Rung thinks this is why they want solitude more than Jamie’s flare-up. This wouldn’t make sense to their friends, but it does to them. “I’m sorry I can’t help Jamie, but you two need to let your friends support you two. I understand you don’t want to leave Jamie, but it would benefit both of you. You know she can’t decline. I think one of the medics can stay here.” “He’s right Drift. We know we need to take care of our mental health to help Jamie.” “O-ok.” Drift’s response worries both Crosshairs and Rung. The psychiatrist calls Ratchet.
Ratchet walks into the room, seeing how uncertain Drift is about leaving. He convinces Drift to go with Crosshairs. “That bad?” Ratchet asks. “It’s the trauma that’s getting to them and Jamie’s poor mental health.” “Even with these numbers. Jamie is stable. She’s getting the lowest oxygen support possible with a Venturi mask. It’s concerning they can’t think she’ll be ok.” “With this, yes, but they worry about her mental health. I think her desire to be dead is adding to the fear that they will lose her. I hate not knowing what to do,” the psych observes Ratchet, “are you blaming yourself?” “I know you can’t do much for Jamie mentally, but I should have purged the chemical from Jamie’s body by now.” Twenty-two fragging years.” “I know it’s a challenge. You’re trying.” Rung leaves the room. Ratchet sits on Crosshairs’ bed. It’s still hard for the medic to see Jamie unconscious. Tears roll down his face and he lets himself cry, feeling as if he failed Jamie.
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xenonmalachite · 4 years
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i shaded and played with some pallets for JD for environments she’d be in if she was in the cartoon. the first one is just her shade then it’s low lighting to night to campfire to 3 different colors of lighting
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