thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
Almost easy ( transformers x reader insert) Chapter 1.10
"Hold on tight... little lady." Her eyes locked onto the radio. "Why?" "Get in the... driver's seat." She didn't question it this time and quickly climbed into the driver's seat and buckled up. "Now why did I have to-." Before she could finish the sentence the car turned to its side, making her hold on to the car grab handles. "What the fuck!"
Before (Y/n) knew it they were back with four wheels on the ground. Something sounding like a chuckle echoed through the small space. "I warned you... Are you alright... (Y/n)?"The said girl leaned back, trying to calm her racing heart, glaring at the radio. "With all respect, Bee. You call that a fucking warning?"
(Y/n) sighed in annoyance as the Camaro shook, she opened her mouth to protest. Thinking that the bot was laughing at her, again, however she quickly realized that wasn't the case. Her mouth fell open, as she looked around with wide eyes. The interior design changed from grey and looking incredibly used to looking brand new. Everything going from a dull gray, turning into a clean black. She gaped at the change, looking her eyes out at the new interior look. Her amazed glance quickly turned into one of annoyance. feeling the car shake again. "...Impressed sweetheart?"  
The car came to a halt, not giving the girl enough time to react. She looked outside her window, realizing they stopped in front of Sam and Mikaela.  With a sigh she moved to the back, giving Sam space to sit down. "~She got them apple bottom jeans~"  With a sigh she continued to climb to the backseat, 'Accidentally' kicking the steering wheel. "...Hey!"
(Y/n) POV
"You were still in here?" I looked at Mikaela as she got in, raising an eyebrow. Not paying attention as Sam climbed into the drivers side, silently in awe of Bumblebee's new design and interior. "You didn't notice?" "Of course we did, it was peaceful for once." Bumblebee started the car and drove off, Sam looking in the rear mirror, glancing at the traffic behind him before turning his head to his sister. "I can make it a second time, by knocking you out, maybe then the awkward tension will clear." Sam's teasing smile instantly changed to one of annoyance. Mikaela looked between us, with a sigh. "Let's just get over with this." She looked towards the front, not making eye contact with Sam. I looked at my brother as he turned his head to me in his seat, mouthing something I didn't bother deciphering. A shrug was all he got, making him shake his head and sit back again. I smiled, feeling the adrenaline from before fade as soon as it came, tiredness taking over. I leaned my head against my hand, propping my elbow up by the window frame.
Seemingly four fireballs make their way towards earth at a high speed, which in reality were four escape pods. Occupied by a certain Yellow Camaro's team mates and comrades.
Third POV "Bee?" The yellow Camaro sped through a metal gate, entering some ones premises. "Duh-duh-duh, we're dead." (Y/n) mumbled in the backseat, leaning back and covering her eyes with her arm. "We'll be... fine... princess." Sam looked between the radio and his sister, his eyes narrowing at the former. (Y/n) moved her arm and chuckled to herself. "Are you flirting with my sister?" Sam hissed at the radio, making both Mikaela and (y/n) shake their heads. "..." Static took over the radio for a moment, making Sam stare it with an eyebrow raised. The tension was thick for a second before Bee finally answered "...Maybe." "What the hell Bee?" Sam slapped the steering wheel weakly, glaring at it. "Are you mad because he's better at flirting than you are?" "He's no- what!" Mikaela looked between the bickering siblings with a sigh before stepping out off the car. Bee was watching in amusement, the twins completely oblivious to the fact they had come to a halt a couple of minutes earlier.
"Guys!" Mikaela snapped at the two, leaning against Bee's roof as she looked into the car. The twins having a glare on their faces as they look at each other. "Stop behaving like toddles and get out off the car." Sam sighed, looking at his crush before getting out off the car, moving the seat forward. "...Kids..." Mikaela scoffed before taking her arms off the car and walked a little further. "This is your fault." The boy mumbled, glaring as he watched his sister struggle to get out. With a smirk he released the chair, frowning when he noticed it didn't go back to it's normal position. "... be nice to each other... nice try, kid." (Y/n) got out of the car, elbowing her brother as she walked past him. "Prick." He closes the door before walking over to Mikaela, leaving (Y/n) with Bumblebee.
Their gazes were captured by the four flaming pods getting closer to earth. Sam and Mikaela slowly linked their hands, watching the extraordinary scene above them. Bright flashes blinded them temporary as the four pods entered the earths atmosphere.
Four pods entered the earths atmosphere, each one crashing at a completely different location. One in a grass field, not that far way from the three teens. The second one ending up in a football station,  another one nearly ending up in a restaurant, luckily for the costumers only breaking the windows. The last one crashed into a pool, waking a young girl who was waiting for a certain someone.
Sam and Mikaela ran toward the one closest to them, (Y/n) following closely behind them. "Wait, for me I have short legs." Sam looked behind him, not slowing down for his sister as he pulled Mikaela with him. "Then run faster / you're just as tall as I am/You're taller than I am!"
A blonde guy, ran over the streets, holding his phone close as multiple other people run behind him, passing broken down lanterns and moving past debris. "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Explosions everywhere! This is easily a hundred times cooled than Armageddon. I swear to god!" People jumped past the hole the pod created with it's crash landing, multiple firefighters arriving at the spot. "Fire, Fire, Fire."
The teens reached the broken down pod, staring at it in shock as they notice a nearby tree on fire, smoke coming from the skid mark it made. "How the hell do they fit in- it fucking moves!" (Y/n) jumped back, pretty much using Mikaela as a shield. The other two take a step back as they indeed see the pod move.
The group of guys gather around the gaping hole the pod created in a metal wall. "Oh, dude, I hope this guy's got asteroid insurance." The same guy with the phone says as they walk closer. "Cause he's so boned!"
The being near the three teens gets up, making eye contact with them before running off, leaving a very confused group. "Sam." (Y/n) exclaimed placing a hand on his shoulder. "What?" "You chased him away?" Mikaela shook her head, turning around to walk back to Bumblebee. "Here we go again." "Wha-" "He only needed one look at you to be like 'fuck this shit I'm out.'" The youngest twin grinned innocently before walking after Mikaela.
Fire fighters run to the scene, the guy with the phone running the opposite way. "What is that?" Something caught his eye as it bumped into a rack stocked with televisions, making it tip over. "There's something in the tree, dude." More people noticed, and ran towards the being trying to get away from the public he unwantedly got. "No, there's something in the thing by the tree!" The fire fighters trying to chase the groups of people away. "Can I at least get a space rock?" However due all the commotion no one managed to notice the ambulance driving off.
One off the beings climbed down a car shop, accidentally, however not caring about it, breaking the sign as it gets down. Looking at it's environment, it realizes it's alone. The being turns around, spotting a car it likes and scans it.
A little blonde girl, holding her unicorn walks outside. Looking with wide eyes at the now smoking swimming pool. A metallic hand reaches out off it, clasping it on the pool's side. A grey metallic tall figure climbing out and walking past the little girl as she stares at it in wonder, while making sure she doesn't get crushed by it's feet. "Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy?" She asks the creature innocently. Her father must have heard the commotion as he runs outside, his wife following close behind. "Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing here by yourself. Holy god, what happened to the pool?" The creature crouches down behind the tree, making sure the adults don't spot it. A black topkick GMC speeding off the driveway.
The last creature stands beside a highway, noticing a truck drive by. Without wasting time it scans it and transforms into the semi-truck.
"Were those you're friends, comrades?" (Y/n) asks, pausing between friends and comrades, as she, her brother, and his crush near the yellow Camaro again. "Team... from space... comrades... on the good side... off the war." Sam and Mikaela shared a look. "Excuse me, war?" The first asked, clearly confused by the new information their protector and driver shared. "Starfleet captain... will explain it all.
~ 1570 words, and we're 1 hour and almost two minutes into the movie, however I gave this part my own little spin. My apologies for the lack of updates, but with my internship, work and appointments made my lack of motivation disappear. Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to upload next week again. See ya'll soon.
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