thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
Hey I see your taking requests, I’ve been having a hard week so if possible can you have starscreamsm soothing his human s/o after they have an anxiety or panic attack after a really exhausting week
If not that’s ok have a good day or night
⛈ Anon
I saw this one after my latest posts and immediately started, I'm so sorry love, for not getting to this earlier. I hope it has been going better for you. I have done a bit of research as I'm not that familiar with anxiety or panic attacks before writing this. Again I'm so sorry. I hope this is to your liking.
Starscream would not know what to do.
Probably would shrug it off at first, not seeing how much it affects you, before realizing how wrong it was and will try to comfort you.
Doesn't like the fact that his favorite human on the entire face of the planet earth is having a difficult time.
Will threaten people after you calmed down. HOW DARE they make your life difficult.
Sucks at calming people down but can distract people greatly by talking.
He does his best.
Deadlines, having to see people you didn't like, having to work with said people, things not going the way as planned. You were done. To much had happened, your bucket was full, another droplet would let it overflow. Starscream, hadn't noticed it at first, shrugging it off as just being tired after a long day, and didn't question about it to much, that was until the end of the week. "I'm so sorry dear." He had activated his holoform for you after he realized what was happening. He didn't know how to help, so the first half an hour Starscream frantically tried to find out how to calm you down, which in a way helped but not in the way he had hoped. His attempts failed but it did get your mind off the things that had managed to make you panic.
His arms were wrapped around you as he held you closely on the place he had build for you in his berthroom. Mainly existing from blankets and pillows. 'It will be okay.' He tried. 'Tomorrow will be a new day, a new start of the week. It'll all be better.' He glanced over you, trying to see if his words had any effects, which proved to be difficult as your face was buried in his chest. 'Would it make you feel better if I got rid of those humans for you?' He frowned as you shook your head, how else would he be able to prevent those pesky creatures from bothering you, whether is was with extra work or social activities. 'You being here is enough.' He barely heard you words, but he did and smiled softly. 'Then I'll stay here.' He mumbled softly, somewhat tightening his grip on you. He wasn't planning on letting you go any time soon, at least not until you were feeling better.
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wingwaver · 7 years
I love poly TransformersXReader stories cause I have two hands
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thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
Hello, I saw your post and finally gathered enough courage to make an request. 😁
I thought about Sideswipe (Bayverse) being a guardian to a human, like Bee and Sam. Both of them are bored and get the fantastic idea of pranking the other bots at the base,being troublemakers while having a great bonding time.
I hope that's enough description, I couldn't really think of any details. 😕
Love the idea! The description is great, I'm glad you requested. I immediately started writing. I hope you'll like it, and have fun reading^^ Words: 2167 Written in second person POV. Characters mentioned: You , Sideswipe, Optimus Prime, William Lennox, Ratchet, Ironhide, Skids, Mudflap, Robert Epps,
"No, missions, no con sighting meaning not being able to kick some con afts." Sideswipe groaned in annoyance staring up at the sunny sky. You laid next to him, listening to his complaints since the moment you arrived this morning. The warm sun, little breeze and constant muttering coming from Sideswipe made you dose off. "(Y/n)!" With a startle you woke up, making Sideswipe jump. "What?" "What do you think about pranking some bots?" He questioned, the mischievous grin he gave you was irresistible. "Fine, who will be the victims?" Before you realized you got all the things you needed, making you contemplate your decision. "Are you ready?" Sideswipe asked you, a mischievous smile on his face plate. "Absolutely not, but let's do it." Sideswipe crashed on earth not to long ago, and no one knows whose idea it was but he ended up being your guardian. It seemed like a good idea back then, the good canceling out the mischievous, at least that was what they thought. Surrounded by armed people, and bots as a human is quite intimidating, especially when you don't know what to expect, however with Sideswipe on your side you knew you never had to fear them... except if you were to piss off Ratchet, Ironhide, Optimus or Major Lennox.
"Great, the first on our list was?" He questioned out loud, knowing damn well who it was, before looking at you expectantly. "Skids and Mudflap, they're taking a "beauty" sleep." Sideswipe nodded, smiling as he lowered his hand to the platform you were standing on. "Let's get them back, shall we your grace?" A chuckle escaped your throat, making Sideswipe smirk, remembering the lines of a movie the two of you had watched. He waited before you were standing steadily on his hand before moving it up to his shoulder plate, giving you the time to sit down. "Your majesty, a ruler does not chortle." A blank look appeared on your face as you looked up at your guardian. "Really, Brave? Come on Sides. Pull. Yourself. Together! We're on a serious mission here."
Epps happened to pass the two off you, shaking his head as he overheard your conversation. "Who allowed them to watch Disney?" He muttered underneath his breath before continuing to look for Ironhide.
"Green and Orange paint?" Sideswipe nodded. "We'll be giving the twins a little." He paused, however you caught up quickly, with an evil grin you finished his sentence. "Make over?" The mech clicked his glossa and nodded. "Exactly, thank primus they're heavy sleepers." He walked off, holding two gigantic buckets of paint in one of his servos as he kept his other free to catch you, just in case you did slip off his shoulder plate. "Are you wearing your earpieces?" The silver mech asked quietly, glancing at you. With affirmation that you were indeed wearing the piece, he entered Mudflaps room. Holding the green can of paint tightly in his servos as he walked as quiet as possible towards his berth. The lid was somewhere outside, on top of the other can. "We're going to die aren't we?" You questioned quietly after Sideswipe started pouring the paint all over the soon to be previously orange bot. "Because of little Mudflap, nah. Ratchet and Ironhide are going to be our death." He whispered before emptying the bucket over the younger bots helmet. You stared at him with disbelief, he indeed was a heavy sleeper. Sideswipe covered his derma muffling his laughter before tiptoeing out of the room, putting the now empty can down and grabbing the one with orange paint. You looked over at him, noticing the green paint around his derma. However knowing that there will be orange added soon you decided to remain quiet until after the prank. You stabilized yourself as Sideswipe entered the next room. "What's that foul smell?" "No one knows, no one wants to know." Sideswipe whispered back, smirking as he poured the last bucket over Skids. "They're gonna flip." He squeaked out a little to loud. The green mech moved in his sleep, mumbling something incoherently before becoming silent again. "Hurry up, before he does wake up." Sideswipe nodded, quickly but carefully pouring the rest over the sleeping mech.
"That was close." Sideswipe mumbled once he was out off the room, glancing at you. The sight in front of you made you giggle. "You might want to wipe the paint off your face Sides, it's a big give away." The mech raised an optic ridge, before realizing what you meant.
After cleaning the paint off his face plate Sideswipe pulled out the next supplies for the next prank. "Unicorn stickers?" Sideswipe nodded, entering a somewhat familiar room. You looked around, noticing the multiple Cybertronian weapons hanging from the wall. "Isn't this Iron...hide's... room." A wave of shock took over as you looked at Sideswipe flabbergasted. "Sides, what the actual fuck. We're going to die." He huffed, shaking his head before lowering his servo to a desk for you to stand on. "We'll be fine, this is easy removable. The worst thing that can happen is a lecture." He glanced at you, seeing your look of disbelieve. "I promise, now if you could put some stickers all over this one?" He carefully dropped a gun on the table, and handing you a servo full of stickers. "How do you know Hide will be gone long enough." Sideswipe turned around grabbing a gun himself. "Sergeant Epps called him over for some con business, it'll take hours knowing Prime." He mumbled the last part, stickering the gun with haste, glancing over at you from time to time. Holding back a snicker as he spots you struggling with the sticker almost as big as you. After a good hour all guns were stickered. "It's very colorful." Sideswipe exclaimed with a bright smile, lowering his servo for you to get on. "He'll kill us." "No he won't."
"So, was Hide the last one?" Sideswipe shook his head. "(Y/n) my dearest... eh." He paused glancing at you before continuing. "Charge? You know me longer than today, next up Ratchet." "For fuck sake, I'm in but do you have a death wish." The mech shrugged, before walking off to a storage room, filled with bags of flour and glitters. "Are you sure this will work?" Sideswipe tied the last knot before looking at his trap with a smile. "Nope, but we must have faith." Pede steps were heard on the other side of the door. "But most importantly hide." He quickly and carefully snatched you, holding back a chuckle hearing you yelp. With a smile on his face Sideswipe held you close, making sure nothing could happen to you, as he watched the door in anticipation. The expression however changed to one of horror, hearing the mechs on the other side speak. "You are sure Sideswipe is behind it?" "Of course, together with his charge, those two are inseparable, besides I haven't seen the brat since this morning. "Your blood ran cold, hearing the leaders and weapon specialist voice, soon to be joined by the Major of the team. "I'm sure we'll be able to figure this out Hide." Sideswipe looked down at you, fear clearly in his optics. Screams of terror made his head turn though. "Why do you look like me?" "I look like you, that's the worst thing anyone could say!" Sideswipe chuckled sacredly. "Seems like Skids and Mud discovered their new paint job. The door flung open, making the huge bag of flour and glitters drop onto the two mechs, before it fell down on the Major. "SIDESWIPE, (Y/N)!" Sideswipes grip got tighter on you as he slowly stepped backwards, keeping optic contact with the furious men in front of him. Ironhide was blowing steam, while Optimus was staring at the teens with a fierce glare, with William crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at the two. "M-Major, may I say you look lovely with those colors, and H-hide, white suits you?" Both gazes turned to you making you gulp. Sideswipe glanced down at you before turning on his heel and running off. "You look pretty as well Prime!" "(Y/n), shush!" "Sideswipe, run!" You looked behind your guardian, locking eyes with the furious grey mech chasing after you. "EPPS, HELLUP!" "Do not help her Epps!" Lennox shouted as Prime had picked him up and ran after Ironhide. Your earpiece turned on, suddenly playing: Dog days are over. "Not the fucking moment Sides!" "Come back here you punks!" Sideswipe didn't dare to look back. "Nevaaaaaar!" "I'm going to kill you two!" You looked at the younger mech in fear. "You'll have to kill me first, no one's touching my charge!" "That won't be difficult!" Sideswipe took the 20 seconds of courage and turned his head to look at Ironhide, seeing that the old-timer was ready to tackle him. "You'll hurt the kid, hide. NOOOO!" Ignoring his calls, and forgetting that humans are much smaller and vulnerable than cybertronians, he tackled the silver mech in front off him. Sideswipe held you close to his chassis, making sure no harm would come to you. "Ironhide!" Optimus barked as he neared the two silver mechs. The weapon specialist came back to his senses and looked at the younger mech's servos. "Scrap." He muttered before getting off. "You alright kids?" Sideswipe narrowed his eyes at his former teacher, before opening his servos. "You alright (Y/n)?" He spotted you, seeing you clamped between his hands like a scared hamster in a hamster ball. "Never, fucking again."
"This is great bonding time, don't you think?" Ironhide smirked at the two teens watching them fulfill their punishment. Sideswipe glanced at you before nodding towards the bucket of water next to you. Catching his clue you nodded, smirking before turning to the mech in front of you. Sideswipe nodded at the silver-grey mech. "Definitely." He was ordered to scrub the floors clean of glitter and flour as well as helping Skids and Mudflap to get their old paintjob back, while you got the task to clean the stickers of the guns. Grabbing the water hose you sprayed the grumpy mech. "What the frag!" Sideswipe snickered before snatching you up and running off.
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thatdorkyauthor · 3 years
(Edit: 20/02/2022) Hellow, Probably very late to it. Anyway hi, I’m a multi fandom blog so you can expect a lot of diversity on here ( or not who knows).  ( 02/06/2022 - thank y'all for following me! Never expected to reach so many people tbh, still surprised I reached 69 followers. Anyway, happy pride month y'all!) I will be writing fanfictions, headcannons, scenarios and short stories. There will be a schedule for complete fanfictions, however scenarios, headcannons and short stories will appear randomly. I’ll do my best to update/upload as much as possible, but I can’t promise that it’ll always work as college and work could be in my way of writing. There are a couple of rules, so please keep those in mind while requesting.
- I won’t be writing NSFW at least not the sexual NSFW, other themes like blood, gore, body horror, ect. may be requested.
Honestly that’s all for the rules (There might be added more in the future) Any other themes, like angst, fluff, crossovers, event’s and such are welcome.
Fandoms I write for and Masterlist are under the cut
𝕭𝖆𝖞𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 𝕺𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖚𝖘, 𝕵𝖆𝖟𝖟, 𝕴𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 𝖘/𝖔 𝖉𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖗.
𝕻𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖇𝖔𝖙𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖜𝖎𝖕𝖊 𝕺𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙
𝕬𝖑𝖒𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖞 (𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖙) 
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.1 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.2 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.3 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.4 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.5 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.6 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.7 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.8 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.9 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.10 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1.11
𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘 / 𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖘
𝕬𝖗𝖈𝖊𝖊, 𝕭𝖚𝖑𝖐𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉, 𝕭𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖊, 𝕺𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖚𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖙 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 (𝖘/𝖔) / 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖘/𝖔 𝖔𝖗 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆 “𝖋𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖜” 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙/𝖕𝖚𝖙 𝖙𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗.
𝕺𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖚𝖘, 𝕭𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖊, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖙 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 𝖆 𝖘/𝖔 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖇𝖇𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖆 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖕𝖎𝖊𝖈𝖊
𝕭𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖇𝖊𝖊, 𝕺𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖚𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖙 𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖘/𝖔 𝖆𝖘𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖚𝖕 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖆 𝖋𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞 𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙
𝕭𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕸𝖊𝖌𝖆𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖓, 𝖇𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖘𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖘/𝖔 𝖚𝖕 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞'𝖗𝖊 𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖞 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊.
𝕬 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙 (𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖇𝖆𝖞𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖙)
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thatdorkyauthor · 3 years
A Christmas to never forget (Transformers x reader insert)
Word count: 2643  Merry Christmas / happy holidays everyone! I hope ya'll have wonderful days and evenings. This is my first ever (published) oneshot, so I hope it’s alright, have fun reading. 
"We're not going to celebrate Christmas outside." Ron said as he looked at his pouting daughter. "Why not, you always told us that Christmas is a day to be together with friends and family and celebrate something, Bee is a part of this family." Sam glanced at (Y/n) who paced through the kitchen, trying to make a point as to why they had to celebrate Christmas outside, in the cold. "He probably doesn't even know what Christmas is." (Y/n) sighed and shook her head before walking to the kitchen curtains and opening them. Bee sat outside with a large Christmas hat covering his helmet, his eyes glowing a bright blue in the dark. "Please." Ron and Judy shared a look shaking their head, Judy's reaction having more hesitation than Ron's. A sad whir was heard from outside as Bee retreated from the window. "Aw, c'mon you made him sad." (Y/n) had to hold back a smile the second Sam joined in. "It'd be his first Christmas on earth without having to fight for his life, we can sit in the cold for one evening right?" Ron continued shaking his head, yet Judy felt sorry for the cybertronian. "Fine, we'll find a way to include Bumblebee into this Christmas." "Judy?" Both Sam and (Y/n) smiled, their plan had worked, well (Y/n)'s plan worked, which earned her five dollars as well.
Sam sighed as he handed (Y/n) the five dollars, swearing to himself that he'd never create another bet with her again. Both Judy and Ron agreed to clean up the garage and keep their Christmas dinner in there, as it was the only covered option Bumblebee was able to fit in.  Much to Ron's dismay Judy had also bought a heater they could use inside the garage, to have some kind of warmth. "We could've started a small fire." Sam shook his head at his father, placing a hand on his shoulder. "The garage would've burnt down, dad." (Y/n) looked up from her phone and nodded. "Sam's right, especially with this family's luck." Judy sighed tapping her daughters legs. "What do you mean with that, and sit up straight young lady. We don't want you to pass out." Sam looked over and chuckled throwing a pillow towards the younger twin. "Hey!" (Y/n) fixed her posture, sitting correctly on the couch instead of laying upside down and having her legs dangling from the backrest. "I was comfortable though, and to answer your question. It's not like we've had the best luck in." She paused, thinking of a good way to word it and not hurting a certain someone's feelings, knowing that he was listening. "Being safe?" She eventually said with hesitation.  Ron pointed at the door mouthing something along the words. "Thanks to him." Making both Sam and (Y/n) shake their heads. "Explain great-great grandpops then." The man opened his mouth but closed it a second later. "Fine." The mail slot clattered, getting the attention from (Y/n). She stood up, leaving the three to argue by themselves. With a sigh she picked up the advertisements and letters. "Probably Christmas cards." She thought to herself as she walked into the kitchen, until one envelope caught her eye. "Sam!" She dropped the advertisements and other letters on the table, holding the grey envelope in her hand. "What, what's wrong?" Both teens crossed the corner at the same time, bumping into each other. "Watch it, anyway. We got mail, from NEST." Sam raised an eyebrow before grabbing the letter from his sisters hands and ripped it open. The envelope contained a letter and some kind of questionable device. Sam grabbed the letter as (Y/n) took the envelope back to examine the device as she wasn't able to decipher Sam's mumbling anyway. Eventually Sam looked up from the letter and took the device from (Y/n)'s hands. "You could've asked but okay?" Sam completely ignored her as he walked out off the kitchen and into the cold.  "Sam what the hell?" Grabbing the letter (y/n) finally had the chance to read the content of the letter.
"No way." A chuckle came from the doorway. "Yes way apparently." Sam had entered the house again, followed by a blonde male around the twins their age. (Y/n)'s mouth fell open in astonishment. "Bee?" The boy nodded, a smile appearing on his face. A grin appeared on the girl's face as she tackled Bumblebee into a hug, Bumblebee's arms wrapping around her frame within a second to prevent them from falling. Sam took the hint and walked towards the doorway leading to the living room. "I'll tell mom and dad that we don't have to celebrate Christmas in the garage." A soft 'okay' was all he got in response, making him shake his head with a laugh. Pulling back from the hug (Y/n) looked up at the taller male, gazing into his celeste eyes. "Thank you." Bee tilted his head, questioning the female's  words. "It's just- I wanted to thank you in the human way?" "Smooth." Bee chuckled soundlessly as (Y/n) turned her head to the living room. "Shut it Sam!" Turning back (Y/n) saw the smile on Bee's face, only then noticing the tiny scar starting from his mouth and growing before it disappeared behind the turtleneck. Shaking it off (Y/n) smiled back at the cybertronian. "Ready to scare my parents." His smile changed into a grin as he nodded. She took his hand before leading him towards the living room, Bee taking the chance to scan the room as they entered. "(y/n) please explain why- oh who's that?" Judy changed her question as soon as she noticed the blonde next to her daughter. She wanted to ask why Sam was acting so secretive, and why he wouldn't tell why Christmas didn't have to be celebrated in the garage. Ron turned around, following his wife's gaze and instantly his confused glance turned into a glare directed at the blonde. Bee smiled and waved at the family, sharing a look with Sam, who was trying to keep his laughter in, he knew how this was going to end. "It's Bumblebee." (y/n) explained, raising an eyebrow at her father. "How?" (Y/n) walked back to the kitchen, grabbing the letter before walking back and handing it to Ron. "Oh well." Judy turned to Sam. "Why don't you invite Mikaela over, then we can have dinner with the in-laws." Both (y/n) and Ron choked on air, as Bumblebee just stood there with wide eyes, not knowing what to say even if he had the chance to say anything. "What?" Sam barked out a laugh before nodding. "Alright, I'll text her." Judy turned back to the shocked trio. "What?"
Christmas eve came by sooner than expected. The teens weren't allowed in the kitchen as Judy and Ron, who was forced by Judy, were cooking dinner and making dessert. But as soon as the night fell both Judy and (Y/n) disappeared getting ready for dinner. "You look beautiful." Sam said as he stepped aside to let Mikaela in. A shy smile made it's way on her face as she took his hand. "Thank you." The older twin closed the door behind him before escorting the brunette to the living room. "So uhm, according to your message Bumblebee's human now?" Mikaela questioned after greeting Ron. "Well, yeah. No?" Sam paused collecting his thoughts, just when Bumblebee walked into the living room, fiddling with a red tie Sam had borrowed him. "It's complicated, it's a hologram?" Sam said questionably, glancing at Bee who nodded, confirming his answer. Mikaela waved at the blonde as Sam made his way to him to help him with his tie. Bee smiled back, giving a small wave in response before looking down, following Sam's hands as he tied his tie,  just in case he'd ever have to wear another necktie again. "There you go." Sam stepped back, rolling his eyes with a chuckle as Bee did some random poses to show off his outfit.
"Looking fancy Bee." Bumblebee turned around, his mouth dropping as soon as he saw  (Y/n) standing in the doorway. Collecting himself he did a small bow before gesturing towards (Y/n) and signing. ~" You look stunning."~ A light pink hue spread across (Y/n)'s cheeks, making her look down at her outfit. "Thank you Bee." She mumbled, making sure that only Bumblebee heard.  Sam and Mikaela looked at the two, both having a smile on their face. "Dinner's ready." "Not yet." Judy argued back, pushing Ron back into the kitchen. "I want a picture before dinner." Sam and (Y/n) groaned in annoyance but obliged anyway.  "Stand in front of the fireplace, it has lovely lightening." Mikaela smiled as she leaned against Sam, placing her head on top of his shoulder as Sam snaked an arm around her waist. Bee and (Y/n) shared a look, having noticed Judy's glances. Bee smiled and took her hand before standing next to Sam and Mikaela before both wrapping an arm around the others waist. Judy snapped the picture and smiled at the result. "Perfect." Oh how her reaction would chance if she looked at the picture a bit closer. All four teens flipped the bird at the camera, bright smiles on their faces.  "Fine, then let's get started on dinner, it'll be cold!" Ron complained from the kitchen. (Y/n) gasped, they were almost done eating, but when she looked outside she noticed the white flakes falling from the sky. "What?" Ron questioned, meanwhile Bumblebee looked around searching for any kind of danger. "It's snowing." Bee sighed dropping his defenses with a small smile just relieved there was nothing wrong, as Ron shook his head. "Okay, new rule. No more un necessary gasps. I don't want to have a heart attack before I have grandchildren." A coughing fit build up as Sam chocked in his food.  "Dad, stop." He managed to wheeze out eventually as (y/n) shook her head, looking more pale than before. The rest of dinner went smoothly, even with the awkward aura hanging around. Mikaela and Sam were having their own conversation, meanwhile Ron and Judy were cleaning the table to make room for dessert, leaving (y/n) and Bumblebee to their own devices. The blonde glanced outside, before nudging (Y/n) gently, gaining her attention. He pointed at the window, a playful grin appearing on his face. (Y/n) followed his glance before nodding and stood up, startling Sam in the process. "Where are you going?" He questioned as soon as (Y/n) left to the hallway to grab her and Bumblebee a coat. "Outside, we'll be back in a bit mom." She continued before Judy could protest. A course of incoherent mumbling was heard from the kitchen, followed by an "Okay." "(Y/n) could you grab my coat as well?" Sam asked once (Y/n) was ready to leave the hallway, having found a coat for Bumblebee to wear. She walked back, grabbing Mikaela's coat and left the hallway. "Nope, go fetch it yourself. Here you go Mikaela." The girl took the coat with a smile, laughing at Sam's face of betrayal. "Thank you, (y/n)" Sam stood up with a huff, leaving the room to grab his own coat. (Y/n) turned to Bee, handing him the spare coat she found. "I hope it fits." Bee gave a nod of gratitude before trying the coat on, thankfully fitting him. "Let's go before mom changes her mind." Sam said, taking Mikaela by the arm and walked outside, shoving (Y/n) aside as he passed her. "Real mature." (Y/n) mocked shooting Sam a glare once he turned around, pulling a face at his younger sibling, only to bump into the doorframe once he turned back to actually look forward.  Both (Y/n) and Bee laughed, before Bee mimicked Sam's action and reached out his arm for (Y/n) to take. She linked her arm with Bumblebee's before walking outside along side him, unlike her brother successfully without bumping into anything.
The cold air hit their faces as the small flakes attached themselves to their coats and hair. (Y/n) burried her face further into her jacket as they walked into the snow-covered garden. "Stay on the pa-." The older man was cut off as Judy had closed the window he opened a bit earlier to lecture the kids.  Bee looked back and forth between the ground and Ron before taking a step aside, dragging (Y/n) with him to get on the path.  A giggle escaped (Y/n)'s mouth. "It's not like he'll do anything Bee." The blonde shrugged before looking (Y/n) in the eyes, but their little moment was ruined as soon as a snowball made contact with (Y/n)'s face. "Oh shit." Sam's laughter was heard from behind Bee. Bumblebee turned around, as (Y/n) glanced over his shoulder. Mikaela just pointed at Sam, who was holding his stomach from laughter. "That's it." (Y/n) grabbed a hand full of snow, before flinging it towards Sam. The snowball hitting him directly in his face as well. His laughter stopped, narrowing his eyes at his younger sibling as he fixed his posture. "Games on." "You started it!" Sam grabbed another hand full of snow before pulling Mikaela to safety with him. He tossed the snowball, missing (Y/n) and hitting Bee in the back of his neck. The cold spreading over his back as the snow managed to get under his jacket. Bee his eyes widened, making (y/n) cover her mouth to hide her laugh once she realized what had happened. "Oh Sam, you're damned!" Bee dragged her to a "safe space" scooping up snow in the process and waited for Sam to peek from their corner.  Once he did so, two snowballs made their way to his face. A full on snowball fight began. Judy shook her head as she had her arms crossed, sighing as she looked at the four teenagers in front of her, all soaked  thanks to the melted snow. "Sorry?" (Y/n) was the first to speak since they came inside, shivering from the cold. "Get changed into something comfortable, and clean up after you!" Judy said before disappearing into the living room. Ron just stood there, laughing silently to himself as the drenched teens made their way upstairs. Eventually the teens walked back down the stairs, having changed from their drenched cold clothing into sweaters and sweatpants. Once they entered the kitchen they were greeted by the aroma of warm chocolate. "Dessert is served." Judy said proudly, placing the last mug with hot coco on the table, making it a total of six around the table with a decorated red velvet cake in the middle. The four sat down, taking their mugs before grabbing a slice of cake. "It looks lovely, Judy." The said woman smiled at the brunette. "Thank you Mikaela, at least someone compliments my cooking." She said before shooting a small glare towards (Y/n) who already started on her piece. "Sam, didn't say anything either." "Don't drag me into this." Sam shot back, earning a glare from his sister. "Enough you two." The arguing stopped, but the glares continued.
The evening came to an ending, Judy and Ron already went to bed, leaving the four teenagers downstairs.  A Christmas movie was playing on the background. Mikaela was curled up at Sam's side, they were both asleep, the movie wasn't exactly in something to their interests. Bumblebee was still watching the movie, with (Y/n) curled up to his side. The young blonde looked down once the movie ended, smiling softly to himself once he saw that (Y/n) had fallen asleep as well. It was his first Christmas with the family Witwicky, or first Christmas in general, and he had loved it. It had been a rowdy night, yet he wouldn't have changed it. His friends were safe, and for the first time in a while he actually felt relaxed. It was something he'd never forget.
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thatdorkyauthor · 3 years
Almost Easy ( Transformers bayverse - Reader insert ) Chapter 1.1
“Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, the message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth. But we were already too late.” “He’s late.” The sun was burning the older man slowly, as he and his youngest kid were waiting for his eldest son to get out of school. Ron shot a look towards the backseat, noticing that the teenager seated wasn’t paying attention to him, rather to the other kids walking out of the place they just escaped. “He was talking to Mr. Hosney before I left. He should be out soon.” A nod was all they got in response before Ron turned back, looking at the school doors with a frown. “Did he get an A?” A sigh escaped the teen’s lips, remembering the deal they made with their father. If both twins managed to get three A’s and a thousand dollars each, he would buy them their first car. To much dismay of the two, but they came to an agreement eventually and decided to suck it up. “I sure hope so.” (Y/n) mumbled before crossing her arms. Before Ron could turn back they noticed the older twin running out off the school, waving the paper in his hand around happily. “Yes! yes, yes!” A smile appeared on (Y/n)’s face, realizing they’d finally get their car. “So?” Sam opened the door with haste, climbing in as he shoved the paper into his fathers face, giving him no time or space to examine the paper. “A-, it’s an A, though.” Ron reached for the paper, grabbing it out of his son’s hands. “Wait, wait, wait. I can’t see.” He paused, inspecting the paper before handing it back to Sam and glancing at his daughter in the rearview mirror. “It’s an A.” Sam and (Y/n) shared a glance, both smiling to themselves before Sam turned to his father. “So we’re good.” “You’re good.” A laugh escaped (Y/n)’s mouth as the car started. “Freedom, here we come!” The brunette in the front cheered along, making Ron roll his eyes with a small smile on his own face.
The ride took some time, yet after a while Ron rode onto a certain terrain. “I got a little surprise for you kids.” Sam glanced at his sister in the mirror before turning to their dad. “What kind of…” He trailed off, making (Y/n) follow his glance. “No, no, no, no, no. Dad!” He nearly climbed out off his seat. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” (Y/n) sighed as soon as she heard the older man laugh. “He is, aren’t you?” Ron nodded, making Sam look between him and the teen in the back seat. “Yeah, I am. You’re not getting a Porsche.” Sam’s smile dropped within an instant, making (Y/n) bite back a chuckle. “You think that’s funny?” “Yeah, I think it’s funny.” With a yawn (Y/n) leaned back in her seat, and threw her legs up on the couch. Ron’s laughter was cut short as he noticed how the youngest was seated. “Feet of the car.” “What’s wrong with you?” Sam questioned, interrupting the new argument before it could continue. “You’d think I’d really get you a Porsche for your first car?” Sam folded his arms like a toddler starting it’s temper tantrum. “I don’t want to talk to you for the rest of this whole thing.” A grin appeared on (y/n)’s face, as she leaned her head back against the door window. “A bit difficult as dad has to pay the remaining two-thousand.” The older twin turned to the backseat, a glare on his face. “On whose side are you?” “Of the one who pays the most.” Ron chuckled as Sam huffed, turning back to look around. “Oh, come on. It’s just a practical joke.” The boy shook his head. “It’s not a funny joke.” The tension faded, and silence took over until. “(Y/n) Witwicky feet of the couch!” - First part is out, It isn't as much as I hoped I'd write but it seemed like an okay starter for this account. Feel free to request oneshots in the meantime. And I'm debating on making this story as a character x reader one in the future, probably 2nd or 3rd book. So... who should be endgame?
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thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
Almost easy ( transformers x reader insert) Chapter 1.10
"Hold on tight... little lady." Her eyes locked onto the radio. "Why?" "Get in the... driver's seat." She didn't question it this time and quickly climbed into the driver's seat and buckled up. "Now why did I have to-." Before she could finish the sentence the car turned to its side, making her hold on to the car grab handles. "What the fuck!"
Before (Y/n) knew it they were back with four wheels on the ground. Something sounding like a chuckle echoed through the small space. "I warned you... Are you alright... (Y/n)?"The said girl leaned back, trying to calm her racing heart, glaring at the radio. "With all respect, Bee. You call that a fucking warning?"
(Y/n) sighed in annoyance as the Camaro shook, she opened her mouth to protest. Thinking that the bot was laughing at her, again, however she quickly realized that wasn't the case. Her mouth fell open, as she looked around with wide eyes. The interior design changed from grey and looking incredibly used to looking brand new. Everything going from a dull gray, turning into a clean black. She gaped at the change, looking her eyes out at the new interior look. Her amazed glance quickly turned into one of annoyance. feeling the car shake again. "...Impressed sweetheart?"  
The car came to a halt, not giving the girl enough time to react. She looked outside her window, realizing they stopped in front of Sam and Mikaela.  With a sigh she moved to the back, giving Sam space to sit down. "~She got them apple bottom jeans~"  With a sigh she continued to climb to the backseat, 'Accidentally' kicking the steering wheel. "...Hey!"
(Y/n) POV
"You were still in here?" I looked at Mikaela as she got in, raising an eyebrow. Not paying attention as Sam climbed into the drivers side, silently in awe of Bumblebee's new design and interior. "You didn't notice?" "Of course we did, it was peaceful for once." Bumblebee started the car and drove off, Sam looking in the rear mirror, glancing at the traffic behind him before turning his head to his sister. "I can make it a second time, by knocking you out, maybe then the awkward tension will clear." Sam's teasing smile instantly changed to one of annoyance. Mikaela looked between us, with a sigh. "Let's just get over with this." She looked towards the front, not making eye contact with Sam. I looked at my brother as he turned his head to me in his seat, mouthing something I didn't bother deciphering. A shrug was all he got, making him shake his head and sit back again. I smiled, feeling the adrenaline from before fade as soon as it came, tiredness taking over. I leaned my head against my hand, propping my elbow up by the window frame.
Seemingly four fireballs make their way towards earth at a high speed, which in reality were four escape pods. Occupied by a certain Yellow Camaro's team mates and comrades.
Third POV "Bee?" The yellow Camaro sped through a metal gate, entering some ones premises. "Duh-duh-duh, we're dead." (Y/n) mumbled in the backseat, leaning back and covering her eyes with her arm. "We'll be... fine... princess." Sam looked between the radio and his sister, his eyes narrowing at the former. (Y/n) moved her arm and chuckled to herself. "Are you flirting with my sister?" Sam hissed at the radio, making both Mikaela and (y/n) shake their heads. "..." Static took over the radio for a moment, making Sam stare it with an eyebrow raised. The tension was thick for a second before Bee finally answered "...Maybe." "What the hell Bee?" Sam slapped the steering wheel weakly, glaring at it. "Are you mad because he's better at flirting than you are?" "He's no- what!" Mikaela looked between the bickering siblings with a sigh before stepping out off the car. Bee was watching in amusement, the twins completely oblivious to the fact they had come to a halt a couple of minutes earlier.
"Guys!" Mikaela snapped at the two, leaning against Bee's roof as she looked into the car. The twins having a glare on their faces as they look at each other. "Stop behaving like toddles and get out off the car." Sam sighed, looking at his crush before getting out off the car, moving the seat forward. "...Kids..." Mikaela scoffed before taking her arms off the car and walked a little further. "This is your fault." The boy mumbled, glaring as he watched his sister struggle to get out. With a smirk he released the chair, frowning when he noticed it didn't go back to it's normal position. "... be nice to each other... nice try, kid." (Y/n) got out of the car, elbowing her brother as she walked past him. "Prick." He closes the door before walking over to Mikaela, leaving (Y/n) with Bumblebee.
Their gazes were captured by the four flaming pods getting closer to earth. Sam and Mikaela slowly linked their hands, watching the extraordinary scene above them. Bright flashes blinded them temporary as the four pods entered the earths atmosphere.
Four pods entered the earths atmosphere, each one crashing at a completely different location. One in a grass field, not that far way from the three teens. The second one ending up in a football station,  another one nearly ending up in a restaurant, luckily for the costumers only breaking the windows. The last one crashed into a pool, waking a young girl who was waiting for a certain someone.
Sam and Mikaela ran toward the one closest to them, (Y/n) following closely behind them. "Wait, for me I have short legs." Sam looked behind him, not slowing down for his sister as he pulled Mikaela with him. "Then run faster / you're just as tall as I am/You're taller than I am!"
A blonde guy, ran over the streets, holding his phone close as multiple other people run behind him, passing broken down lanterns and moving past debris. "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Explosions everywhere! This is easily a hundred times cooled than Armageddon. I swear to god!" People jumped past the hole the pod created with it's crash landing, multiple firefighters arriving at the spot. "Fire, Fire, Fire."
The teens reached the broken down pod, staring at it in shock as they notice a nearby tree on fire, smoke coming from the skid mark it made. "How the hell do they fit in- it fucking moves!" (Y/n) jumped back, pretty much using Mikaela as a shield. The other two take a step back as they indeed see the pod move.
The group of guys gather around the gaping hole the pod created in a metal wall. "Oh, dude, I hope this guy's got asteroid insurance." The same guy with the phone says as they walk closer. "Cause he's so boned!"
The being near the three teens gets up, making eye contact with them before running off, leaving a very confused group. "Sam." (Y/n) exclaimed placing a hand on his shoulder. "What?" "You chased him away?" Mikaela shook her head, turning around to walk back to Bumblebee. "Here we go again." "Wha-" "He only needed one look at you to be like 'fuck this shit I'm out.'" The youngest twin grinned innocently before walking after Mikaela.
Fire fighters run to the scene, the guy with the phone running the opposite way. "What is that?" Something caught his eye as it bumped into a rack stocked with televisions, making it tip over. "There's something in the tree, dude." More people noticed, and ran towards the being trying to get away from the public he unwantedly got. "No, there's something in the thing by the tree!" The fire fighters trying to chase the groups of people away. "Can I at least get a space rock?" However due all the commotion no one managed to notice the ambulance driving off.
One off the beings climbed down a car shop, accidentally, however not caring about it, breaking the sign as it gets down. Looking at it's environment, it realizes it's alone. The being turns around, spotting a car it likes and scans it.
A little blonde girl, holding her unicorn walks outside. Looking with wide eyes at the now smoking swimming pool. A metallic hand reaches out off it, clasping it on the pool's side. A grey metallic tall figure climbing out and walking past the little girl as she stares at it in wonder, while making sure she doesn't get crushed by it's feet. "Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy?" She asks the creature innocently. Her father must have heard the commotion as he runs outside, his wife following close behind. "Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing here by yourself. Holy god, what happened to the pool?" The creature crouches down behind the tree, making sure the adults don't spot it. A black topkick GMC speeding off the driveway.
The last creature stands beside a highway, noticing a truck drive by. Without wasting time it scans it and transforms into the semi-truck.
"Were those you're friends, comrades?" (Y/n) asks, pausing between friends and comrades, as she, her brother, and his crush near the yellow Camaro again. "Team... from space... comrades... on the good side... off the war." Sam and Mikaela shared a look. "Excuse me, war?" The first asked, clearly confused by the new information their protector and driver shared. "Starfleet captain... will explain it all.
~ 1570 words, and we're 1 hour and almost two minutes into the movie, however I gave this part my own little spin. My apologies for the lack of updates, but with my internship, work and appointments made my lack of motivation disappear. Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to upload next week again. See ya'll soon.
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thatdorkyauthor · 3 years
See the world
Yhellow there, people who read my stories or those who pass by my stories by using the transformers #
I still don’t know if I’m using Tumblr correctly or not but I recently started on here and I came up with a new story apart from the one I’m writing now (Almost easy - Transformers x reader insert.) I would really like your opinion on if it would be anything good or worth reading. 
- I’ll be using She/her pronouns, but I wouldn’t mind to create multiple versions with he/him and they/them pronouns. - There will either be multiple endings with different love interests or just one without a love interest.  - (Y/n) would be William- and Sarah Lennox’s daughter (Son or kid if the other versions come out) - Multiple other characters will be added.  This wouldn’t be enough to describe or judge an entire story so I made a small teaser;  (Please let me know what you think in the comments/dm’s??). Again English isn’t my first language so my apologies for grammar and spelling mistakes. Have fun reading ^^
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“I don’t want to drag you into this.” Rhys looked between her and the laptop with hesitation. He didn’t want to leave his friend behind, yet he knew that she was hiding something from him, something bigger than all of them. “I’ll be fine.” His blue eyes found her (e/c) ones, the sparkle that was lost days ago somehow found it’s way back again. He sighed before getting up, grabbing ahold of the hand that was on top of his shoulder a second ago. “Be careful.” He mumbled loud enough for her to hear before letting go of her hand. A last glance was shared between the two before he walked off, leaving the girl alone, unknownst to him to sign a contract with the devil.  ~ “I want to help you guys take down the autobots.”
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“You’ve got to be kidding me.” (Y/n) looked down, avoiding any kind of eye contact, something that only managed to make the brunette girl in front of her more angry. “(Y/n) you’re my best friend and all, but you’re not in some kind of fanfiction, stop trying to be a fucking hero.” The teen could feel Melany’s stare pierce through her, if looks could kill, she’d be 6 feet underground by now. “I’m not-” She got cut off by hands being placed on her shoulder, making her look up by instinct. “You are, so stop. I- no we don’t want to lose you.” Melany wasn’t a fool, she knew the look in (Y/n)’s far too well, making her sigh. “Or let us help you.” Zackary’s mouth fell open as his eyes widened sharing a look with Wade, whose expression was similar to Zackary’s. “I’m sorry Mel, and no offense (Y/n)  but do you want to get us killed?!” 
~ “I started this alone because I don’t want to risk you guys getting harmed.” ~ “Then we’ll help from the side lines.”
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“You seem like a soldier, who's lost his composure.” Brown eyes looked down at (Y/n), who was staring at the rocket standing at the docks “You shouldn’t have come here.” The metal being around the young teen wrapped itself tighter around her, as if it was protecting her. A smile appeared on her face. “Am I not allowed to say goodbye to the army’s cybertronic “friends”?'' The man fixed his stance, narrowing his eyes at the teenager. “Leave before anyone notices you’re here.” He turned around, walking back to his team, failing to notice the tears filling his daughters eyes. Blinking repeatedly (Y/n) tried to keep her act up. ~ “Just trust me!
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”Blue optics followed her every move as (Y/n) stepped back slowly, her hands folded behind her back. “You sound like an old joke. You're worn out, a bit broken.” A frown made its way to the old bot’s face as he glared down at the being he saw as a pest. “Okay, fine. Very worn out and broken.” She corrected herself with a smile, if things would’ve been different and if she wasn’t in a life threatening situation she would’ve laughed at Sentinel's expression.
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thatdorkyauthor · 3 years
Almost easy (Transformers bayverse - Reader insert )  Chapter 1.2
“Manny.” The said man turned around, being distracted from his work. “What?” Ron parked his car before ushering his kids out. Sam looked around the place, a look mixed with disgust and annoyance plastered on his face. “Get your cousin out off that damn clown suit!” (Y/n) followed the man’s gaze, taking note of the man waving around a sign in his clown suit. “He’s having a heat stroke again.” Sam elbowed his younger sister, before hurrying over to their dad. “Here, no, no, no. What is this.” The younger teenager ran up to Ron’s side, who was completely ignoring Sam. “You said half a car, not half a piece of crap, Dad.” A quick glance around the yard made (Y/n) agree, failing to see the yellow camaro park itself a bit away from them. “When I was your age, I’d have been happy with four wheels and an engine.” “Okay, let me explain something to you, okay?” Sam paused, stopping in front of the older man, placing a hand on his shoulder as he motioned to the car next to him. “Have you ever seen a 40-year-old virgin?” “He’s staring at a future one.” Sam glared at his twin, who just smiled innocently as their father barked out a laugh before answering Sam’s question. “Yeah.” He turned his attention back, and mentioned another car. “Okay, that’s what this is, and this is 50-year-old virgin.” Ron sighed, removing his son’s hand off his shoulder as (Y/n) shook her head, a small smile appearing on her face. “You want me- us to live that life?” The older twin wrapped an arm around his younger sister’s shoulder, giving her the que to pull her best puppy eyes. Ron looked down at the two, shaking his head. The puppy eyes having no effect whatsoever this time. “No sacrifice, no victory.” A groan of annoyance escaped Sam’s throat. “Yeah, no victory. You know, I got it. The old Witwicky motto, dad.” Ron nodded, satisfied by his answer as he continued to walk towards the owner of the cars. 
“Lady and Gentleman.” The man who was previously shouting at his friend walked over to the family, reaching his hand out to shake. “Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs.” Ron shook his hand, the twins on the other hand shared a look with each other before turning back to the two older men. “How can I help you?” Ron nodded towards the teens. “Well, my kids here are looking for their first shared car.” The male turned to them, a smile on his face before he wrapped his arms around both their shoulders. “You come to see me?” (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at the arm wrapped around her shoulder before looking at the salesman with annoyance. “We had to.” Sam mumbled, looking confused by what was happening. “That practically makes us family. Uncle Bobby B, baby. Uncle Bobby B.” He gently shoved the two teens towards the car, making Ron trail behind them. “Kids, let me talk to you.” Sam pointed towards his twin. “(Y/n), Sam.” Bobby nodded in acknowledgement before continuing. “Sam, (Y/n), your first enchilada of freedom awaits underneath one of those hoods.” He finally released the two, gesturing to the cars surrounding them. “Let me tell you something, A driver don’t pick the car. The car’ll pick the driver.” (Y/n) muted him as she walked past the colorful cars, stopping at the camaro that hadn’t caught her eye before. “I’m sure you weren’t here before.” She mumbled before walking to the passenger side. Sam had caught up, walking to the driver side of the car and quietly got in as Bobby was talking about how deaf his mother is. “This ain’t bad.” He muttered as he studied the car. (Y/n) opened the opposite door and sat down, the disco Bal and air freshener catching her eyes within a second. “Bee-iotch.” A giggle escaped her lips, making Sam look inside the car. but focused his attention on their dad as he came to a halt beside him “This one’s got racing stripes.” “Yeah.” (Y/n) traced her hand over the dashboard. “It is nice, how mu-” Bobby had cut her off before she could finish her sentence. “It got racing… yeah, what’s this.” He paused, making (Y/n) huff in annoyance. “What the heck is this, I don’t know anything about this car.” He walked over to the passenger side, glancing inside as Sam took his time to get into the driver's seat. “Manny!’ (Y/n) jumped at the volume of his voice, before shooting him a glare.  “What is this? This car! Check it out!” The man walked over to the four, shrugging. “I don’t know, boss! I’ve never seen it. That’s loco!” Sam traced his hand over the steering wheel, amazed by the quality as the other cars seemed like scrap. “Don’t go Ricky Ricardo on me, Manny! Find out!” “Feels good.” Sam stated quietly, catching his sister's attention. A glance was all they needed to know they had found their car. “How much?” They asked in usison, startling the salesman and making him look inside the car again. “Well, considering the semi-classic nature of the vehicle, with the slick wheels and the custom paint job..” “Yeah, but the paint’s faded.” Sam was quick to interrupt him. “Yeah, but it’s custom.” “Custom faded?” (Y/n) questioned, raising an eyebrow at the man beside him. He scoffed and stood back up. “Well, this is your first car. I wouldn’t expect you to understand. Five grand.” 
Ron shook his head, opening the driver's door for Sam to get out. “No, I’m not paying over four. Sorry.” (Y/N) her mouth fell open as the man walked away from the car. “Wait, dad we could pay you the rest back next month, right Sam?” “Kids, come on, get out. Get out the car.” Bobby ignored the younger girl’s protests and opened the door for her. “No, no, no. You said the cars pick their drivers.” Sam argued as he turned to the man, staring in disbelief. “Well sometimes they pick a driver with a cheap-ass father. Out the car.” The boy huffed before getting out, (y/n) just climbed up the passenger seat, turning around to look at the salesman, who stood at the car next to them. “Now this one here for four G’s is a beauty.” (Y/n) sighed before getting out off the car, closing the passenger door behind her. “There’s a Fiesta with racing stripes over there.” Ron pointed at the yellow car at the other side of the parking lot, in hopes of making the two change their minds. “No, I don’t want a Fiesta with racing stripes, you (Y/n)?” Sam questioned as he got up from the car, glancing at his sister. “No, but dad can’t we just pay you back eventually?” She asked again, hoping to convince him. “Nope, This is a classic engine right here.” The older man said as he walked the other way. Sam sighed as he got out off the car completely and closed the door. “I sold a car the other day…” As soon as the driver’s door closed the passenger door opened. “Gee, holy cow.” Ron jumped at the sound as Bobby just sat in the other car. “No, no, no. No worries.” The father walked back to the car. “You all right?” (Y/n) glanced at Sam, who just looked at the car Bobby was in. “I’ll get a sledgehammer and knock this right out. Hey, hey, Manny!” He got out off the car, nearly pushing the young woman aside as he looked for his colleague. “Get your clown cousin and get some hammers and come bang this stuff out, baby.” He laughed looking between the family and Manny. 
The radio turned on, unnoticed by the humans surrounding the car. “... Greater than man.” Bobby turned back to the family before pointing to a completely different car. “That one’s my favorite, drove all the way from Alabammy.” The radio started again only to play a shrieking sound. The humans covered their ears and ducked as the windows of the other cars bursted. Bobby got up, shaking with fear as he looked around his car lot. Ron got up eventually. “Four grand!”
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