#travel will bring me back keychains cause I like hanging them off my bags
h3lian · 1 year
😪: What’s something you collect?
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*Artist Random Question Meme!
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itacats · 3 years
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Summary: You were lying in the sun, on your journey to feel the world again, a certain ace and captain wants to help.
Character(s): Ushijima; GN!Reader
Word Count: 2.15k
Warnings: mentions of feeling numb and not feeling emotionally connected to the world, like one (1) or two (2) curses.
A/N: I decided to read some of my old writing from high school and realized how much I was emotionally disconnected from the world, so I wrote up this little piece if not as a way to comfort past me.
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The sun. You’d been sitting in it for god knows how long for the soul purpose of trying to feel again. Sitting in the rays of heat that had traveled an extraordinarily long way to reach you. It was something that your therapist had recommended you try after you had coldly told her how tired you were of not feeling anything. Not happy or sad, not even angry about the ordeal- just numb. Now here you were effortlessly balancing on a thick cement wall on a lesser used walkway near your house. Elevated just high enough to not be a nuisance to others and vice versa, but also not too high to where if you happened to fall off the edge the most you’d get would be a bruise here and there.
Repositioning yourself to lie comfortably on the wall, you popped in one of your earbuds and closed your eyes. The comforting melodies and notes of the music that had gotten you through darker times wrapping you in a sense of calm. “This better work.” you mumbled as you let your mind begin to drift along with the music that now filled your head, and the rays of sun that warmed your skin.
The only cause for you to open your eyes should have been to change your playlist. Emphasis on ‘should have.’ No, instead a large, looming shadow had taken away the one thing you were trying so desperately to have once more at such a basic level. Peaking through one half lidded eye, heavy from lying in the sun for who knows how long, you’re met with a man you’d only seen a few times while walking through the halls and in some of your classes. The six foot something tall captain of Shiratorizawa, Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
“You’ll get a sunburn if you aren’t careful.” wow, okay- way to be blunt. The rumors that made their ways through the halls about Ushijima’s blunt and cold demeanor weren’t falling short from what you could tell. You understood that he was just trying to be considerate and inform you of what could happen, but you really weren’t in the mood to talk to him. Taking out your earbud and sitting up to excuse yourself, you noticed he was wearing the school’s exercise uniform. Of course he was. What you didn’t notice however, was the blur of red-hair dashing up behind him. “Thanks, but I-” you began, only to be cut off by a loud “Ushiwaka! Wait up!” The captain who was currently towering over you turned his head, acting as though this was an everyday occurance. “Yes, what is it Tendou?”  God, did this guy show any emotion? you thought to yourself as you jumped the small distance it was to the ground. “Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation guys, but the coach wanted me to let you know practice is cancelled tomorrow- something about a birthday I think?” Tendou huffed, sweat dripping from his forehead. 
Did he run all the way here from the school?? Almost as if Ushijima had read your thoughts, he asked the red-head the same question. A smug smile overtook Tendou’s face. “Of course! Semi bet that I wouldn’t be able to reach you within the 3 mile mark, but joke’s on him- he owes me lunch!” Pulling out his phone to snap a quick picture to send to Semi as proof he actually caught up to their captain. “Why didn’t you just text him this information if you had a phone this entire time?” You pipe up. “Well there’s no fun in that, duh. And I wouldn’t have gotten a free lunch out of it either if I did that.” Tendou stated, crossing his arms. “Wait a second, haven’t I seen you before?” The red-head questions. Great, now you had to give the entire spill of how, yes he had seen you before, you share the same mathematics and language classes with the two prized volleyball players. “Tendou,” Ushijima began, “L/N shares mathematics and language with us. I thought you knew this?” Your typical spill had been- what- stolen? No, that didn’t seem right. You weren’t sure what you were feeling, you didn’t know why you felt the way you did when you realized someone as popular and “untouchable” as Ushijima knew these details that others seemed to toss away without a second thought. And you didn’t blame them, you were too caught up in trying to keep your grades steady while not feeling anything. You weren’t concerned with whether or not people remembered you. Hell- you were starting to think you were forgetting who you were besides numb.
The sudden inhale of Tendou’s realization shook you out of your spiralling thoughts. “Ah, yes! You’re rather quiet aren’t you?” No, I’m tired, exhausted from not feeling anything. “Yeah, just not much to say I guess.” Ushijima’s phone buzzed in his pocket, pulling it out and reading what appeared to be a text. “Tendou, Semi needs you back at the gym, he needs help putting things away, and the others have either left or are busy assisting with other things. Thank you for informing me about practice tomorrow.” He states, in the same semi-serious tone, causing the red-head to turn and make his way back, but not before waving goodbye to you and Ushijima.
You begin to walk away, regretting even saying anything like that to someone like Ushijima. “Y/N, why is wanting to feel, dumb?” You couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not with how his entire demeanor was. Embarrassed steps slowly halting, you turn to face him once more. “I don’t know, I-” finding the words to express your current inability to feel anything and wanting it to stop was harder when it came to people you didn’t pay to keep their mouths shut. “It’s just something I want to do again.” You were mentally pleading with the man in front of you not to press further on the matter. Ushijima opened his mouth as if to start speaking, but chose to quitely nod his head instead, accepting your simple explanation. “I’m gonna go home now, have fun with your volleyball stuff.” Giving a curt wave of your hand before making your way back home.
“May I ask you a question L/N?” Ushijima says, turning back to you, expression unchanging. “Please just call me Y/N, I’m not much a fan with honorifics and my name, but sure go ahead.” a silent sigh leaving you at the end of your sentence. You were back to feeling tired and the numbness was seeping back into your bones. “My apologies Y/N, but why are you sitting in the sun on a ledge nonetheless? You could fall and hurt yourself.” Was that concern in his voice? No, couldn’t be. That was never the case. “Do you really want to know that?” The captain and powerhouse ace of Shiratorizawa was questioning you on why you decided to lay about in the sun like a cat? “Yes. I would like to know if that’s okay with you.”  “I was-” you stop yourself, why? It wasn’t a secret to want to feel again? And what was Ushijima going to do about it? Nothing, there wasn’t anything he could do- right? Taking another breath, you start again “I was trying to feel again.” Your tone almost mimicking his- borderline monotone. You were met with silence. Normally, you’d be okay with it, but this time it was almost unbearable. Quickly starting back up again “Don’t worry about it though, it’s dumb.”
This seemed to happen more and more often. You would go lie in the sun after school, Ushijima would walk home and see you, and you two would chat. Sometimes he would bring a small gift, hoping it would ‘help you feel again,’ and everytime they would. You enjoyed the feelings you had started to experience whenever you two, and sometimes even Tendou, would hang out on the cement wall in the sun.  “Ushi?” you called out the nickname you’d given him after about a month and a half of your wall hang outs. “Yes Y/N?” “Why’d you stay?” Ushijima was quiet. Your question hung heavy in the air as your body leaned against his. “Because I wanted to help you feel.” He stated, but he was holding something back- you could tell. Even if you had an awful time expressing your emotions, it didn’t mean you couldn’t read when others weren’t showing theirs. “Is that the only reason?” Looking up at him with sleepy eyes, heavy from lounging in the sun after walking with him from the gym. A few more moments of silence followed only to be broken by an unexpectedly soft “No.” Waiting for him to continue, you sit up and face him directly. “I stayed because...because I wanted you to feel how you make me feel.” 
The next day you gave the sunshine another chance, given that your last attempt abruptly ended. You found your same spot right after school, and this time you brought sunblock just in case a certain captain decided to question you later in one of your shared classes. You dig through your bag, and realize your earbuds are nowhere to be seen amongst the loose school papers, books, and pencils. Not that you minded that sounds of the little suburban area you were at, but your music would have been preferred. You took the time to empty your head of the thoughts that raced back and forth in it. The internal commotion slowly calming down. About 30 minutes passed by before the shadow from yesterday loomed over you once again. “Y/N” Really? Again? “Ushijima, do you walk this way every day?” You say, looking up yet again at the stoic ace. “Yes, my house is just a bit further from here. Why do you ask?” Resisting the urge to smack your palm against your face, you notice the bag in his hands he didn’t have earlier in the school halls. “What’s that?” you point to the bag questioningly. “It’s for you. I asked Tendou what he thought would help with your feelings, and he suggested this-” He hands you the bag. Looking inside you notice the small fuzzy keychain of a cartoon bird. A small smile begins to replace the emotionless thin line on your lips. “I hope this helped.” He says. The keychain itself was childish, you wouldn’t buy it if you saw it in a shop, but somehow the gesture of the serious and stoic man standing before you, giving it to you- showing that he still thought of you even after you’d left. This was something you liked feeling. “It did. Thank you Ushijima.” Looking up from the keychain in your hands you could have sworn you saw a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. “Do you mind if I join you?” he asked, a hint of uncertainty lacing his words. “I couldn’t stop you if I tried.” you jokingly laugh, patting the space next to you.
You were unmoving, still trying to process what he was saying. “Y/N, you make me feel things like when I’m in the middle of a game.” was Ushijima trying to make a metaphor? you thought, still processing his words. “My heart races when I think about you, it feels like electricity shoots through my body when we exchange even a simple hug, and I don’t like the way a sense of longing comes over me when I see you walk away, even if I know I’ll see you tomorrow. I asked Tendou if I should go to a doctor at first because of how much I felt…” he paused recollecting the memory, “he laughed and told me I was in love.” He finished, looking to you for any sign that he should leave, any sign showing that he misread the situation you two were in. “Ushijima, I- is that what this is?” one of your hands reaching for your chest, your heart felt as if it could burst. The once stoic face of Ushijima Wakatoshi was now replaced with that of astonishment and adoration. “Y/N if you would, would you like to go on a date with me?” Emotions over took you, voice momentarily gone as you nodded your head. “Yes, yes I would love to.” Tears welled up in your eyes, you were finally feeling again, and not only that, you were feeling the one thing you had longed for, for so long, love.
Ushijima would continue to bring you little gifts, checking in with you and your feelings. Keychains could be found on any bag or key you owned. And despite his cold, emotionless aura he gave off to the world, he was the one who helped you feel the world again.
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rebelminxy · 5 years
Best Gift Ever
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Pairing: Jared Padalecki, Best Friend!Reader, Jensen Ackles
Word Count:1183
Rating: Teen
Warning: None except fluffiness
Trope: Last Minute Shopping
A/N: This is my final (whew!) Christmas Mini Bang for @supernaturaltropecelebration​. Loved doing these and really enjoyed doing nice and fluffy feels for the holidays. I sincerely hope everyone had a great holiday this year and a banging New Years Eve because 2020 we are ready for ya! I hope you all have a blessed and happy new year!! Images were found on Google and Pinterest so credit goes to the original poster.
My Masterlist
You were running into an airport shop, looking to see what you could buy. Your sister was right behind you, concern written on her face.
“They said you didn’t have to buy them anything, (Y/N), and you still got gifts for their children and their wives.”
“It wouldn’t be fair to not get them something,” you complained as you looked through the tourist items. “I’ve known them for years and this was the first Christmas we didn’t get to celebrate together. I can’t miss out on getting them a gift.”
“Well, we need to hurry up because our flight leaves in 20 minutes.”
“I’ll catch up, you go ahead and get us a spot in line once they call our section,” you waved her off.
As your sister walked away, you looked at the trinkets section you spotted. There hung a set of kokeshi dolls on chains, meant as a keychain. They were something specific from Japan and since it was a set of three dolls, you thought maybe it would be nice for all three of you to have one, as a symbol of your friendship just like the small tattoo’s you three had gotten a few years back on a crazy whim. They each had their own color and you couldn’t help but think how adorable they were. 
‘They might like it,’ you thought to yourself. ‘I hope they like it.’
You grabbed them and a few other things and rushed to pay, running towards your terminal to not miss your flight back to Texas. You had 14 hours to convince yourself that the last-minute choice would be perfect.
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You and your sister arrived in Houston safely and got some rest before driving to Austin to see the Ackles and Padalecki family. She assured the Kokeshi keychains were a good choice after your second-guessing, stopping you from rushing to the Galleria Mall to buy something else.
“You know they will be happy with whatever you give them,” she said trying to convince you.
You were both welcomed by all the children once you arrived at the Ackles home. Gen and Dani helped you both to unload the car, handing out gifts to the kids and their mothers. The kids were excited with all the Japanese treats and toys you brought them, Gen and Dani admiring the jade pendants you got them and the yukatas you got for everyone. 
“Looks like you two had fun out in Japan,” Gen said as Dani tried on her yukata.
“Being winter, it was a bit chilly, but we had fun. We even got to see some snow,” your sister replied.
“We got to see so much of Kyoto and Tokyo before heading up north to Hokkaido,” you added.
“Wow, we should really do a family trip to Japan,” Dani stated excitedly as she came out in her yukata. “Fit’s great! You were right about going up two sizes. Will keep that in mind if we ever go.”
“We should all go during the spring,” your sister said. “The pictures (Y/N) have of the cherry blossom trees make the pricey tickets worth it.”
“We should talk to Jare and Jay, see if they would be up for the trip now that they have the time,” Gen said.
“What trip you girls talking about?”
Everyone turned to see Jensen and Jared standing there at the living room entrance. You smiled brightly as you saw the two men you considered as brothers, jumping from your seat and running towards them. You pounced on them, your arms going around them both as you pulled them into a big hug, their arms surrounding you.
“Missed you guys,” you mumbled.
“We missed you too, (Y/N),” Jared replied softly.
“Next time, don’t go on a trip for four months,” Jensen grunted.
“Well, then that means I have to quit my job as a youtube travel channel,” you chuckled as you let them go. “And this travel series is going to be my best one yet!”
“We can’t wait to see what you two did out there these past months!” Gen exclaimed. “I hope you got food reviews as well.”
“Trust me,” your sister giggled. “We got tons of food review videos to go through.”
As everyone settled down in the living room, you pulled out the two boxes for the guys, handing it to them. You watched as they opened their boxes, sake bottles inside.
“It has gold flakes inside the sake so don’t chug it down like beer,” you chuckled, pointing at Jensen.
He gave you a wounded face at your words, causing you to laugh out. As the guys were showing off their sake bottles to the women, you pulled out the small bag containing the keychains, wondering if you should really give it to them. You then felt a poke beside you. You looked up to see your sister smiling at you and giving you a wink. You nodded and smiled back. You turned back to the guys and pulled out the keychains.
“I didn’t just bring you guy's sake to drink. Gen and Dani have yukatas for you guys to wear.”
“Wow, thanks, can’t wait to try it on,” Jared said.
“But, I also wanted to get something significant, something meaningful.”
You showed them the three keychains.
“These are Kokeshi dolls hanging from the keychains. They are dolls made for children but they also take another significance. They are sometimes given as a token of friendship. I know I missed Christmas with you all this year, but I didn’t want to come back without gifts.”
You then gave them a big smile, feeling your heart warm up with emotions.
“And you two have been the greatest friends a girl can ever ask for. You are brothers to me, we have seen our highs and lows together. You both gave me cool sisters and awesome nieces and nephews. You welcomed my sister into our family and I am forever grateful for the trust and love you both have shown me. I hope with these keychains, just like our tattoos, we can keep them as a symbol of our friendship.”
Jensen and Jared smiled widely at you silently before moving over to you and pulling you into a huge hug. You felt your eyes water at the emotions rolling over you. 
“We love you too, (Y/N),” Jared whispered to you.
“We are the lucky ones to have a best friend we can also call sister,” Jensen added.
They then let you go, smiling at you. You gave them each a keychain and kept one for yourself. They immediately took out their keys and put the keychains on, showing everyone the dolls. As they admired the gift, your sister came over and pulled you into a hug.
“Told you they would love it,” she chuckled.
“Yeah,” you chuckled back.
Jensen and Jared then turned back to see you and your sister hugging. They smiled and lifted their keys up to show you the little dolls. Then they spoke at the same time.
“Best gift ever.”
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Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile or Laugh (EXO Baekhyun Drabble)
Based on my post here if 7 First Kisses featured all of the EXO members as potential bachelors for the lead female character.
This is a early birthday celebration surprise for Byun Baekhyun – Happy Early Birthday!
Rating: PG (Light flirting)
Notes: Y/N is the reader’s name – she takes the place of Soo-jin in the drabble. Her colleagues Sun-yeong and Ji-yeong remain the same. I do not know if MCM is sold at Lotte Duty Free or as a duty free brand – this is fictional!
“You will meet a great guy...in ten seconds!” the mysterious woman announced with a wink.
But how? you thought as she left the desk. Sure you had gone out on dates but none of them resulted in a long term boyfriend deal – a majority of the dates actually remained at the first date stage.
“Y/N! I need you to follow me please – there’s something I need you to do!” your boss called out as he came speed walking out of his office.
You nodded as you excused yourself from the desk and followed your boss downstairs to the accessories area of the mall. Your co-workers looked up from their phones and watched as you trotted to the escalators in your heels to catch up. He took the escalator down and you stayed close behind him.
“As you know, we just started carrying MCM in the mall,” your boss explained as he pushed his glasses up. He stepped off the escalator and led the way to the space where MCM’s shop was located. He bowed to the shop girls who were present and pulled one aside to hand her a list. She reviewed it and bowed before excusing herself to collect the items on the list.
“Yes Sir, I remember you had us attend training a few weeks ago with the representatives and we met the current head of the brand,” you recalled.
Your boss nodded as he watched the shop girl collect the items on his list. Once she found them all, she removed the sensors and packaged them in shopping bags to be carried. Your boss gestured to you and the girl handed you three large bags with MCM bags and accessories, bowing politely. Huh?
“Yes, well the brand has agreed to help with promotional materials and they are shooting a face for the brand, exclusively for the Lotte Duty Free mall,” your boss explained. “I need you to bring these accessories over to the photoshoot, supervise, and bring them back once the shoot is over.” He withdrew another sheet of paper from his pocket which contained the address. “Here is the address – it’s a few blocks away from mall. Don’t worry – this will be treated as work time. Please clock out when you come back with the accessories, okay?”
You nodded and thanked him as you peered at the address while balancing the bags in your hands. You took the escalator back up and made your way to the entrance to the mall, using your phone’s Map app to give you walking directions.
It was a 12 minute walk to the photoshoot location and you double checked the building number before heading up to the security guard at the door. You showed him your boss’s note and held open the shopping bags so he could confirm the contents. The guard passed back your note and stepped to the side to open the doors for you.
“Hello Miss, are you here from the Lotte Duty Free Mall?” an assistant asked as you stepped inside.
“Yes, I’m Y/N – here are the MCM items,” you said as you held up the bags. “I was asked to remain here and bring the accessories back once the shoot is complete?”
The girl nodded as she took two of the bags and carried them to a table located behind the camera. “Yes that is what your boss told us. We can have you hang out in our lounge or you’re welcome to watch the shoot. We just ask that you silence your phone and to please not take any pictures of the shoot.”
“That’s fine,” you murmured as you helped her unload the contents of the shopping bags. You produced the list of items and held it out to the assistant so she could check it.
“Oh good, the accessories are here!” the photographer said as he watched you unload them. He checked his watch and yelled over his shoulder that he was ready to shoot in 5 minutes. “Is he ready?”
“1 minute boss!” a stylist called out from another room.
The photographer went to check with the lighting and backdrop members, leaving you and the assistant to finish laying out the accessories. She bit her lip as she studied the items, picking up a backpack and comparing it to a rectangular travel pouch about the same size.
“Ah Y/N’s here! You’re gonna help me pick the accessories?” a voice called out to your right.
You looked up and saw a tall young man wearing a suit jacket without a dress shirt on underneath, approaching you. His legs, clad in ripped black jeans, took long strides to reach your side and you froze when you saw who it was.
Maybe it wasn’t ten seconds but the strange woman wasn’t far off, you thought as you looked up into the eyes of EXO’s Baekhyun.
He smiled and out of habit, you extended a hand to shake his. Baekhyun stared at your hand before laughing and pulling you into a big hug.
“Y/N, I think we’re past formal handshakes,” he said in your ear. He closed his eyes for a moment and buried his nose close to the nape of your neck. “You smell really pretty today – is that your perfume? Shampoo?”
Your face was probably quite warm after it was smushed against Baek’s chest and you awkwardly moved your arms to hug him back. “Um, probably my perfume?” you mumbled.
“Well it smells nice and you look so cute in your uniform,” he added as he pulled away, winking at you. “I haven’t seen you like this – you look good!”
You blushed as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to formulate a coherent reply that didn’t sound stupid. Thankfully, you were rescued by the sudden appearance of the photographer who said he was ready to start shooting. Baekhyun nodded at the photographer and explained that you were going to help him pick the accessories for the shoot.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he said to the photographer.
You reviewed the items you brought over and selected a dark metallic backpack that complimented the edgy, slick vibe he was giving with his look. He accepted it and pointed to a keychain in the same material in the shape of a bunny.
“How about we clip this onto the bag somewhere? You know so we can show off how you can customize your bag?” Baek suggested as he picked it up.
“Yes, hang on where do you want to hang it?” you asked as you put the backpack on the table and pried open the clip on the keychain.
Baekhyun placed his hand over yours and guided it to the top handle of the backpack, hooking the clip around the handle before letting it go. His hand lingered on top of yours and he squeezed it.
“Ready now?” the photographer called out.
Baekhyun let go of your hand and nodded as he slung the backpack over his shoulder. He looked back at you and asked if you were staying.
You nodded and he relaxed his shoulders.
“Good, ‘cause I’d like to catch up with you in between – it’s been too long, yah?”
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