cry-ptidd · 7 months
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something something andercard wallpaper collage
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h3lian · 1 month
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Requested by @eruukat 🫶💕🦁
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trashogram · 22 days
For the beetles and the babes:
I know there’s a popular consensus that Beetlejuice was only trying to marry Lydia to get out of the Afterlife in the movie, and I totally get it that that’s probably because people want to reconcile something as icky as a man trying to marry a minor. Totally get that.
But I don’t believe it lmao
Beetlejuice IS ick. He def had a thing for Lydia — he was def spying on her while she was in the attic, was leering over her when he was the giant snake and got anxious (horny) afterward and seemed to genuinely feel connected to her on some level in all that time. Beej wasn’t just marrying her for the “green card”. He clearly put thought and effort into this being the way he would get out and back into full power.
Again, I understand why people want to frame it in a less grotesque way. Personally, I just hate it when people piss on my leg but tell me it’s raining, so if you expect everyone else to agree with how you try to justify the ship, count me out.
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varilien · 1 year
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just some doodles 2 day
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benetnvsch · 1 month
sometimes I start doing straw page drawing and then get bored and stop lol.. maybe ill turn this one into an actual painting ,, who knows-
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ofyorkshire · 8 months
open starter that probably breaks bj's canon timeline but idc, the world is our oyster
          "Have to go away for a while ," BJ muttered. The snappy ziiiiiiip! of his duffel bag came with a finality that brokered no argument; he was packing up and he was going, one way or another. "Will be back in a week. Maybe two." Said, mostly, to avoid any efforts at dissuasion. Barry James doubted he would be back ever, and the thought made him a little sad. He'd liked it here. There'd been sanctuary and friendship in this hideaway, but that's all it had ever been: a hideaway. Temporary.
          BJ grabbed his duffel and shouldered his way past them out of his room toward the kitchen. Ziiiiip; open again. He pilfered the refrigerator of several bottles of water and a few tangerines, and from the cupboards, a few handfulls of granola bars, a sachet of nuts and sunflower seeds. All but the tangerines, which he slipped into a jacket pocket each, went into his duffel.
          In his haste packing, something peeked out from beneath his spare clothes and foodstuffs. A small cardboard box... cartridges? It was hard to tell. BJ covered it back up quickly, pretending to fuss with making more room for the water. It, the box, could could have been cigarettes, just as BJ's flinching could have been imagined. A lot of things hadn't felt right about him lately.
          "You'll be okay here?" he asked, not looking up. The upward inflection that typically came with questions fell flat, making it sound obligatory, or more like a statement than something he wanted an answer for. You will be okay. You have to be. Because BJ didn't want to wrestle with the idea that they might not when he was already wrestling with a dozen other things in his head and chest. This terrible thing hanging in front of him was always inevitable, and he told himself over and over and over that he was ready to meet it, but he had not accounted for anyone catching him to see him off. That complicated things. He'd never planned on actually saying goodbye.
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soldier-requests · 16 days
moodboard with forest stuffs and some myths and cryptids stuffs ^_^
this moodboard has 3 total pictures. all have colored backgrounds. one has dark green, one has black, and one has a green-like grey background.
the dark green background is on the right, the black is in the middle, and the green-like grey background is on the left.
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whomuses · 1 year
open rp; Ted Lesso (test muse) "Well, hey, fancy seein' you here!" the American drawl sounds very jarring in a London pub, but Ted has settled into this place pretty well now. The be-moustached man raised his pint just slightly, pulling to his feet, "Can I order you a drink..?"
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neeeeeoposts · 1 year
i had a thought so i decided to post it on tumblr and it is very stupid,,,
what if when tpot characters get eliminated they turn into objects in the real world????
(giving context because this doesnt make sense actually: i was watcing mitchells vs the machines and one of the characters had lightning earrings so i thought “oh shit its lightning tpot!” and then i had the thought “yo what if tpot contestants turn into objects irl when eliminated….”
…… so i uhhh think its pretty silly………. ok bye)
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bluemoonbabes · 1 year
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hopedefined · 3 days
@amischiefofmuses said: “i've never seen anything like this before.” [Nathan]
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"Yeah, me neither."
Rogue's looking at the mess of honeycombed tunnels with resignation. Enough time with the X-Men and you start getting some kinda instincts.
They're gonna end up covered in the strange goo.
She still does her best to pick through to Nathan's side, flying past the worst of it. Lands light on the balls of her feet. Still feels her heels sink in an inch. Ugh.
Now that she thinks about it, there's something slowly shifting on--in?--the floor.
"....Y'feel that?"
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h3lian · 1 year
😪: What’s something you collect?
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*Artist Random Question Meme!
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juicezone · 1 year
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trashogram · 2 years
Terrifier Theory, god help me:
I’m wondering if there’s a connection between Art and Sienna’s dad in that both went insane (perhaps provoked by a supernatural entity/Satan) but the big difference is that Art killed his own kid (Emily/Little clown girl) while Sienna’s dad killed himself before he could murder his own children. Would be kinda interesting imo.
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whomuses · 1 year
@ordinariums really doesn't want more drafts, and yet , "Whoa! Hey, hey! Don't panic, don't panic!" sure, standing there with his arms open, hands spread, might be good for making someone else not get spooked. However, spreading his wings out too - only half-open, or he'd lose use of his arms anyway - might have not really helped the situation. "I'm Flying Spider, I'm - I help!"
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nycteres · 1 year
ok u can like zelda, love zelda but to act like totk was femenist praxis and centers her in her own narrative rather than just, has her exist there, as backstory, is a bit of a reach lmao
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