bagtagtraveller-blog · 10 years
First Trip Ever:
In April 2013, Spring Break, I went to visit my brother in the Caribbean, specifically Bonaire. Just getting there was a mess honestly. I flew from LAX to Miami International (MIA) to Curacao (CUR) to Bonaire (BON). By the way, I missed my connecting flight from BON to CAO and had to pay the 50$ to be re-reserved onto a later flight. I also only had wifi service within the actual airport and my brother only had wifi in his apartment (thank heavens for iMessage). The 14 hour layover in Miami International was honestly not too bad. Pumpkin and I spoke on the phone for a good 3 hours and the rest of the time I ate and walked and ate and walked. Once I finally landed on the correct island and my dear sweet brother was there to pick me up, the fun began! 
We had dinner that first night in the best freakin' chicken barbecue place ever. Unfortunately, I procrastinated so long in doing this post that I no longer remember the name. 
The next few days we ventured out to Washington-Slaagbai National Park. My brother invited a few of his friends and we all journeyed to our new experiences. 
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I've never seen such a gorgeous deep blue ocean before and it literally took my breath away. 
I'm not a daredevil in any way, shape, or form but I do enjoy things that make me feel alive with minimal risk. So we went cliff diving! Technically speaking I was much too terrified to dive so I jumped. 
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 It was about a 30-foot drop. It may not sound like much but it was absolutely terrifying and exhilarating.
The entire island's shore is very rocky and not much meant for typical beach activity. Bonaire is definitely more scuba-oriented.
We attended a reggae concert that night in a bar that I also don't remember the name of. Great music, super packed, and nobody ID'ed anyone. The people on this island are so friendly, kind, and helpful.
The pace of life is so slow and relaxing, you don't even notice the time slipping by. Everything is about whatever you're currently doing; no one worries about what you're doing next. It's wonderful.
What I learned:
Never book a trip one week before you leave. Also, don't wait for people. Do it.
Don't sleep in an airport if you're alone: people steal things. 
Carry cash in addition to credit/debit cards. If it's international, rely mostly on your cash (huge fees for international credit spending). 
If your airline doesn't provide a meal, buy a togo meal at a restaurant before boarding your flight and eat it on the flight. Nobody likes a hungry belly. 
Total Trip Cost: approx. 1700$ 
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