eldritchvomit · 4 years
Wow Nerds, I’m back and as lame as ever! So, I’m about to shower. Just thought some one may care. Also, I ate some spring rolls and I want to die for consuming them.
Guys I’m so behind on my fasting. I’ve been restricting, but fasting has gone out the window. I don’t eat at school, so that’s a good 7 hours, but I do drink coffee with a shit load of milk so I know my fast is broken because of that.
In other news, I have been banned from using my father’s bicycle, and I don’t have one, so I have to walk like a fucking mortal.
Also, anyone else really excited for Halloween? It’s my second favourite holiday, and I look forward to it second most all year. Well, all year from May 26th to October 31st.
And my thighs are so fat, like the gap is growing, but it feels like the wider the gap gets, the more I feel I need to lose. I feel like a Sith, but replace power with weight loss. You know? Like, I could reach my GW and still feel the aching to lose more. Until I eventually kill my master, and take over. The question is, who do I kill?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Here I am again- the lame nerd-
I’m about 13 hours into my fast, so it’s going pretty well. The thing is, I’ve got to avoid my parents until the fast is up so they don’t make me eat dinner. Maybe I’ll cook and give it to my brother... he usually eats anything.
I haven’t actually done much today because I’m a loser. What I did do, though, was go to the market. I’ve also become addicted to watching Amberlynn Reid edits- anyone else watch way too many of those?
That’s all I’ve got for now. Maybe I’ll add more later. Anyway, how’s your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
I’m back. I’m typing at you again.
So— binding heavily, eating less that 900 calories per day, and donating blood? A combination I would not recommend.
I mean- it was pretty great until I feinted and woke up with two ice packs on my neck, three nurses yelling at me, and my dad taking photos and calling me Casper the Angry Ghost. I’m not even joking.
In other news, I started my 36 hour fast again, I’m still taking my showers at 2:00 (a.m. for those not using 24 hour time), I still drink loads of coffee, I started a new tea called Lady Grey. It’s alright. Now I’ve got to finish off an insanely large box of it, though.
Just a question, completely unrelated to what ever garbage I’ve written above, but does anyone miss the stress of school when it’s out? Like, the being able to fast all day is great, but I miss the constant stress to be doing school work. The fear that I’ve got an essay due that I’ve forgotten about- I miss that. I also miss being around my friends all day, but that’s slightly less. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but I love the stress more. And during school, I get tons of it. My school offers a dual enrolment system, where students with high enough marks can be simultaneously enroled in university classes and secondary school classes. I’m taking 4 uni and 2 secondary. It’s great.
Anyway- that’s enough from me. How’s your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Well- I forgot that I was donating blood today, like a loser. So me, being the lame nerd that I am, had to end my fast with a sandwich so I could give blood. At least I lost 600 calories, right? I’ll start the fast again now, I guess. Because I’m not giving blood, or doing anything that requires that I eat, tomorrow, or hopefully, the next day.
Whaaat-? This loser again-? Yep. Here I am to tell you about some stupid shit you’ll definitely never need. So, I’m fasting for, hopefully, 36 hours and it’s going alright. I’m about to have some coffee, and I’ll cry if my parents make me eat dinner. Usually when I’m fasting, I can go to my Oma’s house because she doesn’t really question it when I tell her that I’m not hungry. The thing is, I can’t do that today. Or tomorrow. Which is very lame.
If any of you care about how I avoid food, here goes. I usually stay in my room for as long as possible each day. Then, I go outside and walk for a bit. I draw, watch television, study, stress over school work, write essays/short stories, reread all of my books/comics, sleep, and when I’m hungry, I drink coffee or tea. It usually works up until my parents make me eat their dinner. And usually it’s not even a good dinner. No offense to my parents, which I doubt they’ll ever see this, but neither one of them can really cook—
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Whaaat-? This loser again-? Yep. Here I am to tell you about some stupid shit you’ll definitely never need. So, I’m fasting for, hopefully, 36 hours and it’s going alright. I’m about to have some coffee, and I’ll cry if my parents make me eat dinner. Usually when I’m fasting, I can go to my Oma’s house because she doesn’t really question it when I tell her that I’m not hungry. The thing is, I can’t do that today. Or tomorrow. Which is very lame.
If any of you care about how I avoid food, here goes. I usually stay in my room for as long as possible each day. Then, I go outside and walk for a bit. I draw, watch television, study, stress over school work, write essays/short stories, reread all of my books/comics, sleep, and when I’m hungry, I drink coffee or tea. It usually works up until my parents make me eat their dinner. And usually it’s not even a good dinner. No offense to my parents, which I doubt they’ll ever see this, but neither one of them can really cook—
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Lol- so this idiot was lazy today. I literally did nothing. All day. Also, I had a salad and I want to die, so that’s great. Uhm- I feel diffeeent than I normally do right now, but I’m not entirely sure what’s different...
Maybe later I’ll know. Well, that’s all from me. How’s your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Hey guys- it's this loser writing at you again. Uhm... so today I fasted for most of the day. It was great. I was craving my favourite chips (Cheez-It's) but I didn't eat them. I'm proud of my self. They were on sale at the market today too. The reason I broke the fast rather than going all day was because my friend came over and we ate egg burritos. Well, I ate half of mine because the cheese was terrible. We bought them on the side of the road so I honestly don't know what I was expecting.
In other news, I got two new villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which is nice. Also, I've been obsessively rubbing my collar bones rather than my thumb lately, so my thumb is healing. I'm very glad that it is, because people kept asking me about what l'd done to it and I didn't want to tell them that I just-rub my thumb nuckle, so i just would say that I don't know. Well, when it heals I won't have to worry about that anymore.
Oh! Also, in the shower this morning, I did the inverseof what I typically do. So, usually in the shower, I start off at a relatively warm temperature and workmy way up to a hot one until the shower is over, but today I started warm and worked my way colder. I don't know if cold showers are actually good for anything. I just enjoy being cold. Lol
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Well, I found the mug, so that’s great.
Hello there, I’ve done better the few days I’ve been offline, and by that I mean I’ve stayed below my calorie limit, and I did my usual excerises. I know it’s not much, but at least I feel better. Also, do any of you watch documentaries on YouTube about the dangers of being morbidly obese? Like, whenever I watch them, I lose all urges to eat due to a fear of becoming like that. It’s just the best inspiration to avoid overeating.
In other news, I lost my coffee mug so I can’t have coffee until I find it, which is just lovely. I really need to drink coffee, so I guess I’ll go look for it again later. The thing is, I’ve looked everywhere I can think of taking it and it wasn’t there. Of course, the only logical thing to do in this situation is to look where I least expect it to be and hope that it’s there. If not, I don’t know what I’ll do. That’s the only mug I drink from, so this is a great situation that I’ve found myself in. Anyway, how’s your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Hello there, I’ve done better the few days I’ve been offline, and by that I mean I’ve stayed below my calorie limit, and I did my usual excerises. I know it’s not much, but at least I feel better. Also, do any of you watch documentaries on YouTube about the dangers of being morbidly obese? Like, whenever I watch them, I lose all urges to eat due to a fear of becoming like that. It’s just the best inspiration to avoid overeating.
In other news, I lost my coffee mug so I can’t have coffee until I find it, which is just lovely. I really need to drink coffee, so I guess I’ll go look for it again later. The thing is, I’ve looked everywhere I can think of taking it and it wasn’t there. Of course, the only logical thing to do in this situation is to look where I least expect it to be and hope that it’s there. If not, I don’t know what I’ll do. That’s the only mug I drink from, so this is a great situation that I’ve found myself in. Anyway, how’s your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Hello again. I binged yesterday, so that’s fun. Now I’m fasting today, or trying to at least. If I can’t, I’ll do it tomorrow. I’m drinking coffee and maybe I’ll walk to that graveyard near my house again. Also, I got a new kitten and I named her Erwin. She’s beautiful. I guess I’ll draw something later and maybe post on my Instagram, which will be nice. How has your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Yo guys, I’m chilling in a window sill listening to my father tell me about how fat I am... so that’s great. Drinking some warm tea to distract myself from my game because it’s driving me mad having to wait. Games based in real time are lame because progress takes much longer than it would otherwise. Also, I bought anotner copy of The Ultimate Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy. That makes 4. 38 to go. I know this isn’t really related to Ed, but it’s fun. So, how’s your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Hey, I’m desperate to lose the fat on my face yet I ate couscous, breaking a 25 hour fast. I hate myself. I guess I’ll go for 36 hours now and binge watch My 600lb Life on YouTube as inspiration to keep the weight off. Also, I took a walk outside of my neighbourhood to a small graveyard that’s fairly close, so now I’m chilling there and looking at Ana Tumblr. How’s your day been?
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eldritchvomit · 4 years
Hello, I just wanted to share how close I am to a 24 hour fast. Maybe I’ll go to 48 and feel even better about myself...
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