#travis is def side-eyeing her with that wasteland comment lmfao
sheriff-t-money · 10 months
“Could you please just stand only over the light of the flash’s range? It’s crucial that I get quality footage if anyone is bound to believe us.” Because, yes, Emma had full confidence that they would be able to make it. And after all was said and done, she had to have it all recorded and ready for upload. “This is why I keep saying you guys totally need to install some wifi over this wasteland.”
There's an awkward moment where Travis gages just where the best spot to stand is. He should be better at this. Hell, he's done more than his share of press conferences. But that doesn't keep him from making some form of uncertain shamble that gets him in half-light and half-darkness.
"It's called a forest," he grunts. "And do you know how expensive that would be? It's a damned miracle we even have electricity out here. When I was kid, if the power went out, we had to take baths in the lake and draw water from the well like it was the fuckin' 1800s. And it'd sometimes be a week or more before the power company made it down here to fix the problem."
Before he can continue to go off on his tangent, the light from her phone catches something. "Bring that closer," he gestures to her. Travis kneels on the forest floor, squinting at a muddy rock half-buried in the dirt. Brushing the pine needles from it, he sees what looks like . . . claw marks.
Big claw marks. Pressing his hand to the marks, he swears under his breath. No way those came from a typical werewolf. The scratches were too far apart and far too deep and long. Something big was out here.
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