#travis hackett [a good boy]
lostuserr · 2 years
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cthrinenord · 2 years
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Уставший от жизни Трэвис.
Travis is tired of life.
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georgiahackett · 1 year
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Hi Hackearney fans, ARE WE STILL HERE!?
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sheriff-t-money · 11 months
@densofyarrow from here.
It was honestly amazing how fast this young woman before him could increase his blood pressure. He'd responded to overdoses, suicides, and broken up more than his fair share of bar brawls. Her? She tested his damned patience like no one and nothing before.
Before he can tell her just what she can do, she lists off a number of things not currently relevant to her situation. That blood pressure continues to climb. It causes him to grit his jaw tightly, the pressure making his jaw pop audibly.
When she suggests something actually plausible, he gives a slight shake of his head. "There ain't no way in Hell I'm giving you a portable camp stove." He let the sentence hang for a moment. "But maybe I can," he glances down at the tray with the messy sandwiches on it, "change up the menu."
She didn't know, after all, that this was coming right out of his pocket. No taxpayers were funding these meals. Money was tight at home, but . . . he could think of something. Cut back on his own dining out . . . show up for dinner at home more.
The thought made him uneasy. One of the perks of earning his own income, a decent income as far as he was concerned, was the ability to use it to put some space between himself and his family. Space was good when you had a mother like Constance Hackett.
As the gears in his mind worked, he ran his tongue along his bottom lip in thought. Decision made, he straightened and pulled out his notebook and pencil. Tapping the tip to his tongue, he pressed it to the paper.
"Any allergies I should know about?" he asked, loud enough for Brinly to hear, too.
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goodboytravis · 2 years
I finally found video of that
Travis: “What’s your position?”
Bobby: “Uuh, standing?”
moment and what no one told me was just how calmly Travis replies,
“No, where are you, Bobby?”
He’s not annoyed, he doesn’t belittle Bobby, he just clarifies. Considering how everyone else in the family talks to Travis, I found that so sweet.
Tldr: further proof that Travis is a good fucking brother who cares about his family.
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be-side-my-self · 1 year
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These are the screenshots when Laura kills Jedediah
Some expressions brightened up... we can see quite the difference to his reaction when his mother dies, which is more shocked... but with his father, Travis is devastated
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It hurts him, a lot.
It looks like he is questioning everything
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But he tries to switch back into his professional persona because there is still shit to do
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And still he can't shoot Laura lets her go... and he does not look like he understands why.
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Anyway, here is the link to a small analysis about Travis and his parents.
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xccentriktigress · 2 years
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My family is at the bottom of a well.
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our-legacy · 2 years
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"It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero..."
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tedrailmi · 2 years
infatuated with travis/ted and his bulging eyes :3333
i'm also infatuated with his eyes but the first word that comes to me personally to describe his eyes is PUPPY 😂
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to me those are 100% puppy eyes.
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miniminidi · 2 years
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Crossover «Detroit: Become Human» and «TheQuarry».
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hrefna-the-raven · 2 years
Travis Hackett's birthday celebration - day 6
How would dating Travis be like?
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You would need to make the first move
Travis would prefer the intimate togetherness of cooking for you at home over the noisy and busy restaurant visit
He'd cook something that he proudly calls family recipe, probably something including roast meat, simple but tasty
He'd prepare the meal well in advance to assure that everything had enough time to become as perfect as you deserve it to be
He'd light candles and let some some rock from the 50s and 60s play as background music
He'd slowly dance with you to his favourite lovesongs
Travis might be touch starved but he also is a gentleman and would ask you multiple times to make sure you'd really want to take it one step further
Your pleasure would be his highest priority
He'd feel privileged to share this intimate moment with you but only admit it if you'd say something first
You'd need to assure Travis multiple times throughout the date that everything is fine and you'd really enjoy his company
Travis would not tell you often how much he loves you but he'd rather show it through gestures
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neuvilletteswife · 2 years
I want a fic with Sub! Travis X Dom! Reader.
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lovesomehate · 2 years
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Travis+Laura[plus Max] moments (out of order) 51/?
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sheriff-t-money · 11 months
@theaspiringvet from here
There's an awkward pause. "Actually, your neighbor called. Noise complaint." He was here on official duty. Hell, he hadn't even known she was living here.
His gaze finds the bottle in her hand. Oh, he knows that lure. That was his go-to coping mechanism, too. Chris had had his cigarettes. Ma had her religion. Pa had a mix of everything. Bobby, sweet Bobby, didn't need anything. Himself? He had turned to the bottle.
But carefully. Hackett liked to consider himself a functional alcoholic. When he imbibed, it was in measured doses. He couldn't afford to be drunk on his shift, after all. He had a reputation to uphold.
"Is this a celebration?" he asked, nodding with his chin toward the bottle. "Or are you throwin' a pity party for yourself? Thought you had better things to do. Like goin' to school and saving animals out of trees or somethin'."
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falsemortal · 2 years
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“Good boy.” 😈
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captaincaptainjill · 2 years
Travis Hackett Birthday Celebration - Day 1
Wrote a little something. Travis Hackett x gn!reader 🥺👉👈
Summary: Sheriff Travis Hackett finds you, a counselor at Hackett’s Quarry summer camp, in a distressed state and comforts you.
It doesn't really relate to his birthday, but I hope that's okay.
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