kiki-wiccan · 4 years
THE AFTERMATH (Starter for @dabrowskievolution @garridansblood
Finally managing to pull herself together Kiki pushes herself up off the hard ground. Wiping away at her eyes so her vision wouldn’t be so blurry. Leaning over she snatched her phone up off the grass and saw Stan had texted her. She stared around at her home one last time before she began walking. Not having a way home she knew that she’d have to get someone to pick her up and it sure wasn’t going to be here. Nearby was a gas station that she used to go to and get snacks while walking with the professor at night. It was going to be a bit of a walk but she knew in the few hours it took to get here from Tabula that she’d be fine. Who would pick her up? Elidi? No she just had broken into her house and made a mess. Tamryn? She didn’t have the empathy or patience that the wiccan needed. Kasumi? No he didn’t know the situation at all and it would be difficult to explain everything from the beginning. Of course the whole time of listing off people in her head she already knew who she would text. Stan, he knew the previous situation and with their bond she wouldn’t be able to hide what happened. Ignoring his other texts she just sent him a text of the address to pick her up at. Pausing momentarily before asking him to bring Garridan along with him.
As she walked along she allowed her mind to wander a bit. Her feet knew where they were going as they had been there so many times before. At that moment she just felt numb, she tried to think of happier things. Sweets, Midnight,Stan...she even tried thinking of all the great memories she had made at Tabula. Those were the thoughts she allowed to take over while everything else was shoved into the back of her mind. Finally making it to the gas station she sat down on the curb and just waited for Stan to come.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
  His fingers laced in his human’s hair, keeping Kiki pulled close into the chill of his much bigger frame. While Garridan attempted to diffuse the situation, all Stanislav could focus on in that moment were the wiccan’s feelings pulsing through him. Even if unusual he was willing to silently deal with them, all for Kiki’s sake. He could feel the desire for death radiating from the depths of her soul as if it were akin to his own, and he pulled the human closer, allowing his human to rest her head against his chest.
           As Kiki accepted to a bath, Stanislav eyed the blond vampire as he got up from his seat to draw a bath. In the meantime, he kept his hold on the wiccan; refusing to let go until Garridan came for the couple.
               “Here. Allow me.” The elder vampire pulled back from the embrace, looking to Kiki’s expression as he carefully helped her up. Draping his arm around her waist, the vampire guided Kiki into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.
          Looking to the bath tub, he noticed that Garridan had left out a variety of bathing products all for Kiki to use--a gesture Stanislav clearly viewed as his way of providing a sense of care--and he looked to the wiccan as he stripped himself of his overcoat. Rolling up his sleeves, he noted the way the wiccan had reverted into an almost zombie-like state of being. “Would you like some help-?” Stanislav asked, taking on a much gentler tone.
           Stanislav stood before Kiki, helping the wiccan undress; his own gesture of caring for her. Sliding off her overcoat, her shirt, he hesitated before helping the wiccan undress from her underwear--folding her clothes as he did so--before taking her hand and helping her into the lukewarm bath.
       Kneeling beside the bath tub, Stanislav didn’t seem to mind as he reached over and began to brushed hair out of her face; now puffed up and red from her tears. Taking a wash cloth that Garridan had left out for their use, he dampened it before carefully wiping off the wiccan’s makeup. His hues searched Kiki’s expression, though he refused to break his stoicism. Of course his human would know that he cared.
       Once Kiki’s face had been cleaned, he took some body wash and carefully reached for the wiccan’s arm, lathering the damp skin with soap. The vampire king placed a chaste kiss on her hand, a silent manner of expressing his affection. Yes, he didn’t dare think of work or that damn creature within the woods. His entire focus had shifted to Kiki, the woman he had come to love with every fiber of his being.
            The elder vampire continued to wash Kiki’s body, his hands avoiding sensitive areas of her body out of a silent chivalry. His intentions were not of lust, but the desire to provide and be a protector. Eventually, he helped dampen Kiki’s hair and began to lather her dark locks with shampoo, keeping his touch gentle. Clearly, he was in no rush to care for the wiccan--in fact, he relished in their time alone, even if it stemmed from unfortunate circumstances.
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When Kiki responded, Garridan gently ushered Midnight off of his lap despite her outcry. “Shh, not now--later.” The blond murmured to the kitten, watching the dark feline curl up beneath the table.
          Standing up from his seat, Garridan gave a tiny nod, noting Stanislav’s gaze once more. He held it for but a moment, giving a reassuring smile to Kiki. “Of course, just give me a moment--I’ll fetch it w-when it’s ready.”
        Leaving the parlor, Garridan wasted no time in drawing a bath for his devastated friend. Though he wished he could provide comfort, he knew far better than anyone that grief took time; and that it would take Kiki perhaps even weeks to fully process the death of her family. How his heart ached for her, it really did. It was a pity he would never meet them, that Kiki would never be able to move on as she had hoped. Ignoring the tears that brimmed within his eyes, once the bath had been filled the vampire searched his belongings. While he much preferred a shower over a bath; he had stored supplies for his own use--but had never gotten around to it--various body washes, and other care supplies he set nearby for use. While he was at it, Garridan left out fluffy towels he had saved for guests, seeing as he preferred to use the older ones. 
           Once he felt that the bath was comfortable enough for Kiki’s usage, he made way to the parlor; calling out to the couple. “Ah--sorry, I...the bath is ready. Take your time, please...I don’t mind.” With that, Garridan exited the parlor and made way to the guest room, beginning to arrange it for both Stanislav and Kiki. 
           He pulled out spare clothes for Kiki, seeing as the wiccan had stored some spare clothes should she ever find herself wishing to spend the day at the mortician’s house. He set it at the foot of the bed, before he walked out into the hallway and went to his closet. Despite living alone, the vampire preferred to be ready for any situation--seeing as his anxiety would only relent with adequate preparation--and he searched through various sewing projects and found a lovely quilt of vintage fabrics he had managed to make a few years prior. He carried it into the guest bedroom, setting it in the middle of the bed; and began to prepare for the impending sunrise by drawing the velvet curtains.
              Upon realizing that Stanislav was an unexpected guest, the blond silently panicked; seeing as his stature was much shorter and not to mention, much more lean when compared to his king’s. Nonetheless, he went back to his closet--quite organized at that--and managed to scrape by with a plain t-shirt and pajama bottoms, though he held a strong conviction they weren’t to Stanislav’s standard. Nonetheless, he brought the clothes to the guest bedroom and set them beside Kiki’s.
             Looking at his prepared guest room, Garridan let out a soft sigh. This would have to do on such short notice.
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She allowed Stan to coddle her as she kept sniffling. No more tears would come out at that time, now she was just left feeling numb. The yearning for death tugging away at her mind. She seemed confused when she was helped up off the couch and then she realized “oh...the bath....” mumbling to herself as she’d completely forgotten. Letting him lead her to the bathroom, her entire body feeling heavy as she forced her legs to move. When they entered the bathroom she silently stared at the water and didn’t move until Stan spoke. Looking over she just gave a small nod and stayed silent as he undressed her. Her brain wasn’t fully processing what was going on around her nor did she care. Stepping into the tub with the help of Stan she sat down and sighed softly. The warm water felt nice against her skin though of course the sensation of warmth didn’t comfort her.
As Stan began to wipe away at her smeared makeup. Her eyes only really meeting his once and she just looked defeated. This feeling was familiar but not at the same time. She’d felt broken before, on the edge, ready to give up but never had she felt so numb. She allowed her arm to be maneuvered so he could wash it and watched in silence. A small smile twitched at her lips when he kissed her hand but it didn’t stay for long. Her focus went back to the water as she allowed him to wash the rest of her body. ‘You should be dead right now’ ‘you abandoned your family’ the thoughts slowly began creeping back in and she completely zoned out. ‘This whole situation is your fault Isabella’ her eyes widened and she reached up gripping her soapy hair and shaking her head. “SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!” She shouted but then stopped as she snapped back to reality. She blinks and looks surprised for a moment before her face resumes it’s montone look. Letting her hands drop back down into the water she made sure her gaze was averted from her vampire. “Sorry...”
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
      It seemed as if the magika were attuned to Garridan’s emotions, for at first the vampire seemed worried that Elidi thought of his genuine fear as a joke--nonetheless, he relaxed at her words; remaining quiet as his guest spoke. Despite his fear of Tamryn, it was heart-warming to know that Elidi had found herself love. Love was a beautiful thing, in a world that seemed to relentlessly cruel.
            While he didn’t verbally respond, it seemed as if her reassurance and understanding put the blond at ease; his expressions alone serving as his reaction. At first, he seemed to regret his words--how foolish he must have been! Yet he seemed to soften up as Elidi further elaborated on his kindness, and furthermore felt a sense of relief. Though the magika hardly knew much about him, she nonetheless seemed to radiate a naturally understanding energy and managed to align herself with some of Garridan’s fears--though perhaps he was that readable? He found himself reaching for the sodalite he now carried in his pocket, comforted by the smooth stone within his cold palm.
                  In a way, her words reminded him of Viktor. Would he have said the same thing? After all, throughout their time together, the maker had always gone the extra mile to understand him; comfort him as best as he could. Elidi’s peptalk was more than welcome, and he seemed to relax once more.
            “Yes...she can be quite--ah, persuasive...while it isn’t a bad thing, I just...” Garridan paused, deciding not to elaborate further. Regardless, Elidi continued on; and his hues seemed to light up. “I think--w-well, if you’d be alright...I might...I might talk to you one of these evenings...at the compound. But ah, I w-would hate to be annoying...” His thumb brushed over the smooth stone, and he noted Elidi’s interest in his books. Perhaps he ought to lend her some? It would give the two something to discuss, and after all, the magika had brought him gifts of her own. “Ah--if you see anything, please let me know...I’d be more than w-willing to let you borrow a few books. I’d uhm--I’d encourage it...especially if you haven’t read them.” A small smile traced his lips. “Of course, I w-would never force you, not at all...but I think it’d be nice to ah, have someone...to discuss books with.”
              It wasn’t until Elidi’s next words wherein Garridan could feel a few crimson droplets bead his eyes, which he quickly wiped away with his sleeve. Hearing her words, if even out of a form of pity...it reminded him so much of his mother. It was comforting, more or less, and he seemed choked up with emotion.
           Was he strong? Not even with his vampirism, for Garridan could recall hearing over and over again throughout his life of how weak, how miserably pathetic he was. Even his own father had attempted to “toughen up” his son, but had only forced Garridan to become even kinder, softer.
        But you’re strong too dear. Just remember that at least.
           The blond took those words to heart, and after a moment of silence, he looked to the magika. “Oh--I...thank you, Elidi...I ah--that means...that means...that means a great deal to hear."
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"I'm glad you enjoy the stone, they make all sorts of manipulatives for anxiety nowadays. I like the little stress balls, with the different colored orbeez inside. ...Except I tend to squish all the orbeez and have this mushy...texture instead." Her nose scrunched up, remembering the brown color that replaced the once vivid iridescent hues.
"Oh please, you wouldn't be a bother, otherwise I wouldn't have suggested that sort of thing." She spoke dismissively of the matter, rising from her place on the sofa to approach the stacks of books at his offering. Her arms folded across her chest as she read along the spines, familiar with a few in his posession herself. "Any from this area you recommend?" The witch gestured to the pile set closest to him, crouching down to get a better look at the books closest to the floor.
His sudden movements catch her eye, though she doesn't speak on the matter as he wipes at his eyes, crying wasn't necessarily her strong suit. A small part of her wished to observed, she had never seen a vampire cry before.
Kiki cried enough for the both of them, though she could handle her tears most of the time. Garridan's response seemed very true to his character, endearing even, a faint smile pulled at the top tiers of her lips. "Hm, well I only say what I think to be true, I don't have the time or energy for lies." She spoke softly as she selected one of the books, careful not to topple the pile over.
"Have you ever read a book, where you were so horrified or upset with the ending you vowed to never read it again?" Elidi questioned as she flipped through the pages of her selected book, skimming through the words mostly, before her gaze lifts to meet his, awaiting his response.
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
           “Ah, yes--it does...though I prefer the novel.” The blond admitted with a small smile. Though he wanted to be supportive over Elidi’s relationship with Tamryn, just thinking of the red-head sent a chill up his spine.
   He seemed to adjust in his seat slightly, keeping his arms around himself as though it were a method of self-comfort. Nodding along to Elidi’s words, a way of showing his attentiveness, the vampire’s stomach churned with anxiety; averting his gaze to the floor as his guest elaborated. She wouldn’t kill you, anyways. As much as Garridan wished he could have faith in Elidi’s words, given his interactions with the Reznikovs as a whole so far...he couldn’t help but doubt the assurance.
        His muscles untensed as soon as the magika insisted he needn’t provide an answer, however, he gave a slight shake of his head. While he wouldn’t elaborate needlessly--he didn’t wish to tarnish Elidi’s image of her lover, not that his meager opinion could do such a thing in the first place--he still regarded the magika as more of a superior rather than a friend, as comforting as her calm may have been. 
       Hesitantly, the vampire looked to Elidi, and flashed a small smile. “No, no--I...I had a feeling you would ask, and...you’re quite calming to be around. I’ve enjoyed your visit.” Biting into his lower lip, Garridan’s gaze flickered to his lap; looking as if he were thinking of his words carefully.
            “Tamryn is...not quite fond of me, and I...often times, I don’t quite...” He frowned momentarily, before giving a slight shake of his head. “She’s quite terrifying, though ah--I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be offensive...by saying such a thing. But...but I don’t hate Tamryn, I never could. I don’t...I don’t have it in me to hate anyone, I think--oh, but I’m rambling...” He rubbed his arm, slightly shaking his head once more. “...I don’t think she enjoys me so much, but...for some reason Kiki seems so drawn to her, and...I don’t want to hurt her feelings, so...so that’s why I tend to visit the compound, or...or just allow myself to be dragged along.” Garridan seemed to lighten up significantly at the mention of Kiki, but nonetheless he seemed worried.
           “I do hope that I...I don’t hurt your feelings--I wouldn’t ah, wish to...cause problems--not that I would, or I sincerely hope not--but...but you both seem quite happy together. And...and I think it’s quite endearing to see--even if...I think Tamryn is scary.” He admitted.      
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Elidi's hues lit up with mirth, a laugh escaping her, shortly after the tips of her fingers press to pinkened lips to silence herself. "I'm not laughing at you dear, I just seem to forget is all.... Most people do seem to fear her, she has that sort of energy about her." Personally, Elidi could say she was never scared of the Alpha, blinded by her beauty perhaps, though to be fair Elidi wasn't frightened by anything. So far anyways..
Elidi's thoughts seemed to drift back toward Tamryn, a faint warmth blossoming across her cheeks and nose, followed by another quiet chuckle. "I wouldn't take it personally Garridan, besides maybe she'll warm up to you. Tamryn says she doesn't care about Kiki but I think she is slowly warming up to her. She just won't admit it. I'm thinking wolves must be stubborn creatures."
"It's nice, that you don't hate her. I find there is enough of that in the world already. Your sensitivity to the problem is noted but you aren't hurting my feelings dear, hell, you're not even insulting her."
Deciding to address a different concern, she dismissed the current discussion with a wave of her hand. He didn't seem to want to go into that much detail about it anyways, and Elidi wasn't one to pry where one wasn't willing to divulge. Interrogation not included. "Don't feel as if you have to force yourself to go along with her, Kiki wouldn't think less of you if you told her no but I know how persuasive she can be. She is stubborn as well. It also wouldn't be rude of you to decline." She paused, deciding Garridan probably wouldn't refuse an invitation, "Besides you can chat with me, Tamryn can't bite you if she's next to me." She teased, amused still as her gaze flickered about the room, admiring the vast amount of books.
Although she understood Garridan wasn't a violent sort of person, he was still a supernatural none the less. "You shouldn't be so fearful, you're a vampire. Strong, fast, near immortal. Naturally, I'm not saying resort to violence, you seem like the type who sets bugs outside instead of squishing them. Which is good... but you're strong too dear. Just, remember that at least, yeah?"
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Garridan gave an inquisitive tilt of his head; glancing down at his half-empty glass. He’d never drunk with Kiki before, but this was a special occasion! “Well...uhm...sure! I don’t see the harm in a few drinks.” The mortician admitted, surprised he would even consider the idea. Though ever since he’d transformed, many things he’d though impossible had been proven otherwise.
         At Kiki’s excitement, the blond wondered if he had ever disclosed any information about his mother--well, he had but in a much darker tone--and a small smile traced his lips as he faced his friend. “Uhm...I can make quite a lot of things. My mother was a seamstress, and since uhm...well, I managed to learn many things despite the times. It was nontraditional for a man to learn the art of sewing; but it’s very near and dear to my heart. I’ve made many quilts, clothes...I actually made my outfit.” The vampire glanced down at his current dress. While he had made this costume some time ago, Garridan was somewhat proud of it though it by no means matched the grandiosity others had achieved that evening. “No need to worry--it’s a difficult craft. I was a fast learner, because when my mom couldn’t...w-well, my family had to make things last. It was often me fixing my tată’s torn blouses and such...perhaps I can teach you-? Or...maybe I wouldn’t be the best teacher.” He admitted, taking a sip of his drink.
            Was it that obvious he seemed averse to parties? Likely so, seeing as Garridan was a mortician. He was used to funeral services; but those weren’t exactly formidable social gatherings. “Yes...it seems I’ve been trying--well...I’ve been leaving the comfort of my...my bubble.” Resting both hands around his glass, the vampire gave a soft chuckle; though whether this was a way to soothe himself or out of nervousness was hard to tell. “And that’s wonderful to hear! The LSA always...ah, out-do themselves. They’re quite hospitable...was there anything in particular that you ah--you enjoyed?”
         Giving a slight shake of his head, he noticed that Kiki had nearly downed her glass to which in a moment of panic, Garridan hurriedly tried to follow her lead. So much for pacing himself.
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She grinned victoriously as her friend agreed to partake in drinking with her. “That’s the spirit! It’ll be fun drinking together for once.” Kiki hadn’t seen Garridan with a drink since that night back at Red Rose. She was determined to make this experience for the vampire more pleasant.
Her features softened at hearing his mother was the one who taught him to sew. She had tried picking up knitting herself when she was younger by her grandmother. But found it wasn’t something she was interested in at the time. “That’s amazing! It’s a great skill to have, and you made your outfit?!” She gasped and her blue optics sparkled, as she took a moment to really stare at all the details. “You are very skilled....I wonder what other things you could make....I’ve always wanted to sketch out more fairytale outfits and then have them created.” She clasped her hands together. “I’m a fast leaner though with sewing it may take me awhile, but I’d love to learn! If you are willing to teach me.” She gently pats his shoulder. “You are very gentle and patient you’d make an amazing teacher.”
“It’s nice for you to get out more...I’m glad you are getting out of your comfort zone.” She swirled around what was left of the fruity beverage in her hand. “I’d say I really enjoyed the cupcakes! The frosting was really fluffy and delicious and though the flavors were simple it was still delicious.” Downing the rest of her drink she excused herself and ordered two more. Bringing them back she grins at Garridan who seemed to have finished his first glass.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Hearing the voice he recognized so effortlessly, his light blue hues averted from his glass to see a figure clade in a beautiful black gown. He needn’t ask who it was, for the mortician knew that it was none other than Kiki. His brows furrowed slightly beneath his red mask as the wiccan asked if he was drinking, but the mention of Viktor alone brought a smile to his face. Truth be told, the progeny was still adjusting to his maker’s presence in his life again--but he had been much happier as of late.
        “Hello, Kiki.” He flashed a small grin; before looking down at his glass once more. “Oh--uhm...everything’s fine.” Pausing, a small pout traced his lips as he raised his glass and took another sip. It invigorated a spark, his hands tingling and stomach growing cold. “Actually--uhm...” Knowing it was better to be honest, given that the human could see through his anxiety, he gave a slight shake of his head. “I’m just a bit...nervous. Overwhelmed--very much so.” His optics momentarily flickered to the mass of dancers. That combined with the enchanting music and decor; it was bound to feel somewhat suffocating especially for the reclusive vampire.
          “Uhm...I haven’t seen Viktor since we arrived. He’s ah--he’s much more...” A sigh escaped him. Glancing into his crimson glass, he noted his reflection staring back. “Viktor is much more comfortable in this kind of environment, I think.” Garridan admitted with a soft chuckle. It was one of the qualities that had drawn the progeny towards his maker; seeing as they were such distinct opposites yet somehow seemed to fit each other perfectly.
       Deciding to change the subject, Garridan looked towards the masked face of his friend. “What about uhm...you and Mister Dabrowski? Are you enjoying yourself-? I’ve never ah...been to a masquerade before.”
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The worry on her face seemed to soften as he mentioned he was fine. However she still didn’t fully buy it, the uneasiness seemed to ooze off of her bestie. Raising a brow she gave him a look as he pouted, she knew he’d be honest with her. Finally when he admitted to being overwhelmed she carefully wrapped her arm over his shoulder. “I could tell....I know you don’t do well in large crowds...or party type environments.”
She gives a nod when he spoke of Viktor being more comfortable in party settings. Though she’d only met Garridans partner once she could tell he was a lot more social than her vampire friend. Their personalities couldn’t be more different, it reminded her a bit of herself and Stan in a way. “Well I’m here now! I’ll stick by your side. We can drink together!” She lifts up her own glass before taking a large sip. “Stan went to do some buisness so I’ve just been wandering around!, the masquerade is amazing!” She beamed. “So many creative outfits and masks! It makes the artist in me want to sketch some of them. What about you? Have you ever been to a masquerade?”
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
      When silence filled the room, the blond couldn’t help but worry that he had offended Elidi. Just as he had apologized for rambling; he paused and looked to the magika. A weary smile traced Garridan’s lips as he nodded, resting his hands in his lap. “Yes--I, well...even with leisure conversation, I find myself...nervous. I tend to become worried I’m overbearing, or...boring for that matter.” He paused, deciding to dismiss the subject. Thus far Elidi had shown herself to be honest, a quality that Garridan admired, and he found himself willingly trusting her word.
I suppose given every supernaturals history, it makes sense for everyone to be wary of one another.
             His gaze flickered to the side, the detective’s words reminding him of Tamryn. While Weres and Vampires had been at eachother’s throats for years--in part due to their mutual bite--the two species had undoubtedly harbored a grudge that stretched back generations far beyond Garridan’s embrace. 
         Breaking away from his thoughts, he looked to Elidi again, observing the way she clutched onto her tea cup. Biting on his tongue to keep from pointing it out, he awaited for the magika to resume.
      Stifling a nervous giggle, Garridan shifted slightly in his seat and nodded. “Yes, she ah...she’s not the first to call me a rabbit. I don’t think she’d...” Just as he was about to apologize for going off-track, he made the conscious decision to continue his train of thought. “...I don’t think she’ll be the last, either.” Taking a moment to silently pride himself in speaking, the meek vampire’s grew cold with embarrassment as Elidi once again spoke of strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps the lingering thoughts of his mother allowed the vampire to accept them in full; considering Marian Romanescu would have said the same thing.
                “You’re right, Elidi. I...I feel as though sometimes we tend to get lost--lost within the dark of the world. It’s...it’s difficult, but I find myself wanting to see the best in everyone. Others may call me naive, perhaps...perhaps I even deserve to be called as such--given such a mindset could put me in danger...” Garridan paused, thinking back to the creature in the woods and how he had attempted to soothe it; but in the end both himself and Tamryn had wound up hurt. Guilt welled within his gut, but he attempted to force it down.
          “I suppose--well, to put it simply--I try to enjoy the simpler things in life. I’ve seen...despicable acts during my time, but...I refuse to let them leave their mark.” He awkwardly rubbed his arm, thoughts drifting back to his mortal days. War, recession, starvation, death--many individuals would have been willing to break at the whims of such an uncaring world. While Garridan didn’t quite understand why he bothered to see the beauty within everything, he found it to make life much more tolerable than spend his eternity brewing with hatred. 
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"Not that I get worried so much, but I understand how you feel in a sense. I always wonder if I'm a little boring, my idea of fun isn't necessarily like everyone elses. I'm far too content to just read a book and stay home, compared to going out to a bar and drinking, or dancing even." She tilted her head thoughtfully, "I'd prefer seeing a play, or a musical, just going to the theater even."
A faint chuckle emitted from her, her brow arching as she shifted her attention elsewhere in the room. "Ah there are worse things to be called than rabbit anyhow, besides it's cute!"
A sad smile covered her lips, parts of her wanted to agree with him, but given past experiences, her heart was hardened to the thought. However, it didn't seem like such a bad perception to have of others, as long as one takes the proper caution. "I think we all want to believe people are incapable of doing bad things... Though I know that isn't exactly what you're saying. It's not... naive. Just be careful."
For a moment she's wonders if he has somehow heard her thoughts, his optimistic outlook toward life despite past traumas is something she could envy. "That is awfully brave of you, I wish I had a more positive mindset like yours. Perhaps it's just my line of work and.... other things, I find it hard to see the good sometimes." The witch paused, worried that this tone of conversation was anything but warm, "...Not that there aren't pleasant things anymore. Like sunsets, the beach, even smaller things like... buying a new candle. The people part is what.. gets me." Her brows draw together, as she reaches for her tea cup, unmistakably empty. As often as she spoke to people whether at work or out and about on her own, her conversation skills always felt a little lacking. A product of her childhood? Her lids fell halfway, unamused by the thought, yet not surprised in the slightest. Ugh. She felt so awkward now.
"....perhaps I missed your point."
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
The vampire king observed that the wiccan had managed to calm down, but he said nothing as he finished washing off Kiki’s body. He tenderly combed his fingers through her wet locks, pressing his lips to her forehead in a chaste kiss.
            Realizing that they had spent a considerable amount of time within the bathroom, Stanislav began to drain the water and reached for a towel that Garridan had set out. “Here, my love. Relax.”
        Helping Kiki to her feet; the vampire king helped the wiccan dry off. His gaze was focused, and while he would have much liked to admire his lover’s body, now was not the time. There would always be another evening. Opening the bathroom door, Stanislav peered into the hallway.
          “One moment, if you will.” Closing the door behind him, Stanislav approached the parlor; to which Garridan expressed he had left a fresh change of clothes in the guest bedroom.
               Making his way back into the bathroom, the vampire king wrapped the towel around the human’s body so her body was covered--not that there would be any prying eyes--he guided Kiki into Garridan’s guest bedroom, helping Kiki into the pajamas that had been laid out for her. He did so carefully, not wishing to trigger Kiki by touching anywhere that could be deemed as highly personal.
        Noticing Garridan had left out a fresh change of clothes for him, Stanislav reluctantly stripped himself out of his suit, folding the clothes and sliding on the t-shirt. While he would have much preferred to remain in his usual attire, he knew that the sun would rise shortly.
                 Taking a moment to check on Kiki, Stanislav rest his cold palm against her flushed cheek, gazing upon her face with a vague look of concern; though he didn’t utter another word. Hearing three knocks on the door, Garridan made himself announced, though Stanislav refused to acknowledge him.
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Remaining in the parlor room, Garridan perked up upon sensing the presence of his superior. Turning his head, he continued to stroke Midnight behind her ears.
             “The guest bedroom, Mister Dabrowski. I have...prepared it for the day. There are spare clothes...spare clothes on the bed.” Biting into his lower lip, the blond hesitated before he opened his mouth.
             “...is she...how is Kiki?” A warning glance immediately silenced Garridan’s concern; and he averted his gaze. “...apologies, Mister Dabrowski. I...you needn’t answer.”
                    Sitting in a contemplative silence, Garridan’s light hues shifted to his knuckles; bright red from picking at them during the long car ride. He hadn’t anticipated the night to unfold in such a way, and he found himself mourning the death of Kiki’s family. While he may not have met them, he thought of all the things his friend had told him, and how much he had grown to love them. “So much for joffre, huh?” The vampire asked himself, feeling Midnight knead into his thigh. “Though...w-well, I ought to make it for Kiki...she’d like that, wouldn’t you think, Midnight?”
                    Letting out a soft sigh, the vampire could hear the sound of Kiki’s footsteps as they retreated to the guest bedroom. Deciding to wait a little longer, the vampire thought back to his own family. He understood how Kiki felt, considering Garridan was the last Romanescu. His siblings hadn’t survived infancy, his mother had died when he was but a child, and though he had left his father; the blond knew that Gheorghe had been laid to rest in their homelands. Alone.
              Giving a slight shake of his head, Garridan encouraged Midnight to get off of his lap as he carefully stood up. Walking out of the parlor and into the hallway, Garridan could feel Midnight weaving between his legs up until he reached the closed guestroom door. Giving three knocks; the vampire waited a moment before opening the door to see the couple.
             Midnight ushered to Kiki’s side; mewling as she looked up to the wiccan. Offering a sad smile, Garridan averted his gaze. “...sorry, I---I know you two would perhaps...like to be alone. But...ah, I hope the bath---I hope the bath helped, Kiki. Uhm...do either of you need anything?”
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Feeling his lips press against her forehead she realized that she was grateful for Stans company. God knows what she would’ve done if left alone at that point. Even if everything felt hazy and her mind wasn’t processing everything she at least knew he was there. She watched as the water drained and then allowed herself to be helped out of the tub. She allowed herself to be dried off and then stood there as he walked off. Even though he wasn’t gone long she could feel her emotions start to creep up on her again, however once he returned she felt herself calm. Being helped into her pajamas before she sat at the foot of the guest bed. She silently stared down at her feet which she slowly kicked. Only stopping when she felt a cold hand press against her flushed cheek. It was obvious by the dazed look in her eyes that she wasn’t fully ‘there’.
Hearing the knock on the door she looks startled for a moment but then her expression falters back. Who would be at the door? Her brows furrowed until she saw Garridan. Oh yeah, they were at Garridans house. Her eyes followed the kitten who came up by her side and her gaze softened. “Hey....” she reaches over and carefully lifted Midnight into her arms. Her entire focus shifted onto the kitten and she tuned the rest of the world out. Cradling the cat in her arms, she managed a small smile as she scratched te kittens black furry tummy with her finger.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Stanislav observed as Garridan set down the tea; his eyes narrowed. While he’d heard Kiki had made frequent ventures to the vampire’s house, he didn’t understand why the blond would go so far as to offer tea. Whatever happened, a simple refreshment couldn’t fix--only direct action could.
              The vampire king remained quiet, head turned to face the human at his side. Despite maintaining his cold exterior, beneath the skin he could feel every surge, every pull of emotion that brewed within the wiccan’s smaller body. 
          If money had been a problem, Stanislav would’ve been more than willing to offer. However, he knew that thinking of previous conversations and lingering over the things that had happened would have been redundant. Time continued on, and unfortunately for Kiki, it meant having to come to terms with the deaths of those whom she had loved with every fiber of her being. While Stanislav had never been close to his own family, after having ran away at the tender age of seventeen; he could feel the attachment Kiki held towards the women who’d nurtured her. 
             Closing his eyes, Stanislav knew that he wouldn’t understand how to tend to Kiki’s emotions with words. What words could soothe her in the first place? Perhaps this is why she had requested Garridan’s presence--the blond was far better at empathy.
             Though he could appreciate Kiki feeling guilty over her actions, a deep, though hidden part of Stanislav couldn’t bring himself to come close to understanding why she harbored such gnawing guilt over taking action. While the vampire king’s interactions with Elidi had been brief, it was more than enough to give him the impression that her mentor would be more than understanding to her circumstances--seeing as they were both witches, albeit Elidi was much more powerful--and Stanislav carefully reached his hand out, resting it on Kiki’s knee. He avoided engaging in too much direct contact for the time being, seeing as his human was in a volatile state.
         Noticing Garridan’s confusion, Stanislav knew immediately of the man Kiki addressed. Her professor. A familiar burning hatred brewed within the crevices of his mind, a rage he had managed to shut down damn near a century ago when he had simply resigned himself to being docile, at claiming control. Yet this burning desire to kill, one that he had abandoned; Stanislav didn’t seem to mind it all that much. Despite the fear stemming from the newfound desire to protect someone other than himself, Stanislav knew he was willing to drag out the skeletons in his closet if it meant ensuring that this man would never hurt her again.
               When Kiki finally broke down into sobs; Stanislav’s body became wracked with the overwhelming surge of emotions--grief, blame, doubt, harrowing guilt, all of it--and he carefully wrapped his arms around the wiccan’s body in an effort to provide her comfort in the only way he knew how. His grip was gentle, enough so that if Kiki felt overwhelmed, she could more than easily remove herself from his grasp.
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Having Midnight in his lap, Garridan observed Kiki as she finally decided to speak. Already, the blond could imagine that if he were alive, his heart would’ve raced with anticipation.
          Immediately, Garridan noticed the use of past tense; and he instinctively covered his mouth. Having come to adore Kiki’s relatives--despite not having met them--it hurt. Had something happened? Avoiding his questions, Garridan listened; though his expression changed to one of a sympathy. 
             By the time Kiki got to mentioning the house fire, already Garridan could vividly recall the burnt bodies he had been asked to care for. Most of the time, such cases resulted in either cremation or closed-casket funerals; seeing that even the most capable morticians couldn’t properly tend to burnt flesh. The smell, too--one never forgot the smell of a burnt body. Crimson tears brimmed within the blond’s light hues. 
“You know that thing you said about burnt bodies?……you were right.
      Those words chilled the vampire to his very core. To keep himself from weeping, Garridan bit into his lower lip and withheld a sob. He thought back to how he had felt when his own mother had died, and in that regard Garridan could empathize with Kiki utterly so. Losing one’s mother was a difficult triumph, and even to this day the meek vampire mourned his mother’s passing. 
           His expression changed to one of confusion at the mention of an unknown individual, seeing as Garridan hadn’t yet learned of Kiki’s professor. He’d known about the town turning against his beloved friend, the persecution she had faced...
            When Kiki raised her voice, the blond stiffened. It wasn’t until Kiki had been reduced to sobs wherein the vampire look to Stanislav almost panickedly, but he knew that the vampire king was less than competent with words of comfort. Even though Garridan doubted his own capabilities, he looked to his weeping friend and opened his mouth to speak.
      “Kiki, ah...please, don’t say such things.” His voice was soft, wavering slightly with his apprehension. “I am so, so sorry. I...I know what it’s like to lose a mother, and I would never wish that grief on anyone.”
         His fingers sought the soft pelt of Midnight, a way for him to regain his train of thought. “Death is...not inherently evil, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say it is pleasant either. I can say with confidence that...that your mother and your grandmother are not suffering any longer. I...I’m sorry, Kiki. You did all you could--you really did, and...and people can be capable liars. It is not your fault that your mother lied. She...she was doing what any mother would.”
                 As Garridan spoke, images of his own mother flashed within his mind. Using his sleeve to wipe away the silent tears that had begun to fall down his face, he offered a sad smile. “Please, Kiki...you’re allowed to mourn. I offer my guest room to both you and Mister Dabrowski...say, would you perhaps like to ah--have a bath? I...I could draw warm water, and...and you could clean up. Perhaps it...perhaps it might help?”
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As she was sobbing she felt Stans arms wrap around her and she immediately leaned into his touch, her body shaking. Resting her head against his chest as she allowed herself to finally break down. Despite all of the feelings swirling around inside of her, his arms provided a much needed sense of comfort. She tried her hardest not to make much noise as Garridan spoke up. She knew her and the soft spoken vampire both had a certain admiration and respect towards the dead. Now that she was faced with losing the two most important people in her life however she didn’t know how she felt. “T...they weren’t supposed to die though....they could’ve kept living! They were killed! Burned....” did she do all she could?
Despite Garridans kind words at the time the professors words rang louder. After all he was the puppeteer and she seemed to be the puppet. The cards played in his favor and he knew exactly what he was doing, it made her furious. She knew that the cops wouldn’t suspect or arrest him he was well known, respected, and loved in the community. As a bath was mentioned she couldn’t help but feel herself tense up. An image of her in the bath with a bottle of pills popped in her mind. The feeling of wanting death again striking her out of nowhere. Sniffling and rubbing at her eyes as she managed to calm her crying for the moment. “A....bath would be nice....” her voice was hoarse and she sounded tired in general.
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
           Noting that the magika had selected Carmilla, he wasn’t all too surprised. It seemed befitting for Elidi, and he was pleased that he had offered a viable selection. “Oh-? W-well...I see. I’d love to, only if...that would be alright.” He didn’t want to be too overbearing, though he was excited at the idea of having someone to discuss literature with. Besides, Elidi emitted a rather calm though regal nature; and it was quite comforting to be around.
             He stifled a giggle, slightly covering his mouth. Yes, Elidi may have been younger, but he didn’t take it too personally. At times, he almost forgot he had been born before sliced bread was even offered. “Ah--I do agree, though...lying is quite hurtful, and...and I’d much rather be forthcoming, or I w-would rather not say.” The vampire rubbed his arm, not all too surprised that his guest hadn’t heard of such a tale. Most of those that didn’t come from Romania, nor romanian families rarely heard of the terrors that  Muma Pădurii  conducted within the homeland’s forests. While he hadn’t dreamt in years since his transformation, he could recall the many nights he awoke paralyzed with fear.
           Though disappointed the detective didn’t have her own stories, his expression softened as he noted her reluctance--he hadn’t meant to step upon unsteady ground--and as Elidi explained the book of which she hadn’t reread, he gave a tiny nod. “I see...that is unfortunate, but...but I suppose that is what made it so memorable, no?” A sympathetic expression traced his pale face, and he knew to avoid pressing into the matter.
          As a moment of silence fell over them, he looked to the magika; allowing her a moment to compose herself. Though he felt guilty, he knew that unnecessary ramblings and chatter probably weren’t in the cards--and he’d have hated to make Elidi further uncomfortable.
           Upon being asked of Stanislav; he seemed to settle into his seat, tucking a few golden locks behind his ear. “Oh--ah...Mister Dabrowski?” He bit into his lower lip, tilting his head in such a way it seemed he retreated into his thoughts. After a moment, he spoke up.
      “I’ve known him for ah...about twenty years now, he’s changed very little w-within that time...he can be--ah, quite aloof I would say. A man that prefers...a man that prefers functionality over appearances. I don’t think I’ve ah...he’s never shaken anyone’s hand, not a man that’s fond of touch--whatever reason that may be--hm...” Shifting slightly in his chair, he looked to Elidi for a moment.
        “Rarely ever does he...seem to allow himself to leave his work. A man that...a man that is both responsible and diligent, I w-would say. This isn’t just...it’s not because he’s the vampire king, oh no--though I do find him...ah, scary at times. But I suppose...I ought to be, since he--well, I’m under his jurisdiction...” 
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Elidi leaned back against the cushions, silent as she listened to Garridan and grateful for his elaborate answer. Not many people in Tabula divulged much information, whether about themselves or others. Everyone was cautious nowadays, safer that way too.
Not a man fond of touch. Maybe Stan was a germaphobe, or he simply wasn't a touchy-feely person as Garridan stated. None the less, her brow arched as she processed his description of the older vampire, a thoughtful hum leaving her as she sipped from her tea. His information on Stanislav only made her all the more curious to his relationship with Kiki. Opposites attract?
Finally she found herself holding Garridan's gaze, elated that he seemed to be looking her in the eyes for once. A part of her didn't want to startle him, unlike usual she breaks eye contact, hues averting to her teacup. "What about you Mr. Garridan? Anyone special in your life?" Optics rose as she took another small sip, inquisitive as ever. "Forgive me if I seem prying, I don't mean any harm. Merely.... wishing to know the people Kiki speaks so fondly of and spends the majority of her time around. She's quite important to me too. Perhaps it is the detective in me with this seeking nature, wary one in the same." She paused, setting her cup down as she clasped her hands neatly in her lap.
"Of course you seem lovely! I don't sense any malicious intent in your aura, your as tranquil as a meadow full of flowers." She chuckled, "Though that is a cheesy comparison."
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Stanislav didn’t dare break focus from the road, knowing the sooner they reached home, the better. Nonetheless, he could feel every ounce of emotion pouring from within the depth’s of Kiki’s soul. While he couldn’t read her thoughts, he could most certainly feel the guilt and fear surging within his own veins as if Kiki’s feelings were his own. It pained him, though he refused to show it.
         Fortunately, the vampire king knew that these were not his own thoughts; and he managed to successfully distance himself from such thinking. Keeping his hand on her thigh, his eyes narrowed as he focused on the road ahead; kept alight by the bright headlights of his car.
                His hues would flicker to Garridan within the rear view mirror. As the blond tried to negate the situation, Stanislav felt himself growing somewhat irritated at his unnecessary prying. While the younger vampire was a pure empath, Stanislav wished to tell him to silence. Such an order wouldn’t be unprovoked, after all. Couldn’t he sate his curiosity another time? There were times and places for curiosity, but Garridan was only hurting Kiki in the long run.
     It wasn’t until a few moments later when the vampire finally spoke, voice cold.
                   “Mister Romanescu, would you please remain silent until we reach the outskirts of our city? Now is not the time for your senseless inquiries.”     
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Garridan listened as Kiki spoke, his heart swelling with concern and sorrow. It was clear that his friend was not feeling well, and as much as he wished to provide physical comfort, their current seating arrangement prohibited such an interaction.
               Looking out the window, the blond hugged on himself a bit tighter.
    “W-why...why did you venture back? I thought...I thought you didn’t want to revisit.” As soon as the words slipped from his mouth, guilt welled up within the pits of his stomach. Though he didn’t wish to hurt his friend, seeing as Kiki was already in an emotionally volatile state, Garridan was attempting to understand the situation.
            “...it...something happened...and I--you don’t have to tell me, but...I don’t understand why you’re alone? Or...or how you got there? I...I’m sorry, I just...” The blond stumbled over his words, voice wavering slightly. His fear was as plain as day, for he noted the way Stanislav looked to his rear view mirror.
                     When the stern words came from Stanislav, a chill raced up Garridan’s spine as he immediately sealed his lips, feeling tears brim in his eyes. He simply wiped them away with his sleeve, knowing that to cry right now was the least viable solution. While Stanislav had yelled at him before, Garridan really wasn’t in the mood to be the brunt of his king’s anger--again.
                 Keeping his arms around himself, glancing outside of the window; Garridan pressed his cold hand against the glass as he observed the way the lush forests passed them by. 
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Upon asking why she ventured back she took a deep breath, staring down at the phone in her lap. “I...didn’t ever want to go back....” just thinking of that damned city caused her blood to boil. Her mother’s burn body flashing in her mind. She could just picture the fire and their screams as they were burned alive. Then came the face of her professor and fear swarmed inside of her ‘it was nice to see you Isabella, I have a feeling we will see eachother again soon’ something in her snapped. “AND ILL NEVER GO BACK AGAIN!” Realizing she yelled she reached up and covered her mouth looking back out the window. “Sorry....” she needed to hold it together.
“Teleportation...I broke into Elidis house....” she crossed her arms over her chest, more guilt. Elidis house was a mess that she had left it in after her frantic search. Would Elidi be mad? Most definitely but she hoped the witch could forgive her. As Stan told Garridan to hush she just tuned everything out again and leaned her head against the window. She was exhausted and knew she’d have to explain everything when they got home. Knowing how her body worked she’d likely make herself sick, she already felt sick so maybe she’d just puke it all up before. ‘Your family is dead because of you’ normally she could combat her negative thoughts but tonight they were in full control and Kiki fell victim to them.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
The vampire king had felt every pulse of emotion that swelled within Kiki’s body. It pained him, and though he had awaited her reply; he’d sent multiple messages. How could he work when his human, his lover felt so hurt? Stanislav knew Kiki was alive, and that she wasn’t injured per se, but nonetheless his alarm resigned to using cigarettes in an effort to keep calm. Nervous habits, as they were.
           When Kiki finally messaged him, he noted an address; and by then was leaving Red Rose--until he noticed she requested Garridan’s presence. Exhaling, he decided to stuff the cigarette carton within his messenger bag as he revved the engine of his car.
              Picking up Garridan, Stanislav uttered not a single word as the meek vampire opened the passenger-side door, fastening his seatbelt as the vampire king began to drive. It was quiet, dark out, and as the flashing lights of Tabula faded behind him, only then did Stanislav speak to the mortician.
             “I will not disclose anything other than it involves Kiki.”
    Silence fell over the duo as they drove, and Stanislav found himself tuning more-so into Kiki’s feelings. She was exhausted, as she so often was after experiencing profound moments of distress. Though he wouldn’t break his facade before just anyone, there was a noticeable look on his face, one that gave way his internal monologue; yet if Garridan noticed this he wouldn’t dare admit it. The roads were relatively empty, as they often were, and despite the creature lurking within the woods, Stanislav couldn’t bring himself to focus on that at the moment. He had grown tired, much too tired as of late.
             After driving for a considerable length of time, a gas station appeared on the horizon. Yes, this was the address. Pulling off of the road and into the gas station, he left the engine on as he unbuckled his seat belt. Giving a sharp look to Garridan as if to command the vampire to move into the back, Stanislav observed the vampire’s every motion.
              Stepping out into the night alight by the glaring glow of the gas station, Stanislav approached his human slowly; despite his every urge and instinct that told him otherwise. Kneeling before Kiki, the vampire king dipped his head.
        “...I am sorry, Kiki. Forgive me for taking so long. Come, let’s go home.”
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Despite being in the middle of preparing a body for a service; Garridan’s alerts for none other than Stanislav went off, initially causing panic. The words were ominous; the text only read: You’re coming with me this evening. That is an order. I expect to see you shortly, and promptly. Hurriedly, the blond placed the body back within the morgue, though he felt a bit peeved he hadn’t received an earlier notice. He stripped himself out of his scrubs, putting on his usual attire. Thoughts raced in his mind as he hurriedly closed up the embalming room and locked it, setting out some food for Midnight and seeing to it his house was appropriately locked before stepping outside in the summer evening, arms around himself.
           When the familiar rolls royce pulled into the small parking lot of the funeral home, Garridan hurried over and sat within the passenger seat, noting the silence between the two as his king began to drive off into the night. Keeping his arms around himself; Garridan looked out the window, but noticed they were headed for out of town. Instinctively, the vampire reached into his pocket for the sodalite he had made a habit of carrying, kneading the stone with his cold palm.
            While Tabula Rasa disappeared behind them, only then did Stanislav finally speak up; to which Garridan’s anxiety only increased. He opened his mouth as if to inquire for more information, but immediately sealed his lips. He knew better than to question his authority.
                     Looking outside of the window once more, occasionally the blond would cast side-glances to Stanislav, noting the somber mood that had filled the air around them. His king was lost in thought, overthinking at that, and Garridan could only imagine what had happened to Kiki. Why was she so far away? Was she hurt? Why had Stanislav ordered Garridan to come along? So he sat in his own contemplative silence, watching the Louisiana woodlands pass them by so effortlessly. His mind thought back to that night with Tamryn, the woods--and he shuddered thinking of how its antlers had seamlessly dug into the flesh of his forearms. While he had healed, it was nonetheless a terrifying encounter.
            It wasn’t until the two pulled into a gas station wherein Garridan was about to get out of the car; but a warning glance told the blond to move to the backseat. And so he did, although Garridan noted the familiar outline of Kiki. He said nothing, climbing into the backseat and sitting with his hands in his lap.
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While waiting she had simply zoned completely out, the only sounds she could hear were cars coming and going. Nothing specific was on her mind at that time she’d get flashes of the ashes that had become of her home. She let numbness take over her body, it was better than the pain she had felt. Staring down at the concrete she didn’t look up until she heard Stans voice. The wiccan looked a total mess her eyes had eyeliner smears and were puffy from crying, her black locks messy with some grass in it, and she had some dirt on her cheek from where she had laid on the ground. “Okay....” was the only word that seemed to leave her mouth as she stood up and made her way to the car. Opening the front door she silently slid in and buckled her seatbelt. Happy to be in a safer place, this entire town was hell on earth to the girl.
After Stan had gotten in the car stayed silent as they pulled out of the gas station. Pulling out her phone she now took notice that the screen had a crack from being dropped. How hasn’t she noticed before? It didn’t bother her much. She texted Kasumi to let him know she’d be home late and not to wait up for her. She didn’t have it in her heart to explain everything to the angel that night. Knowing that explaining the events that just occured to the vampires would be hard enough. As her eyes stayed glued to her screen she backed out of Kasumis texts. Her eyes lingering on her moms name before she turned her phone off and stared out the window instead.
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
 He stifled a giggle, though tired. As they wandered through the store, the blond gave a few nods here and there as Kiki spoke of Henry. Such a cute name! His eyes darted along the shelves, and a look of realization donned his face. Oh, stupid! He had lead them down the wrong aisle. Though his limbs felt both sore and exhausted; the vampire resigned himself to acting as normal as he could.
         “Ah--yes...a goat...her name was Sabina. She uhm--my family...w-we weren’t quite well off, and ah...Sabina’s milk was important...” Even talking about his childhood pet, the blond was clearly out of it that evening; eyes glazed with an emotional vacancy quite unusual for the mortician to have.
          Though he felt guilty for his current behaviour as of late, even then he could feel that same pulse gnawing at his sense of self. It was so familiar, so comforting, enveloping him in a warmth of which he craved to discover. Yet he had practically searched the entire town--even the woods, and paid quite a price for it--he bit into his lower lip.
           Having allowed Kiki to take the lead, Garridan meekly followed her; and once they entered the cat aisle he immediately reached for some pet-food. Though he observed the packaging, he eventually settled for one, placing it in the basket. “Oh--ah...yes, ofcourse...why not you ah--pick? Don’t mind, I’ll ah...spot for the evening.” 
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She could tell something was off with Garridan even now that they’d left the house. She wasn’t about to point it out and make him feel even worse. “Sabina is a beautiful name! I’ve actually never had goat milk before I wonder what it tastes like”
Was there anything she could do to cheer up her friend? She stared down at the kitten in her arms and then back at Garridan. “Here why don’t you hold her while I pick it out!” She swapped the kitten for the shopping basket. Browsing through the toys she picked out some shaped like sweets, a stick with things hanging from it, and a little mouse. Making her way further down the aisle she stares at scratching posts. “It may be good to invest in one of these...” she grabs a smaller sized one. “Now for food...” making a face as she’s faced with dozens of different cat food. It takes her a few minuets before she decides on one and places it into the basket. “That should do it!” Kiki was proud of herself since she’d never really shopped for a pet before. “Hmm unless we need pet soap...or a brush....”
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
                       “Ah--” his gaze averted to the sodalite within his grasp, and offered a small smile. “I...I appreciate it. Since ah--it w-was a gift from you...and it’s quite beautiful, too.” His light hues glossed over the deep blue surface, tinted with splotches of white and yellow. It seemed to fit well within his cold palm.
            “Oh--uhm, if you insist.” The vampire couldn’t argue with Elidi’s logic, given he held immense respect towards her. And if she herself had said not to worry, how could he? His hues followed the detective’s form as she approached one of his few book piles, and he looked back to the stone in his hand. It wasn’t until Elidi spoke once more where he perked up, looking over to the spines. “Hm...The Well of Loneliness was an interesting read, though...quite sad. Tipping the Velvet was another one...” A thoughtful look traced the vampire’s pale face as he seemed to enter a state of focus. “Carmilla..quite enthralling too. It involved lots of ah, dreams...some minor tragedy, though.” 
            Having wiped away his tears, the blond seemed to be somewhat much more calmer, self-assured--it was a relief to hear someone considered him strong, even if he had a soft heart--looking to Elidi’s face, he observed the way the magika smiled at him, all the more reminding him of his mother. He wouldn’t admit such a thing, of course, he’d have hated to make Elidi uncomfortable. “Of course, of course...” he murmured. “Honesty is...is a good thing.”
            Upon her question, Garridan tilted his head almost curiously, seeming a bit reluctant. “I suppose I have, though ah...the only examples that come to mind are--well, childhood fables. There was ah--my mother, she told me of a story... Muma Pădurii. Although ah...perhaps it w-would be rude to discuss. I’ll ah...I’ll just say I had many nightmares as a child.” Luckily, the vampire had managed to catch himself. Given that this had been in the days of persecution, witches and magika alike were used to frighten children; and he’d have hated to offend Elidi--though clearly his opinions had changed. 
               “W-what about you, Elidi?”
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"Yes the stone is supposed to promote rational thought, provide truth and calm panic attacks if you have one. Though I'm not sure if you believe in that sort of thing. The power in ones mind can make anything possible though." The book she had selected is carefully set back in its spot, taking one of the titles Garridan suggested instead, Carmilla. "Now I just have to get you a book, you should come over sometime, and then you can pick one out yourself."
"Honesty is the best thing! Perhaps because I'm just getting older, though... I am younger than you I suppose. Anyhow, lying feels unnecessary, a waste of time more than anything." She shrugged, her regard altering to the story he recalled from his childhood. A faint smile curved her lips, the expression not quite reaching her eyes. "I've never heard of it." Garridan didn't seem like he felt like sharing, none the less she smiled, at least one of them got to hear stories as a child. Elidi couldn't recall many happy memories from her youth, Abigail had been one of the only lights in those darkened times. No matter how brief her stay was with the woman. Elidi was actually just about to age out of adoption when she met her parents, a couple already up in their years yet endlessly patient with her.
Realizing she had become distracted, she blinked a few times, attempting to answer his question. Rarely did she give her past any thought. "Oh well... Hm... Anything from my childhood no." Elidi recollects the few stories told to her in the homes, resembling nightmares told around a campfire, except the children were the villains of the tall tales. No one wanted to adopt misbehaving awful kids. Her lids fell halfmast, bright hues averting toward the corner of her eyes, swallowing the disdain in her throat. "Uhm.... I can't recall the title anymore. It had a twist ending, I suppose it wasn't a terrible book, however it caught me so off guard I've never reread it."
Elidi walked back over to the couch, digits pressing tentatively to the back of her nape where her scar began, sitting amongst the cushions. She needed something to say, something else to talk about. Finally optics lift to stare at Garridan, "What is Stanislav like?"
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
  “Yes...it was nonetheless, ah--discouraging, which is why...I tend to be so...I tend to be much more involved, I would say.” He flashed a nervous smile. The blond perked up significantly as Elidi didn’t seem to think of his soft-heart as being weak, or a negative aspect. It was quite refreshing, and all the more made him feel rather comfortable being within the magika’s presence. “Ah-? W-well...thank you, Elidi.” He spoke softly.
            He all the more agreed with his guest’s advice; and felt a rush of reassurance provided her hopeful outlook. Yes, there had to be someone lurking within the city that had a profound respect for the deceased, someone who wouldn’t mind what the job entailed. Though Garridan loved his work, he understood that dealing with bloated corpses, having to make an attempt to repair bodies that were more or less desecrated by violence or accident--it wasn’t an easy task, oh not at all.
          At first, Elidi’s words caused a look of worry to trace his face--had he done something wrong? However; it vanished into near thin air as she once again reassured him. Yes, Elidi was a kind woman no doubt. Though the blond continued to view Elidi as more of a superior rather than a friend, she had been a wonderful guest so far; and Kiki had more than enough praise for her mentor.
“You’re too kind, Elidi...much too kind.” 
               His hues seemed to lighten up as Elidi spoke of her own preferences. How refreshing it was, having someone who seemed to be as avid a fan of romance novels as he! “W-why ofcourse, I...I would absolutely love to exchange novels. In fact, I ah--I recently lent out my copy of Phantom of the Opera...” Upon feeling his cheeks grow cold from embarrassment, the vampire shyly averted his gaze towards one of his well-organized book piles. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...” He paused, a thoughtful expression appearing on his face. Garridan was about to apologize for rambling once more, but Elidi’s words entered his head:  You are not rambling, I enjoy listening to you speak, you don’t do it very often. This provided the vampire with a newfound sense of self-confidence in that he wasn’t being a bother.
         He observed the way Elidi seemed to gaze upon her bracelet, and Garridan felt tempted to take a glimpse himself; but refrained. No need to be invasive, though he found himself wishing to compliment the magika’s jewelery. It seemed quite regal, refined, and to a degree seemed to embody the woman quite well.
           “I’ve read The Price of Salt before...what an intricate story. So beautiful, and it...it really seemed disheartening at times--though...I suppose the ending was rather hopeful, if my ah--if my memory serves correct.” The vampire rubbed his arm, hoping he hadn’t mistaken the plot with another novel he’d read.
          “I already ah, stated Phantom of The Opera is a favourite...let’s see. Maurice was a rather hopeful, especially due to the time in w-which it was written...I found it ah, rather...reflective of my own experiences.” Tilting his head, the vampire seemed to retreat into his thoughts as he attempted to think of other titles that called to him. “The Night Circus was also...quite lovely--a bit more recent, though...it had a surreal, though dream-like ah, plot.”
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"I can't say I've read that one, though I know it's fairly well known. It has a movie as well doesn't it? I seem to never have the time to finish up a movie, either I fall asleep in between, something comes up, work or I'm spending my spare time with Tamryn." At the mention of her girlfriend, Elidi shifted in her seat, thoughts brought back to her precious curiosity. Her hand rubbed at the nape of her neck, silent for a stretch as she summoned the appropriate wording.
"I noticed.. you get a little rigid around Tamryn. At first I thought perhaps it was me and I freaked you out a little but sitting here with you and chatting has definitely changed my mind. Your energy, aura is calm -- well calm enough." Her head tilted as she observed the vampire, scarred brow arching, "Did something happen between the two of you? She wouldn't hurt you, you know." The witch paused, illuminated hues averting to the corner of her eye, "Well, she wouldn't kill you anyways."
Her posture straightens as she recenters her focus, clearing her throat as her brows knitted together, "You don't have to answer if you don't want too. I was just curious is all. Besides we're having such a lovely chat, I'd hate to ruin the atmosphere that we've got going." Nervously she sipped from her tea, gratefully still warm as she swallows the liquid. Ever since she made her promise to Tamryn, she's avoided any sort of encounters with suspects as much as possible, only finding it excusable if she encountered a situation while working. She wondered how the Alpha was fairing on her end, they didn't necessarily discuss that. A thoughtful hum resonated from within her, her head shaking dismissively at her own thoughts. Of course Tamryn would follow her promise.
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
Once Elidi had shown herself inside, Garridan quietly closed the door behind Elidi, continuing to hold the stone in his hand. “Oh--you brought gifts?” A look of surprise dawns the vampire’s face, immediately replaced with one of guilt. “Ah, I’ll have to return the favor...my apologies.” His gaze turns to the magika’s bag, and he can’t help but wonder as to what might be inside; though when she mentions tea he flashes a small smile. “Oh, w-wonderful-! I have some in the cupboards, but...I didn’t wish to ah, assume...” Absentmindedly, his thumb traces the stone in his palm. 
    His brows furrow slightly as Elidi mentions choosing the “wrong” flower, to which he shakes his head. “No, no...it’s a lovely hue. I think it...adds to the environment. I appreciate the assistance w-with the selection--you convinced me to give something a try, and...” He slightly shuffles his feet. “It gives us something to talk about, w-wouldn’t you agree?” 
     At the compliment, Garridan can’t help but smile sheepishly, clasping his hands behind his back. “Oh--thank you, Elidi...ah, usually it puts others off...w-which I couldn’t blame anyone for, we all have our own tastes--” The vampire paused, realizing he was losing track. “Ah, that painting...” He observed it himself, smiling faintly. “Yes, red is a beautiful colour...”
       He looked over to his guest, tilting his head. “I’m afraid I don’t have much to offer aside from tea; though I have a kettle on the stove...shall we see to your refreshments before, ah...w-well, nevermind. You’re allowed to roam freely, although...there are two backrooms that are off-limits.” Realizing how morbid that sounded, he hurried to correct himself and assure Elidi he wasn’t up to anything suspicious. “Ah--it’s related to the mortuary work. An embalming room, and ah...a small morgue. Though I promise there are no other ah...”guests” today.” He rubbed the back of his neck, mentally chastising himself for getting so scatter-brained; let alone saying such an odd thing. 
 He meekly motions for Elidi to follow, guiding her into a relatively small, spotless kitchen. Much like the rest of his house, it seems to embody Garridan quite well. The vampire reaches into a cupboard, pulling out some small boxes of tea. Observing the packaging, he extends some to Elidi. “I have earl grey, lavender, chamomile...though you’re w-welcome to select from your own offerings.” 
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Elidi seemed amused by his response though she is quick to disregard it accompanied by a firm shake of her head. "Nonsense. You inviting me is already nice enough." Her hand moved to pat the bag settled on her hip, the smile on her lips faltering as she realized Garridan could not drink the beverages like she could. Packing an assortment had been pointless. "Oh... I uhm, I packed quite a variety in case you didn't like a particular flavor not thinking..." She trailed off awkwardly, her gaze averting. Elidi hasn't much experience with vampires, she rarely worked the night shift, and much like herself Vamps were often sent out on higher profile missions.
The mention of his plants perks her back up, hands moving to unlatch the satchel and dig inside. Her fingers clasp around a single vial, presenting the golden liquid to Garridan, shimmering inside its flask. "This is for your plant, a couple of drops will prevent it from wilting, though I wouldn't try to over use it. I figured... since you couldn't be out and about with the sun and all. Though you could always set the plant out at night, letting it absorb natural sunlight every so often, and the elixir will remain beneficial too."
Again she's rummaging through her bag, pulling out a paperback book on garden care, the majority of the book consisting of flowers and herbs, as well as the proper routine to care for each individual plant. "This should be helpful as well, and has a bit of a witches touch to it." Now that the items were set against Garridan's grasp, she opted to ignore the extra tea in her bag, embarassed still that the thought hadn't crossed her mind earlier.
As kind as his offer was, ans her nature ever so curious, she couldn't find it in her heart to snoop around his home. Even if anything she presumed it would only make him all the more nervous. Elidi was quite pleased, he was speaking much more to her than he was the last time, his timid nature still shining through. Presented with her selection of teas, her answer is almost instant, "Earl grey is fine please. I think I've overdone it with lavender lately. While I find the scent soothing, I've been using it quite often lately, teas, baths, candles. The scent is starting to become overbearing." She spoke with a quiet chuckle leaving.
Her gaze lingered about the kitchen, taking in the decorations and tones. It was definitely clean, that was for certain. Though she was curious if he even needed to use the small room. "So... how have you enjoyed having a plant this far? Is it a nice... change of pace from working with the dead?" Her brows furrowed, gaze averting with a nervous laugh emittin. She wished she had worded her question differently, the words sounded prying and cold to her ears.
"You don't have to answer that if you don't want too."
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