chiaso · 3 years
@trcubleseeker​ !!
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“Why are you looking at me like I’m the only person in the world? Do I have something on my face?”
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hcneyboy · 3 years
 @trcubleseeker : “  so if i put my number in your phone, you actually gonna text me? ” jonghoon >: ) / prompt.
“ I might. ” open enough, maybe, though something slightly clipped in the way it comes out. connections are so often loose, and while it’s something elijah dislikes dwelling on, it doesn’t seem like something that can be helped, not when he finds himself in the same place over and over. but it’s shaken off as soon as it comes, turning back to jonghoon with a smile. “ gotta give me a good incentive though. ” all teasing, phone already held out and waved with each word. good or bad, elijah hardly cares what comes out of it, as long as something happens, keeps him busy at least. “ but I don’t think you’ll have a problem figuring something out. ”
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thervnaways · 3 years
( ready, set, @trcubleseeker! )
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                      oh, fuck. red and blue lights swirl around in a not-so-far off distance and blue knows they don’t have a lot of time to get out of there. the race is clearly off, seeing how everyone else has scrammed out of there except-- “not him.” while the racer didn’t particularly like labels such as ‘rival’, that’s more or less who jonghoon was to them. she’s still in the lead ( not that it should matter at this point ) when she sees his car in her rear view mirror. before he can even catch up to her -- and he sure was close -- he doesn’t quite make the turn. “what the fuck am i doing?” they almost don’t stop driving, too worried about the idea of getting caught, but the crash looked too bad to ignore that they’re out of their car in seconds. blue peeks through the window before tugging on the door. “please don’t make me regret this,” she mutters, questioning her every move, though operating only on adrenaline at this point. “i’m getting us out of here, okay?”
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femmebeaut · 3 years
     @trcubleseeker​ !!
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      frances feels as though their current predicament was hostile. or maybe it was her who was feeling hostile, in any sense- she found herself wrapping her hands around the other’s arm and gluing herself to their side as she glared at the stranger. even if they knew this person, them being a stranger to frances was enough to make any small amount of friendliness she felt around the other fade into distaste. amber eyes squint into a glare as she speaks, “are they bothering you?? hey-.” she’s talking directly to the person across from them now. “go away. we’re busy and you smell gross.”
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imamxdel · 3 years
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“Did I drop this? Oh. Thank you!” Sorom gave a little bow of her head to the stranger and delicately placed the paper holding a recent design of hers back in the binder it must have fallen out of. Perhaps it was the wind that had blown it out, though with Sorom’s bad luck it just so happened that another gust came through strong enough to unleash at least a dozen more designs that fell. 
“Shoot!” she whispered, starting to chase after which ones she could catch. 
@trcubleseeker​ // starter
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wistfulreality · 3 years
a starter for @trcubleseeker​ - based on x ( sc. )
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aejeong had to admit that he was really cute, so when he asked her to go upstairs with her, she was quick to follow his footsteps. little did she know that a few moments later, a fight would break out in front of her. “oh my gosh, stop it!” she screamed, trying to separate them but ending up on the ground instead. “STOP!!!!” she screamed louder, but it seemed to be of no use.
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sunkisseds · 3 years
⋰    ˝  starter for @trcubleseeker​ !
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                they had a crystal clear mission , each of them with separate jobs to succeed in , in order to gain what they had originally came to this mansion for . the last phase of her plan was unraveling right in front of ravenette ; cloaked in the tightest of little red dresses with two champagne glasses in between manicured paws , and giving the best of eyelash flutters to date of hers who she had lured .  ❝  how’s the champagne ? told you i only bring the most top shelf liquor . let’s just say , i have connections .  ❞   mouth will wrap around rim of glass , intake of alcohol before she’s grasping a watch of theirs off the side table when they happened to be looking away -- -- hoping to be the best distraction for the other half of her duo . 
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peachyuus-arc · 5 years
❛ you always pretend you don’t care but i know you do. ❜ (gahoon)
“I don’t pretend.” She hisses, not the least bit eager to admit he was right. “I don’t care about who you talk to. It’s your life, Jonghoon. I’m not your mom and I’m definitely not your girlfriend, either.” Crossing her arms over her chest, Gayeon huffs. All she can imagine is the face of that silver-haired girl being too close to Jonghoon and smiling. Their smiles were so wide, so similar that it practically tore a hole through her chest. She wasn’t jealous. She wasn’t mad. She had no right to be, no reason to be. Jonghoon wasn’t hers. He wasn’t her boyfriend and he wasn’t hers to control. But that didn’t stop the heart from rising in her chest when he spoke to the other girl. “I don’t give a shit who you flirt with or who you’re dating. Just don’t.. fuckin’ lead me on to believe something if you’re not even going to stick to it. I’m not some girl you can fuck around with for fun, asshole. I actually have feelings, believe it or not.”
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1x1kellys · 5 years
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 when you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications.
Just getting these asks??? Makes me happy???
The Jonas Brothers
Erasable pens + crayons
Incorrect quoting
Junk food
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grmrper-a · 5 years
trcubleseeker mayhaps??
What do I think about @trcubleseeker  ?
Ya know, when you sent this in you’ve been following me for like 2 hours. I’ll just to give you super objective-subjective thoughts.
Your writing seems very coherent and easy to read. You don’t use overtly weird and flowery writing, and overall everything looks smooth and fitting (I’ve read through like 10 of your replies, I think that’s quite representative). I just love how the concept of your blog is very uniform, and personally, I really love trouble-making characters, or really characters prone to crime. We did exchange like 3 words, and I would love to get to know you better
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soulbcnds · 6 years
tagging: @trcubleseeker plot: ‘all I remember was someone bashing me in the head from behind and now I’m in this dimly lit room and you, hey, stop hiding in the shadows and man up’
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there’s an obvious groan that filters from the previously quiet woman -- the heavy feeling of her eyelids struggling to open, combined with the intense pressure on the back of her heads lets hui yin know that someone managed to knock her out. a quick check of her wrists and her ankles confirm the fact, she feels the harshness of rope biting into her flesh and all it does is serve to irritate the black haired beauty. “fuck.” she hisses, voice sluggish as she finally manages to lift her head and peer around the basically black room. dimly lit, a single overhead light, a tied up and vulnerable girl...this was some shit out of a book. how cliche. “you know this looks like the set up of some bad gangster movie.” she calls out, eyes eventually landing on a shrouded figure. “are you going to stand there the whole time or tell me whats going on?”
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hcneyboy · 3 years
@trcubleseeker : “ your eyes always look so lost. ” / prompt ( accepting ) .
elijah wonders if the comment is meant to be as jarring as it is, or if it only hits a certain spot already bruised enough. he’s not too willing to poke at it just now. no, he doubts jonghoon has ever had any ill intentions around him, nothing of the sort ever expressed. directionless. lost. thrown around near him too often to be ignored, and he knows just why. just thought, maybe, he’d done a better job of hiding it. “ m’not lost. ” there’s little fight left in him just now, maybe why it’s so clear in his eyes. “ I know exactly what i’m doing, always. ” last bit a joking effort to dismiss whatever any of this threatens to dig up. he curls just a bit closer, fingers clutching at the hem of the other’s shirt to pull himself closer. “ can’t you tell ? ”
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grvitys · 5 years
❣ jude & teddy
5. a neck kiss.
jude was half asleep when he got home late from the studio, work was killing him, literally. his alarm clock that brightly lit up the room said 5am, great, he would have to be back the studio again soon to finish up the new album. but, he was going to take any moment of sleep he could get. when he crawled into bed he couldn’t help but smile as he felt the warmth of teddy radiating under the sheets. he looks over to see the boy mumbling something in his sleep, probably about jude getting home so late. but all jude can do is cozy himself up next to him and press a soft kiss to his neck before his head rested carefully on the boys chest. it was a hello and a goodnight all wrapped in one as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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femmebeaut · 3 years
 @trcubleseeker​  "Please, stop smiling at me like that. I’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.” jonghoon x heather
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“oh really ?? ” the smile on her lips only grows wider as she leans further into his space. “i’ll have you know, that does not make me want to stop. sorry.” heather hardly sounds sorry as soft palms cup the taller’s cheeks. “i’m sure i can handle whatever you throw at me.”
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goldhhearts · 6 years
❝ i’m a phone call away. ❞ ( a rare Soft chanchan moment )
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MAYBE  IT’S  JUST  chanyeol’s  pessimism  acting  up  (  with  a  dash  of  his  signature  coldness  )  ,  but  he  figures  chansung’s  just  saying  it  to  just  be  friendly  . ‘cause  that’s  what  friends  do ,  right  ?  they’re  there  for  you  &  all  that .  supporting  you .  helping  you  after  a  heist  goes  wrong  &  you  have  a  bloody  nose  &  a  split  lip . 
(  he  digresses .  )
IT’S  DUMB  &  CLICHE ,  but  there’s  a  warmth  to  chansung  that  penetrates  chan’s  own  ice .  it  doesn’t  seem  big  --  just  a  lighter  flicker  in  the  darkness ,   but  even  so  it’s  thawing  him  out  little  by  little .  the  steady  trickle  of  a  melting  glacier . 
❝   ---  then  let’s  hope  i  don’t  need  it .  ❞ 
HE  DOESN’T  MEAN  IT  THE  WAY  IT  SOUNDS .  he  means  i  hope  the  stakeout  tonight  goes  fine .  he  means  i  hope  i  won’t  need  help .  he  means  i  hope  i  don’t  have  to  call  you  over  something  like  that .  
❝   good  night ,  chansung .  ❞
(  but  i  would  still  love  a  reason  to  call  you .  )  
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calicoscat · 6 years
❛ the heavens burn for you and i. ❜ (jaehwa & minsuk)
poetry sentence starters / accepting !
defiant sacrilege makes one pause; head canted to ponder the statement while chastisement sits on the tip of tongue.
he sees: a boy with dark hair and a messy background. the most typical of descriptions to ascribe to a person, but dear god his eyes. as if someone had plucked the stars and gifted them to him instead; an intensity belonging that makes the golden-haired boy pause. he understands, then, what is meant by burning: it feels like he is both everything and nothing while being gazed upon. the desire to keep still to not disturb the moment, yet paradoxically pull the other closer to rid any remnants of space. desire flared to have his hands on the other, feel love thrumming beneath a simple touch –
it’s almost scalding enough to cleanse the sin he’s sure he’s committing.
vexed sigh exhales from lips, tornado of thoughts wreaking havoc in the unseen mind. of all places to find love, one of the most unexpected and forbidden places. and why? a testament to how whimsical the fates could be, a test of the boy’s resistance to temptation? mere chemicals in the brain, nothing but lady luck?
“i get that.” words uttered with longing flashing in dark pools; hardened set of a mouth to display how tense he was. how much he was holding back, evidences of restraint in each tense muscle.
if it was wrong, pray tell why did it feel so right? the path down sin was not meant to be more than the worshipper could bear, and yet, everything would be offered on a gleaming silver plate simply to keep the other by his side. how could anyone – who looked like that – ever be the wrong choice?
clenched jaw, defeated sigh.
“perhaps they are.”
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