#treasured in leather also almost made the list bc i just love that one sm
ladytauria · 7 months
20 y 25
thank you cory!!! 💞
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
hmm 🤔
lately there’s been a lot with trust & vulnerability—especially willing vulnerability.
in one of the most recent pieces i’ve written i think i’ve used “his stomach flipped” (or similar) once every 2-3 paragraphs; gonna have to go back & find other ways to describe nervousness 😂
acceptance i think is another one that shows up a lot in my fics? often as a background element
i think i’ve only posted 1-2 but in my drafts there’s a LOT of patching up injuries for some reason xD i’ve also noticed myself setting a lot of my fics in apartments? rarely safehouse apartments, either, it’s usually ones they live in. (i also jump at any opportunity to drop a “their” into these situations, lol. “their” bed “their” room “their” home. you get the point.)
i know there are more, lol. but that’s all i can think of rn!
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
hmm, honestly, i don’t really have complaints with the response to my fics? it is still wild to me a lot that people enjoy my writing, esp people who’s writing or art or meta that i love.
but, hm…
break me down, remake me (jaytim, h/c, smut) was one i spent a lot of time agonizing on! so interaction on that usually hits p hard, lol.
mouth full of white lies (dicktim, smut) is one i stepped a little out of my comfort zone for, so i like interactions on that lol xD
[ get to know your fic writer! ]
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