#treaz's writing
derekluvbot · 3 years
spencer's favorite thing about derek is how big he feels everything.
every emotion is felt fully and with his whole body. they erupt out of him like lava and wash out to wash over those around him.
that's where he gets those blinding, face splitting grins from. loud laughs that rumble through his chest and jostle spencer's whole body when he's leaned up against him. when he gets excited he picks Spencer up and swings him around, and Spencer thinks it's the closest thing humans will ever get to flying. his joy is infectious in the extreme, and Spencer decided very early on it's one of the most beautiful things he's ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
derek's anger is beautiful too, it's own way. just like everything else, you can feel it radiating off of him in droves. spencer thinks it's almost biblical. like the divine wrath of god. there's always a righteousness to it. he can see it in the way he shakes with rage as he waits in the hospital for penelope to leave the operating table. in the way his voice trembles when he confronts buford. even when that anger is turned on him, (read: whenever spencer did something reckless in the field, like taking his vest off) spencer could never be scared of derek. behind the raised voice and the harsh tone, he can see the hurt. the fear. the care. and it only serves to make spencer feel more safe, more protected, more loved.
and that's the feeling that spencer appreciates the most. because derek bleeds love. it seeps from his pores, saturating whoever has the good fortune of being the subject of his affection. he loves his family. he loves his team. he loves spencer. derek's love teaches spencer to love himself. it suffocating sometimes because it's so much, but given the choice between air and being loved by derek, spencer would gladly never breathe again a day in his life.
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derekluvbot · 3 years
it doesn't matter what i'm writing about, im always going to make jack hotchner queer. like imagine jack deciding he wants to paint his nails when he's little and of course Hotch wants to be supportive, so he starts painting his nails too. and he goes to work with them still painted and the entire team finds it adorable.
and jack telling hotch about a boy in his class who he thinks is "so cool" and jack says they're best friends, but it doesn't take a profiler to see that jack has a little crush.
when jack comes out to hotch he's in highachool. hotch had pretty much already figured it out, but it's not about him so he just let's jack talk and then he starts to cry because he was so scared to tell him and hotch just holds him and tells him that he'll always love him and it doesn't matter. and once jack has calmed down he's like "you already knew didn't you?" and hotch laughs and says "i had my suspicions, yes"
and when jack actually starts dating, hotch is very happy for him, and even happier jack feels comfortable enough to bring his dates to meet him, but he's worked at the bau for too long to actually trust any teenage boys outside of his own, so he mostly just tries not to scare them too much lol
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derekluvbot · 3 years
a/n: i'm not really sure what this is. my initial idea was spencer was not realizing that him and derek had been dating but it kinda just got away from me and became something else lol. (there's probably a bunch of of typos but i'm sick of looking at it)
masterlist l send me an ask l request: open
pairing: moreid
wordcount: 2231
warnings: there's a nod to csa (carl buford) but other than that just fluff and spencer being confused lmao
Spencer didn’t mean for it to happen. It occured so gradually, so naturally, that when he finally noticed the shift, the weight of the realization hit him like a semi truck. And honestly it was a little frustrating.
The source of said frustration was sitting there in front of him, working on his after case report, while taking sips from the shitty coffee provided in the breakroom.
Derek Morgan is a puzzle. Or rather his actions are. And Spencer couldn’t seem to put the pieces together. He looked down at his own coffee (provided to him by Derek), and pondered over the events of the last several months. The little moments that colored their relationship and consumed his current thoughts.
They’ve always been close, that’s a given. Somehow Derek found his way into Spencer’s favor, breaking through all those layers of boundaries that he had worked so hard to build up over time, in a way that most people weren’t allowed to. If pressed to answer, Spencer would admit that Derek was his best friend. But even that descriptor feels trivial. There’s something about their relationship that feels completely unique to them. There’s a gentleness to it, stemming from a mutual compassion shared between them.
Derek takes care of him. It’s usually small, and seemingly innocuous acts of kindness, that feel a lot bigger when Spencer adds them all together. Like bringing him coffee every morning because he knows Spencer will be intolerable without it. Or making sure he’s eating during cases. It’s not something Spencer ever takes for granted, but at the same time he understands that that’s just who Derek is. He cares deeply for the people around him and Spencer’s no different. Derek seems tuned into Spencer’s emotions 24/7, and despite Spencer’s (persistent) attempts to hide his emotions, he always can tell when somethings up. Spencer thinks back to the Owen Savage case. Even he can admit his behavior was unprofessional. He didn’t like how much it affected him, and he didn't like the way he saw himself reflected in Owen. His talk with Derek had left him feeling more than a little exposed. He’d never shared that story with anyone before, but like always, Derek managed to pull it out of him effortlessly. The combination of the uncomfortableness with being that vulnerable, and his talk with Hotch on the jet had drained him. It was the kind of exhaustion that settled deep in your bones, and he found himself wanting to do nothing more but go home and collapse into bed. But before he could make it out the door, he returned to his desk to find Derek there, posted up against it with his arms crossed.
“If you're here to chew me out, Hotch beat you to it”, Spencer comments dryly. Derek shakes his head.
“No chewing out here, kid”, he assures, unfolding his arms. “I just came to see if you wanted some company.”
Spencer raises his eyebrows skeptically. “Look, Morgan if this is a pity thing-”
“Reid- Spencer”, he amends, which gets the younger man’s attention. “Listen. It’s not a pity thing. I just think we haven’t been able to spend time together in a while. Maybe we could catch up?” At Spencer’s unconvinced expression he adds, “You can always say no. I just thought it might be a good idea.”
Spencer squints as he studies his expression, searching for any sign of pity or mocking on his face. After finding nothing, except for Derek staring back at him in earnest, Spencer nods. At his response Derek gets a funny little smile on his face. “Lead the way, kid.”
And that’s how it started, them spending their evenings together. At least once a week, but often more than that. Sometimes it’s grabbing a drink at a bar, or going to a restaurant. But most days they found themselves at one of their apartments. They spend hours together. They order takeout, and put a movie on and pretend to watch it, but really it just underscores their conversation. The normal teasing banter shared between them morphs into something else. Spencer listens to Derek tell stories about his mom and sisters and his childhood in Chicago, butting in to ask questions because he finds himself wanting to learn everything he can about the man sitting in front of him. Derek let’s Spencer ramble about whatever study he's working on, or a recent book he’s read without interruption. Some nights, the topic of conversation becomes more serious. Derek recounts the painful parts of his childhood, and Spencer gets to know a more vulnerable side of his friend that he’s never seen, but is for some reason offered up freely to him. On nights like those he silently listens, and pretends not to see the tears prick the corner of Derek’s eyes.
It becomes a ritual for them. A safe, comfortable routine that they fall into when they need an escape from the horrors of the job.
A welcome side effect of their late night meetings (which was what Spencer called them in his head because if he wasn’t careful he would start to call them dates and that was out of the question) , was the different nicknames. Because he was already used to the usual names that Derek had been calling him for years. He’s always ‘kid’, and of course ‘pretty boy’, and whenever Derek wanted to make him roll his eyes, there was ‘pretty Ricky.’ But now those old nicknames had transformed into pet names. In private he’s ‘sweetheart’, or ‘honey.’ His absolute favorite was those rare occasions when the name ‘baby’ falls from his lips. He ignores the way the terms of endearment make his stomach flutter.
Spencer thinks nothing of how much time they spend together, because he’s enjoying himself, and he’s scared that if he analyzes it too much he’ll hurt his own feelings.
That’s not to say that their new, almost experimental relationship doesn’t bleed over into their work life. They always seemed to drift together, one way or another. On the jet, Derek would slip into the seat beside him, their knees just barely touching. In the field Reid naturally gravitates toward him, especially on hard cases. Just when he’s getting in his head, Derek is there to ground him with a gentle nudge.
And that’s a whole nother issue. Morgan is always finding some way to touch him. He’s always been more tactile with the young doctor than his other co-workers, but as the months go on he can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. Instead of pushing away from the physical affection like he might do with someone else, Spencer leans into it every time. On the job it’s never overt or untoward. A hand placed carefully on his shoulder. A squeeze of Spencer’s knee under the table during a briefing. Or maybe just standing a little too close to be considered appropriate for coworkers. After work, it only increases. Derek will sling and arm around Spencer’s waist on the way out of the bullpen. In the comfort of their own apartments, he’ll run a hand through Spencer's hair as he passess him. Sometimes when they're sharing dinner, Derek will reach over and squeeze his hand seemingly out of nowhere, and when Spencer looks up at him he’s staring back with an expression Spencer can’t quite read.
If he thinks hard enough about it, it looks something like fondness.
The first time a comment was made by another member of their team about their closeness, they were wrapping up a kidnapping case in Dallas. And it was from Rossi of all people. One of the younger LEOs had been particularly interested in the doctor the entire case. It seemed like everytime Spencer turned around, there she was. Peering over his shoulder while he worked on a geographical profile. Offering him a new cup of coffee when he had just moments ago finished his previous one. Finding reasons to start a conversation, even if it meant asking questions she probably knew the answer to. Spencer can be pretty oblivious when it comes to other’s affections for him, but he would have to be blind not to notice her flirting. However, Spencer is nothing if not polite, and she did seem like a genuinely nice young woman, if not a little over eager. So he stands in one of the conference rooms and puts on a placating smile and patiently let's her chat away and bat her eyelashes. It’s not until she reaches a flirty hand out to touch his shoulder and offers him her number, that he gingerly backs away and politely declines.
Rossi, who had been sitting on his ass watching the interaction with a degree of good humor, waits for the young woman to retreat out of the room before speaking up.
“Reid, what happened to your little helper?”, the senior profiler asks, his concern greatly undercut by the suggestive eyebrow raise. From somewhere behind him, JJ snorts. Spencer doesn’t even dignify his jab with a response, simply turning around to shoot him a withering glance, which is only met with a chuckle. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he begins busying himself with some files on the table.
“You need to be careful though”, he warns. At Spencer's questioning gaze he answers, “I think Morgan was this close to forcibly separating you two.” It’s a joke, but he’s looking at Spencer like he knows something Spencer doesn’t.
Rossi still has that annoyingly perceptive look on his face, and against his better judgement Spencer rises to the bait. “I don't know what you're talking about Rossi”, he deadpans.
Seeing that despite his attitude, the younger agent was being genuine, he raises his hands in defeat. “Hey, if you don’t know now, I won’t be the one to tell you. You’ll find out soon enough”, he assures with a wink.
“Rossi, leave him alone”, JJ finally speaks up, ever the mother.
Spencer feels eerily like he’s missing out on some big joke, and he’s the punchline. Before he can question any further, as if he’d been summoned, in walks Derek Morgan with Prentiss following close behind. He had managed to disappear just as the LEO showed up, finding something else to do other than saving Spencer from flirty police officers.
“If you guys are done here, Hotch says we can head back to the hotel before dinner”, he says, sweeping the room quickly with his eyes. His gaze lands on Spencer, and he sees something that makes his brow furrow. “You good, pretty boy?”
“Uh yeah, yes”, he stutters, clearing his throat. “I’m fine, let’s go.” He throws Derek one of his little half smiles, and lets Derek lead him out the room.
As he follows behind him, Spencer has never felt more observed by his team, and it’s not a comfortable feeling.
Ever since that moment, Spencer is very aware of every little detail. His thoughts have been consumed with cataloging every single interaction the two men share. He analyzes their conversations (in public and in private.) Because the thing is, they never talk about it. There’s some sort of unspoken understanding that he doesn’t really understand. He feels like he’s missing some vital piece of information, and if he could just figure it out it would all make sense. Because he knows what he wants to be true. What he knows deep down, that he longs for, even though he barely allows himself to think it. Because when he thinks about it, he starts to get his hopes up. And that’s when he gets hurt. And Spencer has been hurt too many times already.
Spencer is so distracted by this mental rabbit hole he’s sent himself down that he doesn’t even notice the man causing all of this brain turmoil calling his name.
“Hello? Earth to Dr. Reid?”, Derek says, waving his hand in front of his face to get his attention. Spencer comes back to himself, shaking his head to clear his mind before answering.
“Sorry, I uh, got lost in my thoughts for a second there.”
“Well that’s a first”, Derek teases. A tease is exactly what it is, but Spencer can see Derek’s genuine concern carefully concealed underneath a playful smirk. When Spencer doesn’t immediately respond back, the facade falls. The smirk is replaced with a curious frown and Spencer finds himself wanting to reach out and smooth the wrinkle between the other man’s brow. Derek’s worry is etched all over his face, and it’s sort of endearing, Spencer thinks.
And just like that, it clicks. The pieces he had spent months trying to tie together suddenly snap into place, and it all makes sense. Or maybe they were there all along, and Spencer finally allowed himself to see them. Either way, the revelation puts a little grin on Spencer’s face, which only causes Derek’s frown to deepen. “Ok seriously Spencer, is something going on?”
The younger agent shakes his head and stands up, throwing his bag over his shoulder.
“No, nothing's going on Derek”, he promises, with the same little secret smile. At Derek’s questioning expression, Spencer reaches his hand out.
“Take me home?”
Derek shakes his head and lets out a chuckle. He stands up from his seat and takes the extended hand. “Yeah pretty boy, I’ll take you home.”
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derekluvbot · 3 years
ooo how about 11 morceid?
a/n: not gonna lie, it took me a minute to figure out the direction I wanted to go with this. As much as I love morceid, I don't think I'm very good at writing poly relationships. i hope i did it justice.
prompt: “Are you-are you flirting with me?”
wordcount: 1011
warnings/notes: light angst. sensory overload. misunderstanding. crying. spencer being neurodivergent because i said so. pre-relationship. flirting.
Spencer was not having a good day. He’d fallen asleep reading, which meant he forgot to do laundry. When he woke up, the only clean shirt he could find in his entire apartment was the one he hated wearing. He honestly didn’t know why he still had it. The fabric was weird and uncomfortable against his skin, so he knew he’d be picking at it all day. When he arrived at the BAU (late, mind you) he found that Anderson had broken the coffee machine in the breakroom. Meaning he was forced to ration the single cup of coffee he had brought from home all day. This made him irritable and short tempered with everyone. To add to his discomfort, the amount of case files was higher than normal, and while he could normally fly through them with no issue, his brain felt sluggish and he couldn’t seem to focus.
So no, he wasn’t having a good time. He felt exhausted from the lack of coffee, he was frustrated that he couldn’t do his work, and that damn shirt was grating on his last nerves. Everything felt too loud, too warm, too bright. Too much. And to make it worse, one of the few people who usually knew how to make it all better was nowhere to be seen. Derek had not been by his desk once today, except to collect some files and immediately dart off somewhere.
Resigning himself to the fact he was not going to get any work done at that moment, he got up from his desk and sought out comfort elsewhere.
The door to Garcia’s office was closed as he approached it, and he felt himself physically relax as it came into view. The technical analysis’ headquarters had become sort of a safe haven for Spencer over the years. It was always darker than the rest of the building, and just the right temperature. Even the gentle hum of the monitors brought a sense of serenity to him. Of course the tech wizard (who he happened to be very fond of) that supplied him readily with stem toys and homemade snacks didn’t hurt either.
Happy to finally be getting some peace, he knocked quickly on the door and pushed it open without waiting for an answer.
“Hey, Penelope can I sit in he-”
He stops short when he sees that Derek was already in the room with Penelope, swinging back and forth in a rolly chair. By the looks of things he had interrupted their conversation.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here”, he says, his cheeks feeling warm with embarrassment. “I’ll come back later.”
Before he can get the door all the way closed, Penelope interrupts him. “Wait Spencer, you don’t have to leave”, she laughs lightly.
“Yeah pretty boy, did you need something?”
Spencer looks between them for a second. He usually only goes to Penelope when he’s feeling overwhelmed like he is now. He’s more than a little apprehensive to be that vulnerable with both of them here, staring at him. But this is Derek, he tells himself. Derek cares about him, and would only want to make him feel better. “Yeah I just.. I’m feeling a little--”
The words get stuck in his throat, and against his will, tears start to prick at the corner of his eyes.
Derek is up in an instant, ushering into the seat he was previously sitting in. Penelope is there soon after, massaging soft circles into his hand.
“Come on now, tell me what’s wrong?”, Derek asks. The deep timbre of his voice is soothing and Spencer wipes his eyes, determined to get himself together.
“Nothing”, he assures them. “It's nothing really. I’m being emotional.”
“None of that, sugar plum”, corrects Penelope. “Something is going on, and I need you to tell me what’s wrong.”
“We gotta know what’s wrong so we can fix it, baby”, Derek adds. Spencer is so overcome with emotions he almost misses the pet name slip from Derek’s lips. Almost.
Taking a deep breath, he explains. “Nothing for you to fix. I just had a really shitty morning. There’s no coffee, and I can’t focus on my work, and this shirt is uncomfortable.” On cue, he starts picking at the seam of his sleeve.
“Well, I can’t do anything about the coffee right now. Unless you want me to go yell at Anderson”, Derek says. While the offer is tempting, Spencer shakes his head anyway. "But if your shirt is giving you trouble, I still have that sweater you accidentally put in my go bag from the last case."
"And if you want to do your work in here, you know you're always welcome", Garcia says.
Once again, Spencer isn't quite able to get the right words out. He doesn't really understand how they manage to have the answer to everything, so effortlessly.
"Um, yes. I'd like that", he finally siffles, when he's found his voice. "Thank you guys."
"Of course, sweetheart", Derek soothes.
This time the endearment doesn’t slip past Spencer. Something about it strikes a nerve and he frowns.
“Are you-are you flirting with me?”, Spencer demands, volume rising, “Because I know you know how hard it is for me to open up to people, and for you to tease me at a time like this-”
“Wait Spencer, slow down.” Derek stops his rant with a gentle hand on his wrist. “I wasn’t teasing you, and I’m so sorry if it felt that way.”
At Spencer’s expression of entire disbelief, he continues. “You mean…”, he starts, and he looks like he’s struggling for the words. “You’re… very important to me and I just want you to know that.”
“You’re important to both of us”, interjects Penelope. “And we’ll never get sick of being there for you. And you can always come to either of us. For anything.”
Derek nods. “Anything at all.”
Spencer isn’t exactly sure what’s happening, but he does know that his two favorite people are there for him. And right now, that's enough.
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derekluvbot · 3 years
valentine's day is almost over and i forgot that i wanted to post something for today, so here are some very haphazardly thrown together moreid valentine's day thoughts while i work on pieces part 2:
i don't think spencer has ever really celebrated valentine's day with anyone. growing up he was rarely around his peers, and so he didn't get the experience of dating in highschool and middle school. so other than like getting his mom flowers, he doesn't have many memories tied to that day
derek has had many valentine's days. whether it was with high school girlfriends, or causal dates in college, or even the occasional fling in adulthood, derek has spent many nights out on february 14th.
none of those dates make him feel anymore prepared for his first valentines with spence.
he's super nervous about it because he really likes spencer, and he want sit to be special. but he's sort of scared of making too big a deal out of it, because it is only their first one. he's been bugging penelope about ideas two months in advance, which she finds very sweet, and very tiring.
he eventually settles on a very simple (but intimate) picnic date. there's take out spread out on one of derek's old blankets and he had penelope help him pick out cute little lights to decorate the area. (i know it's probably freezing at night in the middle of february in virginia, shhh let me have this.) it's not a huge affair but it's personal and it's a lot more than spencer expected.
they exchange gifts and spencer gets him a new really nice leather jacket because derek's is old and worn out spencer probably wears it more than he does.
also throw slow dancing in there somewhere because the thought of them dancing alone together under the stars in very cute but i don't have the mental capacity to flesh that out right now
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derekluvbot · 3 years
a/n: okay ! this was requested a while ago by a few people and i am just now getting around to it. i love pieces so much so much so this is very fun to write, and very excited to share it with y'all. the first part is linked so please go check it out if you haven't <3
masterlist l send me an ask l request: open
wordcount: 2561
warnings/ notes: very light cussing, but other than that, no warnings. you don't technically don't have to read part one to follow along, but certain things are referenced from part one
Part one
Derek is dragged out of his slumber slowly, reluctantly becoming more cognizant of his surroundings. He blinks against the beams of light sneaking through the blinds of his bedroom window. He feels all too content to drift back to sleep and succumb to the warmth of his comforter. Further encouragement to stay in bed was the body pressed up against him, gently snoring and subconsciously pressing back into Derek’s own body heat. He obliges the sleeping figure and pulls him closer, inhaling the fresh scent of his lover's unkempt hair.
Even sluggish and half asleep, Derek would readily admit that falling in love with Spencer Reid was his favorite pastime. Afterall, he had been doing it for the better part of four years, and he was in no rush to stop now. Of course, in those early days it was just a crush. It was harmless. Which is exactly what he told himself everytime he looked over at Spencer and he felt those tell-tale butterflies in his stomach. “It’s harmless” is the excuse he used every time he reached across their desks to ruffle Spencer’s hair, or throw a teasing remark his way. It’s the little white lie he replays in his mind wherever nicknames slip from his lips, just to see that rosy coloring dust the younger man’s cheeks. Derek would swear there was nothing prettier than Spencer when Derek’s attention was focused solely on him.
And that’s how it carried on for years. Innocent flirting that he would deny ever happened, because to admit it would mean to admit that he felt something else for the young man other than platonic compassion, which was wholly out of the question.
He only allowed it to become real to him in the fallout of the Buford case. Derek had never been one to share his private affairs with others, and now all of a sudden, and completely out of his control, his deepest secrets were being laid out on display for everyone to see. The thought of being judged, or worse, pitied, haunted him throughout the entire endeavor. Those memories of his most traumatic years, dug up again, layed heavy on his conscience.
He wrapped his arms tighter around Spencer and thought back to a moment after the memorial service. The case had been wrapped up and the rest of the team was already on the jet back to Quantico. Derek opted to stay back, with the excuse of needing to “clear his head.” A more truthful answer would have been that he wasn’t eager to be back on a plane with a bunch of profilers just yet. Nevertheless, two hours after his coworkers departure, Derek found himself answering the door to a very nervous Spencer with a go bag at his feet. He looked a bit like an abandoned puppy and if Derek had any humor left in his body he would’ve told him so.
“Reid, what are you doing here man?”, Derek sighed. He didn’t have the energy to keep the exacerbation out of his tone. “The team left a while ago.”
Wringing his hands excessively, Spencer answers tentatively. “Uh, I stayed?” It sounded more like a question to Derek’s ears and he raised his eyebrow in expectation. “I went to the tarmac with everyone else and I was ready to go but when I tried to get on the plane something stopped me. I felt like I needed to come back to talk to you but now I’m realizing I probably shouldn't have come as I’m sure I’m the last person you would like to see right now. And also I sort showed up with no plan or place to stay-”
“Spencer, stop.” Spencer’s mouth shuts comically fast. Despite his bone tired exhaustion, the man in front of him was rambling and Derek couldn’t help but extend an olive branch. “Come inside, you can stay in Desi’s old room.”
The words make Reid’s eyes widen with panic as he quickly tries to back peddle. “Oh no, I really don’t want to impose, especially in your mother’s home, I’m sure I can find a local hotel to stay in for the night.” Derek shakes his head and pulls the duffle bag from Spencer’s hand.
“Mama would kill me if she knew I was letting you pay for a hotel when we’ve got open rooms right here. Now come on.” Not really seeing any room to argue, Spencer shuffles in through the doorway and follows him through the house until they reach Desiree’s room. After getting settled in, Spencer takes a seat on the bed, still wringing his hands on his lap. It’s not really awkward per say, but there is an uncomfortable tension to the atmosphere that’s not usually present with them. Spencer looks like he has a thousand more thoughts than usual racing through his head, and Derek feels like it’s his responsibility to break the silence.
“Mom turned in for the night, I think everything kind of wore her out”, he starts. “But in the morning you should make sure to say hi. She’ll be glad to know you’re here.” Spencer doesn’t respond, instead giving a stilted nod and a tight smile. Derek exhales in frustration at his silence. “Okay Reid, for real. What’s going on? You obviously have something on your mind, so come on with it.”
Spencer doesn’t immediately respond, but Derek can see him arranging his thoughts behind his thick frames, mouth gaping open and closed in concentration. “You know when you were still being held for questioning, Gideon sent Emily and I to talk to your family”, he finally says. Derek has absolutely know idea where he’s going with this but he doesn’t interrupt. He’s known Spencer long enough to know that there’s a point to it. “Emily did a really good job at reassuring them, I think. I’m not sure I helped much. I think I might have made it worse, actually”, he chuckles, self depreciation lacing his tone. “I did the thing where I get nervous and latch onto an unhelpful fact that turns into a ramble, only exacerbating the issue-”, he stops short, realizing the irony of his statements. “Um, anyways. When I finished embarrassing myself and offending your family, Desiree mentioned she recognized who I was, because you talk about me.”
Spencer shuts his mouth, and Derek can sense that he was finished. It wasn’t exactly what Derek had expected, but he knew whatever point Spencer was getting at had been made. “Well, I wouldn’t believe a thing Desiree says, it’s all lies”, he cautioned, a tiny portion of that signature Derek Morgan humor sneaking back into his tone. “But yeah, you might have come up in conversation once or twice.”
Spencer gives him a real smile this time, and the tension that coated the air lifted slightly. He takes what seems to be a fortifying breath and looks Derek in the eye for the first time that evening. “Morgan, I don’t expect you to want to talk about it. Especially not now. And I know how most of the team looks at me, they think I’m not good with this kind of thing. Emotional affairs, I mean. What I’m trying to say is… if you ever want to talk or anything, I’m always available.”
The amount of vulnerability he felt in that moment sort of made Derek want the Earth to open up and swallow him whole, but he recognizes Spencer’s effort, and it’s appreciated. He isn’t sure he has the words at the moment to voice that though, so he just meets Spencer’s gaze, nods, and moves on. “I’ll let you get settled in. We can talk about a flight back in the morning. ‘Night, Reid.”
Spencer mumbles a quiet “goodnight”, and Derek retires to his room, wondering not for the first time what it would be like to not have to leave Spencer to sleep alone.
After that night, there was something different about them. Whatever it was was heavy, and lying right below the surface. Simmering and waiting for the right moment to boil over, and Derek would swear he was imagining if it didn’t feel almost tangible. He could no longer ignore the ache in his chest whenever he entertained the possibility of there being more to their relationship. He did try of course. Many of his nights were spent on meaningless one night stands with women (and men) that he would never call back. Some of them he even enjoyed spending time with. Might have even pursued a relationship with unders different circumstances. But it was never enough. They weren’t him. He’d had countless conversations with Penelope about his troubles, most of which ended with him being told to “Get his shit together.” Which was much easier said than done, considering he wasn’t even sure if his affections were reciprocated. For someone who wore his emotions on his face, Spencer wasn’t exactly the easiest to read all the time. Not that Derek is in any position to judge, of course.
Then there was the Savage case. Derek would like to say that watching Spencer walk into life threatening situations was a one off occurrence, but that would make him a liar. As he watched Spencer try to reason with Owen, he’s hit with flashbacks. Spencer, beaten and tied to a chair in Georgia. Spencer, taking his vest off to face a paranoid psyche patient wielding a gun on a train, in Texas. And now he’s in Texas again, watching Spencer approach another emotionally unstable unsub with a gun. Again, without a vest. The parallels were not lost on Derek and he didn’t allow himself to breathe until Spencer was safe and out of harm’s way.
As frustrated as he was, he couldn’t bring himself to tear into Spencer about his recklessness. Besides, Hotch had beat him to it, and had done a pretty good job at it too. Derek didn't think he needed any more scolding. What he really wanted to do was pull Spencer into his chest and never let him go, but that would probably be considered inappropriate. So instead he offers to take him home. A simple gesture that won’t set off too many bells.
It’s harmless.
And no matter how many times Derek tells himself that lie, it doesn’t change the fact that every night they spend together after that, he falls completely, and irreversibly even more in love with Spencer Reid.
Because they can’t stop after just one evening. One becomes two. Two becomes four. And before long they are spending more time with each other than they are alone. He’s traded his late night at bars and clubs, for movie nights with Spencer. Only in his mind does he dare call them dates, but that’s what it feels like. Especially when he starts calling Spencer baby, and sweetheart, and instead of balking at the obvious display of affection, Spencer just stares back in that teasing coyness that makes Derek want to lean in to see if his lips taste as good as they look.
They go far too long without talking about what any of it means. Spencer might be able to claim cluelessness but Derek is very aware of what’s going on. Nonetheless, he can’t bring himself to sit and have a conversation with Spencer about their… situation. And it's not because he really gives a damn what other people might think. He’s sure half of them knew about his feelings before he fully understood them, anyway. No, his real concern is what will happen when he voices those feelings. What happens when all that's left unsaid comes to light? Does this little slice of peace that they’ve found together disappear?
In a surprising turn of events, it’s Spencer who makes the first move. Everytime he thinks about it, the memory makes Derek smile.
Spencer looked painfully anxious sitting across from him on Derek’s sofa. He’s adorable, Derek thinks. Brows pinched in consternation and Derek wants to lean over and kiss that frown away. Without thinking he reaches over to take Spencer’s hands in his own. To his satisfaction, he can feel the tension melt away.
“Derek, I am very fond of your company”, he states rather matter-of-factly. Derek quirks an eyebrow but schools his amusement for now. He might have a slight inclination to where this conversation is heading, but he doesn’t let on just yet. Instead he nods his head slowly before responding.
“I like spending time with you too, pretty boy”, he replies simply.
“Did you know that approximately thirty-seven percent of workers report that they have dated a coworker?”
The dramatic shift in conversation topic is a bit unexpected but having known Spencer for years, not at all surprising to Derek. “No, Spencer. I didn’t know that.”
The younger man nods eagerly. “Eight percent of workers claim to be working with someone they would like to date, and sixty-seven percent say that they are not hiding their relationships, as rules against fraternization have become more lax in recent years.”
“That’s interesting. Is there a reason for this information, or did you just feel like sharing with the class?” An easy grin rests on his lips and Spencer finally cues into his teasing tone.
“Derek, you are making this very difficult for me”, he huffs. It’s almost a whine, and Derek can’t help but laugh, his face splitting into a shit eating grin.
“Making what harder? I need you to be more specific, baby.”
A noise of exasperation leaves Spencer’s throat, and without warning, he leans into Derek’s space and tentatively connects their lips. It doesn’t take long for Derek to respond in kind, his lips moving against Spencer’s slowly, testing the waters. When they separate, they’re both slightly out of breath, and Spencer’s eyes are as wide as saucers.
After taking a moment to collect himself (and slow his heartbeat) Derek breaks the silence. “Well, why didn’t you just say that earlier?”
Deciding not to deign that with a response, Spencer pulls him back in by the shirt for another one. And of course, Derek follows.
Derek’s wandering mind is brought back to the present when he feels Spencer move against him, a tired yawn erupting from his throat. Spencer’s legs extend out beneath him, joints cracking as he slowly comes around. Derek cranes his neck down slightly to place feather light kisses across his shoulders.
“Morning, sweetness”, Derek whispers in his ear. Spencer’s shivers as his hot breath fans across the nape of his neck, before turning around to face Derek. He blinks at him sleepilly, sort of squinting, not having yet donned his glasses.
“Hi Derek”, he smiles, not fully awake. He yawns again, cutting himself off, before deciding that the warmth of Derek’s chest is more inviting than forming coherent thoughts.
“You want coffee?”, Derek asks, his hands gently tracing up and down his spine.
He feels Spencer shake his head more than he sees it. Spencer mumbles something that sounds like “going back to sleep”, already succumbing to the welcoming embrace of slumber. Derek chuckles quietly, but decides to follow suit. Afterall, spending more time with a sleepy, snuggly Spencer is never an opportunity he plans to pass up. As he closes his eyes and rests his head against Spencer’s, he’s sure there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
send in a request <3
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derekluvbot · 3 years
this is fully sparked from a convo i had with @cerebipalsy about this post but now that's it's in my head i can't stop thinking about it so here's my hcs on an au where spencer and derek go to a performing arts college
ok so they're both in the dance department
and they always get paired together because they have such good chemistry, on and off the the stage
when they were first paired together as dance partners, derek was more than a little excited because he'd been ogling spencer in his tights admiring spencer's dance technique basically all year, and would take any opportunity to get to know him better
spencer on the other hand is terrified. derek is far too handsome and far too charming and he knows for sure that he's going to say something stupid around him because every time derek smiles at him, his brain goes blank
but they just work so good together
spencer is light and flowing and he moves like a strong breeze could blow him away in a instant, but your eyes are drawn to him nonetheless
and derek is solid, sturdy. he has a grounding presence to him that brings a sense of security. but at the same time, you're very aware of the power and strength he has, and it's amazing to see his control of it.
like the way they move around each other, creating shapes with their bodies, compliments each other in a way that they've never experienced with other partners
also i can't get the mental image out of my head of derek lifting spencer during routines. like he picks spencer up like he weighs nothing and he's carrying him over his head and doing spins and like just imagine his arms ahhhhhh
they both literally and figuratively dance around each other for months before they get their shit together
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derekluvbot · 3 years
thought of the day: gotch/moreid universe with secret relationship trope because that's my shit. both couples thinking they're really good at hiding they're relationship but honestly they're horrible. the rest of the team is just watching them be super obvious and placing bets on which couple will slip up first.
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derekluvbot · 3 years
ok so i know that the whole "straight except for you" trope is a really common in moreid fics, especially when it comes to derek. while i definitely eat that up every time, i raise you this: derek knowing he's bisexual pretty much all his life. putting the rest under the cut cuz this got away from me and i really didn't mean to write this much
like imagine young derek having crushes on boys and girls in his neighborhood and maybe not fully understanding his feelings (because it's definitely NOT something that people talked about) but still being relatively ok with it.
and then buford happens.
and all those feelings get repressed immediately. because jesus christ, how can he even entertain the thought after what he went through? he's not homophobic, he swears it. but that doesn't mean he can control the thoughts of self loathing when he gets that familiar tingling in his stomach whenever he gets a crush on a boy. dirty, disgusting. it doesn't matter how much he wants to kiss his face, or hold his hand because he just can't.
now i see this going one of two ways. the first is that he learns to deal with it before joining the bau. maybe he goes to college, meets some really good friends, starts seeing a therapist. really works through his trauma and with some time, learns accepts himself. and by the time he meets spencer he's (mostly) well adjusted and secure in his sexuality. the second option (and most likely, i think) is that derek continues to repress his queerness into adulthood. he doesn't think about it, talk about, and certainly not act on it for years. and then spencer joins the bau and just completely unearths all that hard work. years of convincing everyone, including himself sometimes, that he's completely straight, is put in jeopardy by a skinny, twenty something year-old know-it-all. and it doesn't help that derek can't stop flirting with the kid. he doesn't mean to, not really. it's just so easy to get a rise out of spencer. plus, even though he won't ever admit it, he likes to see him blush.
ok skipping to after they get together because i can talk about pre-relationship stuff forever, but i think spencer definitely helps derek work through that shit. all the internalized homophobia and just in general teaching him to love himself. because despite the confident attitude that he shows to the world, a lot of times derek is still that scared little kid who needed someone to be there for him. and spencer really is the perfect person for that.
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derekluvbot · 3 years
Good Company
a/n: ok so hi ! this is my first time posting a full-fic on tumblr. it's on the shorter side, but i put a lot of work into it and i'm very terrified excited to share this with ya'll. this is based off of the pictures from this post. the idea has been bouncing around in my head for a while, and i had alot of fun writing this. i hope y'all enjoy! (this is unbeta-ed, so mistakes are very likely and all my own)
masterlist l send me an ask l request: open
pairing: moreid and gotch
wordcount: 1550
warnings: none ! just fluff and gays being gay.
Spencer isn’t sure why he’s here right now. The air is too warm, there are far too many people and he is awake much earlier than he thinks is reasonable for a Saturday morning. If he’s being honest, Spencer doesn't really remember agreeing to coming along. However, Derek Morgan can be a very persuasive man when he wants to be, and somewhere in between sweet, gentle kisses, and some not-so innocent touches, Derek might have mentioned something about a marathon. And when Derek is holding him like that, and treating him like he’s the most important thing in the world? Well Spencer would agree to just about anything.
So here he is, standing at the finish line of the Annual FBI 5K Cycling Marathon, at 9 am on a perfectly good Saturday when he’d much rather be sleeping in. His only reprieve from the sensory overload he was experiencing was the large cup of coffee he had clutched in both hands. A pair of sunglasses that were too large for him and a head of unruly bed-head, thanks to Derek dragging him out of bed at 7:30, framed the ever deepening frown on his face.
“You know Spencer, if you keep pouting like that your face is gonna get stuck.”
Unlike Spencer, Penelope seemed to be doing just fine. In fact she seemed to be reveling in the early morning atmosphere. She also had on a pair of large sunglasses, though hers were heavily bejeweled, but something about the cap she was wearing that was decorated with stars and the teasing smirk on her lips made them not look out of place. She was much more awake than Spencer was, and he would almost be impressed at her enthusiasm if he wasn’t in such a sulky mood himself.
“I’m not pouting”, he mumbles, brows still pinched together, and takes another sip of the warm beverage in his hands. “I’m just not excited about being dragged out of my bed to watch my co-workers perspire all over themselves while riding bikes.”
“Sweetie, I consider myself an expert on the subject, you sir, are pouting. And you look adorable doing it”, she teased. “But I have just the thing to fix that Debbie-downer attitude and stop your whining.”
Ignoring Spencer’s objections that he was in fact, not whining, Penelope reaches down to the two rolled up posters sitting at her feet and unfurls the first one, proudly displaying it to Spencer with a face-splitting grin. Spencer, who had noticed her arrive with the posters in hand but had been too busy moping to inquire about them, couldn’t help but smile a little at the sight in front of him. The poster was covered in heart stickers and glitter, and in the middle“GO FAST HOTCH ROCKET” was written in sharpie.
“Penelope, I can honestly say I think Hotch will love it”, he says warmly. He doesn’t add that it probably will have less to do with the content and more with the person who created it.
“He better”, she quips. “And”, she adds, “Derek is gonna love his too.”
“Excuse me?”, Spencer says, his eyebrows shooting up.
“Well I figured you wouldn’t have made your own, and our boys need all the encouragement they can get so I went ahead and made you one to hold up for Derek.” As she explains, she unrolls the other poster, and if it’s possible, his eyebrows raise even further.
Derek’s poster is decorated much similar to Hotch’s, covered in a mess of glitter and lightning bolt stickers. However on this poster, written in Penelope’s unmistakable handwriting was “HURRY TO THE FINISH LINE, CHOCOLATE THUNDER.”
“Penelope this is… you really didn’t have to make me one. Actually, I think I’ll be fine just cheering really loudly”, he tries to assure her, eyeing the creation being presented to him warily.
“Uh uh, you’re not getting out of this Spencer Reid '', she insists. “I worked very hard to provide you with these expertly decorated posters and it would be a shame to let them go to waste. Derek and Aaron have been training for this for months, and I know they’ll love them ” Spencer looked unconvinced at best. “Please?”, she added for good measure.
Spencer sighs, and takes the poster from her gingerly, as to avoid being covered in glitter. “You’re lucky I happen to be very fond of you Penelope.”
“The feeling is mutual and then some, my love”, she giggles. Her laugh is infectious, and despite himself, Spencer finds that he’s laughing along with her.
As their shared laughter subsides, a group of cyclists start to pass them as they reach the finish line and something catches Penelope’s eye. “Oh Spence, I think I see them!”
Leading another wave of tired figures on bikes was Aaron and Derek on their way to the finish line. As they get closer, Penelope starts cheering louder than is probably necessary, and to his own surprise Spencer finds himself yelling right along with her, waving his sign with pride. Derek and Spencer take turns passing and falling behind each other, before soaring past their two biggest fans, reaching the balloon-arch signifying the end of the race, and finishing together. Spencer and Penelope rushed over to their partners, who had propped up their bikes on kickstands and were now taking full advantage of the complimentary water cups.
Penelope runs right up to Aaron, sweat be damned, and wraps him in a very welcome bear hug. Spencer makes his way to Derek but as he gets a good look at him for the first time he stops short. His mouth goes a little dry and he feels himself swallow. Derek had taken off the track jacket he had left the apartment in this morning, revealing a skin tight shirt that clung to his muscles in a way that Spencer thought should be illegal. His cycling tights left very little to his imagination, and Spencer found himself having to take a few steadying breaths before making his way over to his boyfriend. Derek catches his eye and sends a wink his way.
Maybe an early start this morning was worth it.
“Hey pretty boy”, Derek calls, waving him over with his signature smile. “You didn’t get too bored waiting on us to finish, did you?”
“No, I was fortunate enough to be in good company", he smiles at Penelope, which earns him a playful wink and nudge. When he reaches Derek, he’s immediately pulled by his waist till his entire front is flush against Derek’s.
“Derek, you’re um...perspiring quite a lot”, Spencer laughs, scrunching his nose.
“Oh really, I hadn’t noticed”, Derek teases, still holding a firm grip on his hips.
“Come on now, I just biked a very long distance and reached a new personal record. I think I deserve a reward for that”, Derek which prompts a very dramatic eye roll from Spencer.
“Oh do you?”, inquires Spencer, entirely unimpressed, but even still his hands are finding purchase on Derek’s shoulders, and he’s leaning in to close the gap between them. He finally captures Derek’s lips in a chaste, yet deep kiss. When they part, Spencer reaches up to cup Derek’s face with one hand.
“In all seriousness, you did very well, and I’m very proud of you”, he stated. His surprisingly sincere words wash over Derek, and in combination with the earnest way Spencer’s looking at him, he becomes uncharacteristically bashful.
“Well, I wouldn’t have done half as good if it wasn’t for Hotch” he admits, nodding over to where Penelope is dotting Hotch’s face with kisses and enthusiastically showing him her poster. “The man is a machine, I swear.”
“Well I don’t know about a machine”, chuckles Hotch, pulling Penelope under his arm. “If anything, I was struggling to keep up with you.”
“Yeah, whatever man”, Derek grins. It’s then Derek notices the poster still in Spencer’s hand. “Babe, what’s this?”, he says, taking it from Spencer’s hands.
“Wait Derek-”Spencer begins, trying to snatch it back.
“Uh uh, not so fast. Chocolate thunder?”, he teases, finally taking a good luck at it for the first time. “You gonna start calling me that?”, he asks with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Try again, Penelope made it”, Spencer corrects with an eye roll.
“It’s cute”, Derek laughs. “You should tell her thanks.”
As if on cue, Penelope perks up, like she just thought of something. “Oh we have to get a picture!”, she squealed. Before anyone else can get a word in she’s shoving her phone into the hands of some unexpecting stranger and corralling the group into position.
“Everyone say ‘Hotch-rocket’ ”, she exclaims in a singsong voice. With a burst of laughter and an eye roll from Hotch, the group of four hold onto each other as they smile for the picture.
Pictures are concluded, and goodbyes are made, and Aaron and Penelope are on their way.
Derek turns to Spencer and pulls him back to him by his belt loops , until their faces are almost touching. This time Derek is the one who leans in and when their lips meet it feels like home.
And despite all his pouting, Spencer is genuinely glad he allowed himself to be dragged out of bed this morning.
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derekluvbot · 3 years
ok so y'all know that scene where rossi walks in on garcia and kevin in the shower? imagine that, but with gotch. and instead of rossi... it's derek. this is way longer than i intended it to be oops
like derek coming over to penelope's apartment one day for their weekly brunch and gossip session (because i don't care what you say, derek morgan loves being nosy even if he won't admit it.) and he's a little annoyed but even more concerned that she hadn't returend any of texts or calls that morning. so he's a little on edge to begin with but then he knocks on the door and he's greeted with a very flustered penelope in a bathrobe who totally forgot he was coming over.
and immediately she's apologizing and trying to get him to reschedule and ushering him out the door and of course derek quickly catches on.
"babygirl is someone here?"
and just as he says thay hotch comes out from the back of the apartment (completely naked and still a little damp) saying something along the lines of "hey pen i know we just got out the shower and i'd hate to re-dirty us but if you're up for another round-"
and then he see's derek and they're both kinda frozen for a second, staring at each other. that is before penelope suggest that hotch go put on some clothes , who immediately blushes and then hurries back to the bedroom.
after everyone is fully dressed and slightly less mortified, all three of them and have long conversation where derek makes some well intentioned threats and hotch promises that he's taking good care of her and penelope only scolds derek a little for his overprotectiveness. (they both know she doesn't need his permission, but his concern makes her feel taken care of, even if she won't say out loud)
and both hotch and derek know there will be a second (and maybe third) conversation without penelope present but for now he's content enough to be sent on his way with the promise of an actual brunch date with penelope next week.
little bonus thing fully inspired by dharma and greg because in my head that is the gotch dynamic, but i imagine hotch turning all blushy and red with embarrassment and grabbing one of penelope's ridiculously ornamental pillows to cover himself
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derekluvbot · 3 years
goodmorning, here's domestic hotchgan headcanons:
i'm in love the idea of aaron and derek growing older together so for context their both in their 50s and Jack is a teenager
aaron is retired from service, or maybe just in a higher position like section chief that allows him to have more free time to do family stuff with jack and derek
like you can't tell me that now that he has the time he isn't at everyone of jack's soccer games. him and derek sit in the stands and cheer way too loudly and piss off all of the other parents
hotch has a little, ugly, rat of a dog that jack begged him to get. he swears he hated it at first but now they're like, bestfriends. the dog follows him around all the time, and if aaron is sitting down reading a book, or just doing old man things, you can bet the dog isn't far from him. derek doesn't mind the dog but he does hate the way that it has aaron wrapped around it's finger
derek and aaron play up the "whole retired from the fbi" thing to intimidate all the boys that jack bring home. and it's partly because no matter how old he gets, jack is their baby and no one will be good enough for him. but it's mostly because it annoys jack and they think it's funny to see his dates sweat
jack does not think it's funny
because aaron is grumpy as hell in the morning and his bones ache when he gets up, derek and jack team up in teasing him for being an old man (even though derek is only a few years younger than him and his back hurts just as much as aaron's most days)
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derekluvbot · 3 years
ok not to be a hotchreid but it's aaron's birthday and i can't stop thinking about spencer spoiling him. so in honor of of this national holiday. i give you my thoughts on the subject
aaron is very adamant about the fact that he does not want his birthday to be a big deal, and he absolutely does not want presents.
spencer more or less disregards this request.
in part because, damn what aaron says, he wants to show him how to appreciated and loved he is. and partly because i think they have a very specific way of communicating their feelings to each other and it's not necessarily through words. spencer knows how to spoil him in a way that will make him feel loved and not to put in the spotlight.
the day starts off with spencer somehow waking up even earlier than hotch usually does, and after making sure aaron's alarm is off, sneaking into jack's room to wake him up so they can can both surprise aaron with breakfast. but because the man is allergic to sleeping in (and he smelled food) aaron shuffles his way into the kitchen to find jack "helping" spencer make pancakes, which is actually jack just sitting on the counter and sneaking raw batter when he thought spencer wasn't watching.
after a lively breakfast, that definitely caters to hotch's sweet tooth that he likes to pretend he doesn't have, they spend their day off with jack. going to parks and museums and just doing family shit that aaron misses out because of work. and honestly that's a gift in it of itself. and afterwards maybe they drop jack off with Jess so that they can get some alone time. and as salacious as that sounds, it's really just so spencer can have the opportunity to give Hotch his gift without having to be concerned with small eyes peeking in.
they share an intimate dinner that was supposed to be fixed by spencer, but aaron can't just sit and do nothing, so they cook together, laughing and being the silly, playful versions of themselves they don't get to be at work. after quiet laughs and gentle reminiscing, spencer gives aaron a small rectangular package, hushing his complaints of "i thought i told you i didn't want a present" with a gentle "shhh and just open it." and he unwraps it and it's a collection of romantic poetry from different poets, and as he flips through it he see's it's filled with spencer's annotations on how they remind him of their relationship.
they spend the rest of the night wrapped around each other, hotch listening to spencer recite love poems from memory, and if aaron sheds a few tears into his shoulder, well that's his business.
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derekluvbot · 3 years
hiiiiii i want your gotch thoughts if you have any :)
hii!!!! i always have gotch thoughts ;) im in the mood to shit on kevin lynch so here we go
i think it's pretty obvious in cannon that aaron isn't the biggest fan of kevin, but just imagine the tension if kevin was in the picture while aaron was secretly crushing on penelope. like i can just imagine the eye roles and glares everytime they do anything remotely romantic. because not only does he find kevin generally annoying, he should be the one taking her on dates and bringing her flowers. he could be hanging out with pen (because i imagine they're pretty good friends in this universe) and then kevin will show up and his mood is immediately sours. and the worse part is that penelope has no idea what is wrong him :/
and after they break up? oh aaron is there to pick up the pieces. he's consoling her and reassuring her that "no, you're not being unreasonable." and not just because he’s already halfway in love with her, because before anything, he's penelope's friend. he genuinely cares about her and doesn’t think kevin deserves her (which he definitely tells her)
and when they do get together hotch is admittedly very a little smug about it. they have to hide it at first, but as soon as their relationship is public, he's not exactly shy with how in love he is. and if kevin just just so happens to see? well that's just a coincidence ;)
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derekluvbot · 3 years
By Heart
a/n: happy friday ! wow me posting two times in a week, who would have thought. i got the idea for this little blurb in the shower listening to country music and it was genui so fun to write. i hope y'all enjoy !
masterlist l send me an ask l request: open
pairing: hotchreid
wordcount: 641
warnings: nothing that i can think of, just a whole lotta feelings. and probably egregious overuse of italics
"This was the first time he could her pray for love. O mighty God, what should he say?" - Chaucer
The well known idiom ”know by heart” is several centuries old, stemming from an inaccurate analysis of human anatomy made by the ancient Greeks. They believed that the heart, as opposed to the brain, was the center of intelligence and memory, as well as emotion. This misunderstanding was passed down through generations, thus becoming the basis for the English expression “learn by heart.” One of the first times this expression was used was in 1374 by Chaucer in Troilus and Criseyde, an epic poem detailing the tragic love story of two lovers during the siege of Troy.
Spencer knows all of this. If someone asked him for the backstory, he could easily give a 15 minute lecture explaining the history, etymology, ect. That being said, personally he had never given the idiom much weight. He is of course aware that it’s not meant to be taken literally and appreciates it for what it is, a simple phrase with no scientific basis. You can’t know something by heart. The heart is nothing more than an organ, a collection of tissues and veins and blood, tasked with the job of keeping you alive. All of that is to say, it’s not a turn of phrase Spencer used often, and certainly not one that he would consider true.
And then he went and fell in love.
Because despite being a man of science, very literal in everything he does, Spencer would swear on his mother that he knows Aaron Hotchner by heart.
As unexpected (and for quite some time, denied) as the realization was, he knew it was true, just as he knew he was too far gone to do a damn thing about it. He was always observing the older man. Spencer was honestly surprised no one had yet commented on the inappropriate amount of staring he had partaken in. He wasn’t exactly subtle. Of all the years he had worked in the BAU, he can’t think of a time when he wasn’t infatuated with Hotch. But love? That came gradually over time. Beyond the unfairly handsome exterior of his unit chief, Spencer saw his character. He saw a man who was intense in all affairs of his life. A man’s whose focus, and dedication to the task at hand was unparalleled. A man who despite the carefully controlled outside appearance he put on, cared deeply and fiercely for those he loved. And if Spencer looked hard enough, he saw a man whose eyes reflected the same fondness when he looked at the young doctor.
He knows all of these things about Hotch, and the way he can feel these simple truths throughout his whole body, it’s too intense, too real, to be just mental. It can't be, not when it feels like Hotch is a part of himself. An extension of his consciousness.
There is no doubt, Spencer is unequivocally, and beyond all reasonable doubt, sure that he knows Aaron Hotchner by heart.
What else could explain the physical reaction Spencer has to him? The way a soft grin seems to creep on his face of its own accord when Hotch sends one those secret smiles (that are barely there, really) in his direction. Or the quite frankly embarrassing way his breath hitches when Hotch links their pinkies together. And the most damning piece of evidence is the almost unbearable pressure in Spencer’s chest when Hotch finally kisses him for the first time. His heart beating so hard, like it's trying to jump out the confines of Spencer’s thorax and to personally confront the man that’s turning his world upside down.
So yes, despite there being no scientific basis for it, and despite the fact that it goes against much of what Spencer believes in, Spencer knows Hotch by heart. Who knows? Maybe those Greeks were on to something after all.
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derekluvbot · 3 years
i simply must request gotch of some kind <3
a/n: hi cj, i passed out before i could finish this but but here you go, have Gotch being flirty on the beach on the beach, ft. jack hotchner
wordcount: 374
"Alright Jack, what are our rules about the beach?"
A very serious 7 year old stared back at and he had to try very hard to school his expression at the sight.
"Don't go too far into the water and don't go where you can't see me."
His little face scrunched in confusion before lighting up again as he remembered. "And don't take my floaties off in the water!", he answers, lifting his arms off to display the Captain America floaties that were indeed adorning his arms.
The corners of Aaron's lips tip up and he reaches out to ruffle the boy's head. "Good job. Okay you can go."
Before he's finished his sentence. his son his tearing off towards the water. Aaron shakes his head and leans back on his beach towel.
"You know, you've got a pretty cute kid there Hotchner."
He rolls over to look at the woman beside him, eyebrows raising up to peak over his shades. Penelope, who had been lounging on her beach towel in a bathing suit that Hotch had been very excited about when she showed it to him, is now staring at him over the rim of her heart shaped sunglasses. "Do I now?"
Penelope nods, her lips curling into a grin. "Yeah, you do."
"Well, it might have something to do with his ridiculously handsome dad."
Penelope giggles and it sounds like wedding bells to Aaron's ears. "Is that your expert opinion?"
"Yes, it is", he says in faux seriousness. Penelope laughs again and before he fully realizes what's happening he's being hauled in for a kiss. He sneaks his tongue out to slip between her parted lips, and revels in the hum of appreciation he gets in return. After a second, he reluctantly pulls away, not interested in putting on a show for the other beach goers or his son.
This however, does not stop his hand from trailing down to cop a feel of her her backside. His plans are quickly diverted when Penelope reaches around to slap away his wandering hands.
"In your dreams Aaron."
He shakes his head and leans in to plant another short kiss on her forehead. "Well sweetheart, I'll just have to keep on dreaming then."
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