#tremere defense post
The Thing About Usurping a Clan Through Diablerie
Ok, so at this point, everyone loves to give the Tremere shit for destroying the Salubri clan and to a lesser extent Giovanni/Hecata for taking the clan title from the Cappadocians but I don't see the Brujah getting nearly enough shit for what they pulled with the True Brujah. Like they got where they were by going munchy munch on their Antediluvian too. Seems like you get more of a free pass for being directly embraced by the vamp in question first. Like I get it, Tremere cadet branch of the Order of Hermes as mages interloped in Kindred business munchy munch on the Antediluvian Golden Child proceeded to spread slander, make other Kindred into Gargoyles and other bad shit other clans won't forget *cough* Tzimisce *cough*.
I get a similar thing with Giovanni doing what he did and then the rest of the clan doing bad shit too afterward. Still, Tremere and the Giovanni/Hecata are over here being treated like the big bad clan usurpers but those same people into VtM I never see showing anywhere near the same contempt for Brujah essentially doing that exact same thing. I get that some clans' crimes are longer than others and Tremere despite being my favorite clan has a ledger flooding with red but still, it's like most people forget Brujah in its current incarnation is a clan cause of diablerie too.
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the-letter-s · 9 months
please tell me about jod and the people he pisses off, I have to know why that post was so relatable for him - @pretend-pretend-vampire
Okay so the first thing you need to know about Jod is he actually spells his name/psuedonym God, you know, like Christian Capital G God, I just tag and spell his name the way he has decided it is phonetically pronounced (Jod) because that is a lot less confusing The second thing you need to know about Jod is he just doesn't know when to stop committing to the bit. Ever. Its a defense mechanism so other kindred dont find out about the actual things he cares about. Such bits include -talking about the coterie ventrue's very real wife who is for sure alive and a woman and is also for sure cheating on him (for context said ventrue is a gay man who as far as Jod knows has never had a wife) -some fucking how convincing the whole ass fucking prince that the moon turning green is a sign of gehenna. This is based on literally nothing and gonna be honest Jod didnt think he would be taken seriously about that one. Hopefully the moon never turns green or shit is gonna Get Bad! -consistently changing his story about who he is or who he used to be in increasingly unbelievable detail -keeps attempting to steal library books, not for any nefarious purposes he just thinks its funny that literally everyone will try to explain that he really does not need to do that and thats not how libraries work -confidently declaring that the coterie tremere really really wants to find mothman and that he is going to Help. She does Not want to find mothman. Not Even A Little Bit -speaking of said tremere he also keeps trying to watch ancient aliens in her haven. She Does Not Approve -keeps implying that theres something super dangerous or secret in his haven and thus no one else is allowed to go in there, there honestly isn't but also one of the other players follows me on here so dm me for more info on that one -Vriska Serket Is A Real Kindred Who Is Real And Exists And Is A Threat And You Should Tell The Sheriff About Her Because He Would Never Believe Me, A Clearly Intoxicated Malkavian -Extremely inappropriate outfits Always. The only thing between this man and wearing assless chaps and booty shorts that say "this is not a place of honor" on the ass to elysium is the rest of his coterie still trying to keep a shred of dignity oh also he has an alcohol problem. Gonna be honest I dont think that would piss anyone off by itself necessarily but it also means that he's generally not considering the conses that could quence in very high pressure social situations so even if he is not committed to a bit in a specific moment and is actually trying to Be Serious For Real he is not exactly eloquent or polite about it!!! This is Very Bad when dealing with the camarilla!! Like he gets some leeway on account of the divine madness but not quite enough to make up the difference. But He Hasnt Met The Final Death Over It yet So Its Fine Do Not Worry About It
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ryttu3k · 2 years
A brief selection of Sascha-related AUs I have floating around in my head, posting to keep track of them all. Content warnings for... basically everything relating to Sascha's backstory, and the Dracon's.
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Already posted: university AU, Youtuber AU (with some extra bits here and here), crossovers (Sascha features in the HDM and Pokemon ones, more on the HDM one here), and a nice silly non-Sascha one.
The Dracondoption AU: In 1002, the Keeper of the Faith writes to the Dracon after Myca's Embrace and is like, "So you know how Symeon is just like Antonius? He just Embraced his first childe and he's just like you." Dracon goes 'oh hell no' and returns to Constantinople, promptly adopting Myca as his own adoptive childe. Symeon is displeased, but what's he gonna do against his methuselah grandsire? A lot of ideas here were somewhat recycled into...
The Clanswap AU: Going in briefly here because I’m writing this one! tl;dr Etrius is better able to insulate Myca from Goratrix and Embraces them in 1022 as one of the first Tremere. Surprisingly, things go a lot better than expected. When Myca inevitably finds their way to Constantinople, they also find something unexpected for a Tremere scholar - a new, largely Tzimisce family. There's a bit on it here, although some details will be changing for the fic.
Beneath the cut: The AU Where Ilias Survives, The AU With More Carpathian Politics And Much Less Constantinople Bullshit, The Cyberpunk AU, The AU Where It Started Out As A Cute Tattoo Artist And Florist AU Then Cults Happened, The Knight And The Dragon AU (I wrote like 2k on that one I'm sorry), aaand now the Zelda AU.
The AU Where Ilias Survives
Based on this excerpt from Margaret Rogerson's Vespertine, and the idea of Dracon!Myca, good version.
Ilias survives his possession by the Eldest. He's traumatised, feels incredibly guilty over everything, and probably needs a long time to recover, but he does recover in time, and is able to help Myca - the new Myca-and-the-Dracon - in turn.
In canon, the Dracon had lost Antonius, and Gesu, and Michael, and Constantinople. The Dream was dead. He wanted to follow suit. Myca had just lost Ilias, and their entire household, and probably most significantly, their faith and trust in Symeon. They were both extraordinarily alone, so they just... built this defensive wall and did not let anyone else in. But what if Ilias survived? He'd probably throw himself into looking after Myca as a way to atone for what happened. And he's got this tremendous capacity for empathy. Myranda's explanation for how he survived points out that even after the Eldest burnt him to death, he was still able to gently heal and look after the one who killed him and who permanently traumatised his lover. They'd need time to heal together, but Ilias being there would change things enormously.
So Ilias lives, and is able to support Dracon!Myca, show them love and compassion and tenderness. Myca knows how to love someone (even if they hadn't yet been able to say it). The Dracon knows how to love, but his most recent relationships were, um, dysfunctional. But with Ilias there to show him what a loving relationship is actually like? They'd... admittedly probably be very dependent on Ilias, but still significantly more stable. And with his support, the Dracon and Myca are able to work out a way to live a balanced existence.
Ilias: "*kisses Myca on the cheek* For my flower ❤️ " Myca: 😊 Ilias: "*kisses Myca on the other cheek* For my dragon ❤️ " Dracon: ................🥺
The AU With More Carpathian Politics And Much Less Constantinople Bullshit
Goratrix manages to reach a Carpathian Tzimisce after all in his attempts to kill Myca. They still Embrace them rather than kill them. Lugoj already has a canon connection with Myca, so why not make him their sire? He still serves as a mentor and teacher, just more directly here; Velya, with no Dracon-related issues with Myca this time around, does as well.
Lugoj is from an absolute mess of a line, his sire Noriz is full-on Evil Tyrant, two of Noriz' childer, Rachlav and Lukasz, are basically at war, and Koban starts out in the Anarchs but ends up tyrannical himself. Koban was canonically Myca's mentor, so it'll be fun if they meet earlier, and maybe here Myca can learn Koldunic sorcery from him? I also want them to meet Ilias earlier, like just after Dorinta's death, because angry!Ilias is a fun concept.
Slightly messier setting with no Obertus State, meaning there's no buffer between Rustovich and Jurgen (Symeon probably dies in 1204 because one of the main reasons he survives in the first place is Myca ensuring they have somewhere in the Carpathians to flee to. Here, he probably dies trying to save Gesu good riddance, and the entire region is a mess of politics and intrigue.) The Dracon still carries out his revenge against Nikita, but doesn't end up in Myca's custody (I get the feeling Jurgen picked Myca specifically to send him to because of Myca's involvement in setting up the Obertus State and running interference between him and Rustovich, and that doesn't happen here). His story continues, but Myca is unlikely to be involved (unless they visit Ilias' great-grandsire Damek in Sarmizegetusa?).
Lugoj is... relatively undefined compared to Velya, if only by virtue of his possible much earlier death, so it's free real estate there. Noriz seems to have little to go on other than 'fucked-up tyrant', and his sire, the methuselah Djavakhi, has absolutely nothing and is only known for Embracing Noriz. Lugoj is unlikely to use and abuse blood bonds, however, since both Noriz is known for using them and he's also one of the founders of the Vaulderie, so Myca is still able to build a respectful relationship with their sire, untainted by forced bonds. Lugoj... probably still ends up going on his little power trip by diablerising Byelobog and then going "you know what, I can totally eat the Eldest" and gets killed for it, but, you know, shit happens. Either way, always-Carpathian Myca plus Koldunism and minus a lot of Draconian bullshit.
The Cyberpunk AU
The Eldest is the creator of the mind upload system, sought after by those wanting digital immortality but not recommended for risk of, well, losing your entire identity. When they near death, they begin the process of uploading themself, only for something to go wrong at the last moment, forcing their son, the Dracon, to link his own interface chips to the Eldest's system to save their life. Eventually, the Eldest reconstructs themself enough to sever that connection, 'birthing' themself onto the network and spreading throughout it, a digital ghost overlooking everything; the Dracon is left with their mind partially online.
It's not going great. His boyfriend Michael is controlling, and makes selective edits to ensure that the Dracon stays dependent, stays with him, is shaped by Michael into being ~everything he is~. When Michael dies in his own attempt to upload himself, the Dracon attempts suicide, including deleting his online components. The Eldest is not having this, and drags the Dracon online fully, although this system is fundamentally unstable.
The Eldest needs a solution. Able to jump into the brain of anyone with an interface chip (although, whoops, the process does tend to burn them out - and the brain they're attached to - in the process), they jump into the brain of Ilias cel Frumos, directing him to upload a stable version of the Dracon into the brain of his lover, Sascha.
It works. It's also traumatic. Ilias' brain burns out, and Sascha has been forcibly fused with another mind riding alongside their own. They... react pretty poorly, not realising that the Eldest has actually been able to upload Ilias' consciousness. Ilias' incredibly strong sense of self allows him to stay compartmentalised without diffusing throughout the network, able to help the Eldest, in turn, work out their own fractured sense of identity after so long as a digital ghost; in gratitude, the Eldest will eventually construct Ilias a new body of discarded flesh and cybernetic parts, and upload him into it.
Meanwhile, though, Sascha deals with the Dracon. They look normal enough, with a few cosmetic upgrades, like a glimmering Virgo constellation across their face, Spica replaced with one eye. When the Dracon is fused to them, more of these lights appear, more lights and shadows to change the whole look of their features. Who are they really seeing when they look in the mirror? Do they even remember what their own face looked like?
(Beckett, the nosy historian, meets Sascha of the glowing face. He meets Ilias, an AI/upload/download. He puts the connections together. He's able to facilitiate a reunion. Maybe together, they'll be able to work something out...)
The AU Where It Started Out As A Cute Tattoo Artist And Florist AU Then Cults Happened
"Also that time-honoured tradition of introverted tattoo artist Sascha who's fine with touching others but has trouble being touched in turn, and Ilias, the sunny florist who just took over the shop next door, and who's just asked Sascha for a huge botanical backpiece, something that will see him spending many hours with Sascha... (No plot there, just fluff XD)"
It starts off pretty fluffy! Tattoo artist and florist in adjoining stores. Beckett works in the bookstore across the road, and his rivalry with Sascha is largely down to competing to get the last double-chocolate muffin from the local bakery, and also because Sascha's cat, Hediye, strongly dislikes how Beckett smells of his dog (who is probably part wolf). Kept getting distracted and switching his major until he ended up buried in debt and needing to start working in retail. Over time he ended up really vibing with it and ended up owning the store. Alternatively, he did fine in academia then realised his teaching options with a PhD in history were pretty much just teaching and went, "...no." Lucita teaches martial arts. Anatole is, well, local priesthood drop-out and conspiracy theorist. (He doesn't have visions, he just enjoys hacking into people's email.) Ilias is involved in the local pagan scene and has an altar out in the woods (which, uh, Anatole definitely saw as Suspicious, they end up clearing it all up later).
Then we got into working out how the Dracon is involved and it all went downhill from there.
The Dracon arrives in town, seeking out Sascha and requesting they hide him from his ex, Michael. Michael is a charismatic high-level member of the Dream cult, complete with religious grandiosity, and believes that in order to be reborn as the Archangel Michael, he needs to die, and is perfectly happy for the rest of his cultists/followers to follow with him. The Dracon went along with it until he couldn't any more, and now he's doing his best to hide, and protect Sascha in the process. Anatole, the one who knows the most about cults and conspiracies, does actually know what Michael's is all about - and he's noticed that Sascha is weirdly familiar with it too.
Sascha grew up in another small town, in a group home run by a mysterious figure known as the Eldest. The three undisputed leaders of the home were the Dracon (the Eldest's adopted son), Michael, and Antonius; when they were teenagers, brothers Gesu and Symeon arrived, becoming heavily influenced by the Dracon and Antonius respectively. Symeon has more or less reached adulthood by the time Myca shows up, but the Trinity still remain, more or less running the home in the increasingly reclusive Eldest's stead, and Myca is taken under Symeon's wing. The Dracon, however, has realised that maybe Not All Is Well here with the Dream, and subtly encourages Symeon to maybe... take Myca away from it all.
Symeon does, legally adopting Myca when he turns eighteen, and moving away. He's still deeply loyal to Antonius, though, and to Michael, and his escape isn't quite as complete as the Dracon would have wanted. Myca still grows up in the confines of the Dream, and it's only when the Dracon contacts them directly as they reach adulthood that they're able to break ties, leave for university, realise that wait a tic was that a cult? Did they grow up in a cult?, change their name to Sascha, and try to start over.
Which they're able to do! Or, at least, until the Dracon and Michael show up again, dragging Sascha's past in with them...
It works out. The Scooby Gang are able to compile evidence of Michael's concerning actions and plans, and the Dracon takes the nuclear option... of contacting his Dad. Who promptly is able to swoop in and have Michael put away for a long time. And with Ilias' help, Sascha is able to Learn How To Love!
(In the mean time, Mithras is a former movie star best known for his military roles, turned small-town mayor. He initially comes under suspicion due to his fanbase/followers referring to themselves as the Cult of Mithras (his breakout role was a cult classic, natch), but it's fine, they're just very dedicated.) He gets re-elected pretty easily, mostly because everyone else dislikes his perpetual opponent, Valerius. His husband Roger is the local mortician, Mithras' secretary, and one of those Power Behind The Throne figures, with a strong dislike for the Giovanni family who came in and immediately monopolised the local funeral parlour that Roger used to run as well. Getting into town politics was his best chance of revenge, really!)
The Knight And The Dragon AU
Based on my tags in this post and joking around about an AU where Myca was born in 1976 and Embraced in 2002, and then it gained sentience or something.
They're still Romanian, now born in Ceausescu-era Romania which was a goddamn time. Their family is high up in the regime, and Myca grows up the eldest of several, studious, a bit spoiled, and always a bit inclined towards weirdness. When they start having 'fits and visions' at age thirteen, their family contact doctors instead of healers, and they're promptly diagnosed with epilepsy... but still end up being recognised as a young mage in the process of Awakening, because the timing had always been a coincidence.
House Tremere is definitely no longer a mage thing at this point. Instead, they're found by the Celestial Chorus, and invited to move to Rome to start studying properly. Their parents, who, at this point, are recognising that there's just a bit of instability in the Communist world in the late 80s, are honestly kind of relieved to send their eldest child abroad!
It's stable for... less than a decade. Myca thrives amongst the Choristers, becoming particularly adept at bibliomancy, and is safely insulated in Italy from the fall of the Ceaucescu regime back in Romania, although they're still able to financially support their family when they're left destitute after the fall (the Chorus looks after their own). They start poking curiously at the queer community, coming out first as gay and then as genderqueer, much more comfortable in their own skin now that they have words to describe themself rather than. Well. Tenth century concepts of gender. They reach adulthood and start getting more involved with Chorus politics, gravitating towards the Guardian Orders and ultimately joining the hunter Order of St George and the Dragon, being vaguely cognizant of stories of 'dragons' back in Romania, and recognising that that means vampires.
Chaos strikes from 1997 to the end of the century, with the Reckoning, the War in Heaven, the Week of Nightmares, and the Avatar Storm. With the Chorus in chaos, Myca opts to focus on what they can do, and returns to the near-unrecognisable Romania, seeking out Dragons to slay to try and at least alleviate some of the sheer disconcertion of being back in their homeland, which no longer at all resembles the country they grew up in. Best to ignore how completely alien they feel in their own homeland, and start looking for Dragons.
The first one they meet is Ilias cel Frumos.
Let's backtrack a little to the 13th century. In 1204, Constantinople is taken by the Fourth Crusade. In the chaos, the Dream that had held together for centuries collapse. Its Patriarch, Michael, allows himself to be killed. Gesu, Saint of the Divinity Within and childe of the long-missing Dracon, burns with his haven, and his brother-childe Symeon, who has no Carpathian childe of his own to pull him to safety, dies with him. The Dracon, long departed, learns of the loss of his city, his lover, and his childe and grandchilde, and is thrown into both further mourning and a burning desire for revenge. His one solace is that his childe, the Keeper of the Faith, has managed to escape, along with the bulk of his library.
His revenge takes decades. In 1232, he finally kills the Archbishop of Nod, Nikita of Sredetz, his grandchilde, and takes his form. In this guise, he comes under attack by the Ventrue Jurgen of Madgeburg, and staked. Jurgen, who has long been in conflict with the Carpathian Tzimisce and not having a convenient Obertus State to put the blame on, decides to sow a bit more discord and send the 'Archbishop' to one of the more influential Tzimisce - Damek Ruthven of Sarmizegetusa.
Damek has a few advantages here. He's old. He's powerful. He has a giant library. He has a tree hosting the soul of his clan founder in his backyard. He's able to work out who 'Nikita' is pretty damn quickly, and consults the God-Tree on what to do; the God-Tree requests that 'Nikita' be buried in the soft soil around its roots, and should a traveller come, to let them see the tree unhindered. The Eldest, still immensely powerful even in their more limited form, calls out, seeking one amongst their blood who will be... suiting.
Ilias, great-grandchilde of Damek, is one of the ones to heed the call. Ostensibly, it's a pleasant-enough familial visit, and Damek gives Ilias no restriction on where he can explore. Ilias, drawn to the God-Tree and the presence within, approaches it - and when he falls back this time, it's no red seed he's been given, but a whole-ass methuselah fused to his soul.
Still, Ilias is actually a pretty good candidate to host the Dracon's soul. He has an extremely strong sense of self, and is able to compartmentalise, to firm the divisions between him and the Dracon. He might be the Dracon's host, but they are not the same people, and the Dracon is permitted a bit of time and space to rest, even as Ilias struggles with everything else that having a methuselah soul merged to his own brings.
The Anarch Revolt takes place. Ilias, who adored his sire, doesn't take part, but does sympathise with those who do; officially considered Autarkis, he still associates with young Anarchs and later Sabbat members who seek freedom, unable to fully have his own but still holding on thanks to the teachings he had learned through the Path of Pleasure.
Several centuries pass.
By the 21st century, Ilias is well and truly an elder of some nine centuries, Autarkis, an immensely powerful koldun, possibly single-handedly responsible for keeping the Path of Pleasure alive, and a bit, uh, prone to decades-long naps, when even he feels the Dracon's ennui. The Dracon, for his part, mostly sleeps in the back of Ilias' mind; when awake, he can find it a little easier to cope with company, and spends his nights deepening his knowledge, reading, corresponding with the Keeper, the only one who knows he's still alive. To all others, he's a long-missing relic of Constantinople, who dropped off the radar some time in the early thirteenth century, and for the most part, that's exactly what he is with Ilias in the driver's seat. Ilias, for his part, carries out his yearly traditions as a Priest of Jarilo, even as followers become fewer and fewer; still, he has a methuselah's persuasion, and more than a few mortals in his domain have actually become followers of Jarilo long after the deity would have otherwise been forgotten. A pagan witch-priest known for decadence and both casual and ritualistic sex, and being ridiculously pretty to boot, he has a following that doesn't quite fall under the realm of breaking the Masquerade but certainly pushes the boundaries a bit.
So when Myca goes searching for Dragons, it's Ilias they find, the Dracon resting in the back of his mind. But while Ilias is certainly a Dragon, he's no Fiend, and Myca is more intrigued than anything else. As for Ilias, he's tired. They're both tired. The Dracon has been tired for over a millennium. Ilias is getting there. But now, here's this young mage and their spiritual quest to protect their land from those that would hurt it, and yeah, that... piques his interest a bit. The two spend time together, realise they don't actually mind each other's company. Myca begins to wonder if all vampires are like this, and if so, what does that mean for the Order? Recognising Myca's thirst for knowledge, and the Dracon recognising a kindred spirit, and Ilias realising that he's at dire risk of falling for a mortal, sends the young mage on to the Library of the Forgotten (now somewhere in Central Europe), to learn more about the Cainite world from the Keeper.
Myca arrives at the Library, and it's everything a library mouse would have ever dreamed of, and sure, they're spending time in the company of vampires they had been taught for over ten years were creatures of darkness that meant no good, but they quite like the Keeper and they goddamn love the Library. It has material from Alexandria! They're in love!
...And then word of a mortal mage spending time with the Tzimisce reaches the ears of the Tremere. And, well, the Tremere do like mortal mages and also stealing from the Tzimisce.
By the time the Keeper gets to the scene, Myca is near death. The seemingly-frail old librarian who is actually, you know, a fifth generation methuselah is able to deal with the Tremere interlopers pretty handily, but not even she can save someone who has been exsanguinated. To save Myca's life, or what's left of it, she's forced to Embrace them, as awful and as traumatic as the Embrace of a mage would be, reasoning that better her than the Tremere. She's more or less correct in that, at least, and Myca already likes and respects the Keeper, and yeah, it's as traumatic as expected, and they pull away from the Keeper a bit, who understands because there wasn't really choice involved. After a brief period of adjustment, they return to Romania, and then go to find Ilias again, missing him and feeling something new drawing them together. (It's not Ilias, in fact, that they're being drawn to - rather, it's their new grandsire's soul within Ilias.)
So, the newly-Embraced Myca returns to Ilias (and the Dracon), and they’re now not a mortal and also, to the Dracon, family, and that... changes the dynamic somewhat. Yes okay there's like a nine century age difference, it's fine. Ilias is Alert and Awake and Interested for the first time in what feels like much too long, and the Dracon is intrigued by his new kin, whom his favourite childe saw enough worth in to save, and maybe - maybe they can both be awake for a bit, both be present to help Myca through this. Myca is, well, a bit surprised to learn about a) their grandsire b) being fused to the vampire they've been crushing on staying with, but slowly, they get to know the Dracon as well.
Ilias gets: someone who intrigues him enough to shake off the ennui of centuries. Someone he's fascinated by - a little bit infatuated with. Someone who has this energy and dynamism of youth and very recent mortality that, in turn, revives him as well.
The Dracon gets: family. A new grandchilde. Someone who's so similar to him, and if he's growing fond of Myca, if he's finding positive values in someone he relates to so much, then maybe - maybe those positive values exist in him.
Myca gets: support to deal with their recent Embrace. An entire world of information and knowledge opened up to them with their sire and grandsire and the Library. A Dragon - two Dragons! - who aren't the monsters they've been taught, but who are people, people they can see a life - or an unlife, at least - with.
And it actually goes okay! Myca introduces them to film, and Ilias and the Dracon get The Louis Effect of seeing a sunrise for the first time in centuries - millennia, for the Dracon. They introduce them to the internet and social media. The Dracon joins Livejournal during his time with his and Ilias' body and is immediately assigned dragonkin and also he doesn't mind that much. Myca and Ilias... start growing closer, and Ilias starts finding joy in teaching someone the Path of Pleasure again, and seeing Myca emerge into Cainite unlife with something approaching a stable base of support and also modern knowledge of things like. Psychologists.
Eventually, they'll return to Sarmizegetusa and learn where the Eldest left for, track down Lambach Ruthven, and ask where to find the Eldest. Lambach, who's having the weirdest few centuries ever, points them to New York. Two vampires enter the meat crime ecosystem beneath the city; four leave, with the Dracon enjoying corporeality for the first time in about eight centuries and the Eldest's mood much improved by the Dracon's improving mental health, enough to perhaps leave their underground haven (there still might be biting orchids and lullaby-singing baby-head bushes, though). And a baby mage-turned-fledgling, an elder shaking off ennui like a puppy shaking off water, a methuselah beginning to find value in the world again, and the former-meat-crime-ecosystem-now-Just-A-Dude Tzimisce Antediluvian go about to live out their unlives. (The Eldest might go hang out with Arikel for a bit. See if they can do anything about Saulot's worm situation.)
They change! Isn't that a good thing, for the Clan of Shapers? The Dracon finds there are new books coming out every night. There's livestreams of the great outdoors and high-resolution photos of the surface of Mars and Ghibli anime. There are memes. Ilias gets into debates with mortal pagans over the disappointing lack of ritualistic moonlit orgies in honour of the advent of spring, discovers selfies, discovers selfies with cat-ear filters. Myca attempts to read their way through the entire Library of Alexandria, renews their connection to their homeland, learns fleshcrafting to give themself the body they've always wanted and that they finally feel at home in.
Change! Metamorphosis!
The Zelda AU
VtM: Zelda AU version. Some spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom, mostly setting-related, but also a lot of Zonai-related stuff, including Mineru's whole thing.
The Upheaval isn't quite as bad as the Calamity a hundred and five years earlier, in the end. Sure, there are rocks falling from the sky and Hyrule Castle is floating, but the new caves and sheer abundance of new Zonai ruins will have historians and researchers busy for years. One of the centres of research is the Sheikah village of Kakariko, once quiet, now home of the Ring Ruins and the Zonai Research Team, one of which is led by senior researcher Aristotle and his Squad, Beckett, Anatole, and Lucita.
Some of the Sheikah take it in their stride, others are... less thrilled. Others are extremely unthrilled but also trying not to show it because they're also trying to not let on that this is quite literally the central population of their people, and is just quietly trying to research away without a) having an existential crisis, b) reveal the spirit piggybacking onto them, or c) accidentally flirting with the frankly infuriating Beckett.
Backtrack to that tumultuous century between the Calamity and the reemergence of Princess Zelda. There had been quite a few attempts at taking the throne, mostly by people trying to claim to be long-lost members of the Royal Family, others with different angles. One with a different angle was Michael and his Dream, a charismatic Hylian who claimed to be the mortal aspect of the Goddess of Courage, Farore. Along with him were his lovers Antonius (supposedly an aspect of Goddess of Power, Din) and the Dracon, a Sheikah, an aspect of the Goddess of Wisdom, Nayru. As these Goddesses reborn, clearly they had the legitimacy to rule.
They managed for at least a little while, gathering a small but loud following. Alas, Antonius and the Dracon loathed each other and Michael had an ego that could be seen from space, with the entire Dream collapsing, Antonius and Michael now dead and the Dracon vanished. The surviving members of their followers, including the Dracon's son Symeon and Symeon's young son Myca, scattered, Symeon eventually using his status to become Chief of the small Sheikah village they inhabited. Myca grew up quiet and bookish, skilled with both magic and more intellectual pursuits, aspiring to become a researcher like their famous grandfather, the Dracon. They were fascinated by the Zonai, eventually specialising in their history, and as their knowledge of the world expanded, so too did their realisation that the legacy Symeon still clung to was, frankly, a cult.
So they ran away and joined the Yiga.
That was okay, until it wasn't, with a new hero demolishing the ranks and the esteemed Master Kohga revealed to be, frankly, a buffoon. Myca, now calling themself Sascha, retreated somewhat reluctantly into the Depths with them, then, less reluctantly, threw themself into exploring the Zonai ruins and technology there, too fascinated to walk away. There, they had strange encounters, and in a long-forgotten corner of the Depths, they encountered a familiar spirit - the lingering soul of their grandfather, not a disembodied Poe but a fully-cognizant spirit, who had willingly detached himself from his body when the Dream had turned into a nightmare, using long-forgotten techniques of unknown origin (neither the Dracon nor Sascha would ever learn it was their ancestor Mineru from whom the technique originated).
The Dracon had long been lingering in the company of the Bargainers, especially the one known only as the Eldest. But now he was tired. With Sascha there, he hoped he would be able to move on, perhaps, able to pass on his knowledge to a worthy successor. The Eldest, attached to the Dracon, saw otherwise, and decided to give their favourite disembodied spirit a new body.
Namely, Sascha's.
(The Eldest didn't actually give many considerations to what Sascha or the Dracon actually wanted.)
With no real connections to the Yiga any more anyway, the traumatised Sascha fled back to the surface, using Sheikah (and Yiga) illusion magic born from Shadow magic to disguise their face, taking whatever appearance they felt best fit them at the time. And they kept wandering over the next couple of years, until the Upheaval threw everything into chaos again, with an absolute plethora of Zonai technology falling from the sky, including in the Sheikah village of Kakariko.
It's a little too much to resist. Sascha ends up quietly stealing into Kakariko, passing themself off as just another Hylian researcher, not wanting to reveal either their past with the Yiga or their connection (more literal than most) to the famous Dracon. With the sky falling, will they be able to find the breakthroughs their intellectual side demands, will they be able to avoid the charms of the Frankly Infuriating Beckett, and will they ever be able to come to terms with their past?
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jesawyer · 6 years
I know from Twitter that you play Ars Magica. Do you have any advice for making tabletop RPG campaigns feel inclusive to all races/genders/sexualities when playing in a real(ish)-world historical setting?
I think it depends heavily on what the setting actually is and how the group wants to play with the historical context.
It’s a common assumption that older era = more conservative than now.  That’s not always the case, and it depends heavily on the exact time, place, and cultural circumstances.
The scholar John Boswell, author of Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe, makes a convincing case that homosexuality, which arguably wasn’t even considered “a thing” (at least for men) among pre-Christian Romans, was slowly reified and increasingly criminalized throughout Europe over time.  If you want to play a historical setting in a way that is consonant with what we largely understand it to be, the Holy Roman Empire ca. the 17th century is generally not a safe place to be openly homosexual, especially in the midst of violent purges against people for behavior considered “deviant” by those in power.
But your group can decide that’s not an aspect of history you want to explore or play with, like 50% infant mortality or other grim realities of any given time period.  I really think that the important thing is to talk about what people are comfortable with – which is true of any aspect of play in a group.  Maybe the group does want to explore themes of persecution.  But that’s not something that should be assumed or forced on people who are coming to the table for other reasons.
In Ars Magica, it’s honestly not that hard to justify an extremely diverse group of magi, in particular, for the following reasons:
* 1 in 10,000 humans are born with the Gift.  No matter how insanely prejudiced you are, it’s difficult to justify a maga or magus turning down an apprentice because of their gender, skin color, cultural background, or potential sexuality.
* Hermetic magi organize themselves into covenants that typically live apart from “mundane” society.  This is in part because the Gift makes mundanes instinctively distrust/hate you at first glance.  Secondary characteristics like what you look like or whom you like sleeping with rank far below gut responses to the Gift.
* As it was for Medieval monastic communities and universities, Latin is the lingua franca of the Order of Hermes.  No one gives a shit if your mother tongue is Hungarian or Russian or Italian because all of your sodales speak, write, and read Latin.
* Even young magi are incredibly powerful.  Oh wow the miller doesn’t like that a gay, swarthy magus is performing a Mercurian ritual in the tower on the hill?  Fascinating.  Does he want to be turned to ash/a frog/stone?  Magi typically don’t push their luck due to the potential involvement of the church, but as long as they aren’t making huge public scenes (which is mechanically discouraged due to how Auras work), individual peasants/merchants/etc. really can’t do a damned thing to magi.
In my time playing Ars Magica, I played the following characters:
* Leofric, an ex-crusader who openly hated the church and got into quarrels with Hospitallers.  Due to his position as a companion in the covenant, it was difficult for the Hospitallers to really do anything to him.
* Venzi, a Tremere disputant from Lombardia who performed Mercurian rituals on the reg, almost never went to church despite being commanded to by a local bishop, never learned more than basic French despite living in Burgundy for literally 80 years.  Also almost never left the covenant and usually did so under heavy protection of magic.
* Ciragua, a widowed Cathar heretic and trobairitz from Nîmes who spent most of her life in Burgundy following her husband’s death in the Albigensian Crusades.  Never fully converted to Catholicism, traveled on her own and got in trouble for it, but never suffered real consequences due to her position as a teacher in the covenant.
* Bertranz, an old Cathar perfect who escaped the Albigensian Crusades and lived out the rest of his life in Burgundy, where, among other things, he was known to teach people Greek through heretical doctrinal passages.  Also often went around naked because he kept taking off his robe to give to people suffering from the cold or rain.  Avoided detection by hiding in the covenant and generally kept a low profile. Died at age 79 immediately after writing Apologia pro duabus vitis, a defense of Catharism.
* Ariam, an Ethiopian scribe who only knew Ge’ez, Latin, and one other Ethiopian language.  When Italians saw him they went, “Wow! Holy shit!” and otherwise were amazed, not weighed down by the baggage of post-19th century racial theory.
* Orsu Paganacci, a lecherous learned magician from Corsica who was wanted (dead) by many angry husbands across Italy.  His libertine sensibilities and actions got him beaten up and exiled from some communities, but he was able to avoid serious reprisal by hiding out in the covenant.
The covenants also had gay characters, transgender characters, and a variety of other folks who got disapproving comments but otherwise were able to ignore the prevailing social opinions because they lived in a magic wizard house.
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A volta da normalidade democrática com Bolsonaro vale alguma coisa?
 E na hipótese improvável dele desmentir a foto?
Quantos apelidos para Jair Bolsonaro?
Esqueça quem ache que o título da matéria sugere que de alguma forma haverá normalidade democrática no governo do PSL. É uma matéria sobre o "se", talvez a mais especulativa de todas as que fiz nesse blog.
Não é porque tenho algo contra pessoalmente ao cidadão eleito. Muito pelo contrário. Conheço tantos iguais a ele que o que me surpreendeu foi a vitória da extrema mediocridade.
Haveriam tantos temas públicos a serem debatidos nos últimos anos, mas existe o funil midiático, que boa parte da esquerda democrática adere. O resultado foi reduzir o que há de mais relevante para nossa sociedade a questões relacionadas a corrupção. Assim, o baixo clero foi eleito, ou seja, exatamente aqueles que, se isso houve, fizeram ou fazem o que uma vez se chamou "mensalão". Esqueça o Bob Jefferson ou até mesmo o Cunha, que está na cadeia. Chama o Queiroz!
O apelo dessa mensagem vem de uma matéria impressionantemente "bombada" (para mim por motivos obscuros) publicada no GGN, escrita pelo bom articulista André Araújo. Só que ele falava do Trump e não do Bozo...
 O jardim dos caminhos que se bifurcam
Como é óbvio, não existe uma vinculação automática entre Trump e Bolsonaro, apesar do desejo bozonariano que assim fosse e de parte da esquerda que, parece que atualmente, chegou a conclusão de que Bolsonaro não é Trump somente porque a máquina que um dirige é muito inferior a dirigida pelo outro. Falamos do EUA, ora ora...
O competente jornalista sênior dissertava a respeito do general Mattis, aquele que ficou chateadinho e se demitiu porque seu presidente ordenou que fossem retiradas as tropas da Síria, mas que só tomou conhecimento do fato pelo Twitter.
Ora, o se o Bozo trabalhasse com o Trump, talvez até ele saberia que o magnata, midiático e presidente ensaia essa retirada das tropas há tempos - até mesmo antes das eleições de 2016. Nos últimos meses, o que fez isso não acontecer antes foram as armações britânicas com as "armas químicas" e, mais recentemente, o senso de oportunismo do "presidente" da Ucrânia, aquele que aliou suas pretensões eleitorais com a necessidade do establishment de boicotar a reunião do presidente dos EUA com o "autocrata" russo durante a cúpula do G20.
Mas ora, o que pensa o senso comum? Que Mattis vá para o inferno que lhe pertença e que a Síria se veja definitivamente livre das ameaças da OTAN!
 O fator Syrian Girl
Foi essa uma das muitas oportunas objeções da Syrian Girl (não deixe de ver, em inglês...). Ela acredita que o anúncio da retirada das tropas seria um incrível presente de natal mas, como qualquer ser humano que sente não só os dedos como também os calcanhares na terra, não deixa de achar a "boa nova" algo muito estranho ou, no mínimo, mais do que inusitado. Semana passada, generais da OTAN se pronunciavam livremente no Washington Post dizendo que a ocupação da Síria era por tempo indeterminado, até com planejamento de construir mini-territórios americanos na região, espécies de micro-bairros, "postos avançados": modo eufemístico de dizer que só sairiam dali quando Putin fosse destruído ou antes o planeta. Pouco importa a ordem dos fatores.
Ela lembrou que a última vez que Trump disse que iria acabar com a "guerra ao terror", que estava consumindo muitos recursos do Estado, logo depois deslanchou um ataque sem precedentes contra a Síria que fez tremer o mais narcotizado pacifista. Por outro lado, existe a questão dos curdos, um povo nômade há milênios e que, patrocinado pelo ocidente, resolveu que sua terra originária está no Oriente Médio. A Turquia ameaçou debelar os curdos apesar das tropas americanas. Segundo a ativista, Trump pode ter ordenado retirar as tropas da Síria em razão de um iminente incidente diplomático de larga escala. Com tudo, a invasão da OTAN na Síria é ilegal. Nunca deveria ter existido.
 A resposta infame
O articulista, por sua resposta, me pareceu alguém bastante irreverente. Contei a ele sobre o óbvio, como venho falando até aqui (na ocasião, ainda sem Syrian Girl, infelizmente). Ele costuma responder a todos os comentários, fato que me chama a atenção faz tempo. Pude ver que não se trata de resposta, mas de rubricas. Caso aja alguma convergência ou divergência, o interessante é assinar à margem para denotar acordo ou não. Por exemplo, isso não é uma resposta:
·         “Mattis não pediu demissão só por causa da Síria, na sua carta de demissão ele elenca muitos outros problemas e situações conflitantes com Trump. A retirada das tropas da Síria foi apenas a gota d´água”. ARAÚJO, André
O que posso redarguir diante de tamanha educação?
Vamos a carta então, meu camarada: o general diz compartilhar com o presidente seu desejo de os EUA não se tornarem a polícia do mundo. Contudo, por causa do 11/09, eles tem uma aliança com inúmeros países que deve ser respeitada. Ou seja, ele quer que os EUA deixem de ser a polícia do mundo, mas acredita que o motivo que os levou a ser de fato essa polícia, o 11/09, não possa ser mexido.
Logo depois vomita a pior russofobia e postura autoritária. Fica mais claro o que ele pensa ser essa "defesa comum": It is clear that China and Russia, for example, want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian model - gaining veto authority over other nations' economic, diplomatic, and security decisions - to promote their own interests at the expense of their neighbors, America and our allies. That is why we must use all the tools of American power to provide for the common defense".
Pelo o que tenho de informação, realmente causou comoção no Pentágono, e uma correria para que fosse evitado, a retirada das tropas da Síria. E isso ocorreu no mesmo momento que o grupo de Astana (Rússia, Turquia e Irã) entraram num acordo com os sírios e a ONU para a criação de um comitê constitucional para desenhar uma nova constituição para uma nova estrutura política na Síria.
Também ao mesmo tempo, a Casa dos Lordes britânica publicou um documento intitulado "U.K Foreign Policy in a Shifting World Order". O resumo da ópera das 116 páginas é a insegurança jurídica trazida pela "imprevisibilidade" das ações de Trump. Diz que a Rússia é uma "potência decadente" (as ações da OTAN devem continuar para dissuadir os "decadentes") e que se deve continuar a fazer guerra comercial com a China. Acho que o general Mattis estava apenas parafraseando as ordens do Império Britânico.
Muita calma nessa hora!
O que poderia dizer além disso?
 A ruína do Império Britânico
O tema central talvez seja o modo de operação de Trump. Não penso que abordar essas questões de método nos leva muito longe. Como disse, o importante é retirar as tropas da Síria. Com todo o "bom comportamento" de um Obama, isso além de nunca ter sequer sido mencionado, a escalada terrorista da OTAN junto a suas forças de guerra irregulares só se acentuou.
Como deveria ser senso comum, o problema político mais grave dos EUA atualmente é a questão do embate com a Rússia. Com toda a maluquice trumpista, as boas relações que ele tem com o Putin contribuíram bastante para aliviar as tensões de guerra, que chegaram a níveis surpreendentes no final do governo Obama (e que se prolongariam com Hillary caso fosse eleita). O professor emérito da Universidade de Princeton e de Nova Iorque, Stephen Cohen, historiador (Democrata) especialista em Rússia, chegou a chamar esse momento de "crise dos mísseis invertida", por causa do assédio das tropas ocidentais na fronteira russa.
Aí quando André Araújo em seu artigo diz, por exemplo:
·         "O cerco se fecha sobre Trump, não há mais nomes de 1ª ou 2ª linha que queiram trabalhar nesse Governo. Em dois anos perdeu um Secretário de Estado, um de Defesa, dois Assessores de Segurança Nacional, a Embaixadora na ONU, dois Chefes da Casa Civil. Nenhum outro Presidente teve essa debandada na primeira metade do mandato e pensar que o futuro Presidente do Brasil vai amarrar sua rédea nesse tronco furado". ARAÚJO, André
Assim, acaba por ignorar toda a chantagem embutida no caso do "russiangate". Um dos primeiros a serem atingidos, e de maneira covarde, foi alguém que seria - ou que teria tudo para ser - um grande líder no governo Trump: o general Michael Flynn. Dizer que ninguém quer trabalhar com o Trump por ele ser um doido do Twitter é simplificar demais a questão.
A questão relevante para o futuro das economias ocidentais é como os EUA se comportarão em relação a China. Além de alguma relação pessoal com Xi Jiping que Trump aparenta ter, a única saída para aquele país voltar a crescer é entrar na lógica da Nova Rota da Seda. Por exemplo, utilizar a dívida pública americana com os chineses como crédito para reconstrução da infraestrutura americana. De outro lado, fazer uma parceria com a China no setor aeroespacial. A China semana passada fez uma missão para o chamado "lado escuro" da Lua. Foi pioneira e nenhuma manchete sobre o tema, nem na "direita", tampouco na "esquerda".
 Bannon attacks again
O lobbie dessa nova extrema-direita que tem o Steve Bannon como símbolo é exatamente um suposto anti-globalismo que é diretamente anti-chinês. Além dessas "limitações técnicas" que André Araújo faz alusão (uma "metodologia excêntrica" do governo estadunidense), a maior barreira é superar o medo da China e trabalhar em parceria com eles. Por exemplo, o governador de West Virginia (um dos estados mais pobres dos EUA e com o maior índice de tráfico de drogas e mortes violentas) conseguiu um financiamento de 80 bilhões de dólares para investimento em infraestrutura.
Imagina isso no Rio de Janeiro ou até mesmo em escala nacional? E não é vender a fábrica de aviões pelo preço de dois hotéis e meio...
O que quero dizer: é necessário estudar o que significa a expansão chinesa, os projetos que a China quer liderar ou fazer em parceria com outros países e as formas de crédito, de financiamento, que eles propõem. Por esse caminho acho que as críticas ao Trump são muito mais do que oportunas. Agora, criticar por ele usar o Twitter para qualquer coisa é rebater no óbvio. É só lembrar do ataque americano (com os franceses e os ingleses) na Síria, todo ele narrado por Trump nas redes sociais. É ridículo, mas isso está bem longe do problema bem mais amplo dos EUA e da economia transatlântica como um todo. Contudo, isso deve ser visto dentro do tema atual do fenômeno político do neopopulismo, da extrema-direita e da mistura de anti-neoliberalismo com anti-globalismo chinês.
 A General Motors é a America de Bolsonaro
Em 1953, 53% dos empregos nos EUA eram no setor industrial. Hoje, não passa de 8%. A participação da indústria na economia americana em 1955 era de 28%. Hoje não passa de 12%, além do país ter perdido mais de 5 milhões de trabalhadores industriais e o salário real no setor não sofrer aumento real desde 1999.
O caso atual do anúncio da General Motors de fechar boa parte de suas plantas industriais em Ohio, reeditando o que ocorreu tempos atrás com a antiga cidade industrial de Detroit, faz parte do contexto geral da crise de 2008. As empresas não criaram planos para sua viabilização na economia real. Depois da crise e com o apoio dos empréstimos a juros negativos feitos pelos governos do EUA e da União Europeia (e depois os vira-latas querem falar do nosso BNDES), tornaram-se de fato empresas virtuais, mais preocupadas com seus ganhos nas bolsas de valores do que em ganhos reais. Todos saem perdendo.
É tudo tão inacreditável que o valor da estrutura física da Ford, por exemplo, que ganha muito na especulação a cada ano, é inferior ao valor da estrutura física da companhia de carros elétricos Tesla. Os americanos esqueceram que boa parcela da superioridade que alcançaram em relação a União Soviética durante a corrida espacial se deveu a contratos feitos com a Chrysler em parceria com a NASA, num trabalho conjunto com as forças aéreas do país.
Hoje é uma vergonha se dizer um operário nos EUA. Logo ali que ser um trabalhador industrial qualificado representava a maior parte da boa qualidade de vida do americano. Hoje um trabalhador industrial ganha de 16 a 20 dólares por hora nas fábricas. Não há lunático que se arrisque a sonhar com algo do gênero.
Não sei o caso do Bozo e do Chivago Boys... No caso, o Chile parece que serviu de modelo para os EUA.
Logo após as eleições para o Congresso americano, Tucker Carlson, comentarista da Fox News, criticava o Partido Republicano nos seguintes termos: os republicanos esquecem que a maior parte dos americanos não pagam os impostos federais. Na maioria dos casos eles não se importam com a pauta de "corte de impostos", tampouco avaliam a economia em termos de valor de mercado ou PIB. O que importa a eles é quanto vai custar a gasolina ou o que será da vida deles se ficarem doentes. Segundo Carlson, essas seriam as razões pelas quais os republicanos perderam as eleições.
 A resposta para a questão
Pouco importa as veleidades de André Araújo com o modo de operação do governo Trump. O mais importante, pelo menos até agora, é que retirou as tropas da Síria. Foi por cusa disso e não por causa do anúncio no Twitter (já sabido) que Mattis pediu demissão.
O caso da submissão bolsonárica aos EUA, já disse na seção passada a que tipo de EUA o Bozo irá se submeter. E não importa se é um presidente que não fala no Twitter mas só "nos autos", se é republicano ou democrata, que o impedirá de abaixar as calças.
Fará isso para um país que não é um "império", mas um sub-potência econômica com um grande arsenal nuclear. O que une Bolsonaro e os setores mais atrasados da política americana, fora a questão da guerra, é sua índole anti-chinesa (supostamente anti-globalista). A saída para a crise dos EUA é refinanciar a dívida do país com investimentos em infraestrutura. É usar a dívida para impulsionar o mercado interno. E Xi Jinping já se mostrou mais do que disposto para esse plano.
Abraçar os EUA hoje não é exatamente ser colonizado como na década de 1990. É dar o último lance de dados já sem qualquer centavo no bolso. Essa será a vitalidade do governo Bolsonaro...
Com a China, com os BRICS, uma outra perspectiva se abriria. Mas os eleitores quiseram criticar o suposto "mensalão", o PMDB no poder, a Dilma, num uníssono entre esquerda e direita.
Infelizmente ferrou tudo. Mas ainda quero ano que vem mandar para os bolsonaristas o que para mim é o maior dos memes.
 Fonte: Por Rogério Mattos, no Jornal GGN
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