#trent?? that guy is a bucketful of concerning family shit
noahtally-famous · 5 months
kinda (very) ironic that the two allegedly "normal guys" in the total drama franchise have some of the most concerning lore/personalities
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Wow, that was a surpassingly normal ad!
Oh boy here we go lore drop!
Therizdune the chained oblivion who is chained at the bottom of the abyss
"He’s basically the boogeyman" if the boogeyman was a HORRIBLE ELDRITCH MONSTER
...IS the boogeyman a horrible eldritch monster?! Oh god.
This is great and awful like terrible abyssal eldritch things that can creep into the world through gaps and rifts encourages people to be violent and awful
Also I’m so satisfied that the chains actually ended up being significant
Okay so Yussah knows a guy who we know knows Trent, so... that’s not cool. I mean o totally trust Yussah now it’s not that, it’s just can we trust Ormid?
So not all the Cerberus assembly is bad re: Yussah. But like he’s basically a hermit living in his tower, yeah? Who doesn’t go into the Empire? So like how out of touch is he?
"Trent seems just creepy" that’s putting it mildly
Money? Ball bearings? xD
Oh nice some of the Halas money
Oh Nott honey
Fjord being like "Nott? Caleb please talk to your goblin."
And they’re just all discussing it in the background
oh boy don’t like that
Oh dear...
"Your FACE is stupid" oh Nott
Lock the gem away somewhere
"You’ll still work at it and try?" Oh honey of course he will
I like how they handled that. They didn’t put Nott down, they gently reminded her that Halas can’t be trusted.
Oh I hope that doesn’t trigger Caleb
And I hope that didn’t just fuck them over with Halas maybe
Cad’s like "can we not?" and then just silencing everyone who keeps trying to talk to him
Y’all need to call your OTHER wizard friend (aka HOTT BOI) to let him know you’re fine and not dead or anything cause this is probably the longest he’s gone without hearing from you
"Everything’s been smoothed over" I wonder if Dairon had anything to do with that
I wonder where she is...
Also this is late cause he said it like ages ago but I love Cad’s little bits of homely wisdom, like the whole holes in a bucket metaphor.
Kidding I like the xhorhaus
21,000 gold??
That puts them at 350 platinum which is like 3,500 apiece NICE
Please def check in with Orli I miss him
I’m gonna insist they all get either matching M9 tattoos or Captain tusktooth tattooes
Oh my
Yeah a charisma bump is a good choice Nott xD
"chaos crew" lol
Imagine the stories those "new faces" have heard of the M9 from the older crew
1312 gold not bad!
Fuck y’all I love Orli! I missed him. I hope Fjord retires and goes back to sailing with Orli and the crew someday.
F: "Can I ask, how painful is this... procedure?"
O: "oh-ho-ho! Quite."
Oh lord
B: "Is that infected? Is that infected?!"
O: "No, he’s just a.....................Pansy."
Girls day!
Ohhh I like that idea Nott! Can’t wait to see the new art of that.
I like the start of the idea but the "like the Traveler’s hugging me" is slightly creepy to me. Idk.
BeauJester shippers just got a gift xD
Oh... Molly’s all seeing eye tattoo. My heart. Taliesin looks really touched.
Omg a nat1
Ouch fuck Matt you didn’t have to describe that
Matt’s like "here’s your pretty tattoo Nott, here’s your very lovely tattoo Jester, here’s your TOTALLY BOMBASS tattoo that goes all the way up the BACK OF YOUR SKULL Beau"
like I’m not saying Matt plays favorites but his wife’s character definitely got the coolest tattoo
Boy talk over fish and chips heck yeah
Mmm gonna get some deep talk from Caleb?
Caleb expressing that he feels like maybe they’ve been brought together for a purpose <3
Cad telling him he’s believed Caleb was meant for something important since the beginning
Caleb the green bean farmer
"The god’s plant us, plant their will and their desire, and we move towards the fruit we’re meant for bear for them." Aw that’s... sweet, Cad.
Fjord being like "idk man I’m still figuring it out" what a mood
Caleb admitting he feels like he should run away
"I have started to forget what it was like not being with you people. And we are missing one, I am stuck on the fact that we are still missing one."
I wish I was fast enough to transcribe word for word this conversation because it’s excellent
I like Fjord’s question of "when you know, do you run away or do the right thing knowing it could kill you"
C: "You two are alright."
Cad: "We’re getting better."
F: "So are you, you know, you should give yourself credit."
C: "Mm..."
Cad: "I know... just think about it."
(Wow my old Widofjord feelings just came back with a vengeance.)
Cad adding in his own encouraging words about how Caleb is growing and becoming better made me happy too
C: "I hate tattoos."
Nott in the distance: AHHHH
C: "they’re just not for me."
Cad: "they’re frowned upon in my family."
And then they go see the girls
"We brought fish and chips—what they fuck"
All the Jester ships are eating well tonight
I’m so glad Jester finally got her cool tattoo
Y’all don’t want to see mom and Yeza and Luc?
lol Jester "I didn’t tell my mom about the tattoo"
"I’ve seen parents find out their kids had tattoos literally at the funeral"
I literally could not tell if that was Cad or Taliesin sharing
You guys didn’t even say bye to Orli! YOU MONSTERS
Boy that talks blurb with Brian talk about Caleb is GOOD SHIT MAN
No Brian don’t stop please go on and on about Caleb
lol Matt getting himself in the face with the paper
I knew Dairon was the one who got them out of trouble <3
just got new official art and now Beau gets a new outfit and the girls get tattoos xD
B: "I apologize"
M9: "wwwwwoooooaaaaahhh"
And library access again yay!
Beau gets to be a role model now lol
Oh yikes... selling out the Kryn to the King... don’t like that
Vence... NewTHEYLESS??
I don’t like that
Everyone: *excited freaking about Beau’s expositor room*
Cad, a good 10 seconds behind: "You had a monk bunk."
Dairon admitting she realized her prejudices against the Kryn were wrong. You know what that is? Growth.
They’re all so proud of Expositor Beau
Caleb trying to do "normal" accents is amazing lol
I don’t want him to be split from the group but I definitely understand his concern
Scary world ending lore oh boy
Oh god I forgot about the gentleman being here...
YES NO DO NOT GO ALONE that’s a dumb idea honey Jester please
N about J: "well she convides in everybody. Just says whatever she wants to say all the time."
This whole Beau and Nott conversation is amazing xD
Fjord and Jester: talking
Beau and Nott: talking
Caduceus walking along and enjoying the group communicating and sharing their feelings
Is he an earth genasi?
That’s the second time another wizard has called Yussah a fool, poor guy
I like how Ormid’s like "who the fuck are these people" but he also trusts Yussah enough to listen to them that’s nice
Hmmm I don’t like that’s awfully suspicious
He keeps coming back to the beacon and I don’t like it
So like.. what if he is in on the whole thing and is trying to steer them away from looking deeper into the beacon?
Jester honey why you go and name drop Trent?? Like fuck.
Also interesting that both the King and his council have been more aggressive and pro-war lately, and the Bright Queen is also bent on the conflict in a way that I’ve personally felt doesn’t seem to quite mesh with her character, it definitely lends towards the idea that they’re being manipulated
Ormid’s a bit of a dick, although I guess I can understand, they’re not explaining themselves super well
Hng idk how I feel about Ormid and I’m not sure that I like that he now knows Dairon is working to get an audience with the king
But then again I’m bad about telling which NPCs are trustworthy and which aren’t.
Ormid’s face when they mentioned the cat OH MY GOD
okay fine god now I have to trust him
"I know we are talking about very important things but" I’m dying
Y’all fixing to get a symbol of the Cerberus Assembly damn
I don’t necessarily LIKE Ormid not entirely trust him but he’s already
Insight check on Sprinkles to see if he wants to go back with Jester aw
lol getting pet advice from him maybe I like him a little bit
it’s been so long!
Guys I have missed Pumat so much he just brings me so much joy
Fetch quest for Pumat DO IT PLZ
Basilisk oil that’s maybe not a great idea
They gotta go to islands for Traveler Con right is that close?
"Let me get it from CritRole stats" lol
Oh thank god health potions
Armor boost oil is neat (plus 1 to AC isn’t bad) but ouch it’s pricy
I love that they CANNOT keep money they get it and then they spend it. It’s #relatable
Uh.... what’s happening to my boy?!
45 pats slashing??
oh NO
fuck no
Is there a rift near?!
The Inevitable End?
Evil assassin person??
45 points of damage fuck
This is bad
23 doesn’t hit?!
Oh they’re in trouble
God DAMN I’m freaked out omg
Does he have The Invulnerable Vangrent as a map??
God what a cliffhanger
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