#tried my best on the cory pics but they are so. small.
laughing-thrush · 5 years
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More pics of the 40g! (brought to you by my cellphone rip)
Now with 14 beckford’s red pencil fish, 7 pygmy cory cats, one chocolate whiptail cat, and a pair of macmasteri dwarf cichlids (+ one guppy i cant catch, oi). Also added some red root floater, which has lil white flowers awwwww... Everyone is still baby, but there’s pencil fish sparing and cichlid flirting happening already. I expected the cichlids to get a bit bigger before they matured, but the female is already putting on some bulk so maybe not. Can’t wait to see how it all fills in!
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foxsoulcourt · 5 years
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Dear Sweetest (19 y.o. - so you know I’m talking to you, love) Anon,
TYSM for your message in my inbox !!! I’m HUMBLED + HONOURED you would ask me how I keep going. Oof, that is a big, important question which deserves a thoughtful, longish answer. While I mull on a response, here’s a shorter answer (for me!) w/visual aids.
As often as I can throughout the day + evening, I slow down to focus on what’s working well or some small detail which delights me. If those things cause me to exhale my held breath or laugh = bonus points!
Plus SLEEP: get enough sleep. That really, really helps our brains + the rest of our bodies function better. (It does not need to happen in one 8 hr stretch)
The visual response
Pic #1: My vegetable garden a few weeks ago. Overwhelmed w/volunteer plants. When it’s weeded + planted I enjoy watering it + picking veggies. (Current thought: shit this will take forever to weed, but/and...Future-casting: sometime soon it will be a garden to enjoy.) 
Pic #2: Same garden 2 weeks ago after I asked Mr FSC to weed whack. Using his efforts as momentum, I’ve gathered my gardening supplies + looked at plants.(Current thought: RIGHT, I can ask for help! I don’t have to do everything myself. Future-casting: it will be a delight sooner than I was afraid it would be.) 
Pic #3: A sink full of dirty dishes w/single flowers in vases on the sill. Cutting + arranging plants/flowers so I can look at them is one of my fave ‘mindfulness practices’. (Right here, right now: even though there are dishes to do, I take delight in these small flowers in all their funny little vases.)
I have dealt with unipolar depression since I was a teenager + had some  intense/long episodes over my lifetime (including two this past year after over a decade w/out any). I know there is a LOT involved to moving forward towards where we say we want to go. Sometimes it’s harder than others. It sucks, but this particular thing is my sucky thing. I’ve tried ignoring it a couple of times, but that doesn’t help at all, so when I can, I greet this part of myself as a friend + do my best to take care of it. (Sometimes that works better than others.)
I’ll sketch out my thoughtful response to your valuable question. Until then, I hope this helps some. Also, please know you can reach out to me directly any time!  We’re all in this together. Learning how to be interdependent with one another with healthy boundaries is part of how we keep going. love, LoVe, LOVE to you dear one,
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inkhouse8 · 4 years
February 9th, 2020
That was amazing.  You rapping at the Oscars.  I’m so impressed.  I couldn’t do it.  You sounded amazing, looked amazing & are amazing.  I’m sorry it takes me so long to catch up.  I think if I give it a bit of time I’ll learn to let go of the bad yesterday holds so that I may truly live more in today.  My head i s filled with uncommon ideas of who I am, what I’m good for and reaching to the level of my ability seems like a far stretch at this moment.  Feels like I’m trying to live in today & not worry about yesterday or tomorrow so that I can create.  Some moments I’m pure & I’m without fault in my own mind, my own right.  I see myself as all of who I am.  I am an English woman.  A Scot. An Irish lass (lol) & An American Cree Metis.  I’m a Jesus devote, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a writer, an awesome cashier, a retired athlete, a blogger, a music hound, a hater & a lover, a fuzz-mom & it goes on.  
This thing we’ve got, the one that’s spanned almost 13 years - it’s important to me, like all of those listed above.  They are all in my blood, as are you. You pound my heart - have for those 13 years.  Your side of the story differs substantially & I wonder if you know that I’m only small.  I can’t lift mountains or see the farthest things.  I am only small.  I’m a little girl who’s been beat the fuck up verbally, mentally, emotionally & all I want is to live a good, long, happy, healthy life.  I mean no harm. Not to you, ever.  Never did.  
~ LEAVING HEAVEN* ~  I have fear, Marshall.  I fear we’ll fuck it up again. And that’ll be it for us.  Can you take some pics. of yourself now that you’re green?  You turn me on so much.  I tried finding the BBQ one & can’t find more or even that on Google. I want to see you.  I am so attracted to you now that your clothes are ripping.  I couldn’t pin point it until you said that in 2 songs.  I was like “fuck, ya!”  I am diggin you BIG, BIG FUCKING TIME.  Holy harsh.  I keep looking at that profile pic.  You, fuck, you have always done it for me, but this time - everything about now seems the best.  “Love is in the air” - that.  And cop.  And ... all of it.  This album.  You look AMAZING!!  Damn, I can’t stop thinking about you.  
I never thought I wanted an athlete but I do now.  Since I was 14 I’ve wanted to be with a music man.  Fuck!!  You’re both.  God loves me!!  And you, Pumpkin.  I want to feel your chest.  Deep breath.  Ah.  What are you doing to look that good?  Praise Jesus! I needed this.  I needed YOU back.  I needed you all my life. I’m glad this album came out & I hear what is with you.  I’m grateful.
I’m going to look for more pics.  Can you take some please?  Baby?  Help a girl out.  
Love you much
CoRi Lynne
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marketerarena-blog · 6 years
Friday Faves
Hey friends! Happy Friday! I’m back in Tucson after a whirlwind trip to Santa Barbara for the CJ University conference.
It was my first time in SB, and I think we need to go back asap for a family vacation. It was insanely gorgeous with picturesque beach and mountain views, amazing food (#allthetacos), and all of the locals were so kind and friendly. It was a short but wonderful trip. 
 (With Tina and Nicole)
When Under Armour invited me to attend the conference and collaborate on a future post (so many amazing things on the way for holiday!!), I agreed instantly. CJ (Commission Junction) is a platform that I’ve used and loved for years now, and was really looking forward to meeting my CJ friends. I feel like I’ve *known* them this entire time, so it was so awesome to be able to hang out with them in real life. I also got to meet some other influencers that were invited to represent various brands, including Merrick, Cori, Elly, Nicolette, and Kim. I also spent a lot of time catching up with OG blog friends Tina and Nicole. 
The most memorable moment of the conference for me was the keynote speech by Dan Heath. (Here’s his book, which I can’t wait to read!) He spoke about the power of moments and how certain special touches can take an experience from mediocre to profound. The best example was this hotel in LA. It’s the #2 hotel in ALL of LA and at first glance, it looks pretty forgettable. It’s an older hotel with very modest offerings, small balconies, and the rooms aren’t anything extravagant. The things that take it to the next level that keep people raving and coming back for more: a snack delivery menu with free snacks and candy 24/7, a red phone by the pool (the popsicle hotline! When you pick up the phone, someone answers and says, “Popsicle hotline. We’ll be right there” and then a man in a suit delivers popsicles to the pool on a silver tray), board game rentals, free laundry service, and movie rentals. It was an excellent speech – one part was a major tearjerker – and welcomed reminder to find extra ways to connect and create memorable experiences.
While we were at the conference, we attended some sessions and brand meetings, networked on the patio with blood orange champagne and desserts,
hit up a beach cocktail hour,
walked the Pier,
and one night… I slept for 10 hours. I definitely needed it after everything that’s been going on lately and woke up feeling like a new human. 
I’m back to unpack my suitcase, do some laundry, and then start repacking because we’re headed to Disney. I’ll be sure to report back with the adventures and share the fun on IG stories!
Now, it’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my top finds from the week and around the web. I’d love to hear what you’re loving, too, if you’d shout out a fave in the comments below.
Fashion + beauty:
Express dresses FTW. I was looking for a dress to wear to the party and came across this one at Express. I love the color for fall and I’ll definitely wear it again with booties and hoop earrings. 
(Shoes in this pic are Steve Madden)
The Beautycounter lipgloss motherload. Arsy sent me the full Beautycounter lipgloss set as a celebration for hitting Director last month. She knows I’m obsessed and always have one with me, and now I have so many new colors to try. If you haven’t tried the lip glosses yet, I promise they’re the BEST. 
Read, watch, listen:
Won’t You Be My Neighbor. Is it ok to make this a fave even though I haven’t watched it yet? I feel like it will be because I <3 Mister Rogers and so wish he was still around. It will likely made me dinosaur cry on the airplane, but I’m ready for it. 
A friendly reminder to check those ta-tas. (It’s a video, just in case you’re at work!)
What are your simple pleasures? Some of mine: lighting a candle for the first time. little feet thumping to our room in the night, a handwritten note, chocolate-glazed donuts, new running sneaks.
What to ask yourself when you feel overwhelmed.
Food + recipes:
These pumpkin spice gluten-free waffles. They’re a little more crumbly than the gf waffles I usually get, but the flavor is just right. It’s not overwhelming with spices and they’re perfect with almond butter. 
I need these curry noodle bowls.
Sunshine smoothie bowl
This full HIIT and Strength workout video! It’s only 20 minutes and a serious sweat festival. 
My friend Jen launched some new strength training and running plans
Strength and cardio heavy lower body workout
20-minute power yoga flow
Updated Fit Guides are coming a week from Monday!! Get ready, friends
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  Happy Friday! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see ya soon. I’m continuing to send prayers for safety to all of my friends in the Carolinas and in Florence’s path. 
The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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