#tried something new and drew in color oooooo
I want to share my mk oc, but I still think it would be cringe and/or boring... ._. can you please share some info about your mk ocs so I would feel inspired agdfgHH doesn't have to be much, just a random fact would be INTERESTING
Gladly :DD
Also don't feel any shame when it comes to your oc I'd love to see them (I'd draw them so fast don't test me)
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First off is Nerrez. She's a Balakian (combined order and chaos realm in my au) who doesn't subscribe to the idea of order or chaos despite her birth realm. She's a necromancer who only does things that benefit her. Quan Chi made a deal with her to create Scorpion as his servant in exchange that the bodies of the people Scorpion kills goes to her. This is how she acquired Bi-Han's body and made Noob Saibot with an experimental method.
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This is Gentaro Hitora (I've posted him before but I changed his first name because it was too close to Sento). He's Kenshi's yakuza friend who, after Kenshi declares war on the yakuza, becomes his man on the inside and informant. More of a background/kameo charcter.
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This is Sero, an Edenian. He's the patron to the Edenian goddess of health and fertility. As her patron he has her healing magic. After Shao Kahn conquers Edenia he is absorbed into Outworld's court with Shao allowing him to worship and build temples for his god as long as he works at his beck and call. He is the reason many come out of mortal kombat alive despite their injuries.
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And the last one (for now) is my only civilian character, Kung Huai, Lao's younger sister and Jin's mother. As per Kung tradition she was placed in an arranged marriage to Jin's father. Compared to Lao she is quiet reserved (mostly because of the pressure the Kung family placed on her, Lao is more outspoken because he was raised by the Shaolin instead). She's also in the closet (I genuinely can't imagine her with a man willingly)
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Adorable Slimy Stranger
Chapter 2: Holidays With The Sides (& Pumpkin!)
The sides are nearing Christmas, and are getting ready to celebrate and share the joy with their new companion, Pumpkin!
This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous user! Thank you for the prompt for a sequel!
And this fanfic is also dedicated to Pumpkinpaw! Love you sweety!
Pumpkin had become a regular household companion within the next few weeks. When deciding what pronouns to use, the sides had put down papers that said ‘Boy’, ‘Girl’, and ‘both’, to mean they/them.
“Do you wanna be a girl? As in, a good girl?” Patton asked, pointing to the pink card.
“Or perhaps a boy? A good boy?” Logan offered, pointing to the blue card.
“Or maybe you wanna be both! Maybe ‘buddy’, or ‘good pumpa’?” Roman asked, holding up the purple card.
Patton gasped. “That’s such a cute nickname! Pumpa! I love it!” Patton cheered, hugging Roman.
Pumpkin looked at the three cards curiously for a few seconds. Right as someone was gonna speak up, Pumpkin picked up the pink card, pointed to it and tried to gurgle the word ‘girl’ as best as it could!
Patton and Roman both squealed excitedly, while Logan smiled proudly. “Girl it is. Pumpkin shall now be referred to as a female, until she shows us otherwise.” Logan declared.
“I’m still gonna call her lil’ pumpa tho! It’s perfect!” Patton added, giving Pumpkin a big hug.
“And she has at least 1 new nickname.” Logan muttered proudly with a chuckle.
To make things greater, it was nearing Christmas and EVERYONE was getting into the christmas mood!
Patton has been watching all the Hallmark movies and decorating the house with all the tinsel and lights he could summon. He also took time to hang up the advent calendars and had an elf hat on his head every second of the day!
Logan has been drinking out of christmas mugs, determining the holiday board games they could play together, and has been listening to different christmas music covers to determine the most beautiful and/or most classic versions. Using that knowledge, Logan successfully came up with the most christmassy playlist he could make, which also included songs from classic christmas films! And let’s not forget Bing Crosby and Pentatonix!
Roman has been singing christmas carols himself and wrapping up endless amounts of presents to fill the bottom of the christmas tree. He’s also spent lots of time making ornaments to add to the tree and was even sewing up adorable christmas outfits for Patton and himself! Remus even got an early Christmas outfit, which included a ‘King of Naughty’ original Grinch shirt.
Meanwhile, Virgil has been enjoying the heck outta the christmas sweaters that came out each year. This year? Thomas’s brand new Virgil-themed sweater merchandise Thomas came out with! Well...minus the scarf. Virgil found the scarf to be too much with the sweater. So, he gave it to Patton. Virgil has also been enjoying the holiday slippers! This year, Virgil was sporting a pair of hilarious shark slippers! Sometimes, Virgil would joke that ‘The sharks are hungry for feet!’
Janus has been enjoying watching the christmas baking shows and has been playing lots of christmas flash games that are always around. Super Santa Kicker, Christmas Race, Christmas Shopper Simulator (10/10, Best game of 2014!), Tattletail, Santa’s Rampage, even that crappy christmas wii game called ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’! All of those games were common-place.
Last but not least, Remus has been doing the elf on the shelf this year (with a small list of rules, of course.) and has been surprising people with singing and dancing christmas decorations everywhere! There was the animated singing rudolph, the twerking Santa Claus toy (Yup...Of course…), the singing and jingling christmas hat, that cringey but funny dancing/singing poop toy, an animated dancing tree, the animated singing santa in the bathtub, and everyone’s personal favorite: The Snoopy dancing plush toy that wobbles back and forth!
But everyone found that Pumpkin was ALSO in the christmas mood! The sides enjoyed seeing her reactions to the dancing toys the best, and even danced along with the toys sometimes! She waddled along with snoopy, danced left and right with the dancing tree, and sang to the Rudolph song while Rudolph sang the classic song!
Meanwhile, Patton had sewed up a christmas hat for Pumpkin. The hat had a more burgundy red color, a traditional white bottom and a white pom pom on the top. When Patton first gave it to the orange blob, Pumpkin placed it on her own head and let the pompom flop onto her face. Upon seeing the pompom, it looked as if her eyes could’ve dilated and she started playing with the pompom like a kitty. That was the best reaction they could’ve gotten from her!
One of the days, Pumpkin was sitting in the living room with the sides, watching The Polar Express on TV. This was a holiday classic that the sides loved to watch together. So joining Pumpkin in on the fun was a must! The train had just been saved from falling into the ice, and the train climbed up the spiral to the high road to the north pole. Pumpkin had slid herself over to Roman and Patton, and snuggled under the extra blanket that was beside the boys. Pumpkin was also wearing her santa hat!
Watching the pretty lights in the sky over the sea, Pumpkin watched curiously as the big conductor man talked to them about them and then uttered the following words: “There...is the north POLE!”
Pumpkin ran as quickly as her body could to the TV and reached up to the north pole on the TV. She backed up a little and held her hands on her chin as the train approached the Santa Village and The Polar Express song started playing! The song was so quick and fun, and it didn’t take long for Pumpkin to start bouncing up and down to the song while she watched the camera move under the twisting train road arches.
“Oooooo!” Pumpkin reacted to seeing the Santa city for the first time.
Patton’s heart was all warm and gushing at Pumpkin’s reactions. Roman was visibly excited about the village as well!
The christmas spirit went uphill from there. Pumpkin learned about the big old man in red known as Santa and his big bag of toys, his deers with horns, and about the big man’s magical powers! He especially loved the amount of joy that filled the sides when they talked about the man wearing red. Whoever this red-coated man was, made the sides so happy! Almost as happy as she makes them! And not only that, but the man in the red suit had a hat just like she did! She was bouncing around and clapping about that!
But excitement soon turned into disappointment when she found out she had to wait for the man in the red suit to come. She didn’t want to wait for the happy old man to come! She wanted to see him now! NOW! She whimpered and paced around the house as she struggled to wait for the old man to come. So while they waited, Logan grabbed a paper and some crayons and let Pumpkin draw a picture for Santa. While that happened, Logan wrote a short christmas letter out for her which read:
[Dear Santa Claus;
Hi Santa! My name is Pumpkin! I just found out about you and the elves in the north pole, and really wanted to see you! I’m sad that I have to wait for you to come, but I’ll try to find fun things to do while I wait for you. For Christmas, I would like lots of candy! Candy is so yummy! And skittles are my favorite! I also love Patton’s crunchy gingerbread cookies! That day, I discovered icing! And it made me bounce off the walls! I would also like for everyone to be extra happy this Christmas. I’m making people happy everyday, but now I can let you make everyone happy too.
Love; Pumpkin! ]
Logan put the letter down, and looked at the picture Pumpkin drew. It was a picture of herself tickling Santa Claus’s belly. Logan couldn’t help but giggle at how Santa’s belly in the picture made him look like he was pregnant. He also giggled at the big smile that was all spread out on Santa’s face. Logan praised her on a drawing well done, and decided to add something to the letter:
[P.S: Your belly looks very big and ticklish!]
Logan grabbed the drawing Pumpkin made, photocopied it, and put the copied version of the drawing in the envelope along with the letter. With everything ready, Logan sealed it shut. “There. Off to the North Pole!” Logan declared to Pumpkin!
Logan mailed it off in the post office a day later.
With Christmas on its way and Pumpkin stuck in a bit of an antsy wait for the magic, Pumpkin started to tickle people a little more often than usual. Any other time of the year, Pumpkin would tickle at least 1 person a day. But with Christmas around the corner and Pumpkin growing hyper, Pumpkin had started tickling all the sides at least once a day! So her tickle attacks jumped from 1 or 2, to 6 every single day!
Pumpkin tilted her head curiously, and chose to remove her pods from the armpits like he begged. Roman quickly tried to gain back his breath, but Pumpkin still wanted to hear laughter! So, she made her pod super thin like a pencil and dipped it into his belly button.
“aAAAAEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHE! *snort* HAHAHAHAHAHA! *snort* NOHOHOHO FAHAHAHAHAHAIR!” Roman yelled through his laughter.
Pumpkin playfully stuck her tongue out at him and started to playfully nibble and ripple her blob-like body all over his belly.
Roman’s snorts grew more frequent and his laughter turned cackle-like. It was so ticklish! He was struggling to properly breath! But it was so fun! Roman had been tickled many, many, MANY times by Patton in the past. But THIS!
Holy cow!
Patton’s tickling was NOTHING compared to this!
Pumpkin decided to give him another ticklish, jiggly raspberry to get him squealing. And squealing, she was rewarded! Roman squealed so loud and so high-pitched, that Pumpkin stopped immediately just to process the strange sound!
Roman was a laughing, snorting mess after the squeal. And Pumpkin was loving every millisecond of it. As much as she was enjoying it however, Pumpkin knew when to give the man a long, giggly break. This would involve cuddling her ticklish victim and gently tickling a much less ticklish spot on their body to keep them giggling, but also let them breathe. For Roman, this was his neck.
“Ohohohohohokahahahahahay. Thahahahank yohohohou Puhuhumpkihin!” Roman told her.
Pumpkin smiled and gave his neck a tickly kiss on the neck. Roman giggled more from that, and calmed down the moment her ‘lips’ moved away from his neck. Pumpkin kept up her giggly tickling for a little bit longer before she went for Janus next.
Now, Pumpkin didn’t quite know Janus nearly as much as she knew the rest of the sides. She had even grown to know Remus quicker, than compared to Janus! The half man half snake in yellow, was more mysterious and...preferred his lonely time. So, she gave him his lonely time for the most part. She did come around to see if he was up for a tickle or two, but often walked away empty-handed, yet gaining some progress.
Finally, after weeks and weeks of trying, Pumpkin finally gained the courage to tickle Janus for the first time. She walked up to Janus’s side very quietly...geeently snuck her pod hand under the snake man’s shirt...and gave it a quick tickle.
“eeEEP! WHAT-” Janus turned around and immediately calmed down. Pumpkin made a surprised yip sound, and backed up a little to give him space. “Hi Pumpkin. Sorry about that. I...totally heard you come in.” Janus told her.
...Oh yeah...and then there was the strange way he talked to her and the other sides. He said things backwards. Like just now: if he actually heard her come in, then why was he so surprised and jumpy?
Things like that didn’t make sense to her. But what did make sense, was his calming face. “You tried to tickle me today. You...finally tried and tickled me. And it worked.” Janus told her.
Pumpkin didn’t really know what to do. She was confused. Was anything he was saying, supposed to be backwards? Or normal? Pumpkin couldn’t tell. But all that thinking went right out the window when Janus held his arms out for her. He wanted a hug from her! There was no saying no to THAT! Pumpkin quickly slid up to him and hugged him tightly.
“Wow! You have a very snug and firm hug for a jello being.” Janus admitted.
Jello? Like that blue jiggly stuff that Logan made once?
Pumpkin let him enjoy the hug for a bit. She wanted him to feel safe in her grasp. And perhaps, she may not get any tickles in today. But the only thing that mattered now, is that Janus could be hugged now.
“...Aren’t you gonna tickle me more?” Janus asked.
Pumpkin widened her black eyes. Wait, REALLY?! HE WAS GONNA LET HER TICKLE HIM?! This was what she was waiting for! 16 days of working up to this! And now, she can tickle him!
Pumpkin happily started skittering her pods all over his sides and ribs almost immediately! “Ohoho bohohoy! Hehehere wehehe gohohohoho!” Janus giggled and let go of her so she could get more access to more exposed ticklish spots. Pumpkin happily took the offer and made more pseudopods so she could tickle more spots at once. This was like a special attack that Pumpkin would pull on someone. “aaAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOHOHOU’RE SURPRIHIHISIHIHINGLY GOHOHOOD AHAHAT THIHIHIHIS!” Janus reacted in surprise.
Pumpkin gurgled happily to Janus and continued to tickle Janus wherever she could reach. The upside to having such a jiggly form, was just how well she could kneed the soft spots on her humans! This included the sides and his belly the most. Janus held his fists against his chest as his giggle fits, squeals and laughter filled his bedroom.
Pumpkin absolutely loved his laugh! It was much more bubbly and higher than she expected! It was such an amazing laugh, that Pumpkin chose to give him jiggly raspberries as well! He seemed like the kind of human that would love them! Pumpkin blew a raspberry on his sensitive belly and let her blobby, jello-like body flubber and jiggle to increase the ticklish sensation.
Janus fell into long fits of cackles! He couldn’t stop cackling! Now that he had reached the cackle-stage, there was just no going back! His laughter somewhat reminded Pumpkin of Patton’s laughter: bubbly, childish, and the musical representation of happiness. Though Janus’s wasn’t exactly like his, it was close enough.
Pumpkin nodded her head and stopped tickling him almost immediately. As much as she enjoyed the sound of his laughter, she didn’t wanna overdo it. So Pumpkin snuggled herself into Janus and cooed softly.
Janus giggled at this and wrapped his arms around her. “Growing tired?” He asked.
Pumpkin nodded and snuggled herself even further into him.
“That’s ironic, considering I was the one getting tickled.” He joked.
Pumpkin let out a giggly little gurgle as she slowly succumb to her sleepiness. It didn’t take long for the tiredness to start dripping right off her and onto Janus, effecting him as well. Now Janus was growing more and more tired by the second. Janus decided he minus well cuddle himself in and get himself comfy.
It didn’t take long for Janus to fall into a full and deep slumber. It lasted a long while too. Janus didn’t expect to wake up to the smell of garlic or the sounds of something boiling. The garlic was an obvious thing to put together: garlic bread. But boiling? That could be anything!
This boiling sound would end up revealing itself to be spaghetti noodles in a deep pot. As it turned out, Patton was making spaghetti with garlic bread on the side. For Pumpkin, she was gonna have gummy worms with a new little christmas treat for Pumpkin: a Peppermint Pattie! Patton gave her one to try, and had a few unwrapped in a bowl in case she loved it and wanted more.
Pumpkin picked up the peppermint pattie first. She looked at it curiously, split it into two pieces, and ate one of the halves hesitantly. But the moment she chewed on it and actually tasted the pattie, her eyes widened and a HUGE smile grew onto her face!
Remus giggled as he spun his spaghetti. “Ihi think Pumpkin likes the peppermint pattie!” Remus told him.
Patton looked over and sure enough, Pumpkin was standing below him and eagerly reaching her pods out for more peppermint patties! Patton laughed and happily put more peppermint patties onto her dinner plate. Pumpkin happily bounced in place as she ate the gummy worms and enjoyed the taste of the brand new holiday treat.
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kewpieandco · 6 years
Nap Time
March 3, 2018
“Can Mommy take a nap?” I asked.
“NO!” Said Kewpie.
“But I’m exhausted! Please can I just sleep for five minutes?” I begged.
“NOOOOOOOOO!” Kewpie said with a tone of finality.
Apparently moms don’t get to sleep.  We don’t get ten minute breaks for every four hours that we work.  We don’t get lunch breaks.  We don’t even get private bathroom breaks.  So if we are tired then it’s tough luck!  At least that is Kewpie’s theory when it comes to giving me a bit of “Me Time.”  The thought of giving mommy some undisturbed time to herself is inconceivable.
But sometimes, exhaustion gets the best of us and we absolutely must shut our eyes just for a moment or we will collapse.  Such was the case on this particular occasion.  It has been a busy time in our household with Hubby getting ready to start a new job and waking up early, therefore waking Kewpie up early, to finish things up at his old job.  And when Kewpie is up, she is UP.  There is no going back to sleep once my little fireball has been awoken, so we have had many early mornings and long days as of late.
As a result of these early mornings and long days of constant mischief control, I have found myself utterly exhausted by about 3:00 in the afternoon.  So just for kicks one day last week, I thought I’d ask Kewpie if she’d permit me to take a nap.  She laughed at the ludicrousness of my request and continued drawing in her coloring book.  I asked again if I could take a nap.  This time she stopped and looked at me to see if I was joking.  There was no joke in my eye.  So she decided to match my seriousness with an equally serious answer:
“NO.” She said.  She turned her back on me and drew another set of exaggerated circles on her paper. Case closed.
But I was so tired, and she was being fairly well behaved at the moment, that I decided to just see what she would do if I actually tried to take a nap.  Of course I couldn’t allow myself to really fall asleep because it’s not safe to leave a toddler unattended, but just stretching out on the couch in a mock-sleep position would bring sweet relief to my fatigued state of existence.  Or so I thought…
“Good night, Kewpie,” I said.  “I’m going to take a little nap.  You be good while I sleep.”  Then I pretended to shut my eyes, but left them open ever so slightly so that I could squint to see Kewpie’s reaction.
“Hahaha, oooooooh Mommy!” Kewpie said, shaking her head.  She stared at me from across the room, waiting for me to open my eyes, jump off the couch, and say, “Surprise!”  But I didn’t. I saw Kewpie look back and forth between me and her coloring book, debating if this situation called for immediate action or if she should just leave me alone and let me come to my senses.  Apparently, immediate action was necessary because she made a beeline for me and came screeching across the room yelling, “MOMMYYYYYYY!”  She hit my body full-force and bounced off onto the ground.  I fought the urge to laugh and remained motionless.  She scrambled back up to her feet and threw herself on top of me, grabbing my arms, legs, shirt, hair, anything she could get her hands on.
“Mommy?….MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY!” Kewpie yelled.  I gave a little snore to display the genuineness of my slumber.  She giggled and continued to blast my eardrums with noise.
Kewpie put her face directly in front of mine, our noses touching, “MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMYYYYYY!”
Still I didn’t wake.  She decided to switch tactics.  Kewpie grabbed ahold of my eyelids and started to pry them open.  I rolled over onto my stomach to avoid her razor-sharp fingernails.  She straddled my back and pinned me down, reaching determinedly to separate my upper and lower eyelids.  I buried my head into the couch, out of reach from her claws, and gave another snore.
She clambered down off of my body and tried to regroup.  If noise and physical abuse didn’t work, then maybe vandalism would wake me up?  She walked over to her stash of writing utensils and selected her favorite blue ballpoint pen.  I saw Kewpie grin as she walked back over to me.  Then she stared to draw.  She drew on my lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, and eyelids.  At which point I had to shuffle my body around again because ballpoint pens are surprisingly sharp when applied to eyelids.
I squinted through my partially closed eyelids to see what Kewpie was up to.  She was peering down at me, studying her artwork.  Then her expression changed from a look of determination to wake me up to a look of mischievous curiosity.  If I wasn’t going to wake up, then she had free reign over the house!  What should she do first?! The possibilities were endless!
I opened my eyes as Kewpie turned away from me, grabbed her container of cheerios, and trotted down the hall to my bedroom.  “Hi Woofies!” I heard her speaking to the dogs in an cooing voice and then I heard her dump every single cheerio out onto the floor, followed by loud dog chewing.  At least she is a generous soul, always concerned about the welfare of others.
It was quiet for a moment and I started to get worried.  What was she doing my bedroom?  I heard some popping sounds, like lids coming off of containers, and then I heard a crinkling noise.  “Oooooo!” Came Kewpie’s muffled voice.  A few seconds later Kewpie came back into view.  She had discovered my secret stash of Mento candies and was playing Hansel and Gretel by dropping them one by one all around the house.
When she had used up the entire package of Mentos, she moved into the kitchen.  I heard the dining room chairs being pushed around to accommodate whatever she was doing.  There was some banging on the table, then I heard her feet pattering across the floor and back into the living room.
Kewpie tottered over to the couch to check on me.  Yep, still sleeping.  She plugged my nose tightly on the off chance that she could wake me up by depriving me of oxygen.  But after holding my breath for as long as possible, I just started to breath through my mouth.  Slightly disappointed, Kewpie shrugged and proceeded to rip all of the pillows and blankets off of the couch and throw them on the ground.  If I was going to continue sleeping then she was going to at least make sure that I was freezing and uncomfortable while doing it.
Kewpie turned her attention elsewhere.  She picked up her babydoll, who is perpetually naked for observation purposes, and began to draw with her (washable) markers all over her body.  After making sure that baby’s bellybutton was sufficiently green, and that her bare backside was adequately covered in purple, Kewpie headed off to her bedroom with a blue marker in hand.  I prayed that she wouldn’t draw on anything that was forbidden, but for the sake of my experiment I stayed quietly on the couch.
I heard the drawer from the bedside table in Kewpie’s room opening and slamming shut.  Then she praised Teddy (the apple of Kewpie’s eye) for being the most wonderful cat in the world and then returned to the living room.  Kewpie’s face was now covered in blue marker streaks, and she had smudges of her own personal orange flavored chapstick all around her lips and in her teeth.
Kewpie looked at me and sighed.  I could tell she was getting irritated by my sloth-like behavior.  She marched over to me, took a deep breath and blew her nose directly into my shirt.  She grinned up at me, goop stringing from her nose to my shirt.  I closed my eyes tightly and tried not to waver, but then I felt her wipe something wet on my hand.  I opened one eye, it was a blue colored booger.  
“I’m UP!” I shouted, grabbing for the nearest tissue box to wipe the boogers and mucus off of my body.
“WEEEEEEEEEEE!” Kewpie yelled triumphantly.  She beamed up at me with her blue covered face.  She had succeeded in waking mommy up from her ridiculous siesta!
“What have you been doing while I was sleeping?” I asked Kewpie.  She was more than happy to take me on a tour of the house to show me all that she had done while I dozed.
She showed me every single tube of chapstick that we owned, scattered around the house, all of which had been gouged and bitten.  (The respective lids of said chapsticks remain at large to this day).  We moved to the bathroom where the toilet paper roll had been completely unrolled and was lying in a crumpled heap by the toilet.  Then she proudly led me to the kitchen table where she showed me that she had emptied the salt shaker of every single grain of salt and had left it in a little white mountain, an everlasting symbol of her fifteen minutes of freedom.
Although it took a while to get the house back in order after setting my twenty-two month old loose on the grounds, it was worth it to be able to lie on that couch and rest my weary body and soul.  Hey, it might not be a soothing massage at a five star resort, but I’ll take what I can get!
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