#trigun stampede episode 10 spoilers
the-music-maniac · 2 years
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Goodbye, Roberto. Thank you for being here, even if your time here was short. -NO ROMANCE INCLUDED-
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thisflowerbeforeme · 2 years
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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July sure is a nice city. It’d be a shame if something happened to it.
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tcup-jenni-art · 2 years
I literally wanted to quickly play around with the idea of vash with the new wings we saw in the visual key art before the new episode, so bear with me with how rough this is
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captain-astors · 2 years
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typhoonstrikes · 2 years
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『TRIGUN STAMPEDE』  episode 11 preview
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hella1975 · 2 years
ive decided to watch trigun stampede and it's important to me that you know the thing that pushed me over the edge wasn't the support of countless mutuals or the appeal of the animation it was in fact seeing that emo looking chucklefuck swing his light-up crucifix about on tiktok over and over and over again
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teatimecort · 2 years
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recent tristamps
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mayfly-stampede · 2 years
Human - thoughts
warning: episode 10 spoilers
I wondered why they titled this episode "Human".
I expected Zasie to tell the humanity story…but no, that didn't happen.
Instead, is Conrad who takes Roberto and Meryl with him.
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He explains his work to Meryl and Roberto.
He wants to improve humans so they don’t explode plants anymore. Just saying it like that doesn’t seem that bad…
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But, his methods are everything BUT HUMAN.
Is that why he seems so sad? Is it really a cross like Wolfwood said? Or he wants to vanish the real cross by his experiments?
Did he loose his humanity in his way to save it?
His goal is really to save humanity like he says? Or is just what Knives told him? For Knives, the investigation may be more like a way to save plants from humans and make humans more like plants, just like this new Elendira is.
It’s interesting how we see in this episode many negative characteristics from humans.
And the positive ones: love, kindness, caring, empathy, comprehension…are represented in Vash.
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Vash grew with in Rem’s teachings strengthened by Luida.
And Knives? Knives grew with the doctor, Conrad, who all he has left as a human now is a desire of being forgiven and undo the past…
Is that why Knives thinks Vash wants to help humans only for redemption? Because it’s the feeling he sees everyday in Conrad, the only human around him for so long…
Vash and Wolfwood get to July, the biggest city, that shines in opulence...the city Knives must hate the most…Is that why he chose that place to start human extinction?
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Opulence, exceeds...
This episode was really dedicated to humans.
They have regrets.
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They get angry.
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They make mistakes.
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They can die.
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And they can change.
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All what a human is…
is what Knives wishes to take away from Vash.
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Knives wants to remake Vash
in someone like him: with no humanity left.
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idiots. i love them.
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shenyaanigans · 2 years
so episode 10 rly broke me because. it rly hit us with pay off for a bunch of stuff, but the biggest thing is wolfwood calling himself an undertaker rather than a priest in his introduction. this was foreshadowing.
the etymology of "undertaker" comes from the verb "undertake" which means to take responsibility for something or commit oneself to something. the adding of the "r" to create a noun first referred to any general project doer, but then became specific to mean a funeral undertaker—those who lead the recently deceased to the land of the dead.
this is what wolfwood's last mission is—the mission that, from what i can tell, earns him his the orphanage's, however pyrrhic it may be: to lead vash (someone who is notably suicidal) to knives (who wants to rebirth him, which is in its own way, a death).
EDIT: @tantei-armin kindly pointed out an error in understanding on my part! the completion of wolfwood's mission frees the orphanage from the doctor's experimentation, as a bargain for wolfwood becoming a priest (i assume for the eye of michael). thanks again!
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luna-umber · 2 years
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This was what happened, right?
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eye-of-trigun · 1 year
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I so badly want Milly to have a turn carrying Meryl like this in S2!!!
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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I just realized something
I’d been trying to figure out how Knives ends up looking like this at the end of episode 12. That is, pretty blatantly “demonic.”
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Pretty much everything that happens in every frame of this show has layered meaning. It seemed too obvious for the narrative to just openly say “See, he’s not an angel at all!” like that. Studio Orange hasn’t been whacking us with cartoon mallets all this time, so why would they start that now? Finally I realized (ok I know a lot of you figured it out before, I’m slow) he’s using his generation powers to literally rebuild his body, by the second, as it gets fried away.
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That mist coming off his hand? Some of it might be, uh, barbecue smoke. But to me that mist resembles the way objects (like Knives’ Wolverine claws) look when Knives is “generating” them. I couldn’t find a good screenshot of that, but here’s Elendira generating nails. Notice the “mist” around the nail right in front of her.
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So the skull of Knives that we see over the course of that “hibachi” sequence is not his actual bone structure, but more like a 3d printed copy of his skull that he’s creating from memory or imagination as we watch. Dude is Ship-of-Theseusing himself, and the ship does not look the same. That’s the underlayer:  it’s not that the creators are trying to let the audience know they think he’s demonic, it’s that the character himself knows how evil he is, deep down. This is his self-image.
I’ve never subscribed to the idea that Knives is “crazy” or has had some kind of break with reality, though I’ve seen a lot of fans frame his behavior this way. The cackling and melodramatic ranting probably don’t help. But nope, he’s in full possession of his faculties, and not even he believes what he’s done is right. I think you could read his conclusion two ways: either a) he hates himself for what he’s become/how he’s hurt Vash and feels guilt over it, or b) he’s committed to becoming even more of monster/continuing to hurt Vash as much as he needs to, in order to get what he really wants (safety from the humans).
I don’t have any particular conclusion to draw from this. It was just something I noticed.
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