#i was actually not prepared for someone to die this soon in the show what the fUCK
the-music-maniac · 2 years
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
Pairings: Yoongi × y/n
Genre/tags: Arranged marriage
Warning: 🔞🔞 smut, mention of food/eating, cursing, sensual touching, unprotected sex, making out, needy/clingy, Pet name, lies, kinks, Smoking [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 3.0k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: repost. Likes and reblogs are much appreciated 🫶🏻
Check pinned post for more
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The sound of the wedding bells and the people cheering for your union are still ringing in your ears. You could also still envision your friends and families' warmest smiles and tearful hugs as they congratulate you. Everyone is so happy. They kept on saying that your wedding is the most magical and happiest they've ever seen.
Yes. Your wedding is the grand. The whole castle like church is filled with the whitest flowers that gives an illusion of the place is floating in clouds. You could also see shiniest silvers and krystals all over the place. It felt unreal.
You requested for a simple wedding but you are given more than that and you love it.
The wedding is also filled with people you both love and cherish. So you feel comfortable and loved all through out the ceremony and the party afterwards.
Yes. The wedding is amazing.
Yes. The wedding is to die for.
Yes. The wedding is like a fantasy.
It's because it is... it is a fantasy and no where near reality.
It is only for show to make people believe that you and the man you married is real.
Little did everyone know, your marriage is just arranged. You were just handpicked by the groom because he had no other option. He didn't like the women his parents are suggesting. So he decided to himself to pick someone from the ground and carry to his world. A world filled with darkness and resentment. A very, very, very cold world.
"Miss..." a voice echoes waking you up from your daydream
You slowly open your eyes to see the barely lit room that you are still in. You get up from leaning onto the edge of the bathtub and see your personal maid near the door. Her head lowered not making eye contact with you. She's holding your towel and bathrobe.
"I'm sorry, Miss. But Master asked for dinner to be served soon...he's on his way home."
You look down at your hands peeking from the warm milky water and then pick up the rose petals floating on it. "He's early today..." you mumble quietly
"I heard that the meeting with his father, Mr. Min finished early..."
"I wonder why..." you got up from the bath. She immidiately rush towards you, handing you the towel and bathrobe to use.
"Mr. Min told Master to go home early... because of you Miss..."
"Ah... really..." there is no hint of excitement in your voice. "You can leave now and help them prepare... I'll get ready myself..." you tell the maid, who is still not having any eye contact with you.
You don't sound happy nor sad. Actually, you do sound like a robot with no feelings when you talk.
You were not like this before. Yes you are a quiet person, an introvert and reserved but never like this. You changed quite a lot after getting married. It's not by choice. You just have to adapt with your surroundings.
Living in a big ass mansion with more than fifty staffs and bodyguards but no one to talk to. You have no one to spend your time but yourself. Your world became, quiet.
Yes you do have a husband. You married him. But the man is never home most of the time. And when he is, he does not even make conversations with you unless it's related to his parents; asking you to do this and that. To be present here and there. Telling you what to say and not to talk about. Basically, he only talks to you when its about your deal. Yes, deal.
Funny isn't? You married bound by a contract but that's it. Just by contract. No love is involved.
You know this since the beginning. You signed the marriage certificate plus the contract. You are aware. But you never thought that this will be the kind of life you will have. Alone. But what choice do you have? He offered your parents a huge amount of money for your hands. A money that could let them live a good life even when they retire early. That's how big it is.
And you agreed to it, not because of the money, but because you thought; that maybe, just maybe this is the universe's doing. Him and you meeting under this circumstances but then in the end, getting to know each other and that Maybe...... maybe learn to love each other. But you're wrong. You and Yoongi have been married for more than a year now and its already had taken a toll on you emotionally and physically.
"Miss... Master is just a few minutes away..."
You pause brushing your hair, staring at yourself through the full body mirror. You are wearing the plain black, fitted halter dress that you received as a gift from him. You like this dress because it emphasizes your figure and shows off a little skin because of the slit. He gifted you this dress during your honeymoon. It's probably the cheapest clothing you have in your closet but for you this is the most valuable.
"Do you want me to fix your hair, Miss?"
You put down your hair brush. "No thank you."
Then you sit down and start to put on your shoes. But instead of heels, you put your white canvas shoes.
"Ahm, no heels today, Miss?" She sounds a bit concern
"No." You stand up to look at yourself one last time before going. "My feet hurts so I'll wear something comfy for now..."
"I understand." She hurriedly puts down the heels she had on hand and runs after me.
It is true that your feet is hurting. You've been wearing heels everyday when you go to work. 'Work' meaning is socializing with your husband's family friends and circle. You represent him for charities and parties he can't and won't attend. It's not everyday but these past few weeks, you've been busy. You were away too most of the days of the week. That's why you also barely saw your husband. He's been away for a week and when he came back you got busy too. And tonight, this is the first time you'll be eating dinner with him.
"Tell him to reschedule... I won't be available tomorrow. I have other plans."
You hear him talking to the phone when you enter the dinning room. He's so focused that he didn't even bat an eye when you sit down across him.
"What do you prefer, Miss?" The male servant asks. "We have tender lamb chops braised in wine. Served with pea puree and then wild sea bass with sautéed smoked bacon, red chicory, runner beans and red wine sauce."
"The latter, please..." You try to give a smile to show appreciation but then you halt as you hear your husband slam his phone on the table. It starlted you a bit.
And also, up to now he still hasn't dared to look at you. He just went on to eating his lamb after his phone call.
You want to watch him eat or even glance at him every now and then, just so you could update his image from your memory. You just want to see him, Even just a tiny bit silhouette of his face behind the boquet of flowers between the two of you.
'Fuck.' You curse in your mind.
You always ask yourself why do you even bother wanting to see him or make conversation with him when you know you don't mean anything to him. For him, you are just one of his staff. The only difference is that he talks to about life when he wants to because its part of your business with him. And to add to that, you're only his 'woman' when he needs to release stress. Meaning you two have sex when he needs it. There is no date or time. When he calls you or he comes to your room unannounced, that's it. Saying no is not an option.
But come to think of it, the last time you two had sex was quite a long time ago. It's been months.
'Does this mean... even in sex... he's not satisfied with me? Did he looked for a different woman to do it with?' You talk to yourself
"Leave us." He orders to the servants.
You didn't dare to glance up. You just kept yourself occupied by poking the fish on your plate.
"Your hair got longer..." he says making you pause
Your eyes goes up and see him looking straight at you."Ah... yes..." You answer before looking back down.
"Why ask for the fish if you're not going to eat it?"
You raise your head up again, "hmm?"
He tosses his one up like it's water. "Someone reported to me that you've been eating less lately."
"My appetite is fine... I'm just...off a bit..."
You put down your fork and try to think before you speak again. You can tell him you're tired because how can you be? You have all the assistant you need and more. Plus you are living a lavish life. You could ask for a massage, a facial or swim in the pool whenever you want. You have everything. Except him.
That. You can't mention. You can't dare ask for his attention. He'll get mad. You know he will. He said it in the very beginning of this relationship. That 'You are just his wife in papers. And never expect something more from him.'
"I'll be fine..."
You look straight back at him. You can finally see him clearly. He slightly moved to the side, giving you an amazing view of his face. He's still look as beautiful as you remember. His long hair, sharp eyes, pinkish lips and the scar.
"How's the auction?" He pulls out a cigarette from the pack he have on the table and lights it off. "You bought a vintage jewelry?"
"I did."
"How much is it?" He puffs smoke. His eyes are still fixated to you.
"It's a bit expensive... I'm sorry." You look down at your knotted fingers. "I got it for 1.5M."
"I tried to intimidate the other wives... but it didn't work..."
"You need to work on that."
"I will."
"But don't worry about the money... it's going to a good cause..." He stands up and puts off his cigarette on his used plate. "My mother liked the the jewelry set. She said, thank you."
Relief fills your heart and made you relax a bit. You are thankful that his mother liked the one you picked.
It's the only one you bought in the auction. The event is for charity and Yoongi gave you the go signal to throw money like dimes. He said you can buy anything you want.
You liked a lot of things there. Everything is grand, beautiful, meaningful and unique. But none of them bring joy to you. You don't need them so your heart can't afford to splurge.
"I'll go and get ready for bed..." he says as he stand by the window, looking outside.
"Ah... okay..." you look down at your plate and pick up your fork, to continue eating.
"When you finish..." he starts to walk towards the door, "Come to my room."
"Hmm?" You blink, confused. "Your... room?"
He stops just as he got outside the door and adds before totally closing the door "Ask the maid to braid your hair..."
'Braid your hair'. That means he wants to have sex.
"Sure..." you answer in a whisper though he's already not in the room.
You are finally walking in the hallway, on the way to his room. Barefoot and naked. Almost naked.
It has been a routine of you to braid your long hair and then just wear a silk robe over to cover your body. He likes it this way. He have particular things he likes and you follow them.
It's almost 9pm. All the staffs are now in their houses. Yoongi asked them to leave earlier so no one could hear and disturb us.
You took a deep breathe before you get ready to knock on his door. But then to your surprise the double door swings open and you see him, in his black jogger pants and a sheer robe over his naked body. "What took you so long?" His brows are furrowed.
"Sorry..." you lower your gaze from his beautiful face to his toned body.
"Get in." He orders, turning his back on you.
You slowly enter the forbiden room. It's like how you imagine it to be; spacious, dark and earth tone colors everywhere. But the things you've never imagined seeing in there are towers of books and comics on the floor. Then there is a gaming area too.
"Do you play?" He asks as he sits down at the corner of his massive bed.
You shake your head, "No... I'm sorry."
He's smoking again. "Come here." He orders as he puff the smoke in betwern his lips. You move closer to him, cautiously. "Why do you look nervous? It's not like it's our first time."
You are now standing in between his legs. "Sorry..."
He rolls his eyes slightly as he puts his cigarette onto the ashtray. "Why do you keep on apologizing?"
"I..." you pause and wait for him to look back at you. "I don't know."
He snorts, "whatever."
He takes off his robe and throws it somewhere behind you. You were about to do the same as his but he stops your hand from untying your robe.
"Are you on birth control?"
You shake your head. "No... we... I mean... you use condom..."
He didn't say anything after that. He just continued; picks up your braided hair thats lying on your chest and pushes it away. Your breathing picks up as you could feel and see him gazing at you. You even felt your body jerk a little when his finger tip brushed over your hard nipple. The sensation is on max. You needed him to touch you. You missed him touching you.
Yes, this relationship may not be real for him but to you, it's something. Plus, we all have our needs. And when it comes to sex, he delivers. More than you can imagine. And you like playing along with his needs.
He pulls the string keeping your robe on you and just watch it fall off your skin like feather.
You feel your cheeks heat up. You are exposed. He can see that you are already turned on. Your breast giving it all away.
"Come closer..." he orders and you follow.
His hands slides over your hips then goes up to your torso, for him to hold on to you. Hug you. He begins to suck one of your boobs like a baby. His eyes are fully close and his grasping onto your skin like he had been so hungry for so long. He's really enjoying it.
You as well.
"Ahh..." you exhale as you throw your head back. His tongue doing all the works and tickling your insides by just playing at your tip.
After a few more seconds, he stops and looks up at you. And you looking down at him.
"You're so beautiful..." you whisper to him as you run your fingertips over the scar on his face.
You lower your head to meet his lips. He welcomed your kiss like it was meant to be there five minute ago overdue. He is into it more than usual.
He finally gets naked like you. His length is hard and up. It's already leaking and looked very inviting for you to sit on. But you're too shy to make the first move.
You did try to sit on his lap though, legs spread out and core is so wet and ready; just a few inches away for his throbbing length. Then his hand goes in between and starts to rub you in the most sensual way possible.
"Holy shit!" You gasps breaking off from the kiss for a second just to take it all in.
A smug on his face can be seen catching you off guard. He had never reacted to you reacting to his touches like this before.
Your hips begin to rock just to feel his fingers on you.
"Y/n..." You look at him after hearing him say your name. "No condom today."
"Make me feel good." He says softly but sturn, pulling you close to his length.
The tip touching your opening already made you roll your eyes. He's so warm and big.
"F-fuck!" You cry as he eases himself into you. "Holy shit! Ugh!"
You start to move slowly, feeling it all in you, finding the pace and ryth. you think you could do all night but at the same time make him satisfied.
"You got tighter." He grunts as you go up and down on him while holding on to his shoulder for balance support.
"Holy fuck!" Your eyes starts to get filled with tears. You found your spot and his length is hitting it perfectly. "Fuck!"
You watch him close his eyes and his face showing how good you're making him feel. His broes is furrowed and his mouth open and hissing tiny breathes with you.
You can't believe it. Someone like you who was inexperience with sex, is now married and making your man look so damn sexy moaning.
"I'm gonna come." He hugs you tigh and begins to kiss you again. "I want to come in you." He opens his eyes and meets yours.
"Fucking come in me." You say
He then carries you as he stands up, changing your positions. Now you're the one on the bed and he's on top of you.
"I will rip you apart." He snarls.
Every fucking thrust is mean and yet satisfying. You feel like your insides shuffled from every hit. But it's not pain. It's heaven.
"Fuck!" He hisses as he climaxes with you.
The warmth inside you feels like a warm blanket during winter. It's felt relaxing.
He is breathing heavily, your hands are intertwined and his still on top and inside of you.
"Yoongi..." you say breathlessly as you admire him over you.
He moves in for a kiss. A soft gentle kiss. "Stay with me tonight..."
Part 2
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mirisss · 1 year
SKZ reaction to their gf being an ACE idol
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Stray Kids OT8 x Afab! Reader
Wordcount ≈ 1.6k
Warnings: talking about giving up, food, 
Thank you for the request! I wrote a bit more than just the reaction, but I hope you still like it!
Please reblog!
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Third person POV
(Y/n) met Stray Kids when they all joined JYPE as she too was a trainee under the label. (Y/n) quickly became close with all the members and they all got along very well. Sooner rather than later they all fell in love with each other and entered a poly relationship about 2 years after SKZ made their debut. (Y/n) was still waiting to debut and almost became hopeless after waiting for so long and not getting a chance. Even though the nine of them had known each other for a few years, the SKZ members hadn’t seen (Y/n) sing, rap, or dance, in a long time. They had probably only seen her perform once or twice before they debuted. 
Stray Kids were preparing for their next comeback which meant that they didn’t have too much time to hang out with (Y/n). So one day when they were going to be at JYPE the entire day, (Y/n) decided to join them and spend some time with them while they were practicing. This then resulted in the boys wanting (Y/n) to join them when dancing and let’s just say, SKZ was not ready for (Y/n)’s skills. 
“(Y/n)! It’s been so long, I missed you so much, I felt like I was gonna die if I didn’t see you soon,” Han said as he rushed to give (Y/n) a hug as she stepped inside the dance studio. “Ji, we literally saw each other two days ago,” “I know, it’s been so long,” “Haha, okay drama-king, I’ve missed you too,” After everyone had a chance to hug (Y/n) she went over to sit down on the couch in the corner of the room while the boys began warming up to practice the choreo to their dance. 
As (Y/n) was observing the members dancing as well as trying to sing/rap their parts to see if any dance moves made it harder to sing or rap at the same time. (Y/n) quickly got the feeling of the song and she became captivated with everything. Not too long after the boys had taken a little water break, they ended up finding a problem. 
“Because we have this like body roll here I find it hard to actually get the right note because I can’t support it fully,” Seungmin said, Lee Know tried out the move on his own, his face full of concentration. “Could you try doing it like this?” Lee Know showed an example of another version of the move, followed by Seungmin trying it out but still struggling a little. (Y/n) was thinking it through and she came up with an idea of what they could possibly do but she had to try it out herself first. 
“Could you play the track to that part? I might have an idea for how it could be executed, but I have to try it first,” They all turned to (Y/n), a little surprised. Of course, they knew that she was a trainee and had been for a while but it had been so long since they last saw (Y/n) doing anything idol-like. “Yeah, sure, hold on,” Chan ran over to the phone and fixed the music. As soon as it played (Y/n) began dancing, executing every single dance move to perfection while also rapping along to Han’s part to smoothly transition into the vocal part belonging to Seungmin. Stray Kids were shocked at how good (Y/n) was dancing, rapping, and singing. And also with how quickly she had memorized the dance and everything. (Y/n) continued dancing, singing, and rapping until the song ended. The boys cheered and fanboyed over how good she was. 
“(Y/n)! WHAT? WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL US YOU WERE THIS GOOD? THINK OF ALL THE COLLABS WE COULD HAVE DONE?” Changbin was freaking out and shaking (Y/n) as he hugged her. All of them looked so proud as they lovingly gazed at (Y/n). “Thank you, guys, but isn’t it kind of difficult to collaborate with someone who hasn’t debuted?” As (Y/n) reminded them of the fact that she was still a trainee they all looked a bit sad and disappointed. “Yeah, it would be difficult. You haven’t heard anything about your debut?” Chan asked after he told everyone to take a break to eat something. “No, not since last year when I was told that it wasn’t the right time to debut a soloist and they don’t seem to want me in a group so I’m getting a bit hopeless,” “Don’t be, it will be fine. Everything will work out, trust me, I waited a long time too,” Chan enveloped (Y/n) in a warm hug, Felix soon joined in, followed by the rest of them. 
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(Not my gifs) ↑ how they react to (Y/n)
After they had taken a break to eat some lunch, they got back in the studio, This time (Y/n) joined them while dancing and the nine of them had some fun messing around with the dance and singing and rapping. Just enjoying their time together. Once the day was over, Chan asked Changbin to stay behind with him while the others went home. “What’s up, hyung?” “(Y/n) is way too talented to just be a trainee, she’s giving up Binnie. We can’t let that happen,” “What can we do, though? We can’t do more than try to encourage her,” “Yes we can, I’m sure that the company is doubting if she can become a soloist that will be popular, especially since the age of new groups and soloists keeps going down. So they don’t know if it’s worth debuting her, spending a lot of money on her songs and everything. So, what if 3racha writes her debut song? We are in-house producers, it will be way cheaper, our stays will support her if we write her songs, and I’m sure STAY will fall in love with (Y/n) if they’re only given a chance to hear and see her,” “That’s true, STAY would love her, and a lot of other people too, we can at least try to help her,”
As soon as the two came home they spoke with Han too, explaining their plan. 3racha has some power within the company and they knew that they could gain the support of the company if they were persuasive enough. The three sat down in Chan’s room where he had his mini-studio, brainstorming concepts and genres that would fit their girlfriend. They worked all night to have a rough draft to show the company in the morning. At the meeting, 3racha played it cool at first, just speaking about their comeback. Once the meeting was coming to an end, Chan raised his hand saying there was a special topic he wished to discuss. The staff gave him the floor, allowing him to speak up. He told them about seeing (Y/n) perform their song the other day and how he thinks JYPE is wasting her potential by not debuting her which is why 3racha had written 5 tracks for (Y/n) that could be used for her debut mini-album. The staff was a bit taken aback but listened to what the idols/producers had to say. The staff accepted the feedback and said that they would bring it with them to the staff meeting this afternoon and see what everyone had to say. 
The next day, (Y/n) stormed into the dance studio where SKZ was dancing, walking up to Chan with a slightly irritated look on her face. “What did you do?” “What do you mean?” “Did you force JYPE to debut me?” “What? No?” “I was told that my debut date has been set and my songs are pretty much finished, thanks to 3racha for producing them,” “Yeah? That’s true, We did write some songs for you and talked with the company but we didn’t threaten them or anything, we just said that they’re wasting your potential and that if it would help we have 5 tracks written for you,” “So, they’re actually debuting me for my talent?” “Of course, they are, Look we wrote those songs because we wanted to help you. The company seemed like they would wait forever and we didn’t want you to give up. And we know that if STAY sees that we were involved in the songs, they will support you, and if they just give you a chance they’ll fall in love with you,” “Thank you,” (Y/n) began crying, she was finally making her debut, all thanks to her lovely boyfriends who believed in her when she didn’t believe in herself. “And once you’ve debuted, we can collab!” “Yeah!” 
“I love you guys,” “We love you too!” “Congratulations on debuting!” Not too long after (Y/n) made her debut, the entire industry was talking about her as she took the stage like a pro. The way she danced, rapped, and sang, people were going crazy wondering if she really was a rookie or not. And when a collab stage came out with (Y/n) and Han everyone in the industry, staff, idols, and fans alike, was mind-blown. STAYs and (Y/n)’s fans were all saying this was a collab of the ACES, The two idols were incredible and people said that they had such chemistry too. Articles were written about the “ACES of JYPE,” 
(Not my gif) ↓ SKZ's reaction to (Y/n)’s debut (except, Hyunjin didn’t look scared/disgusted)
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dark-night-hero · 10 months
Imagine being in a relationship with Kayden Break.
Imagine Kayden Break is definitely the type of lover who may not show how much he loves you by words but would definitely my actions. Although the two of you would fight so often, he would never let you sleep with unfinished business between the two of you. No matter how often he would walk out in the middle of the fight, he would still come back home to you, even though most of them would often cause other round of fight, most of them could and would result with the two of you on the bed both naked.
Imagine, Kayden was definitely not a boyfriend nor husband material other than his looks. His personal and overall characteristics was after all, arrogant, a man of pride, quite the narcissistic not as much as Kartien thought but still and he is crazy be it in a fight or other things, he's quite have some loose screw. With most of the time his patience barely hangs on a thread ready to snap at any moment.
Imagine it was not the healthiest nor was it a toxic relationship. The two of you were just... having your own ways of showing love and respect for each other in your own unique way. Even though Kayden was always away, you don't mind. In the first place, looking back, it seems like things have never been official for the two of you, it just... It just went that way, with him coming back to you messed up or not and you accepting him with open arms with no further questions. You were his what he thought his nonexistent home and clarity he never new he have due to his crazy way of thinking. With him being the same as for you, he was your home.
Imagine despite not seeing each other most of the time, Kayden never forgot your anniversary. Even though the two of you never really go out as the two of you were actually busy with your own lives. Kayden always come, never once missing your anniversary. And as if knowing his presence was enough, the two of you would often just be in each other's arms, talking about some crazy stuffs, coming up with so many different fighting theories that you two may or may not soon try.
Imagine being in a relationship with the one and only Kayden Break, the crazy, lunatic fighting maniac, known for his arrogant behaviour only means that you have got to be just as crazy, is not crazier than him because let's be honest. Only those who are crazy enough like him would be able to handle him andnin fact you are. Crazy but only for him and only him ever sice you laid your eyes on him, you knew he have got to be yours at all cost.
Imagine, being in a relationship with Kayden means you have got to be standing on the same ground level as he is. You should be his support and pillar not someone who would only drag him down.
"For someone who only wants to spar you're taking this seriously." "Aren't you the who says one must be prepared to die when fighting you?" You laugh, walking and approaching him from the opposite side of the room where the two of you were having a friendly spar. Something he wouldn't even dare doing with someone but only for you and only you he would do such a thing. After all, fighting with others and having a spar with you was a different thing. Oh, the significant other privilege of the lunatic one. He's only barely sane when it comes to you.
Imagine, always at the very end of your session, one of you would be slammed on the wall but for a very different reason as the two of you was trying to dominate each other as the two of you make out, his tongue slipping inside your mouth as he swallow your moan. One of your arm warped around his neck as the other freely run through his dark blue locks. His arms holding you firmly up, right underneath your tights, your legs around his waist pulling him even closer than he already is to you.
"That's other win for me and another lost for you." It doesn't look like you lose though. "Oh just break me Kayden."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: This is fluff right? Right?? Cuz I genuinely can't write smut for real lmao.
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evieelyzabethh · 7 months
Love your work. <3 Could you write something with reader x spike where they're kinda' pining for one another, but one night he gets injured and has to stay over at her house? She patches him up and maybe offers him a bite? Doesn't have to be nsfw but +5 cool points if it is. <3
Hello, my loves, long time no see!!! I hope this is to your liking <3
Spike is so incredibly reckless. You knew this, he knew, everybody knew that Spike was a walking accident waiting to happen'. He likes to think he can handle himself. "I'm bad, baby," he'd tell you, "M' the big bad slayer killer. I can handle a few scratches." But you were never worried about what he could handle, you were worried about the fact that his blood was always staining your couch. That and the fact that his lack of self-preservation kept you up at night.
Usually, he has some decorum. He doesn't come to you with every scrape and bruise, even though you handled him with much more care than he was capable of extending to himself. It was his way of punishing himself, depriving himself of your head scratches and soft hands for bothering you too much. You scolded him for this, of course. It seems like its every other week (more like every other day) when you and he argue, most often in front of the Scoobies who waited anxiously for you take your arguments to the bedroom, about him leaving you to worry about whether or not he was ash.
"I mean, fuck Spike. Is it really that hard to just give me a call if you plan on bleeding at your place. A little 'Hi, yeah, I don't think I need my wounds treated with modern medicine, I'm gonna take my chances with old whisky and tetanus like the good ol' days'." And every time he takes his well-earned lecture with a smirk and a bowed head.
"Yes, mother, next time I'll break your door down at three in the morning for some pretty pink bandages."
"If you were so ashamed of the pretty pink bandages, maybe you should think before you run into knives!"
Spike has maybe told the truth a grand total of two times in his whole life, so his word means absolutely nothing. He continues to ignore your street like the plague unless it's an absolute emergency.
Now was an emergency.
You barely heard the faint knocks on your door from your bedroom, where you sat on your bed, music blasting from your stereo and some reality court show droning on in the background, catching your attention when someone decided to be particularly messy. You had thought it was your neighbors blind dog scratching at your door again until something large and loud hit it. Quickly arming yourself with a frying pan, you crept to your door, tearing it open for a very injured Spike to nearly fall flat on your floor before he caught himself using your doorframe.
His left hand clutched at his bleeding side and he walked with a limp over to his couch which now had a plastic cover. His dead heart was touched.
"Aw, you were waiting for me, " he croaked out. He fell on his back, one of his hands falling over the side and his eyes closing as soon as his head at the pillow. His shirt had claw marks that were lined with blood and his duster had barely escaped the carnage, a few holes separate from the preexisting moth holes sticky with some supernatural substance.
"Have to be prepared when it comes to you." You patted his cheek, thumbing over his cheekbones to try and arouse some consciousness. "Can't have you fallin' asleep on me. You might not wake up." You weren't going to leave his side until you were sure he wasn't going to die in your absence.
He babbled unintelligently, his mouth moving but having no connection to his brain to form any sort of actual thought. His eyes flit between closed and aware, his head moving to catch up with the spinning room, his mouth impossibly dry, and his head pounding. In his head, he insisted he was fine, but the words wouldn't come out right. He spat them out garbled and messy until he was too choked up to even try anymore.
He was barely conscious when he felt your wrist at his mouth. He had enough sense to shake his head and nudge away your wrist with his nose, but his lack of strength made his attempts futile. "No," he mumbled.
"You'll feel better," your voice swam around in his head until the words lost meaning and he just smiled at the sound of your voice. You swiped your thumb across one of his canines, the red contrasting with the pearly whites of his teeth swiftly wiped away by the pink of his tongue. After the taste of your blood was on his tongue, his sense was surrendered to instinct as he brought your wrist to his lips.
You didn't know what you were getting into. Vampires get their life force from blood, so it just made sense to have him feed from you to expedite the healing process. The more he drank, the louder your heartbeat grew in your ear and the closer he pulled you to him. You had only done this once before, when you were both drunk and dizzy and jokes being whispered in your ear turned into tiny nips from your neck that Buffy nearly walked in on.
In complete shock of what had happened then, you never brought it up, halfway convincing yourself that it never happened in the first place. If it did happen, he had enough sense to pull away then and you hoped he had the sense the pull away now, but now was much different. Now, there was a newfound hunger. A desperation. Like he had been starving himself for years and you were the first bite of food he had eaten. Had to have been good food to, with the way he inhaled you, indulged in you like you were some ambrosia or golden mead.
"Spike," you moaned. "I'm getting a bit light-headed." Your voice was high and thin, fearful as you made attempts to pull your arm from his lips. Through his haze, his fangs contracted back, and his tongue swiped whatever lingered on your skin.
"I'm sorry." Sorry for going too far, sorry for almost turning you into an empty Capri Sun pouch, sorry for being reckless again.
" 's ok."
You wobbled a bit as you stood, fingers wrapped around your wound as you shuffled into your kitchen in pursuit of your first aid kit. "You gonna tell me what happened?" He only groaned from the couch.
"Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired." You laughed on your way over to him, wrist already covered in gauze with an all too familiar needle and thread in hand.
"You're tired?" The smell of your blood was all too pungent, still. He turned his head towards the wall, studying the numerous music posters and paintings you had hanging.
"Going out to fight evil is a very hard job." You chuckled.
"I know. That's why I stay in here to patch you up." Your fingers were like magic. They always had a way of calming him down. Especially the way you hummed to yourself while you worked. You were never content with just silence. "I expect an answer in the morning." He smiled.
"Yes, ma'am." He fell asleep before you even finished and by the time you were done, you were too tired to walk the down the hall to your bed. You laid your head down on his chest, with no heartbeat to thrum and no breath to rock you, you still fell asleep just like that. Who knew cold bodies were so comfortable.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Oh nothing I just thinking a request for our beloved sadist lucifer, Spanking MC for being Naughty ( and accidentally make him jealous) 😔 sorry for my Horny mind
Sadistic!Lucifer spanking MC for making him jealous
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I think I already wrote kinda similar idea here, but I wanted to describe it in more details and in a little bit another situation, so here we are..!
femreader, teasing, spanking (hand; whip), possessive! Lucifer;; 1477 words;;
You gulp, face in pillows, as you try to calm down yourself. The room was painfully silent and you can't even say what exactly he was doing.
"Well? Maybe you have some excuses for your behavior, before we started..?" - voice so deep and husky, sending shivers down your spine.
You never hear Lucifer being so angry. Actually, no, you hear, but back then his voice was absolutely different than right now. He was angry at Mammon because he almost applied for a loan from a suspicious bank in Lucifer's name. And today.. Oh, today he has another reason to be angry. Maybe the level of his madness was the same but the angle was different - annoyance to his brother and pure possessive jealousy to you and your little games.
"I.. I didn't mean to sit on his lap like that, I swear..!" - you mumble, trying to stop smirking in the soft fabric under you. Oh, or maybe you mean it?
Diavolo is just always so cheerful and easygoing, it's easy to forget that he's actually a Lord, not just your funny fella from the Academy. And not only Lord, but Lucifer's boss. So maybe when you two were fooling around like that and you "accidentally" sat too close to him, mumbling how tired you're now, you made a little mistake. As Diavolo was also feeling something for you, how can he miss this opportunity to touch you a little bit more? So of course he, as the most generous demon here, offers you to sit in his lap and relax a little.
You two were too carried away and didn't see Lucifer clearly standing not that far away from you two. His face is calm, if not cold, as always, but if someone would look him in the eyes at that moment this person would probably die right in place from a burning red gaze, full of jealousy.
And then Diavolo just easily went home, without even realizing what kind of consequences you are facing now, here, in Lucifer's bedroom, legs tied up and your ass in the air, only thin fabric of your panties covering your soft skin.
"Oh, so you didn't mean it..?" - he slowly repeats after you with a mocking tone. Well, Lucifer clearly can remember your gaze back then, when Lord Diavolo left and you looked up at him, eyes full of faking innocence and pureness. It was so oblivious that you're just acting, and it was so oblivious that you know that he knows that.. You didn't even try to hide your amusement from this situation, so now you will receive what you deserve. Even if you don't want it.
You tried to mumble some more apologizes and foolish explanations, but immediately shut your mouth as soon as you felt the coldness of leather on your ass. Of course he will not take his gloves, teasing your already a little heated up skin. He knows how you love touches of his arms, rough grip of his bare warm hands on your hips or tight grasp on your waist.. Well, today you will not receive that.
"I always thought that you should get a proper lesson from me.. So today I will finally get rid of your bratty behavior.." - Despite you actually feeling some wild jealousy and madness in these words, your cunt can't help but clench around nothing, as Lucifer's deep voice always sends shivers down your spine. And now, when he's like that.. You bite your lips, waiting for what kind of punishment he prepared for you.
Of course he shows his sadistic nature before that occasion too, always being more dominating and controlling in bed, so you were kinda prepared. Even a little impatient, as slow storks of cold fabric makes you tingle, but it wasn't enough. But when Lucifer suddenly takes away his hand you whine, waiting for something more.
But without any words, without any reaction to your small whispers, he then starts spanking you, a few easy slaps in the beginning but the pace quickly turns into fast and aggressive one. You gasp, feeling as blood rushed to your ass, as Lucifer just continued, not giving you a moment for a little break. He just does what you did before - as much as you didn't pay attention to his feelings and enjoys demon's jealous gaze, he now doesn't pay attention to your whines, getting more and more amused from your reaction. The way you arch your back, little gasps and chokes escaping from your lips as you try to hold back. Oh, honey, Lucifer can clearly see how hard you grasp his pillow, knuckles get all white from tight grip.
But as suddenly as he starts, then as suddenly he stops, rubbing pulsing places of his slaps really slowly again. Beautiful red bruises start to form on your cheeks, and oh just how much he enjoys that bright color, it was very suited to the same red on your ears and neck.. He then pulls away for a second and you whine, the cold air of the room freshens your hot skin.
"Mm? Already get so whiny? It just proves how needy and greedy you are.." - soft chuckle escaped his lips as he took something in his arms, you heard a little noise but still didn't understand what it was. Just a small guess was tickling in your minds, making you breath tremble a little as you squirm in anticipation. Well, maybe it was quite painful, but at the same time you can feel how wet your panties get, and wished for him to finally take it off.
"Oh, you're gonna love this.." - Lucifer smirks, enjoying your arouse. How cute you can be, destroying your own panties with such wetness after a few slaps from him..
You heard a whistling sound before a heavy whip slapped your ass several times, making you freeze for a moment, choked. Goosebumps wash over you as previous bruises start pulsing again, toes curled from tingling sensation. Before you thought that rough leather of gloves was kinda harsh, but that thing was harder and you already can feel how your cheeks swell a little.
"Mn.. Luci.." - you mumble under your breath, voice so weak as you try to collect your mind. Well, you didn't even know why you called him, as you just wanted something more and all you can think about it's just calling his name.
"Mm? Don't tell me you don't like it.." - Lucifer smirks, eyes fixed on the precious redness of your cheeks. Pride in his chest rose up again as he felt with every slap how he marks you as his own property.. He bites his cheeks, squeezing your ass and enjoying the way you shake and gasp under his touches.
His other hand gets underside of your cheeks, stroking soft skin a little before slap roughly here too, and you moan, almost whining as these spanking from the bottom sends little vibrations into your core. Your pussy already was so wet, and these underside slaps just bring even more stimulation to you.
You give up and whine again, more loudly, feeling his fingers so close to your heated crotch, you can't help but try to spread your legs and lift hips, moving forward to his touches.
"Ooh? I was planning to punish you, but it seems like someone is actually having fun here, huh?" - Lucifer smirks, admiring your trembling red ass cheeks. Embarrassment of his teases rush over your already blushed face, as you do understand how humiliating your behavior was right now. But you can't think straight, as arousal overshadows all your common sense and logic, making you arch your back a little bit more, so his hand moves closer to your trembling cunt and finally touches wet folds, even through fabric.
But Lucifer quickly noticed that and chuckled, removing his hands and placing them on top, almost on your upper butt. You can feel that he's still holding his whip, a silicone tassel tickling your heated up skin.
"So you still decided to be more bratty and try to get something more, instead of being obedient and just taking your punishment?" - voice disappointed but with playful undertones. Maybe you can't see his face, but you can clearly tell that Lucifer is shaking his head right now with a huge smirk on his face, deep gaze of his eyes, full of lust, piercing at your trembling shoulders.
"Oh darling, just how much work we have today.. I really need to teach you some proper manners, am I?" - sharp deep chuckle makes you squeak, and he pulls away his hands, getting ready for another spanking round. - "But don't you worry, we have all night only for us.. Who knows, maybe you will earn a little reward from me in the end? It all depends on you, doll.."
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - Javier Peña
"you've got me in a...CHOKE. HOOOOLD. even if it huuurts meee, even if I can't sleep. show me the waaaaaaaaayyyyy" - Chokehold, Sleep Token. Mood for my Pedro Pascal era
Summary: It seems the only way to get Javier to talk about his feelings is by having the person he cares about having a near death experience. Not the most healthy way to confess your feelings for someone, but hey, it works.
Warnings: unrequited but not actually unrequited love, inaccurate descriptions of how the DEA operates, Javier needs a therapist, bad wingman Steve, character study ish? that's mostly in Javi's POV, gun wounds and violence, hurt/comfort, whump, kinda forced proximity, eventual fluff, sexual refences but no smut this time (shocker, right?)
word count | 7.7k🤙🏻
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Javier’s team had found out where one of Escobar’s men was. This was huge. If he and his team could catch him, get him to flip on his boss; he could snag the man that week.
The whole building was hustling and running around, preparing to go after this guy as soon as possible, just as soon as they got word everybody was in position. Javier’s nerves threatened to overflow, just the thought of being one step closer to catching Pablo Escobar and taking down his cartel after evading justice again and again, his body was set ablaze and his fingers twitched with excitement.
There was just one problem.
As Javier was putting on his bulletproof vest, from across the office, you caught his eye. That wasn’t abnormal in the slightest, you had always unknowingly begged for the attention of Javier’s gaze ever since he met you years ago; but this time, seeing you put an unwanted pit in his stomach. To everyone else, you looked normal, getting ready for this upcoming battle like the rest of the people on this mission. But all Javier saw was you preparing to meet your demise.
Javier wasn’t normally so nervous about things like this. In this line of work, people get hurt, some even die, that’s just what happens unfortunately. But the thought of it possibly happening to you didn’t sit right with him at all. If it was his call to make, he’d make you stay here away from all the action. You wouldn’t be in a ten mile radius of a single cartel member. But of course, that wasn’t his call to make, all he had was his convincing charm and his history with you to get you to even consider sitting out. Before thinking about it any longer, Javier started taking the steps it took to make it to your desk, the one that was always just a couple feet away from his but somehow always felt too far.
From the reluctant expression on your face as you looked up at him, Javier could already tell this conversation isn’t going to go the way he wants it to, as most conversations with you; but it was too late to back out now. “Almost ready, Peña?” Peña, always fuckin’ Peña. You made a point never to call him anything other than his last name. Though, he couldn’t blame you, not after everything he’s done to you. But it still made a tiny dagger go through his heart every time you refused to call him Javi. 
You clearing your throat awkwardly made Javier suddenly aware of how creepy he was being, just staring at you, lost in his own thoughts. He cleared his own throat to avoid any possible voice cracks or stutters before finally responding to your very simple question. “I am.”
You raised an eyebrow, a look of amusement gracing your features which Javier always found adorable and would’ve still thought that if it wasn’t for how goddamn humiliating it was to have that expression directed at his being an idiot. “That’s it? You walked over here to tell me you’re ready?” A ghost of a smirk played at your lips, your very kissable lips.
Fuck, Javi, be professional. “No.” He stuttered briefly. “No.”
“Just out with it, man, we don’t have all day.”
Javier sighed in annoyance, placing his hands on his hips and looking down at you with a frown. “Look…, we all know how dangerous this guy is-”
You scoffed, already shaking your head. “No, no, no-”
“So, I was thinking you’d be of more use here. Hold down the fort while we try to bring this guy in.” He tried to keep his heartbeat under control as you stood up from your sitting position on the top of your desk, standing at your full height, obviously trying to come off as a bit intimidating; but you weren’t, not in that way, at least. Javier was more afraid of what was about to come out of your mouth.
“Will you be staying here?” You asked, looking him straight in the eyes; he could practically see all the obscenities floating around in your head that desperately wanted to come out, but couldn’t as to be somewhat professional.
Javier sighed quietly. “No, obviously not.”
“Why not?” You shrugged nonchalantly. “If this guy is so dangerous, you should stay here too. With me. Right?”
Ignoring the butterflies swirling around in his stomach as with me kept repeating over and over in his head, he grit his teeth to mask his expression into subtle anger. “It’s different.”
You crossed your arms and leaned against your desk. “Okay, Peña, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go on this mission.”
Peña, his thoughts screamed at him. You used to call him Javi. Because I can’t bear the thought of losing you… “Because you’d be a liability. You’d only get in the way, and we can’t afford that right now.”
“Remind me, who was one of the first women to ever get assigned this case?” You asked, trying not to sound smug as everyone in this office knew the answer to that question.
“You were…” He replied with a scowl, his words sounded pained like they were being ripped out of him.
“Exactly. So, there’s no way in hell you’re gonna keep me from trying to catch this motherfucker. Okay? I can take care of myself.” You shoved your pointer finger directly on his chest, pushing him back a tiny bit.
Javier tried to ignore Steve’s shit eating grin as he walked back over to his desk dejectedly. That fuckin’ asshole. “Shoot. I’m surprised you ain’t dead as a doornail, with the way she’s lookin’ at ya.” Steve started as soon as Javier sat back down in his creaky old chair, massaging his temples from the oncoming headache that was surely going to feel like he was being bludgeoned with a hammer. “What did you do this time, Peña?”
Javier scowled and rolled his eyes, pouring himself a drink. “I just told her, I think she’d be better off staying away from the front lines.”
Steve snorted obnoxiously. “And what? You think she’d stay here? God, Peña, you really ain’t yourself when you’re smitten.”
Javier resisted the urge to throw his glass of whiskey right at Steve’s hillbilly face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Dude, you wanna get in her pants do bad it makes you look stupid. And makes you act even stupider, no offense.”
“Offense taken. Asshole.” He growled. “And I’m not smitten. It’s just…this mission is dangerous.”
“She’s a big girl, Javi. She can take care of herself. I’m sure she told ya as much after chewing you out.” More like tearing me apart into itty bitty pieces until I was nothing but ground fuckin’ dust. “You know what you need, Javi?” Oh, this should be good. “A therapist. I’ve recently been seeing one and man, let me tell ya, there’s stuff I’ve learned about myself that I didn’t even know.” Javier laughed. Like, really laughed. “I’m serious, man. Might help you figure out those commitment issues.”
“I already have a therapist.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to laugh. “Oh, yeah? Who?” Steve’s amused grin quickly turned into an annoyed grimace as Javier held up his bottle of whiskey that read: Jack Daniels.
Nah, Javier didn’t need a goddamn therapist. He was just fine…
He was, in fact, not fine.
Javier couldn’t stop the nervous twitch in his hands as everyone filed out of the office as soon as one of their undercover officers finally gave the signal that the cartel member was in place, rushing to the trucks to get to the place in town as soon as possible. He gave one last glance over to you as you got into a different truck that was going to be part of the surrounding force to make sure the member couldn’t escape. Honestly, Javier would’ve felt better if you were on his team instead, but things just didn’t work out that way. You’d be fine…you were going to be fine.
The drive over felt like forever when in reality it was probably around a few minutes. Javier knew he never should’ve talked to you before this mission, conversations with you always put him on edge, for various reasons. But he also knew he’d curse himself later if he didn’t try to talk you out of it once. Now, he couldn’t stop thinking about all the possible outcomes of this attempted arrest. What would happen if they fail? What would happen if this cartel member had a machine gun on him? What would happen if, god forbid, you get shot and killed? Would Javi be able to live with himself?
God, I’m so fucking stupid.
Javier couldn’t escape the onslaught of memories that flashed through his mind, each one causing a heat to rise to his face and guilt chew at him from the inside out. 
It was only several months ago that you confessed your attraction to him. The office was celebrating a recent successful mission and people were drinking. You had gotten drunk, Javier being a little buzzed. You both did teasing dances around each other ever since you met, but Javier never thought you’d want to take things further. But with a few shots loosening your tongue, you told Javi that you really liked him. You loved dancing, but your legs were threatening to give out in exhaustion if Javi kept spinning you around in his little tango. You were gorgeous, of course, but Javier didn’t really know what to say and you noticed that. For a drunk person, you were very astute.
It’s not that Javier wasn’t attracted to you, he was, very much so. He enjoyed your company, he loved the back and forth that seemed to come so naturally to the two of you, he could actually imagine dating you and maybe even more. But Javier didn’t date, not anymore. He fucked. He had one night stands. He didn’t have time for dating. He didn’t have commitment issues, he was just…okay, he was afraid. Javier wasn’t afraid of much. He was a DEA agent, he got shot at on a regular basis, putting his life on the line every day to keep drugs off the streets. And yet, somehow, you managed to be the one thing he’s scared of the most and he can’t even tell you why.
Your face when he turned you down would be forever etched into his mind. It wasn’t even noticeable, it was a split second of sadness crossing your features that he almost missed it. But he didn’t. Every smile you ever gave him, your flustered expression whenever he flirted with you a bit too hard, all burned away by that one subtle despondent look. It sobered you up pretty quickly. You said you didn’t take it to heart, that you understood and apologizing if you made things awkward. He was your carpool that night, so the ride home was…tense, to put it lightly. You lived in the same apartment building, hence the carpool, but you lived a floor up. Javier thought about walking you to your apartment, like he usually would do just to spend that extra time with you when he didn’t have to, but he just couldn’t. Little by little, that mask of nonchalant withered away as you got more tired, unable or just unwilling to keep up the façade. Javi couldn’t look at you anymore, not if he wanted his heart to stay intact. His friendship with you would never be the same after that night. 
He fucked up. He really fucked up. But he thought it was the best response at the time. He couldn’t get into any type of relationship, much less with a coworker. How unprofessional is that? How stupid would he be, in this line of work, to potentially put a target on your back by being someone he cares about? But of course, the way you slowly distanced yourself from him after his rejection made the wall he built around his heart melt away like acid and he couldn’t stop himself from caring about you even if he tried. And try, he did. He kept telling himself it was for the best. Even when you stopped carpooling with him to work, he tried not to care. Every time he felt jealous when he noticed someone else flirting with you, he told himself coworkers don’t feel the urge to put thirteen bullets into another person’s skull just by smiling at you. Because that’s all you were and would ever be: a coworker.
A coworker.
A coworker.
But coworkers can care about each other’s well being and want what’s best for them though, right?
Javier was losing it. He was fuckin’ losing it, and at a time like this? When he was about to try to catch a highly dangerous criminal? At a time where he was being counted on? No. He couldn’t think about you now. He cleared his mind. All images of your face were being shot out of his brain by a M16 assault rifle, just in time for the trucks to arrive at their destination.
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The cartel member tried his best to escape, shooting plenty of rounds at every officer and agent that came into view. But it was proven all for nothing, for him and the police. The motherfucker shot himself before they could arrest him. Of course. They could never catch a fuckin’ break, could they?
Everyone was in low spirits, some now spiritless. To think, being in this field for so long that Javier might get used to seeing the dead bodies. To a point, but he couldn’t help but frown when he saw the lifeless faces of people he knew, people he worked with. Hijo de puta, Javier wishes that cartel member was still alive so he could torture information out of him himself. He’d get over it, same as everyone else. But Javier found himself a secret weapon that always made him feel better after a mission went wrong, he’d just look at you, safe, and all stress would leave him in that moment to know that you made it out alive at least. It was so secret that Javi didn’t even know he did that, not until he tried searching for you after the dust cleared and everything settled down a little bit. Steve was with you, so you’d be easy to find. All he had to do was look for a bright blonde redneck sore thumb.
Javier’s frown deepened when he found Steve, only to not find you standing with him. The look on Steve’s face as he saw Javi coming didn’t bode well either. Where were you? “Javi.” Steve acknowledged in a soft voice…way too soft.
Javier looked around before fixing his gaze on Steve’s downcast expression. He was just upset about the mission failing, right? “Where is she?” He didn’t even have to say your name, anyone who knew Javier would immediately know who he was talking about. Steve sighed heavily, unable to meet his gaze. Javier burst like a dam, scowling and enraged, pulling Steve to him by his collar roughly. “Where is she?” He yelled, forcing the man to make eye contact with him.
“Javi, Javi, calm down.” Steve pleaded, placing his hands on his shoulders to try and soothe him. “She got shot, but she’s gonna be fine. Okay? She’s on her way to the hospital right now.”
Javier’s heart jumped into his throat, making his next words come out shaky and desperate. “Drive me there. Now.”
“But Javi, we gotta-”
“Now!” There was no arguing with Javier whenever he got this way, this angry, this violent. Steve would’ve had better luck fighting a bear.
Javier almost punched Steve when he kept giving him worried glances as he drove. Javi could not keep still. His hands were twitching, his leg was bouncing, he bit the dead skin on his fingertips, and when he started biting the not so dead flesh, he moved on to his lips, which wasn’t much better. It didn’t take but a minute until he tasted copper spreading across his tongue. Anything, he was doing anything to keep himself from screaming, resorting to pulling at his hair. No, there was no way you were leaving him like this. Steve said you’d be fine, but Javi didn’t even know where you got shot, he didn’t know how deep the bullet wounds were or if you were already being treated in the ambulance. He didn’t fucking know. God, please, he just wants to hear you call him Javi again. He doesn’t even care if you say it how you say his last name, full of annoyance and resentment, it doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters until he sees you alive in a hospital bed.
Upon arriving at the hospital, Steve all but had to hold Javier back as he tried to check in, the impatient attitude and short fuse threatening to get them kicked out. Besides, it’s not like they could visit you now, you were still in surgery and it would take another hour or so before you’d get out. Javier could tell Steve just wanted to yell at him, say some stupid phrase like “hold your darn tootin’ horses” or some bullshit like that. Javier didn’t want to wait, he wanted to see you. He didn’t want to sit in some uncomfortable plastic chair for an hour not knowing if you were okay or not. So he stood, and he paced. He paced and paced until his legs started to wobble. He would stay here, he would stay all night if he had to. There was no way he was going home without seeing you. But in actuality, he wouldn’t have to wait that long.
It was only an hour and some change until the doctor finally came out into the waiting room, Javier and Steve shooting up from their chairs instantly. “She’s okay. The bullet didn’t go too deep into the abdomen and we managed to remove it without doing any more damage. We’ll keep her here for about a week and then we can send her home if there aren’t any more complications. She’s still under anesthesia but it’s wearing off now, so she should be awake soon. We’ll let you know when she’s ready to see you.”
“We can’t see her now?” Javier almost growled, causing Steve to place his hand on his shoulder before turning to the, quite frankly, startled doctor.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Such bullshit.” Javi grumbled under his breath, sitting down in the same seat, not even standing up long enough before his ass stopped tingling from being numb. His back hurt like a bitch, and his joints felt all stiff. God, he hated hospitals. 
“Don’t worry, Javs, you’ll be able to see your girlfriend soon.”
“Shut the fuck up, Murphy. She’s not my fuckin’ girlfriend.”
Steve wasn’t phased by his hostility, only shrugging with a smirk. “But you want her to be.”
Javier groaned, running his hands over his face as his headache came back in full force. “Now, Murphy? You wanna have this conversation now?”
“If not now, when?”
“Exactly.” Javier rolled his eyes, wringing his hands together and avoiding eye contact with the other man. “You like her, man. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. You know, before I met Connie, I never thought I wanted a girlfriend either, much less a wife. I thought I’d be…tied down, I guess. I wanted the freedom to do whatever I wanted. But now…I can’t imagine life without her.”
I already can’t imagine a life without her… “She’s our coworker.”
“Hey, you can’t help who you fall in love with, man.” Javier cringed at the word love. He wasn’t in love with you. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, pendejo, his inner thoughts told him. “As far as I can tell, and I do have better vision than you, I think she feels the same way.” Oh, buddy, you have no idea. “I say go for it. We get this extremely short life once, a chance of it being even shorter in our line of work, you can’t take things for granted and you can’t risk missing out on something that can be beautiful.”
Javier looked over at Steve with a raised brow. “Getting wifed up has made you way more sentimental, man.”
Steve shrugged. “But you know it’s true.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“You know what, this conversation is making me miss my wife. Let me know how this whole thing goes, okay? Seriously. I care about her too.” And with that, Steve took off, leaving Javier alone with his thoughts, along with the occasional cough or sneeze from other waiting room patients. But other than that, deadly silent. One of the things Javi hates most about hospitals. The silence. The people waiting to hear if their loved ones have survived or not, or waiting to see if they live or die themselves. It reeked of death and he thought: you don’t belong here. You’d never belong here. This place isn’t lively enough for your standards. You shined most working with other people, making others feel at ease with your attitude, caring and compassionate, one of the reasons you even got into this job in the first place. You cared about what happened to people, and you wanted the best for everyone. Maybe that’s why Javier was so drawn to you, ever the pessimist, your light was like a breath of fresh air. Being in the DEA hardened him as a person, seeing the worst in people almost on a daily basis, it can make a person jaded. But you never let the stuff you see change who you were; you still loved, you still cared, you still tried to find the fun in any situation and Javi admired you for that, not that he’d ever admit it.
“She’s ready to see you now.” The doctor’s voice knocked Javier out of his thoughts, his reminiscence being replaced by nervous eagerness.
It was only then, a few steps away from entering your hospital room, that Javier realized he was still clad in his bulletproof vest. He hadn’t gone home to wash off the light splatters of blood or his sweat coated body, and his hair was a tousled bird’s nest. He surely looked like a hot mess. But then he started to wonder when he ever got nervous about his appearance. Jesus, you really fucked him up. He couldn’t help but fix his hair a little before entering your room, hopefully managing to pat down some wild curls. But the smile on your face as he finally came into view told him he didn’t look as bad as he thought. That smile also pierced right through his hardened exterior, a breath of relief when he saw that you were okay.
“Hey, stranger.” You spoke lazily, clearly still a little loopy from the anesthesia.
Javier took a seat next to your bed, looking you over and frowning when he saw all the tubes attached to you. You could’ve lost her…
“Where’s Steve? The doctor said he was with you?”
She’s asking about Murphy when I’m right here? “Oh, he uh, went home, to make sure Connie knows he’s okay. He did want to see you though.”
“Yeah, I believe it. You should’ve seen the look on his face when that bullet got me. I’ve never seen him so scared shitless.” You chuckled. Again, always finding humor in a situation even when you literally got shot. It almost infuriated him, but the mental image of Steve freaking out did make him smirk a little.
“How are you feeling?”
You shrugged. “Tired. No, I'm exhausted. Who knew getting shot would make you wanna sleep for a week?”
“Are you hurting at all?”
“Just a little sore. They’ve got me on a shitload of painkillers right now, so I’m unlikely to feel anything at the moment. Embarrassment, however, I do feel.”
Javier furrowed his brows. “Why would you ever feel embarrassed? You got fuckin’ shot.”
“Exactly. I told you I could take care of myself and yet, here I am.” You huffed. “I never thought this would happen to me. I guess…I just got too comfortable.”
Before he could stop himself, Javier reached out to place his hand over yours, almost gasping when he felt how cold your skin was. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed, okay? You’re alive, that’s all that matters. Some of us don’t get so lucky. I’m relieved.”
He didn’t miss the subtle flustered expression on your face. “Oh…so, you’re not gonna say I told you so?” You smiled weakly.
Javier grinned. “Well, I can’t exactly say that when you’re laying in a hospital bed.”
“Eh, you could. You’d just be a massive asshole. But then again, you already are.” He knew it was just a joke, but it was true. He was an asshole, especially to you. Maybe it was the medication you were on, but he had no idea why you were being so friendly to him. If he were rejected by someone he likes, then that person proceeded to talk down to him when they were annoyed, he’d have little kind words to say. In fact, he was surprised you weren’t currently punching him in the face. You frowned, and Javier wanted to curse himself for giving his feelings away. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “No, you have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who’s-”
“Visiting hours are over.” A nurse interrupted, rather rudely.
You both frowned. Javier nodded to the nurse as he reluctantly let go of your hand, giving you a double take at the door, imprinting the image of you weakly waving goodbye with a small smile on your face to memory so he had something to hold onto before the next visit.
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The week went by way too slow. Not even a week. You were recovering really well, so the doctors cleared you to go home sooner than expected. Javier found himself being anxious all the time, even at home after work was over. He drank a bit more than usual, until Steve came over one night and saw the state of his apartment and quickly intervened. He’d never admit this, but Javier was thankful for his partner. He was a good man, he supposed that’s why he made such a good DEA agent.
Javier had implicitly volunteered to be the one to look out for you when you were allowed back home, since you two lived in the same apartment building. Couldn’t really have been anyone else, and he wanted to. He wasn’t there for you when you got shot, but he sure as hell could be there when you recovered. Though, after a long conversation, you both decided it would be best that you stayed in his apartment until you could walk around on your own. The doctor had put you on a strict bedrest regime, to make sure you didn’t tear any stitching and reopen the wound. You lived alone, so staying with Javier just seemed like the most logical choice. Though, it put him in a near stupor.
Javier never cleaned so much in his life. He wanted everything to be perfect, nothing out of place and he’d be damned if there was even one speck of dust on any surface. It only increased his anxiety to the point he almost considered punching a hole into his wall. It’d be okay, he told himself, you were just staying until you could walk. That wouldn’t take that long. Yeah, he could do this. He could be professional while being in close proximity with you for more than the usual work hours. You’re fucked, man.
Steve helped drop you off at your apartments after picking you up from the hospital. Javier quickly put out the cigarette he was smoking as he heard the knock on the door, opening it to see you in a wheelchair with Steve behind you. “Someone order a damaged DEA agent?” He joked, only to get a slap on the arm from you. “Bad joke, sorry.” He coughed nervously, Javier stepping away so he could push the wheelchair inside. “Anyway, take real good care of her now.” He winked, earning a glare from Javier. “Alright, I’ll be going now.”
“Idiot…” Javier mumbled, earning a quiet giggle from you. Thankfully, Javier had a spare bedroom that he never used. He mostly used it as a storage room but cleaned it up a little and bought an extra mattress to use for the time being, while he insisted you stay in his own bedroom. “Sorry, it’s not much.” He spoke as he helped you to his bed.
“Don’t worry, it’s great.” You huffed as you laid yourself down, a small wince on your face. The doctor had been weaning you off the pain meds, so you weren’t the most comfortable. “Thanks again for letting me stay here until I get my bearings. I really appreciate it.”
Javier shook his head. “No problem. Just, uh, let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you…Javi.” You spoke softly as he turned to exit the room.
He almost ran into the door as soon as you said that, his heart fluttering inside his ribcage. He closed his eyes briefly to just savor the sound of your voice when you finally said his first name, finally after so long. He knew it was just out of appreciation, but he could take the little victories. He stiffly nodded before closing the door on his way out, letting out a sharp exhale when he got to his living room. How was he going to survive you staying with him for a couple weeks when he gets flustered within just a couple minutes around you in general? He hated to admit, but Steve was right. 
Javi was fuckin’ smitten.
With this newfound acceptance, Javier found himself just standing at the island in his kitchen doing nothing but blankly staring into space. You were here. You were safe. You were just in the other room. And yet, Javier was itching to go back and make sure you were doing alright, even though, logically, he knew you were probably just sleeping. He noticed the dark circles under your eyes and figured it was difficult trying to find any sort of peace inside a hospital. He knew he wouldn’t, but then again, he always had trouble sleeping. Even more so after you got shot.
For the first time in a while, the nightmares he was plagued with actually got to him. It wasn’t like all the other times he was shot or stabbed, betraying his own department, or Pablo always managing to escape when he was just within reach (although, that was more reality bleeding into his dreams). He almost always saw the dead bodies of the people he’s killed, especially the innocent ones. But then he started to see you.
It was always the same. You were calling out for Javier, begging for help. He ran to you, but it was like he was trying to run through mud or quicksand. He tried so hard to get to you before you were shot, but he was always too late. As soon as he reached you, you were already dying in his arms. Over and over again. To think those dreams would’ve stopped once you were home from the hospital, but nope. He went to sleep that night waking up in a similar cold sweat and racing heart. He almost couldn’t bear to look at you, guilt eating away at him even though it wasn’t his fault. He absolutely hated the fact he still had to go into work. This mission was put on hold for no one, not even you.
He was always anxious at work, to the point everyone noticed. He still did his job, but his eyes were vacant and it seemed anything he did was just instinct. He just kept thinking what if you needed him and he wasn’t there to help you? It didn’t bother Javier that everything figured out his affection for you, it was bound to happen sooner or later. He just hoped it didn’t get back to you before he could tell you himself.
But after he came home, he went back to his old behaviors. It’s true what people say: habits die hard. He did attempt to act more warm and accommodating, for both your sakes. But he made sure to never cross that line of professionalism. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or be forced into a situation when you were practically still dependent on him to move around. He didn’t want to cross any unspoken boundary. No, he’d keep his feelings to himself a bit longer. After you can walk on your own, or maybe even after you come back to work…or maybe when the mission is over and Pablo is dead or behind bars.
But after another gruesome nightmare, Javier got into the habit of peeking into your (his) bedroom. Just to make sure you were still there. Even when his nightmares mellowed out, he still did it. He even started to sit by your bed and just watch you sleep peacefully. God, he felt like such a creep. And what was it he said about boundaries?
Javier thought he’d just stay quiet, pretend like he never memorized every part of your face as you slept. Like how he noticed your nose twitched like a bunny sometimes, or how your lips pulled into a tiny and almost unnoticeable smile. But of course, he couldn’t do that forever. You started to be able to move around on your own, albeit extremely carefully. But still, that just meant you could go back to your own apartment soon…
Javier had a really bad dream that night after seeing you take baby steps into the living room, a giant smile on your face as you finally were able to do things yourself. And of course, it was the same exact dream. He went to your bedroom right after, anxious to see your peacefully sleeping form that would instantly calm him, only to find you whimpering and slightly stirring in your sleep. Ah, so he wasn’t the only one plagued by nightmares.
He thought about leaving you alone, letting you wake up on your own, but when he heard you whispering mumbled “nos” and “stops” with tears trailing down your cheeks, he couldn’t just let you suffer.
After a brief moment of hesitation, Javier slowly sat down next to you, brushing a hand over your cheek delicately, the action only slightly stirring you. “Hey, sweetheart.” Fuck, the name just came out naturally. He’s so glad that it didn’t wake you. He called your name, gently shaking your shoulder until you shot up with wide eyes, winding back your fist to punch him before he caught it. “Hey, hey, it’s me. It’s me.”
You slowly relaxed, bringing your hands down with an exhale. “Javi…” You whispered his name like a prayer, like you almost couldn’t believe he was actually there with you.
“Must’ve been some nightmare.” Javier guessed, and you winced.
“Was…was I loud?”
“You were crying in your sleep…” He didn’t really answer your question, it was true, but Javier never would’ve heard you if he wasn’t creeping around your room in the first place.
“Oh god, I’m sorry. I usually don’t get nightmares like this.”
“What were you dreaming about?” Javier could’ve probably guessed, and from the expression on your face when you looked at him, he was right.
“I haven’t had nightmares about it before. Not even the nights right after. I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I guess…my theory, now that I can walk around without tearing myself apart, I guess that means I can go back to my apartment. And I'm glad I’m better. It’s just, you’ve been so kind and made me feel safe here, and the thought of having to live all alone again, even if I know you’re just downstairs…” You shook your head, curling in on yourself in embarrassment.
“Then…you can stay here a bit longer.” That felt like a confession, to Javier anyway. And he almost regretted saying it until…
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t do that to you. I know you’ve been counting down the days until I could handle walking myself again.”
Javi furrowed his brows, his heart dropping to his stomach. “What? I haven’t-”
“I’ve made things awkward, Javi. I know that. I know I haven’t been handling that whole rejection thing very well, but I’m trying, okay? I really am trying.” You sighed. “I never should’ve told you then, but I figured, you can get over a person a lot quicker if you just confessed early on. I’m sorry but, it hasn’t been working much. That’s not your fault, of course, it’s my problem. Living with you these past couple weeks have not made it any easier though.” You chuckled bitterly, wiping away a few shed tears as soon as they fell over your cheeks, making Javier’s heart clench painfully. “God, I’m such an idiot.” You whispered to yourself.
Javier exhaled shakily, turning away from you, looking down at the floor. “You remember back at the hospital, you called me an asshole?”
“It was a joke, and I apologized, Peña.”
Javier winced at the sound of his last name. No. No, no, no, he was not going to go through this. Not again. Just swallow your pride for once, man. “I didn’t get to finish what I was gonna say back then, 'cause that bitch nurse told me I had to leave.” He growled.
You chuckled weakly. “And what were you going to say?”
Now or never, right?
“I was gonna say you’re right. I am. An asshole. I’m the one who should be apologizing to you.”
You made a confused noise. “What’re you talking about?”
Goddamn it. “I’ve been an asshole to you since that night…”
You sighed. “You don’t have to explain yourself, Peña. I get it.”
“Please, just let me talk.” He begged, and Javier never begged. The pleading look in his eyes finally got you to shut your mouth. His heart was racing. He thought about taking a deep breath but he was just afraid it would turn into hyperventilating, so not helpful. “Sorry, I’m no good at this. Talking. Damn it…” He whispered. “Fuck it, I like you, alright?” He spat, sounding more angry than he meant.
“W-What?” You stuttered, suddenly sounding much more awake and sitting up against your pillows.
“You heard me.”
“I did, I just…” You shook your head. “I don’t understand. Are you saying this to…mess with me or something?”
“No. No, I’m not. I mean, I’m-” Javier groaned in frustration. He wasn’t used to this, he never really did this, talk about his emotions. He didn’t know it would be this hard. Man, maybe he did need a therapist. He flinched when you placed your hand on his shoulder, but you didn’t pull away.
“Hey, it’s okay, Javi.” You spoke softly when you noticed how on edge he was. “Calm down. Just take a deep breath.” He did as he was told, for once. Taking deep breaths while focusing on the heat radiating from you, using it to ground himself before he even tried talking again.
“When Steve told me you were shot…” He stuttered shakily, his voice betraying him. “I feared the worst. I thought…I thought there was a chance I’d never see you again.”
You frowned, your bottom lip trembling. “Oh, Javi, come here.” You pulled him to you, allowing his head to rest on your shoulder, gently running your hand through his hair while your other hand guided his hand to rest over the pulse point on your neck. “I’m safe. I’m alive. See? I’m not gonna be so reckless again, I promise.”
Javier closed his eyes, snuggling further onto your neck, breathing in your calming scent, spurring him to keep talking. “I thought that I didn’t want to be with anyone. I convinced myself that I don’t need anyone but me…then I got to know you and I started to realize, I’d rather give up this case than see you get hurt. That night you told me how you felt, I thought I was sparing you. But I was just afraid, a coward. The truth is…I fuckin’ need you.” From where his hand was laying on your neck, Javi could feel your pulse quicken. He called out your name in concern, more of hesitance. He finally lifted his head to look at you, immediately noticing the tears in your eyes but a bashful smile on your face.
Letting go of his restraint and not worrying about the consequences for once, Javier surged forward, capturing your lips with his. The little gasp that came from you was probably one of the cutest sounds he’s ever heard, besides your laugh. Your lips were so soft, moving against his languidly. He smiled into the kiss as he felt you rake your hands through his hair, bringing his body to yours as close as humanly possible. Javier wasn’t the best with words, but this he knew how to do. He tried to pour every single emotion he had for you into this kiss: adoration, care, frenzied lust, and maybe even love. The only reason he finally pulled away is because he heard you wince.
Oh, he’d pressed against you too hard and put some pressure on your stitching. Damn it, of course, your first kiss with her and you have to fuck it up somehow.
“I’m so sorry.” He spoke, panicked, wildly looking over your expression to make sure you weren’t in any more pain.
You shook your head with a grin, a mildly dazed gleam in your eyes. “You’re okay. You’re more than okay.”
“I got…a little carried away.” He blushed, having to forcefully put a little bit of distance between you. “God, I’ve thought about doing that for so long.” He admitted.
You smirked, trying to cover up your nervousness. “Did it live up to your expectations?”
More than you could ever know. 
“I probably should’ve asked this before I kissed you, but…do you wanna go out with me sometime?” He didn’t know why he sounded so nervous, like you’d ever say no, but he didn’t know that. His body untensed as you gave him the most bright smile he’d ever seen from you.
“Of course, Javi.” Javi, Javi, Javi. The beautiful sound repeated in his mind.
“Say my name again, please.” You leaned forward to kiss him again, repeating it after you broke apart. He never thought his name could sound more alluring than when you said it. God, he wanted to absolutely ravish you, but he’d never risk hurting you. He was a patient man, he could wait, however long you needed. He was already planning it in his mind. He wasn’t the most romantic, but rose petals did come into mind, making him chuckle to himself. “I guess I’ll…let you get back to sleep now.”
Javier moved to stand from your bed, but you stopped him by grabbing onto his wrist. “Would it be too much if I asked you to stay?” Your best puppy dog eyes were on full display, making his heart swell. He could never say no to that face.
“Mi tesoro…” Javi whispered as you both settled in for the rest of the night, him laying on his back while you leaned your head against his chest, a protective arm wrapped around you. Yeah, he could get used to this, especially with you. The both of you fell fast asleep pretty quickly. And what d’ya know? He didn’t have another nightmare after that.
You decided to stay at his apartment for a little while longer. Well, it was more of an insistence from Javier. He was almost always on you like a leech, but he never heard you complain. From the constant stream of giggles and smiles you threw his way, Javi was pretty sure you enjoyed his company. Now that the tension finally broke, it was back to how it used to be between you, only more intensified. That damned gunshot wound was the only wall between you, but that wall wound was broken soon enough. Of course, when that happened, you also had to get back to work, which you were missing greatly. You wanted to catch Escobar just as much as everyone else, so you were ecstatic to get back on the case.
Javier tried his best not to helicopter you around, he knew if someone was doing that to him he’d want to claw their eyes out. He gave you your space, but that anxiety came back in full force whenever they’d try to make an arrest. From then on, you were always right by Javier’s side whenever the guns had to come out. Maybe he was overprotective, but he didn’t care; he needed you safe.
It wasn’t really a shock to anyone that you and Javier got together. Some even made bets, which infuriated him. Steve was the worst about it, teasing Javi whenever he got the chance. At least no one teased you, not that anyone would be stupid enough to try.
As the team had gotten word about where one of Pablo’s men were hiding out, the station started to shift into that similar tension, much too similar to that day you were shot. Javier felt like he was going to have a panic attack. But at this point, you had been around each other so constantly that you developed a sort of sixth sense to whatever he was feeling. You didn’t hesitate to grab his hand, bringing it up so his palm could cup your cheek. “Hey, we’re gonna be fine.” Javier forced himself to nod. “You’ve got my back?”
He cracked a smile. “Of course I do, cariño.” 
Javier leaned down to kiss you passionately, taking you by surprise. PDA in the workplace wasn’t really strictly forbidden, but it was common courtesy not to lock lips with your partner. But Javi didn’t care, he needed you when he needed you. 
No one was going to take that away from him.  No one was going to take you away from him. Never again.
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like i said...chokehold. he has too much power. someone save me.
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craziechwiv · 4 months
The Paladin and their Succubus frenemy - 3.5
Still at the tavern, our team of heroes decide to formally meet their new teammate who has suddenly appear out of the blue. Everyone is intent on knowing who she is and how she got into contact with their group, and most importantly, what does she bring to the table besides the word of their leader.
And the champion and very keen on finding out why she was so close to the leader, both in sitting right next to him and...whenever he slides alil further away from her, she'd slide closer to him. And why was she looking at him like that? All of this just made Pyrrha question if Ren was telling the truth or a misfortune. Could it be that Jaune has been seeing someone behind her- er, their team's back?
???: Pyrrha?
She would not have it, for all she knows, this mysterious woman possibly put a spell on her Ja- leader...making him fall in love with her. Or has some blackmail on him so he is forced to love her! She must know the truth.
???: Pyrrha!
She'll interrogate the girl when their alone, and if she shows her true colors to her, she won't hesitate to dispatch the foe. For their safety, and for her Jau-
Jaune: PYRRHA!
Pyrrha: AH! Y-Yes Jaune?
Too bad for Pyrrha, she has been staring and giving Ruby a deathly glare ever since they sat down. While Jaune was concerned about the whole situation, Ruby just looked back at Pyrrha with a smug look. Nora and Ren we're sitting beside Pyrrha on each side...but further away in their seats to not get in the way in case she instinctly pulled out her weapon.
Pyrrha: Ahem, sorry. Uhm, so Ms. Ruby...where are you from again?
Ruby: It's quite already first off. I am from an...eventful place lets call it.
Ren: And where is this 'eventful place' you speak of?
Ruby: It's an island called Patch. As soon as I became old enough to travel by myself, I did just that. Although coming here wasn't the nicest welcome as I was attacked by bandits...
Ren: Ah, there has been rumors of bandits becoming more frequent as of late, hopefully they didn't take much from you.
Ruby: Actually, they didn't even take anything. I took care of them myself.
Ren: Really?
Nora: Oooh, how? How?!
Ruby: With this beauty~!
Ruby pulls out a bulky stick that was latched onto her back, and as the others took a look at it, Ruby clicked a button and it became the same scythe Jaune saw.
Nora: WOAH!
Ren: That is...something,
Pyrrha: Indeed, it seems to be masterfully made to.
Ruby: Hehe yeah. It's a gift from my mom, uh...'gods' rest her soul on that remark. But uh, I am quite proficient in it. Always have been after my dad figured he couldn't keep me tied to home for much longer...so now I'm here. And I want to join your team if I can.
The rest of the team just looked at her with skeptical looks, making both Ruby and Jaune a bit tense at the moment. However, Pyrrha stood up and walked towards where Ruby was sitting. The small girl looked at Pyrrha with a anxious look, preparing for the worst...until she saw Pyrrha extend her hand.
Pyrrha: Then, let me be the uh...second to welcome to our team. A friend of Jaune is a friend of ours and we'll do whatever we can to make you feel welcomed here.
Ruby gave a small smile back to Pyrrha and shook her hand tightly.
Ruby: Thanks, I hope to be by your side till the day we all die.
Ren: Speaking of, how did you and Jaune meet?
Jaune: Uhh...
Ruby: Uhm...funny story about that.
P+R: ?
Ren: So you thought Jaune was a threat when you both crossed paths at said village he was sent to survey...and nearly killed him?
Ruby, who was looking down at the floor embarrassed: Y-Yep...that's the story.
Jaune: Uhm, you alright Py-
Pyrrha: We're gonna have a talk when we get back to home, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Oh gods...
Next Chapter >
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Aarini Dhar’s journals, which will act as a segway into my fanfiction!
Text under readmore:
Dear Journal,
It was a success!!! I can’t believe that it actually worked, and I can’t even begin to describe the world I’m seeing now!
Stacy and I had been waiting for several days now, but the monster finally showed up again at 0302 like clockwork. The creature’s been doing this for weeks now, but no one else in the household believed Stacy. At least, not until I arrived at the foster family’s house, of course. I must have tricked the monster into assuming that only Stacy was in the room because it only ever approached her bed—and then did nothing! It roared, sure, but left immediately after Stacy screamed. I slept in my usual sleeping place (under the desk) until the second time the monster arrived to scare her. I could’ve sworn I saw indoor lighting coming from the closet, even though I know the bulb blew days ago and the Snyder’s still hadn’t bothered to fix it.
I needed to know what was behind that door. Worst case scenario, I would get eaten by what other ungodly creatures were also in that closet-world. Best-case scenario, I could skip a few weeks from this hellhole. Anything to get away from the Snyder’s. So, Stacy and I kept up the usual rhythm: the monster entered the room, Stacy screamed, and from underneath my desk, I checked out glimpses of whatever world was inside the closet. After weeks of preparation, I made a monster disguise and a plan. I waited underneath a blanket next to the closet door every night, all night until the monster arrived again. And as soon as that door cracked open and the monster moved aside, I slid past them—dressed in my best monster disguise, a hard hat, and a vest! Jeremy from next door said that “nobody ever stops to question anybody in a hard hat and construction vest”, so it helped explain my appearance! After that, I just followed the Exit signs.
I can’t write for too long, but this world looks so similar to ours that I’m wondering if it’s almost like a mirror dimension. Like our world but with monsters instead of people. I fished out a few coins from a water fountain for bus fare, and I’m on my way to a Monsters University. Hopefully, I’ll be able to blend in a little better with a backpack there.
-Aarini Dhar
Dear Journal,
I managed to get on campus during freshmen orientation week, so it looks like luck is on my side! No one would bother a lost-looking freshman wandering around and exploring the campus. I snagged someone’s visitor pass for an added measure, but it looks like visitors are only allowed to sleep on campus with permission from the teachers. Looks like I’ll have to act the part of ‘student’, instead. I think I found where a good hideout might be—there’s a place called the Troll Bridge and a bunch of tunnels next to it! It might make for a good temporary stay while I do some research.
On the plus side, I don’t think I have to worry about getting eaten. Even though it seems monsters make careers out of scaring kids, they’re actually AFRAID of us! Apparently, we’re toxic and dangerous. And I’m not talking just snotty kindergarteners—everyone! All humans are, apparently, toxic or poisonous to monsters and everyone thinks they’ll DIE if a human touches them! They even make movies where human kids are villains—it’s crazy!
I can definitely say for a fact that humans are NOT toxic to monsters, though. I’ve been on campus for about a week now, and no one’s gotten sick. I’ve shaken hands—and claws, tentacles, and talons (!) —with a bunch of monsters and no one has shown any effects! I wonder why they keep telling themselves this… Maybe to protect their world? Not all humans are friendly, after all…
-Aarini Dhar
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Jealous Knight Shade
For context, some of yall might remember this story. It’s really old and I just found out a tumblr update completely ruined the format and wouldn’t let me fix the og post. So I had to completely re structure, add, and edit it as a new post.
[Jaune’s Dorm]
Radio:Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s a beautiful sunny day completely with a slight breeze and temperatures in the mid seventies. Perfect for the Vale concert!!! *clicked off*
Jaune:*jean shorts and a muscle shirt* I am sooooo pumped for this concert. The lights, the food, but most importantly….
Blake:*in the bathroom getting ready* The one….the only…….Jaune and
Blake: Casey Lee Williams!!!
Jaune:Gods I can’t wait any longer! Blake, how much longer are you gonna take? We’re gonna end up looking wasted anyways.
Blake:I at least want to start the day off looking somewhat presentable. I never been to a concert before; honestly never expected to go to one.
Jaune:Really? I guess it’s a good thing you met someone who always gets tickets with the best view possible!
Blake:I still can’t believe you’ve met her before! I hope I get the chance to as well.
Jaune:That won’t happen as long as you’re in the bathroom. We still gotta catch the flight! (Actually we’re ahead of schedule, but Yang and Sun don’t need to know I’m hanging with Blake alone. A blonde war is the last thing I need.)
Blake:I’m ready! *walking out* how do I look?
Jaune:It’s about ti-*Blake in a purple crop top and black high waisted ripped shorts. Black ankle high converse and some wristbands*
Blake:*nervous* Well..? I knew it was gonna be a little hot out all day; plus I never get the chance just to dress casual.
Jaune:*red* You look good! Like really good; wait that sounded weird. I mean you know…you……it’s nice.
Blake:*giggles* Thanks. I’m guessing you’re ready?
Jaune:Uhh Yeah! *hands her a water bottle* concerts can get exhausting for her. *puts on a string bag* I got a few other things in here since it’s an all day thing.
Blake:Well isn’t someone prepared?
Jaune:I’m a veteran at these sorts of things.
Blake:Then I guess I’m in your hands then; let’s go. *starts walking away*
Jaune:*watching her walk away* …….. *sips water* I am not ready for today…
Jaune:*leaning forward* If I die right now Blake, tell my ghost about the concert.
Blake:Why would you get Airship tickets if you get air sick?
Jaune:It’s the fastest way. Too much traffic on the road and I’m sure you want to get there as soon as possible.
Blake:You don’t have to go that far for me. *leans in a bit* you look like you’re turning green.
Jaune:You say that and get closer to me?
Blake:*leans back* that could’ve been bad. Last thing I need is vomit on me; especially my hair.
Jaune:About that…*points to her bow* you can take that off since we’re off campus. Honestly I doubt anyone at our school is even gonna show up.
Blake:Yeah but….I just want to have a normal day.
Jaune:You’re more normal with it off to me.
Blake:*red* That’s nice to know. Besides my team you’re the first to say that. Thanks…
Jaune:That’s what friends are for. *leaning back* Phew, I think the worst has passed.
Blake:That’s good… *takes off bow and leans on him* glad you’re feeling normal too.
Jaune:*redish* Yep, things are just…. normal between us. Completely…..normal.
[A long airship ride later]
Jaune:*stretching legs* I’ll never get used to how long this trip is. My legs still feel *Blake runs passed him* asleep…..
Blake:*Looking at the venue* Wow….*it's basically like Coachella*
Blake:There’s so much of it, we'll do everything! It’s almost a little overwhelming. *ears wiggling*
Jaune:*Smiles don’t take it all in at once; you’ll go mad. First things first *pats her stomach* food.
Blake:I had half a mind to claw you just now. *stomach rumbles* but you’re right…
Jaune:Let’s go then, pizza is always a safe bet. *starts walking* I’m pretty sure it’s to our right.
Blake:Uhhh you might want to try left.
Jaune:Huh, really?
Blake:*points to her ears* I can hear essentially everything around here. I here grills to our right, and oven timers to the left.
Jaune:Blake….you’re amazing. Do you know how much of a maze this place can be!?
Blake:It’s no big deal. Still, there’s a lot of people here. I bet there’s a line for food.
Jaune:I can deal with that as long as I know where I am going.*grabs her hand* Let’s go!
Blake:Wait just a- *gets pulled onlookers staring at them*
Blake:Uh, I think people are staring at us.
Jaune:*looking around* I…think you’re right.
Blake:*folds her ears* I thought you said people wouldn’t care about my ears?
Jaune:*pulls out his hoodie and puts it on Blake. It goes down to her hips* Believe me, it’s not your ears. *starts walking behind her.
Blake:? *realization* Ohhhhh *red*
Jaune:Just ignore them and you’ll be fine.
Blake:I’ll try.
Stranger:*whistles* I think this is the first time I cat called a pretty kitty. What do you say about being with a dog?
Blake:Sorry, I’m not a fan of mutts.
Stranger:What was that you little-
Jaune:*wraps arm around her waist* Walk away while you can dude. She may be the Faunus but I’m the one who bites.
Blake:*red* (That’s hot; why did it sound so hot!?)
Stranger:…..*stomps off embarrassed*
Jaune:I swear this place is awesome. Some people are just hot heads.
Blake:It’s alright! (He smells nice) Uhh maybe you should keep your arm around me. Just to be safe.
Jaune:Sure *starts walking happily*
Blake:(How did he do that!? Intense one second and happy the next!?)
Jaune:Wanna get some drinks?
Blake:We can’t buy any.
Jaune:*pulls out two fake IDs* I mean....Blake:......Have you always been this much of a rebel?
Jaune:I like to have fun when I can and I want to show you a good time.
Blake:*pondering* You know this is illegal.
Jaune:So is terrorism
Blake:Can’t argue with that; let’s get wasted!
Jaune:Yeah!!!!!*12 hours later*
Blake:*wakes up in a random bed* Ugh my head. Where am I? *sees she’s not wearing a shirt* What did I do!? Who did I do!?
Jaune:*laying on a couch* Look whose awake. *throws her aspirin* btw you slept with no one and this is Casey’s tour RV.
Blake:I met Casey!?
Jaune:You don’t remember?
Jaune:We drank, the show started and we started singing your favorite song…
Blake:From Shadows is underrated.
Jaune:Yes it is. After that some more people started flirting with you and one grabbed your butt. After that I hit him and Casey had her roadies kick him out. She then proceeded to buy everyone drinks....
Blake:God she is a national treasure.
Jaune:After that we got to go back stage where I introduced you two and you turned into a total fangirl. You wanted an autograph but then you passed out and now we’re here.
Blake:That’s it?Jaune......[Last night backstage]
Jaune:*slightly buzzed* Blake, this is my good friend Casey.
Casey:Hello! Nice to meet a fan; also an old friend. *goes to hug Jaune*
Blake:*thoroughly drunk* Excuse me miss Williams! *grabs his arm* But he is taken!
Jaune:Uhhh what?
Casey:*snorts* What?
Blake:This man *hic* right here....is mine! He spent the whole day showing me an absolute great time! *rubs his chest* I intend on repaying the favor tonight.
Jaune:*bright red* You’re drunk Blake....
Blake:Drunk off of your love hehehe *almost falls over*
Jaune:*lifts her over his shoulder* I’m sorry for her. She’s usually super chill.
Casey:I believe it. Maybe I’ll get to meet her with less fireball in her system.
Blake:.....You have a cute butt Jaune. Not as cute as mine but still pretty nice.
Jaune:Oh boy....do you mind if we crash in your RV? I don’t think she’s quite travel ready.
Casey:No problem, *autographs an album and puts it in his bag* I figure she would want a souvenir.
Jaune:Thanks *turns around and walks away*
Casey:*waves* Bye Blake!Blake:I will fight you for him. You may be amazing but I call dibs! He’s getting laid tonight!
Jaune:You are going to bed!
Casey:*hysterical laughter*
Jaune:*puts Blake on the bed* Sleep!
Blake:Awww but I’m not tired. *takes off her shirt* Maybe you can fix that for me.
Jaune:(Why can’t this happen when we’re sober?) Blake go to sl- *pulled into her arms*
Blake:Come oooooon! I promise it’ll be fun.
Jaune:You’re drunk Blake, that makes it wrong.
Blake:Terrorism and Fake ID’s are wrong.
Jaune:I mean you’re not wr- no! *pulks himself free* Bed, now!
Blake:Fine, we’ll just do it in the morning. *passes out immediately*
Jaune:*flops onto the couch* Sigh, it’s always the quiet ones.
Jaune:....That’s it. *you got an album by the way.
Blake:Sweet! Thanks for the good time Jaune. Even if it’s a bit hazy *hugs him*
Jaune:Uhhh Blake *red* your shirt.
Blake:Eh, I don’t care. You probably saw them last night.
Jaune:Don’t worry, that’s the only thing I saw.
Blake:Too bad, you could’ve had an amazing night. *whispers in his ear* By the way, Faunus have high alcohol tolerance.
Jaune:*red* Huh!?
Blake:*walking towards the restroom* Well what do you know, this place has its own shower. Can you think of a more perfect way to start a morning?
Jaune:Depends, you remember what you said last night.
Blake:*playfully* Who knows? Maybe you should join me in here and jog my memory Mr. Cute Butt
Jaune:Now that is the best cat calling I’ve heard this entire trip.
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ckret2 · 9 months
To be honest, it seems so impossible to picture billford actually happening right now. I trust you! But it's hard to envision the path ahead.
I'm not gonna lie the reason it took me months & months to commit to taking the fic that route is because I didn't want to go "no yeah I'm doing this" until I was sure I did have a path, and it is hard to envision lmfao. It's a very twisty and very narrow path that they're only gonna just barely squeeze through.
Without giving any spoilers, as far as I see it, any reconciliation between Ford & Bill—platonic or romantic—requires three things:
a reason for Ford to stop fearing Bill
a reason for Ford to stop hating Bill
a reason for Ford to like Bill.
We don't need anything on Bill's side, he's all prepared to like Ford as soon as Ford likes him. All he has to do is, y'know, give Ford all of those reasons.
#3 is the easiest one! Ford already has reasons to like Bill: they're all of the reasons he used to like Bill. He's an alien with infinite knowledge. That's great. But Bill could give Ford a million reasons to like him and they won't do a bit of good as long as Ford hates him. If you stab someone in the gut and give them a flower, you stabbed them in the gut. If you stab someone in the gut and give them an entire field of flowers, you still stabbed them in the gut. It's actually more insulting to get flowers than it would've been to just get stabbed. Gotta do something about the stabbing.
#1 was also pretty easy to figure out. All it takes is trapping Bill in a scenario where he's forced to demonstrate he no longer wants to kill the Pines, in a way that makes it impossible to think that it could have been an act or a lie. Easy.
#2 is the only hard part. Ford has a lot of very good reasons to hate Bill forever. Why would he even want to stop hating Bill? And that's the key:
4. a reason for Ford to WANT to stop hating Bill
The hardest and MOST IMPORTANT part. A reason for Ford to go, fine. One last shot. If you want me to think anything is different, then show me—and no more chances to slip up. He can still hate Bill at this point! Bill still has to climb that mountain. But now Ford's simply standing at the top of the mountain glaring at Bill with his arms crossed, waiting to see if he can make it to the top, rather than using a long stick to shove Bill back down every time he gets close.
Let's talk about redemption arcs!
There's a thing I believe about redemption arcs and redemption in general, which is that saying "they shouldn't get a second chance unless they deserve it" is impossible. "Deserve it" means they're good now, "deserve it" means they've already done the work to improve themselves and make amends for what they did wrong. But in the real world, somebody needs to give you a second chance BEFORE you deserve it in order to have space to work on yourself and become worthy of it.
That doesn't mean Ford, of all people, owes Bill a second chance. He was never gonna be the first to offer Bill a hand. He couldn't be, he shouldn't be. And nobody owes Bill a second chance—but in order for it to be possible for Bill to have a redemption arc at all, SOMEBODY had to give him one anyway. The whole fic is the result of people extending a hand to Bill so that he can become worthy of the help he was offered. He wouldn't be alive if the Axolotl hadn't given him a second chance. He'd still be curled up in the corner of the attic day after day waiting to die if Mabel hadn't given him a second chance. Over and over he's gonna get chances he doesn't deserve, from people who have no reason to offer them, when he regrets nothing, when he's apologized for nothing—and that's what will save him.
SOMEBODY ELSE had to offer Bill an unconditional second chance first. But—once Ford has seen that Bill might have potential—he can, if he wants, offer Bill a limited, conditional second chance. I just have to get him to want to.
After that it's smooth sailing. Get the two of them as far as "okay we can attempt having a positive relationship again" and past that it really doesn't matter what kind of positive relationship it is, platonic, romantic, sexual, whatever. "Do you think they might wanna bone or not?" is a much less important and much less difficult question than "What would it take for Ford to stop despising the triangle who ruined his life?"
Personally, I want 'em to make out nasty style. But that's far and away the least important part of this whole arc, because it was important to me that that not be a motivating factor in their reconciliation. Like I've said, I'm deliberately playing on hard mode here, and "I'm kinda sorta motivated to forgive him because I'm attracted to him" is a cheat I'm not allowing. I'm too ace to tolerate that kind of plot unless it's in a story about the frustrating folly of desire. The attraction can only come after reconciliation; and it also won't prevent them from continuing to have the kind of ongoing issues you'd expect out of two guys with a long history of heartless betrayal and murder attempts.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
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Finally get to post my Clara doodles! : )
oh and here's some more b/c my internet was down and i really like drawing her (i got attached very quickly lol)
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Ok, i should probably explain a little more about Clara before i go any farther. (i'll put it under a break b/c, most likely, it will be long)
Clara is, essentially, Donnie's adopted daughter. She's not biologically related to the boys in any way. Donnie found her, unhatched, and brought her back to an incubator he had set up in his lab specifically for her.
(i couldn't see Donnie, who hates his powers, going out of his way to create the next Seer. He would rather risk breaking the cycle or whatever than create a child specifically for such a purpose. But, if he found the child who was going to be their replacement, he would not leave them to die. or worse, risk them surviving and growing up without the safety of the vault or someone to explain their powers.)
Donnie found her at a zoo, where a very dedicated zookeeper had been doing their best to take care of what animals they could. One of which was a pair of Indian Peacock Softshell turtles who had laid eggs, one of which got mutated by a leftover oozqueito before ever hatching. That would soon be Clara. Donnie showed up the day the zookeeper died, collected her, and brought her back to the lab so she would continue to grow.
Donnie did consider her to be his child, even though he knew he would never properly meet her. He spent a lot of time searching through visions, watching her grow up in the only way he could. He insured she would want for nothing. Knowledge, gear, whatever he could foresee her needing, he made sure it was ready for her. just as he did for the rest of his family. (he might hate his Seer powers, but he couldn't deny they were useful when it came to preparing for his death)
So Clara grew up in the care of her Uncles (mostly Leo but Mikey and Raph definitely helped) as well Cass and April. (She actually calls Cass, Mama Casey b/c that's what CJ calls her. Also b/c, early on, her visions would upset her to the point where only being around CJ would calm her down. So Cass said that if she was going to watch them at night this often, she was claiming Clara as her kid too. Thus she did.)
Clara and CJ's powers strengthened pretty early (apocalypse does that). It upset her at first, but as time went on, she got tired of crying over it and decided to be angry at them. Her standard way of dealing with bad visions as a teen, was to beat up a training dummy until she either felt marginally better and then sought out CJ, or until CJ found her there.
personality wise, Clara is loud and brash. she is also snarky as hell and has little to no verbal filter. (she's essentially an 03 or 12 Raph lol) She absolutely hates feminine clothing with a passion and whenever Mikey or Raph tried to dress her up as a child, she and CJ would switch clothes as soon as the two looked away.
i think that's it for now? i can't think of anything else really. Other than maybe that i've figured out a way i could add her character (minus the seer powers) to the cannon apocalypse without upsetting the plot much. But i'm not sure i'm going to do it since it's very tragic and i'm not sure i want to put Donnie through that.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Autumn Leaves- Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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GN!Reader, angst, character death, platonic!relationship
Another day another life Passes by just like mine It's not complicated
It hasn't been the best year for the task force. Losing someone they knew for years, losing themselves in the process. Missing someone they wish they shared one last word with. Questions cloud their minds, heart aches make this autumn worse than the last. Maybe if their friend stayed longer, maybe if their comrade was not a soldier, maybe, just maybe. Not being there, seeing them become the husbands and fathers they all joked about, the last words they gave the other when they thought they'd die back in those missions, what fools were they to believe their friend would be the first one out.
Who would be there to see their kids grow? Who would be the one to keep them in shape if not their friend. Why must this person leave so soon? The tea wasn't even out yet. Stay a little longer, for the sake of our hearts.
The last mission, what a dick move was it to leave their battle buddy out there alone. If all had gone better, the one person who saw them drink and dance would see them do it once more. The designated driver, the one who looked after them, why couldn't they stay?
"You think I'll make it past 40?"
"Not a chance."
You and him laugh and he nods. "It'd be nice if we both did," you add. He nods and looks back at the smoky night sky, his cigarette being the only reason you can see the scar from his childhood. Your gaze is now on the stars. You always looked at the little detail of the others in the team. The scar Gaz got from a shit driving by the mountains, Soap and the scar on his eyebrow, are the only reason why you took him so seriously. Price and the scar on his shoulder, the one he got when he saved you from the gunfight.
But when you turn back to look at him, you only see him walk away. "Leaving so soon, sir?" you ask and he nods, "Best if I get some beauty sleep." You chuckle, "Better sleep for a century then."
"Oi, I'm not so bad lookin' kid," he smirks, loving the banter between you two.
"Look in a mirror, sir." you chuckle and he flips you off.
Another mind Another soul Another body to grow old It's not complicated
Maybe if one fought for the other that night, the one who is now gone would have at least left leaving some memories for the new recruits. A lie that still keeps four people awake at night. Would the dead come back like the movies say? Would their beloved friend be back if some potion or if Victor Frankenstein were to be real, could their friend be back? Sew them limb for limb, do the most to just hear them say a proper goodbye. Why must this world be cruel to those who try to keep every civilian safe by sacrificing their own sanity? Why must their comrade be gone so soon?
Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you? Float down Like autumn leaves Hush now
"When I was a kid, me and my brother Tommy had those glow-in-the-dark stars up on the ceiling. Before my father would barge in the room to scare me, me and him actually bonded." He says as he sits next to you on the cold field. "You think maybe he is somewhere out there?" You look back to the sky. "Yeah, I'm sure he is, always told me he'd be around to bother me." from his lips a chuckle escaped.
If I had stayed, maybe we'd still have these conversations and not me talking to your graves.
"Soap, you snipe, Gaz get those communications going, Ghost, you and R/N get on that field and show them what we are known for." Price orders and then prepares himself for the old field.
Is it that it's over or do birds still sing for you? Float down Like autumn leaves Hush now
"Today, we are gathered to celebrate and mourn the life of a friend, comrade and the best goddamn soldier I had the privilege to work with." Price wipes his tears as he looks at the room full of people who know mourn with him.
"To me, Simon Riley was not just another soldier, he was a brother, or as I called him, my son. I met him days after the tragedy of his family and that day I swore I would protect this kid from the shit of the world and I stand here today saying I failed at the one promise I made as his then sergeant." His lips quiver. Soap and Gaz have an arm around you, keeping you or at least trying their best to calm you down.
The day you lost him, is still a blur. But what he said to you, will forever live with you. "R/N, I'm not a strong soldier, I fear so much and right now I fear I'm dying alone." his voice was weak as you heard over the radio. The run to him, the mud and cuts you had to just get to him, also live with you.
"Somewhere, in some place in Manchester, the soul of the greatest man I will ever know now roams the streets," Price pauses to gain composure. His voice breaks every now and then, "Somewhere he is teaching his nephew how to play football, his mother makes tea, to..." he stops again and wipes more tears away, "his mother makes tea, to celebrate the welcome his son. His brother sits on the green grass, watching his older brother bond with his nephew. And somewhere between the lines, he knows peace."
You get up and walk away, needing fresh air. "Simon was known as Ghost, and it pains me to say, that Ghost he will remain. But one thing changed, today, he doesn't reunite with his father, no but today I lost my...my son." Price looks at the coffin. "The men and women he worked with, they know he left a piece of him in each one of us. After 32 years of life, he can finally rest because he is the only one who truly deserves rest." His voice cracks again. "So, as we end this celebration of the man he was, I ask of you to think of him for who Simon was not for who Ghost is."
Ooh how I miss you My symphony played the song that carried you out Ooh how I miss you And I, I miss you and I wish you'd stay
You walked alongside the broken-down pavement, going hysterical. You swear you hear him call for you when the wind blows but all you have now is the dog tags of the man you called family. Hours before you had to pretend you were fine, you screamed and sobbed. "My fault, my fucking fault." you cried on your knees. The home he once brought you and the team to is now empty and haunting you with his smell. The walls with little to no decorations, the coffee stain on the counter, the empty office chair. The home he was Simon in, was now occupied by dust and old memories.
They say life is cruel to those who are nice and today, that saying became a fact in your life. Soap no longer had a battle buddy, Gaz had no mentor, Price had no older son, and R/N had no lifelong friend to turn to when shit hit the fan. And as you watched his coffin get lowered, you once more swore he called for you. One more fear was added when you watched Soap and Gaz hug each other. That fear is now losing them too. Price walked away from that moment, and you feared you would lose him too. No one can fear losing you because with Ghost now gone, you are now lost.
Touch down Like a seven four seven Or stay out and we'll live forever now
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Tags: @liyanahelena @warenai @ghostslittlegf (tagged bc I know you live and cry for angst<3
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(English isn‘t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Suguru Niragi, fem!reader
• Genre: fluff, angst
• Warnings: mentions of death and murder, mentions of smut
༺♡༻ ༺♡༻ ༺♡༻
Affection: (how affectionate are they? How do they show their affection)
Niragi and affectionate are two things that usually don‘t go hand in hand. But if he really falls in love with you he has his ways to show his affection.
He would like to kill everyone that just lays an eye on you and if someone really dares to touch you he surely will.
„What are you looking at fucker?“ „You really wanna die, huh?“ „If you even think of her again you will regret it.“
Kinda obsessive with you.
Beauty: (what they find especially attractive about you)
In his eyes you’re the hottest, most gorgeous person alive. Your whole appearance, they way you act and talk just did something with him.
Comfort: (how they comfort you? How you comfort them)
Comforting someone isn’t quite his strength.
He would say things like „Imma kill anyone that comes near you.“ or „If you want me to I will blow their brains out just give me a sign.“
Is a bit overwhelmed when you just ask for a hug but he will do as you please.
Comforting Niragi is a whole other thing. If you know him for a while already and he warmed up a little bit he will tell you when something is wrong. But honestly you can’t do much more than just be there. But often your presence alone helps (a bit at least)
Dreams: (how they imagine their future with you)
He doesn’t have a particular dream. As long it’s with you he doesn’t really care.
Ending: (how would they break up with you)
„We’re done.“
Yeah that’s it.
Fight: (how would an argument with them look like)
He would scream and yell and cuss and eventually storm off (with slamming the doors of course) and try to take his anger out on something or someone.
Gentle: (how gentle are they? Physically and emotionally)
He’s not gentle at all. Often he feels bad when he realizes he hurt you in any way (not that he would ever admit it). You notice that he regrets his behavior because of his widen eyes and slightly open mouth. He will apologize in his own way. (Petting your back, being weirdly nice when you’re alone, etc)
It’s different if it happened during intercourse but I talk about that in nsfw alphabet 👀
Hugs: (do they like hugs? How do their hugs feel like)
It doesn’t happen often that he hugs you but when he does you can be sure that he will hold you tight and won’t let you go any time soon.
I Love You: (how fast did they say the L-word)
It slipped out during intercourse and he said it in the most dirty way possible.
„You’re such a slut for me, I love it. Fuck I love you.“
You both paused your actions for a moment but then he continued like nothing happened.
He doesn’t bring it up because he doesn’t want to admit that he has a weak spot for you. (But it wasn’t the last time this sentence left his lips.)
Jealousy: (how jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
When Niragi seriously gets jealous everyone around him is in huge danger. This boy will straight up kill everyone he remembers talking to you or even just looking at you.
But mostly he knows it’s a little game of yours because you love the fact that he actually cares for you and wants you for himself and himself alone.
And of course you love how he remembers you that you‘re his <3
Kisses: (where they like to kiss you? Where they like to be kissed)
He loves to kiss you everywhere. He want’s to make sure his lips were everywhere and he marked every single spot as his.
Even tho Niragi won’t admit it he loves it when you do the same.
Prepare for a lot of make-out sessions.
Little Ones: (how are they around children? Do they want own children)
Niragi and kids don’t work out. He doesn’t like kids and kids don’t like him.
But he would lie if he’d say that he doesn’t like the thought of you being pregnant with his kids.
Marriage: (do they want to marry)
Niragi thinks marriage on itself is stupid but he swore he will marry you anyways so everybody knows you’re his. (And he‘s yours)
Nicknames: (how they call you)
Mostly Baby or Babe.
Open: (how fast they open up)
It takes a while but eventually he will tell you about his past. Not all at once tho, but slowly one thing after another.
Patience: (how easily angered are they)
It depends on topic, who else is involved, is he having a bad day?
Quizzes: (how much do they remember about you)
He acts like he doesn’t care but in reality he remembers quite mich about you.
Romantic: (how romantic are they)
Niragi and romance are like day and night. Two things you never experience together.
Security: (how protective are they? How do you protect them)
Again even tho he acts like he doesn’t care he will kill everyone and anyone to keep you safe.
If you try to protect him he will try to get you out of the situation. When you’re alone he will yell at you. It might seem that he is angry but he was just sick worried.
„Don’t do that ever again! Got it?!“
Try: (how much effort do they put in dates, gifts, etc)
Not much because he has absolutely no feeling for this stuff. It mostly turns out to be an absolutely chaos. You think it’s cute anyways tho.
Ugly: (what are some bad habits of them)
It’s Niragi so there’s quite a lot that can count as bad habits.
Killing people, having no feeling for morals, showing little to no respect to others, etc.
Vanity: (how concerned are they with their looks)
He‘s not obsessed with his appearance but he liked to make sure that he somehow looks good.
Whole: (do they feel incomplete without you)
When Niragi is madly in love with you (which we assume here) he would absolutely feel incomplete without you.
Xtra: (random headcanon)
Sometimes he gets a wave of intense emotions and feelings towards you. He could fall to his knees and worship you like a goddess. He leaves the situation before it can happen tho because again, he will never admit his weakness for you.
Yuck: (what are some things they wouldn’t like)
Seriously flirting with someone else. Not the little game you play where you act like you flirty with someone, even tho it’s more than obvious that you’re not attracted in the slightest to them. But really showing interest in someone else. It would break his heart
Never make hints in front of others that he can get soft around you. That’s for you and you only.
Zzz… (some of their sleeping habits)
Moves a lot and snores.
When you lay next to him he will always try to touch you. At least feel your hand at his fingers.
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emp-t-man · 3 months
y’know what? if jacobi had somehow found out what kepler had done to help them, what he had said before rachel threw him out that airlock? he wouldn’t care. it would mean absolutely nothing to him. because what he would also know, is that if he’d made it? if he’d lived to make it back with them? he would’ve done nothing but brag about how clever he was for his little stunt. he’d laugh in their faces about how ignorant they were for assuming he would let cutter do something like that to humanity. and he would expect a thank you. he would genuinely expect all of them to treat him like their savior and then willingly hand over the controls so that he can fly them back to earth.
kepler never learned anything. there was no special moment for him when he realized that maybe his boss wasn’t such a great person, that maybe the hephaestus crew was onto something by caring about each other more then their mission objective. all he ever cared about was his own legacy. his own reputation. that he was seen as a leader who was capable of holding his own. he cared more about himself losing command of the station than maxwell’s death. And it couldn’t have had too much to do with being afraid of cutter or wanting to impress him on some weird psychological trauma level, because his last course of action before he died was helping to undo everything cutter had wanted! this pretentious mother fucker was so caught up in his own savior complex fantasy that instead of daring to show a human emotion for once, he goes out quipping. and if jacobi found out, he would be about as surprised as a college student getting socks for christmas.
imagine being jacobi. imagine going your whole life being so desperate for approval from your family that you take a job you never planned on or maybe even wanted to take, just for it to LITERALLY blow up in your face and get your reputation ruined for the rest of your life. then imagine someone comes up to you at your lowest, when you think you have nothing left to go back to, and tells you that you’re not as much of a failure as you think you are. that you actually mean something. that you’ve been underestimated, and there’s a group of people waiting for you that will only ever see the best in you, and will care far more about who you are than what you do. imagine that person repeatedly showing you that you’re important to them, that you take priority over their job even when it’s something that seems so predominant in their life.
now imagine them taking everything they’d ever told you and ripping it up into indiscernible scraps in front of your face. finding out they really did care more about their job than their relationship with you. that they were not only willing to let you die, but prepared for it. that you were just another stepping stone on their way to being the hero of their own story. i don’t think anything someone could do after that would be able to make up for that demolition of trust. as soon as jacobi finds out what kepler was really playing at, he didn’t give a single shit about what he meant to him, what he said to hurt kepler’s pride, anything that he would’ve bit his tongue over before that point. kepler was as good as dead to him from the moment he knew that he lied, and for kepler to go as far as nearly completely disregarding him when he reached out to him one last time because maybe if he could be brought to care about people, irredeemable monster that he thought he was, maybe there was a chance that kepler could see it too? i don’t think jacobi would have cared if kepler personally came to him on his hands and knees and apologized for everything he’d ever done, much less that he did a single thing to actually help them get home. and he’s completely justified for it, too.
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Rereading The Terror
Two short chapters combined for you today, each more gut-wrenching than the last!
Chapter Fifty-Five: Goodsir
Goodsir's first few days in the Mutineer Camp have not been pleasant, needless to say. He begins describing Hickey as The Devil and the other men as an "Infernal Legion" celebrating with a "Feast of Human Flesh" after the confrontation with Crozier.
There are a few familiar and unexpected faces within that 'infernal legion' including Billy Orren, John Morfin, and Billy Gibson, all very much still living so far. Interestingly, several of the Mutineers are still actively resisting the descent into cannibalism - Morfin and Hodgson most notably - but Goodsir suspects they won't be able to hold out much longer - "the smell of Roasting Human Flesh is Horribly Enticing".
Just like the main party, the Mutineers also appear to have found leads in the ice. 17 men pile into a boat only meant for 8 and begin to paddle northward but it's clear quickly that they cannot continue to do so for long, and it's not because of the leads themselves: "I Heard Hickey and Aylmore whispering after we landed to pitch Tents this Evening - they made Little Effort to lower their Voices. Someone will have to go. ...now that they do not need Man-haulers, which Men will be Sacrificed to the Food stores so that the boat can be Lightened for tomorrow's Sailing?"
Chapter Fifty-Six: Jopson
Oh gang... I'm afraid this is it...!
Jopson doesn't understand. He doesn't fully understand what's happening to his body anymore - why his teeth and hair are falling out and he's bleeding from every orifice. And he doesn't understand why he's being left behind on this, his literal birthday: "...but he was not an old man. He was thirty-one years old today and they were leaving him behind to die on his birthday." :(((
He has just enough wherewithal to smell the roasting of the seal meat Des Voeux's men brought back to camp, and to note the stream of men visiting his tent, unwilling to show their faces but leaving behind a pile of mouldy ships biscuits for him "like so many white rocks in preparation for his burial."
Jopson can only really protest in his own head - against the men and their actions and, interestingly, against Crozier... "Hadn't he stayed by Captain Crozier's side a hundred times during the captain's illnesses and moody low points and outright bouts of drunkenness? Hadn't he quietly, uncomplainingly, like the good steward he was, hauled pails of vomit from the captain's cabin in the middle of the night and wiped the Irish drunkard's arse when he shat himself in his fever delirium? Perhaps that's why the bastard is leaving me to die." Good Christ if that thought doesn't actually fucking destroy me! It's not even the idea of doing all that for someone and it somehow not being good enough, it's almost as if it was too good instead. Like something about reaching that level of intimacy being too unbearable in some way and somehow being the thing that dooms him? Ooh lordy I'm unwell... :(((
Soon enough, Jopson's birthday becomes more surreal and yet more literal as his crawling from the tent is described almost like labour, like an actual birth - "He had grown used to the canvas-filtered dim light and stuffy air of his tent-womb that this openness and glare made his lungs labour and filled his squinted-shut eyes with tears."
Crawling over food - "brought to him as if he were some damned pagan idol or sacrificial offering to the gods" - Jopson exits the tent which all too quickly fades into the fog behind him so he can't go back, and tries to shout after the departing men.
He's so weak but so utterly utterly desperate that he even tries to use his fucking chin to drag himself along the ground when his arms fail him. But of course it's not enough. Just like that, the departing men are gone. "It was as if they had never existed."
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