#trina might escape this ashford stuff 👀
bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
Tbh, I think the writers didn’t expect for the audience reaction to the paternity SL with Trina, Curtis, and Taggert would be the same reaction to the cheating storyline with Cam, Joss, and Dex. I think they thought everyone would be fine and happy with Curtis being Trina’s alleged dad, but underestimated how much the audience actually loves Taggert. Just like they thought everyone would be fine and happy with Dex, but underestimated how much we love Cameron.
Okay so I can definitely see why you thought that when you wrote this, anon, but I've actually felt differently for a while now. I definitely think that was the case for a long time. Especially when they kept forcing Trina to live with Curtis and Portia last year while the two of them infantilized her.
I think things have shifted, though, and they basically are having their cake and eating it too with the current state of this story. They are playing out the drama original story they wanted to tell, Curtis revealed as Trina's bio father.
But now there's this Ms. Wu loophole of her potentially switching the tests to keep Curtis under her thumb. And I think that's where we're headed. I think that's why Taggert got more consistent POV for this reveal than he has had for anything involving Trina in years.
Now, we're seeing the groundwork laid for Taggert to become commissioner and truly be solidified back in the PC canvas. His status is gradually becoming more concrete again and less fluid, which doesn't make a lot of sense if they're still going with Curtis being her bio father and just switching Curtis out for Taggert.
I do think Taggert is going to end up not just being the father that raised Trina but also the father that helped create her. I also think he might end up being the one to find out about Curtis' dirty dealings with Ms. Wu and pivotal in a downfall of sorts for Curtis.
Portia was crying about the perfect family unit she wanted today with her, Curtis and Trina and I don't think she's going to get it. I think this is one time they might have finally listened to the audience on something, but we'll see how it plays out.
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