#trip over a rock and massive piles of spoilers just fall out of my pockets
sonicchaoscontrol · 2 years
So, has any part of the plot changed from the first time you wrote the story? Has the plot changed from your long hiatus to now?
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[Short answer? Yes. Long answer? Oh my good lord, yes. Long post, so this one's getting a readmore and no bold text. Why DID that start, anyway? I think it's just more legible on the web theme. Anyhow--]
I don't have any of the papers it was conceptualized on anymore because I was probably in fourth grade or so, but believe me when I say the idea for this story is pretty old. There's not a lot I can divulge this early in because I don't want to spoil all the fun, but what I can do is give you some bullet points from the EARLIEST rendition that are No Longer Applicable in any format:
-Knuckles was the big bad. Yes, really. This is no longer the case. Who is it now? We'll find out together, won't we! -I had offed much of the main cast for... reasons?? Mostly just angst. Glad we did away with that. Mostly because one of those was Sonic. Lmao. -The whole thing was riddled with fan characters as the main heroes. While I love FCs dearly, they are not the focus of the story anymore, even though this AU is canon-adjacent. -The main setting took place in a city that had been submerged in water, with a sprawling ice-cave complex surrounding it. This idea has been reworked and recycled. More on that later!
The character designs have been changed SO much over the years, and one of them in particular got his design updates through an RP blog I used to run! If you know it from the Olden Times, no, no you don't, but it's taking all of my self control to not get back into the scene so I'm gonna need either a good or a bad influence here.
But TLDR nowadays the plot is actually mostly FINISHED, as opposed to 'let's just go page by page and see what happens'. A lot of that is thanks to my cool-as-ice editor and partner in crime, @skeblinn!! Lots of late nights hashing out the minutiae.
Thanks for giving me the chance to chat a bit about the process! I'll see if I can't dig out some old concepts as we get a bit further in :]
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