#tripple digit heat wave
nat-tea-n-coffee · 2 years
Tips on Surviving Tripple Digit Heat Waves
By A South Florida Local
I know everyone else says this already, but it bears repeating, DRINK WATER. No, more than that. Get an insulated water bottle, a straw if that’s your fancy, and keep that full and on you at all times. (I like to throw some fruity type herbal tea into the bottle for flavor). Try to have fruits and vegetables that have lots of water, and don’t worry too much about avoiding salt because you do need some for those electrolytes. 
2. Shade and airflow are your new best friends because...
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Channel your inner little ole lady and avoid sunlight like a vampire. Umbrellas will often double as great parasols. Hats with wide brims are excellent AND fashionable. If you’re going to carry around a hand fan (which I super recomment, the bigger the better) make sure to only fan yourself languidly, lest your overwork yourself and just increase the overall heat in your body. Beach umbrellas are not just for the beach, they work fine in a back yard or park too. If you’re feeling crafty you can probably rig up some awnings to extend shade over your windows. Remember that shade kinda works cumulatively, the more you have, the less time the air is in the sun, the longer it has to cool before getting to you. 
3. Eat light, avoid heavy, rich foods. 
Try to eat lighter foods that have more water in them like fruits and veggies. Cucumbers are especially good because they’re basically 70% water, 20% fiber, 10% electrolyte. Stuff like red meat, red wine, high fats foods, anything that would give you gout pretty much, puts a toll on your digestive system and works to warm you up. Now is the time to find out what all the hype around gazpacho is about. What the hell is an acai bowl? Refreshing is what it is. Go patronize your local thai restaurant, they know how to make food appropriate to this weather. 
** Extra tip! Take you favorite juice, or tea, or whatever, put it in a mold or a cup with a stick in it throw it in the freezer, boom, cheap, low sugar popsicles.  Keeps the little ones entertained, and if you make it with some chicken broth you can give it to the pups. 
4. Dress in LOOSE, LIGHT, and NATURAL clothes.
Think of how the native folks of naturally hot and humid climates tend to dress. Big Native american Ribbon Skirts and Poofy blouses, the loose baggy pants of a salwar kameez, the incredible volume and colors of a hatian quadrille. Contrary to instinct, you actually want longsleeves in sunny weather to keep the deadly UV rays off your skin. Layers should be minimal though, and as little polyester as you can manage. Linen is best with cotton being the next best.  Silk and leather are horrible and will basically turn you into a human green house. (I know a lot about wool in theory but little in practice. Probably still a good option if you’re out by the water). Avoid dark colors as they absorb a lot more heat that they will then keep directly across your skin (ouch).  If you’re a goth who only dresses in black wool, go get a nice-ish cotton/linen bed sheet, and go to this  link and help bring the ancient greek chiton back into style. Once you’re done with it you can still use it as a bed sheet. 
5. External Water.
if you can get off to the coast for a bit, I would recommend it.  Coastal areas tend to have the sea breeze, and the ocean is good at absorbing heat, plus being able to submerge yourself in water will help you cool off.  If you can’t get to a beach, a little tub of water just enough to dip your feet into will go a long way. And as many people other than me have already pointed out, a wet towel across the back of the neck can work wonders. 
6. Bonus Bits
- As obvious as drink water, but wear sunscreen. You can sunburn bad enough to give yourself a fever, this is especially true with CHILDREN. 
- Speaking of children and any other smol creatures in your care, DOUBLE EVERYTHING ABOVE. They are tiny and so everything happens to them MORE. See #3 for popsicle ideas. 
- Avoid energy drinks, if iced coffee or extra strong tea won’t get you through the day then it’s not worth the kidney damage. 
-outside is not your enemy if your house is built like an oven.  remember, you need SHADE and a BREEZE. If you don’t have your own, store bought is fine. 
-libraries and museums tend to be temperature controlled. support your local institutions
- avoid being outside/in the sun during the hottest part of the day (normally 3-5ish), and if you’re going to be out and about, night time is best. 
- Keep your hair off your neck, just trust me. 
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