darlenicy · 8 months
Totally forgot about this Monster High musical but this song screams TritIcy I can't 🤣🤣
Nefera even gives s5 Icy vibes in this video. And if you really wanna get the vibe, listen to the German version. German Nefera KILLS it
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drhoz · 3 months
#2332 - Hydrellia tritici - Black Pasture Fly
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An Ephydrid fly found in New Zealand and SE Australia. A pasture pest, because the larvae are leaf miners in grass. Don't ask me why they were so high up on Mt Ruapehu - there certainly wasn't any grass.
Mt Ruapehu, North Island Volcanic Plateau, New Zealand
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popgenpapers · 4 months
Plant genotype-specific modulation of Clonostachys rosea-mediated biocontrol of septoria tritici blotch disease on wheat
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rnomics · 1 year
Dual host-pathogen small #RNA sequencing during wheat stem rust infection
OBJECTIVES: #RNA sequencing of two organisms in a symbiotic interaction can yield insights that are not found in samples from each organism alone. We present a sequencing dataset focusing on the small #RNA fraction from wheat plants (Triticum aestivum) infected with the biotrophic pathogen wheat stem rust fungus (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici). Simultaneous small #RNA sequencing of this agronomically important crop and its adversary can lead to a better understanding of the role of noncoding #RNAs... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37580827/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_campaign=None&utm_content=1RYYbE7j9SUSBe_aHniaI_J1MQIFIBbfLuFxoWdLNMNDzVVIWF&fc=None&ff=20230817084600&v=2.17.9.post6%2086293ac
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turangalila · 2 years
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594) [Motettorum Quinque Vocibus Liber Quartus Ex Canticis Salominis (Rome: Alessandro Gardano, 1584)]
25 Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui in calciamentis filia principis, iunctura feminum tuorum sicut monilia quae fabricata sunt manu artificis, umbilicus tuus crater tornatilis numquam indigens poculis, venter tuus sicut acervus tritici vallatus liliis.
26 Duo ubera tua sicut duo hinnuli, gemelli capreae; collum tuum sicut turris eburnea; oculi tui sicut piscinae in Hesebon quae sunt in porta filiae multitudinis; nasus tuus sicut turris Libani quae respicit contra Damascum; caput tuum ut Carmelus et comae capitis tui sicut purpura regis iuncta canalibus. [Canticum canticorum 7:1-5]
_ Palestrina: Canticum canticorum · Spirituel madrigals The Hilliard Ensemble · Paul Hillier (1986, His Master’s Voice – EX 27 0319 3)
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Słyszałam wczoraj bardzo piękne słowa o sakramentach wtajemniczenia chrześcijańskiego, bo tak czytam rolę i znaczenie sakramentów w życiu chrześcijańskim, a więc i w moim, bo jestem chrześcijanką i katoliczką. Fidelis servus et prudens, quem constituit Dominus super familiam suam: ut det illis in tempore tritici mensuram. Chrzest, Nicolas Poussin No, bo jeśli dla świadka Jezusa najważniejszy…
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lupinepublishers · 3 years
lupine publishers| Economic Returns of Foliar Fungicides Application to Control Yellow Rust in Bread Wheat Cultivars in Arsi high lands of Ethiopia 
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Wheat yellow rust caused by Puccinic Striiformis f. sp tritici is the most widespread and destructive disease of wheat, especially in the highlands of Ethiopia. Application of foliar fungicides are important mechanisms to control wheat yellow rust disease. The activity was conducted at two experimental sites Meraro and Bekoji in 2018 main cropping season, in order to determine net returns of  wheat  yields  from  the  application  of  fungicides.  The  aim  of  the  study  was  to  know  net  reruns  obtained  from  the  application  of  propiconazole  and  Thiophanate-methyl  310g/l  +Epoxiconazole  187g/l    fungicides  with  twice  application  frequency    in  four  bread wheat cultivars with different resistance level, being susceptible, moderately susceptible, moderately resistant and resistant including  Kubsa,  Danda’a,  Lemu  and  Wane  against  wheat  yellow  rust    respectively  in  2018.  The  positive  net  returns  at  Meraro,  12.66,  11.4,  8.39  and  7.65,  and  at  Bekoji  12.14,  11.4,  7.92  and  5.18  on  Kubsa,  Lemu,  Danda’a  and  Wane  (susceptible,  moderately  susceptible,  moderately  resistant  and  resistant  bread  wheat  varieties  by  the  twice  application  of  RexDuo  respectively.  Maximum  net return on fungicide application was obtained on the susceptible (Kubsa) variety $1164.98 ha−1 at Bekoji and $1215.13 ha−1     at Meraro and minimum net returns was observed on Wane (resistant) variety $ 5.18 ha−1 at Bekoji and 7.65 at Meraro experimental stations by the twice application of Rex®Duo. Epoxiconazole +Thiiophanate-methyl applied treatments were resulted the highest returns at the rate of 0.5l ha−1, but low net returns were observed on propiconazole applied treatments at a rate of 0.5l ha−1 at both location. From the study lower economic return at Bekoji was obtained due to dry climatic conditions which resulted in low rust severity as compared to Meraro obtained higher profitability to higher altitude with cooler climate, lower temperature, heavy dew and intermittent rains. This indicated that conducive climatic conditions to yellow rust disease development during the growing season, cultivar resistance, fungicide application frequency, plant growth stage, fungicide and fungicide application costs and the price of wheat determines the net return in fungicide application of wheat. The results from this study indicated that foliar fungicide applications to bread wheat cultivars can be profitable in twice application with sensitive to semi sensitive(moderately susceptible to susceptible)varieties; however, net loss can result if fungicide 
usts  caused  by  obligate  pathogens  of  wheat  are  yellow  rust  (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici), stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)  and  leaf  rust  (Puccinia  recondite  f.sp.  tritici)  which  infect  the foliage, stem and sometimes the spikes lost more than $5bilion in  each  year  .They  have  the  capacity  to  develop  into  widespread  epidemics and complex life cycles that involve alternate hosts and several  spore  stages  resulting  in  yield  losses  of  30-50%  sensitive  and  semi  sensitive  cultivars  and  57-97%  on    [1-8].  Wheat  stripe  rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis is one of the most widespread, destructive  and  an  emerging  serious  disease,  especially  in  cool  climates,  present  in  almost  all  the  wheat  growing  areas  and  a  formidable threat to global wheat production [2-6]. In Ethiopia Arsi, Bale and North shoa areas, are wheat mono cropping and the most prevalent to yellow rust disease epidemics which causes 57 to 97% of yield losses in sensitive and semi sensitive bread wheat cultivars [7,8] Application of foliar fungicides are important mechanisms to control wheat yellow rust and reduce yield losses. According to [9], [6] findings comparatively better yields were obtained on sprayed treatments rather than unsprayed treatments under experimental condition.   During   the   fungicide   application;   conduciveness   of   
environment  to  rust,  varietal  resistance,  effectiveness  and  timing  of fungicide application to be taken into consideration in reducing the disease severity and rate of epidemic development. Large scale commercial   and   government-run   wheat   farms   have   generally   chosen  to  plant  rust-susceptible  wheat  varieties  because  they  have a greater yield potential of 20%-25% and 36.6% -51.1% than rust-resistant  varieties  [5  and  8].  Wheat  grown  in  a  higher-yield  potential (highland) environment may be more likely to produce a yield response. Timely application of fungicides effectively prevents yield losses and further spread of the disease to the wheat production regions, and  potentially  huge  nationwide  yield  loss  was  avoided  through  use of fungicides [10]. Fungicide prices influence the decision of spraying  or  not  spraying.  However,  when  the  disease  severity  is  low, crop yield is usually not impacted. The benefit from fungicide applications in crop production is reflected in the returns of up to three  times  the  cost  involved  [11].  There  is  a  misconception  that  fungicides  are  used  to  get  a  “yield  bump”  but  most  crop  scientists  agree that fungicides simply protect yield potential. When disease severity  has  the  potential  to  reduce  crop  yields,  then  fungicide  applications may help to protect the crop from potential losses. On the other hand, if disease severity is low and there is minimal yield loss,  then  applying  a  fungicide  will  not  result  in  either  a  yield  or  economic advantage [12].  In the considerable studies researchers emphasized that there are a number of factors that farmers should consider   before   making   a   fungicide   spray   decision,   including   yield  potential,  wheat  price,  fungicide  cost,  and  disease  pressure.  Although  many  farmers  and  private  wheat  growers  spray  as  soon  as the rust occurred without considering economic threshold level of  the  disease  and  positive  net  return  on  the  economic  yield  of  wheat.  The  main  objective  of  this  research  was  to  determine  the  profitability of wheat yield using fungicides against yellow rust in  susceptible,  moderately  susceptible,  moderately  varieties  and  comparing with commercial relatively resistant wheat varieties. Materials and Methods The  study  was  undertaken  at  Kulumsa  Agricultural  Research  Center,   sub-stations   Bekoji   and   Meraro,   in   Arsi   highlands   of   South  Eastern  Ethiopia  during  2018  main  cropping  season.  The  experiment  was  conducted  at  Meraro  and  Bekoji  experimental  stations from the Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center substations during  the  main  cropping  season  of  2018  at  south  eastern  part  of  Ethiopia.Treatments and Experimental design The  experiments  were  laid  out  in  randomized  complete  block  design  (RCBD)  in  factorial  arrangement  with  three  replications.  Four bread wheat cultivars which were selected based response of reaction  being  Kubsa  susceptible  (Sensitive),  Danda’a  Moderately  susceptible  (semi  sensetive),  Lemmu  moderately  resistant  and  Wane  relatively  resistant  to  wheat  yellow  rust  and  released  from  Kulumsa  Agricultural  Research  Center,  Ethiopia  were  used  (Table  1). All the varieties were sown at the recommended rate of 100 kg seed ha-1 to six row plots of 2.5m length and 1.2m width with 20 cm inter-row  spacing.  The  gaps  between  plots  and  replications  were  1m and 1.5m, respectively. Spreader rows consisting of a mixture of highly susceptible bread wheat varieties of Morocco, Kubsa and PBW 343  were  planted  in  each  border  row  in  order  to  ensure  uniform  spread of inocula and sufficient disease development. Experimental plots  were  fertilized  with  Diamonium  phosphate  (DAP)  and  Urea  (41kgN/46kg P2O5ha-1) just at planting and weeds and insect pests were controlled as management recommendations 
Fungicide and application frequency Wheat plots were sprayed with recently registered and widely used  fungicides  viz.  Rex® Duo  (Epoxiconazole  +  Thiophanate-methyl)   and   Tilt   250EC*(propiconazole)   at   0.5lt   product   ha-1in   250lha-1 water   using   Manual   Knapsack   Sprayer   (Table   2).   Foliar  fungicides  and  its  application  costs  were  used  to  analysis  profitability on the spraying of fungicides to four bread wheat cultivars  (Table  3).  The  average  price  of  bread  wheat  cultivars  were  calculated  from  data  provided  by  the  Ethiopian  Agricultural  and  commodity  Marketing  Service  and  average  local  fungicide  prices used were obtained by assessing local retailers and chemical manufacturers.  Since  knapsack  fungicide  application  was  agreed  by  contract  between  the  grower  and  the  commercial  applicators  so   Adjuvant   and   surfactant,   and   machinery   and   machinery, maintenance  costs  were  omitted  because  of  the  wide  variation  in  their  uses  and  costs.    Net  return  from  fungicide  application  was  calculated as follows: Rn = YiP− (Fc + Ac) Where, Rn is the net return from fungicide application ($ ha-1); Yi is yield increase from fungicide application (kg ha-1), obtained by subtracting the yield in the Control treatment from the yield in the fungicide treatments; P is the wheat price ($ kg-1); Fc is the fungicide cost ($ ha-1) and Ac is the fungicide application cost ($ ha-1). At Bekoji, profitability from the application of fungicides varied from $7ha-1 in Lemu variety treated with one application of Tilt to 1165$ha-1 in Kubsa variety that received twice application of Rex®Duo  (Table  4).  At  Meraro,  net  return  after  fungicide  application  ranged from 88$ha-1   in Danda’a variety treated once with Tilt to 1215$ha-1  in  Kubsa  variety  treated  twice  with  Rex®  Duo  (Table  5). From the application of fungicides profitability of economic yield in bread wheat varieties at Bekoji and Meraro in experimental stations,  similarly  showed  variability  in  net  returns  from  location  to location (Table 4 and 5).The lower profitability at Bekoji can be  attributed  to  dry  weather  which  resulted  in  low  disease  levels  as compared to Meraro obtained higher profitability to higher elevation  with  cooler  climate,  lower  temperature,  heavy  dew  and  intermittent rains. In Meraro, yellow rust on bread wheat is first observed ate early seedling stage with optimum urediniospores in mid belig or early mehar season (June to November). The positive net return can be strongly influenced by the Market price of wheat on applying fungicides to control wheat yellow rust. The expected yield  increase  of  2967  kg  ha−1  representing  51.1%  of  the  yield  potential  and  a  fungicide  and  application  cost  of  $96  ha−1,  the  net  return was $1164.98 ha−1 at a wheat price of $0.425kg−1 compared to  $497.7  ha−1  t  at  the  same  wheat  price  of  $0.425kg−1.  Therefore  twice  application  of  Rex®  Duo  or  Tilt  250  EC  immediately  after  appearance  of  rust  disease  on  wheat  varieties  at  15  days  interval  are   effective   in   controlling   the   disease   and   achieving   higher   economic   return.   The   results   indicated   that   lower   economic   return  at  Bekoji  was  obtained  due  to  dry  climatic  conditions  which resulted in low level of rust severity as compared to Meraro obtained  maximum  profitability  to  higher  altitude  with  cooler climate,  lower  temperature,  heavy  dew  and  intermittent  rains.  This findings are convenient with work done by [13,14 and 15] indicated that conducive climatic conditions to yellow rust disease development   during   the   growing   season,   cultivar   resistance,   fungicide application frequency, plant growth stage, fungicide and fungicide  application  costs  and  the  price  of  wheat  determines  the  net  return  in  fungicide  application  of  wheat.  According  to  [16]  findings doubling and tripling the grain price of bread wheat had the  highest  impact  on  the  net  return  from  fungicide  application,  followed by increasing fungicide cost. In conclusion, profitability is dependent on many factors, including weather conditions favorable to disease development, the level of disease intensity, efficacy of the fungicide applied in controlling each specific disease, fungicide and fungicide application costs and rates, fungicide application timing, cultivar resistance, cultural practices and the price of wheat.
Conclusion and RecommendationWheat  yellow  rust  caused  by  puccinia  striiformis  f.sp.tritici,  is  the most widespread, destructive and formidable threat especially in  cool  climates,  present  in  the  highland  wheat  growing  areas  of  Ethiopia.  Now  a  day,  possibility  of  producing  new  resistant  variety is difficult due to complexity of yellow rust and continually evolvement  of  new  races.  In  East  Africa  the  current  commercial  wheat cultivars including recently released varieties are susceptible to the new races and not possible to grow a profitable yield of wheat without application of fungicides to the private sectors, farmers and government run wheat growers in Ethiopia. To obtained positive net returns, environmental factors, varietal response to rust, efficacy and  timing  of  fungicide  application,  cost  of  fungicide,  wheat  price  and agricultural practices should be taken into consideration.  Our results  and  similar  studies  suggested  that  application  of  fungicide  specifically diazoles like Epoxiconazole  +  Thiophanate-methyl,  at  hotspot  areas  to  yellow  rust  province  on  sensitive(susceptible)  and semi sensitive(intermediate) cultivar is beneficial and can constitute a significant part of stripe rust managing program. So research suggested to wheat growers to use effective fungicides on susceptible and intermediate varieties in the golden time of stripe rust occurrence, able to control wheat yellow rust to yield and net return increase.Acknowledgments Ethiopian  institute  of  Agricultural  Research  (EIAR)  is  kindled  thanked  for  the  financial  support  of  the  study  and  Kulumsa Agricultural   Research   Center   is   acknowledged   for   conducting   experimental   study.   The   all-round   support   provided   by   the   wheat  rust  research  team  especially,  to  Tamirat  Negash,  Getenesh  Demissie  and  Askinew  solomon  indebted  and  highly  appreciated
  For more information###
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lupinepublishers, Agriculture and Current Research , chemical manufacturers
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: PostDocs: UNeuchatel_Switzerland.PathogenGenomeEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: PostDocs: UNeuchatel_Switzerland.PathogenGenomeEvolution > Date: 8 July 2022 at 07:50:41 BST > To: [email protected] > > > POSTDOC DRIVERS OF GENOME EVOLUTION IN FUNGAL PATHOGENS > > The Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics located at the University of > Neuch�tel (Switzerland) invites applications for a postdoctoral position > with Prof. Daniel Croll. > > The project will focus primarily on intra-specific dynamics of fungal > genomes. We will generate and analyze a very extensive set of complete > genome assemblies covering the global distribution range of the major wheat > pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. The new genome data is embedded with > extensive transcriptomics and epigenomics datasets. Even larger > re-sequencing datasets and trait variation data is also available. The main > questions to address will be to identify proximate and ultimate drivers of > genomic variation, how adaptive variation is generated and how genome > defences maintain chromosomal integrity. Expanding certain questions to > fungal kingdom-wide analyses is a possibility. > > Required qualifications: PhD in biology or related fields, strong interest > in evolutionary genetics and genome evolution, and experience in > bioinformatics. Motivation and enthusiasm for research are key though. > Prior experience in population genetics analyses, molecular laboratory work > and/or statistical analysis may be a bonus. > > We offer a very welcoming and collaborative research environment with many > opportunities for open discussions. Collaborations with researchers of > diverse backgrounds internationally are also possible. The University of > Neuch�tel is centrally located in Switzerland with a wealth of cultural > activities, a beautiful lakefront and views of the Swiss Alps. > > Application: for 10 August 2022 (or until filled). Review of applications > starts immediately. > > Starting date/duration: Autumn 2022 (or upon agreement). The initial > duration of the postdoc position is one year with the possibility for a > two-year extension. > > Please send your application as a single PDF to [email protected] > including: a motivation letter (max 1 page), a CV, 1-3 key preprints or > publications and contact details of 2-3 references (e.g. PhD supervisor, no > letter is required at this stage). For more information about us visit our > group website https://ift.tt/vOCI3dr or contact Prof. Daniel Croll. > > The University of Neuch�tel is committed to promoting equality of > opportunity. > > > *Prof. Daniel Croll* | Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics | Institute of > Biology | University of Neuch�tel > Rue Emile-Argand 11 | CH-2000 Neuch�tel | Switzerland > +41 (0) 32 718 23 30 | @danielcroll
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darlenicy · 1 year
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ziraatweb · 3 years
Nematoloji Vize - Final Soruları
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Bitki Nematolojisi, Nematoloji, Nematoloji Vize Sınavı, Nematoloji Final Sınavı, Bitki Nematolojisi Vize Final Sınavı, Nematoloji Soruları, Nematoloji Deneme, yarıyıl...
Bitki Nematolojisi dersi ile ilgili yarıyıl, final ve vize sorularını derleyip paylaştık. Sınavı tamamladıktan sonra yorumlar kısmından yorum yapmayı unutmayınız. Nematoloji Ders Notlarımızı inceleyebilirsiniz. Vize Soruları Doğru / Yanlış - Nematodlarla ilgili, ilk zoolojik kayıt Dracunculus medinensisisimli bir parazite aittir - (  )Entomopatojen nematod (EPN)’lar ilk kez 1931 yılında Popillia japónica  (Lepidoptera) üzerinde ABD'de bulunmuştur - (   )BPN'ler nonotrophic parazitlerdir. - (   )ASH nöronları, dieridlerde yer almaktadırlar. - (   )BPN’larda 1. larva döneminden sonra cinsiyet ayrımını yapmak mümkün olabilmekte­dir. Boşluk Doldurma - Nematodlar,………………………………….altaleminde………………………………………………. alt kümesinde yer alan ………………………….. solucanlardır. - Nematodlarda vücut formu ………………………..………… basınç tarafından korunmaktadır. - Büyüklükleri çok değişken olan bu hayvanların en küçükleri ………. mm'yi aşmadığı halde en büyükleri ………..m'ye varır - Nematodların vücudu iç içe geçmiş ……… tüp halindedir. - Nemadolarda sinir hücrelerinden biri olan …………………. “kimyasal his organı” fonksiyonuna sahiptirler - Nematod yumurtası, genellikle……………………..ve ……………………………..’dur. Çoktan Seçmeli 1.……………………….. diğer nematodlardan farklı olarak neredeyse tamamen şeffaftır. Bu özelliği sayesinde genetik çalışmaların vazgeçilmez canlısı olmuştur” ifadesinde boşluğu hangi nematod doldurur. a) Caenorhabditis elegans b) Heterodera schachtii c) Ascaria lumricoides d) Ditylenchus dipsaci 2. “Bazı nematod türlerinin daha uzak mesafelerden konukçularını algıladığı ve yöneldiği rapor edilmiştir” cümlesi aşağıdakilerin hangisi ile eşleşir? a) Ditylenchus dipsaci b) Heterodera schachtii c) Anguina tritici d) Hemicycliophora paradoxa 3. Nematotların % kaçı omurgalı ve omurgasız hayvanlarda (insan dahil) parazittir? a) 16 b) 15 c) 20 d) 17 4. Bu grup nematotlar toprak üstü aksamında,  bitki içerisinde bulunurlar”  tanımı aşağıdakilerin hangisi ile eşleşir? a) Ektoparazit b) Endoparazit c) Semi-endoparazit d) Foliar 5. Aşağıdakilerin hangisi nematotlarda kütikulanın tabakalarından biri değildir? a) Kortikal b) Hypodermis c) Medial d) Bazal tabaka 6. Nematotlarda somatik kasların kasılabilir ve kasılmayan bölümlerinin bulunma durumu aşağıdakilerden hangisine bağlı değildir? a) Nematot gruplarına b) Gelişme dönemlerine c) Nematotun büyüklüğüne d) Mevsimlere 7.“Birçok böcek paraziti türlerde seksüel dimorfizm görülmektedir.” tanımı aşağıdakilerden hangisine aittir? a)Allantonematinae b) Criconematoidea c) Calyptronema d) Symplocostoma 8. “Denizlerde yaşayan bazı nematod gruplarında oldukça kalınlaşmış kütikula ile kaplanan ağız parçala­rına sahip dişilerin yanında, daha narin kütikula ile kaplı ağız kapsülleri olan erkeklere rastlanır” tanımı aşağıdakilerden hangisi ile eşleşir? a) Allantonematinae b) Criconematoidea c) Calyptronema d) Philometridae Final Soruları Doğru / Yanlış -  (   )Papillalar hafif bir deri çıkıntısı şeklindedir. - (   ) BPN'larde üreme organları 2. larva döneminde gelişmeye başlar. - (   )Aphelenchoides besseyi 'nin, dişi ve erkeği iplik şeklindedir. - (   )Sak soğan nematodu yapraklarda meydan getirdiği merdivenvari şekil bozukluğu ile tanınabilir. - (   )Ditylenchus destructor, konukçularında nematod yumağı oluşturur.   Boşluk Doldurma - ………………………………………………..sınıfında salgı-boşaltım sistemi kütikulayla kaplıdır ve ventral açıklık bulunur. - Meloidogyne javanica ülkemizin ………………………………ve ………………………………………..kıyı şeridinde, Meloidogyne hapla ise daha ……………… ve ……………………………….. kesimlerde bulunmaktadır -  Adenophorea'da salgı-boşaltım sistemi, lateral  hipodermal kordonlarda içi………………………………… tüp şeklindeki kanallar olarak ortaya çıkar. - Aphelenchoides besseyi’nin belirtileri ……………………………. ve ……………………………… noksanlığı ile karıştırılabilir. - Kök-ur nematodlarına karşı biyolojik mücadelede ……………………………………………….adlı fungusdan yaralanılabilir. - Kamalı nematodlardan …………………………………………iç karantinaya, …………………………….ve……………………………….. dış karantinaya tabi olan nematodlardır - Salanum nigrum L.,……………………………………………………… nematodlarına konukçuluk yaparak bulaşık sahalarda enfeksiyon kaynağı oluştururlar. - Ülkemizde iğne nematodlarından  ………………………………. ve ………………………………………….karantinaya tabi olan nematodlardır. Çoktan Seçmeli 1. Endoparazit yaşam şekline sahip BPN’ların semptomu aşağıdakilerden hangisi değildir? a) Beslendikleri hücreleri öldürürler b) Kök dokularının içinde delikler açarlar c) Yapraklara yumurta koyarlar d) İkincil en­feksiyona yol açarlar 2. Genel olarak BPN'ler hangi toprak sıcaklığında normal hareket eder? a) 20-30 b) 10-30 c) 10-20 d) 20-40 3. Hangi nematod türünde uzun styletiyle dokulara daha derin penetre olabilir? a) Hemicycliophorca b) Tylenchorhynchus c) Rotylenchus d) Heterodera 4. Adenophora şubesinde boşaltım kanalı vücudun hangi kısmında bulunur? a) Özofagus bölgesinde b) Vulvanın sağında c) Hypodermisin gerisinde d) Epidermisin üzerinde 5. Aşağıdakilerden cinslerden hangisi fungivor nematodlara örnektir? a) Triphyla b) Momystera c) Odontopharynx d) Aphelenchus 6. “Bitki dokusu içinde ve özellikle killi topraklarda, 4. dönem larva halinde uzun yıllar canlı olarak kalabilir” ifadesi aşağıdakilerden hangisine aittir? a) Ditylenchus dipsaci b) Anguina tritici c) Ditylenchus destructor d) Meloidogyne spp. 7. Zararın %60 ‘lara çıktığı nematod aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? a) Aphelenchoides besseyi b) Aphelenchoides fragariae c) Ditylenchus destructor d) Anguina tritici 8. Çift yaprak, çift sülük, boğum aralarının kısalması ve yelpaze yapraklılık aşağıdaki hangi nematodun simptonlarındandır? a) Longidorus spp. b) Meloidogyne spp. c) Xiphinema spp. d) Anguina tritici Eklememizi veya kaldırmamızı istediğiniz soruları bizlere [email protected] mail adresinden iletebilirsiniz. Read the full article
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cytgen · 3 years
Keywords: Molecular Markers Resistance Genes Stem Rust Wheat
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piyaa08 · 3 years
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Chapter 7
This book is called the Canticle of Canticles, that is to say, the most excellent of all canticles: because it is full of high mysteries, relating to the happy union of Christ and his spouse; which is here begun by love; and is to be eternal in heaven. The spouse of Christ is the Church: more especially as to the happiest part of it, viz. perfect souls, every one of which is his beloved; but above all others, the immaculate and ever blessed Virgin mother. Ch. --- The bridegroom is Christ, as God and man. His praises and those of his spouse are recorded by various speakers. Solomon has given us three works; for beginners, the more advanced, and the perfect; as the philosophers teach ethics, physics, and metaphysics. All the holy Scriptures contain spiritual food, but they are not all fit for every person. Heb. v. 13. With what humility ought we not, therefore, to read this most perfect and mystical canticle, as the sentiments of spiritual love are expressed in the same words as that of worldlings, and we are more inclined to follow our own judgment and carnal notions! W. --- None, therefore, should dare to peruse this work, who has not mastered his passions, having his conversation in heaven. H. --- The Jews would not allow any ot read it before the age of thirty. Orig. and S. Jer. --- Some of the fathers and commentators have even asserted that the mystical sense is the only one which pertains to this book, (Theod. Durham. T.) and it is certainly the true and principal one, though allusion may be made to the marriage of Solomon with Pharao's daughter, (C. Bossuet. D.) or with a Tyrian princess, (c. iv. 8. and 3 K. xiii. 5.) or with Abisag. Rabbins. --- Grotius shews the corruption of his own heart in his impure comments, as Theodorus, of Mopsuestra, is blamed by the second Council of Const. iv. a. 68. The name of God never, indeed, occurs; as he is represented under the idea of the bridegroom, &c. and the piece is allegorical. It might be divided into seven scenes, or nights, as the marriage feast lasted so long. Gen. xxix. 22. During this time the bridegroom saw his spouse seldom, and with great reserve, (C.) as was the custom with the Lacedemonians. Plut. in Lyc. --- We might also refer all to six nights, or to the six ages of the Church, conformably to the system of De la Chetardie and Bishop Walmesley on the Apocalypse. --- I. Age. C. i. 2. marks the ascension of Christ, and the propagation of Christianity; v. 4. 5. persecutions; v. 6. 7. vocation of the Gentiles; v. 12. protection granted by Christ. II. C. ii. 3. peace under Constantine; v. 11. 17. troubles excited by Arius. III. C. iii. 1. irruption of barbarians; v. 4. does not overturn the Church; v. 6. they are converted; v. 11. and Christ is more glorified, as Apoc. xix. IV. C. iv. 5. the Latin and Greek Churches; v. 8. the Chaldees, lions, and Greeks, leopards, (Dan.) are converted; the Turks obtain dominion; v. 12. the Greek schismatics cut off: v. 16. the Church is persecuted, but protected. V. C. v. 2. Dew marks the cooling of charity, (S. Aug.) when Luther appeared; c. vi. 3. yet the Church triumphs, particularly after the Council of Trent. VI. C. vi. 9. after the sounding of the sixth trumpet, the Jews are converted, and adorn the Church, in spite of antichrist's power; v. 11. she addresses the synagogue, v. 12. C. viii. 2. obtains leave to go into the house of her mother, as the apostles were of Jewish extraction; v. 7. the constancy of the martyrs appears; (see Rondet.) v. 8-14. the Church pants for her speedy union with her beloved. We may justly admire her authority, in preserving this and the former work of the canon, notwithstanding the internal and external evidence, and the ill use made of them by infidels, which seemed to militate against them. The Prot. Chateillon styles this "a wicked book." Several passages may, no doubt, be abused by a corrupt heart: but what is there so holy, which may not be perverted? When we meditate on this canticle, we ought to remember the admonition given by the Church in the Mass: "Let hearts be on high;" and Oh! that all might answer with truth: "We have them to the Lord!"
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 7
A further description of the graces of the church the spouse of Christ.
[1] What shalt thou see in the Sulamitess but the companies of camps? How beautiful are thy steps in shoes, O prince's daughter! The joints of thy thighs are like jewels, that are made by the hand of a skillful workman.
SPONSA. Quid videbis in Sulamite, nisi choros castrorum? CHORUS. Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui in calceamentis, filia principis! Juncturae femorum tuorum sicut monilia quae fabricata sunt manu artificis.
[2] Thy navel is like a round bowl never wanting cups. Thy belly is like a heap of wheat, set about with lilies.
Umbilicus tuus crater tornatilis, numquam indigens poculis. Venter tuus sicut acervus tritici vallatus liliis.
[3] Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins.
Duo ubera tua sicut duo hinnuli, gemelli capreae.
[4] Thy neck as a tower of ivory. Thy eyes like the fishpools in Hesebon, which are in the gate of the daughter of the multitude. Thy nose is as the tower of Libanus, that looketh toward Damascus.
Collum tuum sicut turris eburnea; oculi tui sicut piscinae in Hesebon quae sunt in porta filiae multitudinis. Nasus tuus sicut turris Libani, quae respicit contra Damascum.
[5] Thy head is like Carmel: and the hairs of thy head as the purple of the king bound in the channels.
Caput tuum ut Carmelus; et comae capitis tui sicut purpura regis vincta canalibus.
[6] How beautiful art thou, and how comely, my dearest, in delights!
SPONSUS. Quam pulchra es, et quam decora, carissima, in deliciis!
[7] Thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes.
Statura tua assimilata est palmae, et ubera tua botris.
[8] I said: I will go up into the palm tree, and will take hold of the fruit thereof: and thy breasts shall be as the clusters of the vine: and the odour of thy mouth like apples.
Dixi : Ascendam in palmam, et apprehendam fructus ejus; et erunt ubera tua sicut botri vineae, et odor oris tui sicut malorum.
[9] Thy throat like the best wine, worthy for my beloved to drink, and for his lips and his teeth to ruminate.
Guttur tuum sicut vinum optimum, dignum dilecto meo ad potandum, labiisque et dentibus illius ad ruminandum.
[10] I to my beloved, and his turning is towards me.
SPONSA. Ego dilecto meo, et ad me conversio ejus.
[11] Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field, let us abide in the villages.
Veni, dilecte mi, egrediamur in agrum, commoremur in villis.
[12] Let us get up early to the vineyards, let us see if the vineyard flourish, if the flowers be ready to bring forth fruits, if the pomegranates flourish: there will I give thee my breasts.
Mane surgamus ad vineas : videamus si floruit vinea, si flores fructus parturiunt, si floruerunt mala punica; ibi dabo tibi ubera mea.
[13] The mandrakes give a smell. In our gates are all fruits: the new and the old, my beloved, I have kept for thee.
Mandragorae dederunt odorem in portis nostris omnia poma : nova et vetera, dilecte mi, servavi tibi.
Ver. 1. What? Christ commends the Jews, who shall at last embrace the faith with great fervour. W. --- Thou. Heb. and Sept. "ye." They join this sentence with the preceding chapter. H. --- Companies. Heb. "as it were the choir (or dance) of Mahanaim,"( C). where Jacob saw the camps of angels, near the Jaboc. H. Gen. xxxii. --- These dances might be proverbial.
Ver. 4. Ivory. Preachers communicate the sentiments of the Church, (C.) which prevails against the gates of hell. Cassiod.
Ver. 5. Carmel. Shaded with trees. C. --- Heb. "purple," which colour was sometimes given to the hair. Propert. ii. 18. --- Channels. Of the dyers. Heb. "to beams." C. --- Prot. "the king is held in the galleries" to view thee. H. --- Christ was all charity, and the faithful are twice dyed, with the love of God, and of their neighbour. M.
Ver. 7. Grapes. The Church triumphs over her adversaries, and feeds her children. C.
Ver. 8. Up. Christ shed his blood on the cross, and enabled his Church, composed of Jews and Gentiles, who were before barren, to produce a numerous progeny. C. --- Mouth. Heb. and Sept. "nose."
Ver. 9. Lips. Sept. "sufficient for my lips and teeth." H. --- The wine in that country was very thick, when kept a long time. It here denotes charity, or the gospel truths. Lu. v. 37. Acts ii. 13. Heb. "causing the lips of them who sleep to speak," (C.) as the apostles did, in transports of zeal. Theod. --- Yet the reading of the Sept. Aquila, &c. seems preferable. C.
Ver. 10. Turning. The Church is submissive to Jesus Christ, and is entirely actuated by the Spirit. C. --- She takes the words, as it were out of his mouth, (v. 9.) and answers, worthy, &c. acknowledging that all the praise belongs to him.
Ver. 11. Villages. She begs that he would come and remain with her. W. --- She accompanies him into the country, on the morning after the fifth night. There Christ affords the purest delights, (v. 12. C.) and the Church (M.) becomes his mother, while she instructs and feeds others. S. Greg. hom. M.
Ver. 13. Mandrakes. Heb. dodai comes from the same root as dodi, "my breasts or loves." v. 12. H. --- It may denote oranges, as mandrakes are not spring-fruits. Gen. xxx. 14. C. --- Yet (H.) married women eagerly sought after mandrakes. Here they may signify such as are fit to gain souls to Christ. M. --- And the old. Or great abundance. Lev. xxvi. 10. Matt. xiii. 52. C. --- She acknowledges Christ to be the Saviour of all, under the Old and the New Testament. W. - A doctor of the Church shews Christ in the prophets, and figures of the law, as well as manifested in the gospel. Aponius, &c. C.
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agrojiva · 3 years
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: PostDocs: UNeuchatel_Switzerland.PathogenGenomeEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: PostDocs: UNeuchatel_Switzerland.PathogenGenomeEvolution > Date: 8 July 2022 at 07:50:41 BST > To: [email protected] > > > POSTDOC DRIVERS OF GENOME EVOLUTION IN FUNGAL PATHOGENS > > The Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics located at the University of > Neuch�tel (Switzerland) invites applications for a postdoctoral position > with Prof. Daniel Croll. > > The project will focus primarily on intra-specific dynamics of fungal > genomes. We will generate and analyze a very extensive set of complete > genome assemblies covering the global distribution range of the major wheat > pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. The new genome data is embedded with > extensive transcriptomics and epigenomics datasets. Even larger > re-sequencing datasets and trait variation data is also available. The main > questions to address will be to identify proximate and ultimate drivers of > genomic variation, how adaptive variation is generated and how genome > defences maintain chromosomal integrity. Expanding certain questions to > fungal kingdom-wide analyses is a possibility. > > Required qualifications: PhD in biology or related fields, strong interest > in evolutionary genetics and genome evolution, and experience in > bioinformatics. Motivation and enthusiasm for research are key though. > Prior experience in population genetics analyses, molecular laboratory work > and/or statistical analysis may be a bonus. > > We offer a very welcoming and collaborative research environment with many > opportunities for open discussions. Collaborations with researchers of > diverse backgrounds internationally are also possible. The University of > Neuch�tel is centrally located in Switzerland with a wealth of cultural > activities, a beautiful lakefront and views of the Swiss Alps. > > Application: for 10 August 2022 (or until filled). Review of applications > starts immediately. > > Starting date/duration: Autumn 2022 (or upon agreement). The initial > duration of the postdoc position is one year with the possibility for a > two-year extension. > > Please send your application as a single PDF to [email protected] > including: a motivation letter (max 1 page), a CV, 1-3 key preprints or > publications and contact details of 2-3 references (e.g. PhD supervisor, no > letter is required at this stage). For more information about us visit our > group website https://ift.tt/vOCI3dr or contact Prof. Daniel Croll. > > The University of Neuch�tel is committed to promoting equality of > opportunity. > > > *Prof. Daniel Croll* | Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics | Institute of > Biology | University of Neuch�tel > Rue Emile-Argand 11 | CH-2000 Neuch�tel | Switzerland > +41 (0) 32 718 23 30 | @danielcroll
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biotechworld · 4 years
Scientists study co-evolutionary relationship between rust fungi and wheat and barberry
Scientists study co-evolutionary relationship between rust fungi and wheat and barberry
Credit: Jing Zhao Wheat stripe rust is one of the most important wheat diseases and is caused by the plant-pathogenic fungi Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst). Though Pst is known to be highly host-specific, it is interestingly able to infect two unrelated host plants, wheat and barberry, at different spore stages. Pst infects wheat through its urediniospores and infects barberry with its…
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