#trivia: gaira dragons in anima are like 3 km long
ofdarklands · 6 months
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I - Isa
>song. indeed
my current anima character, she is a warrior mentalist, which means she's both a physical combatant as well as a psychic. her powers are mostly telekinesis (sending enemies to the moon godbless), minor telepathy, and self and object teleportation. she also has something called eternal blood, which means she, well, has no critical points. stabbing her in the heart is the same to her as stabbing her hand, and she doesn't fall unconscious when at negative health, which is both good and bad. perhaps it's related to the way most people don't tend to remember her after she leaves their sight? a mystery for sure! she loves cheese and stories and bright clothes. she's also got the, i believe, highest count of cold blooded murder in the campaign so far :')
when she was a kid, the world ended, you see. a mysterious flying city started obliterating countries, and dragons roamed the world again. one of them destroyed her home, and the only reason she survived long enough to be magically healed is because of her gift, and even so it left her without the capacity to speak. the one who saved her took her with him for a while, but eventually left her with some willing family, leaving to continue his strange mission. it's been years since then, and while she never saw him again, she's not forgotten. she knows he had something to do with the end of the world. now she roams looking for clues to learn about, well, anything and everything. so far, so good.
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