#trollhunters irizhia
ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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Don’t think I’m gonna get tired of drawing interactions between these two. And look at that! My first time drawing Gunmar to boot!
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While not out in public, Aarghaumont regularly plays with his charge. Play fights and mock head butt battles are often but she seems to really enjoy using her teeth and jaw strength, so her favorite is tug-of-war.
They tend to use thick leather as their “rope” since it seems her teeth cut through rope pretty easily.
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This is what happens when you don’t properly exhaust your child before trying to leave for duty.
Cut him some slack Gunmar, raising mutant hyperactive whelps is rough sometimes especially for a first-time parent.
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Don’t get the wrong idea, she actually really loves water and if she were to be bathed in it she’d be a lot more happy. Tongue baths on the other hand are not her thing.
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Then of course we have some cuddles and nap times.
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He starts taking her with him on night patrols for training purposes and to get her out of the dark lands for some nice fresh air.
It’d be quite terrifying to stumble upon them in the dark though.
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ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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🦇 Another little piece that wasn’t included in my previous Post. Aarghaumont carrying his little mutating charge.
🦇 As you can see the unusable wings she originally had have now fused into her upper set of arms. She still can’t fly and now she has trouble getting around and following her Caregiver.
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ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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Amalgams didn’t start out as monstrous beasts. They start out as every normal troll; as whelps. Each Amalgam had to be raised, thus Gunmar left it to various Gum-Gums he trusted to look after an Amalgam whelp. This would allow a bond to form and allow the Gum-Gum to influence and command the creatures.
Aarghaumont didn’t originally have an Amalgam charge, not that he minded. He’d heard horror stories from those who had been dealing with the creatures. One pair of Gum-Gums had to take care of Amalgam triplets together, otherwise they went into a tantrum and screeched like banshees.
Others spoke of when the creatures went through their mutations and the violent tendencies that came with each episode. A number of whelps died from self-inflicted wounds. Others died from complications of the mutations. One Gum-Gum had actually been killed by one of the larger whelps during an especially volatile episode.
This whelp Gunmar decided to put under Aarghaumont’s care, much to the Krubera’s distress. He of course knew better than to complain and readily accepted his new charge. When he went to collect her though, she wasn’t what he was expecting.
Small, whimpering, and in immense pain. She was one of the larger whelps yet she was tiny compared to him. Tiny, and clearly a Krubera troll like him, but also something else. Kitlar most likely, considering the teeny crystal bumps starting to form on her back.
He’d tried to approach only to nearly be stuck by one of the bolts of lightning that shot out from her body. Well now he knew how she killed her last Caregiver. After her episode subsided he cautiously made his way over to her and laid with her.
She huddled up against him seeking comfort.
Yes Aarghaumont wasn’t originally given an Amalgam charge, but now…well he didn’t mind the idea of having one nearly as much as he once did.
🦇 Wooo boy I didn’t intend to write nearly as much as I did but when I get on a roll, I tend to word vomit. Yep, that’s little Irizhia. For a bulk of her early life she was raised by the Gum-Gum general. He wasn’t quite sure about it starting out but man did this little bright eyed mutant worm her way into his heart.
Close ups of each below…
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ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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Name: Irizhia (No Last Name)
Nicknames: Rizzie, Miss Rizzle (used by Toby as a joke. NEVER says it to her face)
Age: Unknown (Appears mid 20s-early 30s)
Species: Amalgam (closed original species. Working on description)
Height: 6ft 4in (human form)
Titles: Forest Witch, Fire Witch
Location: Somewhere in the woods outside of Arcadia
Powers: Specializes in fire and lightning magic (uses various opals. Mainly Dragon Fire/ Dragon’s Breath Opal)
Weapons: Fire/lighting magic, double edged short sword (summoned with magic), chain whip with dragon fire opal tip (explodes on impact. Also summoned with magic), shapeshifting
Hobbies: Combat training, metalwork art, acting, singing, hunting
Likes: Swimming, cold temps, flying, tea (earl grey), reading novels, sailing, puzzles, rain, soft blankets
Dislikes: Most Trolls, Hot temps, onions, crowds, the Trollhunter, most humans, bagpipes, flash photos, most Changlings
Hates: Gunmar, Gum-Gums, being ordered around, being surprised/spooked, being pestered about her personal life
Personality: With strangers she’s a bit hotheaded and quick to anger/get annoyed, especially if pushed to try and open up. She’s not afraid to let ya know that ya piss her off or what she thinks about you. With those she knows well and family she’s more open and parental. She’ll joke and be playful, especially when it comes to kids. She still expects to be respected though, which is why Toby will never mentions the “Miss Rizzle” nickname to her.
Irizhia is only one of a few remaining creatures known as The Amalgam. Their so few that they’re in the single digits. She’s the appointed leader of them and protects her adopted siblings as fiercely as all those who have come to her for safety.
She has a settlement deep in the Arcadia woods where a number of defected changlings and children, troll, human, and Changling alike all live alongside here. Their home is protected and hidden by a powerful magic barrier. Most refer to the place as “Eden”.
She and those under her keep close eyes on the goings on in both TrollMarket and the Janice Order for their own safety and interfere only when absolutely necessary and always in disguise.
Trollhunter Irizhia (oh yeah Kanjigar lives too)
Irizhia is taking her adopted son Jim out for tracking practice when they stumble upon the stone statue of Trollhunter Kanjigar lying under a tree.
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She comes to the conclusion he’s been afflicted with Creeper’s Sun poison and, with some begging for her to help him from Jim, takes Kanjigar back to the settlement to administer the cure before taking a dazed and delirious troll back to TrollMarket.
He moments of kindness backfire as the amulet, thinking Kanjigar dead, now chose her as the Trollhunter and she’s NOT happy about it.
Instead of having Kanjigar as her ghost Mentor I thought it’d be fun to throw a certain descendant of Blinky’s at her since their personalities are very different.
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Araknak annoys the hell out of her lol. So optimistic and carefree and touchy, ewww! And he’s trying to be her friend so hard, double eww.
She’s fighting to keep her truth hidden but something has to give. Here’s hoping TrollMarket stays in one piece.
TrollSon AU
Irizhia finds and rescues a 7-year-old Jim from a horde of vengeful goblins and carries him back to TrollMarket, only to be stalked and charged at by Bular looking for a meal. It soon ends up with Bular, Stricklander, and Nomura verses Irizhia and Kanjigar in the canal.
Irizhia takes a blow for Kanjigar and is dragged into TrollMarket for safety and treatment. Now she has to keep her cool while tending to her blinded eyes while they heal.
Doesn’t help with the Trollhunter, Blinkous, and Vendal constantly grilling her about her use of highly dangerous and unstable Dragon Fire Opal and how she learned to use it so masterfully. Not to mention the sweet little human boy who’s asking her questions as well.
If she doesn’t wind up ripping someone’s head off by the end of the day, she’ll be surprised.
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ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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🦇 Young Irizhia after she escaped Gunmar’s control and figured out how to shapeshift. She was discovered out in the woods by a Viking Clan. They took her in and she quickly earned the name “Sólardreki” roughly translating to “Sun Dragon”.
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ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
The Forest Witch
TrollSon AU by madjesters1 . I don’t claim ownership of the AU I was just bored at work and wrote something with my character.
Bear in mind it’s been a rrreeaaallllllyyyy long time since I’ve written anything.
Jim ran as fast his his small legs could carry him. He’d snuck out of Trollmarket and away from Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! with one goal in mind; wanting to get AAARRRGGHH!!! some VHS tapes.
What the boy hadn’t counted on was accidentally splattering a Goblin while he was digging through the local landfill.
Now the poor 7-year-old was running for his life from a horde of bloodthirsty gangly monsters.
“HELP!!! DAD!!! KANJIGAR!!!” He screamed once more at the top of his lungs, only to hear the angry calls of the goblins behind him. Tears streamed from his face as he dodged trees and rocks, running for his life but tiring from the exertion.
He was bound to trip, he knew this. Despite trying so hard to avoid any obstacle he could see in the light of the full moon. It was a root that snagged him. His ankle twisted painfully and Jim crashed to the ground with a cry of agony.
He tried desperately to get back to his feet but the ankle throbbed and refused to take any of with weight. The goblins quickly closed what little distance he’d managed to put between himself and them. Jim whimpered and dragged himself close to a tree.
“I-I don’t wanna die! H-HELP!!!!!!” He choked out as he started sobbing, eye shut tightly.
He heard the goblins charge but the sound was quickly snuffed out by the sudden roar of fire. He smelled the stench of burning ozone and goblin, but didn’t dare open his eyes yet. The sound of screeching goblins and slashing of a blade though finally gave him the courage to finally peek out from his curled up position.
The space around him was littered squished and charred goblins and patches of burning blue and white fire lay strewn about.
Another slashing sound and dying shriek of a goblin came from behind his tree. Jim quickly moved to spot the source.
Standing some six feet away currently dispatching another pesky goblin was...not the Trollhunter. In fact he wasn’t sure if it was a troll at all.
It was a human.
Their shirt was hooded but Jim was sure they were human. The blade they held was shorter than Daylight and a very different shape. It looked like a double edged short sword, if he was remembering what he’d learned in Blinky’s weaponry books correctly. With a quick swing of the black blade the stranger dispatched two more goblins. The edges of the blade seemed to glow like they were in a forge. He could hear the hiss of burning flesh and goblin guts. He did his best to not focus on the putrid smell and took in their appearance.
They wore a black sleeveless top that cut off at their midriff but on the back it tapered down like a cape and ended just a few inches from the ground.
A thick black and golden belt held place midway down their hips. The buckle was shimmering gold and made up of ornate curves. There were even some satchels and holsters attached to it. He could see some glowing vials and crystals stored on the holsters.
The screech of a charging goblin quickly took Jim’s attention away from his mysterious rescuer. He shrieked and quickly scrambled away from the creature, heading right to them and hugging their leg tightly.
The turned quickly and brought the glowing short sword down on the goblin, ending its warpath with minimal effort.
The few remaining goblins retreated into the dark forest, disappearing from sight.
Jim still clung to the leg of his savior and stared out into the shadows of the trees. A hand suddenly came to rest on the top of his head.
“They’re gone, child. No need to fear them any longer.”
The boy jumped a bit at the soft voice and finally looked up at the face of the person he was clinging to. Freckles dotted everywhere under her deep blue eyes and on the bridge of her nose. Her waves hair was the color of fire and mostly pulled back, hidden under her hood. There was a thin light scar across her lower left cheek down to her jawline.
“Pretty…” was the first thing that came to the child’s mind.
She smiled down at him and gave a soft chuckle. “Is there something fascinating about my face, little one?”
“Oh! S-Sorry,” Jim apologized as he looked down. “I-I was just thinking of how pretty you are, miss. I’m sorry I stared.”
She was silent for a moment before she let out another chuckle and ruffled his hair gently. “Aren’t you a sweetheart. There’s no need to apologize. Now then,” her sword turned to ash and vanished as she knelt down in front of him, “what are you doing so far out into the forest at night? It’s not safe.”
It took Jim a moment to respond, awestruck by her magic weapon vanishing. “I-I was just getting something for my Dad a-and I accidentally squished a goblin and got chased.”
“Your father sent you out into the woods in the middle of the night to get something for him!?” She sounded shocked and angry.
Jim shook his head quickly. “No! He doesn’t know! Neither of my Dads know I snuck out!” He looked down, tears starting to form in his eyes once more. “I-I just wanted to do something nice for him. I-I…”
She gently pulled him into an embrace as he started to sob. Jim clung to her like a lifeline and buried his face into her shoulder as she softly rubbed his neck to sooth him.
“I-I was so s-scared! I w-w-wanna go home!”
“Shhhh…it’s okay now. I’m here…and I’ll take you home…. I promise.”
He sniffled and turned his face to look up at her. “I-I’m Jim.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jim…..My name is Irizhia.” She seemed a bit reluctant to tell him her name at first.
She let out another chuckle and smiled down at him. “You can all me Rizzie if it’s too hard to pronounce, Jim.”
Jim giggle a bit at the nickname, wiping his tears a bit. “Are you a witch? I’ve never seen fire magic like that before.”
Irizhia nodded. “I’m known by most as the Forest Witch, though fire and lighting are my specialty.”
“You and make lightning!? Can I see!?” He looked at her in awe.
“I’m sorry but no. Lightning magic is very dangerous. I don’t have complete control over where the bolts will go. It’s not safe to perform it in the company of others unless I’m looking to harm them.”
She rubbed his head a bit before she stood up.
“We should get you home now though. I’m sure your parents are worried sick. Am I safe to assume you live in Arcadia, dear?”
Jim paused, realizing he couldn’t tell her about Trolls or Trollmarket. Sure she was a witch but he knew he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone where he lived. He didn’t want anyone threatening his home or the trolls.
He rocked a bit on his heels, looking at the ground. “You…can drop me off at Arcadia Bridge. I know my way home from there.”
She gave him a incredulous look. “I’m not going to leave you all alone after I just rescued you from a goblin horde, Jim.” She leaned down a bit.
“Look, I…know you live with trolls, child. You smell more troll than human, even out here. You don’t need to hide secrets from me.”
“Y-You know about the trolls and Trollmarket?” He sniffed himself. “You can SMELL THEM?”
“I know a lot more than you could possibly imagine, little one. And I’ve got senses that are much more keen than yours.”
Well that was good, he guessed. At least she could take him right home. Yes she was a complete stranger but she also saved his life. She was kind to him and offered to take him home.
Jim looked up at her. She was a witch, but she seemed like a good witch. She did save him after all AND she did it with awesome fire magic.
With that in mind he gave a light nod. “Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! are my Dads. I snuck out cuz I wanted to get some VHS tapes from the landfill. I accidentally knocked over some trash and it squished a goblin.”
Irizhia seemed to stare at him for a bit before she nodded. “I see…. So Blinkous Galadrigal and….. AAARRRGGHH!!! are your adopted parents?”
Jim nodded before looking down, pulling on the strings of his slightly too large hoodie. “My Mom…was killed by a bad Troll, named Bular. The Trollhunter fought him off so I could escape… I ran into Blinky after and he took me to Trollmarket. Now him and AAARRRGGHH!!! take care of me.”
Irizhia was silent once more. Slowly she reached down and rubbed his head. “I am sorry for your loss, Jim. A child should never lose a parent in such a way.”
He looked up at the fire witch, some tears lingering in his eyes. “Have you losses your parents too?”
She simply shook her head. “My parents never wanted me…. The closest thing I had to a father abandoned me when I was probably a little younger than you…. I hated him for a long time for it but now that I’m older I suppose I can see why he did what he did…”
Jim walked closer and took hold of her hand. “Maybe Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! will adopt you! They adopted me after all!” He smiled at the idea of having a big sister.
Irizhia let out a halfhearted laugh and gave a sad smile. “Naw…troll dads would cramp my style. Besides I have my own home and children now. Don’t think all those trolls would be happy with all us being around.”
She patted Jim on the head before picking him up.
“Now then, how about we get you home? We’ve spent enough time bantering and I can only imagine your dads are getting more and more worried. They’re probably running around with the Trollhunter searching for you.”
“Yeah…” Jim nodded as she began walking. Home sounded good right about now.
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ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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Sorry for inactivity. My most recent work is killing me. Have a WIP
About time I give my Trollhunters OC some proper colors
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