#trr au marshgate
msjr0119 · 4 years
Marshgate Prison
Part 4
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At Marshgate Prison, New York City- Riley Brooks begins a new job as a Prison guard. The inmates and guards who work there have kept many secrets hiden. Will she become involved in these secrets? How will she react to the common riots that constantly take place in the rough prison.
Book: The Royal Romance, AU.
All characters belong to Pixelberry unless stated otherwise (OC- they belong to me):
Drake x Riley, Liam x Beth(OC)/Olivia/Celine(OC), Leo x Beth, Maxwell x ?, Savannah x Bertrand.
A/N: Oh my goodness, this series has been on hiatus for months and months! I’m so sorry! Even though this part has been stuck in my drafts! It’s a bit of a ‘filler’ chapter. It gets better after this. If there’s any spelling or grammar mistakes please bypass this. As a few of you already know, I recently found out that I was pregnant and at the moment I have what they call ‘baby brain’ 🤣
Please do not read if you are under 18! By doing so you are consenting that you are over this age 👍🏼. If any of the warnings below affect you please do not continue to read.
Warnings ⚠️ : adult language, mention about an attack (past tense), slight smut.
Word count: 1,800ish
Tags- I’ve completely forgotten who was on the tag list without looking back at previous chapters. As always if you want to be removed or added just let me know:
@pedudley @loveellamae @kacie-0156 @annekebbphotography @ladyangel70 @bascmve01 @texaskitten30 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @kimmiedoo5 @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @axwalker @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty
Catch up here in case you need to refresh your memories.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard us Drake, you’re a free man.” Savannah and Maxwell jumped up, she ran over towards Liam and Constantine hugging them tightly- that tight that they both felt like they were suffocating. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
“Walker, what are you doing still sat there? Get your belongings and escape before we change our minds.” Liam said sarcastically, before dragging him out of the office. Walking to his cell, it was robotically- normally inmates would be running and doing the great escape. But not Drake Walker. He was still in shock, that the Warden had allowed him to be released early. Especially after the confession of love from his guard in front of everyone on her ‘death bed.’
Liam joined Drake in his cell, he was going to miss his closest friend that he had made in Marshgate. He knew that it was highly unprofessional to be close to an inmate, but there was something about Drake. They just instantly clicked.
“How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know. I know that I was innocent, but this felt like home. Don’t get me wrong I’m excited to see my nephew and to see if anything could happen between myself and Riley.”
“Talking about Riley. Are you going to visit her?”
“Of course I am, Liam. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Just wondered. I think it’ll be a nice surprise when she’s out of hospital to see you.”
“What are you suggesting?”
Leaving the prison with his family, he hesitated before getting in the cab. Turning back around it still hadn’t fully sunk in that he was a free man. The memories of the place, bad yet also good would remain in his mind.
“Are you ready to meet Bartie? Or do you want to see Riley first?”
“I need to see her, Sav. I know we left the hospital before but I need to go back. I’m staying with you guys- I’ll take Bartie out tomorrow if that’s okay?”
“Of course, lets go. Drake? I really like Riley- I know I’ve only met her a couple of times, but don’t hurt her.” Looking disgusted due his sister’s comment, he shook his head.
“She’s the only one that’s given me a chance, even knowing what happened. I’m in love with her Savannah, I’m not going to let her down.”
Arriving at the hospital, Liam met them there- bringing along some chains for the facade.
“Hey, beautiful.”
“I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. I know I said I’d stay safe, but it was an accident. I didn’t have my baton- I don’t know where it went. How’s Hana?”
“Why the fuck are you asking about her? She did this to you.”
“It was an accident, Drake. I’m going to be unemployed aren’t I?”
“I don’t know how she is. I haven’t seen her. No you’re not. You still have a job. Did you mean what you said? About loving me?”
“I do. I thought I was dying- I had to let you know how I felt.”
“I’d never let you die. I love you too.”
“Time’s nearly up Romeo. Hey, love. How are you doing?” Liam hated interrupting their moment together. His heart sunk, seeing how affectionate Drake was with her. How attentive he was holding her hand. They barely knew each other, but what was in front of him- was true love. Love at first sight. Something he and his estranged wife had never had.
“I’m fine. Glad to see you up and about. We’re a right pair aren’t we? More like the chuckle brothers rather than prison guards.”
“Heh. The nurses have explained that you could be discharged in a couple of days. I’ll try and twist an arm so you both can see each other. I’ll give you both five more minutes before visiting hours end.” Stretching out to grab her colleagues arm, her baby blues were surrounded by sorrow.
“Liam, I can’t repay the favour. Not until I’m back at work anyway.” Referring to their little arrangement, Liam didn’t care anymore. He had fucked Olivia without getting caught well before Riley was on the scene.
“This is about you two. Not myself.”
Drake felt appreciative towards Liam’s approach about the forbidden love. Watching him leave, he just wanted to blurt out that he had been released. To scoop Riley into his arms, take her home- give her a bit of TLC. But they had an agreement to wait. An agreement between everyone at Marshgate including Drake’s family.
“I can’t believe that you are here.”Cupping his cheek, her thumb grazed his cheek- as he placed his hand over hers.
“I can’t believe that you nearly got yourself killed after minutes of working at Marshgate.”
“I don’t know what happened to my baton Drake. If I had it, I’d have been able to defend myself better. Does anyone know about us?”
“The Warden. But he’s cool with it.” Shrugging his shoulders, he acted as if it was normal- nothing out of the ordinary.
“What?” I’m sacked. Surely he’s lying.
“Your blood pressure is rising, calm down. He doesn’t give a shit. I promise you.”
“If he’s so cool with it, I’ll just come in to your cell then and fuck you.”
“Not quite...”
“What do you mean?” I mean I won’t be there.
“We’d still have to be secretive. Like Liam is with Liv.” He hated lying to her, he felt like the shittest person alive. Hoping that she wouldn’t hate him once she found out the truth.
“Okay. I can’t wait to get back to work then.” Rather than replying before he put his foot in it- he lent down, kissing her softly. Savouring the taste of her lips, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to see her as often as he liked- not without his ‘fake’ guard anyway.
“Liam will be back any second. I don’t want to leave you, but....”
“But you have to. Don’t worry. I’ll see ya, when I see ya, Walker.”
“See ya later, screw.” Winking at her, he couldn’t help but use the prison slang term for her job role. Placing one last lingering kiss on her lips, he was soon escorted out by Liam. Biting his lip he tried not to show that his chin was about to tremble, the tears that were so cleverly held back were now ready to burst.
“This plan will work, don’t worry about it. Trust me, Drake.”
The morning after, Drake woke up in Savannah’s apartment. A mixture of feelings were roaming throughout his mind. It felt weird sleeping in a normal bed after all this time. Hearing familiar voices clearly rather than through a pay phone with a faint line due to the background noise of the inmates. Then there was feelings about Riley. The girl that he had instantly fallen in love with. The forbidden love between an inmate and a guard. She was glued into his mind. Paranoia was also lingering, wondering what it would be like walking the streets as a free man. Would people recognise him? Would they gossip about him? He was innocent, but still in a way felt guilty. Making his way through to the kitchen his heart sunk seeing his nephew for the first time in person.
“Bartie, this is your Uncle Drake.”
“Hey, little fella!”
“It’s okay, sweetie. Give uncle Drake a cuddle.” The little boy looked up-to his mother for reassurance before running in to his arms. Drake held him tightly, and placed a kiss on to his forehead. Not wanting to let him go.
“Do you want to go and feed the ducks at the park after breakfast?” Bartie nodded, “Uncle grumpy”. The smile that was on Drake’s face would now be hard to erase. This was the life, having his family with him in person. Now all he had to claim the girl as his own.
A few weeks later, Riley was feeling down. Her cousin Celine had moved to New York City after hearing about Riley’s attack. They hadn’t spoken in years, and Riley was frustrated that she was ‘mothering’ her. Most people would feel grateful for the help- however, Riley just seemed to be looking after herself as well as Celine. After a quiet shift at work with Liam, she just wanted to go home and go to bed. For her own safety, they advised her not to guard the women- especially to not be anywhere near Hana. For now, anyway.
“Don’t go home. We are all going out for drinks. I think you should join us.” Liam attempted to persuade her. He didn’t want to force it up on her, and push her away. Riley always made an excuse up, even used the common shit one ‘I’m washing my hair’.
“If I invite Celine along, will you leave me alone?” Liam blushed at the mention of her name.
“Sure, invite her.”
“Why are you blushing at the mention of her name, Liam?”
“Your cousin is beautiful. I can’t deny that.”
“I hope that your wife or Olivia haven’t somehow placed a wire on you. Or you’d have no balls left.” Fixing a fake smile, she held his hand as they walked out. “Let’s get drunk.”
Riley didn’t want to go to the bar with Liam and the rest of the guards- her heart felt empty. Believing that the alcohol would blank the hurt out even if it was short term. Deep down she had wished that Hana had finished the job. Drake Walker has been transferred to another prison- those words kept roaming through her mind, ever since she had returned to work. They never left.
“Hey, let’s celebrate for surviving your first riot at Marshgate, and for you coming back fighting.” Riley rolled her eyes back. Feeling paranoid, she could hear her other colleagues whispering about her - biting her lip she didn’t want to cause anymore issues within the work place. Liam kept checking his phone, for updates- a smile crept up on his face.
“Would you like to dance Riley?” Please say yes and stop being stubborn.
“Why are you asking me? Why not Celine? I mean you’ve had your tongue down her throat all night.” Smirking she wouldn’t like to be in his position, leading three women on. Even if one of them was sleeping with someone else- his brother. Feeling slightly jealous, she made sarcastic comments in order to to prevent her feelings being known.
“Because I want to dance with my colleague. Is that so wrong?”
Riley agreed, forcing the shot down her throat- she placed her hand into Liam’s. Twirling her around he whispered in her ear- I’m going to twirl you again then briefly let go of your hands, I’ll grab you after. Close your eyes, embrace the music.
“Just do it, Riley.” Following his commands, she felt like a twat- closing her eyes, dancing in a dive bar. Turning back around, Liam didn’t grab her as promised. Instead there was an aroma of a freshly picked bouquet lingering around her. Stumbling due to the sudden smell, she soon felt somebody grab her- she knew it wasn’t Liam’s hands. Fluttering her eyes open, she believed that she was hallucinating.
“Hey, beautiful. Surprise!”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Marshgate Prison- Introduction
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NEW SERIES: At Marshgate Prison, New York City- Riley Brooks begins a new job as a Prison guard. The inmates and guards who work there have kept many secrets hiden. Will she become involved in these secrets? How will she react to the common riots that constantly take place in the rough prison.
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Tags- if you want to be removed let me know 👍🏼 @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty
Riley Brooks arrived at Marshgate Prison, in New York City. She was nervous for her first day- she had previously worked in a woman’s only prison. The women inmates were brutal, at times she wondered about having a career change. Applying for a new job at Marshgate was a new start for her, she had hoped that she would settle in as it was a different scenario - this prison was a coed one.
Asking for directions to the wardens office, she knocked on the door. Sighing, nerves hit her like a ton of bricks.
“Come in.” The mans voice shouted. Opening the door shaking, she became more calm due to the mans soft smile as he gaze towards her.
“Hello. I’m Riley Brooks, it’s my first day.” Shaking her previous clammy hand, he insisted that the newbie sat down.
“Oh, I’m so glad to finally meet you Miss Brooks. I’ll get you some uniform to change into and then I’ll introduce you to Liam Rhys who you will be shadowing for the first week.”
Liam knew today that he would be assisting the new guard, he didn’t know much about the person apart from that she was a woman. Sighing, he knew women guards needed to be tough to survive this prison. The way he coped was to be nice to the inmates- get them to trust him. It was the only way to survive each shift.
One inmate that he had a close friendship with was Drake Walker. The man had been accused of raping a young woman- however Drake confessed that he was in fact protecting the young girl who was intoxicated. The actual man who hurt the girl had somehow framed Drake. Accusing Drake of attacking not only the young girl but him too. Injustice was served and Drake was serving a sentence of four years. On good behaviour, he could potentially be released sooner rather later, in a matter of weeks.
On the women’s wing, Liam was too close to Olivia Nevrakis. The fiery woman had murdered her estranged husband Anton by stabbing him with a stiletto knife. Every opportunity she had, she would drag Liam away- and seduce him. He knew it was wrong, but she had some type of spell on him. Other guards had suspected something was going on between the two but daren’t inform the warden as he was Liam’s father. Olivia had control over all the inmates, many were intimidated by just her presence.
Hana Lee was imprisoned for brutally attacking her parents, in an unexpected rage. This was out of character as describe by her parents- she was usually calm, loveable, friendly. They didn’t believe that she was bisexual - they was furious when she called off her engagement to a wealthy man. With the lack of support from her parents she became vulnerable- when she met Olivia she was attached to her hip. Olivia used her as her lap dog- completing all of her ‘dirty work’. Hana completed all the chores Olivia had set her without any hesitation. The reasoning behind this was because she had fallen in love with Liv- however, whenever Liam was around Hana felt a pang of jealousy.
“Hi, you must be Liam. I’m Riley.”
Liam gulped, her tiny frame and slim body was like that of a Victoria secret model. Her baby blues matched the colour of the sea. Many would say she was the perfect woman. I’m married- he kept repeating to himself.
“Liam, I suggest that you spend today on the men’s wing, then tomorrow in the women’s wing.” His father ordered, Liam nodded and took Riley under his wing.
Liam explained how the staff rotate during the week- a new protocol. Following Liam they spoke about her previous experiences. Both trying to out do each other with the worse stories from being a guard. Knocking on Drake Walkers door, he was slumped on his bed.
Four weeks- Drake kept reminding himself.
“Drake, I’d like you to meet one of our new guards, Riley. Be nice to her and don’t cause any trouble.” Riley stood in the threshold. She didn’t like to judge people until she got to know them herself but still hesitated entering the mans cell.
“Me trouble? I’m an innocent man. I’m not fucking anything up. Nice to meet ya but I’ll be out of here in four weeks.”
“Oh that’s good then. I bet you can’t wait.”
Looking at her, his stomach had butterflies- he had never seen anyone so beautiful.
“Damn right I can’t.” She smiled at him, avoiding her gaze as he shook his head.
Riley and Liam exited his cell, he introduced her to the other male inmates. Feeling settled already, she thanked Liam.
“If you’re not up to anything later, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a drink?” Believing he was just being friendly, he had hoped she would accept his offer. He knew he was married, even it had reached breaking point. Olivia even though she was a psycho- was his saviour. A way he could release.
“Sounds great.” Riley said enthusiastically- she needed to get to know some people from New York. She was brought up in New York as a child, but had lost touch with her close friends.
“We need to gather them all up to go outside. Could you deal with Walker? I’ll deal with the others.”
Riley nodded, entering Drakes cell- he seemed lost in thought.
“Whatcha doing?” Asking curiously, he was vacant as if the world around him didn’t exist.
“Erm. Writing a letter to my nephew. I’ve done one every week since I’ve been here.”
“That’s so sweet. You’ll be able to see him soon. Are you coming outside? I don’t really want to get sacked on my first day.”
“You won’t get sacked due to me. I can think of a few people who will try their luck though.”
“What do you mean?” She provided a perplexed expression, deep down she needed to thank him for the warning.
“When we all go outside you’ll see. I saw the way Liam looked at you- one inmate is going to be ready to stab you like she did her own husband.”
“He’s having a relationship with an inmate? Not surprising. It happens in all prisons discreetly. Don’t worry I won’t tell him that you told me.” She winked before leaving the cell to stand outside.
Why couldn’t she have started working here before? She seems nice. Friendly. Outgoing. She’s beautiful. But what would she see in an accused rapist? Liam is all gooey eyed over her, he doesn’t deserve her. He has a wife and kids at home- but is hooked up with an inmate. I wonder if he will ever admit that to her?
Drake joined everyone outside after finishing writing his letter to Bartie. His sister loved him, but they weren’t as close after all that had happened. She had moved to Paris. He often wondered if he would ever see her again. They were the only family he had left. The weather recently had been kind enough to them- being stuck inside wasn’t great, even if it was self infliction. Many of the inmates were grateful for this short time each day - breathing in the outside air. Clouds drifted by effortlessly, surrounded by natural sounds such as birds tweeting.
Riley mingled with all the inmates and guards. Getting to know their daily routine, was a priority in understanding this new job role. Drake thought she was professional compared to some guards. Seeing Hana full of rage, he knew why. Neither Liam nor Olivia were nowhere to be seen.
“What’s up Lee?”
“You know what Drake.” Looking defeated, she was due to be released months ago- but kept getting caught breaking the rules to delay her release date. The reason why- Olivia.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Liam has a family on the outside. Remember that.” Hana smiled, she liked Drake - she could never comprehend the reasoning behind his sentencing. It just didn’t fit his personality. Olivia walked over all flustered, Hana’s lips curled up at the sight of her lover. Drake however scowled, before noticing daggers appear in her eyes as she observed Liam become closer to Riley.
“Who’s that?” She snapped.
“She’s the new guard- she’s called Riley. She’s actually nice.”
“Aw what’s up Walker? Have you got a little crush?” Blushing, he knew he had to avoid the situation. Avoid looking at her at all costs like a lost puppy.
“No. Even if I did I’m out of here in a few weeks. I’ll be glad not to see that resting bitch face of yours ever again.” Olivia raised her eyebrows at his response before he evacuated the area.
The end of the shift ended, surprisingly it went well and flew by. Before she knew it, it was time to clock out. Liam waited for her at the gates and escorted Riley to the bar. The bar contained different conversations that were shouted in loud voices, all of them competing with the music that dominated the euphoric atmosphere. Buying her a drink, he couldn’t help but gaze into her baby blues.
“So what did you think? Have we all scared you away?”
“You’ll find out tomorrow if I turn up or not.” They both laughed.
After a while, he escorted her home. Riley insisted that she was fine to get a cab alone, but he wanted to make sure she was safe. Kissing her on the cheek, he bid her goodnight. Feeling warmth spread through her body and limbs - she had hoped that this wasn’t the start of anything more than a professional friendship.
Drake attempted to sleep in his cell, tossing and turning- his brain failed to shut down, his thoughts kept lingering to Riley. Closing his eyes, her smile was pictured in his mind. Her voice echoed in his mind. Wondering what she was doing on the outside. Wondering if they could become friends once he was released. All these what ifs didn’t matter- he was a criminal even if he was innocent.
Hana snuck into Olivia’s cell, bribing the guard on duty. Walking quietly into the cell she could see that Olivia was furious - a fellow cell mate had informed her about an overheard conversation between Riley and Liam. The conversation involved talking about their plans once their shift had ended.
“Hana, I need you to do me a favour tomorrow.” Asking calmly she knew Hana would accept.
“Anything Liv. You know I’ll do anything for you.” Hana stroked Olivia’s arm, affectionately. Rolling her eyes back, she knew she had to fake being in love with her to get the ‘mug’ to complete the dirty work.
“I need you to stitch the new guard up somehow. Liam is mine.” Hana grimaced, feeling heartbroken that she had to share her. “You’re mine too Hana.I am the Queen bee here. No one messes with Olivia Nevrakis!”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Marshgate Prison
Part 1 - I’m a good guy
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NEW SERIES: At Marshgate Prison, New York City- Riley Brooks begins a new job as a Prison guard. The inmates and guards who work there have kept many secrets hiden. Will she become involved in these secrets? How will she react to the common riots that constantly take place in the rough prison.
Catch up on the introduction here
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty
Arriving at work the following day, Riley was dreading going on the women’s wing. Having slight palpitations. She had previously worked in a women’s only prison. They were all bitches to put it politely, were always fighting to be the ‘Queen Bee’. Liam pulled her into a corner after the hand over meeting, asking her to go out for a drink again. Politely refusing she felt guilty- but she had promised to go another time.
“Liv, this is Riley. She’s the new guard.” Riley smiled at the woman who provided her with a resting bitch expression. Olivia eyed Riley’s body up and down, feeling jealous and green with envy - that Liam was spending time with the newbie.
“You’re not a talker then, like Walker.” Riley laughed nervously, as Olivia remained in silence- there was no need for communication as her face did that.
“That darling, is because Walker has a crush on you.”
“Excuse me?” Riley became flustered, feeling extremely warm all of a sudden.
“You heard me. Isn’t that right Hana? Walker likes the new guard.”
Hana nodded, Liam provided Olivia with a look that could kill. Frustrated that she was winding Riley up, but also had a pang of jealousy that some other man thought similar thoughts regarding her. Hana pulled Riley towards her, giving her an over affectionate hug.
“I’m so glad some one so nice as you has joined the team.” Placing something in Riley’s pocket discreetly, she broke away from the close encounter and winked towards Liv.
The morning seemed to go slow, slower than the previous day. Comparing the male inmates to the females, there were so many differences. The women were constantly arguing, fighting. It was like being back at school- petty behaviour. Where as the men generally got on with activities, with the odd outbreak of fisticuffs.
A few hours later the warden pulled Riley into his office, she was assuming it was regarding feedback on how her second day had gone. Trying to rehearse what she could say, she was bewildered by the anger written across his face. Feeling like she was about to be put in detention- paranoid thoughts began to roam her mind.
“Miss Brooks, it has come to my attention that you may have smuggled some counterfeit items in?”
Before she could respond, he began a strip search on her- finding one of the things that he had been informed about.
“Sir, that isn’t mine. I swear it isn’t.”
“Oh don’t worry. I know it isn’t. Are you confident enough to not shadow Liam for the remainder of the day? If so, I’d like you to be safe- and stay on the men’s wing.” Nodding, she felt annoyed. But relieved that she didn’t have to face the people who for some unknown reason had tried to stitch her up.
Drake was sat at the dining table, with a few other inmates playing cards. Noticing Riley he wondered why she was there as he knew the guards rotations like the back of his hand. Excusing himself from the game, he gained Riley’s attention- concerned as to why she looked so defeated.
“Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you was Liam’s shadow. As far as I’m aware, he’s on the women’s wing today.”
“I was until two bitches planted drugs me on.”
“Heh, Liv up to her old tricks again? Involving Hana?” Nodding, she felt defeated already, considering throwing in the towel. He didn’t need an answer physically spoken- he knew the answer.
“She also said you had a crush on me. I think she has nothing better to do with her life. See ya soon Walker.” She waved to him, not giving him chance to explain what she had just suggested. Olivia was correct, he had the slightest crush on her- he couldn’t deny that to himself, but he would do to anyone who questioned it.
Riley’s shift had ended, she had an eventful day to say the least. One inmate had implanted drugs on her somehow without her noticing- those inmates involved made her feel frustrated not knowing as to why they would do it. She had no interest in Liam- never showed any passion towards him. Avoiding Liam when they had clocked out, she didn’t want to risk becoming injured- because he was fucking the Queen Bitch.
Walking through the busy streets of New York, she thought she would go down memory lane for old times sake. Standing outside the old dive bar that she had worked in as a student, she was shocked that it was still open-it had avoided somehow mysteriously being burnt down due to a dodgy insurance job.
“Riley? Riley Brooks is that you?” Turning around she knew that voice- that hyperactive full of energy squeal.
“Beaumont. Long time no see. How are you doing?”
“I’m fine. What about you? Let’s grab a drink and catch up.” Riley knew she couldn’t say no- he had always been persistent.
Maxwell explained that after school, he had trained up to be a choreographer- which didn’t surprise Riley at all. He was always busting a move out at the school discos. Explaining about her own life, he was shocked that she would be a prison guard- he had expected her to be a model or an actress. All the boys at school had wanted to date her.
“You have good days and then bad days. Today’s been a bad day. The women inmates are the worse. I’d prefer to just stay with the men- they are less psychotic.”
“Is it true that guards have affairs with inmates?” Resting his chin in his palms, he was ready for some inside scoop.
“Yes, it’s common knowledge. But I’d never do that.”
“Even if Brad Pitt was an inmate, don’t lie and tell me you wouldn’t do him.” Shaking her head laughing, obviously a celebrity inmate would make their work day interesting.
“I’m a professional Max. Apparently an inmate has a crush on me. But I think it’s just gossip. He is handsome though.”
“What’s he in for?”
“I can’t tell you- confidentiality and all that. But he insists that he is innocent and I believe him. He’s being released in a few weeks. He writes the most adorable letters to his nephew- he has done every week since he has been there. My heart breaks for him.” Being released soon. Letters. Nephew. Maxwell wasn’t the brightest of sparks but he knew this wasn’t coincidence.
“This man... is he in for rape? Brown hair? Brown eyes? Closed off personality?” Riley remained silent, her eyes widened. Assuming it was just coincidental.
“Is he Drake Walker?”
“Drake who? I can’t say I’ve heard of that person Max.” Beginning fidgeting, she couldn’t help but think he would study her behaviour - knowing she was bullshitting.
“You’re lying. I won’t grass on ya for confirming the identity.”
“Fine. Yes. It’s him. But that’s as far as it goes. Don’t you dare tell anyone that I said an inmate was handsome. How do you know him anyway?”
“His nephew, Bartie. Is my nephew too.”
“Oh, it’s a small world. Anyway I better get going- it’s been nice catching up.”
“Riley? He’s a good guy. Don’t let him being an inmate put you off him. Here’s my number. We can catch up another time?”
The morning after Drake was dragged out of his cell, abruptly and early.
“What the hell?”
“You have visitors Walker, make yourself look presentable.”
Escorting him in to the room, he pondered about who would want to visit him as such short notice.
“Max? Sav? What are you both doing here?” They both looked at each other smirking. After requesting an urgent visit, they needed to see him.
“Well, Max knows your new prison guard. They met up for a drink yesterday. Apparently Max had a crush on her too at school.”
“What? I don’t have a crush on her.”
“Why are you both denying it?”
“Denying what? Both?” Believing he misunderstood what Maxwell had just said, he needed him to elaborate before his mind worked overtime.
“She called you handsome. Anyway... are you definitely getting out in a few weeks? Is there a anything that could prevent it from happening?” Savannah asked in a serious tone of voice. She had missed her brother, and needed him back home.
“No, I’ve been keeping my head down low so I can come home- to you guys and to Bartie.”
“Good, Riley’s work hasn’t gone to waste then.”
“What do you mean?”
“She rung Max yesterday and invited us over. She had been investigating your case- she will probably get sacked for it. So this goes no further. But she confessed that she knew you was innocent, and that you shouldn’t be here a minute longer than you need to be.”
“Why would she do that? It’s only a few weeks. I’ve lasted years, a few weeks isn’t going to hurt.”
Drake returned to his wing, his thoughts lingering on the new guard who was apparently helping him get out early. Scrutinising the area he saw her, natural instinct was telling him to question her regarding what Maxwell and Savannah had told him. Instead he shook his head, deciding to play pool with another inmate.
“Nice shot.” Smelling her perfume lingering around him, he felt intoxicated.
“Thanks. I need to ask you something, in private.” Leading her out of the way of prying eyes, he built up a slight bit of courage to ask her. “Why are you trying to get me released early?”
“How do you know that?” Raising his eyebrows, she’s soon realised. “Oh...”
“Why are you helping me? I’m here for another four weeks. I can last that long. You don’t need to help me.”
“I’m sorry okay. You don’t deserve to be here if you are innocent. I’d try and help anyone not just you. I’ll let you get back to your game.” As she turned away to leave he grabbed her hand. Losing her balance he caught her. His calloused touch, made her melt away.
“Follow me. There’s enough guards here. You won’t be noticed missing.” Escorting her towards a secluded room, there was dust surrounding every crevice. There was a damp feeling- an eerie atmosphere.
“Thank you for helping, I didn’t mean to sound a jerk.”
“You’re not a jerk, unless you’re hiding your true identity.”
“I’m a good guy, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Max said you were a good guy too. I already know- I don’t judge a book by its cover. You should have fought though. First impressions on Hana Lee, is that she is a good one too but is trapped by Olivia’s black magic. She is hypnotised and would do anything for Olivia for that slight bit of attention.”
“You’ve got us all sussed out. I can’t wait to be released, but I don’t know how people are going to react. That’s the only worry. If it wasn’t for Bartie I think I’d return to Texas.”
“You can’t leave!” Riley shouted, without thinking about how she said that.
“You are letting whoever set you up win.”
“Is that the only reason?”
“And because of your family here.” Phew. Good back up she thought, not wanting to disclose the real reasoning behind her not wanting him to leave. He was hoping she would mention about him and her - Maxwell had got his hopes up. Who would want to get to know a ‘rapist’?
“Also you’re here. You’re the only person who has known me a couple of days and has made the effort to get to know me. So thank you Riley.” Riley felt flustered, hoping he wouldn’t notice she blamed it on the dust. Throughout her career as a prison guard, she had always resisted an inmates charm and flirty banter. But there was something about the man stood in front of him.
“We really should go, before I come up in a rash or something. This dust really isn’t helping either of us. And I need to leave before I do something I regret.” Drake provided her with a questioning look, she avoided his gaze.
“Riley?” He pulled her towards him, his hands cupped her cheeks- both their chests raising. Breaths in unison.
“I really want to kiss you.” He whispered to her, his hot breath lingered against her ear. Gulping she wanted to do the same. Jeopardising her job. Jeopardising his release. Hesitating at what to do.
“I want you to kiss me too. But you’re so close to being released. I can’t.....”
Before she could respond, he kissed her gently on the lips- closing her eyes it was as if the world around them had melted away. Breaking the kiss, they both stood gazing at each other as if they were having a stand off.
“When you get released, you’ll have to kiss me again. You’re a good kisser.”
“I’d like that. You’re not too bad yourself.”
After another longing kiss, they both made their way back to the wing separately.
Before the end of the shift, she snuck into his cell to say goodbye, he provided her with a letter for her and a letter to Bartie. Asking her to pass it on, joking that it would save him the cost of a stamp. Agreeing to contact Maxwell, she left him to go home via Maxwell’s.
Maxwell sent her his address, travelling to the other side of the city- she was nervous to read her letter. Debating on opening it, not understanding why he would give her one.
“Hey, Mrs Postwoman. Come in.”
“Always the comedian Beaumont. Hi Savannah, here’s a letter from Drake.” Entering the apartment, Max told her to be quiet as Bartie was asleep. If the young boy didn’t get his power nap, he would be a nightmare throughout the night. Savannah explained that he was due to wake up shortly anyway, so it wouldn’t be a problem if he woke up and to ignore the protective Uncle.
“You look exhausted- been a rough day?” Savannah asked not meaning to sound rude. Passing her a glass of wine, Riley gladly accepted.
“No, it’s been quiet. And frustrating. Anyway I better get going.”
“Stay for something to eat. We were going to get a take out.”
Bartie woke up around an hour later, Savannah placed him on her leg and read the letter out loud to him. This was a weekly thing to do. She couldn’t wait for Drake to be released and bond with his nephew.
Hey big man. Uncle Grumpy here. I can’t wait to see you soon. I am going to spoil you rotten to make up for our time apart. Also I’m going to treat your Mom too- maybe Daddy and uncle Maxi as well. I felt like running away back to Nana’s ranch in Texas once I left this hotel. But then I met the most beautiful amazing lady. Buddy, if you ever find a girl that makes your stomach flutter grab her with both hands and never let go. She allowed me to kiss her today. I hope you never have to go through this. But I will always teach you to defend women. Four weeks buddy and we will go camping and make s’mores. I love you. The countdown is on. Uncle D x
“Who did grumpy kiss?”
Savannah and Maxwell looked at Riley who had turned a bright shade a red, becoming flustered again.
“Don’t start Max. I didn’t want to jeopardise his release date. But it was like a magnet pulling us together. He wrote me a letter too. I don’t know why when I’m going to be seeing him nearly every day.”
“You should read it. My brother obviously likes you even with the burden in between you both.” Riley asked Maxwell to read it, she didn’t know what it would contain.
Hey gorgeous, thank you for spending time with me today. I can’t stop thinking about you- you are like my drug at this moment in time. Why couldn’t you have come into my life before? These last few years would have been a lot easier. You are amazing, don’t forget that. The way you listen to people, talk to them, get to know them. That is the definition of a best friend. I’d like to take you out when I get released, if you’d allow me- as a thank you. Just let me know what you think. D x
“Ooo. You’re going to be part of our misfit family.” Before Riley could respond, Bartie jumped on her knee, half asleep calling her ‘Mommy’.
“Hey, I’m not your Mom. Your Mom is on the phone to your daddy. He’s like Drake isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he may have the Walker looks, but he definitely has the Beaumont charm.” Laughing, Riley wasn’t exactly the maternal type, deciding to play Pat-A-Cake with him- to her relief he enjoyed it. Giggling away- she began to fall in love with the happy child sat on her lap. Savannah walked back into the room, looking shocked as if she had seen a ghost. Robotically walking towards the wine bottle- she poured herself a glass before downing it in one gulp.
“Sav? What’s up?”
“The prison rung Bertrand up. Drake’s been beaten up. We have to go to the hospital now!”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Marshgate Prison
Part 2 - Rendezvous
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NEW SERIES: At Marshgate Prison, New York City- Riley Brooks begins a new job as a Prison guard. The inmates and guards who work there have kept many secrets hiden. Will she become involved in these secrets? How will she react to the common riots that constantly take place in the rough prison.
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty
Liam was returning home, he didn’t see Riley when their shift had ended- it was as if she was some ghost, her presence was felt but not seen.
Going to the bar on route home, he would do anything to delay returning home. Opening the door, he rolled his eyes back as he saw his wife’s tongue down his brother’s throat.
“Why are you acting shocked Leo? I live here! Where’s the twins whilst your both like that.” Looking disgusted towards them, he needed to somehow get out of this marriage- even if it meant breaking his children’s hearts.
“In bed! It’s ten o’clock. Have you heard from Connie?”
“No why?”
“Two inmates have been hospitalised, Walker and Brogan. He said if you have time to check up on them. Especially Walker. Apparently you have this odd relationship with him- our father said you’re like best friends or something.”
“Better than being the third wheel. Enjoy keeping my bed warm big brother.”
Drake... beat up.... hospital...
“Riley are you okay?” Maxwell asked concerned as he witnessed tears form in her eyes. Riley knew she had to maintain a normal expression- she was shocked, but she had known him days. The two people stood in front of her was his family.
“Yeah- I’ll leave you guys to it. Let me know how he is.”
“Come with us.” Savannah pleaded, knowing that Drake was stubborn and wouldn’t want them there- but after his confession in Barties letter, she knew his persona would change if Riley was present.
“I can’t... he will be with my colleagues...and I don’t know him that well.”
“You know him well enough to kiss him though...” Maxwell raised his eyebrow, knowing she couldn’t argue back. Rolling her eyes back, she knew Maxwell was going to be persistent as he always was, knowing she was going to be arguing the toss- she eventually agreed. But first she needed to borrow something that would hide her true identity.
Riley snuck into the hospital wearing a disguise, knowing that her colleagues would be there. Savannah and Max had told Drake that Riley would visit and to go along with her fake identity. Walking into his room, she felt like her heart had stopped.
“Hey.” He quietly said.
“Hey, are you okay?” Putting on a stupid accent, she knew she sounded like a dick- Drake couldn’t prevent the smirk appearing on his face. Clearing his throat he responded to her eventually.
“Yeah I’m dandy- living the high life.”
“Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry.”
“Why would you get involved in a brawl?”
“The inmates, they were criticising one of the guards- the new guard. Saying disgusting things about her.” Clenching her jaw, her eyes widened. Me? Why me? I’ve done nothing wrong to anyone.
“They said they’d sexually harass her, that she’s ‘fit’ and is probably I quote ‘a good shag’... myself and another inmate calmly spoke to them and this is how we ended up. I’m sorry for jeopardising my release, but I couldn’t let them talk about yo- her like that.”
“Don’t worry about ‘her’ she would have been fine. No one would have allowed any of that to happen. Just look out for yourself in future Drake. I need to go.”
“I did it for you.”
“Yes and this is why you was falsely imprisoned Drake. For protecting other people. Please I’ll have a word and try to get you released as originally planned.”
“I’m sorry.” Holding his hand, she felt guilty leaving him- chained up to a guard. Kissing his other hand, she smiled before leaving.
Rushing out of the room, holding her tears back- she ran into Liam.
What the hell is he doing here? He could ask me the same.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay Miss?” Riley nodded, knowing if she spoke she would be jeopardising her cover.
“Riley?” Fuck. Carrying on walking through the hospital she ignored his calls - hoping he think he was misunderstood.
Walking into Drakes room, he knew he had just seen Riley. Knowing his father wouldn’t ask the newest guard to check on the injured inmates, his heart sunk slightly due to the realisation that she was probably closer to Drake than people anticipated.
“I’m sorry, please don’t leave me again. Oh. Liam. What are you doing here?”
Liam discussed with the guards that Drake wasn’t a threat and that they should have a walk, grab some air. The guard removed his hand from the handcuff, Liam put his through- waiting for his colleagues to exit before turning to Drake. Knowing he was off duty could cause a scandal for him visiting an inmate- but his father knew that they had a close bond.
“Who was you apologising to? Asking to stay? I swear I saw Riley run out of here crying.” Drake remained silent, Liam now knew his suspicions were correct.
“Is there something going on between you two? If so I need to know.”
“Why? So you can ‘grass’ her up to your father?”
“No, Drake. So I can help you both. I’m no angel as you know. I know how frustrating it is. She’s really nice and beautiful, I’m not going to lie- I wish she kissed me back when I kissed her on the cheek.”
“You kissed her on the cheek?” Drake felt jealous, he didn’t know why? She wasn’t his. He’d known her a couple of days. She was a free woman.
“After her first shift, we went to a bar, I took her home. Kissed her on the cheek.”
“Bad enough that you’re fucking Olivia when you have a wife and kids at home. Beth deserves better. Then you try it with Riley?”
“Beth is sleeping with my brother. She only married me because she conceived our children after a fling.”
“So you’re both as bad as each other then?”
“Yes. I don’t condone relationships inside and I know I sound an hypocrite for saying that- but I can help the two of you. Get yourself back to Marshgate ASAP. Myself and Riley will help you get released as planned.”
The morning after, there was a hand over meeting. Riley couldn’t stop thinking about Drake all night- barely able to keep her eyes open, she had hoped that she wouldn’t get mentioned. Too late Riley thought as Constantine was giving her immediate eye contact.
“As you may all be aware two inmates, were assaulted last night and are currently still in hospital. We have had to bring in extra guards for the mean time. You are all dismissed, except you Miss Brooks.” Shit.
Riley gulped as she remained in her chair, twiddling her thumbs she considered handing her notice in.
“I need you to stay with Liam at all times, until this mess is forgotten. Mr Walker and Mr Brogan were assaulted defending you.”
“D- Mr Walker was due to be released, will this affect it?”
“Unfortunately yes it could do. But we will discuss that with him when the time comes.”
Riley met up with Liam, before she could react he pulled her into the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” Placing his finger over her lips- he needed answers.
“Why did you ignore me at the hospital?” Raising his eyebrows, he knew she would deny any acknowledgement about being there.
“I don’t know what you are talking about?”
“Don’t lie to me. I know you and Drake are in a relationship.”
“Oh really? I didn’t know we were.” Technically her sarcasm was correct, a kiss didn’t mean they were in a relationship. Unlike Liam.
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you Riley.”
“A kiss is nothing.”
“A kiss from the most closed off person I’ve ever known. The person who barely speaks a word to anyone but myself.”
“Liam, it was nothing. Honestly. It was a spur of the moment thing.”
“When he spoke about you, his eyes lit up even with the excruciating pain he was in. Don’t let your job and his status affect your feelings.”
“What about your feelings with the Queen bitch?”
“I’m married, it was for the children’s sake. She’s sleeping with my brother. Olivia is easy.”
“You’re married?” Riley didn’t expect that type of confession. Liam was handsome but she never expected him to be a cheat- he seemed like the type to flirt secretly.
“Yes, she’s called Beth. I barely see her.”
“Are all Beth’s sluts? No offence...” Laughing to herself thinking about the Beth she knew, she looked at Liam who didn’t look impressed with her comment.
“I don’t know? Why?”
“Oh I went to school with a Beth. She was my best friends little sister. She tried to act like me and Lola but failed miserably.”
“Lola? As in Lola and Beth Hughes?”
“Yes why? Ohhh..... shit. You married Beth Hughes. I didn’t mean what I said... I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”
“Heh you’re speaking the truth, why couldn’t you have come here before I slept with her and warned me? You’d have saved me from all this. We can help each other you know. Allow each other to release our frustration. Are you with me?”
The following morning, Drake returned to Marshgate, looking over his shoulder constantly in case he saw the bastards that did this to him. Attempting to sleep or get the slightest bit comfy was proving to be a difficult task. Liam knocked on the door, insisting that he followed him for an urgent matter.
Drake sighed, assuming he was being escorted to the wardens office to be berated regarding his actions. Slowly sitting up, he pushed himself off the bed and followed Liam.
Arriving at the empty cell at the other end of the wing, Drake assumed it was for his own safety- in a way he felt grateful for his close friendship with the guard. Feeling guilty, Liam pushed Drake into the cell before locking him in it standing guard outside.
“Liam what the fuck?” Banging on the door, he was slowly yet gradually getting frustrated at Liam’s ignorance- until feeling someone’s presence behind him. Playfully covering his eyes, he knew who it was and the pain had seemed to disappear in an instance.
“Care to explain what’s happening Miss Brooks?” Turning around Drake gulped, as he saw Riley in just her shirt- her legs bare, her natural curls hanging loose.
“Liam came up with a plan. A plan that will help all of us. He will stand guard whilst we spend time together and I’ll return the favour for him and Liv. You better make it worth my while, because I’m risking getting sacked for misconduct.”
Dragging him over to the cold bed, she helped him sit down- before straddling him, asking if she was hurting him.
Pulling his head towards hers, she kissed him passionately. Slowly feeling his erection she wanted him there and then. Most people may think she was crazy, unprofessional. But he was like a magnet- the last few days he just kept pulling her in.
“You’re going to have to leave Riley. I don’t want you getting caught. Besides I want to do more than kiss you.”
“I’m not going anywhere. We’ve got five minutes.”
Standing up, she released his manhood out of his boxers- the touch of her hand made him regret not fighting his innocence. Trying to remove her hand, she shook her head.
“Let me see to you, as a thank you for defending me.”
Kneeling towards the floor, she bit her lip-before inserting his cock in her mouth.
“You’re amazing.” Drake panted, Riley looked up at him fluttering her eyelashes. Feeling his cock pulsating at every move- knowing she was pleasing him, she increased her pace.
“Riley I’m going to cum. I haven’t had any sexual contact in years.” Removing her mouth once he had finished, she swallowed- before he helped her stand up. Holding her close to him, she heard his heartbeat still pounding.
“Don’t you masturbate? Also isn’t that the point - to cum?” Winking at him, her true colours were coming out. She wasn’t little miss innocent that she was perceived to be.
“I had no one to masturbate over. But now...”
“Now?” She questioned. Cupping her cheeks, he couldn’t believe that she was risking her job- but she was too damn irresistible. The only person that hadn’t looked her nose down at him- the person that listened to him.
“You’re going to be stuck in my head, on a loop.”
“Ditto. So when I’m at home, I’ll be thinking about you.”
“You’re teasing me Riley. Do you know how hard this is? I want you so bad.”
“Are you in pain?”
“A bit why? But having you here is taking it away.” Slowly and seductively, she unbuttoned each button whilst biting her lip.
“So, what do you think?” Standing in her underwear in front of him, he gulped hard. The matching underwear made him feel turned on. Walking towards her, he pulled her close to him. Feeling her breasts, he kissed her neck. He didn’t want to let her go.
“You are gorgeous.”
“Am I gorgeous enough to sleep with?”
“Yes... any man who’s had you is lucky.”
“So why are you still staring? It’s getting a bit hot in here don’t you think? I think you’re overdressed Walker.”
Drake removed his shirt in an instant before forcing his lips onto hers kissing like crazy, he hadn’t kissed anyone for years- this interaction sent shock through his veins. His tongue slipped inside her mouth, both battling against each other. Rileys fingers ran through his wavy locks- knowing this was wrong on so many levels- the heat of the moment had turned her brain into mush. If Liam and Olivia had got away with it all these years- surely they wouldn’t get caught. Drake pushed her gently backwards laying her on her back on the bed, debating if he could survive the pain or not. Hovering over her, he began to gently kiss every inch of her body- feeling the slightest bit of stubble rub against her skin she didn’t care- this secret rendezvous was intoxicating.
Feeling his warm embrace, she traced her fingers over his muscled abs- he moaned at this slight touch. A touch he hadn’t felt in years. This moment in time was as if he had unexpectedly won the lottery.
“What do you want beautiful?”
“I want you. That’s all I want.”
Drake slid his hand between her legs- positioning his fingers and thumb at her entrance. The slightest touch, made her damp in an instant. Kissing her neck, whilst working his thumb over her clit in a tantalising rhythm, she needed to contain her moans- hoping Liam wasn’t ‘earwigging’. Losing herself in the pleasure, she hoped that he would be released sooner rather than later. All her muscles began to quiver. Feeling breathless already, Drake removed his fingers, replacing them with his tongue- proving a difficult task to stay quiet- she placed her hand over her mouth.
“You taste so good.” He whispered before plunging his tongue deeper inside. Riley needed to scream, instead she dug her nails in his side as his tongue worked its magic on her. Removing his mouth from her, sitting up -he smiled at her expression, her whole body trembled whilst his ached. But he wasn’t wasting this opportunity.
Before she could recover, he slipped inside of her. Holding that position, their eyes fixated on each other. Slowly Drake began to thrust, taking his time wanting to enjoy making love with her. “You feel so good, Riley. I’m one lucky bastard.” He growled before the thrusts became faster and more passionate, hitting her in that specific spot. “Don’t you dare stop Drake!” “I will be soon.” His thrusts were powerful as their bodies rocked in sync perfectly together. Drake’s movements slowed down, as he released himself inside her. She felt his warm seed spill into her. Both laying next to each other, they needed to catch their breath, needing to both exit the cell not looking all flustered.
“Wow! You’re amazing... I must thank Liam.” Drake said, as he fixated his gaze onto her eyes. His hands ran through her hair, he couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful she was.
“No need, I think it was from a purely selfish point of view. I need you to know that I’m now invested in you.” Passionately kissing her again, he couldn’t believe this had happened, was it just fantasy.
“When will I see you again?”
“The day after tomorrow.”
“Riley, thank you.”
“That was just a tester of what’s to come when you get released.” Feeling hopeful, he had hoped that he would get released on time, and that his actions hadn’t increased his sentencing time.
Riley and Liam escorted Drake back to his cell discreetly, Liam laughing at the two of them attempting to act normal. Thanking the Lord that there was a commotion in the dining area that had gained all the attention of the other inmates, there would be no suspicion regarding the trios whereabouts.
A guard came running upto Liam, asking for help. The two of them ran over, Drake watching concerned.
“Tell me what’s going off.” Liam demanded to know the facts before he went barging into the battlefield.
“The mayors daughter and son in law have arrived, they’ve been sentenced for tax evasion. He arrived with a cocky attitude which didn’t impress the other inmates.”
“What’s his name?”
The guards escorted the mayors daughter to her cell, she was putting up a fight- screaming her innocence. Insisting for them to take their ‘grubby’ hands off her and that her father would bail her out.
The guards on the women’s wing had enough shit from her and forced her to socialise with her fellow inmates she would be with for the next twelve months.
Sitting on the table with a resting bitch face, she was scowling at everyone- looking down at them. Rubbing the dust of the table, she was used to luxury- believing she didn’t belong here. It was a shithole and a ‘princess’ like her didn’t belong here.
“What are you looking at?” Olivia snapped and scowled at her old school friend, Maddy bullied her at school using her father’s status as an excuse to get out of the bullying.
“Get away from me!”
“Daddy isn’t bailing you out this time Maddy!”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Marshgate Prison
Part 3- Riot
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NEW SERIES: At Marshgate Prison, New York City- Riley Brooks begins a new job as a Prison guard. The inmates and guards who work there have kept many secrets hiden. Will she become involved in these secrets? How will she react to the common riots that constantly take place in the rough prison?
Warnings: Violence, swearing
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty
Madeline cowered in her cell, pulling the thin blanket over her head- she regretted how she had treat Olivia in the past. Hoping her father would bail her out with his money- if not she needed to keep her head low. She was a daddy’s girl- she didn’t belong here. Her and Neville did one mistake- a mistake that began to become an addiction, not knowing when to stop. They were money greedy, she had considered asking for a transfer to another prison. Looking at her disfigured face, she wanted to inform the guards and the warden what had happened- to escape and prevent anymore abuse. But if she ‘grassed’ would Olivia potentially kill her next time?
“Good morning Princess.” Olivia smirked, as she barged her way into Madeleine’s cell. Laughing hysterically at the woman attempting to hide. Hana mimicked Olivia.
“Olivia please leave me alone. I won’t be here long.”
“Oh what happened last night, that was just the beginning. Right Hana?”
“Of course.” Hana confirmed whilst smirking.
“I... I don’t want any trouble. I’m sorry for what happened in the past.” Pulling Madeleine off the bed, forcing her against the cold wall- Olivia’s eyes widened showing anger.
“I used to be a sweet girl, with people who respected me. Then I turned into psycho maddy. Don’t you just love revenge?”
“Olivia! Hana! Out now!” Riley screamed.
“Watch ya back Maddy.” Riley motioned for the other guards to assist Madeleine to the medical room- she would deal with Olivia and Hana.
“Ladies, sit down and calm down.” Hana immediately sat down listening to Riley’s stern tone of voice- Olivia remained stood folding her arms. Or don’t, Riley muttered to herself.
“Olivia, what is the issue between you and the newbie?”
“Would you believe it if I say she bullied me at school?” Explaining this was hard for Olivia, she never liked to be shown as a weak person- but with all the shit from Madeleine made her a stronger person- a person who learnt to defend herself.
“Hana could you please return to the wing, I need some serious words with Olivia alone.” Olivia nodded to Hana, gesturing for her leave before returning her gaze on Riley. Softly smiling at the guard, Hana felt jealously burning inside of her. Leaving the room in a huff, she felt paranoid.
“Olivia, don’t get yourself into more trouble. She won’t be here for long- just stick with your group. I’ve got your back.”
“Oh I wonder why that is? So I keep your little secret? How good is Walker in bed?” Riley felt a blush creep up on her, her heart began to flutter at the very mention of his name.
“We are in this together, so I know you wouldn’t spill my secret because if you did you’d be risking losing your liaisons with Liam. Drake is amazing in every single way- I won’t go into detail.”
“Good job too.”
“Well you did ask.”
“I didn’t expect you to answer and become all flustered.”
“Talking about becoming flustered, Miss Nevrakis- may I escort you to somewhere private to meet your Prince Charming?”
“About time! I like you- but I won’t ever admit that to anyone.”
Hana knocked on the cell door, hoping the inmate known as Crazy Cazza would allow her to enter. Most people were scared of Cazza, she too was in for murdering her husband after he left her for his PA who was young enough to be his daughter.
“Whatcha want? Who is it?” Looking behind her, Hana knew no one was watching her. Entering the cell she gulped.
“Lee whatcha want?”
“I... I need a knife or a weapon of some sort.”
“May I ask why?”
“I think I’m going to lose Olivia- she smiled at the new guard like there’s something going on between the two of them.”
“Honey, you do know the queen bitch is using you- she’s fucking Liam. Everyone knows that. And from what I’ve heard, the new guard has her eyes on someone else. Don’t worry about it.”
“Please. I just need a knife. It’s not just the guard- the new inmate has history with Liv- if I scare Madeleine or hurt her Olivia has justice from all those years ago.” Cazza rolled her eyes back, if it wasn’t inmates begging her for drugs being smuggled in, it was for weapons.
“Lee, Don’t tell anyone where you got it from and we have a deal.” Pulling her mattress up, she opened the slit that hid all her counterfeit items.
Riley escorted Olivia to the empty cell, where Liam was waiting. They knew they were pushed for time- as it was dinner time shortly. Riley felt jealous in a way that it wasn’t her and Drake.
Riley heard the alarms ringing and the panic echo throughout, she knew Liam would berate her for disturbing his time with Olivia. Knowing it wasn’t a false alarm, she forced the door open- hoping to remove the image she had just created in her mind. Closing her eyes with her hand, she hoped that she wasn’t the next victim of Olivia Nevrakis.
“Liam- alarms. This is an emergency. I’ll make it up to the both of you- I promise, but Olivia you need to return to your cell immediately!”
Both Liam and Riley ran into the dining area, witnessing Hana laying into Madeleine. Most of the inmates were cheering her on, encouraging Hana to give them more entertainment. Riley interfered, attempting to drag Hana off Madeleine, but she was too strong.
“Hana, please leave her alone. Come with me. Please.”
“Get your hands off me.”
“Liam I need back up!” Liam pushed Riley out of the way, explaining that he will deal with Hana. He demanded that Riley and the other guards escorted all the inmates to their cells immediately and to lock them all in for everyone’s safety. Riley nodded, riots and violence happened when they least expected them to. Drake walked into the commotion- immediately scrutinising the room for Riley after witnessing what was happening. Seeing her escort prisoners away from the scene- he could tell she was struggling with the other guards. Heading over to her, he spoke to the inmates.
“We need to go back to our cells, the guards need to protect us. They are risking their lives.” The inmates grunted, but finally agreed to return to their cells, Riley smiled at her knight in shining armour who seemed to have cast a hypnotising spell on them all.
“Thank you Walker. Could you return to your cell also.”
“Yes ma’am... I may need assistance getting there though.” He whispered in her ear. Riley had asked the guards to assist Liam, and the other inmates to their cells.
Knocking on Drakes cell, he pulled her in abruptly, before forcing his lips on hers.
“I’ve missed you so much. What’s happening?”
“Hana’s beating the shit out of the new inmate. I need to go. I’ve missed you too.” Kissing him on the lips- she didn’t want to leave him, he didn’t want her to leave either.
“Follow me.”
“Where are we going? I’m on duty.”
“Trust me.” Drake snuck her out of the cell, and walked down the hallway.
“What is this place?”
“It’s a secret tunnel... apparently years ago some inmates built it and kept it a secret until they got caught. I used to come here all the time when I needed to think. If you’re having a bad day- you know about this place now, you can come here to chill or get a bit of quiet time.”
“How do you know about it?”
“Liam.” Rolling her eyes back, she should have known- the dodgy guard.
“We will have to meet here tomorrow... Drake I need to go and see what the situation is like...”
“Stay safe, don’t put yourself in any danger.” Hugging him tightly, she knew she wouldn’t put herself in danger- one day he was going to be released and they could see each other in the open.
“I won’t I promise. I’ve got a lifetime with you- I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Riley left the tunnel, Drake decided to wait a while before leaving himself- remaining keeping their relationship under wraps.
Riley ran back to the room, seeing Liam passed out on the floor- the guards all fighting with inmates. Rushing immediately to Liam, she shouted for medical assistance even though her voice wasn’t heard. Checking his airways, there was a slight pulse. Before she could do anything else- she felt a presence behind her.
“Riley get up!” Turning around, she saw Hana holding a knife.
“Hana put the knife down. Please.”
“It’s not intended for you- don’t worry Riley. I don’t know what to do with it.”
“Just lay it on the floor, and no one will get hurt.” Reaching for her baton, she couldn’t feel it. Shit, I’ve got no self defence weapons. Riley scrutinised the room, all the other guards were busy- leaving her alone with Hana with no support. One option was to reach over for Liam’s baton- but if Hana was on a full rampage she would be risking her life reaching over.
“I didn’t mean to do it... I wanted to prove to Olivia that I was worth something. I wanted to stab Madeleine to scare her- for Olivia to have that slight bit of justice.”
Before Riley could respond, an inmate barged past Hana forcing her into Riley- both falling to the floor next to Liam- Hana stood up shaking, seeing blood on her hands.
“Riley... I’m so sorry....” A guard ran over, handcuffing Hana, before demanding for back up. Another guard down! We need back up urgently! She’s been stabbed!
Drake arrived back in the room, hearing screaming- wondering what had gone off. Pushing his way through the crowd, his heart sank as he saw Riley laying on the floor, her hands holding her stomach- her beautiful skin now painted in a red glossy liquid, her own blood.
“Someone get some help now!” Drake pleaded, the guards stood frozen explaining that help was on its way. Liam also injured due to the unexpected attack due to the riot broke Drakes heart. The only two decent people in the prison, the only two people who spoke to him as if he wasn’t a piece of shit on the back of their shoes- were laying on the ground lifeless.
“Riley you need to survive... open those beautiful eyes... please....” Cupping her cheeks, he couldn’t lose her- not now. He had found someone who understood him, someone who possibly could love him. Slowly fluttering her eyes open, he saw the tear creep out of the corner of her eye.
“D-Drake....” She barely said, using potentially her last breath to say his name. Keeping pressure on her stomach, he needed her to stay strong.
“I’m here, I’m coming to with you- whether they stop me or not. I’ll break out, just so I can be with you.”
“No.... you.... can’t.... Bartie...”
“Riley you mean so much to me as well as Bartie. Don’t you dare leave me.” Using all the strength she had, she pulled him down- placing a longing kiss on his lips.
“Love you Walker.” The paramedics arrived, quickly rushing Riley and Liam out of the room. Drake forced the guards off him, falling to the floor- he was surrounded by tears he never thought he would ever shed.
Drake couldn’t eat, or even think straight- hoping that both Liam and Riley were okay. Regretting being stuck in here, he needed to phone Maxwell or Savannah demanding that they go to the hospital for him to put his mind at rest. Closing his eyes, he saw Riley’s face- her beautiful smile, then the flashbacks of her in pain. There was a knock at the door bringing him out of his thoughts.
“Walker. I believe that you haven’t had anything to eat.”
“I don’t feel hungry sir. I’m fine.” Constantine looked down at him, the guards had informed him of what he had done and how Riley reacted.
“Can I sit?” Drake nodded, the warden never left his office- usually insisted that other people do his ‘dirty’ work for him.
“So I’ve gathered that you was having a relationship with Miss Brooks. Am I correct?”
“No Sir. I like her, she was very professional. She wouldn’t risk her job. It was all my doing.” Love you Walker those words kept going through his mind on a loop- if she died those were the last words she spoke to him. Not wanting to get her into trouble he had hoped that Constantine would believe him.
“Drake, I may stay in the shadows- but people talk. I am going to the hospital- Liam is fine, just mild concussion he’s awake. I have arranged for two guards to assist you visit Miss Brooks. I shouldn’t allow for this to happen, but you saved her life. Get dressed.” Saved her life, she’s alive.
“Thank you Sir.”
Arriving at the hospital, Drake was nervous- it didn’t help that he was chained up to one of the guards.
“Mr Rhys, the minor surgery went well. She is very tired. But she is fine. We are keeping an eye on her observations.”
“Thank you. I hope you don’t mind that I have brought an inmate to visit. This is Drake Walker- he immediately assisted Miss Brooks after the incident happened.”
“Of course not. Mr Walker, you prevented anymore bleeding- which could have become fatal. I’ll leave you all alone.”
Constantine knew Drake wasn’t a danger, asking the guards to take the chains off him- he knew that Drake would be grateful for a few moments alone with Riley.
“When we get back to Marshgate, I need to discuss something important with you. For the mean time, take this opportunity to spent time with her. We will be waiting outside.”
Turning to Riley, she looked peaceful. Once everything had calmed down, he had wanted to see Hana- potentially kill her for causing all of what happened. Holding her hand, he kissed it hoping to warm her up.
“Riley, I don’t know if you can hear me or not- but I’m here. I told you I’d break out- but I didn’t need to. The warden brought me here. I’m so relieved that you are okay, I don’t know if you meant what you said to me. I know it’s early, and I would never believe in love at first sight. But you are the only person who has understood me, wanted me. I love you Riley Brooks.” Drake wasn’t sure how long he stayed there holding her hand, watching his tears fall onto her. The guards came into the room, and put the chain back on- Liam had been discharged and was waiting for him outside with Constantine.
Drake heard them both whispering, wondering what they were discussing? He had paranoid thoughts- knowing it was about him. Once they arrived back at Marshgate they escorted Drake to the wardens office. Liam began to speak.
“How are you doing Drake?”
“I’m fine, how about you? You’ve got a nasty bump there.” Liam rubbed his head, then shrugged his shoulders- he knew it was nothing compared to what Riley had gone through.
“This is nothing, so I’ve heard that you saved Riley’s life. We are all grateful for that, as is the hospital.” Liam looked over at Constantine smiling.
“I’d have done it for anyone Liam.”
“Are you sure?” He winked at him. “Anyway, you have some visitors.” Liam gestured for the guards to allow them to enter.
“Sav? Max?” Constantine cleared his throat, as Savannah and Maxwell looked bewildered for the reasoning behind them being here.
“Walker, you were due to be released- but you ended up in hospital due to defending Miss Brooks. Now due to that you would have had to serve your full sentence due to you getting yourself involved. After today’s situation- you saved the life of one of my guards. I’m going to berate her when she is discharged- she should have knocked the knife out of the inmates hands rather talk her down....she didn’t have any self defence weapons on her and I need to know why- maybe she could have prevented her injuries...” Liam shook his head, knowing they were going to be there potentially all night if Constantine continued to not get straight to the point.
“Drake, what the warden is trying to say ... is that you are a free man. For your heroic efforts- you can leave Marshgate with your sister once we have done the paperwork.”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Six sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tag @annekebbphotography and @dangerouseggseagleartisan and @thecordoniandiaries 😘😘😘
Defeating the object of the six sentences but ah well 🤣
Tags for the following series:
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @lauradowning29
One Temptation-
Liam walked towards the strip club- not knowing why? After his argument with Madeleine there were doubts racing through his mind about the true paternity of Alice. If Alice wasn’t his daughter- he had nothing to lose, he knew he’d win back Riley. Surely? Noticing Riley, he walked straight over to her.
“Hello Riley.”
“Oh hi. Please don’t cause any trouble Liam after the last time you was here.”
“I won’t I promise, I just need a drink, and a friend.”
“I’m working Liam, I can’t talk much.” Reaching over to grab her hand, she fixated her gaze on him. He looked broken.
“I’ll ask if I can have my break. I’ll meet you over by the booth.” Walking over to the booth, she wondered what was on his mind.
“So what’s up?”
“I don’t think my daughter is mine, she said she slept with Leo around the same time.”
“Maybe the two of you need to learn how to put something on the end of it? I’m sorry Liam, but this is karma for you.” A sly smirk appeared on her face, but she couldn’t bitch about Madeleine when she herself had slept with the two brothers.
“Don’t you see? If she isn’t mine, we can start again? I’ll make it up to you a thousand times over. I know you still love me and could forgive me deep down Ri.”
“I do still love you- I’ve never denied that. But...” Liam forced his lips on to hers, expecting for her to slap him he was confused when she didn’t. Deepening the kiss, he placed his arms around her- he had missed her. Not giving two fucks that Drake had escaped, he knew he wasn’t with Maxwell so he had gone elsewhere. Knowing she didn’t resist the kiss, he was making it his aim to win her back.
Forgive me-
“Liam, I want you.” She pleaded with him, he nodded in response although in the back of his mind were images of Anton hurting her. “I’m never going to hurt you, Riley. If you think we are rushing this I’ll wait an eternity for you.” Touching his warm skin- he sighed at her soft touch. “Liam, that talk before on the walk helped me heal even if it was a bit, I love you. I don’t want what he did to me to affect us.” Admiring at how strong she had been throughout all of this, he was in awe of her.
“I love you too my Queen.”
Marshgate Prison
Riley didn’t want to go to the bar with Liam and the rest of the guards- her heart felt empty. Deep down she wished that Hana had finished the job- Drake Walker has been transferred to another prison- those words kept roaming through her mind.
“Hey, let’s celebrate for surviving your first riot at Marshgate.” Riley rolled her eyes back. Feeling paranoid, she could hear her other colleagues whispering about her - biting her lip she didn’t want to cause anymore issues within the work place. Liam kept checking his phone, for updates- a smile crept up on his face.
“Would you like to dance Riley?” Please say yes and stop being stubborn. Riley nodded, forcing the shot down her throat- she placed her hand into Liam’s. Twirling her around he whispered in her ear- I’m going to briefly let go of your hands, then I’ll grab you after. Turning back around, she believed she was hallucinating- Liam didn’t grab her.
“Drake? What? How?”
“Sorry we all lied to you about me being ‘transferred’- I’ve been released. I’ve missed you so much. I’m glad you’re okay.” Jumping into his arms, she held him tight. Not wanting to let him go.
“I’ve missed you too. I’m so happy you’re here.”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @annekebbphotography and @dangerouseggseagleartisan 😘😘😘
Since my hangover with Paige from the weekend I’ve been very quiet- but I have been working on a lot of things 🙌🏼
Tagging all combined tag lists- if you want to join in with the WIP Weds 🙌🏼
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @dcbbw @qammh-blog @beardedoafdonutwagon @jared2612 @princess-geek @custaroonie @lauradowning29
Too drunk to function- One shot based on mine and Paige’s antics (this is so embarrassing)
Willow- Paige 🤣
Freya- Milissa 🤢
Willow escorted Freya over to the toilets. Freya wobbled towards the queue that was lingering outside the bathroom. Swaying over the place, she felt the urge to be sick- slightly regretting all the pre drinking prior to going to Rosie’s club. Placing her hand over her mouth- she attempted to hold the sick down at least until she got into the cubicle.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah yeah I’m fine.” As Freya responded sick slipped through her fingers. The woman in front of the girls turned around looking disgusted at the two drunks.
“Just run past them and be sick in the sink.” Willow suggested- in Freya’s mind this was the best suggestion her friend could have thought off. Rushing past the women in the queue in front, Freya threw her head over the sink- sick full of a fusion of alcohol splattered everywhere. Lifting her head up- she wiped her mouth with her hand, and walked out towards Willow who couldn’t stop laughing.
What took you so long? (Posting tomorrow morning)
In the rush Riley lost Drake, the guards escorted them outside- organising them into groups. Riley wanted to go back inside to find her fiancé. Sneaking away, some arms went around her- feeling relieved she hoped it was Drake. Covering her mouth the man escorted her abruptly into the palace grounds.
Love, Fate, Destiny (posting tomorrow)
Allowing the luke warm water to flow down her body, her thoughts remained on what her future would be. Drake had her initials tattooed on his wedding finger, he wore a fake wedding ring to prevent girls hitting on him. Could she go back to Cordonia, facing Kiara and Madeleine. Would Kiara always use the pregnancy card against Riley. When she first met Drake, he was in a relationship with her best friend- deep down she fantasied about him. When they became a couple, losing her virginity to him, the in between moments they shared made her believe in true love. When he abruptly left without a goodbye it broke her heart. Seeing him in the bar all those years later, she thought about their future again. Then she left, all because he lied to her to prevent hurt. They needed their heads banging together. It’s in the past. Look towards the future.
One Temptation (hopefully posting soon)
Drake and Maxwell got ready for their afternoon with Liam. The bachelor knocked on the door, both men looked sheepish as Liam broke down crying.
“Li, what’s up?”
“I’ve lost her for good haven’t I? She slept with you Drake. I’m not annoyed, I can’t blame you. It was all my fault. I need to tell you both something.”
“Liam I’m so sorry. It just happened. I won’t go near her again.”
“I have a daughter. Myself and Madeleine have a daughter. We conceived her the night I cheated on Riley.”
“And you’re telling us this now? How did you keep that a secret?”
“Money buys you things. A nanny. Drake do you like her?”
“I... I think she’s beautiful Liam, I can’t deny that. But I won’t go near her again. I promise.”
“Hang on, she’s single -you’re single. No offence, Liam.” Maxwell couldn’t believe that he would be playing piggy in the middle.
“I’m single too. I’m risking losing my daughter. But I’m winning her back. If you want to fight for her Drake we will.”
“You’re not fighting over her! She’s not some prized possession you can fling away when you get bored Liam.” Maxwell was getting frustrated with Liam- deep down he was thrilled that Riley had come back home, but in a way he wished she had stayed away.
“Liam she was yours. I’m not getting involved in hurting anyone’s feelings.”
“So fucking her, then not willing to fight for her - you’d be hurting her.”
“It was a one night stand Liam! I doubt she even likes me more than that! If she did, you should let her go.”
“I’m not losing her again! Money buys you happiness. And I’m getting my girl back.”
Hold my girl
The gang looked at each other , confusion written over each of their faces. Daniel continued.
“This is Grace and Paul. They were sadly taken away from us 8years ago. Myself and Freya used to come here all the time- but especially on one date. On that date, Freya would write a diary and explain everything that they are missing... myself and Freya came here before when she left you all this afternoon...”
As Daniel continues speaking, Liam and Drake bent down and looked at the grave closely.
“Grace and Paul Johnson.” Drake turned to Liam as he said it.
“Her parents..” They both said in unison as they looked concerned, they stood back up and continued to listen to Daniel.
“... anyway, she finally came here and updated her diary. I can’t believe what all of you have been through- it’s like you’re all staring in reality tv.” Daniel jokingly said to them all. The were like Aliens - not understanding exactly what reality tv was.
Daniel pointed to the diary and read it out to them all. Afterwards he pointed over to each of the photos.
“I hope y’all don’t mind but she put some pictures of her journey with you all and wrote something about each of you. Maybe if you all read them she... she cares for you all. And trust me, she is stubborn so for her to care about so many people is amazing.”
They each picked up their picture with the note attached, they read it out loud to the other friends. Liam began..
Marshgate Prison
Drake pushed his way through the crowd to Riley laying on the floor, her hands holding her stomach- her beautiful skin now painted in a red glossy liquid, her own blood.
“Someone get some help now!” Drake pleaded, the guards stood frozen explaining that help was on its way. Liam also injured due to the unexpected attack due to the riot.
“Riley you need to survive... open those beautiful eyes... please....” Cupping her cheeks, he couldn’t lose her- not now. He had found someone who understood him, someone who possibly could love him. Slowly fluttering her eyes open, he saw the tear creep out of the corner of her eye.
“D-Drake....” She barely said, using potentially her last breath to say his name.
“I’m here, I’m coming to hospital with you- whether they stop me or not. I’ll break out, just so I can be with you.”
“No.... you.... can’t.... Bartie...”
“Riley you mean so much to me as well as Bartie. Don’t you dare leave me.”
Using all the strength she had, she pulled him down- placing a longing kiss on his lips.
“Love you Walker.” The paramedics arrived, quickly rushing Riley and Liam out of the room. Drake forced the guards off him, falling to the floor- he was surrounded by tears he never thought he would ever shed.
Cordonian Wags (getting posted soon!)
“Mr Rhys, you have gone through all the suspects- with Madeleine as an extra one to the scenario. It was reported that there was another two suspects who had covered their identity up- did you have anybody else visit you during those times?”
Constantine thought back to the other two visitors who had visited him last. Knowing full well that Bastien was the person who had spiked his drink. Bastien who had been loyal to him throughout all the time they had known each other. He understood his reasoning behind it- he had a duty to look after the Brooks sisters, his goddaughters. But he would never trust him again.
Forgive me
“Liam, as much as I’m happy that you’re home... I need to tell you something....” Liam kissed the sensitive part of her neck, ignoring the seriousness in her tone of voice- selfishly just wanting her all to himself. He had missed her immensely- grateful that she was in his life.
“You can tell me after. Right now, I want you- all of you. I’ve missed you so much Riley.”
“Liam please!”
“Have you missed me?”
“Of course I have. But .... but.... please don’t kiss my neck and earlobe ... this is really important....”
“Go on....”
“We are all in danger. Leo was murdered- by Justin- our new press secretary.”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Six sentence Sunday
I’ve been at a kids party hence the delay. I’ve been acting like Mr Drake Walker- sat in the corner in the shadows eagerly waiting for it end - Kids parties 👎🏻😫
Half of the series below are more than six sentences- Ooops! 🤣
Thanks for the tag @annekebbphotography
Again I never know who’s been tagged so just tagging combined tag list 😊👍🏼
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612
Dancing- One Shot
Due to all our frustration regarding the new TRR 🤣
“But it’s not, I’ve never climbed a tree onto a rooftop. And you know where my secret location is in the palace- the library tunnel. Dance? Me? I didn’t know how to dance until my gorgeous fiancée taught me. I hated noble life, so avoided it at all costs. So no way would I know how to dance the Waltz.”
“I know! We were all out of character. It was a crazy dream.”
Forgive me
“Drake will look after you both in New York, I will ring you every day. I’m going to miss you both so much.”
“We will miss you too. Won’t we Lucas.” Lucas snuggled into Liam, unable to keep his emotions hidden- Riley walked over to him, caressing his cheek and wiping away his tears with her thumb.
“I’ll be back before you know it your highness.”
“I hope so, I’ll be waiting for you, always. Nothing will prevent me from seeing you both again.... Riley?”
“I love you.”
Marshgate Prison
Riley snuck into the hospital wearing a disguise, knowing that her colleagues would be there, heavy breathing down Drake’s neck. Savannah and Max had told Drake that Riley would visit and to go along with her fake identity if questioned. Walking into his room, she felt like her heart had stopped.
“Hey.” He quietly said, as she walked in quietly.
“Hey, are you okay?” Holding his hand, she couldn’t understand how he could end up in this predicament.
“Yeah I’m dandy- living the high life.”
“Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry.”
“Why would you get involved in a brawl?”
“The inmates, they were criticising one of the guards- the new guard. Saying disgusting things about her.” Clenching her jaw, her eyes widened- before trying to compose herself.
“They said they’d sexually harass her, that she’s ‘fit’ and probably I quote ‘a good shag’... myself and another inmate calmly spoke to them and this is how we ended up. I’m sorry for jeopardising my release, but I couldn’t let them talk about yo- her like that.”
One Temptation
“Li? What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t sleep, and I wondered if you and Drake wanted to do something today.”
Maxwell motioned him into the kitchen. Locking the door, he turned to face the kitchen- noticing Riley’s bra on the floor he stood on it attempting to kick it under the couch. Liam turned around providing a bewildered look.
“Oh don’t worry about me Liam! Too much coffee- the caffeine has given me a twitch in my leg. My body is definitely waking up now Li.”
“Why are you shouting?”
“Me shout? Am I shouting Liam?”
Hold my girl
Freya noticed Drake in the corner, all she wanted to do was jump into his arms- she had a school girl crush on him even if he was an ass with her- always getting ‘lumbered’ with her.
The champagne was being swallowed easy as if it was water, not affecting her in the slightest.
“Why do you keep giving Drake dirty looks, then change it to a swooning expression?”
“Max shut up, please.”
“Am I missing something here? I thought you was feeling down because we were back in New York?”
“It’s me that’s missing something- I’m missing brain cells. I’m in love with him and he hates my guts Max.” Maxwell tried to gain her attention by waving his hand next to his neck.
“In love with who?” The familiar voice asked as he crept up to the two friends.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday 24/11/2019
Thanks for the tag bestie @dangerouseggseagleartisan 😘😘😘
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @lauradowning29 @jared2612 @princess-geek
Marshgate Prison
Riley heard the alarms ringing, she knew Liam would berate her for disturbing his time with Olivia. Knowing it wasn’t a false alarm, she forced the door open- hoping to remove the image that had just been created in her mind. Covering her eyes with her hand, she had hoped that she wasn’t the next victim of Olivia Nevrakis.
“Liam- alarms. This is an emergency. I’ll make it up to the both of you- I promise, but Olivia you need to return to your cell immediately!”
Love, fate, Destiny
Liam, I’m really sorry to drop this on you. I’m not returning to Cordonia.
Why not? I assumed that you’d both be coming back?
It’s Riley, she needs me. I need her. I’m not losing her again, Li.
Liam refused to acknowledge losing his childhood best friend, he knew that Drake loved her- he understood that they loved each other. They had a lot of history together. Liam believed Drake’s decision was influenced by Riley controlling his mind regarding the third wheel in their relationship- Kiara.
What took you so long?
Everyone was gathered outside the palace, Drake was scrutinising the area for his fiancée- panic running through his veins. Asking everyone if they had seen her, they all shook their heads- all concerned about Liam’s health before adding Riley’s disappearance into the equation. Maxwell had tried to convince him that she would be safe- even suggesting that the guards may have escorted her to safety due to her condition. Think positive Walker, he thought to himself- Maxwell gulped hard as he saw Drake shake uncontrollably along with fear in his eyes. Opening his mouth to speak, it was delayed as they all jumped in reaction to the gunshot noise in the distance.
Cordonian Wags
“Xavier you’re hurting me!” Trying to remove his tight grip from her upper arm- it was like deja vu.
“Who got you the locket? Tell me now!”
“You’re lying! She wouldn’t be able to avoid this.” Riley stood frozen, not knowing how to get around the lie, he had confiscated all of her belongings including her phone- this was the only time she had lied during their whole relationship.
“How dare you lie to me, all for what? To protect him?” Before Riley could respond, she felt the sting across her face- before her head smashed against the picture frame loosely hanging on the wall.
Forgive me
“Olivia, I’m meeting Justin. Don’t you dare tell Liam- I beg of you. But I need a dagger.”
“Lying to him already- you really are American trash!”
“Fine don’t help me then, but Liam is the next victim in the firing line.”
“Do you really think he will forgive me if you got yourself hurt? You just waltz in here, then he falls in love with you and wants to marry you.”
“No he doesn’t want to marry me- are you going to help me or not?”
Hold my girl
She’s asked me to go into her room. I really want to stay. But I can’t- I need to talk about what happened today with Daniel before the others- or should I say Maxwell blabs. I’d have done it before on the beach, but we got distracted. Shit. I love you Freya. I’d like nothing more than just curl up in your bed with you. Drake looks down at his cock twinging- not the time for that Walker!
Why me? The sequel
Riley admired her husband, not only for his good looks- but for all he had done for them. Building their home behind her back, she was grateful for having such a thoughtful husband. Her stomach always fluttered when she looked at Drake, her gaze was soon averted as her phone began to ring.
“Hello, is that Mrs Walker?”
“Yes, who is this?”
“My name is Dr Lee, it’s about your gran.”
One Temptation
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry sweetie. Are you okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” Riley looked into the little girls eyes, they reminded her of someone else’s. Picking the little girl, the stern looking woman with her gave her dagger eyes.
“You’re hurt, here I’ve got some plasters in my bag.” Riley placed a plaster on the girls arm that was slightly grazed.
“What do you say Alice?”
“Thank you ma’am. You are so pretty. You look like a princess.”
“Thank you Alice. You are the most polite little girl I’ve met. Have a good day. Again, I am so sorry.”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @dangerouseggseagleartisan 😘😘😘
Just going to tag all my tags from all my series as I don’t know who has already been tagged 👌
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612
Forgive me- Part 6 (posted earlier on, incase anyone missed it because tumblr was being a twat with tags 👎🏻)
He’s right Li, he may have interfered in my living life- but now it’s my turn. He’s obviously listened to my words. She wants to stay here with you. But just allow her to return home- she will need to sell the apartment and give her notice. Also spend some time with our friends before becoming your Queen. I know you will look after her and Lucas for me. Lucas may be my son, but now you need to be his father. I love you little bro.
One Temptation- Part One
Arriving at the apartment, it hadn’t changed in five years. The furniture was the same, the decor was the same- it was if she had never left.
“Remember when you puked in that plant pot Ri?” The two of them burst out laughing at how drunk she had become that night.
“How could I forget? So Drake, are you insane being Max’s room mate?”
“Honestly? He’s a great guy. I just away hide in my room half the time.”
“I assume that’s my old room?” Her face faded, thinking of all the good memories they had together. The good memories over ruled the bad ones. She was happy that Maxwell had found a room mate, ever since she had departed there was always that guilt about leaving him abruptly and up the shitter.
“You assume correct blossom. You can have my bed tonight if you want. I’ll sleep on the sofa spooning Leo.” Maxwell could play the camp man easily, many assumed that he could be a closet gay due to his over affectionate gestures with both sexes.
“Oh no! I’ll be getting a cab home once all you losers pass out. No way am I sleeping near you, you may sexually harass me in your sleep.” Leo smiled nervously towards Drake and Riley who were more interested in looking at each other secretly than trying to save his ass from Maxwell the predator.
Marshgate Prison- Part One
Riley’s shift had ended, she had an eventful day to say the least. One inmate had implanted drugs on her somehow- that one inmate she had an inkling on who it was. Avoiding Liam when they had finished, she didn’t want to risk becoming injured- because he was fucking the Queen Bitch.
Walking through the busy streets of New York, she thought she would go down memory lane for old times sake. Standing outside the old dive bar that she worked in as a student, she was shocked that it was still open.
“Riley? Riley Brooks is that you?” Turning around she knew that voice- that hyperactive full of energy squeal.
“Beaumont. Long time no see. How are you doing?”
“I’m fine. What about you? Let’s grab a drink and catch up.” Riley knew she couldn’t say no- he had always been persistent.
Maxwell explained that after school, he had trained up to be a choreographer- which didn’t surprise Riley at all. He was always busting a move out at the school discos. Explaining about her own life, he was shocked that she would be a prison guard- he had expected her to be a model or an actress. All the boys at school wanted to date her.
“You have good days and then bad days. Today’s been a bad day. The women inmates are the worse. I’d prefer to just stay with the men- they are less psychotic.”
“Is it true that guards have affairs with inmates?” Resting his chin in his palms, he was ready for some inside scoop.
“Yes, it’s common knowledge. But I’d never do that.”
“Even if Brad Pitt was an inmate, don’t lie and tell me you wouldn’t do him.” Shaking her head laughing, obviously a celebrity inmate would make their work day interesting.
“I’m a professional Max. Apparently an inmate has a crush on me. But I think it’s just gossip. He is handsome though.”
“What’s he in for?”
“I can’t tell you- confidentiality and all that. But he insists that he is innocent and I believe him. He’s being released in a few weeks. He writes the most adorable letters to his nephew- he has done every week since he has been there. My heart breaks for him.”
“This man... is he in for rape? Brown hair? Brown eyes? Closed off personality?” Riley remained silent, her eyes widened. Assuming it was just coincidental.
“Is he Drake Walker?”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Marshgate Prison
Tumblr media
At Marshgate Prison, New York City- Riley Brooks begins a new job as a Prison guard. The inmates and guards who work there have kept many secrets hiden. Will she become involved in these secrets? How will she react to the common riots that constantly take place in the rough prison.
Part 1- I’m a good guy
Part 2 - Rendezvous
Part 3 - Riot
Part 4
Part 5
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Six sentence Sunday/Monday
Six sentence Sunday- or Monday in my case (timezones 👎🏻)
Thanks for the tag: @dangerouseggseagleartisan 😘😘😘
I was slightly drunk on Saturday and wrote a one shot- when I have time I may edit it🤣
Bastien studied each of the crown prince suitors. All of them was special and unique in their own little way, he never thought about having a relationship as his priority was to protect the royal family. He was slightly jealous that the crown prince had all these adorable women fighting over him.
Riley- the New York waitress she had no noble attitude- or etiquette but she had the looks- she was beautiful. No wonder Liam was attracted to her. I’d definitely fuck her all over the place. Sharing is caring.
Olivia- the ice cold Duchess, she was good in bed. I’ve been sleeping with her for a while. The glares she provided me with described ‘fuck me right now’......
Cordonian Wags- I know this is cheating but I did post it on Sunday 😜
That bastard really hit me good and hard. If he and Kiara were in a boxing match, I honestly wouldn’t be able to predict who would be the champion. Riley was fussing over me as we were leaving the stadium. I needed to contain a slight bit of masculinity, I now know that she loves me and this is the reasoning for her caring so much. She is an angel. I would take any bit of pain to ensure that she is safe. I insisted on her staying at mine or for me to stay at hers- but she said she would see me in the morning before the match.
Forgive me - part 6
All through the ‘wake’, Liam became paranoid. Flinching at the slightest bit of noise- he wasn’t king yet, but he was the only person that seemed to give a damn about his country and people. Scrutinising the room for Riley, he saw her introduce Drake and Ella. The two of them sneaked away as he ambled over towards the group.
“Where are they going?”
“Drake mentioned the stables, they both like horses, but I know that isn’t why they are going there.” Both of their lips curled up knowing full fact that Drake Walker was getting laid.
Marshgate Prison Part 1
“Liv, this is Riley. She’s the new guard.” Riley smiled at the woman who provided her with a resting bitch expression. Olivia eyed Riley’s body up and down, feeling jealous and green with envy - that Liam was spending time with the newbie.
“You’re not a talker then, unlike Walker.” Riley laughed nervously, as Olivia remained in silence- there was no need for communication as her face did that.
“That darling, is because Walker has a crush on you.”
Tagging all my tag list as I don’t know who’s been tagged 😊
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @dcbbw @qammh-blog @furiousherringoperatortoad
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