#trr forgive me
mariemarieohcontrary · 9 months
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Evangeline Lakandula my beloved 💖
God its been forever since I did this style it looks a bit wonky so I gotta get used to it again 😭
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source! 💗
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masked-alien-lesbian · 4 months
KTAW Day 3: Wine/Languages
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Wine Aren't You Mine?
Kiara Theron x f!OC brief mention of Liam x Riley, Hana x Raelyn and Penelope x Ezekiel
The lunch Lord Breckenridge hosted for Kiara went well, nothing outwardly stood out to her. His manners were excellent, his conversation was engaging and he was the sort of man her parents could hope for in a son-in-law but...
"How did the date go?" Riley's text message blink back at her from her phone. Kiara bit her lip. She was grateful for Riley's attempt at matchmaking but every date missed the mark somehow. And the reason for that filtered through a row of grapes in her vineyard.
"Jag släppte dig men jag kommer att älska dig för alltid." [I let you go, but I will love you forever.] Kiara turned the corner and saw the most beautiful woman she ever saw singing in her own native language. When Allie looked up, she abruptly stopped and seemed to light up from the inside from the sight of Kiara.
"Your Grace! A good evening to you! You look ever so beautiful as usual." Allie says blushing at her own attempt at flirting.
Kiara smiles back, Allie had came to work at Castelsarrelian vineyards at Monsieur Bêron request. Hailing from Sweden, Allie had studied from the best in Italy before being snatched up, trained and became the head viticulturist after Monsieur Bêron retired. Kiara's mother worked with Monsieur in hauling all the finest French soil to start up their vineyards, Allie was the one who made sure it kept thriving.
"Hallå Ms. Larsson. How are you?" Kiara asks, delighting in the obvious attraction her viticulturist has for her. Allie may have thought she was being sly with her crush on her boss but Kiara had studied people and social cues at a very young age and she noticed how shy Allie became around her, how she blushed and stumbled over her words when Kiara looked at her. Kiara knew nothing could come from this relationship, it was inappropriate but she still found herself itching to touch the Swedish born woman's jaw, to lift her chin, to--Kiara mentally shook her head to clear it.
"I'm well! I was testing the pH levels of quadrant C's soil. After that intense storm we've had, some of the other quadrants soil was swept in quadrant C." Allie says clearly in her element.
"You work hard for me, Ms. Larsson, I'm ever grateful for you, tack. [Thank you]" Kiara says watching Allie's eyes lower coyly.
"Of course, anything you need of me, is yours, your grace." Allie says sending warmth to shoot through Kiara. She needed to get away before she lost her composure. She clears her throat and step back.
"I appreciate it, Ms. Larsson, I will allow you to get back to your work--"
"Wait, please your grace," Allie interrupts, a light touch on Kiara's wrist and big pleading hazel eyes, Kiara suddenly realized she'd throw everything away for this woman and that terrified her.
"The special Malbec that Monsieur cultivated should have aged properly, I was thinking we could taste it and make sure, and perhaps serve it for your parents' anniversary party next week."
"The wine from the last crop Monsieur Bêron oversaw before his retirement? Has it really been that long? That would be a nice touch for mother and father." Kiara says thoughtfully. Allie beam.
"I'll crack a bottle open with some refreshments. Meet me in the wine cellar in five!" Allie says before taking off excitedly.
Kiara looks over the tray of prosciutto, Asiago Tarragon and the bottle of Malbec, all proper appetizers that would pair well with a Malbec. Allie pops the cork and pours the both of them a glass. One taste and Kiara knew it was going to be a hit at her parents' anniversary party. It was a fruit bomb, round, smooth, fleshy...Kiara's eyes swept over Allie's lips.
"So? Your opinion?" Kiara inquires. Allie shrugs, swirls the Malbec in her glass.
"It's good. Definitely a crowd pleaser."
"But not your favorite?" Kiara asks. Allie grins.
"Give me a Shiraz any day of the week. Rich, full-bodied, velvety..." Allie says her eyes fluttering up to meet Kiara's. Kiara takes a sharp breath but let's it out when Allie changes the topic.
Even though Kiara has always tried to keep boundaries between her and the viticulturist, it was just so easy to talk to Allie. Soon she was talking about Riley's matchmaking attempts.
"I-I don't know. Perhaps I'm just too busy to maintain a relationship." Kiara trails off.
"Or perhaps, you're afraid."
"Excusez-moi?" Kiara says an eyebrow raised. Allie smiles kindly.
"You're afraid of opening yourself up to someone, of being vulnerable." Allie looks down and bites her lip. "Perhaps you're afraid of what other people will say or perhaps," Allie breathes out a shaky breath, "perhaps you're concerned that the one you want isn't able to provide for you and Castelsarrelian?" Kiara shakes her head in the negative.
"No, you ARE enough Allie, I-" Kiara trails off as she realized she finally voiced what was between her and Allie. She close her eyes as she mentally face palm but her eyes shot open when she felt Allie take her hands.
"It's rare when you find that one that lights up your soul, you know. If you let it slip away, it can be your biggest mistake." Allie says, Kiara looks away biting her lip. " But I'll never push you, I have too much respect for you." When Allie let go of Kiara's hands, she felt bereft. Kiara looked up to see Allie gathering the plates and their leftovers.
"I'll return these to the kitchens and head on home. Goodnight, your grace, må dina drömmar vara trevliga." [May your dreams be pleasant] Allie says smiling wistfully at Kiara before slipping out of the cellar.
Alone, Kiara contemplates the conversation she just had with Allie. So...they both have feelings for each other...a duchess and her viticulturist...it's not proper, the power imbalance alone, and yet...despite many people's disapproval...Kiara felt an ache that demanded her to go after Allie. She stood up sharply. Perhaps Allie could report to Joelle instead of Kiara. If Penelope could marry a vet, Hana could marry a previously undiscovered artist, and King Liam could marry a waitress, then Kiara could court a viticulturist. And with that firm decision, Kiara went after her.
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 11 - Demons From the Past - Part 2
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC 
Chapter Synopsis- Bertrand relives his past through nightmares.
Chapter Warnings- language, physical and emotional abuse, child abuse, violence, death
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 3,000
A/N- This chapter is pretty heavy as we get a glimpse into Bertrand and Maxwell's past family trauma. Please see warnings above.
..He turned on the TV in an attempt to drown out his intrusive thoughts regarding a certain woman who was sleeping a mere two doors away, and eventually drifted off into a restless sleep…
Chapter 11 - Demons From the Past - Part 2
Bertrand cowered on the floor of his playroom, looking up into the disdainful eyes of his father. The crystal squid statue in the foyer was in hundreds of pieces, and his father would ensure he’d never see the light of day again. The older man shook his head at his son, “What did I tell you boys about playing your infantile games in the house?! You’re nine years old now, Bertrand! Grow up!”
Bertrand apologized but his father yelled over him. “Enough! Where is Maxwell? I know he had a hand in this as well!” Bertrand didn’t dare to reveal his younger brother’s hiding place. As soon as Max had accidentally knocked down the statue, Bertrand sent him into the greenhouse to hide. 
“He didn’t have anything to do with this.. it was all me. I’m sorry father, it was an accident.” 
Barthelemy grabbed Bertrand’s arm and jerked him up roughly. “You are going to learn, son. All accidents come with a price.”
Bertrand was transported three years into the future, to the night after his mother died. With his arms wrapped around a sobbing Maxwell, he tried to keep a stiff upper lip. He needed to be strong despite the gaping hole in his heart. He had to be there for his brother, because now they had no one else.
Berthelemy staggered into the boy's bedroom, holding a nearly empty tumbler of scotch. “Quit your blubbering, it won’t bring her back,” he slurred as he glared at Maxwell. 
Bertrand immediately stood and walked past his father and out of the bedroom. There was only one way to stop Barthelemy when he started his drunken rants.
“You need to suck it up, Maxwell.. You’re a Beaumont for God's sake! I swear, I don’t know how I ended up with the world's biggest pussies for sons. Although I suppose your mother is to blame for that. It's a good thing she's-” 
Barthelemy whirled around and saw a shattered bottle of scotch at his feet, amber liquid and glass covering the surrounding tile. Bertrand’s heart hammered in his chest as his father’s ire turned to him. Rage filled the older man’s eyes and Bertrand ran, knowing he would be close behind. 
“You son of a bitch, get back here!” Barthelemy yelled, running as fast as he could in his inebriated state. Once Bertrand had gotten far enough away from Maxwell’s bedroom, he stopped and faced his father. There was no use running, and there was nowhere he could hide. Barthelemy cocked his fist and all Bertrand could do was close his eyes tightly, thankful that it was him instead of Maxwell.
Four years later, sixteen year old Bertrand sat behind the wheel of his father’s Aston Martin, massaging his sore neck. The driver behind him swore she had put on her brakes, but the enormous dent in his bumper suggested otherwise. Bertrand only hoped that his father would be more forgiving if he found out about the accident in front of the police. Barthelemy pulled up to the scene in his black Rolls-Royce ten minutes later. “Oh, my son.. Are you alright?” he asked with what sounded like genuine concern. 
“Yes, sir.” Bertrand nodded and Barthelemy spoke politely to the police officers before returning to his son’s side. 
“Get your ass in the car,” he muttered under his breath and Bertrand obeyed immediately. Once the scene had been cleared and his father’s wrecked car was towed away, Barthelemy slid into the driver's seat. “I let you take my car, and you decided to go joyriding.” 
Bertrand shook his head, “No sir, I just wanted to get some extra practice! The driver behind me ran into me, it wasn’t my fault!” 
Berthelemy slammed his palm against the dash and Bertrand jumped, “A real man takes responsibility for his actions!” 
Bertrand looked down, not daring to say another word. The engine roared to life and Barthelemy took off like a shot. “Were you racing some other punk when you crashed my two hundred and fifty thousand pound car?”
“No sir! I wouldn’t-” 
His father cut him off with a forced laugh, “You think you’re an adult, is that it? You can do whatever you want? Well, go ahead and take the wheel, son.”
Bertrand watched in horror as his father let go of the steering wheel while the car continued down the road at an alarming speed. “Go on then.. Take the wheel, Bertrand. Show me how it’s done.” 
Bertrand looked between his father and the road as the car began to drift toward the shoulder. “What are you doing?! I swear I didn’t mean to wreck the car!” 
Barthelemy casually put his arms behind his head and pushed the gas pedal down harder. “Come on, Bertrand. I said, show me how it’s done.” 
The car shook as it drifted onto the shoulder, gravel spraying wildly behind it. They were running out of straight road, and fast. Bertrand’s heart was hammering in his chest. Was his father really about to let them crash and die to teach him a lesson? A turn was fast approaching and Bertrand grabbed the steering wheel, preparing to save their lives. 
Barthelemy slammed on the brakes and the car skidded to a stop, fishtailing slightly as it did so. “You arrogant motherfucker!” Barthelemy yelled at his teenage son. “Thought you’d just take over my car, didn't you?!” He threw the car in park and rushed around to the passenger door, yanking it open and pulling Bertrand out. He tossed his son to the ground and landed a sharp kick against his ribs. “You can walk home since you're such a big man now!” 
Bertrand coughed and held his aching side, calling out after his father who was making his way back to the driver side. “Please.. It’s almost dark out. I don’t even know where we are!” 
Once Barthelemy was back inside, he locked the car doors and cracked the window slightly. “Guess we’ll see how long it takes you to figure it out.” 
Bertrand lunged for the passenger door, but as soon as his fingers grasped the handle, his father sped away, leaving his son laying on the ground in a cloud of dust.
The image melted away, revealing one of Bertrand’s worst memories ever.. years later at his college graduation. His father and Maxwell sat three rows back, smiling at him while he received his diploma on stage and gave a speech. He had graduated at the top of his class and been named valedictorian. Initially Bertrand wasn't even sure if he would be able to attend college, since there was no way he could leave Maxwell alone with his father while he wasn’t there to protect him. Thankfully it hadn't been too difficult to convince Barthelemy to send Maxwell away to year round boarding school. And Bertrand’s college graduation coincided with Maxwell’s high school graduation, so everything worked out. After the ceremony, Bertrand went searching for his brother, who had slipped away with a friend. 
A minute later, he noticed Maxwell’s friend running full steam out of a hallway. Bertrand headed in that direction and heard the unmistakable sound of his father ranting. 
“Smoking pot at your brother’s graduation?! Are you fucking insane?! Do you know how many important people are here?!” Barthelemy berated Maxwell from a room at the end of the hall. “God, it’s no wonder your grades were so piss poor! You know you wouldn’t even have made it through high school if I hadn’t paid them off!” 
Bertrand hurried toward the scene before his father could do any more harm to his younger brother. 
He was too late. Bertrand heard the telltale smack of his father’s hand connecting with Maxwell’s cheek.  
“Dad, I’m sorry! It was just one time!” Max cried, before another slap rang out. 
“Don’t lie to me, boy!” Another slap. 
Bertrand broke out in a run and found them in a janitor's supply closet. His father was dragging Maxwell toward the door by his shirt collar. 
“Father, please,” Bertrand tried to reason with him. “He made a mistake. He’s just a kid!”
“This is none of your business, Bertrand. Get the hell out of here!” Barthelemy shoved Bertrand backwards and he landed on the linoleum floor in the hallway. Barthelemy slammed the supply room door shut with himself and Maxwell inside, locking it with a click.
Bertrand banged on the heavy wooden door, pleading with his father to stop the assault. He threw his shoulder into it several times in an attempt to break it down to no avail.
“You are going to learn not to disgrace our name again!” His father yelled at Maxwell, and a loud crash immediately followed. 
“Stop!” Bertrand cried out, watching through the narrow window with tear filled eyes. “Stop, god dammit!” The door wouldn’t budge no matter how many times he threw his body into it. He pounded on the door in frustration, helpless tears streaming down his cheeks. “I'm sorry, Maxwell.. I’m so sorry.”
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t protect him. 
The image before him swirled and transformed and suddenly, instead of Maxwell cowering on the floor, it was Riley. His father struck her across the cheek and she screamed. 
“No!” Bertrand called out, his heart pounding as he threw his entire body into the wooden door, desperately trying to get to her. Yet his father continued, no matter how much he screamed and begged him to stop. With no other options, Bertrand decided to run for help, but found his feet were suddenly impossibly heavy, and his legs frozen in place. There was nothing he could do.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t protect her. 
He swiped away his tears and suddenly it wasn’t his father in the room with Riley- it was Tariq. Bertrand watched in horror as Tariq pulled Riley to him, kissing her forcefully while she squirmed, trying to get away. Bertrand yelled and pounded on the door until his knuckles bled. “Let go of her!” 
Tariq turned back toward Bertrand with a smirk before returning his attention to Riley’s now naked body. 
“I'm so sorry Riley!” Bertrand yelled through his sobs, watching her struggle. She needed help. She needed him.
And he couldn’t protect her.
Bertrand gasped as he was thrust back into wakefulness. He was drenched in sweat, his heart was pounding, his chest hurt, his stomach was in knots, and tears dampened his cheeks.. Yet his body was surrounded by the most amazing warmth and feeling of security. Once he got his barings, he realized that he was in Riley’s room, laying in her bed with his head in her lap. She was rubbing her hand across his back soothingly, whispering something comforting that he couldn’t make out. 
He sat up quickly and saw Maxwell was asleep in a chair across from the bed. The faint orange glow of sunrise shone through a crack in the curtain, slightly illuminating the dark room. Panic began to set in when he realized what must have happened. “How did I get in here?” he asked hesitantly.
“Hey, hey..” Riley whispered, taking hold of his arm and pulling him back down beside her on the bed. “It’s ok, Bert, don’t worry about it.” She wrapped her arms tightly around him and pulled him close to her body again. “I’ve got you. You’re ok.”
Despite the embarrassment at what Riley had possibly witnessed, he was so relieved that she was safe. The fresh memory of his horrible nightmares came rushing back to him and he returned her embrace, letting himself be held and comforted. 
She whispered, “I’ve got you.” The feeling of her fingernails gliding across his back and the steady sound of her heartbeat as he lay his head against her chest, instantly set him at peace. She kissed the top of his head, and used the sleeve of her hoodie to dry his face. 
“Riley?” He asked, breathing in her comforting scent while she continued to caress his back soothingly.
“Yes?” Her hand stilled briefly and she leaned forward to look down at him.
“Did.. Did Maxwell tell you about.. this?”
She sighed and hugged him tightly against her body. “Ya.. a little.”
Three hours prior..
An insistent knocking at her bedroom door woke Riley with a start. 3:00 am. Throwing open the door in panic, she found Bertrand standing in the darkened hallway outside of her bedroom, swaying slightly. “Bertrand!? Are you ok?”
He just stood there trembling with his arms wrapped around himself.
Suddenly he choked out a sob and reached out to hold her tightly. “Oh!” Riley gasped in surprise. 
His body shook as he sobbed against her. “I’m so sorry, Riley.. I’m so sorry,” he mumbled over and over, and although she was baffled, she immediately returned his embrace.
Riley was speechless as she helped him make his way over to her bed. She turned on a lamp and his eyes fluttered shut but when he opened them again, it was as if he was looking straight through her. Realization washed over her and she helped him sit beside her. 
“Oh, Bert.” 
He rested his head against her shoulder and she wrapped one arm around him, using her other hand to dial Max.
“Damn it.” Max frowned as he entered her room, taking in the sight before him. “I should have known this would happen.”
“He’s sleepwalking, right?” Riley whispered, her arm still protectively wrapped around Bertrand.
“I’ve never seen him do this in all the months I’ve been here.. Why did you say you should have known it would happen?”
Maxwell sighed sadly, “It’s kind of a long story.”
“Tell me.. please?” Riley asked. 
Bertrand had settled into what appeared to be a restful sleep, and Max helped him lay down on Riley’s bed. He put a comforting hand on his older brother's shoulder while he spoke quietly. “So.. growing up, our dad was always a real dick. Like a really, really shitty person. Bertrand spent his life trying to protect me from him.. Which means he got the brunt of dads wrath most of the time.”
“Oh God.” Riley’s eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth, “Did he.. I mean.. hit you both?”
“Emotional and physical abuse were his forte but he was also a textbook narcissist. He never shied away from telling and showing us how disappointed he was in us. Seems fucked up to say, but I’m thankful dad’s in a coma. The only thing better would have been if he actually died. Me and Bert have seen some of the best therapists around and it’s helped a lot, but.. he fucked Bertrand up really bad. It’s taken him years to stop having nightmares every night. Now it just happens when he gets really stressed out, which is almost always right before the court comes for the Bash.”
Riley’s heart ached for both of them, but especially for the grown man who always prided himself on being the stoic leader of House Beaumont, whose body was once again starting to shake from quiet sobs. 
“I don’t know what to say.. I’m so sorry.”
She placed her hand over Maxwell’s, which was still resting on Bertrand’s back. “Thanks,” Max replied with a sad smile.
“Does he remember this when he wakes up in the morning?”
“He does, mostly.” Maxwell nodded. “Although he never wants to talk about it. He usually sleepwalks to my room in tears, and apologizes over and over because he feels like he didn’t protect me enough. It’s also the only time he ever says he loves me. I blame dad for that too.” Max rolled his eyes, “Affection is a sign of weakness according to dear old dad.” He shook his head sadly, “So anyway, when this happens I just put Bertrand in the bed with me and hug him so he knows he’s ok and I’m ok, and he's not alone.”
Riley’s eyes welled up with tears, and she tried to discreetly wipe them away. “Max.. why do you think he came to my room tonight instead of yours?”
“Why do you think?” Max patted her hand sadly, and Riley swallowed down the lump in her throat as more tears fell from her eyes. "You can go sleep in my room tonight, Ri. I’ll take care of him.”
“No,” she swallowed hard while she looked at Bertrand curled up in her bed. “I want to stay with him.”
“Are you sure?”
Riley nodded, “Absolutely.”
“Ok,” Max dropped into a chair across the room, “but I’ll stay too, in case he gets really upset again.”
Riley lay on the pillows next to Bertrand and wrapped her arms around him. “I’ve got you, baby,” she whispered and rubbed his back soothingly until his breathing became rhythmic and calm. After about thirty minutes Maxwell drifted off to sleep but Riley remained awake, occasionally murmuring words of comfort.
Bertrand cringed in humiliation, knowing that Riley had to witness him in such a pathetic state. It was bad enough when he woke up in Maxwell's room after he had these nightmares, curled up against him like a helpless child. Riley would probably never talk to him again after this. 
“I am so sorry. I’ve inconvenienced you terribly,” Bertrand apologized, and sat up. “I.. I need to go.”
“Wait,” She took his arm to keep him from leaving. “You didn’t inconvenience me. Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No.” That was the last thing he wanted to do. What he really wanted to do was fall into a hole forever.
“Are you sure? Talking can help sometimes, and I’m worried about you.”
“No, I’m fine,” his reply was more harsh than he intended. “Sorry, but I’d really rather just forget this ever happened.”
“You know you don’t always have to shoulder everything alone.”
Bertrand closed his eyes for a moment. “Yes. I do.”
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
TRR Drabble (Drake Walker x Ava Flores)
Thank you for joining us this month @petiteboheme and for your super sweet messages and kind words these last few weeks! They have meant the world to me 💕 You make me want to love TRR with your fics.
Warnings & A/N: Hope this is in keeping with your babies. I got the idea from how much your Ava’s family reminds me of my own. This idea also comes from something that happened between my Grams and partner when they first met.
[I attempted to write a bit in a language I’m not strong in, so please forgive my Spanish. It is not my first language and I didn’t start learning it until like college (self taught) despite it being my mum’s first language.]
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“We’re here,” Ava shouted over the din as she ushered Drake into the foyer.
His hands fiddled with the wine bottle he held, passing it back and forth between them like it weighed a ton.
He was nervous.
And if the clenched jaw didn’t give it away, his bouncing from foot to foot definitely did.
“Take a breath,” she whispered against the kiss she placed on his cheek.
“We’re in the kitchen,” a shout came from deeper into the house.
“Sounds like a lot of people,” Drake said as he stood frozen in place.
“It sounds quiet, actually,” Ava giggled and grabbing his free hand, pulled him with her into the kitchen.
“Mija!” came her mother’s joyous cry as she was quickly wrapped in a hug which turned into a line of hugs and kisses and various greetings as she was passed a crossed the room.
When the hugs and greetings and noise died down slightly, every eye in the room turned towards Drake.
Ava giggled from across the room. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. In fact, she had seen him looked more comfortable in Cordonia at fancy balls than he did in this moment.
She pushed her way through the crowd to stand beside him.
“Everyone, this is Drake. Drake, everyone,” she made the introductions.
There was a moment of silence before the room erupted again into hugs, kisses, and greetings and names introduced that he was sure to not remember.
When he came to a stop having met everyone, the flow turned back to the food spread across the counters, the island, the kitchen table and spilling out onto the dining room table.
Ava found herself sitting at the dining room table with some aunts and cousins. Drake watched from a spot along the island as they wrapped something in what looked like banana leaves.
“Pasteles en hoja. They are one of Ava’s favorite. And while her great-grandmother would be rolling in her grave to see them made now, it’s not often our baby girl comes home,” Celia said beside Drake as she peeled more plantains.
“Debes ayudar si vas a comer,” an older women interrupted with a smile at him from across the counter.
“Um, what? I’m sorry I-“ he asked bewildered as he turned his attention to the woman who’s name and relation he couldn’t remember.
Ava’s mother laughed beside him and patted his hand.
“Dolores. She is Ava’s abuelita,” she whispered to him before leaning back and speaking up. “She said you must help if you plan to enjoy eating with us.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” he looked at the wine still in his hands and then to the food spread out on the island. “This is for you,” he held the bottle of red wine out to Dolores. “Ava tells me you enjoy making vino caliente when the family gets together.”
The woman’s eyes lit up as she took the expensive bottle and glanced at it with a smile.
“¿El buen vino?” she laughed. “Nunca buen vino para el vino caliente, ni para viejas hermosas, tonto corazón de melón.”
She laughed and gave him a quick kiss before patting his cheek.
“Um?” he looked bewildered at the people around him now laughing.
“She only uses the cheapest wine,” someone said to him. “And I do mean the cheapest,” and to make their point they made a sour face.
Dolores opened the bottle Drake had given her and poured herself a glass before producing another bottle from the lower cabinet.
“Solo este vino. Las cosas buenas que bebo,” she raised her glass toward Drake and took a large gulp of wine before gesturing for him to come help her chop some ginger root.
“I think she must really like you,” a cousin said beside him with a clap on his back. “She doesn’t let anyone help make her vino.”
All Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
The Time Apart: Faded Memories
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Books: The Royal Romance
Rating: G
Triggers: None Identified by this author
Pairing: (no pairing) The Beaumont Family & Jessica Garica (Friendship)
A/U: Agent Phoenix: Forged in Fire - The time apart: This timeline occurs during Jessica's absence in Cordonia or when not formally paired in Cordonia with Liam as the TRR cast and original characters deal with her absence as well as Jessica and Liam attempt to go through life without each other. Stories may or may not have an in the present timeline component and are not always in order. It depends on the prompt, random inner thoughts, and the muse whenever they stop by. There are no chapter numbers as they are written as just a series of events in story form. Multi-part stories, as always, are labeled.
Detailed disclaimer
Catch me here
A/N #1: Bartie remembers Jessica after their time apart
Choices Flash Fic Week # 6: Prompt 3: “I’m just ... I’m a little bit confused.”
Song Inspiration:
Word count: 2,000 *As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.
* Reading time: 6 minutes
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Years ago...
Liam & Jessica's Apartment in the Captial
Liam and Jessica sat on the floor, letting Bartie show them his toys. The toddler was walking and starting to talk as he used short names for all his prized toys and stuffed animals. 
Bartie excitedly handed a toy to Jessica. 
"Oh, what's this?" She said as she held the toy squid. 
"Squid!" Bartie informed while Jessica acted surprised.
"Yeah! It's…" Bartie thought for a moment and continued. "Our…Our-" He trailed off, not knowing the word.
Liam smiled fondly at the toddler and said, "That's right, the Squid is your family's emblem." 
Bartie looked confused, and Jessica added, "You know, like a mascot! Or a favorite animal." 
Bartie nodded to himself.
"Did Uncle Max give it to you?" Liam asked. 
Bartie shook his head and eagerly showed them a stuffed hippo. "Uh uh. This." He showed Liam and Jessica. 
Jessica chuckled to herself, remembering the tattoo Maxwell was embarrassed to show them at first…Or more like Bertrand was embarrassed Maxwell had it. 
"What's his name?" Liam asked.
Liam gave him a puzzled look. "So he's named after Uncle Maxwell?" 
"No." Bartie simply gave as Liam smirked to himself. 
Jessica chuckled and nodded at Liam to just agree with the toddler logic. "Makes perfect sense to me. It's a good name, Bartie. I'm sure Maxwell agrees. " 
Bartie mumbled words here and there as he shuffled through his other toys. 
Liam held up Sir Winston and said, "What's his name, Bartie?" 
Bartie excitedly smiled and replied with a slight lisp, "Winston!" 
Liam smiled as Jessica sat beside him on the ground. "That's right. He goes by Sir Winston. Aunty Jess gave this to me." Liam said. 
Jessica smiled down at the toddler and patted the bear on the head. "The moment I saw him, I knew Uncle Lamb Lamb should have him." 
Bartie sat the stuffed bear down and extended his arms out to Jessica. 
Jessica smiled and didn't hesitate to pick him up as she stood up with him in her arms. She gave a playful groan as she lifted him. Spinning around with him in her arms as he released a contagious giggle. "You're getting to be such a big boy! I swear you were lighter the last time I watched you. Have you grown?" 
Bartie nodded. "Big!" He wrapped his little arms around her neck as she grinned at him. 
Liam said, "Don't get too big! How will Cordonia handle a giant?" 
Jessica snuggled up to Bartie and said, "Don't worry, we'd build you the biggest house Cordonia has ever seen if you become a giant."
Liam chuckled and got close to Bartie and Jessica as he placed a hand on Jessica's back while looking at the toddler in her arms and said over her shoulder, "I heard you have Mac n Cheese waiting for you in the kitchen for lunch." 
His eyes lit up. "Dino nugs?" 
Jessica replied, " I don't care what your Daddy says; Uncle Max is right. They taste better and are shaped like Dinosaurs. " 
She heard Liam chuckle at that as she sat Bartie down, only for his tiny fist to refuse to let go of her shirt. He protested, his lower lip jutting out with a whine. 
Liam sadly smiled and shook his head. "I wish I could eat some dino nuggets and stay longer, Love, but I've got to go back to the Palace soon." 
Jessica frowned just as Savannah came in to get him. She took him off Jessica's hands and cooed to him before she gave a grateful smile to Jessica and Liam. 
Savannah said, "Thank you so much for watching him. Bertrand has been so busy lately, and I have my own duties now that I'm being reintroduced back to the Court, so to speak. I just don't want Bartie to grow up with maids and Governesses his whole life. Drake and I didn't, and I want Bartie to have as much of a normal childhood as possible." She offered with a sigh.
Jessica smiled and replied, "I understand completely, Savannah. It's really no big deal. I love playing with Bartie." 
Liam nodded and added, "We really appreciate you letting us watch him for a while, Savannah. It's great practice for us one day, hopefully soon." 
Jessica smiled at Liam as he wrapped an arm around her and smiled tenderly back down at her.
Savannah said, "I truly hope you both get the joy of children one day as King and Queen when this is over. You both would be wonderful parents…Please excuse me; I see lunch is ready for him so I will feed him so he can nap on the car ride home." 
They both watched Savannah leave as Liam kept an arm around Jessica's shoulder as they walked. He whispered to her, “You will be an amazing mother, Jessica. I don't know how you can be even more beautiful than you are, but every time you hold Bartie or any other child, it's the first thing I see. I can't wait till it's our own child." 
She leaned into him as they walked. "I can't wait, Liam. It sounds like a dream come true to have our own…I hope it's soon, and we can start our life together." 
Jessica walked Liam to the door, and he stopped at the entrance cupping her face in both hands to gaze down at her. "You are my life, Jess. You know that." He kissed her forehead before continuing. "We will be rid of Madeleine and any pestering from Constantine, and you will be my wife for everyone to see. And the Mother of our children. We'll have a quant home somewhere with a simple garden and pattering feet running around, and you will have the life we both deserve together." 
Jessica smiled softly up at him. "Promise?" 
Many Years Later…
Cordonia Capital Square park
Bartie played in the park as his Mother and Father watched him from a bench. His Father tended to get nervous over him climbing things or falling as well as being too dirty, but his Mother always seemed to smooth it over that he was supposed to get dirty or a bruise once in a while
Bartie was sitting in the grass when he saw a woman he couldn't help staring at. She wore her long dark hair in a ponytail and was slightly taller. He couldn't help staring at her as she busied herself talking to a man. 
He couldn't put his finger on it, and then it came to him and said, "Aunty Jessie." He pointed at the woman and ran towards her Savannah ran after him. Bartie tapped the woman, getting her attention, and said, "Aunty Jess?."
Bartie's eyes began to water as he said, "But." the woman gave him a puzzled look and coldly said, "Are you lost?" Savannah caught up to them and sighed, "Im so sorry." 
Savannah looked at her son and could feel her heartbreak for him and herself and said, "It's not her."
"Momma, she looks like..." 
Bertrand rolled his lips and said, "Bartie, she looks like…Like Lady Jessica. The resemblance is there." He mumbled as the woman started walking away.
Bartie remembered her. It was vague with how young he was, but he remembered her. She was always kind to him, playing with him when she and Uncle Lamb Lamb came to visit. He missed her and never knew what had happened to her.
Bartie tugged at Savannah's jacket, a bit of urgency in his little voice. "Wait!" The boy was trying to get one last look at the stranger he believed was Jessica.
Bertrand sighed heavily and grabbed his son's hand. "It's not, Bartie. It is not like you to run up to a stranger like that. Frankly, "I'm just a little bit confused as to why you would do that." 
Bartie felt tears welling up in his eyes. He felt as if it was her and his parents weren't trying. He whimpered in protest, "It has to be her! It has to be!" 
Bartie began crying as Savannah picked him up, tears in her eyes as Bertrand frowned sadly at his family. Bertrand cleared his throat and kissed her forehead while rubbing his son's back. 
"I think it's time to go home, Bartie… We'll talk on the way." Bertrand gave.
Central Park, New York
Jessica sat on a bench in central park on her day off. It was something she tended to do to pass the time. It reminded her of happier times when she and Liam would walk hand in hand in the palace's gardens.
She reclined on the bench watching all the people pass by. 
Then she heard a little boy laughing a high-pitched contagious shriek as his Dad chased him in the grass. 
Jessica smiled as the boy's Dad caught him and held him in his arms. However, her smile faltered and slowly faded as a memory came to her mind.
She sat on a blanket in the grass next to Savannah as Bertrand and Maxwell went inside the Beaumont Estate for something for the picnic. Jessica smiled to herself as Liam chased a shrieking Bartie in the grass. Bartie ran towards Jessica for safety.
Jessica held up a hand and said, "Back, Beast! You have no power here!" 
Liam chuckled to himself as he crouched down, crawled towards them, and said, "That's where you're wrong, Princess. For I have THIS!" He held up a simple flower.
Jessica played along, shielding herself. "Oh no! Bartie, the Brave, save yourself! He has…The scepter! He's too powerful!" 
Bartie screamed with laughter as Liam pounced on them both, growling and kissing Jessica's cheek and tickling Bartie. Jessica couldn't contain the excited giggle contagious from Bartie's giggles. 
Savannah laughed to herself as Liam sat back with a chuckle to himself. 
Bartie hugged Jessica as she smiled down at him, and he smiled up at her. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. She loved Bartie, but the idea of one day having her own child with Liam filtered through her mind.
Jessica kissed Bartie's little head, cradling him to her, and she sat up as Liam kissed her head too. Both watched Bartie wobble over to his Mother.
Jessica sat on the bench and watched that little boy around the age Bartie should be now run to his Mom to hold her hand. The Dad wrapped an arm around the Mom as they walked away.
Jessica couldn't help staring. Remembering Bartie and how soft his little cheeks were, how his eyes twinkled when he smiled at her, how excited he was to see her. The idea that she hurt him by leaving, that she would never get to hug him again…It was heartbreaking. She just prayed he understood and maybe barely remembered her being as young as he was. At least that way, it wouldn't hurt as much on his part.
The little boy must have noticed her staring. He smiled and waved at her. As she watched them leave the park, Jessica waved back with a sad smile.
Her hand shakily went to her mouth as she felt her eyes water. She had no choice but to leave Cordonia, no matter how much it pained her.
Jessica sniffled to herself as she stood up. Thoughts of what she left behind and what she almost had were painful reminders to her now. She hoped that one day she could have the courage to return to see her Cordonian family again, even if it meant having to face the fact that in her mind Liam was happily married with children because maybe in knowing that she could find her own sense of closure and start anew.
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theraven-gil-lyn · 2 years
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(minor, but also me breaking my promise to not think too hard about lore)
im sorry flanagan but there’s no way
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theres no way
i cannot fathom--
you know i was so caught up in the geography when i was sketching this that when i went to get the quote i forgot that it was double lore conflict but im too tired to deal with it. like arguably i could forgive this part, but the other one conflicts with the FIRST trr my god send an ambulance-- no send a hearse and throw me in who cares
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lorirwritesfanfic · 1 year
Tag game
Thank you so much for tagging me @lizzybeth1986 😘
Currently Reading: The Age Of Empire by Eric Hobsbawm. History is my current obsession. Choiceswise, I think it was Crimes of Passion 1 or Queen B 2... It was a while ago... I don't know for sure which one was the last one.
Favourite Colour: Purple
Last Song:
Last Movie: A documentary about the events that led to a coup d'etat attempt in Venezuela during 2002 called Chavéz: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. Like I said before, History is my current obsession.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Sweet. I like savoury and spicy too (despite my little tolerance to spicy food 😅), but sugar is my addiction.
Currently Working On: Does daydreaming about it qualify as "working on"? Real life has been so time consuming lately that it took me four days to finish watching my last movie watched 😅 I do have many ideas for Hayden Young Appreciation Week, some half written WIPs for my Bloodbound series, Desire & Decorum AUs, TRR series and one shots, TWC one shots and a very messy sketch of a certain Choices character I miss dearly, but I don't know when I'll post them. (The sketch might never be posted though 🫣)
Tagging: @havenroyals @lilyoffandoms @princess-geek @andthatisnotfake and anyone who feels like doing this.
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blackcatkita · 2 years
Get to know each other Choices Ask Game Time!! What are your TOP 10 Choices books? What are your TOP 10 Choices LIs?
I don't know when you sent this... but it's ok! Better maybe late than never, I say!
These are in no particular order because we'd be here all day while I contemplated my choices. I am a Libra and an indecisive over-thinker by nature. It's not my fault.
Top 10 Choices Books-
1- The Royal Romance, obviously. This does not include The Royal Heir, which was trash. It's like the final season of Game of Thrones, never should have happened, and isn't fit to line a birdcage.
2- Bloodbound. I'm a whore for vampires and it never disappointed me. Well, maybe when either Lily or Jax dies but I can't even be mad about it because it was brilliant.
3- The Crown and The Flame. Diavolos. That is all. Wait, that's not all. It's crap he doesn't enter the scene until book 3. We were robbed.
4- Distant Shores. Speaking of robbed... Perfect setup for another book but nope.
5- Ride or Die. Continuing with the being robbed point. At least this one didn't end on a cliffhanger but I will never forgive PB for promising it, then giving us a big fuck you instead.
6- It Lives. I feel like there's a theme going with this list... Anywho, I liked Beneath more than In the Woods but both were good.
7- Witness. HAHA! Just kidding!
7- LoveHacks. It's hilarious and I will never understand why it doesn't get the love it deserves.
8- A Courtesan of Rome. Also deserved another book but also think they would have ruined it. We all know what happens when PB continues only based on fan demand with no actual plan. (Ahem, The Royal Heir)
9- The Elementalists. Since I never got my Hogwarts letter (probably because I'm an American) this was the next best thing. Sort of. Not really.
10- Open Heart. Even though for most of the series it was the Ethan Ramsey show, it gave us Bryce who is so, so, very pretty.
Top Ten Choices Love Interests-
I don't feel these need any explanation. We all know them.
1- Liam (TRR)
2- Adrian (BB)
3- Bryce (OH)
4- Diavolos (TC&TF)
5- Edward (DS)
6- Sawyer (BSC)
7- Matt (RCD)
8- Damien (PM)
9- Nik (NB)
10- Logan (RoD)
Thanks for the ask, Anitah! This was fun!
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sciralta · 2 years
Sometimes I theorize that a big motive for PB pointlessly genderlocking certain books is because they're too coward to make sexy revealing outfits for m!MCs. Like, forgive me if I sound like I'm reachng here, but I think it's pretty damn telling that of all the books where MC can wear lingerie/sexy underwear, only 3 of them are GOC while there are about 10+ that are GL.
Then again, I'm not sure I can trust PB to actually make good-looking underwear for m!MCs (or m!LIs for that matter). Look at the shit that AME m!MC, TPA m!MC, m!Sam, OH m!MC, m!Reagan, and the male TRR LIs got for "sexy underwear"– and, heck, even the default underwears that most m!MCs and m!LIs get– and tell me PB isn't just lazy as all fuck when designing for male/masc characters.
I mean… it’s a very funny tinfoil hat theory that’s obviously not the reason but it’s real fun to act like it could be.
My thing is: I genuinely do not know whether the reason the male fashion—in particular the sexy fashion—is lame as is because PB are lazy and just phone it in, or because they genuinely just have bad taste and don’t know what’s sexy. I mean, it’s probably both, but the fact that we haven’t seen a single speedo or sexy jockstrap outfit just proves to me that we have people who have no idea what they’re doing in charge of this.
What I’m saying is that they need to hire a gay to oversee the men’s clothing, stat, and if there already is a gay overseeing than they need to hire one who’s actually cool with taste. Like, Jesus Christ, get the opinion of someone who’s been to a leather bar or seen gogo boys at least once in their life. We can’t keep living like this.
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annaroselyn · 1 year
How long have you been played RC btw? And did you left Choices fandom or...? Oh my, I'm sorry if I am beeing too curious right now. Forgive me. I just realized old Choices players often play RC right now. Well, I'm one of them now too 👀
I started playing RC in November of 2019. I remember because I was looking for something to do while on a Thanksgiving trip with my family. I read the first two seasons of Queen in 30 days, a book I love but never recommend but it is very odd. I started playing Choices in early 2018, with TRR of course. I still read Choices but the books I like have been few and far between lately. I am not currently reading any new books at the moment. I am excited for the CoP, TCH and Blades sequels.
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txemrn · 2 years
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I posted 1,309 times in 2022
382 posts created (29%)
927 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,063 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 415 posts
#the royal romance - 359 posts
#hey queue - 313 posts
#open heart - 220 posts
#choices fanfic - 195 posts
#liam rys - 186 posts
#ethan ramsey - 185 posts
#you asked - 178 posts
#choices trr - 173 posts
#tathan - 150 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i have a vague idea of what is going on in tna right now but in my perfect universe these two are together and flourishing
My Top Posts in 2022:
Happy Belated Birthday, @charlotteg234 !
We love you so, so much, and we hope your day was just as incredible as you are!
💜, @kat-tia801 & @txemrn
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See the full post
77 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Boughs & Mockingbirds
Part 8
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Need to catch up? B&MB Masterlist
Book: The Royal Heir
Sunmary: King Liam Rys painfully recounts the final week leading up to the birth of the royal heir during Riley’s hospital stay-- in ICU.
☆☆☆ Canon deviation of the end of TRH book 1/beginning of TRH book 2)
Warning: language; fairly angsty; some NSFW material
⛔ TW for Sensitive Readers⛔ heavy discussions and depictions of medical emergencies during childbirth, including some descriptions of newborns that may be dark and unsettling; some main characters will face life-threatening situations while others experience PTSD and heavy grief; please use discretion
Pairings: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks-Rys; Maxwell Beaumont x Hana Lee
Word count: ~6100
Series Song Inspirations: “I’ll Never Be Ready “ by Veridia 🖤 “Soon You’ll Get Better” by Taylor Swift 🖤 “Head Above Water” by Avril Lavigne
A/N: To my readers that follow this series: thank you for your kind words and encouragement to get this chapter out! This story took quite a break between chapters, but it's back (we're still not at the Last Apple Ball, but it's coming). Also, a HUGE thank you to all of my sweet readers and brainstormers (@ao719 @charlotteg234 @kat-tia801)! This was a group effort, and I can't thank y'all enough for your wisdom! Also, this chapter wasn't truly beta'd, so please forgive my errors. Also, the characters, the plot, and some dialogue belong to Pixelberry.
Present Day
Liam carefully opens his irritated eyes. Holding his aching head, he peers through his fingers, taking in the disarray of his wife’s hospital room. Empty syringes and medicine vials litter the floor.  Furniture is tossed chaotically against the wall. Bags of fluid and blood that were once feeding into Riley’s veins now hang desolate in the air on metal poles.  In the darkness, it looks like a post-apocalyptic scene from a horror movie.
But, for Liam: wasn’t it?
See the full post
83 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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It's that time again!
Hey, sweet friends!
Firstly, if you are being tagged, that means that at some point, you enjoyed something that I've written and asked for a tag. And for that, I want to thank you so much for the support! 💜
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90 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
Pour Two Glasses
Chapter 2: "... the fear that I can't control this."
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Need to catch up? Click Here!
Book: The Royal Romance (post series)
Word Count: 5385 (+/-)
Series Synopsis: In the midst of a violent political war, Queen Riley Rys’s life is dismantled overnight, forcing her to flee Cordonia to live in hiding as a commoner with a loyal, best friend
Series Song Inspo: “Pour Two Glasses” by the Movielife
Chapter Song Inspo: "A Place to Start" by Mike Shinoda
Series Warnings: angst; profanity; major character death; grief and mental health discussion; discussion of violence & war; alcohol use; NSFW material
AN: It's back! It's back! And this girl could not be any more excited! I love this story, and I hope you will join me in this adventure as Riley learns to live and love again after tragedy. HUGE Thanks to everyone that helped over the past year to help bring this story to life! To my beautiful writing sister-in-crime @kat-tia801: thank you for all of your encouragement in keeping me focused and for pre-reading! These characters and some plot points belong to our friend at Pixelberry.
AN2: Block quotes are not working for me. When there is a change of scenery, it will be indicated by a separation with (----------); if the scenery deals with a change in time, it will be labeled as such at the top of the scene (ex "present", "past", etc). If it is a flashback, that entire section will be italicized. I hope this helps.
It has been almost two days since King Liam's aircraft was savagely shot down off the coast of Tunisia, approximately two-hundred twenty kilometers southwest of Malta.  Rescue efforts were made by both Tunisian and Italian officials, Cordonia joining them the next morning, but gravely, only remnants remained of the plane. The hope for peace appointed by the UNM now lays desolate, set adrift in the darkness of the sea.
Two days.
A mere forty-eight hours is literally all that stands between Drake Walker and seeing his childhood friend alive. 
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96 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Prologue: a Shadow in the Dark
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Pairing (current): Liam Rys x MC (Riley Brooks); Drake Walker x f!OC (Jodi); Leo Rys x Madeleine Amaranth; Constantine x Eleanor
Word Count: ~5250
Summary: With her family facing deportation back to Auvernal, fun-spirited Reid Ambrose quits college to support her family. But as fate would have it, she accepts a temporary job as a caregiver for the royal family, an experience that will challenge her, break her, and devastate her world in the most exciting of ways.
Series Warning: ⛔ Please Be Advised: 18+ Only ⛔This series will contain mature material, including foul language, NSFW 🍋, discussion/depictions of war, violence, gun violence, assassination attempts; medical situations, including major character injuries; ethical dilemmas including euthanasia & bodily autonomy; mental health, including depression, PTSD, suicide
Series Music Inspo: "Awake" by Secondhand Serenade
Chapter Music Inspo: "Nothing Makes Sense Anymore" by Mike Shinoda
AN: I know, I know. I have no business starting a new series, but the inspiration was there, so I hope y'all don't mind. In the meantime, thank you so, so much for sticking with me as a writer. Majority of these characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry. Special thanks for my sweet friends that read over a few excerpts. This was never fully pre-read or beta'd, so chances are, there will be mistakes. Please forgive me! Also, you will recognize some items from canon; other items may be completely contradictory to canon. Just got with it, and enjoy the story. 😊
A harmonious chorus of early morning robins resound across the sleepy Cordonian countryside. The brilliance of the new-day sun remains hidden under the horizon; however, the sky splashes with vibrant hues of violet and indigo in anticipation of its grand arrival.
The fresh scent of the springtime gardenias wafts gently with the cool breeze into the bedroom suite. With the tickle of pollen on his nose, Liam quickly stirs from his deep slumber, absentmindedly scratching his face. He then allows his entire body to grow rigid, stretching out the tightened muscles of his physique, his feet falling off the edge of the bed: one of the sacrifices he makes staying over at her place.
Blinking his eyes awake, they carefully adjust to the various shapes of the darkened room, his favorite laying mere inches away from his own exposed figure. And he smiles. The slope of her bare hips, her perfectly tossed lavender-scented waves, even the melodic hum of her tiny snore: Liam is completely helpless, completely captivated with his girlfriend Riley Brooks.
See the full post
115 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Forgive me
Part 9
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A mini series, includes suicide and abuse.
Based on true events but using TRR characters who are owned by Pixelberry.
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @beardedoafdonutwagon @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @lauradowning29
A shorter chapter compared to others...
Anton paced up and down, wondering what excuse he could use for being in Cordonia. He had to think tactfully- a way to brainwash Riley into thinking he was infact Justin. Frustrated that she rejected him back in New York two years ago, he had every intention of making her the rightful Queen in Cordonia alongside of him. Falling instantly in love with her after unexpectedly meeting her, he became obsessive- stalking her. That was until she became pregnant with Cordonia’s heir- a spanner in the works. Luckily Leo didn’t have a clue about his true identity when they met.
Riley was grateful for her friends helping her out with Lucas, so she could see to Liam. Walking into the room, the nurses were removing the gauze from Liam’s eyes and inspecting them.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Placing a kiss on his lips, she noticed at how much he had improved.
“How are you feeling?”
“Much better now I can see you. I’ve missed your beautiful face. Where’s Lucas?”
“Max and Drake were arguing over who was the best uncle. In the end they both took him out. I’ll have to rescue him from them soon. Have they said when you’ll be discharged?”
“Well technically I’m the best uncle as I’m blood. Remind them that next time. No not yet.”
“That is true. Take this time to rest, not worrying about what is going off. Kiara is fine. She’s shaken up. But is grateful for you saving her life.”
“I’d do it for anyone in my court. As much as I was missing you two I’m just glad you weren’t there- I don’t know what id do without you both.” Holding his hand, she didn’t know what her future held- sure he said yesterday that he wanted to make her his princess but she believed it wasn’t true words.
“Neither myself or Lucas are leaving you. You’re our family. I better go and rescue tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb. I love you Liam.”
“I love you too Riley.”
Riley arrived at the palace, she avoided walking by the ballroom. Even though she wasn’t present at the time of the attack- she had images in her mind of what happened. Walking to the courtyard, she saw Lucas between the two men. They were still arguing about who the best uncle was.
“Can’t believe you two. And technically Liam is the best uncle- argument over. Those were his words not mine.” Picking Lucas up, he held her tightly- feeling like a rubbish Mom abandoning him, she wanted to spend the rest of the day just the two of them.
“How’s Liam? King Constantine is wanting to see you by the way. He needs to introduce you to someone.”
“He’s looking better- they removed the gauze and patches. Oh. Do you know where he will be?”
“Most likely his study. We will go and visit Liam now then. By the way, how can he be uncle and father at the same time Riley?” Maxwell winked as he left with Drake, the fact that he stated was true. Most people would think it was an odd relationship to have- keeping it in the family.
Arriving at the study she hoped he wouldn’t keep her long. Knocking on the door, she was nervous- they hadn’t exactly had the perfect relationship.
“Riley, Lucas. I’m thrilled that you are both back.” Eying him suspiciously, she didn’t understand his new sincere attitude since Leo’s passing.
“Your majesty.” She curtsied, even with the struggle of holding a one year old.
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet. Ever since the attack, I need you both to be safe. Bastien has organised a personal guard, Mara who you will meet within a few days. But there is also someone else, due to Leo’s passing and you have caught the presses attention and they have been asking constant questions. I’ve hired a personal public relation officer, if we need him for any reason. Riley, this is Justin.”
“Hello again, Riley.”
“J-Justin?” The colour drained from her face. The man who became obsessed with her, showing no interest in him at all- she rejected all his efforts to take her on a date. Using the marriage card.
“Do you two already know each other?” Constantine asked, not thinking anything bad of it.
“Yes, we met in New York a couple of years ago.”
Riley stay calm but get out now! You’re not safe.
“If that is all, I’ll leave you alone your Majesty, Justin.” Justin grabbed her wrist as she turned around to leave, attempting to keep calm even though she was beginning to panic about Justin’s motives.
“I’m so sorry to hear about Leo. It is such a great loss. When I met him on those few occasions, he was a gentleman.”
“Yes he was. We all love him. I really should get going.” Exiting the room, Justin followed her.
“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“Can you leave me alone please.”
“You lost one prince, have you moved on with Liam? Why did you reject me? I would have given you everything.”
“Because I wasn’t interested Justin. I was Leo’s wife whether or not it was fake.”
“Is it because I’m not a prince?”
“Justin please let me go. I’m not interested.”
“If anything happens to Liam, I’ll still be here Riley.” Riley nodded, trying to stay calm. Needing Leo to elaborate on what he meant by her not being safe. Justin walked away smirking.
Drake and Maxwell entered Liam’s room, smirking at him.
“You did all this to get a rest Li?”
“Of course I did Drake. Your jokes get better everyday.” The friends all laughed together.
“So, what’s going on with you and Riley?” Maxwell asked intrigued for some positive court gossip.
“I love her. She says she loves me. I know what I want but I’m not sure if she will want it?”
“What do you mean? Her moving here?”
“Yes. And....” Liam blushed, avoiding his friend’s gaze.
“And?” They both said in unison, looking at the love struck prince.
“And I think... no I know... I want to marry her. Make us a family, I know Lucas will never be mine but I’ll protect them both and love them both for the rest of my life.”
“Beaumont, pay up now.” Liam looked bewildered at the pair- Maxwell exchanging money whilst shaking his head.
“Drake had a bet that you’d make her our future Queen.”
“She hasn’t said yes. I haven’t even asked her. It’s probably too soon.”
“She will say, yes. If not, I’ll not have any whiskey for a year.”
“Now that id like to witness.” Liam laughed, knowing full well that he would never go cold turkey. The friends sat and talked for a while, mainly talking about Riley. Wondering what type of future Queen she would be. Both men were truly happy for Liam, neither had seen him so smitten before. Both hoping that they could live happily together with no more drama.
Hiding in Liam’s quarters, Riley felt nervous- paranoid that her stalker had somehow crept back into her life.
“Leo, why are we in danger. Please. I need you know to show me a sign or speak to me again.” A cold breeze went past her. Closing her eyes, she didn’t want to open them.
Ri, Justin isn’t who he says he is. The day I died- it wasn’t suicide. They forced me to write the letter... they wouldn’t allow me to ring you to say goodbye. They drugged me. Careful to not mark my body- they planned everything. They left me- I struggled, hoping I’d be able to escape the noose. Justin planned the attack. He’s trying to kill all the royal family to take over the throne. Take a leaf out of Olivia Nevrakis’s book- carry a dagger at all times. You can outsmart him, together. Inform Liam, Maxwell and Drake. Together you can all kill him if you act careful. Don’t put yourself or Lucas in any danger. Please forgive me for not being able to stop any of this.
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destroy-the-cannon · 3 years
Brief TRR Thought Dump
Ok. So I know by now we’ve all seen the royal finale announcement, coming out THIS JULY, but can we talk about it for a sec???
I cannot be the only one having mixed feelings on this. Because yes, the royal heir has been kind of a hot mess. So much so that I never even finished the first book!! (having my mc be pregnant was just too weird for me) And I’m sure we can all agree that the time is definitely here for the series to end. But do y’all remember that first book? The one that came out YEARS ago? Can we take a second to think about that?
That series was the second one I ever read on choices. It’s what started this blog, it’s how I discovered the fandom. Those characters, their relationships and interactions, meant so much to me. Even if I dropped off them for awhile, going back through my old posts and reblogs reminds me how much I still love them, and what a source of comfort those books were to me. And I know we’re all kind of celebrating the end, because it really is about time, but can we also take a second to mourn?? It’s really all over. And I’m going to miss it. Olivia. Maxwell. Hana. THE BLOODY CORGI(S). These books were a choices staple. A constant, for so long. And it’s actually coming to an end.
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lilyoffandoms · 3 years
TRR Drabble - Liam x Riley & Drake x Riley
My draw for @moodmusicmonday Luck of the Draw was:
Warnings & A/N: None I can think of other than angst and bitterness and not canon. Possible that some of it could imply cheating on a friend and cheating on a lover. ~ 800 words
Queen Riley was spotted out at the the annual Beaumont Bash while King Liam was nowhere-
(Two months later). The queen has been seen out and about around Cordonia without-
(Three months later). The former queen met Lady Hana for tea at-
(Six months later). Duchess Riley was seen heading in to the prestigious restaurant alone-
A year and a half after her split from the king, Duchess Riley stepped out with-
Each and every headline, each and every leading news story, each and every detail of their life, his life, her life was shared with all of Cordonia - all of the world - to see. He had tried. She had tried. They had tried. Tried desperately hard to hold what they had together.
But when the fairy tale romance ends and real life shows you the fault of your being, you cut your losses. And she had.
The whirlwind romance, the drama, the intrigue, the never having a life to themselves all got to her. It wore on her bit by bit until one day she said she couldn’t do it any longer.
He said it was okay.
He saw their child. He ruled his kingdom. He read dossier after dossier. He lived his life loving her.
She raised their child. She managed her duchy. She went out with their friends. And now she would live her life loving another, it would appear.
He could forgive them many things but this? This was a step to far. He could forgive her but not for this. He could forgive him but not for this. Too many memories of shared glances, the same glances that they now shared with each other for all the cameras.
Watching them attend the most recent ball, one he had sent his apologies for, was much too difficult. Their picture splashed across every newspaper, every magazine, every website.
The Duchess Steps Out With Someone (Not So) New.
Liam glanced down at his phone as it chirped for the hundredth time beside him. For the last three days he had been calling and texting. At first, Liam had simply been too busy in meetings all day and then that night Drake and Riley had appeared together at an event. Holding hands, dancing, looking every part the young couple deeply in love but trying - and failing - to be inconspicuous about it.
After that, Liam had simply been ignoring the calls and texts and leaving the voicemails unheard. He knew what Drake would say. He knew Drake would want permission.
He could hear his words now:
‘We tried to avoid our feelings, Liam. I swear. But…’ and he would trail off into the hemming and hawing he did when he was nervous before continuing, ‘I think I may love her. But, Li, if ya tell me I’m an idiot and need to back off, I will.’
And what could he possibly say? There was nothing to say because he would of course say yes to them together. He would say it had been so long since their divorced. That everything was fine. That he was happy for them. So very happy for them both.
The truth was far more complicated than that.
Drake was a liar. Liam knew that. Drake knew it too. He would say ‘I think I may love her’. And they would both pretend it was the truth. They would pretend he wasn’t already madly in love with Riley. He also knew what Drake would leave unsaid. What followed his words in that heart of his. He would skip over that and they would both pretend they didn’t know, that he had always love Riley.
He had loved her since the day she showed up in Cordonia and Drake had been undermining their relationship ever since. Not in a conscious way, he wasn’t the type, but that didn’t stop him from looking at her, asking her to dance and holding her a bit too close. He didn’t truly back off then, simply stepped to the side and subtly drew attention to himself when opportunities arose.
So what would Liam say? What could he really say? ‘Sure, go ahead. You always wanted my wife. I’m sure she will continue to make you happy?’ How do you say that to your best friend? So he knew, eventually, he would answer his phone and he would smile and agree that everything was fine. That he wished them all the best. Happy. So very happy for them. Happy. For them. Yes, happy.
The reality was far more complicated than that.
It was a fine line what he was feeling in this moment. He was happy for them. He loved her. He loved him. But at the moment what he was feeling would be better described as hating them both.
Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
The Time Apart: Stargazing and heartbreak
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So I couldn't say goodbye to @wackydrabbles without a story. So this is my farewell piece and after semi-retirement I wanted to go back to a friendship pairing that I love writing about the most. I must admit I wasn't ready to say goodbye to @wackydrabbles however, it will forever be in my heart. I am proud to be one of the original writers for the blog thank you for allowing me to be a part of this amazing project. So till we meet again. The prompt will appear in bold....#145*: “That was really, really good.”
Books: The Royal Romance
Rating: G
Triggers: None Identified by this author
Pairing: (no pairing/friendship)  Jessica Garcia and Drake Walker
A/U: Agent Phoenix: Forged in Fire - The time apart: This timeline occurs during Jessica's absence in Cordonia or when not formally paired in Cordonia with Liam as the TRR cast and original characters deal with her absence as well as Jessica and Liam attempt to go through life without each other. Stories may or may not have an in the present timeline component and are not always in order. It depends on the prompt, random inner thoughts, and the muse whenever they stop by. There are no chapter numbers as they are written as just a series of events in story form. Multi-part stories, as always, are labeled.
Detailed disclaimer
Catch me here
A/N #1: Jessica and Drake share a moment together.
A/N #2 This is an Agent Phoenix forged in fire directors cut one-shot and drabble series. This story has been in my drafts forever. Frankly, I wasn't sure if I could get back to writing, but I needed to for this moment. Wacky drabbles connected me with some amazing lifelong friends and I wouldn't trade my experience with the blog for the world.
Thank you to my friends that have shown me nothing but love and support. I would be lost without you all. Thank you to @twinkleallnight for the beta read you are amazing my friend and I love you dearly.
Song Inspiration: Airplanes - B.o.B featuring Haley Williams
Word count: 1,996*As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.    
* Reading time: 8 minutes
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Social Season….
It was another stuffy gala that to Drake seemed pointless when Liam knew who he wanted. Jessica had been around him for a moment while they hung out at the edge of the ballroom.
"You sure you don't want to be at your big fancy gala?" Drake said. "Might miss hobnobbing with the elite. "
Jessica shook her head as they both got away from the crowd. "Nope, my Spanx are riding up on me, Bertrand has his period tonight, and if he says one more thing I think I'm going to stab him with a fork. Besides, Liam just had his dance with me and I won't be able to catch his attention for another hour at least."
Jessica glanced at him, "Want to people watch?"
Drake huffed, "Tempting but you've seen one snobbish asshole you've seen them all."
To Jessica's surprise, he led her to the garden's sitting area, he leaned against the stone wall and looked up.
Jessica chuckled. "Oh stargazing."
"It's nature. Nature is manly, so shut up."
She playfully rolled her eyes, “Relax. I love stargazing. It was one of my favorite things to do growing up. Still is."
A moment of silence passed by when Drake informed her, "...You know, my Dad used to take me camping and we would stare while our food cooked on the campfire. Not nearly as many here as there are in the woods. Too many lights blocking them out."
Jessica joined him, looking up in wonder. "Yeah, my Dad and I did something similar at my old treehouse when I was younger." She smiled and pointed. "Oh look, there's Orion's belt."
Drake was quiet next to her as he looked up and pointed. "What's that one? The one kind of off by itself?"
"I don't know that one." She shrugged.
Drake nodded while staring up at it. "Me neither. I always wondered though. Should look it up later."
She smiled. "Or better yet...Since we don't know the name, want to name it anyway? Make a memory out of it. "
"Fuck it, why not?" She shrugged. She chuckled to herself and said, "I think it should be the...The Connector...See how it branches out to those others? Even though it's by itself it's diagonal to the others. So it could be a million miles away but it's still shining with every other star in that cluster there. It's a stray star that still forms different shapes with the distant stars over there."
Drake huffed with a smirk, "It's probably just a part of a constellation, Garcia."
"Yeah, probably. But screw it."
He nodded. "Alright...Screw it." He glanced over at her. Social Season was almost over and Drake knew she was Liam's choice. Out of all the choices; Drake slowly but surely approved of her the most.
He cleared his throat and said, "You know, Garcia. I didn't think you'd make it this long but you did. I'm fucking surprised but not mad about it."
She gasped dramatically, "Oh my God! Am I hearing Drake Walker saying he's enjoying someone's company?"
He turned to leave and she urged him back. He sighed and leaned against the railing again. "Yeah, yeah. You're okay."
She smirked. "Yeah, you're okay too. A major asshole but not as hard as you want to be, Marshmallow."
He groaned, "I told you not to call me that-'
"Too late."
She laughed as she gazed up at the stars. Her makeup and hair were still perfectly done with her gala dress.
Drake gestured to her, "I'm glad this didn't get to your head. The fancy dresses, the hair, the makeup, this lifestyle. You have always been true to yourself. I really was an asshole to you. I just didn't want to see the poor guy's heart ripped to shreds. I’m sorry."
"Yeah, you were." Jessica huffed. "I love Liam, Drake. I'm in love with him, not the fame or fortune. I don't even feel comfortable in the spotlight. If he chooses me, I won't change. I hope that's enough for him. He means everything to me."
Drake said, "He feels the same way, Garcia."
"...So, do I have the best friend's approval?"
Drake gave her a rare smile. "Yeah, you do. You'll make a damn good Queen. Maybe whip this Country into what it needs; a modern twist to stuffy old bullshit."
She smiled at him. "Thanks for being here for me. You made me a little less homesick. I told you on the jet that we will be friends at the end of this. Well, you aren't just my friend Drake, you're more like a bother."
"You're such a pain in my ass. But I love you like a sister."
They both looked at each other with warm smiles. Drake broke the silence and said "Enough of the sentimental bull shit." Drake dipped into his pocket and removed a flask and took a sip and passed it to Jessica. Jessica took the flask and without hesitation drank from it and nodded her head as she said, “That was really, really good.”
Drake laughed and said, “Of course, it’s from Constantine’s private reserve.”
“Yea fuck that guy.” Jessica chuckled and took another sip. Drake snatched the flask and chiddled “Well don’t fucken drink it all.”
Years Later…
New York
It was cloudy as Jessica sighed to herself and tried to look out at the sky. A memory hit her and she frowned deeply. The lights reflected off the clouds and not a star in sight.
Tonight, she really needed that star.
She had become a recluse into her apartment all day after finding an article online she accidentally clicked on that talked about Cordonia. She didn't read it, she just couldn't.
She thought, 'Probably a new baby or some marriage alliance already formed with their kids.' She sadly thought as it burned her throat and made her chest ache to think about it.
She sighed to herself, closing her eyes to prevent the tears as thunder and lightning sounded and flashed overhead. She reluctantly shut her window, letting her hand rest on it for a moment in thought.
'I wish I could just go back and hug you like I used to no matter how shitty the news you always made it better.' She thought as a stray tear slid down her cheek, knowing she could never go back no matter how much she missed it.
It had rained all day and there was just enough of a clearing for Drake to see stars in his backyard. He was just going out to get something and bring it in from the rain when something told him to look up. He did so, sighing deeply to himself as he saw that lone star twinkling a small distance from the others but still formed shapes if you connected it to them.
"Do you even look for our star?... Would you even recognize it, Garcia?" He mumbled to himself as if she would answer.
He shook his head at himself, feeling foolish for talking to her out loud as if she could hear. He went in, looking back at it one last time and he made a wish “Come back” he softly whispered before heading indoors.
Years later...
Cordonia, Ramsford
Drake opened the door and stood in the patio gazing up at the sky. He needed to decompress from the commotion, even with people he was close to.
"What are you doing out here?" Jessica said as she smiled and stood beside him. "Alone time? Want me to leave?"
Drake gave a slight smile. "Nah. you can stay."
She said, "I can step away for a while. It's not like I'm going anywhere."
He nodded at that. "Good. Don't ever do that shit again.”
"I’m sorry-"
He held up a hand. "You don't have to explain yourself, I get it. I understood then too.”
She looked up with him and smiled. "Hey, there's our star."
Drake muttered “The connector.”
Jessica admired it. It was silent for just a moment before she softly told him. " Yup that's right. That star always pops out to me now more than ever...You know, I looked for that star every time I felt alone. I spent hours one night trying to find it, but once I found it, it was easy after that...Whenever I needed a reminder of you, I always just looked up."
His smile softened as he didn't look at her, continuing to gaze up at the sky his chocolate eyes pooled with tears threatening to spill if he looked at her.
"...Everytime I went outside at night I looked up… I thought of you. It was a different type of heartache and I can’t do it again." He looked down at her with a sadness in his gaze he usually kept under lock and key except for a select few people. “Stay in my life even if you leave here tomorrow.” Drake let his guard down and closed his eyes and tears ran down his cheeks.
Jessica took a shaky breath and she hugged as she said, “ I just never thought I could comeback Drake.” Drake held her in his arms and rubbed her back and said, “You could always come home, this is as much your home as New York is.” They held each other in silence before stepping away, both wiping their own tears on their sleeves.
She looked back at him and said, "I made you cry.”
He flipped her off with a smirk that he tried to hide and she flipped him off back as she headed back inside with an airy laugh.
Drake went to follow before looking back up. That star twinkling in sync with the others. Drake made a silent wish on their star. He shook his head with a smile and went inside with her.
He took a moment to look around the crowded room Savannah shuffled plates, Bertrand arguing with Maxwell over the music, Leo lounging on a chair, Hana sitting at the piano, Olivia staring at the Beaumont code of arms on the wall, and Liam sitting on the sofa covered in cake by Bartie who was attempting to eat birthday cake on his lap.
Jessica went to him and said softly "Liam your tie is covered in cake." He could see the hope in Liam’s eyes as Liam leaned over to her. Jessica nervously bit her lip as moved forward and loosened his tie. Liam looked on with a loving and longing glaze almost as he had been waiting a century to feel her touch.
Drake took a deep breath as he watched them hoping that another one of his wishes on their star could come true that two broken hearts could be mended and become one again.
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Forever Mine
chapter two
❦ summary — The time for Princess Riley to step into her role as queen fast approaches and finding the future king is Cordonia’s top priority. Commander Liam is aware of that, and has plans to make sure the princess ends up with someone suitable.
➺ chapter warnings: none
❦ catch up here!
➺ word count: (+/-) 1640
*all characters belong to Pixelberry, except those unique to my story*
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Liam constantly glances at the pink box throughout the night, and it is the first thing he looks at the next morning — his neck stiff from the odd angle he had slept in. 
Once he’s rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, the Commander sighs at the pile of unfinished reports. After getting up and taking a look at the time, he knows that he’ll have to skip the Derby. The tight grip he has on his pen makes his knuckles white. 
On the other side of his door, a servant stands ready to give him coffee. The young man hesitates to knock, and his hands shake while he pours the Commander his drink. Noticing the intense look in Liam’s eyes as he stares down at his papers, the servant rushes to finish pouring the coffee and walk out of the room, convinced that the worst thing that could happen to him was that man’s gaze falling upon him. 
No kind comment from the princess would change the palace staff’s opinion of the Commander; everyone knew that he was a man one must only have limited contact with. 
As the limo begins to slow, anticipation and dread creep into Riley’s stomach. She moves her hand over her skirt to straighten any wrinkles and prayed the paparazzi won’t have anything negative to say about what she’s wearing or how she looks.
Olivia had told her that she looked modest and respectable, and Riley could only hope that everyone else will think so, too.
Keeping her knees together, Riley swings out of the vehicle, plastering a practiced smile on her face. She tries to continue towards the tents, but reporters block her path. This was the part Riley hated most. She struggled not to squint at the camera flashes aimed directly at her eyes. She didn’t know the answer to any of the questions the reporters were asking her. 
The anxiety suffocates her. A whimper escapes her lips, but is drowned out by the noise around her. Olivia notices and gives Riley’s hand a gentle squeeze as security makes them back off. 
While passing through the crowd, Riley keeps her eyes peeled for her father. If Constantine wasn’t here, then that means that Liam most likely wasn’t either. Disappointment floods through her; Riley had wanted to continue her conversation with the Commander from last night. Not only that, he knows how to easily douse her anxiety: something she desperately needs now.
But she doesn’t have a chance to think much about him: Leo and Drake step in front of Princess Riley, asking why she’s late. 
“The race is about to start any second,” Leo states, gently grabbing Riley’s arm. 
“Then what are you two doing out here?” she asks playfully. Pulling her brother and Drake into the tent. 
“Actually,” Drake slides out of her grasp. “I’ll find you guys when it’s time for the picnic.” 
The three of them stop in their tracks. Olivia scoffs. “Where are you going?” 
“Gonna go wait in the stands,” Drake lies. 
“For who?” Leo questions. “You always watch the races with us.” 
“Yeah, but—”
“No but’s!” the princess cries. Riley practically pushes Drake into the tent, ignoring his protests. 
A shot rings out, signaling the start of the races. The distant thunder of horses running vibrates throughout the air. Leaving her friends near the entrance of their tent, Riley makes her way towards the railing to catch a glimpse of the animals as they pass by. 
Drake watches her childish excitement, slightly amused at the way she frowns when her favorite horse slows down and Olivia’s speeds up. Riley yells supportive phrases to the horse, which it can’t hear or comprehend. Leo keeps an eye on his friend, about to ask Drake why he didn’t want to watch the races with them, and notices the way Drake’s features soften while looking at the princess. 
Leo doesn’t break Drake out of his trance, and instead watches as the man walks up to Riley and laughs when Olivia complains about her horse slowing down again. The more Riley laughed, the wider Drake’s smile became.
Noticing this sends an itch onto the back of Leo’s neck, but it’s not as bothersome as the one from the night before. Seeing Drake lean close to Riley as she laughs at her friends wasn’t as irritating as watching Liam do the same thing. 
A feeling of pity rushes through Leo: he understood his friend’s feelings. He supported them, too. Drake’s side was one of the few places where Leo trusted his sister to be safe. 
But in a few months, Riley would have to choose the man she was going to marry, and none of the options were Drake. As much as Leo wants to help his friend, he internally curses at the idiot for keeping his feelings hidden for so long. 
"Because anyone could see that she’s been losing the last few races,” Drake says to Olivia, breaking Leo away from his thoughts. 
“So the years Estella spent with a flawless record mean nothing?” Olivia throws back, talking about the horse. “Of course you would be the one to think you know everything about horses.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Drake questions as Riley links her arms with his and Olivia’s and leads them out of the tent while they argue. “All I’m saying is that the horse lost. They need to stop letting her race.” 
“As long as she keeps fighting, she hasn’t lost.” 
“How does that—” Drake tries to start, but Riley ushers them into the limo and stops her friends from continuing their banter. 
The gentle wind of the afternoon and the light song of birds on the path towards the picnic almost made Liam forget about the two soldiers following close behind. They were asking for an increased number of troops to be sent out. Liam was too distracted thinking about his darling to come up with the right number, so he told the two that he would give them answers when he returns to the palace. 
They salute and walk away. Once Liam nears the main party, he takes a moment to survey the guests and analyze what they were doing. When something bumps into his left side, he doesn’t even notice until a delicate voice rings out, “My apologies!” 
Before Liam even turns his head, he notices that the apologetic person has grabbed some guests’ attention, who turn away and snicker when they see the fallen person. Liam moves to aid the woman. 
He reaches his hand out to her and assists her in standing up. The woman’s long dark hair and small figure vibrate through Liam’s memory, and he realizes that he stands in front of the infamous Hana Lee. He hadn’t heard much about her reputation, but he knew just enough from the guests’ giggles as they stared at her. 
“No worries, Lady Lee,” Liam says to her, bringing her soft hand up to brush against his lips. He feels her hand twitch slightly, perhaps in nervousness, but when Liam lifts his head to meet her eyes, Hana’s expression yields nothing.
Liam tries to continue the conversation. “I hope you enjoyed the Derby.” 
“It was lovely,” Hana manages in a shaky voice, eyes darting towards a group of laughing ladies. 
Liam leans closer to her. “Try your best to ignore it. Letting them get under your skin is letting them win. Show them that you’re unfazed by it.” 
When Liam leans back, Hana’s eyes are wide, but her shoulders are a bit straighter. Unfortunately they tense up once more when another woman’s voice calls her name. 
“There you are, dear!” she says, putting her hand on Hana’s shoulder. Lorelai Lee, Liam realizes. In a low voice, one that Liam knows he’s not meant to hear, Lorelai continues, “I told you not to walk off alone, there was a gentleman waiting to be introduced to you... Did you introduce yourself to the Commander?” She turns back to Liam and exchanges a respectful greeting, allowing him to kiss her hand. 
In the middle of the conversation, Duke Landon approaches Liam. 
“Ladies.” He nods his head. 
“Duke Landon.” Lorelai repeats the action, then turns to Liam, a wide but stiff smile on her face. “We won’t keep you occupied any longer, Commander. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.” 
“Likewise,” Liam returns, giving Hana Lee a smirk as she turns away with her mother, allowing him to catch a slight blush that appears on her face. 
How... easy, Liam thinks to himself, toning out Landon’s ideas for the upcoming meeting with the king. Respectfully he allows the Duke to finish talking before walking on, keeping his eyes peeled for the princess. 
Exchanging nods with members of the nobility were tiring. He held everyone’s respect, but not many people held his. 
Finally, Leo’s blond head and deep laugh come into Liam’s view. The prince watches his sister play croquet with Lord Maxwell. Liam makes his way to the side of the picnic sight, where tables filled with pastries wait to be eaten. 
He pretends to examine the sweets, but as he brings some bread to his mouth, he watches as one of the balls Maxwell hits goes flying into a bush. Liam watches as the princess and Maxwell lean close to each other and laugh. 
After containing her laughter as best she can, Riley lifts her head to look around if anyone saw Maxwell’s mistake. Thankfully, she only comes into contact with Liam’s soft gaze. She waves at him, and he walks over. 
And while they talk, neither of them notice as Leo’s expression turns sour. When Liam says he must leave early, neither of them notice how Leo’s face relaxes — but Leo watches both their eyes express an intimate sadness, one that Maxwell jokingly shares.
please let me know if you would like to be added/removed from the tags :) 
@twinkleallnight @gkittylove99 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @kingliam2019 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @queenrileyrose @royalromancer @princess-geek @mom2000aggie @hopefulmoonobject @zoehanji​ 
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