#trr holdmygirl
msjr0119 · 5 years
Belated WIP/Six sentence Sunday (it’s Sunday in the Uk 🇬🇧)
Thanks for the tag on Wednesday @loveellamae
I’ve been very quiet recently due to personal issues, but I’ve tried catching up with all my series, so are posting the bits that I’ve done below. Thank you to everyone who has asked how I’m doing - love you all 💕
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @drxkewalker @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree---1986 @gardeningourmet @twinkle-320 @queenjilian @forthebrokenheartedthings-blog @princessleac1 @scarletreesex @indiacater
Cordonian Wags (can’t believe I haven’t posted since December 😱)
The Apples do not need anymore drama within the club- it looks as though Walker is arguing with his manager.
It’s such a shame that such a good match has come to this- I wonder what the argument is about? Walker has played well, but I’ve seen that he hasn’t been on the ball- get it?
Good pun- yes, even though he’s scored a hat trick his eyes have been scrutinising elsewhere around the stadium.
“Get back on the pitch, Walker!” Bertrand snapped towards Drake, he hated being stern towards him as he was his brother in law- but for some reason he was jeopardising the game.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me Bertrand. Riley’s not well.... I saw her run off...she needs me.”
“She’s just been sick. This match is important... is she pregnant?”
“No! And Riley is more important to me than a stupid match....”
“Tell me what’s up with her, then we can determine what is more important!” She’s got cancer you fucking moron.
“Just take me off, I’ve done enough in this match....” Bertrand grabbed Drake by the collar- his grip was tight, not knowing what had got into him- he witnessed the team walk over attempting to calm the situation down.
“Get the fuck off of me Bertrand! I quit!”
One Temptation
Drake pressed the button in the elevator, taking him up to the highest floor. Walking towards the desk, the receptionist looked Drake up and down- wondering who he was and what his intentions were.
“I’m here to see Mr Rhys. Before you ask, no- I haven’t got an appointment.”
“Just tell him his worse nightmare is paying him a visit..” Panic was written across the woman’s face, leaning closer towards her desk- her hand hovered over the security button. “Just tell him, it’s Drake.”
Hello Mr Rhys, you have a visitor. His name is Drake.
Hanging up, she explained that Liam would be with them momentarily. Sitting down on the leather chair, Drake was unsure how Liam would react to seeing him- would he throw him out? Would he play mind games?
“Drake. It’s nice to see you.” Not. “Follow me into my office.” Drake followed his instructions, as the two men walked into the room. Liam poured them both a drink, however Drake politely rejected. Not knowing if Liam could have potentially added poison to it as revenge.
“What can I do for you? I never thought I’d see the day that you’d pay me a visit voluntarily.”
“Trust me, I don’t want to be here. I despise you. Have you seen or heard from Riley?”
“No. Why would I hear from her? She wanted to send me to prison for raping her.” Hearing that word, Drake grit his teeth- knowing that Liam was still in denial with his past actions.
“Well you did do that. Listen, you probably know her better than any of us. We need your help. She ran away, she left me in Texas.” Liam laughed in Drakes face, just picturing Riley riding off into the sunset wearing a cowboy hat.
“What did you do?” He asked Drake, assuming he was the reasoning behind her disappearance- from past experience he should know how her mind ticked. She did the same when he hurt her.
“I did nothing, my mom and aunt Leona spoke to her. Then she went cold towards me, and was gone. Do you know anywhere that she could have gone?” Liam now knew the reasoning behind her departure- he was the reason why. Instead of acting like a dick, he felt empathy towards everyone who was looking for her- guilt for his past actions.
“Bianca, this is Liam Rhys- a friend of Drakes.” Bianca recognised the name immediately- clearing her throat, she provided a fake posh accent.
“Hello, Sir. How may I help?”
“Has Drake arrived in Texas yet? His flatmate was just wondering but he’s broken his phone.”
“No, not yet. I assume he should be here shortly. I’ll get him to ring you once he arrives.”
“Okay, thank you Mrs Walker. I hope the prostitute he is in a relationship with doesn’t ruin your families reputation. Have a good day.”
Hold my girl
Freya stormed out of the ballroom, not knowing why. Both her and Drake had confessed their feelings towards each other in New York, they had both agreed to a long distance relationship. So, to see him so close to the mystery woman was like a stab to the heart.
What am I even doing here? She muttered to herself.
“Freya!” Ignoring him, she ran off to her room- not looking back as she wiped her tears. Liam has suggested going to speak to her instead along with Maxwell for moral support, whilst drake took the time to ‘chill out’ before he put his foot in his mouth again.
“Blossom?” Maxwell said softly, as the two men waited for her to answer the door. “Lady Freya, we just want to make sure that you are okay?”
Opening the door, the two of them had sorrow in their eyes- both pulling her towards them for a group hug.
“I’m sorry. Liam, stop calling me lady please. I’m not in your court anymore. I’m just an American nurse now. Not a suitor, or a Duchess, or a Cordonian.”
“Frey, you are a Cordonian even if not officially- you’re a Beaumont, always will be. That woman...”
“Don’t Max... I don’t want to hear it. I thought we had something good- was all the words he said to me a lie? Did he use me for sex? I don’t know what to think. It was Drake who suggested the long distance thing- insisting it would work because he loves me. Maybe he should have just stayed as a jerk!” The two men knew that Drake wouldn’t hurt her, Maxwell soon had a smile appear on his face- a mischievous look, that look made Liam’s mind work overtime, wondering what the lord was thinking.
“Freya, grab some things and meet me in my room. Slumber party time, Beaumont’s only- sorry, Liam. No invite for you.”
“I’m busy anyway, no need for an apology. Goodnight Freya, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Kissing her on the cheek, Maxwell mimicked the king’s actions before following him out of the room.
A couple of hours had passed, and there was no sign of Freya. Maxwell just assumed that she had fallen asleep- walking out of his room towards hers, he noticed her door was slightly ajar.
“Frey?” Scrutinising the room, his heart sunk as realisation hit him like a ton of bricks.
She’s gone.
Return to New York
Liam shouted for the guard to allow his visitors into his study- turning to face them he was shocked as to why the familiar person was here, and not with Riley.
“Daniel. It’s nice to see you again.” Is he here visiting? Like on a vacation? These questions were soon knocked out of mind as he heard the tiny patter of footsteps enter the room. Libby? Lydia? Lily? Fuck what’s her name again? What’s she doing here?
“I wish I could say the same, your Majesty. I’m sorry to disturb you. Do you know where Riley is? I can’t seem to get in touch with her.”
“I’m not sure of her exact location, but I have an inkling of where that might be. I don’t mean to sound rude, but why is she here? Shouldn’t she be with her father?” Daniel sighed, not knowing how to explain the reason for the impromptu visit. Asking the guard to escort the young girl out- he didn’t want to upset her anymore than she was already.
“Lissy, she lost her father. When Riley ditched him at the wedding- he became drunk, he got into his car.... he had a crash, and didn’t survive. He was upset, humiliated that Riley couldn’t talk to him herself. Lissy has no one, she’s going to go into care if Riley....”
“If Riley what?” Liam interrupted, he had an inkling about what Daniel was going to say- but really hoped that he was incorrect.
We Belong
My dearest Evie, I’m so sorry for all the pain I caused you. I always loved you, I was stupid to let a diamond like you go- all for the sake of nothing. I had hoped in time that you’d forgive me, I killed the man who tried to rape you- the man who you would cry in your sleep about. Stupidly I believed once you knew my true identity that we could get back together. I was part of a troupe, going against the crown- Bianca and Anton had reasons. I didn’t. I was just in it for the money- the money that I would have used to shower you with gifts, to pay for your dream wedding that we imagined. I didn’t mean to stab you, Bianca pushed you into me- id never hurt you again. I still don’t know if you survived or not, no one will inform me. I was an idiot. I can’t live without you knowing that it was always you- if you survived, I hope you find true happiness. Happiness that you deserve. Liam is in danger, Anton goes by a fake name known as Justin. He is Riley’s press secretary. I need you to tell someone, to protect my old friend and his family. I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done. But now I’ve told you this, I have no choice but to end my life. Toby xo
The Greatest Show
“Ri?” Amber questioned, assuming she was hallucinating- seeing her friend stood in front of her. Liam held onto Riley’s waist, looking adorably towards her.
“Surprise!” Riley shouted enthusiastically, waving her hands in the air.
“I’m confused, what the hell are you doing here? Why are you so close together? Liam have you forgotten about Olivia?”
“I’ve no got amnesia, Amber. Olivia has been in a relationship with Leo, behind my back. I’m no angel, as I fell in love with Riley whilst I was supposed to be courting Liv.” Amber was trying to allow this information to sink in, trying to figure out what exactly was going to occur due to the burden being her friend.
“Well I’m happy to see you Ri, lets hope you don’t get stabbed...” Riley’s eyes widened, but Liam laughed knowing exactly what she was referring to- or who.
“I’ll see you both tomorrow? I’ve got one tall, dark, handsome commoner waiting for me...” Making her way out of the room, she quickly turned to the two of them. “Oh Ri, thanks for bringing Jackson- I’ve missed him so much, and he’s missed his Mom like you said on the note.” Before Riley could react, Amber had shot out of the door. But I didn’t bring Jackson.
Exiting the room, Amber couldn’t wait to get back to Drake- mainly to explain the new court gossip to him. Feeling arms go around her waist, she smiled- turning around, that smile soon disappeared in a flash.
“Thought you’d escape me, did you?
Hold on (follow up)
“Brooks....” Feeling like this was a waste of time, Drake decided that the best option was to walk away, as she wasn’t responding. Jackson placed a hand onto his father’s shoulder, suggesting that Drake should leave. Listening to his son’s advise, he left in a swift motion- frustrated that he couldn’t persuade her to come out of her hovel and just talk.
“Aunt Ri?” Jackson said softly as he knocked on the door. Riley knew she was being stubborn whenever a visitor would knock on the door- but for some reason she could never ignore her children, or her friends children.
“Jackson.” Smiling at his auntie, he pulled her in for a hug. “What can I do for you?”
“Have a walk? Or just a little talk with me? We all miss you, and want to help you through it. Dad just wants to grieve with you. You could help each other?”
“You’re only twenty one Jackson, you should be out with your friends- enjoying life. Don’t take a minute for granted. Loving each day as if it’s your last.” Listening to her words, he knew what she was referring to. His heart sunk, the usual poised Queen stood in front of him absolutely broken. “I miss him so much Jackson, and I miss your mom too. Each day that goes by, doesn’t get any easier. I need to be strong for Ayah, Louis and Ellie but truth be told- they are so much stronger than I am.”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Hold my girl
Part 5
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No one really knows about TRR Main characters past …. Most of this series is based on flashbacks from her childhood. I’ve changed the main characters name to, Freya Johnson as Riley Brooks is used in my other series.
Freya is in love with Drake, but he hasn’t returned the feelings- instead just acts horrible towards her. Will Freya return back to Cordonia with the court or will she stay in the USA after the UN party.
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @beardedoafdonutwagon @dcbbw @qammh-blog
“What do you mean you’re not coming back to Cordonia? Is it because of me? Because of the others? We all love you. I was going to ask you to be a Duchess. You came into our lives like a whirlwind. You brought us all together, you are the glue to our friendships.” Liam felt as if he couldn’t breathe- they had all failed her, he believed.
“No. I love you all. I truly do. I’m moving away- I’ve been offered a job. I’ll keep in touch with you all. I need a new start Liam. I’m so sorry.” Liam now felt as if his heart had stopped, not knowing at how the others would react to this news. A job is a job. She wouldn’t need a job if she returned with them- she was a close friend, he could provide for her or she could get a job in Cordonia.
“Please come back with us. We will all miss you.” His usual sparkly baby blues, were pleading with her to reconsider. Feeling guilty she was still in a dilemma about what to do.
“Liam, I can’t. I need a new start. Please don’t make my decision any harder than it already is. I will come and visit Cordonia every so often. I’ll keep to that promise. I need to pack my things and move them to Daniel’s. I’m leaving tomorrow.”
Liam didn’t want to argue, he thought about cancelling the Coney Island trip- instead he would just meet up with the others and explain what was happening. Between them all they could brainstorm how to change her mind.
“As long as you promise to visit us, and we will visit you. How about we cancel Coney Island. I’ll talk to the others. You can pack your things, we can meet up for a last super around five o’clock?”
“Sure. Let’s make it a night to remember.”
Freya left Liam, feeling guilty but also relieved after her heart to heart with him. Packing her belongings she had with her, she was willing to pay Maxwell to post the rest of her belongings from Cordonia. On route to meeting Daniel, she felt sad that she was not only leaving her new friends, but also Daniel and her parents.
“You ready?”
“Sure. Let’s go.”
Freya met Daniel at the bar, they were short on time but Freya knew they could do it in the short break Daniel had from work. They both got in his car and drove up to the grave yard.
Freya started crying as she walked up to her parents graves, holding the folder Daniel had given her. In it was pictures of her and Daniel she had taken when she returned to New York and then pictures of her and her new friends from Cordonia.
“Thanks for printing these off for me Dan, where would I be without you?” She smiled softly at him, he took her hand into his as they walked up to the headstones.
Grace and Paul Johnson
Beloved parents of Freya
They loved their second home- New York
Tragically passed away 19th February 2007 aged 38 and 39
Hey Mom. Hey Dad. Sorry I haven’t been to visit sooner. I miss you both so much. You would not believe what happened to me in the last few months. You always said I was smart. Would you think it was smart to go on an adventure to a different country with four men you’d only just met? More like crazy I’d say.
So the story begins when Daniel, ditched me at work to go on date with Lola. You remember Lola? The bitch at high school, the biggest mean girl. Well when he first mentioned he was going on a date with her a few years ago I nearly hit him to wake him up. But she started to hang about with us, and she really has changed. She’s lovely and she’s perfect for Daniel. I can’t wait to be godparents to their children ha.
Anyway Daniel ditched me and left me a rowdy table to serve. I looked over and there was three men- they were all so different. I was ready to kill Daniel at this point. He owed me. He owed me big time. I walked over and took their order when another man approached the group- I had never seen someone so handsome. He was so polite towards me, at the end of the night he asked how I was doing. What customer asks how the waitress is? He wanted to thank me for taking care of them all (maybe I do make a pretty good damn waitress- maybe better than my original fantasy job). It wasn’t until then that I realised they had come to New York as tourists for his bachelor party but they hadn’t really planned what to do. He asked for recommendations about clubs in New York and that he would want me to join them, so he could thank me for that night by buying me a drink.
Clubs are boring I thought. Or maybe I was just bored of them because I went every weekend with Dan and Lola- feeling like the third wheel. I suggested going to the ‘secret spot’. The guys loved it. They all let loose. The bachelor- Liam, didn’t seem to be having as much as a good time as the other three. He told me the only thing he wanted to do in New York was to see liberty - typical tourist! Then I had a crazy thought- I’d only just met him and the others and then I was pulling out all the stops to get him there. I contacted John the guy who owns all the boats, asking him to take myself and Liam there. We snuck away from the beach and met John. On the boat Liam’s eyes lit up like he was a kid in a candy shop. He kept mentioning how he wished he could have freedom like liberty- that’s when he told me he was the crown prince of a country called Cordonia. It was a small country in the Mediterranean. We stayed there and admired the view. Just before we left he said he admired my adventurous spirit and that he would never forgot this night or me. That’s when we kissed. And that’s when I left him to find his friends and I walked back to my apartment.
The next morning I went for my usual run around Central Park before making my way towards to bar to start the early shift. I’d offered to work it as Daniel would have been hungover after his date with Lola. I walked into the bar and saw Daniel there. He explained that he was fine to work and to stick to the original rota. So that gave me the day off. As I left, I heard a man shout my name as he ran up to me out of breath. It was Maxwell, one of the men from the previous night. Maxwell reminded me so much of Daniel, fun, always up for a laugh, just genuinely a nice guy.
He explained how in Cordonia all the noble houses could sponsor a girl to win Liam’s heart and become his princess. Maxwell and his older brother Bertrand didn’t have anyone to sponsor as they didn’t have a sister. What have I got to lose I thought? Only my job, and Daniel but we are like glue. It wouldn’t be losing him it would be a ‘see you soon’. Without hesitation I agreed with Maxwell’s suggestion. He seemed so happy. I thought this would be an adventure of a lifetime. I could make new friends, Maxwell would make a brilliant friend. I was intrigued to get to know about the noble life. For me it wasn’t all about Liam even though we had that connection.
After months of shit in the royal court, it was finally the coronation ball when Prince Liam would become king and choose his bride. In those months, I honestly felt like giving up and returning back home. I just wanted to be near you both. No one heard me, but I would cry every night in my room- who would have thought this was so hard. I am a strong person, I don’t take any shit. I had bitches fucking with me, a man practically try to rape me, and then the former king screw my reputation up,throw me out of his country and make everyone hate me- everyone that is except my my closest friends. At the airport, I had guards surrounded me as if I was some criminal- it was suffocating. I just wanted the airport to announce that we was boarding on the plane back to home. Finally the call was announced and I grabbed my bag and went to the queue, that was until the Beaumont brothers begged me back- I mean practically in tears begging me back haha. I was doubtful about returning, seeing everyone, everyone making their own assumptions up about me. But then I remembered everything you taught me- to never give up, be strong, and never lose those close to you. I am Freya Johnson, I will never give up!
On return to court, I had to endure the engagement tour. I couldn’t care less about the engagement, all I wanted to do was clear my name! The only good thing about this tour was visiting cities in Europe and spending time with my friends.
The reason I am here writing this is because the end of the tour ironically is here at home, in New York. Yesterday, I finally cleared my name. Found the man who was responsible, he did a statement and now everyone is up my arse. I feel so relieved. And I hope you are proud of me.
Freya ended reading what she had written, Daniel was next to her and put his arms around her.
“Bloody hell freya, you don’t do things by half. The last few months have been like you’re staring in a movie. They would be so proud of you. As we all are.”
“Thanks Dan. I’ve missed you. In a way I will miss this shitstorm and the entertainment. But I’m ready to be free and move on.” She laughed.
“So now that’s done. Where are we placing the other things? Is there an order you want to put them in?” Freya retrieved the photos that she had asked Daniel to print off and placed them around the graves.
The photos I am leaving are of people that have come into my life and changed it. They all are so different and I love them all. Who’d have known that little Freya from London would have grown up to have the most incredible people look after her and care for her. I don’t know in what direction my future is heading, but with all these people in it even at a distance, I know it’s going to be a brighter one.
I don’t know when I will be back or how often I’ll be back. But don’t either of you ever forget that I love you both always. You’re both forever in my mind and my heart. You have both turned me into the woman I am today and I am grateful for you both letting me into your life’s twenty years ago.
I know that I am going to cherish my children as much as you did me- you’d both spoil your grandchildren so much and pour all the love to them. I wish you could walk me down the aisle dad when the time comes. I hope- no I know for a fact you are looking down on me as I am always looking up at you both.
Your loving daughter,
Freya Johnson xoxoxox
“Thanks for coming with me. I needed to do this.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for them don’t worry. So when can myself and Lola visit Vegas?”
“Whenever, you want. Hey, why don’t you both get married at the chapel?” Daniel cocked a brow, knowing she was joking- or so he had hoped. “I need to meet them all. Only Liam knows, I owe them all an explanation. I’ll see you tomorrow morning before I leave.”
Liam explained that they were all meeting for an early dinner- the others all went to Coney Island regardless of Liam’s and Freya’s absence. Meeting at the restaurant, they all noticed Liam and Bertrand looking defeated.
“What’s up? Where is Blossom?” Maxwell barely said as he was scoffing his face with candy floss.
“I don’t know Max. Liam told her five o’clock. If there was anything that she was taught from her time in Cordonia it would be to be punctual.” Liam shook his head, this was no time to criticise Freya.
“So, I called my engagement off with Madeleine. I met up with Lady Freya before. Informed her that I was going to ask her to marry me. Her face faltered, I knew deep down she would refuse. Then she opened up to me about a lot of her past....” Liam had informed Bertrand prior to the others arriving about the heart to heart with Freya. Drake and Maxwell looked at each other concerned, Drake whispered “I told you he would propose”, Maxwell swallowed hard knowing he was now involved in this possible love triangle even if Liam technically didn’t propose.
“Lady Freya isn’t returning to Cordonia.” They all gasped at Bertrand’s statement. When she mentioned it to Maxwell at the UN party he honestly thought she was bluffing.
“If anyone can convince her to come back with us it’s Daniel. Liam, Drake do you remember how to get to the Dive bar?”
Daniel stared at the clock at work, it was 7pm. He had taken a late lunch break to meet Freya to visit her parents. One more hour left, he thought. In an hour he would have to find that person to give the note from Freya.
“Please just find them and give them this. I couldn’t bare to face them all at the restaurant. They probably won’t remember how to get there. That night was a bit of a blur. They will be at this address. If they aren’t in the hotel bar, their room is 36 on the ground floor. I can’t keep this from them anymore.”
“Don’t feel pushed into telling them all now if you don’t feel ready Frey. They will understand.”
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it if I don’t do it now Dan. I’d be grateful if you tried to help me. I’ll be waiting in the usual place. I’ll see you before I leave for Vegas, okay?”
After what Freya had told him that morning, Daniel knew he had to do his best to help his friend. She deserved all the happiness in the world. If it didn’t work out, he had assumed that she would return back home to New York and he would be there to support her as he always had done. He began to clean the bar, when the doors swung open.
“Daniel! Where’s Jono?”
“Drake? Hi.”
Shit. What is he doing here? Has Freya backed out of her plan?
Just then a beautiful lady smiled at Daniel. His heart sank.
“Hi. My names Hana. Have you seen Freya?” She asked softly.
“Hi Hana. I’m Daniel. I haven’t seen her since this afternoon. I met her for an hour earlier on. She er... she.”
“Is she okay?” Maxwell asked, his lip began to tremble.
“Er, why don’t you guys take a seat I’ll get you all a drink.”
Drake, Liam, Maxwell and Hana all sat down in the same booth that the gentlemen did that night. If Daniel didn’t have a date that night, none of them would have met Freya.
“Thank you Daniel. My names Liam and this is Maxwell. Is she okay? I’m worried that this may be all my fault?”
Daniel put his head down. He knew exactly what Liam meant. Liam had confessed that he would have proposed to Freya earlier on this morning and that he was considering asking her to become a Duchess. Of course he would think that there was a possibility that it was his fault. She had told Daniel she was distant with all her friends when she dropped of the spontaneous letter, not meaning to be she was just thinking about her parents as well as her past and her new beginnings.
Daniel felt bad knowing the truth as to why she didn’t meet them and the guilt when he saw these four people worrying about her. He didn’t want Freya to push them away because she was only used to Daniel and his family caring for her once Grace and Paul had passed away.
“Liam. It’s not your fault. She er. She.” They all looked at him worried and confused- waiting impatiently for him to elaborate.
“She had things she had to do. Things she always did when she lived here.” Maxwell looked extremely upset and started to think.
Things she always did when she lived here? Is she missing it here? Did I drag her away from a family? From more friends? From a life?
“I finish at seven. I will elaborate then. Okay?” They all nodded in unison, wondering what he was keeping from them. Drake walked over to the bar to order another round, Daniel was due to finish in ten minutes. Daniel poured a whiskey, a scotch and two cocktails. Whilst he was doing this Drake whispered to him.
“Hey Daniel, what are you keeping from us? We just want to know that she’s okay? Why is she thinking about not coming back with us? If so we’d like to say goodbye at least.”
“Drake it’s nothing like that. I swear. It’s not my business to tell you what we did in that hour but I feel like I need to betray Frey and show you all.”
“What do you mean betray her?”
“Oh drake.. She..had to visit some people. I will take you all there. There’s something you all need to see. Is a lady called Olivia with you all? I think she needs to see this too?”
Olivia? Wtf is going on?
“Er yeah. She is. I’ll text her to come now.”
Daniel hated doing this. But if Freya wasn’t going to open up to her friends he would help her.
Please don’t hate me Freya. I’m doing this because I care for you. No one will judge you. We all love you.
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