#true kondrian empire
bureaumantic · 9 months
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A Peace Militia troopmaster stationed on the frontlines in 1501.
As the CEPP 2nd Army approached the Kondrian capital city of Pripal, Imperial Command grew more and more desperate. Reaching for any and all methods they could find to swell their numbers, they began reaching into the Peace Militias of their western territories. However, most Peace Militias were unsuited for frontline combat, having served as police, paramedic, and firefighting units while at home. Moving onto the frontline, Peace Militia units would see high casualties as they were unfamiliar with trench warfare, despite their uniform. However, as the CEPP 2nd moved into urban zones to fight, PM Urban Order units---formerly a branch of PM law enforcement---became valuable assets in urban combat.
On the topic of uniforms, supplies were often too thin to provide a new field coat for Peace Militiamembers. This meant that PM units would go into combat wearing their standard uniform, complete with sewn on ranks and shoulder rank pins. The purple metal and fabric made PM soldiers easier to target and kill on the battlefields. While the shoulder rank pins were usually taken off, the sewn on ranks remained.
PM units---unused to having to differentiate units, since Peace Militias often operated alone in their jurisdiction---usually stuck scraps of paper naming their militia unit on their helmet, tucked into the PM helmet bands. Even in the last months of the war, soldiers still found time to express their emotions---mostly grief---in song. The song "Unfortunate Militiamen/We Unfortunate Few" was a popular song among PM soldiers that circulated around the last months of the war.
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bureaumantic · 9 months
WBW is tomorrow morning but I wanted to share this early!
I just finished my first animatic! (like i exported it out of davinci resolve minutes ago so i do mean "just")
It features the Peace Militias of the True Kondrian Empire in the last months of the war. Introducing Troopmaster Horatio and Reginald! Character sheets coming soon... (if i ever get around to it)
I know it's not great but it's my first go at this sort of thing and I'm still happy with it (:
Feedback is appreciated and the original song is linked in the video's description!
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bureaumantic · 9 months
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The combat uniforms of all primary factions of my world building project!
The True Kondrian Empire and the Alorish Union make up the United Orders (UO), while the Ysotrian Republic, Cheastinian Kingdom, and the United Ostrim Maritime Trade Protectorate make up the Central Elstren Peace Pact (CEPP).
UO and CEPP are locked in the Great Elstren Struggle, a global armed conflict that ravages the world.
The Alorish Union really fanboys up to the True Kondrian Empire and it's really sad because the True Kondrian Empire just exploits them for all the gifts and manpower the Alorians provide and doesn't return anything back. Toxic relationship on a national scale lol
The UO are the main "bad guys" but CEPP is only fighting them for self-preservation, not really anything nobler than that.
uhh so yeah that's like part of my project!!
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bureaumantic · 28 days
elstre masterpost!!
this one's my oldest world!! it's existed since before i got tumblr!! this means.... there's a lot of posts for me to crawl through...... argh...
beware really old and bad art!!!!!!
loreposts!! (rambling)
kondrian peace militias
kondrian navy and marine corps
eternal bureaucracy introduction and interns and conscription oh my!
rise of the true kondrian empire + origin of phrase "we are victors"
conscription in the true kondrian empire
Spirits Room
First Night Back
Oh! It's a Lovely War Animatic - pleasedontwatchthispleasedontwatchthis its soooo old omg nooo
art stuff
kondrian soldier in hometown on leave
Portrait of Glory
william blair
abraham rain
will and abraham interaction
maxims of the kondrian imperial navy
uniforms of the great elstren struggle
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bureaumantic · 7 months
hey everyone! i recently just rewatched Downfall (2004) and now i'm in a worldbuildy mood. let's talk about conscription (and its expansion) in the True Kondrian Empire!
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Go ahead and hit "Keep reading" for a bit of exposition!
Throughout the entirety of the Great Elstren Struggle, the True Kondrian Empire mobilized an astronomical 35% of its entire population. The True Kondrian Empire had a total population of around 100 million, so there were roughly (and in total) 35 million people who served in the Kondrian Imperial Army, Navy, or Special Warfare Group.
During peacetime, the True Kondrian Empire enforced limited conscription. The state directly controlled all education and only allowed the top 25% of students to advance from secondary school to university. Of those bottom 75%, a random 10% (or 7.5% of the total body) was conscripted. So for every 100 graduating secondary school students, 25 would advance to university and 7-8 would be conscripted. Those who volunteered for military service were usually praised and given more opportunities for advancement than conscripts.
Mandatory conscription only lasted 2 years, which included training time. Training would last 6 months, so there were only 1.5 years of mandatory active service. After conscription, people would become civilians again and move on with their lives, whether they chose to apply for university appeal, enter the workforce, or do whatever else civilians do idk
That, however, was in peacetime. Let's talk about the Great Elstren Struggle. At the beginning of the war, there was a massive influx of volunteers. Most of these volunteers originated from Old Kondria rather than conquered territories, although territories still gave plenty of volunteers.
But the True Kondrian Empire couldn't rely on volunteers forever. As the war slogged on, Imperial Command (which is a catch-all term for "the fellas in charge.") knew that they needed to expand conscription.
What started as 15% conscription for those aged 18-25 morphed over the decades to become an astounding 40% conscription rate for those aged 15-50. The population of the TKE was wrung dry. By 1501, the last year of the war, it was not uncommon to see Kondrian soldiers with pimply faces, oversized uniforms, and helmets too big that drooped over their faces.
As the CEPP 2nd Army began spearheading towards Pripal, the Kondrian capital, children as young as 9 years-old and the elderly were given a helmet and rifle and told to hold the line. The Battle of Pripal was characterized by mass desertions of not only the children and elderly, but soldiers of all ages who were too tired to continue the fight.
After the war, the population of the True Kondrian Empire was broken. Children were experiencing post-combat mental disorders and there was scarcely a population that could reproduce to swell their numbers. Half of the mainland continent was scattered with cities and towns that were now too big for their shattered populations.
Uh so yeah that's all I have to say about that. byebye
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bureaumantic · 9 months
Hello there, and a happy [early] Worldbuilding Wednesday!
Reading through your OC intros, I'm curious about the relationship past and present between the KIN Navy and the Marines. Are they separate services, or is the latter a subsection of the former? What are the duties of a Marine?
Hi! Thanks for asking! Happy early Worldbuilding Wednesday to you too!
While in the modern day we usually associate the "Marine Corps" with a branch of seaborne combat forces, it is not so with the True Kondrian Empire. Their whole military doctrine is extremely slow to change and their version of a marine corps is still that which was typical of the Age of Sail.
In those days, a marine was mostly a type of military policeman. Marines were expected to maintain discipline and order on a ship and were usually discouraged from fraternizing with sailors. While they also fought in and against boarding parties in some battles, this was not their primary function. While other nations in the world began updating their marines to our more modern expectations, the Kondrians' Marine Corps remained as a police and boarding force.
Organizationally, the Kondrian Imperial Navy Marine Corps is heavily dependent on the Kondrian Imperial Navy. Units are organized via ships, although their rank structure follows that of the Kondrian Imperial Army.
For reference, here's the rank structure of the Navy:
Admiralty - First Admiral, Admiral, Midadmiral, Rearadmiral.
Captains - Captain, Midcaptain, Rearcaptain
Seamasters - Commander, Shipperson, Midshipperson
Sailors - Rearshipperson, Able Sailor, Sailor, Apprentice Sailor, Recruit
Here's the rank structure of the Army and Marine Corps:
Marshals - Grand Marshal, Groupmarshal, Batterymarshal, Troopmarshal
Grand Unitmasters - Grand Groupmaster, Grand Batterymaster, Grand Troopmaster
Unitmasters - Groupmasters, Batterymaster, Troopmaster
Troopers - Sub-Troopmaster, Senior Trooper, Trooper, Junior Trooper, Recruit
In the Kondrian Imperial Army, a group was led by a Groupmaster and had 2 batteries/84 troopers and 6 unitmasters. In the Marine Corps, the average cruiser would have at least 1 group of marines aboard. On ships with more than 1 group, a Grand Troopmaster would be present to be in charge of all marines aboard and would be given the position of Ordermaster aboard the ship. If there was only 1 group, the title would fall on the Groupmaster.
The Kondrian Imperial Navy is also much more relaxed than the Marine Corps. Sailors were held to the lowest standard of nearly all military professions and had very little discipline (compared to other soldiers. Compared to a civilian they were still quite disciplined). To make up for this, the marines were expected to be extremely disciplined. However, all this really did was create a constant tug of war against the two forces that were---in the end---supposed to be working together.
All these different rank structures and expectations served to attempt to drive a wedge between sailors and marines. They were not expected to cooperate and their enmity would be a detriment to the True Kondrian Empire's war effort on the seas.
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