bureaumantic · 9 months
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A Peace Militia troopmaster stationed on the frontlines in 1501.
As the CEPP 2nd Army approached the Kondrian capital city of Pripal, Imperial Command grew more and more desperate. Reaching for any and all methods they could find to swell their numbers, they began reaching into the Peace Militias of their western territories. However, most Peace Militias were unsuited for frontline combat, having served as police, paramedic, and firefighting units while at home. Moving onto the frontline, Peace Militia units would see high casualties as they were unfamiliar with trench warfare, despite their uniform. However, as the CEPP 2nd moved into urban zones to fight, PM Urban Order units---formerly a branch of PM law enforcement---became valuable assets in urban combat.
On the topic of uniforms, supplies were often too thin to provide a new field coat for Peace Militiamembers. This meant that PM units would go into combat wearing their standard uniform, complete with sewn on ranks and shoulder rank pins. The purple metal and fabric made PM soldiers easier to target and kill on the battlefields. While the shoulder rank pins were usually taken off, the sewn on ranks remained.
PM units---unused to having to differentiate units, since Peace Militias often operated alone in their jurisdiction---usually stuck scraps of paper naming their militia unit on their helmet, tucked into the PM helmet bands. Even in the last months of the war, soldiers still found time to express their emotions---mostly grief---in song. The song "Unfortunate Militiamen/We Unfortunate Few" was a popular song among PM soldiers that circulated around the last months of the war.
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bzdr228 · 7 months
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flybirdsworld · 1 month
و شوفلك حد يشبهلك يكون زيك قليل الأصل مريض زيك و ملهوش مصل و يحصل فيك نفس الفصل 😆
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aflo · 5 months
the best thing you can do in a text-only game is have one character comment on another character's accent without telling where they're from. im still puzzling over how ELSTR pronounces ship
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superchat · 9 months
ultrakill mod that replaces V1s hands with ELSTRs
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luminescentlobotomite · 4 months
Started play signalis and o my fugin god elstr is so goddamn hot aaahahhhghhh
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Love the implication that my fully name is El Hellsie Elstre Hellstreak
my initials = eheh
I do fully refer to you as dragon or dragon friend in my head btw
Of course!! And with my accent El Hellsie Elstrie Hellstreak all sounds like!! Almost the exact same word and it is glorious
Oh yeah! I've found Dragon is a common nickname for me hehe
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mask131 · 5 years
Deltora Quest review: Series 1 afterthoughts and after-notes
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So... Here are some afterthoughts I had after finishing the first series.
# The reveal in the final book that the black birds are the royal birds of Deltora changes so much things... The role of Kree the crow, the fact that Thaegan likes to eat black birds alive, the symbol of a bird as the one for the Resistance, the twisting of the Ak-Babas...
# It was said that the Belt started to be worn less and less under the reign of Elstred, when he became fat and the belt ended up hurting his flesh. This made me question, afterward: why hasn’t the Shadow Lord and his royal advisor Ols made sure every king since then ended up fat, or overweight enough to have a hard time wearing the Belt? That would have been extremely effective, even more so than the Rule, adding a physical restrain to the moral one! Well, at the same time, it’s true that the Shadow Lord was trying, and managing to create famines everywhere in Deltora, so maybe it’s because of that? But he soon created the all food-trafic of Noradz, so it’s not like the Shadow Lord was short on good food... 
# I checked in the Deltora Wiki, and they explained the original hate of the Gnomes for the Kin: they simply considered them as pets, and hunted them as such (plus, it was already mentionned in the books, they liked to wear clothes made of their skins). And, in fact, this is a very nice environmental metaphor here, a repetition in a fantasy world of a cycle that happens too often in our own world: we see species and deem them as pests, even though often they are needed for the natural order, or simply innofensive, and we end up exterminating them, destroying our own ecosystem in return. 
# I told it before starting my reviews, but I recently discovered that Emily Rodda is Australian and it made everything clear and logical. Her writing about an island-like nation, populated by monsters, poisonous things and dangerous plants, with invaders and colonization. The importance put on the tribes, on the gems and stones, on the occult, mythic and magic... 
# It was said in the beginning that all fruit trees in all of Deltora were “owned” and “taken” by the Shadow Lord himself, and are considered his possession. Yet, the Queen of Bees still has her apple trees... Does that mean that Lief was merely refering to all of the fruit trees in the Del territory? Or is it an inconsistency? Or maybe the Queen of Bees was powerful enough to repel the Shadow Lord forces, and she was seen as not bearing a great threat and thus was left alone? 
# Can we just appreciate how the Shadow Lord’s plan prepared his plan long in advance? When he trapped the kings in their castle, through illusion, Ols and the Rule, he was also provoking famines and plagues in the country, to make the people distrust their leader. But he also powered Thaegan to help her destroy and rule, he destroyed the city of Hira with plague and put Reeah in there, he sent Gellick to trick the Dread Gnomes, he overtook the Rithmere games... And all of these incidents were other cataclysms to which the king would not answer and that would break the people’s faith in their leader. AND it was a way to create and impliment his servants inside the country, like worms in the apple. AND it was a way to ensure himself that the country will be already half-conquered when the Belt will be destroyed, a way to conquer the land while over-passing the Belt power. AND, more importantly, he was creating in advance the dangerous places in which the stones would be hidden! Think about it... On the seven “most dangerous places” in Deltora, four were created/shaped directly by the Shadow Lord or his servants: the Lake of Tears, the City of Rats, the Dread Mountains and the Valley of the Lost. The Shadow Lord was already preparing, centuries ahead, the prisons that would keep the gems away from the Belt! And even if he couldn’t manage to get the gems and scatter them, these territories would still be his personal attacks on Deltora, and terrible wounds in the country. When you try to think about it, it’s really complex and well-layered.
I have to say, well done Shadow Lord. That’s a villain you have to respect.
# The end these thoughts I’ll just say that it’s really fun to be able to read a fantasy series where’s there’s a male-female duo, but no romantic relationship without them whatsoever. During the entire book series, Jasmine is only seen as a friend, an ally, a heroine. But Lief doesn’t think of her as a romantic interest or his girlfriend. We only have, in the last chapter of the last book, one hint that Lief’s attachment to Jasmine may be deeper than what we thought, and that his adventures with her and his admiration for her may have grown as something more than just friendly feelings - but at the same time, it can be perfectly interpreted as just him and her being linked by their adventures, their friendship, their parent’s friendship, and being bound by a link no one else will be able to comprehend. 
Plus: I just discovered that people made a proposition to adapt Deltora Quest as games/video games. Here’s the link (beware, spoilers for series 2 and 3): https://www.gamnesia.com/articles/game-proposal-deltora-quest-trilogy
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bureaumantic · 9 months
WBW is tomorrow morning but I wanted to share this early!
I just finished my first animatic! (like i exported it out of davinci resolve minutes ago so i do mean "just")
It features the Peace Militias of the True Kondrian Empire in the last months of the war. Introducing Troopmaster Horatio and Reginald! Character sheets coming soon... (if i ever get around to it)
I know it's not great but it's my first go at this sort of thing and I'm still happy with it (:
Feedback is appreciated and the original song is linked in the video's description!
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clogging · 7 years
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Just a boat by Elstrup
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dragoninmypocket · 7 years
Explanation: how Bede is Lief’s true heir
Those who have been long-time followers of this blog know I can go on about the royal succession (as I can everything). In fact, one of my first ever posts was the canon royal family tree- here it is
Perhaps it is common knowledge now that Bede is Lief’s heir, but I can still sense some confusion (particularly on the TVTropes page and the wiki). So I’ll try and explain it fully, in one place, once and for all
Here’s what we know- Adin married Zara, and they had five children. Let’s ignore the youngest three, as they don’t matter that much here. It is the eldest two- both sons- that are relevant to this discussion
We know that Son #1 marries and has two sons of his own- Elstred and Ballum. Lief is descended from Elstred, Bede is descended from Ballum, and Marilen is descended from Son #2. Simplified, the lines of descent look like this:
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The system of succession Deltora uses is called absolute primogeniture- essentially, the firstborn gets the crown, regardless of gender. Side note: until recently, most monarchies in the ‘real world’ used male primogeniture- sons always inherited before daughters. Male primogeniture never came into play in Deltora because Adin’s first child was a boy, as was his son, and from then on no monarch ever had more than one living child. But it seems fairly safe to assume that Deltora uses absolute primogeniture (and if they didn’t, Lief definitely eliminated any male preference from the law books after his daughter was born anyway)
I digress
This video explains succession rules used in Britain- obviously the ‘don’t be Catholic’ and ‘don’t be a bastard’ rules are irrelevant here (unless Bess isn’t telling us something). But one rule is relevant and well explained imo. Jump to  2:48: “The Crown’s contingency plan, if it reaches a dead end, is to back up one level (generation) and apply the rules forward again looking for a living head to sit upon. If no luck, back up again and repeat and repeat until a living heir is found”
Applying this to Deltora- if Lief dies the Crown (or...Belt I guess) backs up one generation- but Endon is dead, and has no siblings. No luck there. So it backs up another- but Alton is dead, and has no siblings. So it goes, on and on until it hits Elstred. Elstred is dead, but he did have a sibling. No more backing up, the Belt follows Ballum’s line down and down and down, until it reaches someone living- Bede
Another way to think of this is to look at the family tree as it was when Elstred was king, and imagine what would have happened if Elstred had died without an heir
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The Belt would have passed to Ballum, right? Only if Ballum had died without an heir too would the Belt have been forced to back up another generation, and go to Son #2 and his family. And so it is with the descendants- Lief gets the crown first because he is the eldest child of the eldest child (x50). If he dies without an heir, Bede gets the Belt. And only if Bede dies without an heir does Marilen get the Belt
Of course, who knows how many other living descendants of Ballum might be around- all of them closer in line to the throne than Marilen
All of this raises some important questions:
1. Lief and Doom spent all that time tracing the royal family tree, how could they get it wrong?
Simple answer: Ballum was removed from the family trees. In The Shadowlands, Lief says Adin’s heir had only one child. But we know this is wrong- he had two, Elstred and Ballum. This is not a Rodda oopsie- it is proof that Ballum was erased from the official royal genealogy
Of course, some trace of Ballum does exist in the history books- Josef says in Tales of Deltora that he has pieced together Ballum’s story from ‘reports and scraps of news’ in the Annals. But remember that when Lief and Doom were doing their research they did not yet have the Annals, so they missed out on those vital clues which hinted that Ballum existed, and had a line of descent
2. Lief finds out about Bede’s ancestry, but then he still sends for Marilen and calls her “the heir to the Belt of Deltora”. Why?
To be fair to Lief, he asks Zeean to write to Marilen probably not even half an hour after discovering he is related to Bede. His mind is on other things, and he’s hardly got the time to pull out the family tree and work this all out again. Also, Lief needs to move quickly, and Marilen is more easily accessible- she’s in Tora, and Bede is who knows where
3. We know the Belt relies on things like trust and the faith of the people. So Bede may be Lief’s closest living relative, but how can he be the heir when no one knows who he is? 
True- this only shows that Bede is the heir legally, and does not take into account the Belt’s mysterious hocus pocus stuff. But I would still argue that the legal line of succession is incredibly vital- in series 2 Marilen’s whole plot is based on the fact that the Belt will shine for her if Lief dies, even if almost no one in Deltora knows she is the heir, let alone trusts her
It could also be argued that Bede’s ancestors essentially ‘abdicated’ their right to the Belt, and thus are not in the line of succession anymore. This would put Marilen back in legal ‘heir’ position. You can run with this idea, for sure. But regardless, it is interesting to note that Lief’s understanding of Marilen as his ‘heir’ is based on erased history
I wonder if Lief ever did actually work any of this out and inform Bede and Marilen. It did become irrelevant after his own children were born... but still, it is important- if Anna, Endon and Jarred had all died without heirs, Bede and Mariette’s kids would be next in the queue 
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wepurge-rpg · 8 years
sopa es aburrida pero zorra inmortal es un sangrado de hojos con h de la hostia que tiene || ¿Y a ti te debo algo, o solo vienes con los trolls bajo el puente? ¿Cual es tu punto para comparar mis post con los de sopa? Suponiendo que sepas en donde rolea cada una y como lo hace. Haz esto mas entretenido un rato, por favor. Es miércoles pero pinta a ser viernes de purga.
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Nach dem Abzug der Betriebsausgaben von den Betriebseinnahmen und gegebenenfalls der Korrektur durch Hinzurechnungen und Abzüge ergibt sich der steuerpflichtige Gewinn oder der Verlust. Sofern die entsprechenden Bedingungen erfüllt sind, dürfen auch zuvor umsatzsteuerpflichtige Unternehmer zur Kleinunternehmerregelung wechseln! Unsere am häufigsten genutzten Services. Beachten Sie auch die Erläuterung zu Zeile Vom Finanzamt erstattete und ggf. Bei der Einnahmenüberschussrechnung ergibt sich der Unternehmensgewinn durch den Abzug der Betriebsausgaben von den Betriebseinnahmen.
Name: elster eür Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 39.17 MBytes
Dies gilt für alle Selbstständigen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie als Freiberufler oder als Gewerbetreibender beim Finanzamt gemeldet sind. Darüber hinaus finden Sie auf steuern. Beispiele für solche Privatentnahmen sind: Kraftfahrzeugkosten und andere Fahrtkosten Sie haben ein Kraftfahrzeug betrieblich angemeldet? Spätester Termin für die Abgabe ist der Bestimmte Berufsgruppen können den Betriebsausgabenabzug pauschalieren, d.
Sind Sie Gründer oder Unternehmer?
Vorher gab es für Kleinunternehmer die Möglichkeit der formlosen Gewinnermittlung. Diese Möglichkeiten gibt es.
Die Abschreibungen bilden innerhalb der EÜR einen Sonderfall, da sie als Betriebsausgaben gelten, obwohl ihnen keine Zahlungsvorgänge zugrunde liegen. In Zeile 82 erfolgt die Korrektur um die steuerfreien Beträge. So wird die Einnahmenüberschussrechnung einfacher.
Sie haben ein Kraftfahrzeug betrieblich angemeldet? Einfach 3 Monate lang unverbindlich und kostenfrei testen. Es ist jedoch sinnvoll, dass Sie sich bereits vorab mit dem Formular beschäftigen und auch die Werte in eine Vorlage eintragen.
Sie haben ein Büro oder eine Lagerhalle gemietet? Dazu gehört auch die private Kfz-Nutzungwobei Sie den privaten Nutzungsanteil mit dem Fahrtenbuch elstr oder pauschal berechnen können. Diese berechnen Sie getrennt nach einzelnen Wirtschaftsgütern auf einer gesonderten Anlage.
Anlage EÜR (Einnahme-Überschuss-Rechnung) Ausfüllhilfe
Es zählt nicht das Datum der Rechnungsstellung sondern das des Geldflusses. Die erstatteten steuerlichen Nebenleistungen, wie z. Welche Steuerregeln gibt es? Dieses kann direkt über die Webseite von Elster er werden und dient als Beweis dafür, dass tatsächlich auch Sie und niemand anderes die Anlage EÜR übermittelt haben.
Darüber hinaus finden Sie elwter steuern. Auch bei der Einnahmenüberschussrechnung als vereinfachter Gewinnermittlungsmethode sind viele Besonderheiten zu beachten.
Als Selbstständiger ist es häufig notwendig, einen geeigneten Ort für die eigene Geschäftstätigkeit zu finden. Eslter Sie genau auf, in elstre Umfang diese auf Anlagevermögen und andere Bereiche entfallen.
Ausfüllhilfe Anlage EÜR
Für die Betriebsprüfung beachten: Die nächsten Zeilen eldter Raumkosten und Grundstücksaufwendungen, allerdings ohne die nur beschränkt abziehbaren Aufwendungen für ein häusliches Arbeitszimmer. Die folgenden Felder sind ebenfalls für Korrekturen vorgesehen, die in bestimmten Fällen notwendig sind, unter anderem beim Wechsel der Gewinnermittlungsart, bei Beteiligungen oder wenn durch Überentnahmen Schuldzinsen entstehen. Der erü ermittelte Gewinn ist somit um 6. Die Schuldzinsen stehen mit Anlagevermögen in Zusammenhang und sind mit 3.
Im Prinzip ist die Gewinnermittlung per Einnahmenüberschussrechnung denkbar einfach: In die Zeile 47 tragen Sie die übrigen Schuldzinsen mit dem vollen Betrag ein.
Für Gründer und sehr kleine Betriebe gibt es im Steuerrecht eine wichtige Ausnahmebestimmung: Falls sich ein Steuerberater eüf deine Finanzamtspflichten kümmert, kann er sich bis Ende Erü lassen und dann auch die elektronische Datenübertragung übernehmen.
Bei manchen Berufsgruppen, wie beispielsweise bei hauptberuflichen Schriftstellern und Journalisten, nebenberuflich tätigen Wissenschaftlern und Künstlern oder bei nebenamtlichen Lehrtätigkeit können pauschale Betriebsausgaben angegeben und die tatsächlichen Betriebsausgaben vernachlässigt werden. Neben den durch die private Nutzung betrieblicher Wirtschaftsgüter oder Leistungen entstandenen Entnahmen — ggf.
Sie sollten ekster rechnen, dass die Finanzämter i. Nicht elstre Betriebsausgabe eines Unternehmens darf vollständig gewinnmindernd rlster werden.
Die für Wege zwischen Wohnung und Betriebsstätte und für Familienheimfahrten im Rahmen der doppelten Haushaltsführung abziehbaren Pauschbeträge z. Sind Sie mit einem Gewerbebetrieb selbstständig, müssen Sie noch die Anlage G übermitteln, in welcher der in der Einnahmenüberschussrechnung ermittelte Gewinn bzw. Bedenken Sie auch hier, dass diese Zahl mit der Summe aus der Umsatzsteuererklärung übereinstimmen sollte.
Im Rahmen Ihrer elstwr Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung erhalten Sie von Ihrem Finanzamt eine Steuerrückerstattung auf Ihr Geschäftskonto überwiesen oder es wird eine Verrechnung mit der abzuführenden Umsatzsteuer durchgeführt.
The post ELSTER EÜR HERUNTERLADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/elster-euer-25/
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vancouriers-blog · 6 years
Van and a Man from Elstree Hill N, Elstr
Van and a Man from Elstree Hill N, Elstr
Van and a Man from Elstree Hill N, Elstree, #Borehamwood WD6 3EL to Balmoral Dr, #Borehamwood WD6 2RB – Book a 24/7 London Same day Courier service from Elstree Hill N, Elstree, Borehamwood WD6 3EL to Balmoral Dr, Borehamwood WD6 2RB. We are a London Same day Courier Delivery company, delivering across London around the clock. http://ow.ly/DjRU50hqEIs
View On WordPress
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bureaumantic · 9 months
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I realized that I never posted Spirits Room on my tumblr!! well, better late than never!
This took me a month and I published it like a week ago... i still can't believe i forgot to post it to tumblr...
Enjoy this little back and forth between Abraham and William over the ship spirits room. I'm hoping to make it a series that continues after the events of the story.
Read it if you like! It's the first story that I've published on AO3! Feedback and tips appreciated (on drawing and writing)!!
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bureaumantic · 9 months
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Here's something I spent too much time on for my worldbuilding project when I should have been writing! Introducting the Cleptavox, an old sailor's myth! ...or reality? Who can say?
I'll retype the text on the image if you don't want to read my terrible handwriting.
A minor race from the Days of Sail, the Cleptavox are humanoid sea monsters with the unique ability to steal the voices of sailors. They do not have voices of their own. When they steal the voice of another being, they are able to use their new voice for a year's time before it expires. Their victim loses their voice and becomes a Cleptavox. Cleptavox usually develop isolationist attitudes---except towards their victims, whom they may apprentice. It was believed that the Cleptavox were hunted to extinction in the 14th century, but mysterious cases of disappearing voices---and the occasional sailor---at sea continue to this day.
The eyes of Cleptavox make them stand out in a crowd. They glow a dull blue.
I started on this because one of my characters mentioned it offhand and I realized that I've never actually gone very far into sailor myth and legend in my world. The rest of the day flashed before my eyes and here I am, having wasted nearly all of it!! lets go
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