#true narrative ssay
rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
True narrative essay
-As I entered senior high school, I was excited for the new opportunities it would bring. However, I quickly realized that I had entered a completely new world. The pressures of academics, and social life were immense, and it felt like I was constantly juggling multiple responsibilities.
The first few weeks were tough, as I struggled to adjust to the new environment. But as time passed, I started to feel more comfortable.
Despite the challenges, senior year was one of the best years of my life. I worked hard and managed to maintain good grades, even though I had to balance a lot of different activities,
The highlight of senior year was definitely graduation day. As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I felt a sense of accomplishment like never before. It was the culmination of years of hard work, and I knew that I had made my family proud.
As I look back on senior high school, I realize how much I learned and grew as a person. It wasn't always easy, but I wouldn't have traded those experiences for anything. Senior high school was a time of growth, exploration, and self-discovery, and I am grateful for every moment of it.
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
"Changed by Faith: Darren and Nerie's Love Story"
A long time ago, there was a man who lived his life to the fullest, a person who is self-centered, a man who doesn't have any goals in life, and a man who has lots of vices. He is Darren. One day he meets a girl who has a positive attitude, a person who changes the moods of everyone when she's around, a person who has a dream in life, and a person who has faith in our Lord. By the way, she is Nerie. The universe found a way to meet the two people, and their love story began.
The world stopped, and his heart beat so fast when he saw a girl with a lovely smile. Darren wants to introduce himself, but he doesn't have the courage. He wants to impress her, but he's not sure if she will be impressed. Darren felt like she had known her for a long time. Darren lost the chance to introduce himself because she had already left.
Finally, Nerie and her churchmates conduct a public service near Darren's home. And when Darren heard, he immediately went to where the public service did in order to see Nerie. As expected, he sees Nerie with a beautiful smile, and his heart is filled with joy to see her. Nerie came to the position of Darren, introduced herself, and invited him to join their service. "Hi, I'm Nerie", Darren doesn't know what to do since he's ashamed of Nerie, but the smile of Nerie gives him the courage to introduce himself, "Hello, I'm Darren", and then Nerie asks Darren if he could join their service in a soft voice "I would like to invite you to join in service this coming Sunday.", In Darren's mind, who could say no to that smile, and then Darren says, "Sure, I will be there".
The day passed by; today is a Sunday. Darren prepared himself to go to church; he made sure that he would look good and presentable. He arrived at Nerie's church, and Nerie and her churchmates welcomed him. Darren couldn't understand what he felt while he was worshipping, and that time he only felt that feeling. And that day he decided to change his life; he wanted to restore his life. Nerie saw how Darren wanted to change his life, and she helped him change with the help of the Lord.
Five years later, Darren and Nerie got married, built a family, and had two children. They continue to serve the Lord, and they make sure that their children are also serving God. Every person makes mistakes, has struggles, and even regrets things in the past. It doesn't matter what is in your past; what is important is the present. Every person has the chance to change his or her own life; it just depends on the person.
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