rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
Testimonio: Deliberative
"Fighting for Social Justice and Equity: Addressing Systemic Inequality and Injustice".
As someone who has personally felt the effects of injustice and inequality, I think it is our duty to take action and fight for a society that is more fair and equitable. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood, I witnessed firsthand how poverty and a lack of resources can feed cycles of injustice and inequality. My passion for social justice was stoked when I witnessed how individuals in authority ignored and marginalized my neighborhood.
We live in a world where institutionalized injustice and systematic inequity are firmly established. We must acknowledge the existence of these problems and take steps to rectify them, including racial disparities in the criminal justice system and the female pay gap. We need to hold our elected officials and leaders accountable and demand that they prioritize social justice and equity. We need to invest in education, healthcare, and social services that can help lift people out of poverty and provide access to resources that can help them succeed.
We need to address the root causes of inequality and injustice, such as systemic racism, sexism, and discrimination. We need to support and uplift marginalized communities and ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are met. I encourage you all to join me in this fight for social justice and equity. We cannot afford to be complacent or silent in the face of injustice. Together, we can create a more just and equitable society that uplifts and empowers all people, regardless of their background or circumstances.
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ihavenohotcocoa · 2 years
the jonafication of jonny sims
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pastorrodney0465 · 11 months
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horatios-harem · 3 years
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So this evening has been interesting...I had just recommended Hornblower to a friend of mine who said that they were really into historical stuff at the moment, and afterward I started looking through my edits because I had a new potential person to show them to. So I went scrolling through my blog, and found that one of my edits, on a post that I’ve had up since March, had been replaced with...Some random Nick Jonas fan video. And just to prove that this isn’t something I did myself, I included a screenshot of someone’s reblog that was from before the video changed.
I don’t know why this has happened, because as far as I can tell, my original video has a completely different url from the Nick Jonas one. In addition to that, this wasn’t something that happened a long time ago, my original video was up there for several months, but all of the sudden it’s changed. Apparently the Nick Jonas video was uploaded to youtube on July 18th, almost two weeks ago, so my guess is that the video changed that day.
What’s even more interesting (although not that surprising) is that this issue appears to have something to do with tumblr specifically, because if I just write the url to my video, it still leads to my video, and not the Nick Jonas one. But if I write the url to my video in the url section of tumblr’s “video post,” aka this:
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It just comes up as this Nick Jonas video:
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and if I write the url to the actual Nick Jonas video, it still comes up as the Nick Jonas video.
So to summarize, tumblr has just decided that this:
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and this:
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are both Nick Jonas and there’s nothing I can do about it hfdskhfdsj (except write out the url normally in a “text post”).
Good news is that this seems to be my only post with this issue, all my other posts with my edits have the correct video, both on this blog and my main blog. I’m curious if other people have dealt with this issue, not in this fandom specifically, but like in general, where tumblr just decides the video you put on a post is actually a different video.
Anyway, I’ve dealt with a lot of strange bullshit here on tumblr, because it’s tumblr, but this takes the cake for most bizarre.
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qudratjordan · 2 years
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dd-jo.org/.../localizing-research-on-domestic...Given the importance of nurturing the role and capabilities of local civil society institutions, especially those run by women leaders, in monitoring and analyzing the reality of their communities and the environment regulating their work, all of which qualify them to engage in sensitive issues such as social and domestic violence, this report, in which 11 organizations participated, seeks Civil society members of the Jordan National NGOs Forum (JONAF) to research domestic violence from a societal perspective.This report explores the local community’s perceptions and attitudes towards violence against women and girls, focusing on the levels of awareness, attitudes, and societal responses to these cases through the work of ARDD with local organizations to enhance their capabilities to enable them to conduct their own research; Including identifying the different types of domestic violence, and raising awareness of the signs and effects of domestic violence against women and girls, in addition to providing an opportunity for organizations to develop community-based prevention and response mechanisms in order to improve the support provided to survivors of violence.The report, which comes as part of the action research conducted by ARDD's Al Nahda Center within the framework of the project “Strengthening the Capacities of Women-led CSOs in Evidence-Based Advocacy and Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda” implemented in partnership with UN Women Jordan with the generous funding of the governments of Canada, Finland, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Cyprus, presented several specific recommendations that are incorporated through three policy briefs to mitigate these cases.1- Enhancing access to Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence: Building Trust in National and Local Service Providers 2- Economic empowerment and mitigating domestic violence risks3- Building a Women´s Network for Empowerment and Solidarity In addition to advocating for legislative and judiciary reforms for more https://ardd-jo.org/.../localizing-research-on-domestic...#JONAPاللجنة الوطنية الأردنية لشؤون المرأة
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☆. Dear, Jonaf Adelio.
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
"The Glass Essay" by Anne Carson.
I can hear little clicks inside my dream.
Night drips its silver tap
down the back.
At 4 A.M. I wake. Thinking
of the man who
left in September.
His name was Law.
My face in the bathroom mirror
has white streaks down it.
I rinse the face and return to bed.
Tomorrow I am going to visit my mother.
She lives on a moor in the north.
She lives alone.
Spring opens like a blade there.
I travel all day on trains and bring a lot of books—
some for my mother, some for me
including The Collected Works Of Emily Brontë.
This is my favourite author.
Also my main fear, which I mean
to confront.
I am reading her diary in her kitchen.
Honey-colored air surrounds me
and the windows of her house
are open to a green field.
I can smell the bushes near the shoreline where
the large peonies are out.
Her rotting shingles falling
on the grass are a kind of perfection,
as this ivy on the chimney.
Also a sunken pear tree
out by the moor lane, and the whole
nature shrine ablaze with foxgloves.
She is walking back and forth,
up and down, as though
questioning the very floor.
Who is it now?
Who is it?
weeps my mother,
circling the dining table.
Who has come back to us?
The night is darkening round me,
the wild winds coldly blow;
But a tyrant spell has bound me
and I cannot, cannot go.
The giant trees are bending
their bare boughs weighed with snow.
And the storm is fast descending,
and yet I cannot go.
Clouds beyond clouds above me,
wastes beyond wastes below;
but nothing drear can move me;
I will not, cannot go.
It is a glass of water
steady on the bedside table:
the fragile kind, that is
and transparent the way only
inanimate objects are.
I taste its coolness, and in this kind of heat
my pleasure is guilty.
Two years ago I was in Newfoundland
for Christmas. It was cold.
My sister-in-law lives there.
She is the one
who said "You have to go on living,
you can't kill yourself
just because you can't get a man."
She said that.
I met a man once
and loved him.
He loved me not.
It was terrible.
I have been thinking
about the changeable
and fickle nature
of love.
I have been thinking
about the moment
when you first realize
that love is not enough.
I remember
a little
the way
my mother
would kneel
on the floor
in front of
the tall
wooden radio
and tunefully
the pain
in her voice
into a rich
and moving
The radio
was a temple
and she
was the priestess
who nightly
the world
of the unseen.
I am in a glass case
Looking out.
Lately the only thing
that interests me
is the possibility
of finding
a new way
to say things.
In the dream
I am sitting
at my father's table
and my father is sitting
at his table
and Law is sitting
at his table
and we are all
having a meal together.
It is a Sunday
It is a meal
I have prepared
for the three of us.
But Law is angry
and starts shouting at me
about my cooking.
He is so angry
he begins to knock dishes
off the table one by one.
I try to ignore him
and keep eating
but he begins
to throw things
at me.
I stand up
to get away from him
and when I do
he throws the table
at me.
I am under the table
looking at his feet
and the table is pressing
on my head.
He is standing there
with his fists
clenched and I know
he is going to kill me.
I woke up
and went to the window.
A bus was passing.
The sky cleared
and I saw the moon.
I am a glass
I am a glass
I am a glass person.
In the dream
I am a girl
with a glass eye.
I look out
the peephole
and see
the world
as a chamber
of empty
I am afraid
to go out
for fear
of falling
into that space.
In the dream
I am walking
with my father
and he is talking
about the history
of fish.
He says
they have been here
for millions of years
and that we
know very little
about them.
I think of you
and feel sad.
I am writing
this in a place
where I can see
the sea.
It is winter
and it is night.
I am alone.
I have never
been so alone
in my life.
I am a glass
I am a glass
I am a glass
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
"Changed by Faith: Darren and Nerie's Love Story"
A long time ago, there was a man who lived his life to the fullest, a person who is self-centered, a man who doesn't have any goals in life, and a man who has lots of vices. He is Darren. One day he meets a girl who has a positive attitude, a person who changes the moods of everyone when she's around, a person who has a dream in life, and a person who has faith in our Lord. By the way, she is Nerie. The universe found a way to meet the two people, and their love story began.
The world stopped, and his heart beat so fast when he saw a girl with a lovely smile. Darren wants to introduce himself, but he doesn't have the courage. He wants to impress her, but he's not sure if she will be impressed. Darren felt like she had known her for a long time. Darren lost the chance to introduce himself because she had already left.
Finally, Nerie and her churchmates conduct a public service near Darren's home. And when Darren heard, he immediately went to where the public service did in order to see Nerie. As expected, he sees Nerie with a beautiful smile, and his heart is filled with joy to see her. Nerie came to the position of Darren, introduced herself, and invited him to join their service. "Hi, I'm Nerie", Darren doesn't know what to do since he's ashamed of Nerie, but the smile of Nerie gives him the courage to introduce himself, "Hello, I'm Darren", and then Nerie asks Darren if he could join their service in a soft voice "I would like to invite you to join in service this coming Sunday.", In Darren's mind, who could say no to that smile, and then Darren says, "Sure, I will be there".
The day passed by; today is a Sunday. Darren prepared himself to go to church; he made sure that he would look good and presentable. He arrived at Nerie's church, and Nerie and her churchmates welcomed him. Darren couldn't understand what he felt while he was worshipping, and that time he only felt that feeling. And that day he decided to change his life; he wanted to restore his life. Nerie saw how Darren wanted to change his life, and she helped him change with the help of the Lord.
Five years later, Darren and Nerie got married, built a family, and had two children. They continue to serve the Lord, and they make sure that their children are also serving God. Every person makes mistakes, has struggles, and even regrets things in the past. It doesn't matter what is in your past; what is important is the present. Every person has the chance to change his or her own life; it just depends on the person.
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
"I wish I could go back in time."
When I think back on my childhood, it makes me want to go back and see me perform surprising and wild things; those were the funniest times ever. Thinking back on some bizarre things I've done, like sobbing in front of my parents to buy something I wanted—yeah, that was a tactic.
One time my mom told me to buy seasoning at the sari-sari store, but instead of buying a seasoning, I bought junk food, and guess what? My mom scolded me. I still laugh when I remember that. On the other hand, I also experienced a painful experience when I was a child, when my lolo died. I was 7 at the time, and I still remember that my lola suffered from sadness, and I still remember that she said, "Your lolo is already gone," as she sobbed and hugged me.
I wish I could go back in time and relive the days from my childhood when I always felt safe, when I and my friends were just having fun until our parents called and we weren't planning on what we would do next, and when I and my friends would argue and grow into enemies, then later on we would become friends as if nothing had happened.
But now, it's quite difficult to live because you're constantly planning your day and need money to live comfortably. I really really want to go back to the moments when I used to play with my friends and then simply lay on my bed, without caring about anything, even what I was wearing or how I looked. Simply put, I long to return to my younger years. There are no issues, just good times.
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
"Factors that contributed to mabini Davao De Oro's success".
Mabini, a second-class municipality in the Philippines, was formerly known as a Doña Alicia. It is a portion of Davao de Oro, which is situated in Mindanao's Davao Region. The municipality was established on May 28 1953, as a result of President Elpido Quirino's Executive order No. 596, from the eastern portion of Tagum and the northern portion of Pantukan. In June 12, 1954, the former Doña Alicia municipality's new name, Mabini. The Mabini is politically subdivided into 11 barangays.
Reynaldo Dayanghirang became a mayor in Mabini, Davao de Oro for past six years. One of his advocacy is to addressed the insurgency and help those people who became victims of the CPP-NPA, he helps them by giving new livelihood, trainings, and seminar on how to prevent insurrection. Just like the program of 71st Infantry (kaibigan) battalion headed by LTC Sonny E. Gonzales and supported by the local government unit, the 4-day Peace Building Seminar that held at Mabini National High School, Mabini Central Elementary School, Mabini Davao de Oro, in November 21-24, 2020.
The national and local elections happened on May 9, 2022 and Reynaldo Dayanghirang tries to run for his third term, but unfortunately, his opposition, Emersion Luego, win the election in 2022. In July 1, 2022 Mayor Emerson Luego start his duty as a mayor in Mabini Davao De Oro's. Mayor's advocacy is to promote tourism in town, in order to gain more investors and promote the beauty of Mabini, just like the Mabini mountain ridge and many more.
There will be change if the government takes action, just like under the administration of Mayor Emerson. While Dayanghirang was mayor, he did also a good job as a mayor of a municipality. A community will improve if the leader wants improvements, the community will have progress if the leader wants also a progress.
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
"Las Experiencias de mi vida" ( My life's Experience).
My name is Jonafer Benjamin, I was born on June 30, 2005 at Davao Regional Hospital Tagum City. I lived in Lapinigan, Mabini, Davao de Oro. Our family is made up of four siblings. As the second kid, I am. My father's name is Joel Benjamin, he is a farmer, and my mother's name is Ana Benjamin, she is a housewife. In our free time, we bonded with one another. My family was a happy, loving family.
I began taking classes when I was five years old. I attended Mabini Central Elementary School for kindergarten and continued my education there until grade five. And I continued my grade six at Tibagon Elementary School, where I graduated from elementary. And I can say that my elementary years were great fun; which I like.
My high school life started when I was twelve years old. I met different than of people. And some of them I stayed close with for a long time, while others I eventually lost with and became strangers. I joined scouting when I was in seventh grade, and it was a great experience because I learned how to be responsible, and it taught me to respect one another and work as a team if you want to accomplish. I learned a lot throtouchughout my junior year, including the value of spending time with friends and family.
Time goes by and now I am currently a grade 12 HUMSS student and still at Mabini National High School where I started my high school. I can say that high school is a roller coaster ride because you can experience different kinds of emotions and feelings while learning. You can feel pressure, but at the same time you can also feel enjoyment. And now, here I am, continuously striving to fullfil my life's goals everyday.
I'm still putting a lot of effort into my future in the hopes of achieving my goals. So yeah, wish me luck!.
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
"Reasons to keep dreaming"
Everybody has a unique life stories, and I certainly do. Six people made up my family. Mother, father, my older brother , then me , and my two younger sisters. We had a little home, but it was filled with a lot of attention for each member of the family. Although my parents didn't always fulfill our wants, they always made sure to do so in order to meet our basic needs. And with that, I'm really grateful to them. I can claim that our parents did everything they could to raise us well .
I am currently a grade 12 HUMSS student at Mabini National High School. And I'm about to graduate and start college in a few months. I am aware that there are still a lot of things to finish before I can graduate, so it is too early to celebrate. I do occasionally overthink things and have mood swings. Life has given me many quite fights, which I have faced alone. And I can claim that every hardship and difficulty I had during my life just made me stronger.
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rosesarereds-posts · 1 year
This blog is created solely for our Creative Nonfiction subject and is owned by several individuals aforementioned below.
Cobrado, Xiena
Gonato, Fhreichlyn Kate
Benjamin, Jonafer
Erol [blog related contents]
Liscog, Hamjah
Cosal, Artdave
Nujaym [blog related contents]
Denmar [blog related contents]
Atil, Hanie
Villanueva, Jhelyn
Labay, Alexa
Tacaba, Jemaica
Tecson, Rose Ann
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