#truly gave no fucks and made him come straight out of the BL mines
t0bey · 8 months
hunter norton is so funny to look at bc the top half looks like a twunk you'd see on pinterest and then his bottom half has the legs you'd see on a standard helluva boss character. and then theres rocks ig
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
‘Love and Redemption’ eps 51-59 (final thoughts)
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I feel empty but I’m happy. I finished it, it’s over and it’s going to my top favorite dramas of this year. What a crazy, beautiful, painful but rewarding ride! Also, that’s a huge ass poster but it seemed appropiate for the final post and it’s just gorgeous.
This is a very long post, you’ve been warned lol
First thing first: WE GOT A HAPPY ENDING. I loved the story but I knew, going into it that it was a hell of angst fest and that held me back a bit, except that I learned that it ended happily, and hey, I’m down for those endings. What can I say? I don’t do sad endings, real life is already messed up enough. Also, my boy Sifeng remained from beginning to end, my favorite character in the drama AND enters my honorable list of favorite male leads in dramas I keep thinking about making a real post with that list, maybe soon 
I love Xuanji a lot. I want to make that clear before saying what’s next. While I think that she was definitely a lot dumber and gullible that I’d liked her to be, I understood why she was acting the way she did. During  eps 41-50 she didn’t know what Sifeng was doing the way that we as viewers did. She had no idea. Could she have figured it out if she’d tried? Yes, but also, she had a precedent of letting revenge and resentment get the best of her in another 9 lives... so it was not really that crazy that she tried to kill Sifeng. Did I wanted to slap some sense into her? Totally, but I think she was punished enough for doubting him. Not only because she learned the truth of all those past lives and that she always hurt Sifeng but because our male lead himself punished her by pushing her away and given her the cold shoulder once she found him. After two years, mind you.
I think that, if you add all that up, it’s actually a bit more than what she deserved. Poor girl. Also, she totally made up for it once Sifeng forgave her, my heart melted/broke while she cared for him before and after finding out he was dying yet again, because of her, because he saved her.
And then Xuanji made the biggest, most in your face declaration of love and devotion in the whole three realms, when she found out that she was in fact not only the God of War but also the Star of Mosha aka the most terrible and evil dude to ever exist (Dijun’s words not mine) and still opened the crystal lamp... Because only by doing that she could save Sifeng’s life. She basically said “fuck the 3 realms and their peace, if Sifeng’s dead then I don’t care for anything” even when she knew she’d become a man which is hilarious to me bc what the fuck censors?
So Sifeng was no longer on mortal danger but he lost Xuanji sort of since she was now a man lol and thus we never broke the cycle of “we must make Sifeng suffer throughout the whole show”. I can appreciate the consistency of it, even if it broke my heart to see him like that.
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And then the drama turned into a BL drama. Which made me laugh for a good almost 4 episodes. I loved it, it’s true. I can’t deny watching Sifeng stare lovingly at a man while holding his hands and telling him “I won’t leave you” didn’t do things to my heart and that my fangirling personality was left unaffected. I do have trouble coming to an understanding of the censors and their mystical ways because they were just not watching the drama. Or maybe they were, since they cut the ep count from 70 to 59. I do wonder what else was in that part of the story we’ll never get to see. Probs more gay stuff and hey! how dare you deprive me of it, censors?
I’m so glad most side plots and problems were resolved before these last 9 episodes, because then we had all that time to focus on OTP achieving a well deserved happy ending while exploring BL options AND the whole “God of War/Star of Mosha are the same person” was finally explained. Which, wow, it was heavy and fucking Dijun, you really are the shittiest shit excuse of a God to ever shit-exist. What an asshole. I felt really bad Luohuo Jidu, to be betrayed and mutilated in that way by a person you cared for and trusted... that’s a terrible violation to suffer. Truly horrible. He didn’t deserved any of that, he was innocent and he wasn’t going to harm anyone or bring war to the heavens. And the ending they gave to Dijun is my one problem with this drama, the one thing that I hated. But tbh no ending would’ve ever felt satisfactory to me. In the end, Xuanji’s attitude, indifference, was the best position to take, since revenge and hate wouldn’t have done any good.
I did enjoy a bit Dijun’s breakdown when the Heavenly Emperor showed him what could’ve happened if he’d never meddled in the whole affair with his stupid motivation to “save and guard the 3 realms”. It was all caused by him... and as much as I hate to admit it, without him, there wouldn’t be a drama. Think about it, had he not created the God of War, Xuanji wouldn’t exist and Sifeng would’ve never fallen in love with her. Everything was Dijun’s fault, including the love story and I feel conflicted about it ngl hahaha.
Which brings me to the revelation that Sifeng was XiXuan while in Heaven, the son of the Heavenly Emperor, a prince of the Heavens and the gasp, the shock, the screams out of my mouth!! It made a lot of sense that only someone in a high position would fly right in the middle of a heavenly execution and say “You’re not dying today, I will make them send you to the mortal realm and go through 10 tribulations. And I’m going with you.” Like !!!!!! Sifeng was SOOOOO Sifeng even before being Sifeng. Which is the reason why even Luohuo Jidu fell for Sifeng ha! 
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This was just Sifeng being a sexy badass telling his bf/gf “You need me”
The whole thing while Sifeng was on hell or whatever it’s called, with the Star of Mosha, was totally a BL drama plot and I was loving it. What a way to truly love someone, Sifeng. No matter if she was a dude or a woman or public enemy number 1, he was loyal and supportive of Xuanji in whatever form. Of course no one could resist that level of adoration and ultimately, Sifeng’s fierce love is what saved his life at the end since Luohuo Jidu gave him half of his heart, which reminds me, Heavenly Emperor is really one bad father he barely showed any concern for a son he hadn’t seen in 1000 years and died like 10 times. Wtf? He was also not only a bad father, but also the worst Heavenly Emperor, since he did nothing to prevent any of the problems in the last thousand years!
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That was sooo straight of you, drama ;)
I didn’t really understood how Xuanji and Luohuo Jidu got separated but since they already had an independent mind and personality of the other, I guess that was the key? Whatever, love conquers all, and always wins.
After all the big revelations and stopping the end of the world, Sifeng was also in a coma for like a year or who knows how long and poor Xuanji waited/cared for him patiently. To me, it feels safe to say she suffered as much as Sifeng did and loved as loyally as him. Their wedding and their wedding night was stuff out of a fairytale and ChengYi’s ost was the perfect song for it, I was soooooo happy and couldn’t stop smiling like a fool.
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The scene with the party, demons and mortals united and celebrating like equals and getting drunk, with Sifeng following his wife around the place while carrying their baby on his arms and trying to get her to put down the wine hahaha was the perfect and a well deserved ending for them.
I like to think they ascended again after a long, happy mortal life, and were free to love and adore each other for eternity. Sifeng, Xuanji, yours was a crazy as f*ck ride, full of pain and tears, but I’m so glad you loved each other so deeply, against all odds, curses, lies and whatnot. Cheers to you and your happiest ending!
I don’t know if I want a season 2! On one hand, if it’s the same cast I’d just have to see it, no question about it, though it ended perfectly. And if it is another cast, why do a second season at all?
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