scott1984fp · 1 month
All Roads For Ukraine War, Gazza Slaughtering, Likely Taiwan Invasions 2024-2025+ , Donald TrumpGOP, Boris Johnson & Rishi Suna from Scott1984FP on Vimeo.
All Roads For Ukraine War, Gazza Slaughtering, Likely Taiwan Invasions 2024-2025+ , Donald Trump/GOP, Boris Johnson & Rishi Sunak - #BRICS
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randomlovermoves · 4 years
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marykk1990 · 4 years
Trump and his TrumpGOP are trying to steal the election from the rightful winner Joe Biden. We can't allow that. They need to honor the results of the election and start the transition process.
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daelitesmom · 4 years
#TrumpGOP #TrumpDeepState #trumpgenocide2020 #TrumpHatesAmerica #TrumpHatesAmericans #TrumpHatesUSConstitution all while #SenateGOP #HouseGOP are all complicit. #DestroyingWeThePeople #OneRightAtATime https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1yfFfnehE/?igshid=dc4bs4f112v0
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
End of Government Shutdown May Depend on the Definition of Trump’s (STUPID) ‘Wall’ https://nyti.ms/2RpxwCN
End of Government Shutdown May Depend on the Definition of ‘Trump's (STUPID) Wall’
#Trump #MAGA #TrumpChristmasShutdown #TrumpShutdown
By Emily Cochrane and Jennifer Medina | Dec. 26, 2018 | New York Times | Posted December 27, 2018 |
WASHINGTON — With a partial government shutdown stretching past Day 5, the impasse over funding a wall at the southwestern border has highlighted the debate over effective border security, with a breakthrough possibly hinging on a semantic argument: What is a wall?
Lawmakers will return to Capitol Hill on Thursday to resume negotiations over either a stopgap spending bill to reopen nine federal departments and several government agencies or broader measures to fund the government through September. But the White House and Democrats remain at odds over the $5 billion that President Trump is demanding for a wall, his signature campaign promise.
Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the majority whip, told House members on Wednesday that no votes were expected on Thursday. That signaled that the shutdown would almost certainly stretch through the weekend — and probably into the new year. More than likely, it will fall to House Democrats to pass legislation reopening the government when they take control on Jan. 3.
The president told reporters on Wednesday that he would do “whatever it takes” to ensure funding was provided for the wall he once bragged Mexico would pay for.
“We need a wall,” Mr. Trump said during a visit to American troops in Iraq. “We need safety for our country. Even from this standpoint.”
Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader who is expected to be elected speaker next week, told USA Today: “He says, ‘We’re going to build a wall with cement, and Mexico’s going to pay for it’ while he’s already backed off of the cement. Now he’s down to, I think, a beaded curtain or something. I’m not sure where he is.”
Democrats say they have little reason to negotiate. The administration has spent only 6 percent of the $1.7 billion allocated during the 2017 and 2018 fiscal years for physical barriers on the border, they said. About $1.3 billion was designated in 2018 for different types of fencing in areas that would have covered about 96 miles, but rising costs have shaved off 12 miles.
With so little spent, Democrats argue, Congress has no business more than doubling this year’s allocation. But a Republican aide said that all but $70 million of the money allocated in 2018 had been committed to border security projects.
Mr. Trump and his conservative allies are trying to paint their opponents as unwilling to invest in border security, while Democrats are working to draw a distinction between the current showdown and past border fights, when Congress approved billions of dollars in funding for hundreds of miles of fencing, barriers, drones and other measures to impede illegal immigration.
A wall “would be spending an enormous amount of money that would not achieve the taxpayers’ goal,” said Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey and one of eight senators who negotiated a bipartisan immigration overhaul that passed the Senate in 2013.
“There is not a one-size-fits-all solution — a wall, slats, whatever — and nobody who has ever looked at this question has said that that is the solution,” he added.
While a final decision has not been made, Ms. Pelosi will most likely seek a swift vote on the legislation the House spurned before funding lapsed: the Senate’s stopgap spending bill would provide funding through Feb. 8, according to a House Democratic aide familiar with the negotiations.
Because next month will herald a new Congress, the Senate will have to pass it again. And there is no guarantee that Mr. Trump will sign it.
“We are still open to discussion,” said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. “I would say that the wall is the problem. Most people we talk to say the wall is a political answer to a problem that really requires a thoughtful, a more pragmatic response.”
Whether Mr. Trump signs the bill might depend on whether he and Democrats can agree to disagree on what a border barrier is called. Democrats have accepted fencing in the past. Mr. Trump has taken to intermittently calling his barrier a wall or “aesthetically pleasing steel slats.”
In Iraq, he told reporters he was planning on “going to the wall” on the Mexican border next year for a “ground breaking.” He said he planned to visit the border before his State of the Union address, usually given toward the end of January.
It was one of a series of inscrutable statements from the president since parts of the government closed, furloughing 380,000 federal workers and forcing over 420,000 to work without pay. On Monday, he tweeted that he had signed a contract to build 115 miles of border wall in Texas, an odd pronouncement given that the Homeland Security Department ran out of money at midnight on Dec. 21. The department referred questions to the White House, which has yet to offer an explanation.
As the impasse continues, the president and other conservatives have pointed to previous votes — including the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and the Senate bill that Mr. Menendez helped negotiate — as evidence that Democratic objections are driven by spite for the president, not opposition to the policy itself.
“Chuck Schumer and Senate Dems should support more border security — just like they have in the past,” Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican Party, tweeted on Wednesday. “In 2013, every single Senate Democrat supported $46 BILLION, which included 700 miles of barrier with Mexico.”
The existing fence, which Mr. Trump has started to claim was built under his administration, was actually begun under President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, and has steadily grown in fragments, said Wayne Cornelius, an immigration expert at the University of California, San Diego. Experts continue to question its effectiveness, even as it expands.
Mr. Trump’s demand “doesn’t comply with what the professionals at homeland security said they needed to secure the border,” said Senator Michael Bennet, Democrat of Colorado. “There is an absolutely massive difference. It’s as if he entered the policy debate believing what he says and not understanding how false his statements are.”
Mr. Bennet this year helped put together the compromise that would have allocated $25 billion in wall money in exchange for offering legal residence to thousands of young immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children. Based on his interactions with the White House in the last year, he said he does not believe Mr. Trump actually wants a solution, merely an issue to use for political scores.
Some Republicans have dismissed the distinction between fencing and wall and said a wall could be an improvement to barriers along portions of the border.
“The hard line of the Democrats is ridiculous,” said former Representative Jack Kingston, a Georgia Republican whose years on the House Appropriations Committee overlapped with a number of debates on border security. “You have to come to the table with something you want and something you’re willing to give.”
However, Mr. Kingston added, Republicans erred in not “continuously building the case for why a wall is important.”
But in places where border fencing is already in place, there is confusion over whether a concrete wall could be an enhancement.
For years in San Diego, most residents have referred to the barrier there as a fence. But some have taken to calling it a wall, in a nod to the president’s campaign messaging and the barrier’s three reinforced layers of sheet metal, concrete columns and metal fence edged by razor wire.
“I’m not sure what more they could plan to do here; we have a pretty extensive border wall here already that dates back to Bush, when they raised the height and added more layers,” said Serge Dedina, the mayor of Imperial Beach, who has spent his whole life on the border. “It has significantly changed already. As always with the border, it has nothing to do with reality. We’re the safest beach city in San Diego County.”
Denise Moreno Ducheny, a senior policy adviser at the University of California, San Diego’s Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, condemned Mr. Trump’s vision of a border wall as “a fourth-century solution to a 20th-century problem.”
“If you are going to do more things to secure the border, do it with more intelligence, more technology,” she said. “The whole idea that you are going to build a Great Wall of China between California and Mexico is just silly.”
Some activists in California have used the word “wall” to describe the fencing for years, including Enrique Morones, who leads the group Border Angels, which leaves water and other aid for those crossing through the desert.
“When people hear fence, they think of it as something that you have with your neighbor, not something that has led to the deaths of thousands of people,” he said, pointing to the number of migrants who have moved farther east to more treacherous terrain.
“President Bush, President Obama, they all reinforced what was already there,” he added. “The only difference is they didn’t think it was a major political win for them.”
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'MONDAY NIGHT SLAUGHTER': Legendary investigative journalist Carl Bernstein calls Trump-GOP ...
'MONDAY NIGHT SLAUGHTER': Legendary investigative journalist Carl Bernstein calls Trump-GOP …
Investigative journalist Carl Bernstein.Screenshot via CNN Prominent investigative journalist Carl Bernstein sounded an ominous warning about the Trump administration’s moves to undermine the US Justice Department and the FBI amid t… Business Insider
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awakeposttruth-blog · 6 years
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Who is Steven Mnuchin – Goldman Sachs, IndyMac, Foreclosure King, Secretary of the Treasury and multi-millionaire yet still needs use of government aircraft at cost of over $810,000. https://awakeposttruth.com/who-is-steven-mnuchin/ #DonaldTrump #Trump #StevenMnuchin #TrumpTreason #trumpregrets #TrumpGOP
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notmypresidenttrump · 7 years
#Repost @moveon ・・・ Last night Jimmy Kimmel destroyed the dangerous new GOP plan to repeal the ACA. The Senate has 10 days to pass this bill and they are very close - call your senators now and tell them to reject health care repeal: (855) 999-1663 #ProtectOurCare #Healthcare #JimmyKimmel #Resist #Trumpcare #TrumpGOP
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becksworldblog-blog · 5 years
Week 5 Australian Political Parties’ use of Social Media
In week 5, there was a discussion about politicians and their use of social media and if it reflects through their votes. Social media evolves every few months and has now become a tool to help political parties earn votes as they are able to be in direct contact with the public. 
Jericho discusses how in America “the Obama team’s use of social media during the 2008 election campaign was a major focus of its strategy” (2012, p. 255). This is an example of the ability of social networking and bringing people together (Jericho 2012, p. 255). Similarly, this was also the case for Donald Trump when he won the election in 2017. Young discovered that 74 per cent of Americans went online during the 2008 Presidential Election, 13 per cent of American adults use social media to create their own political content and 14 per cent utilise social networking sites for political information (2010, p. 204)
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Young continues to discuss how in Australia, the utilisation of social media for political purposes is not as widespread compared to the US (2010, p. 205). Instead of social media, Political Parties have created websites in which users can search online and get information directly from their page about their views and values. Major News Outlets in Australia have gone online and begun blog posts with interactive tools. This system is efficient as it is the most trustworthy as it is direct from the source. With social media nowadays, it can be difficult filtering through what is accurate information and what is filled with lies. 
Is it a positive leap? As the world evolves and moves forward into an online society it can be considered a positive leap. This is because they can reach a wider audience, particularly a younger audience. It can be the beginning of educating them in Australian politics from a young age so then by the time they turn 18, they are well informed about Australian politics and have their own opinions about it. We are heading towards being always online which can be quite worrisome, but if it is a positive outcome for politicians then so be it. However, it won’t be positive for all politicians as some may encounter hateful comments. That is one of the negatives about politicians taking their parties online, those that are against that particular party may decide to leave some hateful comments. This can lead to leaving a bad impression amongst the public if that comment gets attention. Even though Social Media is efficient and easy access, those utilising it for political reasons would have to watch what they post about as it can haunt them later on in life, or have a serious backlash.
Jericho, G 2012, Rise of the Fifth Estate: Social Media and Blogging in Australian Politics, 1st edn, Scribe Publications Pty Ltd., Victoria. 
Young, S 2010, How Australia Decides: Election Reporting and the Media, 1st edn, Cambridge University Press, New York.
Donald Trump 2016, ‘Donald Trump’s Tweet’ [image], in Twitter, viewed 24 January 2019,
< https://www.theprogressivesinfluence.com/2017/07/trumpgop-voter-commission-which-hunt.html >.
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thirzatumtum · 2 years
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God loved us before we first repented. Honored to be born on this planet where we can freely worship Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and bow only to Him.
#BurningFieryFurnaceAintNothingWaitTillYouMeetGod #imSuperExcitedandCantHolditinAnymore #HisNameisJesus #Alleluia #AnsweredPrayersOnceAgain #OnceAgainAnsweredPrayers #HisWillBeDone #everysingletime #HissheephearHisvoice
#StopLyingAboutJesus #StopServingFear #KeepServingJesus  #FactsAboutTruth #FactsAboutGod #FactsAboutTheBible #FactsAboutSharing #FactsAboutScripture #FactsAboutChrist #FactsAboutChristJesus #FactsAboutJesusChrist #FactsAboutJesus #FactsAboutHope #FactsAboutSinners #FactsAboutTheRighteous #FactsMatter #FactCheck #factcheckthis #factsdontcareaboutyourfeelings #FactsOverFeelings #GreatPeaceHaveTheyWhichLoveThyLawAndNothingShallOffendThem #GreatPeaceHaveTheyWhichLoveThyLaw #love #Mercy #Grace #Forgiveness #Charity #Compassion #whodoYousayJesusis #JesusisGod #ComeAndTakeIt #DontTreadOnMe #AmericaFirst #maga #StillTraining #LiberalLogic #TruthSeekers #FreedomFighters #StopLyingAboutJesus #StopServingFear #KeepServingJesus #BingeJesus #LetsGoBrandon #2acommunity #2asupporter #2AShallNotBeInfringed #2aWillNotBeInfringed #2aallday #2amendmentrights #2adefenders #2aNation #2aWomen #2astrong #2aSoldier #2ARights #2ndamendmentrights #2amendment🇺🇸 #HoldTheLine  #Truckers4Freedom #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineInvasion #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Ukraine2022 #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaConflict #RussiaUkraineConflict #Russia2022 #Aggression #Tactics #WarGames #ww3 #WWIII #stockmarketcrash #RussiaWar #UkraineWar #StopLyingAboutJesus #StopServingFear #KeepServingJesus #KingdomPerspective #KingdomTings #KingdomWomen #AgainstTheCurrent #BingeJesus #GetUsedToDifferent #2AShallNotBeInfringed #2aWillNotBeInfringed #2aallday #Truckers4Freedom #TruckerforFreedom2022 #AmericanConstitution #patriot #Lent2022 #NATO #UnitedNations #combat #behardwhenitgetshard #livefreeordie #progun #TrumpWasRight #TrumpWasRightAboutEverything #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica #Trump2024 #Trump2020 #TrumpWon #TrumpRally #TrumpWorld #TrumpGOP #TrumpIsARussianAsset #TrumpTraitor #TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpIsALiar #TrumpRussia #TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison #TrumpIsATraitor #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #TrumpVirus #trumppressconference #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #trumpforprison #Putin #Lviv #KyivNow #Chernobyl #BidenGasCrisis #Harris2024 #2aliars #bidenvoters #BidenIsAFailure #BidenIsALaughingstock #BidenHarris #wars #RumorsOfWars #BibleVerseDaily #ScriptureDaily #DailyScripture #DailyBibleVerse #VerseADay #ChristianMotivation #DailyMotivation #ForgivenChristian #Jesusmatters #ironsharpensirontour #HolySpirit #CompassionForLife #CompassionForSinners #CharityForLife #CharityForSinners #ForgivenessForSinners #MercyForSinners #GraceForSinners #sinners #HarlotsUnite #PublicansUnite #HarlotsofInstagram #AnsweredPrayersOnceAgain #OnceAgainAnsweredPrayers #HisWillBeDone #everysingletime #HissheephearHisvoice #myHeartSaidThyFaceLordwilliSeek #HeAnnointedMyHeadWithOil #MyCupRunnethOver #GreatPeaceHaveTheyWhichLoveThyLaw #2aSinners #2aliars #2Alie #2aSin #2aHardenedHearts #2aHardHearts #2aSinner #2aFail #2aFears #2aFlop #2aSins #2akarma #22toomany #mi22ion #redShirtFriday #RememberEveryoneDeployed #REDFriday #22UntilNone
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scott1984fp · 1 month
All Roads For Ukraine War, Gazza Slaughtering, Likely Taiwan Invasions 2024-2025+ , Donald TrumpGOP, Boris Johnson & Rishi Suna from Scott1984FP on Vimeo.
All Roads For Ukraine War, Gazza Slaughtering, Likely Taiwan Invasions 2024-2025+ , Donald Trump/GOP, Boris Johnson & Rishi Sunak - #BRICS
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reportwire · 3 years
Trump congratulates Rittenhouse on acquittal
Trump congratulates Rittenhouse on acquittal
Former President TrumpDonald TrumpGOP Senate candidate says Fauci is ‘mass murderer,’ should be jailed rather than ‘hero’ Rittenhouse Overnight Health Care — Presented by Emergent Biosolutions — Pfizer, US strike COVID-19 pill deal On The Money — House Democrats ready to Build Back Better MORE congratulated Kyle Rittenhouse after a jury found him not guilty of all charges at the conclusion of his…
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randomlovermoves · 4 years
Trump tries to use Fear to stay in power, but he has way overused it, and stayed too long.  OUT, OUT! You unworthy liar.
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unrelentingwarrior · 6 years
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America was built on two genocidal crimes; the Genocide of 120 Million plus Native Americans and the enslavement of Blacks. “The White Man Stole The Land.”
 Irony: Donald Trump and 298 White People plus 1 Black are stealing everything from the 76.9% Whites and the other races and apparently America’s Democracy is too weak to stop them, including the Judicial System. Corruption, Treason, Lying, Stealing is now the Law of the Land!
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daelitesmom · 4 years
I put 100% responsibility onto @realdonaldtrump #TrumpGOP #TrumpDeepState for the fear & racial tension happening in USA DRUMPF YOU ARE A MEAN, SPITEFUL, ARROGANT, EGOMANIACAL, RACIST WHO HAS TURNED OUR ALWAYS GREAT NATION INTO A NATION OF FEAR! YOU DID THIS! NOT THE DEMs BUT THE #DrumpBigotInChief! @senatemajldr @repkevinmccarthy, "Christian " @vp Mike Pence, @lindseygrahamsc @housegop @senategop @seanhannity @tuckercarlsontonight https://www.instagram.com/p/CB7LgoOnPfh/?igshid=1cfekx9tt2pj6
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faithnfrivolity · 5 years
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FoxNews reflects the painstaking quest for accuracy which it’s audience (TrumpGOP) demands 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
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