#truth be told im exhausted and half asleep as i type this so i miammm
anondudeao3 Β· 2 years
Figured I should continue to keep you guys updated on Broken!Verse
I have had another two epiphanies! It looks like, looking at my blog, I forgot to tell you about the first. I just checked my messages to one of my friends and the first epiphany was at little over a month ago.
I think I am getting very very close to sorting things out. I think this now means I have all of the later ones dealt with (maybe?) But Movie Night and the ones following soon after...I still don't really know. The first epiphany, and some advice feels like it's starting to tease at something but I just. Don't know yet. I don't know how to implement these things yet, and I feel like I may still be missing an important piece of the puzzle.
Anyway, the bad news is...exactly what I didn't want to happen is happening. Probably like...a good 80% of what I have written so far is not going to end up posted. That was what it finally was, one of the epiphanies was...well I will just explain how I got there:
I was writing a fic. I spent days writing a fic that was WAY too long like a man possessed. And it hit all the right spots, but when I thought about posting it, I realised that it was also...awful haha. The characterisation was horrid, and there were definitely other issues, and it was for a show I've never written for before but it's not because I don't know the show or understand the characters, I've watched it probably more times than I've rewatched ANYTHING. It was simply that this specific fic was EXACTLY what I wanted to read, and...the story was just not compatible with their characterisations. But I eventually came to the realisation that I didn't have to try to fix it up, and make it 'good', I could just have this fic for ME. It's okay to just write things for myself sometimes.
And after a couple weeks, now I out of the blue had the realisation that this perfectly applies to b!v, it feels like it makes sense, it feels right. I'm very attached to a lot of that writing, but a lot of it is just not good, but there are things I particularly love about it that hit just the right spot for me, so I can keep it just for myself and move on with creating a better b!v continuation that isn't bogged down by much of this tedium and madness without throwing anything away.
Anyway. Hopefully I can figure out the last bit(s) soon and start really working on rewriting Movie Night and the next ones coming!
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