#truthfully my favorite favorite shenanigans are when he gets huffy from being injured and slapped around
slipperyslideyday · 3 years
Has Mausk gotten up to any shenanigans like that? If not is there a story like that about them!? I like hearing about wacky things people do while playing ttg's. -nervous anon🌸🌹 What if we shared stories while eating sushi haha... Unless👀 I'll probably rant for hours and you eat everything 😂
[gebtly tapping on my desk as I chant] Sushi date! Sushi date! Sushi date!
Lmaooo I had to think of this for a minute because my brain likes focusing more on when he gets injured 😔 Cons of having a huge glowing pretty boy to fight with
But anyway; I think my favorite antics of Mausk’s campaign was horribly throwing javelins bc my early spell list was terrible ™️ and failing miserably to be of much help while we were fighting an undead dragon turtle- couch diving for coins and finding platinum pieces was also pretty great, esp getting to go “finders keepers!” later 🤣
He also managed to get a Magic’d platinum table set (can’t look up the item name rn) but it turns his rations into a proper hot meal when he uses it, love that for him
On going jokes with him also involved the fact that he always bathed daily when he had the option; it got to the point where the party was going “we can get you a bath servant dude!”
Which was thoroughly rejected due to the fact that Mausk has some intense Trust issues ™️; stemming from those issues, fun fact! Bean would scare the crap out of Mausk! This is due to the fact that a number of the people who have tried to have him killed were small and often times, he didn’t expect it! So while he wouldnt mind conning with Bean, he wouldn’t be able to trust them for a bit, as if often the case with issues uvu
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