strawberryslips · 1 year
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Player Character VS the Player
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
an evolution to maushold that's like 6 or 7 all tied together called mausking that's based off a rat king
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ianthedebonair · 1 year
Why was Ishaan #canceled? He seemed like a stalwart young lad, surely he wouldn't get up to trouble
tl;dr is he's a combustion-bending avatar so the world wasn't keen on accepting him due to prejudice. He got associated with a famous organization who used him, and when he discovered that the said organization was evil, he got sorta-framed for violence and was hated by everyone
More detail:
He's a combustion-bending Avatar, but combustion-benders had it pretty tough in the world because of their destructive reputation. Not to mention the historical records of combustion-benders going after previous avatars.
So Ishaan had a tough time integrating himself with the common people as an avatar with combustion-bending potential (hence, he never used it, nor trained to master it out of fear). It all changed when he got involved with a very famous international company/organization where his name and status essentially became synonymous with the organization.
The said organization also has a very rich and influential leader (think of it as the Elaughn Mauske of the avatar world) that greatly banked on his relationship with him (making statements that Ishaan is like a son, etc.) What's worse is that since Ishaan isn't one for media and attention (due to the previous paranoia of him combustion-bending), he usually let this leader speak in his stead (and this asshole overplays his own contribution to Ishaan's efforts, making him look more and more as a caring mentor)
Ishaan genuinely thought what he and the said organization was doing good, until he poked his nose into the wrong hole and discovered a criminal conspiracy that pins the said leader as the mastermind. Ishaan tried to get the truth out to the world, but by then, everyone was so invested with the organization's good reputation that no one believed him.
The organization started a subtle smear campaign against Ishaan painting him as a loose cannon and a wayward Avatar that the leader tried to guide (they also dragged the White Lotus' reputation to filth with this).
This all culminated with Ishaan physically confronting the leader to stop him and his plans. The encounter left the leader severely injured (he mostly did it to himself, but this encounter also forced Ishaan to use his untrained combustion-bending which led to a very destructive outcome) but fully incriminated Ishaan as the culprit. The whole world easily turned its back against the Avatar in favor of some rich asshole and never looked back.
Ishaan tried to restore his integrity but it really didn't do much. The White Lotus went underground. The people he trusted was forced to disassociate themselves with him. Shit kinda broke him so he went into hiding in the Spirit World and stayed there for years, until he returned as this jaded 30-something who has mastered combustion-bending and quietly resumed doing his avatar duties and covertly tries to gather information and allies against the said organization.
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nyorierd · 18 days
Aku ga pernah tau perasaan apa yang selalu aku rasakan ketika ada orang yang membicarakan prihal laki-laki, or just me seeing guy in some random day, terus ada pikiran dan perasaan that I'm truely hate them. Rasanya ga nyaman, setiap deket sama cowok manapun, aku bakaln punya rasa takut yang luar biasa. I'm daddy's girl, but why I turns out to be man hater. Aku pernah sekali membahasnya sama Gita, dan yang aku mention ialah.. aku mengaku punya daddy's issue but not like to finding men that were older than me, but I only truely wanted to be forever a little kid to my father. Maybe I kinda wanted an older man like banyaknya cerita fiksi yang ada, juga entah karakter anime or just straight up a kpop idol yang punya jiwa pria matang kalau kata mereka, I also make that kinda jokes to with my friends.
But then, itu rasanya cuman sesaat. Saat dibincangkan terdengar sangat menyenangkan, walau dalam hati juga pikiran berkata lain. Wait, actually, pikiran yang nge-lead obrolan tersebut agar mengecoh apa yabg hatiku rasa, because I swear to God, hatiku mana tertarik membahas hal itu. Mens, guys, boys, male in any general. Is just not something that I feel. Maybe I think of, like.. sesekali aku membahas tentang cowok-cowok yang mau deket sama aku, but then my heart would never wanting to open up a bit if my heart to them (males). I do think like, apa gue nolak mulu bakal macem-macem ni cowok, gue harus tanggepin kayak apa. Just short of that yang.. masih melibatkan kehidupan normal gue lah. Kalo engga I would just langsung dump them all.
Oke, what I really tryna say is, how difficult to think and feel about this guys problem for myself, karena satu sisi, aku mengakui bahwa diriku tidak tertarik pada laki-laki sejak lama, bahkan dari yang bisa kuingat. Jaman sekolah I got no crush, but to just ikutan-ikutan biar aku juga bisa ada topik yang ikut diperbincangkan seperti yang lain. But then after finding out he got gf and shit, I totally do't feel anything but happy that gue akhirnya ga harus ngomongin itu cowok lagi since dia udah ada cewe (alasan gue ke temen-temen gue). Itu jaman SMP, SMA? Dude, I went to an islamic school and cewe sama cowonya dipisah, even beda gedung, that makes me got no interaction at all with boys in my school. Did I feel something disayangkan? Nope. Malah gue seneng banget!! And even meyakinkan diri ga terarik sama cowo adalah pada ssat itu gue sempet balik kedunia RP since covid dan gue gabut banget, gue punya pacar cewe, disitu mulai bergejolak that I do like this person not just because dia adalah pribadi yang baik, melainkan karena dia adalah seorang perempuan.
I made a whole account to just talking about what it's going on with pemikiran dan perasaanku mengenai dia, yang juga adalah perempuan. Aku mempelajari tiap pikiran dan perasaan yang hadir, I do like her because she's a girl. Then, gue menerima diri gue pada akhirnya yang juga menyukai perempuan. I'm thinking that I'm bisexual. Then, seiring berjalannya waktu, we broke up nicely buat kepentingan kita berdua, dan.. gue merasa bersalah banget since dia taunya gue cowo di RP itu, jadi gue yang nyatain mundur duluan buat keluar dari dunia roleplay tersebut, and we both are agree. Sejak itu ga mudah move on nya, obvi, putus baik-baik malah bikin aku tambah gamon ga karuan. Then sekolah udah mulai masuk, I have to face a huge problem with myself, disekolah aku ga begitu aktif di SMA ini to be clear, apalagi mausk-masuk udah kelas 11 semester 2 bikin aku makin kelabakan banget menghadapi banyak hal. Jadi untuk itu, aku sama anak GM rajin banget main tiap minggu buat ngeboost energi kita balik.
I had a huge fight with myself since aku yang baru menerima diri aku yang baru mengenai suka secara romantis ke perempuan, berdampak pada aksi yang biasanya aku terima dari temen-temenku malah jadi canggung untuk kuterima. It's a huge battle yo. But damn, aku harus belajar membedakannya, mana yang temen mana yang.. layaknya bisa aku ambil sebagai perlakuan romantis. Itu susah banget since aku ya udah bertemen lama sama anak GM, aku jadi udah melakukan banyak hal bareng mereka, well just like girls girl. Tapi ya hampir aja gagal, karena aku sempet merasakan perbedaan perasaan juga detak jantung kalo dideket satu temenku ini..
But I can't decide to like her romanticly. Because it's also kinda feels weird apalagi ya udah lama bareng, I feel like we're sister, so.. yeah. No. It's fine, I will keep her and rest of my friends just like a platonic love. Then ga lama dari itu, sekitar aku kelas 12 semester 2.. lagi stres-stresnya ujian dan lain-lain, aku iseng diajak main bot di Telegram, awalnya gue kaya fuck.. Telegram lagi, Telegram lagi. But well it happen anyway gue main di bit Telegram tersebut, and I found this girl that become my girlfriend now.
Okay! Trough all of that, menghadapi segala halnya about this girl and also myself, gue makin yakin that gue beneran cuman into girls and not other gender. It even makes me feel more yakin, bahwa gue beneran ngerasa ga nyaman juga jijik kalo ada perlakuan minimum dari laki-laki disekitar gue, KECUALI bokap gue.
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birubaru · 2 months
Hari ini mausk kamar daan bisa merebahkan diri pukul 23 40 an. Seharian angkat beban nggak tau berapa kali, yang aku ingat banyak sekali.
Luka yang kukira sudah sembuh dan tak akan menimbulkan rasa sakit. Ternyata jika kelelahan dan banyak aktifitas fisik, lukanya masih sakit. Saitnya hanya beberapa detik kurasa tapi sering dan rasanya bikin kaget .
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wiiahn · 2 months
Sejak tahun lalu, ada kucing yang selalu datang ke rumah. Ada kalung gitu di lehernya. Jadi aku sempet mikir dia kucing yang hilang. Tapi, sekitar sebulan pertama, setiap kali aku keluarin dia daei pagar, tahu-tahu dia udah ada lagi di dalam rumah. Ntah lewat mana. Kalau aku keluarin dia 100 kali, dia bakal balik untuk yang ke 101 kalinya. Akhirnya aku luluh. Aku rawatlah dia.
Aku mulai beliin makanan kucing dan tiap hari kasih dia makan. Sampai lama-lama, Mengmeng (nama yg aku kasih) jadi kayak Hachiko: nganter aku kalau berangkat dan nunggu aku pulang. Temen aku di rumah, ya, dia. Mengmeng. Yang nemenin aku nangis, hujan-hujanan, jemur baju, sikat sepatu, banyak hal pokoknya. Dia yang nemenin.
Bahkan, suatu pagi, pernah ada burung yang masuk ke rumah entah dari mana. Lalu, karena gak tau cara ngeluarinnya, akhirnya aku biarin aja. Pusing juga karena saat itu lagi chaos sama urusan lagi. Pas aku keluar rumah, qadarullah banget Mengmeng tau2 nyelepet masuk ke dalam rumah (selama ini cuma aku izinin sampai halaman. Mausk pagar, tapi nggak masuk dalam rumah). Dia, dengan segera tahu-tahu langsung lari ke lantai atas. Aku kejar dia karena tadinya khawatir dia sembunyi di kamar atau apalah. Tapi, pas aku mau naik tangga, tiba-tiba Mengmeng lagi turun, bawa burung.
Seterharu itu aku sama Mengmeng. Dia tuh kayak … bukan kucing biasa buat aku :(
Lama-lama, orang tua, adik, sepupu2, semua jadi ikut kenal dan terbiasa sama Mengmeng ini. Mereka pasti tau aku sayang Mengmeng karena aku suka ceritain soal Mengmeng juga.
Nah, selama Ramadhan ini, di rumah ada orang tua karena katanya pingin puasa di sini. Lalu, tadi pagi, ada ibu2 pengajian yang cerita kalau kucingnya mati ketabrak. Dari cerita itu, ia berlanjut cerita kalau dulu dia punya kucing lain, tapi hilang gak tau ke mana. Mamaku, berpikir bahwa jangan2 Mengmeng kucing ibu itu.
Singkat cerita, tadi pulang tarawih, aku dan Mama ketemu sama ibu itu. Lalu, tahu2 mama nanya, “Bu, kucingnya yang hilang ciri2nya gimana? Ada gantungan di leher nggak? Soalnya di rumah saya ada kucing yang suka dateng juga.”
Di situ aku cuma senyum2 simpul aja. Tapi, dalam hati sedih banget. Kayak gak rela aja gitu.
Aku tahu Mengmeng bukan punya aku. Tapi, kan, bukan aku yang ngambil Mengmeng. Kucingnya yang dateng sendiri.
Terus aku juga agak kesel karena kayak … aku yang ngerawat Mengmeng tiap hari, ngasih makan, mikirin makannya dia waktu aku harus ke luar kota, mikir produk makannya waktu dia lahiran, dll. Mama aku juga tahu kalau aku di sini tuh kayak … Mengmeng yang nemenin. Terus tiba2 beliau malah mau ngasiin Mengmeng ke orang lain, seolah memilih untuk muncul jadi penolong temennya yg ibu2 itu.
Aku tahu beliau nggak salah, aku tahu. Tapi wajar gak sih aku sedih. Lyk … makhluk berwujud nyata yang nemenin aku selama ini tuh Mengmeng. Terus tau2 Mengmeng ditawarin ke orang lain pdhl sehari2nya mama nggak tinggal bareng Meng2. Aku mungkin bukan pemelihara yang baik, tapi aku kan sayang Mengmeng :(
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kabarbanyuwangi · 5 months
Hendak Menyalip, Truk Box Malah Tabrak Colt Diesel di Depannya
Kecelakaan Antar Kedaraan Roda Empat Terjadi di Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi, Jumat (05/01) Banyuwangihits.id – Kecelakaan yang melibatkan truk box dan truk colt diesel terjadi di Jalan Raya Situbondo-Banyuwangi, tepatnya di selatan tikungan kampe, mausk dusun Krajan RT 01 RW 03, Desa Bangsring, Kecamatan Wongsorejo, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jumat (05/01/24). Peristiwa tersebut dibenarkan Kapolsek…
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foxitherox · 5 months
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More oc's
Her name is Prima Mauske
I still need to make LORE
But she is a ballerina yayayayay
She is also a hybrid between a slime dragon and goat
Thats all bye
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shuffiphone · 2 years
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🖇SERVICE SELESAI Vivo Y17 Kasus Mati Mausk Air Atas Nama Ibu Imel Alamat Jl Suka Mulya Gg.Sukma 3 Blok.F Pontianak Terimakasih atas kepercayaan Anda 🙏🏻😊 SHUFFI PHONE Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani Depan Al-Azhar Samping Sepakat I Pontianak Telp / SMS / WhatsApp : 0812-5711-7888 Lokasi : https://goo.gl/maps/FtjgscryzT82 #servicehppontianak #tokoservicehppontianakv #kursussrervicehppontianak #servicecenterhppontianak #servicehpxiaomipontianak #servicelcdhppontianak #servicehpsonypontianak #servicehplenovopontianak #servicehpmurahpontianak #servicehandphonekotapontianakkalimantanbarat #servicehandphonedipontianak #tempatservicedihandphone #servicecenterhandphonelgpontianak #asushandphoneservicecenterpontianak #servicecenterhandphonepontianak #tempatservicehpdikotapontianak #jasaservicehandphonepontianak #tempatgantiemmcdipontianak #tempatgantimemoryinternalhandphonedipontianak #pusatservicehppontianak #specialistlcdtouchscreenbatrekotapontianak #tempatservicehandphonehpdipontianak #servicehandphonepontianak https://www.instagram.com/p/ClhvptAhMBx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slipperyslideyday · 3 years
Has Mausk gotten up to any shenanigans like that? If not is there a story like that about them!? I like hearing about wacky things people do while playing ttg's. -nervous anon🌸🌹 What if we shared stories while eating sushi haha... Unless👀 I'll probably rant for hours and you eat everything 😂
[gebtly tapping on my desk as I chant] Sushi date! Sushi date! Sushi date!
Lmaooo I had to think of this for a minute because my brain likes focusing more on when he gets injured 😔 Cons of having a huge glowing pretty boy to fight with
But anyway; I think my favorite antics of Mausk’s campaign was horribly throwing javelins bc my early spell list was terrible ™️ and failing miserably to be of much help while we were fighting an undead dragon turtle- couch diving for coins and finding platinum pieces was also pretty great, esp getting to go “finders keepers!” later 🤣
He also managed to get a Magic’d platinum table set (can’t look up the item name rn) but it turns his rations into a proper hot meal when he uses it, love that for him
On going jokes with him also involved the fact that he always bathed daily when he had the option; it got to the point where the party was going “we can get you a bath servant dude!”
Which was thoroughly rejected due to the fact that Mausk has some intense Trust issues ™️; stemming from those issues, fun fact! Bean would scare the crap out of Mausk! This is due to the fact that a number of the people who have tried to have him killed were small and often times, he didn’t expect it! So while he wouldnt mind conning with Bean, he wouldn’t be able to trust them for a bit, as if often the case with issues uvu
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strawberryslips · 1 year
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Old VS New
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ladyanaconda · 4 years
Irken of the Opera
After those doodles I made, i couldn’t help myself. I HAD to make this! 
Just so you know, though, this won’t be like my other fics following a linear plot. I’ll just be posting one-shots without any particular as they come without chronological order.
Tenn poured her heart into her voice as she sang. Her song’s melodic tones echoed throughout the auditorium, captivating her audience. The glitter and satins in her dress’s lavender fabric almost seemed to glow under the white spotlight. Her hands delicately moved along with her singing in perfect synchrony, conveying more emotion into her performance. 
As the music reached an inevitable crescendo, Tenn knew the cue that the performance was near the end and followed it with her voice until it culminated with a powerful note. 
Tenn returned to the real world just in time to see her public clap their hands loudly and get to their feet in a standing ovation, all of them cheering as roses and exotic flowers landed at her feet. Tenn delicately lifted the gown of her dress and curtsied in gratitude before she elegantly made her way backstage, still hearing the echoes of her adoring public.
It didn't end there, though. All around her, the dancers, chorus girls and workers clapped their hands. Tenn strode through the corridor and towards her dressing room, proudly glancing at her carved name in the door before stepping inside and closing it behind her. 
Tenn’s dressing room was spacious and fancy, and as always, it was filled to the brin with flower bouquets, chocolates and many other lavish gifts from secret admirers. While Tenn accepted the gifts out of courtesy, she refused any advances anyone made. 
She had no time for silly romance, not now when her career is at its peak.
With a relieved huff, Tenn quickly removed the layers of makeup and changed into a more simple dress to relax. She loves to sing, but finds all the costume wearing and dressing up far too stressful. Letting herself fall into the couch, Tenn closed her eyes for a few moments to clear her head.
Bravo! You did spectacularly, my dear Tenn!
Tenn didn’t open her eyes. She merely smiled a bit as her unseen, maybe imaginary mentor praised her, just like after every performance. While she remembered her father’s tales of the Angel of Music quite fondly, she was far too old to believe in fairy tales.
”Miss Sakhak?” Tenn raised her lekku. That voice wasn't an hallucination. 
”Come in.” Tenn said, not moving from her spot even after the door opened and a tall Irken with crimson eyes stepped inside. 
”Exhausted?” he asked.
”What makes you think that? The fact that I am trying to nap?”
”No offense, but you are quite predictable.”
”What do you want, Red?” Tenn asked impatiently.
”I wanted to congratulate you on tonight’s performance. You blew them all away, as always!” Red said, smiling a bit. ”I don't know who your tutor is, but he certainly did a good job!”
Tenn sighed. She wasn't sure of who had provided her with singing lessons; all she remembered was an Irken dressed in a black cape in her dreams, but a figment of her imagination doesn’t exactly count. 
“Whoever he is, he is a great teacher.” she said simply. Red gave her an odd look, but said nothing on the matter. 
“Anyhow, if you need a break, Spork is willing to give you a free night tomorrow. Tak could perform the lead in Mausk.” 
“She’s back? Last time I heard, she threw another fit and left after a sandbag fell on top of her head.” 
Red shrugged. “You know Tak, she hates when the spotlight is on top of anyone that isn’t her.” 
Tenn chuckled. Tak is perhaps the only person she considered a worthy rival, but all her talent is wasted in her self-serving attitude and smeetish tantrums when things didn’t go her way. But in a way, Tenn was grateful; if it weren’t for her fits, she wouldn’t have had the lead in tonight’s performance. 
“Okay, then. I could use the free time for myself.” Red nodded.
“Very well, then. I shall inform Spork in a while. Meanwhile, you’re free to go home for the day. You deserve it.”  
Thanking Red again as he left her dressing room, Tenn shifted on her couch. She’d go home, alright, but first she’d take a small nap. She wouldn't like to fall asleep on the wheel. Better late than never, after all. Besides, it’s not like there was anybody waiting for her back home, anyway.
Once he delivered instructions and sent most of the dancers and workers home for the day, Red went to his usual spot in the rafters and lit up a small cigarette. It’s supposed to be forbidden, but everyone’s gone home, so it’s not like he’s bothering anyone right now. 
Besides, it’s not like Spork was roaming around like security; he’d rather lock himself inside his office and not come out. 
His lekku twitched when the metal planks behind him creaked. “You’re losing your edge, Pur.” 
The shadow behind him chuckled. 
“Ah, Red. You heard me because I wanted you to. Otherwise I’d already be next to you before you even blinked.” 
Red looked back at his companion. A tall Irken of his stature clad in a black vest and cloak; one might think he was his twin, except his eyes were a shade of purple instead of bright crimson. The defining feature, however, was the white half-mask his companion wore at all times, concealing the right side of his face from view. 
He’s got many names: The Phantom, Opera Ghost, murderer, Angel of Music, but Red knew his real name.
“How’s Miyuki?” 
“She’s coming back to work next week.” Red smiled a bit. “We had a little girl. Her name is Ilk.”
“One of these days, you should bring her. I’d like to meet her.”
“I will if you can spend the whole week without throwing the chandelier on top of the audience.”
“Hey, you should thank me for that! Thanks to that incident, Spork gave you your job back!” Purple countered. “Besides, the only person who got hurt was the guy who was supposed to replace you.” 
Red sighed. He kind of felt bad for that poor fella; it wasn’t his fault. Spork had gone against Purple’s will and fired Red, and Purple retaliated by frightening his replacement in an exaggerated manner. The guy didn’t die, but he quit as soon as he could speak again. 
Red didn’t hate Spork perse, but he’s been coveting his manager status for a good while now. Spork wasn’t fit for the job: he merely shouted orders without fully understanding them, all he cared about is to fill in his pockets. All the workers and performers feared him, but didn’t truly respect him. 
Red’s the one that takes charge and makes sure everything runs smoothly for each performance. He’s the one everybody looks up to for guidance when there’s a crisis or a clash between stars. 
“Miss Sakhak did a spectacular job tonight, didn’t she?” Purple said, tenderly caressing the petals of a blue rose. “She sings like a chorus of songuans from the Imperial Palace.” 
“Indeed. Not even Tak can hold a candle to her.” 
“That’s because I’m a great teacher!” Purple chimed. Red frowned.
“I thought we had talked about spying on people.” 
“Come on, nobody knows about that. Besides, you know there’s only one person I’m interested in.” Purple looked down at the rose. 
“Indeed. Anyhow, do you have any notes this time?” 
Purple looked inside his pocket and took out a black envelope, which he placed in Red’s open hand. “Make sure that he reads it tonight.” 
“Don’t worry, he’s learned to take any notes from you seriously.”
“Is Miss Sakhak in her dressing room?” 
Red turned to his companion.  “...What are you going to do?” 
Purple sighed and ran his hand over his head. “I think it’s time I actually introduce myself, Red. I’m taking her down to my lair.”
“Pur, are you sure you don’t want to just ask her out like normal people do? I mean, I’m not sure she’ll take it kindly that you just whisk her off underground and hold her there against her will.”
“It’ll only be for a few days until she gets to know me better.”
“She can do that on an actual date.” 
Purple tensed up, averting his gaze. “Right, and where do you suggest I take her? I mean, it’s not like I know my way around the city, and besides people would stare at my face…” 
“Pur, I still believe you’re being a bit too drastic. How do you think she’s going to react if you take her underground against her will?”
“I got it covered.” Purple said. 
Red had the feeling that he was lying, but shrugged it off. 
“Just a favor. At the very least make it look like she left home, otherwise Spork is going to have my head.” 
Purple tipped his hat and disappeared into the shadows, his long cape flowing behind him. 
Red sighed. Why do I have the feeling I’m going to regret this?
Tenn wasn’t sure of how much time she slept. When she woke up again, there was a long silence outside. Everyone must have gone home, even Red. Tenn looked up at her electric clock, which marked 01:19. Yup, it was very late. She better go home. 
As she grabbed her coat and headed for the door, she heard something. 
The irkenette looked around. Who said that? She warily reached out for the knob, but found her door locked. 
“What in Irk?” Tenn battled with the door's handle, trying to force it open. 
Don’t be frightened, my angel. I won’t hurt you. Come to me…
At some point, Tenn lost motion of her surroundings. The voice’s mysterious charm was captivating and familiar, calling her towards the mirror like a siren song she couldn’t resist, as hard as she tried.
I am your angel of music. Come to me, angel of music.
The lights in her dressing room suddenly became dimmer and the atmosphere turned colner. Tenn shivered at the sudden drop in temperature and rubbed her forearms. 
She soon found the reason why: she wasn’t in her dressing room, but she wasn’t in the  corridor either. Instead, Tenn found herself in a dark, dimly illuminated corridor. Tenn sneezed at the strong smell of musk and humidity.
And in front of her was a tall Irken clad in a black cape. She couldn’t see him clearly, except for the violet eyes glowing in the darkness
“Who are you?” She asked warily.
“As you can see, I’m no ghost or spirit.” the Irken said in a gentle voice, taking a step closer. “I am-”
“Stay away!” Tenn yelled, stepping back. 
“Hey, calm down, I’m just-”
Ignoring him, Tenn tried to go back the way she came, but the secret door had closed shut. She pounded on the door with all the strength she could muster. “Somebody!”
Tenn panicked when she felt the stranger place a piece of cloth over her mouth. Desperate, she nailed at his arm, but soon her strength faded away as she saw black holes in her vision. 
The last thing she saw before slipping into unconsciousness was a white mask and those violet eyes looking down at her.
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Semoga Salah Paham
Hari ini, Jakarta, 14 Agustus 2019 pukul 01:39 Pagi. Saya masih panik dan ketakutan, saya menulis dengan menangis lagi. Saya harap yang saya alami hanya kesalah pahaman dan bukan hal yang menjurus pelecehan. Di rumah ini, Rawamangun. Saya beberapa menit yang lalu mengalami tindakan tidak menyenangkan dari ayah saya. Bagaiman saya harus menjelaskannya saya tidak tau. Saya bingung. takut dan panik. Kakak-kakak saya sedang menuju kesini. Saya panik. Di rumah ini, hanya kami bertiga, saya, ayah saya, dan pekerja: bang doyok. Saya tidur dengan ayah saya karena beliau sudan 78 tahun dan cenderung suka rubuh. Malam ini maish tidur di kamar ayah saya dengan dibatasi bantal dan tindakan ini sangat sering dilakukan. Tiba tiba ayah saya meminta saya meletakkan kaki saya di bawah kakinya dan dia meletakkan kakinya di atas kaki saya. Saya tidak nyaman dan menolak. Beliau tetap meminta dan saya melakukan tindakan itu. beilau bolak balik ke kamart mandi mengatakan sangat ingin pipis tp sedikit. 
dan tiba disaat saya sudah makin tidka nyaman krn kesemutan saya melepaskan kaki saya, dan beliau meminta saya untuk tidur menghadap beliau agak tidak kesemutan, dan kaki saya tetap ditindih dengan kakinya. tapi tidak disitu saja, tangan beliau lalu memegang betis saya dan meraba2, kemudian naik ke belakang lutut saya, dibagian situ beilau meraba2 lagi dan saya  sangat panik dan jantung saya berdebar sangat kencang saya ketakutan. tangan beliau mulai masuk ke lubang celana bagian lubang kaki dan masih meraba2 bagian belakang lutut saya.  saya menghubungi kakak say a berharap dia blm tidur. Tuhan sangat baik. saya tidak bisa lebih bersyukur. dia membalas dengan sangat cepart dan satya diminta segera keluar kamar. saya pura2 mengangkat tefon dan lari ke kamar saya di atas lalu mengunci kamar. saya menangis di kamar mandi mengurung diri ketakutan, gemetar dan tetap menelfon kakak saya. saya bsia mendengar suara ibu saya di seberang menanyakan say akenapa. saya menangis sesegukan tertahan takut ayah saya mengikuti. saya diminta menyalakan komputer berpura2 kerja dan menyalakan musik kencang dan tetap masih keadaan menelfon kakak dengan tangis yang makin menjadi. 
yang saya takutkan benar terjadi, beliau menghampiri saya ke kamar dan meminta pintu di buka. saya hanya berteriak sedang mengerjakar pekerjaan dan beliau minta dibukakan “iya, tapi kamu jangan begini” kalimat yang sempat saya dengar, dan akhirnya saya buka puntu sebari tetap menelfon kkakak saya dalam mode loud speaker. beliau mausk ke kamar mandi dan langsung naik ke kasur. saya berada di depan kompuiyter. saya menangis tertahan. saya hanya bis amnegatakan “how kak how” dengan pelan. saya tidak sangggup bercerita lagi saya hanya berharap ini sebuah kesalah pahaman. tolong. 
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sakiya-dsa · 5 years
Hola! Asslaamualaikum! :)
Namaku Dayin, dan alhamdulillah sekarang sekolah di MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong. Aku disini ingin membagi pengalamanku masuk MAN IC. Sebelum aku masuk sini aku juga sempet membaca pengalaman orang lain di blog, jadi semoga bermanfaat bagi kamu yang mau masuk IC ;D
Aku dulu SMPnya di Insan Cendekia Madani, memang agak aneh ya, kok pindah dari ICM ke IC? ya, aku juga ingin mendapat pengalaman baru karena wawasan kita akan bertambah jika kita pindah ke berbagai tempat. Lucunya juga, ketika aku masuk IC Madani ortuku bilang, “Nanti kamu SMAnya di MAN IC aja ya” dari itu aku mulai berharap bisa masuk IC.
Awalnya pas SMP kalau aku ditanya “Mau dimana SMAnya?” aku bilangnya IC, tapi aku sebenarnya tidak yakin juga bisa masuk IC. Kalau dari alumni SMP yang di Madani hanya 2 orang dari 8 angkatan yang oernah lolos masuk IC, dan hanya salah satu dari mereka masuk IC Serpong. Ya, rasanya mengatakan kalau aku bakal lanjut ke IC hampir seperti hanya mimpi saja.
Tetapi aku selama SMP aku tetap berusaha dengan keras mendapat nilai yang bagus, dan terus menambah ilmu. Aku berusaha untuk meraih prestasi di berbagai lomba (walaupun ga menang apa-apa :’D). Dan pada akhirnya masuk kelas 9 dimana kita difokuskan untuk mendapat SMA dan nilai UN yang diinginkan.
Ketika kelas 9 itu aku bingung, aku daftar MHT dan MAN IC, dan dua-duanya sekolah yang lumayan susah masuknya. Tetapi masalah terbesarnya adalah bagaimana kalau gak ketrima? Aku bener-bener bingung mau masuk mana lagi karena menurutku IC sudah sangat cocok dengan keinginanku untuk menyeimbangkan akademik sama agama, dan kalau aku tanya ortuku mereka juga hanya ingin aku mausk IC. Dalam segala kebingungan itu aku hanya bisa berusaha belajar materi UN dan Olimpiade dan terus berdoa.
Di Madani kan sekolahnya boarding jadi kalau mau les juga susah izinnya. Jadi aku dan teman-teman pejuang masuk IC sering minta kelas tambahan dengan guru. Tes Masuk IC kalau gak salah yang di tes Agama, Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, Biologi, dan Fisika, dan ada Psikotesnya juga yang lumayan. Alhamdulillah dulu guru Bahasa Arabku yang sangat dedikasi rela meluangkan waktunya mengajar kelas tambahan untuk kita-kita yang mau masuk IC, sampai dibuat modulnya juga :D. Kalau agamanya kan materi MTs ya, jadi aku sama teman-temanku belajar ngebut dari buku-buku Mts (walupun gak selesai juga bacannya). Untuk pelajaran yang lainnya aku mempelajari materi UN dan OSN.
13 April 2019 jadwal aku dan beberapa teman-temanku mengikuti CBT seleksi masuk MAN ICS. Pertama ada psikotes dulu, dan psiotesnya awalnya biasa aja tapi ada beberapa pertanyaan di akhirnya yang menurutku tidak bisa benar atau salah. Dan ternyata selesai psikotesnya langsung diperlihatkan nilainya. Nilaiku berapa? ada deh... (tapi nilainya gak gede juga :v). Setelah itu ada tes akademiknya, dan yang pertama keluar adalah soal matematika. Soalnya WOW, soal olim MTK. Walaupun aku udah belajar tapi yang keluar levelnya beda. Skip MTK, alhamdulillah yang lainnya insya Allah ada yang bisa. Aku sarankan kalau lagi tes langsung kerjakan yang bisa dulu aja, karena waktunya gak banyak dan timernya bikin deg degan. Selesai tes langsung pulang dan lupakan :’-)
Setelah itu lewatlah berbagai rangkaian acara yang ada di kelas 9 termasuk UN. Selama itu intinya aku tetap berdoa aja semoga bisa masuk. Pada akhirnya datang juga tanggal pengumuman. Kebetulan malam sebelumnya ada acara perpisahan angkatan di Bogor dan kita seangkatan tinggal bersama di villa. Selesai acara malam aku langsung tidur. Entah kenapa aku terbangun jam 3 (biasanya jam 4) terus aku ingat bahwa hari ini pengumuman. Akun pendaftaranku dipengang ortuku jadi aku langsung buka hp untuk kontak ortuku. Dan ternyata hpku ada notif. Ibuku sudah mengirim screenshot, bahwa aku alhamdulillah lolos seleksi masuk MAN ICS. Momen itu aku kaget banget dan setengah percaya jadi aku cek sendiri dulu akunnya. Dan benar. Aku langsung sujud syukur dan sholat tahajud.
Jadi, untuk kalian yang mau masuk MAN IC, terus berushalah dan tetap istiqamah dalam belajar dan ibadah. Karena hanya Allah yang berkuasa atas takdir kita. Kalaupun gak ketrima berarti memang belum takdirnya. Jadi semangat terus ya! Maafin ya kalau ada salah kata, semoga bermanfaat :).
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thebroudemn · 3 years
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Es hora de sacar la mauske herramienta misteriosa.
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inisurabaya · 4 years
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Mustain (34) bersekongkol dengan dua temannya mencuri mobil Xenia milik majikan. Warga Desa Batu Poro, Kedundung, Sampang Madura yang masih pengantin baru ini diringkus petugas unit reskrim Polsek Rungkut Surabaya atas laporan Wasidi, juragan pelaku. . . Atas laporan korban, polisi lalu melakukan penyelidikan pencurian mobil Xenia bernopol L 1896 EN milik warga Gununganyar Jaya Tengah XXV, Surabaya tersebut. "Awalnya kami mendapat laporan, lalu melakukan penyelidikan. Saat itu, tersangka juga kami periksa dan masih ada di tempat kerjanya seolah-olah dia tidak mengetahui," beber Kapolsek Rungkut, I Gede Suartika, didampingi Kanit Reskrim Polsek Rungkut, Iptu Joko Soesanto, Selasa (3/3/2020). . . Setelah diperiksa intensif selama 10 jam, Mustain akhirnya mengaku jika ia bersama tiga temannya merencanakan pencurian mobil tersebut. Ketiga temannya itu adalah Farida, Fahmi serta rekan lainnya Abdul Rohman yang bertugas membawa mobil. Farida dan Fahmi merupakan mantan karyawan laundry milik korban. . . "Tersangka yang masih bekerja leluasa mausk ke rumah korban dan mengambil kunci mobil korban. Lalu disana kunci mobil itu diberikan kepada tersangka F dan FR. Selamjutnya diserahkan DR yang merupakan sopir," tambahnya. Untuk memuluskan rekannya beraksi, tersangka yang tinggal ditempat kerjanya tersebut pura pura tidur, hingga korban membangunkan. "Jadi tersangka ini, saat rekannya beraksi dirinya pura pura tidur untuk mebgelabuhi korban," lanjut Gede. . . Setelah mendapat pengakuan tersangka, polisi kemudian mengejar tiga pelaku lain yang kabur di Madura.  "Hingga saat ini, ketiga pelaku lainnya kami tetapkan sebagai DPO. Sedangkan mobil korban kami temukan di tinggal di salah satu rumah tersangka," pungkas mantan Kapolsek Wonokromo itu. . . ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ INFO 📷 : ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. . #surabaya #ini_surabaya #inisurabaya #aslisuroboyo #lovesuroboyo #banggasurabaya #galerysurabaya #seputarsurabaya #sparklingsurabaya  #surabayapunyacerita  #exploresurabaya #suroboyo  #panoramasurabaya  #exploreindonesia #banggaindonesia #jawatimur #indonesia #travel #viral  #Persebaya #greenforce #Bonek #indonesiajuara #BikinBanggaIndonesia #SURABAYAMENDUNIA #SUROBOYOWANI (di Surabaya, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Rg6K5nrWP/?igshid=l34f6u8n020e
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