hjaltar · 11 years
truthintrenzalore replied to your post “OUR YEARBOOK PHOTOS ARE TODAY SHIT I TRIED TO LOOK NICE BUT I LOOK…”
Bby you’re always beautiful you’ll be fine :D
steph you’re the sweetest ily man
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dysphcria · 11 years
I have the dentist tomorrow ew (you wanted random things... :P) and also my boss is phoning me to talk about work and it actually scares me b/c phone calls and everything is uncertain and ew. Wooo happy days! Oh and in happier news I got my friend a cute chocolate snowman for Christmas and it's so sweet awww
augh the dentist, i have to go soon too...yuck and yeah i get all anxious about phone calls. awww that's nice!! i bought one of my best friends matching bff necklaces (bc i'm so sappy like that) like the ones that are two halves of a heart and say best friends lol
talk to meeee?
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never-so-shy · 11 years
truthintrenzalore replied to your post: I asked my flatmate to get me chocolat...
Yes! My essay is done and I am loving life right now.
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virides · 11 years
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thepondsfell replied to your post: thepondsfell replied to your post: the...
This is going to be an amazing friendship. *skips along with steph*
truthintrenzalore replied to your post: thepondsfell replied to your post: the...
Let’s keep her happy *grabs Angela’s hand and skips off*
you two are officially the cutest things in existence, good night sweeties!!
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hjaltar · 11 years
In which case can I be stormaggedon because he's the best and so cute which clearly is me ;)
you're right there, haha! of course you can be stormaggedon! 
choose someone in my tumblr family!
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grumpytwelve · 11 years
truthintrenzalore replied to your post “i want one of those friends on tumblr that people have that i can just...”
I'm open to be complained to, go for it!
you just opened up a whole can of worms i hope you're prepared. 
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buckybzrnes · 11 years
jinglelucoleman a réagi à votre billet :I lost 5 followers .. 
what no why ur perfect
truthintrenzalore a réagi à votre billet :I lost 5 followers .. 
But that’s mad why would anyone want to unfollow you?!
I don't know, i don't understand.. 
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drahgons · 11 years
Please welcome these lovely new people!
♥ gabetrickster ♥ jinglebellclara ♥ truthintrenzalore
Want to join? Reblog this post and if you want to you can fill out this form!
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properlypadfoot · 11 years
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them
tagged by: starwarsisbacon
1. If you could have any education, skills, or abilities, what job would you like to do?
Okay, I would really love to be a secret agent. I have the acting skills down, so basically all I would need would be some bad ass fighting skills, Natasha Romanov style, and I think it could really work out. I would also be able to speak 12 different languages and travel all over the world learning about and blending into other cultures.
2. How do you cope with anger?
This is a difficult one, because I don't really like the answer I think. I have trouble controlling my anger, and I tend to turn to rage (which I know isn't a good way of handling things). I am trying to do different things like breathing exercises or just taking a walk to blow off steam.
3. The place you would like to visit the most.
Anywhere in the United Kingdom, frankly.
4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it?
Being able to teleport, not only within space, but time as well, would be the best superpower ever. I would teleport back in time to watch the premiere of Twelfth Night (my favourite Shakespeare play) at the Globe. That would be so awesome!
5. Describe the person you're closest to.
My twin sister, Justine. Obviously we look alike, but we do have differences. Physically, she is shorter than me, has longer hair, and more delicate features. She is also quieter, more reserved and calculated; she thinks about every detail of the journey, where I only think about the result. I often see us as two sides of the scale, always balancing each other out.
6. Who is your idol and why?
My idol...well I certainly look up to and love my sister above anyone on this planet, and sometimes I wish I could be more like her. So I suppose she is my idol.
7. Are you actively trying to change your life or are you more or less satisfied with how things are going?
I am not satisfied with how things are going at the moment. I feel like I'm in a rut, but I don't know how to change it because I'm forced to choose between a college education and pursuing my dream of acting in film. Obviously I would rather focus on the latter, but I feel like I have to focus on college because it is important to my family.
8. If you could enter any fictional world for a day, which one and what would you do?
Lord of the Rings. Hands down. I would take bow lessons from Legolas, go out scouting with Aragorn, try my hand at mining precious jewels with Gimli, trail my fingers along the walls throughout the great halls of Minas Tirith, lay in the grasses of Rohan and stargaze, ride out at dawn with the Rohirrim, smoke longbottom leaf with Merry and Pippin, garden with Sam, spend an afternoon exploring with Frodo, and end the evening reading by the fire with old Bilbo.
9. What qualities are the most important in people?
Honesty and Loyalty.
10. Have you ever made a really big decision in your life? Would your life be different now if you'd taken a different path?
I think my decision to pursue acting as a career has had a huge effect on my life. I don't think that I would have any goals or desires to do great, life-changing, meaningful things with my life if I hadn't decided to be an actor. I want to make a difference in peoples lives, and acting was the only way I knew how to fulfill that goal.
11. What have you always wanted to do, but haven't yet? What's holding you back?
Well, I really want to be in an historical film like no other thing in the world. If that ever happens, I'll let you know.
New questions: So I really liked 4, 5, 7, 8, 11. Keep those!
1. When was the first time that you can remember feeling complete happiness? Reflecting back, does it make you feel nostalgic, melancholy, content?
2. What was your favourite stuffed animal or dolly when you were a kid? Can you remember its name?
3. If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would it be? Describe the place in detail.
6. How do you express yourself (through art, sports, musical instrument, etc.)?
9. Tell me about your favourite fandom ship...when did you started shipping the characters and why?
10. What do you like most about yourself and why?
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thepondsfell replied to your post: thepondsfell replied to your post: tru...
Apparently we are being shipped. Interesting…… I don’t know what to do with that Jillian………….
truthintrenzalore replied to your post: thepondsfell replied to your post: tru...
And I follow you too!! :D Nice to meet youuuu! Wait we’re being shipped…?
yes, yes indeed you are, now go fly off into the sunset, be beautiful together
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hjaltar · 11 years
Can I be Clara? :)
Clara's taken, sorry steph:(
choose someone in my tumblr family!
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dysphcria · 11 years
60? It's 41 here! (google converter is my friend) *moves to live under your bed*
IT IS FACKIN GORGEOUS HERE TODAY WHAT THE HELL. but it's supposed to be like 21 in a few days and snow...that's Nebraska for you haha
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buckybzrnes · 11 years
Tumblr media
The Rory Williams Award; Nicest Blogger
Winner: Truthintrenzalore
Runner-up: Themomentiscoming
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thranduril · 11 years
✾ ●
● - I admire you very much.
thankyou! I admire you too :')✾ - Your tumblr is one of my favorites!
aw thankyou I love your blog so much
Send me symbols
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whatwouldfrogsdo · 11 years
truthintrenzalore replied to your post “crying, i have 28 hours, neither essay has hit the halfway mark, and...”
YOU CAN DO IT! Relax, take regular breaks but set yourself hourly goals or something. But reasonable goals. You can do it!
I NEVER SAID THANK YOU FOR THIS YDAY BUT THANK YOU! I handed them both in well on time so hopefully they're good enough too :)
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