#trying to fit my own ideas into the framework the game kinda already lays out for your characters is proving to be an interesting challenge
bees-tes-blog · 5 months
is there any chance you could give a brief break down on your dragons dogma characters?? sincerely someone who’s never played but is intrigued by mati
to be completely honest I’m still figuring it out myself but I’d absolutely be happy to share what I have so far! in fact I might take the opportunity to get it all written down before I forget anything
my arisen, jesse (the one with the red hair), is currently a weird combination of the arisen’s canon background/traits + some of my own traits. the first character I make in an rpg tends to just be a vessel through which I do whatever I want but I’m trying to move him away from being Literally Me.
to recap, he was an orphan taken in by the village chief and raised as his own. he cares for his village very much—enough to take up arms against the attacking dragon without second thought. as a young man jesse’s not quite as outgoing as he was in his childhood, but he’s still motivated to protect the people he loves more than anything, though he tends to toe the line between brave and foolish.
mati is jesse’s main pawn—a support mage. I’m very fascinated by the idea of pawns as an extension of an arisen’s subconscious and how that presents itself in their creation (ex. how the arisen savan’s pawn looked like his dead father, who he was seeking revenge for), so I’ve been thinking a lot about what might’ve been on jesse’s mind when he first summoned mati. him being a healing mage is definitely at least partly influenced by jesse’s childhood friend, quina, who is a talented healer and knows him better than anyone. I think more than anything, far from his home and about to start down an unknown path (and as much as he wanted to believe he was strong enough to go it alone) what jesse desperately needed was a friend, and that’s what he got. idk yet where mati’s appearance came from!
mati is cautious and level-headed—two things his master is not. he does his best to keep jesse out of trouble, but sometimes the man sets his heart on something and just cannot be stopped. even so, mati is ever-faithful and always at his arisen's side ready to heal his wounds.
I think jesse feels kinda weird about commanding pawns. despite being the adopted son of the chief, he's never quite seen himself as leader material and doesn't like to issue orders. he treats his main pawn more as a friend and equal, and is loathe to let mati put himself in harm's way for his own sake. mati, being a pawn and Number One Following Rules Fan, isn't entirely sure what to do with this, particularly at first. he still calls jesse "master" most of the time as a polite gesture and is conflicted when he has to make choices for himself. over time though I think jesse rubs off on him and he learns to be a little more bold.
I think that's all I've got...feel free to ask if anything doesnt make sense—I'm not sure how much you know about the game, from my own ramblings or otherwise ^^' thank you for the ask!
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