#trying to get as many of my oc references uploaded now so i don't have to try to finish them during the actual game lol
somelazyassartist · 11 months
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eleganzadellarosa · 8 months
Business Before Pleasure
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Part 1
💕 pairing: Cha Eun Woo x fem!reader, Cha Eun Woo x OC
✨ genres: Dark Romance, CEO!au, eventual smut
💕 summary: After losing your job, you pursue your dream of working as a secretary. What you thought would be a piece of cake, turns into more because your boss is a POS
✨ author’s note: This fic is based off of an IG pause game lol. This will be a multi part fic so I will upload them as I write. If you would like to be tagged when I upload, please leave a comment! This first part is short but I hope the following parts will be over 2K words. Thank you for reading and enjoy your day <3 P.S the pictures I'll be using for this are not what the character looks like, just as reference to their style or personality.
💕 word count: 2.26K
To say you hated your job was an understatement. You had been working as an at home event planner, only visiting the office for important meetings or to meet with certain clients. It's been 3 years since you started working for the company and to think you bared through the stress for this long should be counted as an achievement. Truthfully you stayed for the pay. Yes it wasn't amazing but it paid your bills and anything else necessary so it slightly outweighed the cons. Tonight however, you regretted your tenacity with how the woman on the other end was yelling at you. She complained and complained about how her entire event was ruined because of a simple mistake that wasn't even on the company’s part but she felt the need to be compensated.
"Yes ma'am, I understand the problem you're having and I'm doing my best to help you. However, I am only able to do that if you stop yelling."
That only seemed to fuel her anger more and she blurted some obscenities before hanging up on you. You rolled your eyes and looked over at the time. It was already 9:45 pm aka 45 minutes past your time to get off. You sucked your teeth and quickly clocked out before shutting down your computer and standing to stretch your legs. Punctuality was one of your biggest traits, especially when it came to your meals but with you staying over time, you had no energy to stand and make yourself dinner. Takeout was your best bet now and as you scrolled through the many options available, an email notification pops up on your screen. You cringed when you saw it was from your boss and already knew why he bothered emailing you so late.
He was an asshole to say the least. He always treated his employees like crap and would penalize them whenever they worked overtime. He especially seemed to hate you for some reason and you were never really sure why. You open the email and read its contents, predicting what you would see, only to be utterly shocked.
Dear Ms. Meng,
I am regretfully emailing you to inform you that due to complaints and interactions with your client tonight, we will unfortunately have to terminate your contract with us. At this time we are unable to reconsider this decision. We hope that you will succeed in your future endeavors.
Best Regards,
A.P Wilson
This could NOT be happening, especially after you took the time out to try and help her as best as you could with an issue that wasn't even your fault. You never received client complaints, so she would be the first and apparently last. You immediately scrolled through your contacts and selected your boss' number and gave him a call.
"Ah Ms. Meng I expected you to call. Unfortunately as I said in my email, the decision is not up for discussion."
"Mr. Wilson" you put on your best fake smile even though he couldn't see it on the other end of the call. "Would you care to inform me how one complaint from a client lead to my termination? Don't you think that's a bit much?"
"A bit much? You were 45 minutes over time with a client you weren't even being considerate to. She said you yelled at her and didn't help her at all. What am I, as a good boss, supposed to take from that?"
"I don't know, maybe ask your employee first before you just let them go? But I forgot, you have your head so far up your ass that you are so busy worrying about paying your employees extra for overtime that you didn't notice that she tried to get a full refund and then some for an issue that wasn't even our faults! Fuck you and fuck this company!"
You didn't even bother to hear what else he had to say and hung up. This job was never really worth it and maybe now you could get an office job that you actually preferred with a boss that you actually liked, no matter how hard those are to come by. You sat on your bed with your brows furrowed and tossed your phone to the other end. You were pissed and now you didn't even want dinner.
Flopping onto your stomach at the other end of your bed, you picked up your phone and immediately typed in a job searching website. Office jobs were common and shouldn't be that hard to find, yet after scrolling through almost 20 pages and finding nothing, you ended your search early. It was only the first day and unemployment should process quickly so you had a few months before you were flat broke. Surrendering to the growling in your stomach, you settle on some tacos for the night.
There was no point in sitting at home sulking when you could be enjoying your unintentional vacation. You never had much time for your friends before, so now was best to call them up to hang out. It was a unanimous decision on meeting at a cafe to chat and have some decent coffee.
"Hey girly!" your best friend Priya called out to you, wrapping an arm around you as she approached. "This is great, finally some time to yourself and time for me!"
Priya has been your best friend since high school. She was your ride or die, there for you whenever you needed her. She was on the much more outgoing side personality wise, but you liked that about her, it helped you get out of your comfort zone. To say this friendship was a blessing would be a severe understatement. You were grateful for her and so was she for you.
"How are you handling everything?"
"I'm doing great actually. I'm going to take this as a sign to go for what I really want." You push the door open for her and allow her to walk in.
"Optimistic as always. We love a consistent girl like you Faye."
A few minutes later, two more friends, Liz and Ada, popped into the cafe and happily rushed over to where you and Priya sat. You slid over to make space on your end of the booth for Ada to fit.
"Someone must have sold their soul to get this girl out." Ada says, bumping her shoulder against yours.
"Haha no, I actually got fired."
The whole table spent about 10 minutes cursing out your boss and praising how much of a good worker you were. As much as you hated how everything was handled, you were telling the truth when you said you were fine.
"Actually, one of my friends from college works at this business and they're looking for a new secretary. If you want, I can hook you up with all the info." Liz interrupts the "boss bashing" and you focus solely on what she has to say. "And I heard the boss is super hot."
You laughed and shook your head. She was always trying to be the matchmaker of the group and almost always ended up failing. You appreciated her efforts though, you haven't had a boyfriend or any love interests since highschool. Boys weren't really on your mind since you broke up with your last one, he was just like every other douchebag guy you knew of.
"Actually Liz, I'm going to have to take you up on that offer. Can you ask your friend if she minds that I have her number? I want to ask her about a few things before I apply."
She quickly nodded and immediately got to typing on her phone.
This was it. Your dream job coming true before your eyes and you didn't know how to handle the happiness. It checked off all the marks you wanted and then some. Sure there were a few things you didn't like about the job but nevertheless, it was what you wanted and you didn't let the chance pass you by.
Today your interview was scheduled for "noon sharp" as the secretary informed you just a few days before. You were all about great first impressions, so you made sure to be here 15 minutes early.
The building was huge and slightly overwhelming. You walked through the revolving doors that lead to the large space. It made you feel important and like the characters you would see on dramas that scanned their key cards to get past the turnstile gates.
There was a middle aged fair skinned woman sitting at a large desk on which the words "information" was read, with a phone between her face and shoulder.
"Hello, can I help you?" She looks at you with a bubbly smile, teeth pearly white.
"Yes, I have an interview with EWX"
"Oh yes, they're expecting you. Take this elevator on the left and go to the 4th floor."
You silently thanked her and waved goodbye as she took another call. The more the elevator ascended, the more your anxiety rose. It's been years since you were last on an interview and you suddenly felt like you left all your experience and skills with your old job. The elevator dinged when it reached the 4th floor and the two doors opened. There was another woman at the front desk on this floor and she smiled when she saw you.
"You must be Faye, here for the interview?"
"I am! Do I need to sign in?"
"Not at all, go ahead and take a seat and they'll be out here shortly."
You sat in the small waiting area for about 5 minutes before you heard someone call your name. When you turned around and looked, there was a girl, seemingly around your age looking over the front desk to see where you sat. Admittedly you were short, but she looked past you as if expecting to see someone a bit older.
"Oh, you're Faye?"
"Yes, I am." You chuckled and put your hand out to shake hers.
She sneered and hesitated to shake your hand. "Wonderful.” She says, sarcasm heavily laced in her voice “Right this way."
You didn't want to think negatively about her behavior but there was only one way to assess it. That's not what you were here for though and you wouldn't let it affect your professionalism. When you entered the interview room, there were two other people there; a man and another woman.
The interview went well. They asked you about yourself, your work history and how you found out about this position. They appeared to be pleased with your answers and said they would be contacting you within the next few days.
The first girl you met eventually introduced herself as Ashley and walked you back out to the waiting room.
"Don't get your hopes up, the boss doesn't really like people like you and most people don't last long."
You looked at her as you pressed the button for the elevator. "Do you mind elaborating on 'people like me'?" She was leaving a bad taste in your mouth but you gave her one last chance to turn it around.
"You know, extremely bubbly, overzealous. Just stop trying so hard and maybe you'll have a chance."
You wanted to roll your eyes. She obviously either has a crush on this man or secretly fucks him and thinks she's better than everyone else, but you bet money it was the former. "Well Ashley, I guess we'll just have to see if the boss wants 'someone like me' to be a breath of fresh air after dealing with someone like you." The elevator opened as you finished your sentence and you stepped in. "Have a great day!"
It's been 3 days since you last spoke with them and the weekend was quickly approaching. It was only your first interview so you knew not to put all your eggs in one basket, but you really wanted for it to work out.
You stood at the stove, phone propped up against your toaster as you made yourself a quick lunch. "I'm so excited to hear back from them whether they want me or not."
"I'm glad you're looking on the bright side and not letting it get you down." Ada praises your optimism and confidence.
"Same and for not letting that jealous bitch get to your head." Priya added.
"I'm sorry if they say no, I'm going to feel like it's my fault for even mentioning it." You looked over and saw a pout on Liz's face.
"Aww Lizzie, don't feel that way. I'm actually so much more eager about finding this type of work so this interview was a big step."
Just then, a number you don't have saved rings your line and you quickly put your friends on hold to answer it.
"Yes, is this Ms. Meng?"
"Yes, speaking!"
"Oh great, this is Sabrina with EWX, I was just letting you know that we would like to offer you the position. Are you still interested?"
"That would be wonderful!"
"Great! We would love for you to come in this Monday to get a fresh start and learn the ropes. Is that too sudden?"
"Not at all! Thank you again for this opportunity and I will see you all Monday!"
"Wonderful, it was a pleasure speaking with you Ms. Meng and we'll see you Monday!"
You quickly switched back over to the group call with your friends and they immediately knew of the great news with the huge smile you wore. They all screamed, clapped and congratulated you.
You never expected to get over this big hump so quickly but you were no less than grateful. This was big for you and you couldn't wait to see what your new job had in store.
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hiratelier · 5 months
Man it's going to be 10 years since I started using UTAU and joined the UTAU community...I got into the whole singing robot gig in 2014 all because of a Hetalia jinriki video, and then many things happened in my time in the community like it was a pipebomb exploding in my face LOL. It's that time when I sort of miss the old 2014 UTAU days, when the community was chill amidst the usual online discourse, when the DeviantArt UTAU community was active, and so on...
I suppose my experience with the community itself has been alright, and it's had its ups and downs. But when I was using Twitter a lot during 2017-2023, I was constantly being exposed to so much discourse that it ended up impacting my mental wellbeing and the way I enjoyed using UTAU. Just constantly seeing the people you looked up to turning out to be horrible and among other things just made my enjoyment with UTAU more and more miserable to the point when I didn't use Twitter for a couple of months.
I think the more positive experiences in this community were among the more memorable ones, among one of them being my participation in the Anison Sprint medley hosted by KIRA and cheesum. Participating in UtauVision 2017 and UHP-CB 2018 were also good memories for me. Over time, I worked on my voicebank production and cover making skills for fun while trying to have a good time, which progressively got harder as online discourse got more frequent. But I made a fair amount of friends along the way, even including those I looked up to a lot.
These days, I don't really interact with the UTAU community that much because of how toxic it can get at times, but I'm trying my best to see the good in it, and I know that there are some good people in there. It's pretty hard to see that since online discourse pops up a lot, especially when it happens on Twitter. And I barely use Twitter other than to retweet art and post my own works there, curating my feed vigorously. I don't really pay that much attention to the more negative stuff that's happening, so I think that has benefited my health significantly.
I guess I just feel like a half-jaded UTAU veteran who's still recovering from a massive cover burnout and is trying to appreciate the UTAU community in spite of everything, and I'm learning not to be obligated to post covers frequently unlike last year. I find myself engaging in other fun hobbies and interests, and at least I'm working on personal projects that don't have to do with singing robots constantly. The only UTAU-related things I'll do for this year is finish up updated standing image artwork and reference sheet for my UTAUs, upload something for their 9th anniversary, and then publish a cover if the inspiration comes to me. Admittedly, even after stepping away from the program, I don't feel THAT pressured to work on something, even when I feel inspired. Maybe it's because of the additional hobbies I've picked up, plus I've been treating my UTAUs as more like OCs these days.
My relationship with UTAU as a hobby is still healing, and maybe one day, I'll get back to posting more covers. But for now, I'd just like to work on other things. It's been a hectic 10 years, and I'd like to it easy. BUT I'm always down to talking about UTAU, because even after all this time, I'm still passionate about it (albeit even more compared to past years) - especially when it comes to voicebank development.
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kjhmyg · 2 years
Hey, Ive been a fan of your works for quite a while now and been reading bts fan fiction even longer. I absolutely love it and that I've been wanting to write a ff of my own
Since I have absolutely no experience writing something, Ive been having trouble building a storyline and characterization and there's so many other things 😅
So do you have any tips for someone like me
BTW love love your works. Much love ❤
hello love! ah i'm so honoured you came to me for advice, although i must admit i'm not the best at those things either but i'll try!
firstly, it's alright to take your time w the storyline and characters. don't rush, ultimately you want to be happy with it.
as for characters, one of the many reasons why idols and celebrity figures are written as main characters is because it’s easier to work with a character that technically already ‘exists’. meaning to say: it’s easier to reference from real life than to come up with the details for a character i.e. hair colour, age, personality. so you can always reference a celebrity as a muse while you get the hang of writing and creating your ocs. 
secondly, coming up with a plot can be difficult, so i highly recommend using prompts. just search for prompts on tumblr and choose one you think you can work with. you can start out with member x member, then member x oc once you’re ready. or whichever you prefer, it’s fine! 
thirdly, it doesn’t have to be a long story. start with drabbles to get you going. the good thing about drabbles + prompts are that you don’t have to go into detail about each character. you sort of just insert the characters into the story! 
e.g. if you look at my fic mutual, i got the idea off the prompt mutual drunk friend called both of us to pick them up from a party well this is awkward.
the plot is there. all i did was insert reader (oc) as the main, namjoon as other friend and tae as mutual friend. from there, as i got writing, i got the inspiration to include how oc and namjoon have always had a thing for each other. it’s an awkward because of that. and at the end they eventually get together thanks to mutual drunk friend tae. (i know i included other details like tae’s breakup and some stuff about school but honestly even without those, it would work!)
now, for longer stories, it really depends on how you work best. you know me, i only write as i go, so i hadn’t really planned out the entire storyline for rough edges for example until a few chapters ago. but if you’re more organised and structured, you can pen down your thoughts and organise the story into different chapters. i only did this for the last 10 chapters of re and honestly it made writing a little easier because i’ve penned down what i want/need to write about so i just need to actually write it lmao. 
there are authors who write the entire series in one go and only after they’re done do they upload the chapters. and there are also authors like me, who write as the story goes along. do what’s best for you! there’s no right or wrong way to do it.
for longer stories, i feel it helps to first settle on the genre and characters. so is it a college!au, or supernatural!au? is it fluff or angst? then you think about who you want in your stories. from there, you can slowly build your own world (you can still use prompts here, as inspiration. then tweak it here and there to create your own story). 
some other things to remember:
it’s okay if the story doesn’t go exactly as planned. changes in storyline happens to all of us! 
it’s okay to not be able to write everything in one go. some of us (me) write several sentences and call it a day heh.
it you can’t think of anything to write, it’s alright, don’t be so hard on yourself. take a break and try again tomorrow. 
writing styles can differ, don’t compare yourself to other writers on here :) you can, but you don’t have to.
umm...i might add on to this list when i come up with more things. 
i think that’s about it! sorry if this is too wordy, i really hope that this helps you in some way. the biggest advice i can give is to not put pressure on yourself. do what’s comfortable for you! please feel free to ask if anything i’ve said above is unclear, i’d be happy to try and explain further hehe. all the best in your writing journey! <33 and thank u for your support, love u 💛
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