#trying to kill each other rivals to homies in their spare time rivals
slythereen · 2 months
i know we say it often but there is truly no beating the batshit crazy, could not make this up, absolute insanity of lestappen lore. wdym they’re about to start on the front row together on the anniversary of the inchident like what kind of fucked up coincidental magic is THAT
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thebvtchinghour · 5 years
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( JACK MULHERN, TWENTY-ONE, HE/HIM )┊seems like CYRUS OZMAN has left the isle to come over to auradon. they are the child of THEODORA and have TWO SIBLINGS. i’ve heard they’re known to be CHARMING + MOODY. rumor has it they HAVE teamed up with the villains. maybe we should keep an eye on this one. ( hylia )
                         ❛  girl , would it kill you just to throw a little bit of attention ??? ❜                             playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.                             ( plz ignore the playlist cover + fc section of the board ; normally                             cyrrie’s fc is. a lil bit different. first time i’m using jack for him bc                              grizz in the society is That Bitch. ) click for more under the cut !!!                              tws : bullying , toxic relationships , depression ,                             drugs & alcohol ( mention ) ,  smoking ( mention )
not much of an introduction rn bc i’m a lil tired and sick so i’ma try and keep this relatively short !! Cyrus is a well-beloved OC of mine I’ve had for about three years , but this is the first time I’m writing him as a child of Theodora since his creation. So yeah , here we go !
On the Isle, Cyrus was a much different child than the man he is today ; believe it or not , he used to be sweet , quiet , polite , etc. - but growing up on the Isle hardens you , and unfortunately Cyrus wasn’t spared that fate.
Bullied as a kid for the reasoning he just didn’t like to be bad like most of the other kids , he’d prefer to keep to himself and draw everything in sight - until that bullied escalated , and Cyrus would eventually grow tired of it , even going as far as physically defending himself when receiving the same.
And he always was a natural pickpocket ; maybe it wasn’t the toughest means of proving himself , but sticky fingers were formed in an effort to ‘ fit in ’ - and also , he had a fear of growing poor due to the already unsavory conditions of the Isle.
So... yeah. Baby never had many friends.
When he was a teenager , he fell hard for his first boyfriend - but it was evident Cyrus was only being used and was never truly cared for , given his boyfriend would only talk to him if he brought him something shiny. And then when Cyrus would turn up empty-handed , it would be like he never existed. 
So when the VKs came over from the Isle... it really , really angered Cyrus when his boyfriend immediately ghosted him to try and romance the pretty rich royals of Auradon.
Their relationship was never healthy - but besides his siblings, his boyfriend was the only person in his life that never left him. Until now. And here he was alone, again.
So this would lead a lonely boy to dive deep into the magic he’d always been talented with on the Isle , that nobody else knew how much potential he had save for his family. He’d study , now focusing on solely becoming powerful in magic to the point he’d even call himself magic to feel better about himself.
And six months later , with research and practice and building up a reputation for himself as an underground magic prodigy , he only wanted two things: power , and money , to laugh in the face of those that had only kicked him down in his past. Even though , he knew he was only lying to himself , and the only thing he’d ever want in his life was love.
Basics - Cyrus is trans male, panromantic pansexual w/ a slight lean towards men, diagnosed bipolar ( like me so I promise u I know what I’m talkin about ) and again - one of my favorite OCs to write. Ever. Like normally he’s the very first OC I bring into groups.
So in a nutshell !! Cyrus is a major facade - on the outside , he acts like an arrogant party boy only concerned with getting money and using magic for the prior reason. He does magic “favors” for people and essentially is sort of a magic dealer in that sense - enchanted objects, spells, you name it? He’ll sell you it.
But this is to hide the fact that he is actually scared , lonely , and hurt. He’s too afraid to admit that to anyone since he does NOT want to be used and hurt again. He has a huge heart - but he doesn’t want anyone to know that. It’s easier to act like you don’t have feelings ; or at least , that’s what he thinks.
In reality , he just wants someone to give him attention , love , and care. He wants to be special to someone and valued - to be told he matters.
But that doesn’t mean Cyrus isn’t actually talented in his act - aside from being an INCREDIBLE witch , he’s also extremely charismatic and can talk his way out of almost any situation. It’s what makes him such a good thief , too , since he can easily distract.
By his mouth. Because he never shuts the fuck up.
He has a habit of drinking and partying as also to fit in this mask , to try and numb himself to fill that annoying fucking hole he feels in his chest. And the euphoria of it all is all temporary - in this sense , it’s also why he practices more... costy forms of magic.
He attends parties and social gatherings a lot , yes , but every time he knows he’d rather be home alone.
So I also mentioned he IS siding with the villains - ...because one of them is paying him. This is unknown to nobody except the people on the side of the villains , and in reality , Cyrus is only working for them because of the money and also because of revenge on his ex for abandoning him like he was nothing. But he needs to be pulled back to reality and realize that it’s not worth it.
Big into Pagan witchcraft , too !! Tarot cards , crystals , divination - you name it. He almost always has crystals on his person whether they’re in the forms of rings , pendants , earrings - anything. Also regularly smokes a pipe full of opium incense as a stress reliever ( bc yk... wicked witch of the west... opium is from poppy seeds... )
Admittedly falls a lot into classic witch imagery and stuff like his mom because frankly? He just thinks it’s funny. He can ride a broom, sometimes wears large black floppy hats with sunglasses, even has a pair of ( faux ) ruby boots. A lot of his shirts also have a black and white striped pattern.
Also I’m gonna share his clothing aesthetic bc frankly I think it’s cool - lots of chokers, leather jackets, sunglasses, laced fingerless gloves, black painted nails, striped shirts, LOTS OF BLACK... he’s also rly fond of headbands.
Has a huge fear of water thanks to knowing what it does to his mom.
He’s always had an interest in ghosts and the supernatural - trying to practice necromancy for that reason to speak with the dead.
Most people expect his favorite color to be green - but shockingly? It’s blue.
Inspirations bc I love that shit !!
Sabrina Spellman ( CAOS )
Theodora ( duh )
Madison Montgomery & Misty Day ( AHS: Coven )
Violet Harmon ( AHS: Murder House )
Midna & Princess Zelda ( The Legend of Zelda )
Klaus Hargreeves ( The Umbrella Academy )
SO. I’d love like... a Weird Sisters like connection of three people ( including Cyrus ) who specialize in magic and hang together and cause trouble with it?? All the time??? Please give me this??
Listen gimme folks Cyrus has dealt magic shit too. Please. Please. This can either end positively or negatively considering he is the way he is.
People who know Cyrus and are aware pretty much everything about him is just an act.
People who spite him bc of this
People who want to HELP him bc of this
Someone he was going to curse for someone else but then chickened out at the last minute bc I’ll be honest he’s not heartless and he certainly would feel bad 
People he never got along with on the Isle tbh
ppl who genuinely want to be his friend but he keeps pushing away bc dude has trust issues for days
.........maybe the ex-boyfriend? Maybe????
hook-ups bc homie certainly has a habit of sleeping around
unrequited crushes?? exes?? that stuff bc let’s make all my sons cry???
also would love sort of like a skinny love where he feels one way towards a muse and they reciprocate but he can’t be w/ them bc he’s well aware of all his issues and shit ( this would have to be decided after checking out chemistry and stuff )
magic rivals that are constantly trying to one-up each other
ummmm also feel free to brainstorm w/ me bc this is getting long !!
 i’m gonna end this here bt yeah !! please feel free to hmu for plotting or my discord - rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329 . :^) so sorry this is messy nnnnnnnnnng
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