#trying to make foggy and natasha romantically into each other was not my cup of tea (they are friends!! its platonic!!!
thefightinfoggy · 6 months
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I hate them (affectionate)
(From Daredevil/Spider-man #4)
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Begin Again
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader x Clint Barton
Summary- It was in everyone’s best interest, leaving your special ops team, at least that’s what you told yourself. You had grown to love your two teammates with your whole heart, the only problem was they were too busy pinning after each other to even notice you.
Messages- this is my submission for @emilyevanston’s trope flip challenge. The category was Love triangle that ends in healthy polyamory.
Word Count- 2047
“Does anybody know what this meeting is about?” Tony asks as he sits down.
“No.” Steve says. “Fury just gave a time and a place.”
“How ominous.” Tony says, rolling his eyes. “But then again I think I would be a little disappointed if Fury was anything but.”
“Glad I didn’t disappoint, Stark.” Fury says as he walks into the meeting room.
“What is this about? Bruce asks.
“I have a mission for you all.” Fury answers.
“Last I checked, you weren’t our boss.” Tony says, folding his arms over his chest. “So would this be a personal favor?”
“No, but after I tell you what this mission is, I’m pretty sure your two of you will be begging to take the assignment.” Fury says.
“We’re Avengers, we don’t beg.” Tony says.
“We’ll see.” Fury says. “An agent of mine has missed her last 4 check in’s. I’m worried that she has been compromised.”
“Who’s the agent?” Clint asks.
“Y/N.” Fury answers.
“Y/N has been missing for four months and this is the first time we’re hearing about it?!” Natasha sneers.
“Wait, whose Y/N?” Bruce asks.
“Our old partner.” Clint says.
“So will you be taking the mission?” Fury asks, smirking.
“Of course we are!” Natasha growls as she rips the file from Fury’s hand, after she flips through it for a couple seconds she look up at Fury. “Why the hell has Y/N been on an uninhabited island for the last four years?”
“She came to me demanding a new assignment. That was the only one available so last minute.” Fury says.
“She was so desperate to get away from us that she went to live on an island alone?” Clint murmurs.
“Apparently.” Fury says.
“What has she been doing on the island?” Tony asks.
“Tracking terrorist activity.” Fury answers. “All the information you’ll need is in the file, I have another meeting to get to.” He adds before taking his leave.
“Alright, so what’s the plan?” Tony asks.
“We’re going to go find her and bring her home.” Natasha says.
“Not much of a plan, Red.” Tony says.
“I don’t care!” Natasha growls.
“Nat, calm down! We’re gonna find her. But we need a plan before we go in guns blazing.” Clint says.
“She could be dying, right now, while we’re planning.” Natasha says before storming out of the room.
“What was that?” Bruce asks, looking towards the door, completely stunned by Natasha’s behavior.
“Y/N is a difficult subject for the two of us.” Clint sighs. “She was our partner.”
“Like work partner? Or, you know, the other kind of partner.” Tony asks.
“Work partner, we were all really close though.” Clint answers.
“Ah, so you wanted her to be the other kind of partner.” Tony says nodding.
“Yeah, both me and Nat. We were both so in love with her.” Clint murmurs. “But she left before either of us got up enough courage to tell her.”
“Well it looks like you’re gonna get your chance to soon.” Steve says.
“Yeah, maybe.” Clint sighs, before leaving the room.
**Reader’s POV**
You hear them before you see them. Whoever was walking through the jungle on your island was making a lot of noise
“I am definitely wearing the wrong shoes for this.”
“Shut up, Stark.”
“Oh take the stick out, Nat.” Stark says.
Nat. Does he mean Natasha? You hadn’t seen her in years, your memory of her voice was a little foggy, so you listen a bit more intently to see if you can tell if it’s her or not.
“I’ll be saying the same thing to you as soon as I rip one of these branches off and shove it up your-.”
“I stepped on a land mine.”
Was that Clint? You think to yourself.
“I’ll see if I can disarm it.” Stark says.
“Don’t move!” You yell from the tree.
“Y/N?” Natasha says.
“Yeah, it’s me.” You say, moving to a different branch so they can see you. “Don’t move, you can’t disarm it!”  
“Alright so what do we do?”
“Everyone else needs to move back.” You say as you take an arrow out of your quiver. “Alright, Clint put your arms up.” You add as you tie a rope to the end of your arrow. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” Clint says, then you shoot the arrow, grabbing the rope, you swing towards Clint, grabbing him, you can feel the explosion hit your back and then you both land on the ground. Well Clint lands on the ground and you land on him.
“Hi.” Clint breaths.
“What are you doing here?” You ask as you stand up.
“You’ve been missing your check in’s.” Natasha says, as she walks towards the two of you.
“I know, my communicator broke.” You say. “Come on we should all head back to my camp, I need to grab some stuff before we leave.”
“Alright.” A man who looked an awful lot like Captain America says.
“So these are your new teammates?” You ask after several minutes of silence.
“Kinda.” Clint says. “We’re not actually SHIELD agents anymore.”
“Then why are you here?” You ask.
“Fury.” Natasha says.
“Wait so if you guys aren’t with SHIELD anymore who’s the Captain America impersonator?”
“He’s Captain America.” Clint says.
“Huh, no shit.” You say. “What did they find him in an iceberg or something?”
“You’re not actually that far off.” Stark says. “I’m Tony Stark by the way.”
“Iron Man.” You say, smiling. “You had made the announcement a couple weeks before I left for the island.”
“Oh, so you don’t know about the aliens.” Tony says.
“What?” You ask, stopping in your tracks.
“We’ll debrief you about that later. Right now we have more important things to discuss.” Clint says.
“Yeah, like why did you leave?” Natasha asks.
“I thought it was for the best.” You answer.
“Did I do something? Did we do something? Because Clint and I thought-we thought…”
“I just wanted to get out of your guy’s way.” You say.
“What do you mea-?” Clint starts to ask.
“Let’s not talk about this right now.” You say. “My camps right over here. I’m just going to grab my stuff and we can go.”
**A little while later**
“Nice jet.” You say as you sit down.
“Thanks.” Tony says, grinning at you. “Wanna take it for a spin?”
“Maybe later.” You say, looking at Natasha and Clint.
“We’ll give the three of you some privacy.” Steve says before dragging Tony into the cockpit.
“Sooo how have the last four years been?” You ask, looking at anything but your old partners.
“We’ve missed you.” Natasha murmurs.
“Yeah, okay.” You snort.
“I’m serious!” Natasha huffs.
“I’m sure the two of you didn’t even notice I was gone.”
“That’s total bullshit!” Clint scoffs. “Why did you leave?”
“I wanted a change of scenery.” You say, crossing your arms.
“That’s crap!” Natasha says.
“Fine! I-I was sick of working with the two of you! I was so desperate to get away from you that I took an assignment alone, on a remote island!” You say, knowing deep down that this was better than telling them the truth. You won’t be the reason their relationship is ruined.
“Fine! As soon as we get home you’ll never have to see us again!” Clint yells, and he spins around to leave the room but Nat grabs him.
“Wait.” Nat says, frantically. “She’s lying.”
“No I’m not!”
“Yes, you are!” Natasha says. “Now tell us the truth.”
“Please don’t make me.” You whimper.
“Why not, Honey?” Natasha murmurs, cupping your cheek with her hand.
“Stop that!” You say, flinching away from her touch. “Stop breaking my heart.”
“W-What?” Clint asks.
“I’m in love with the two of you, that’s why I left. Seeing the two of you together, i-it broke my heart.” You whisper, feeling shame flow through you.
“What are you talking about?” Natasha asks.
“Seeing the two of you together, seeing you both so wrapped up in the love you shared with one another, it hurt.”
“The only romantic love we shared four years ago was our love for you!” Clint says. “Nat and I didn’t start dating until a year after you left!”
“What?” You ask.
“We were in love with you, you idiot!” Natasha yells. “You really didn’t notice?” She whispers.
“No?” You say thinking back to four years ago. “The two of you were always huddled in a corner, whispering. I-I just assumed that you were planning dates or whatever. What were the two of you talking about then?”
“You. We were talking about you. We were trying figure out a way to tell you that we both loved you.” Clint says.
“Oh.” You murmur. “I’m an idiot.”
“I think that all three of us are idiots.” Clint says smiling at you. The three of you sit in silence for a little while, just enjoying being in each other’s company again, but eventually you have to ask,
“So the two of you are dating?”
“Yeah, about a year after you left, I guess there’s something to be said about falling in love over shared pain.”  Clint says.
“Pain?” You ask.
“You leaving. It broke our hearts.” Natasha says.
“I’m so sorry.” You murmur. “Once we land I’ll leave and the two of you will never have to see me again, if that’s what you want.”
“Why would we want that?” Natasha murmurs.
“I broke your hearts a-and the two of you are together, I-I don’t want to get in the way of that.” You stammer.
“We still love you, Y/N.” Clint says, as the two of them each take one of your hands.
“B-but the two of you are together and you’re happy.” You say.
“And we’ll still be happy when it’s the three of us in a relationship.” Natasha says. “If that’s something you would want to try.”
“That’s not exactly traditional.” You say, looking at the two of them.
“When have any of us ever been traditional?” Clint asks.
“That’s something you would want to try? Both of you?” You ask, looking down at your lap. After a moment Natasha’s free hand cups your cheek, so you look up at her.
“We love you, that’s never going to change.” Nat murmurs, before leaning in to kiss you.
“So should I take that as a yes?” You ask, after the two of you break apart.
“Obviously.” Clint says, as a smile spreads across his face.
“Are you going to kiss me now too?” You ask, grinning at Clint.
“Obviously.” Clint murmurs as he leans in to kiss you.
“I love you, both of you.” You say as you lean your forehead against Clint’s.
“We love you too.” Natasha says, from her place next to you.
“Hey have the three of you kissed and made up yet?” Tony says, as he pops his head out of the cockpit.
“Yeah, we have.” Natasha says, as she smiles at you.
“Great!” Tony says. “Hey, Steve you can land the plane now.” He says as he moves his head back into the cockpit.
“What are you talking about?” You ask.
“Oh we’ve been flying in circles for the last half hour, we wanted to make sure the three of you had enough time to talk through everything.” Tony explains.
“Huh, that was oddly considerate of you, Stark.” Clint says.
“What can I say, I’m a romantic.” Tony says.
“Your boss is weird, but nice.” You say after Tony shuts the door.
“He is not our boss.” Natasha says.
“To bad, I was going to ask him to hire me, I miss working with the two of you.” You say. Clint and Natasha share a look before standing up and walking into the cockpit.
“Y/N is joining the Avengers.” Natasha says.
“Shocker.” Tony says, you can hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“So aliens?” You ask as you plop down on the bed.
“And Norse Gods.” Clint says
“Huh, seriously?” You ask.
“Yeah, one’s even on the team. You’ll meet Thor when he gets back.” Natasha says.
“Sounds like a lot has changed these past four years.” You murmur.
“Some of it is for the better.” Natasha murmurs before pulling you in for a kiss.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” You say, grinning.
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