#ts4 also runs WAY faster on this new setup. which is great cause that was my major issue with it.
potential-fate · 6 months
well, I had to do more than upgrade my graphics card, but we're up and running lmao. Hopefully that means I'll have story posts soonish. maybe not this week but next? (I have family stuff to do tomorrow, so I won't have a lot of time to play. plus, I'm sorta testing the games/graphics boundaries as well, rather than playing playing.)
or rather, I had to update my graphics card, but then it wasn't compatible with the power supply (needed more than available) I had, which I could only update if I upgraded the motherboard, so... in short I built my own PC now lmao.
no pink flashing yet! running on high graphics, and clean UI, with gunmod's lighting. Still running on my old win10 install though.
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