mrcreativex · 4 years
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MCX Black Mamba DJ Booth
get together needed
New Mesh
High Quality Speaker
Dj Function from the Big DJ
Modern Style
For a long time it annoyed me that there is nothing but these 4 Dj desks. So I designed my own. I wish you a lot of fun with it. more to come!
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Linacre House
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Julius: Lori?... Lori, where are you?
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Julius: Lori?...Hmmm
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Julius: Lori, please answer me. I need to talk to you, are you in here?
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Julius: Lori, darling? Are you okay in there? You don’t have to do another test. Lori? Please open up.
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Julius: I know we have been struggling lately, and things have been difficult, but I’m here no matter what happens. I know I haven’t been as supportive as I should be and that we have become distant because of it but I’m...
[Bathroom door lock clicks...]
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Julius: Lori are you okay? We need to...
Lorna: It’s positive...
Julius: What?
Lorna: It’s positive Jule...
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Lorna: It’s a positive test Jule...Look!
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Julius: Truly?...
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Julius: Oh my God... It’s positive... Lori you’re amazing!
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Julius: You’re Amazing!!! We’re going to have a baby!
Lorna: We’re Pregnant! After so long...
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Julius: Lori?...
Lorna: Yes?
Julius: Lori, my darling...
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Julius: I love you. I know I haven’t told you that much lately, but I love you, and I’m sorry for how I have acted over the last couple of months; I should have been more for you.
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Lorna: I’m as much to blame. I wouldn’t let you in and we have both kept our pain to ourselves.
Julius: We will try harder?...
Lorna: Yes, yes we will.. No matter what happens.
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Julius: Have I told you today that you are amazing?...
Lorna: Yes, yes you have. But you can tell me again if you like...
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Julius: Hmmm. You’re amazing... And I love you dearly.
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Julius: [Whisper] My Goddess...
Lorna: My Jules...
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tealbbysims · 4 years
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Dream Wedding Day 🌹💍🍾🥂
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justmelayo · 6 years
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JustMeLayoxRibCageTop OUT NOW!
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Thank you all! ❤️
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jinburgersecond · 5 years
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Cocktail DressCHANEL
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justmelayo · 6 years
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JustMeLayoxRainbowShirt1 OUT NOW!
DOWNLOAD HERE {right click if doesn’t work}
If you use please tag #justmelayo or tag me on Instagram, “leobrookst!”
If there is a problem with cc please message me on Instagram which is “leobrookst.” Are write me on here.
FAQ: Can I recolor your cc? Yes! If you publish, direct them to this post! {give credit}
Thank you all! ❤️
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TIRH, The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Kahn Hold A Private Christening And Release The Name Of Their Baby Girl!
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TIRH, The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Kahn, it has been announced, have held a private christening for their daughter. It comes almost two months after her birth. Although many Maraseans will be disappointed, that there was not an opportunity to celebrate publicly with the couple, it comes as no surprise that the couple have done it this way. Our very Private Imperial Prince may no longer wish to leave Royal Duties, but it seems he will not sway on some aspects of his family's privacy.
Along with the announcement, we finally find out the name of their baby. TIRH have named their daughter, Lady Valeria Arielle Sara of Kahn. TIRH have chosen not to use an HIRH, for their daughter at this time, despite her being sixth in line to the Imperial Throne. No doubt, the couple have taken inspiration from HIRH's Uncle, The Imperial Duke of Sulani. In technicality, their daughter is an Imperial Countess, the Countess of Auster, one of the many titles that were bestowed upon the couple when they wed, and entitled to the title of Imperial Princess. It is likely Lady Valeria will be given the option on whether to use either of her title once she turns 18. Even if the decision is no, she will nether the less inherit her Fathers Dukedom.
Congratulations to the happy couple and their new addition to the family!
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Baptism Of TIRH, The Crown Princess and Prince Imperial Of Demula’s Son. The Ceremony
With all the guests now seated, the ceremony commenced.
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It was announced that the chosen Godparents for the young Imperial Royal would be His Grace, August, The Duke of Windsor and Mr Eugene Roland. In doing so the couple make history, by being the first to have a Godparent to their child who is not entitled. Many Maraseans where delighted by this.
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It was also revealed that the couples chosen name for their son is Xander Adir Hercule. The little Imperial Royal will be addresses as HIRH Prince Imperial Xander Adir Hercule.
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Maraseans were pleased that the couple decided not to name him after the last Emperor Of Marasea and have allowed him to be the first of his name.
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All in all, it was a simple, beautiful ceremony. When the family exited once again, they were met with a round of applause as they met their new Imperial Prince.
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Municipal College Visit Part 2!!!
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The First attraction the TIRH viewed was a Replica of the Coronation Coach. HIRH was asked how she felt to stand before it, she simply replied it was a destiny she was honoured to fulfill.
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Many other topics were broached, including the history behind some of the pieces the Imperial Family donated. Many were prizes of war, gifts from foreign royals and gifts as part of past dowry's.
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Many of the tapestries and emblems have been in the family for hundreds of years. HIRM, Empress Sheva was glad to donate the pieces instead of keeping them in storage.
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Proudly placed at the top is the Imperial Royal Family Emblem, various previous versions alongside it.
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The Grand Duchess and Duke of Marasea spotted at the N&W Hospital!!!
In the early hours of Thursday morning, TIRH the Grand Duchess and Duke of Marasea were spotted at the N&W Memorial Hospital for what can only be presumed to be a weekly check for the Grand Duchess who is nearing the end of her second trimester. 
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It is the first time that Imperial Royal watchers have had a glimpse of the Grand Duchess and her growing baby bump. HIRH has taken the last couple of months slowly and has even reduced the number of engagements scheduled, passing most of them on to her husband. The pair however, are due to arrive at the Windcrest Museum for an opening, the first since its recent renovation and their endorsements as patrons. 
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In very casual clothing the couple looked very at ease, and exhibited no nervousness at becoming parents for the first time.
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In fact the pair looked very much in love, as they did 5 years ago at their wedding.
The Imperial Duke and Duchess of Linacre were also spotted at the hospital later on in the week, for a couple who is generally known for their public displays of affection, were noticeably not holding hands and distant. Rumours of the couples difficulty in getting pregnant are begin to ring true and the strain in their marriage is beginning to show at engagements. The Imperial Duchess was also seen arriving at the palace for a private audience with the Empress, the Prince Royal Imperial later joined her there. It would appear that there must be some truth around the rumours if HIRM and the Prince-Consort have intervened. 
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tealbbysims · 4 years
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And just like that she’s here! Say hello to baby girl Makeda ✨ 
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Terra House.
Later that evening the Imperial Royals were seen arriving at Terra House. One of the longest standing properties within the Family’s property portfolio, Terra House sits within the same estate as The Royal Lakeside Lodge.
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Unconventionally some of the younger Imperial Royals opted to drive themselves to the private estate. TIRM and TIRH the Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke drove straight to the estate.
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After flying in on their own flight from Sulani, having made a brief trip to HIRH in-laws, TIRH The Imperial Duke and Duchess were one the first to arrive at Terra House after TIRM’s.
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Appearing to already be in festive spirits fans are now convinced that all is well between the couple, dispelling the circulating rumours of earlier this year that their marriage was strained. Fans even noticed at the recent engagements the pair have carried out, that they seemed to be more at ease with each other. 
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Having taken a de-tour to show Miss Estep some of the estate, Marasea’s new favourite couple were the last to arrive, even after the extended family.
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Miss Estep still seemed to be unfazed at the prospect of staying at Terra House and HIRH seemed to have no worries either.
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We can only assume that HIRH imparted some final words of wisdom to Miss Estep before the couple walked hand in hand inside.
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Official Wedding Portraits: Visiting Royals.
And last but by no means least we have a magnificent portrait of the newly weds an the attending foreign royals.
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By this point all Royals had changed into the evening attire, which gives us an excellent opportunity to admire them up close! 
Front Row: From left to right we have the members of the Royal House of Mal, HRH King Iman, HRH Princess Anne and The Great Sultana and Sultan of Mal.
In the Back Row Left we have HRH Princess Theodora and HM Queen Adelane of Elthonia. 
In the Back Row Right we have TIM Empress Natalia Petrova and Emperor Spencer of Alexandria.
All looked perfectly regal, and TIRH The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea would like to thank them for attending their wedding and for celebrating with them on their special day. 
And that finally concludes the wedding!! TIRH will now jet off to Selvadorada be for spending the bulk of their honeymoon in Sulani.
#Thank you all for going on this journey with me, I hope you all enjoyed.
@royalsimsinsider @thealexandrianroyals @miyuzarry
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TIRH The Grand Imperial Duchess and Duke of Marasea, The Crown Princely Couple Hold A Press Briefing To Introduce Their Baby Boy To The World!!!
TIRH The Crown Princess and Prince Imperial of Demula held a press briefing to introduce their baby boy to the world.
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At around 1pm this afternoon, after an hour long wait TIRH stepped with HIRH cradling their new soon. The new beaming parents, appeared to be in the greatest of spirits with HIRH looking glamorous in her floral dress.
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The Crown Princely couple graciously thanked all photographers and reporters for patiently waiting, and for their warm words of congratulations. When asked how it felt to be parents for the first time, the couple both agreed it was the ‘‘greatest feeling in the world’’.
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TIRH could barely take their eyes off of their new baby boy. When asked about a name or the baby Imperial Prince’s title, the pair tactfully avoided giving anything away.
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TIRH did however confirm that there will be a christening in about a months time, when it is hoped the weather will be slightly warmer. They even expressed their appreciation that the camera crews would brave the current weather to meet their son.
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Mid interview, HIRH the Grand Imperial Duke of Marasea took a turn cradling his son, an action that already seems so natural. Fans later in the day took to social media to praise how at ease HIRH looked holding his son, compared to Male Imperial Royals of the past. When asked who does he take more after, HIRH The Grand Imperial Duke said ‘‘I’m hoping he has Nerina’s eyes and my strong jaw. But it’s too early to tell. He’s perfect either way.’’
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Like Imperial Royals before him, TIRH will likely christen their son at the Church of Our Lady St Seraphina. Fans have already laid bets on possible name choices, with many believing they will name him after the founding father of this Imperial Royal Line and call him Demetrius.
But for now, Congratulations to TIRH on welcoming a beautiful baby boy!!!
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Senior Members Of The Imperial Royal Family Attend Sunday Service In Preparation For The Holidays!!!
Senior most members of the Imperial Royal Family attended a Sunday service before they retire to HIRM country retreat for the Christmas Holidays.
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Leading the Family as always, and aging with grace we have HIRM Empress Sheva and HIRM, The Prince-Consort Ngata. 
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Opening the Church grounds to the public during the Holidays is a relatively new tradition started by the Empress’ mother. The aim was to make the idea of Imperial Royalty more real, reachable, and to help engage the public engage more with Family.
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Since then, the new tradition has been a success with more of the public appearing each year.
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The Imperial Couple have of late attended fewer engagements in recent years, deciding to delegate more of their engagements to the younger Senior Royals. Both being in their mid sixties, it makes sense to allow the next generation to become more involved. 
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It also makes these particular laid back events popular as they have become one of the rare occasions the Imperial Couple are seen together.
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TIRM interacted and spoke to many members of the crowd, offering Holiday wishes. Some even asked how they felt at becoming Grandparents for the first time. Both stated that they were excited, and eager to meet their Grandchild. When asked if they wanted many Grandchildren, HIRM The Empress Sheva responded ‘Any number of Grandchildren we have will be a blessing’
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