tamaylasims · 2 years
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So if you follow over on IG a lot of y’all know I made a page for Tam (the Sim face of this brand).  I will be/plan on roleplaying on that account.  If you wanna give her a follow and become friends the link to do that is right over here → 🤍
I decided to make this character sheet to give y’all some info on who she is and how she is as a person.  I’m missing a few things for sure I believe so as time passes I’ll probably update the sheet in about 6 months or so if I can remember.  I’ll have them all under #TamaraBrenner for future reference. If anyone wants to do one of these please, please, pleaaaaaase tag me so I can read about your OCs as well!
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acoldsummer-sims · 6 years
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New simstagram!!!
I was very bored so I started a new simstagram for a toddler. Because I think it is so cute when people’s babies and kids have cute little instagrams.
Kiana is open for collaborations if you want your sims kids to be friends with her!
Here instagram is: @Kianaspalace
Link: https://instagram.com/p/BlgvMyaAGQw/
Hairs is from these lovely creators:
@lalasimmer @diversedking @ebonixsims
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nessagurl-blog1 · 6 years
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Lazy Days😴
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daja-nae · 7 years
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Un cassecroûte 
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justbeinmi-blog · 7 years
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Hey There Tummbler!
Hey World! It’s MiMi here and i figured since my job is writing and all I should be on Tumblr right? Excited to have everyone see my crazy world! Plus right now I am managing social media for my job so I have to be everywhere.
Name: Mariah Love 
Occupation: Journalist For Vouge
Location: New York 
Relationship Status: Single 
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nessagurl-blog1 · 6 years
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Out and About 
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nessagurl-blog1 · 6 years
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Balmain Show 💖
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nessagurl-blog1 · 7 years
Wow, its been so long since being on here, Im glad to be back here showing you guys apart of my life again. Its been a whole five years! Yes five, I have graduated from Howard with a health degree instead of Bio, I realized half way through that as my career was not what I wanted so I did it for my family and did what I wanted later. I am now 24!
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After graduating I moved to L.A! Yes L.A, i realized not only was I in love with singing but acting as well. Just being a performer over all so I packed my things and went....and Jayden came with me! We have a condo here in L.A and are living together, he is a sports manager meanwhile I got a small job while searching for roles and auditioning.
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Speaking of searching for roles I got one! Yes after thousands of auditions and reading of roles, I snatched one with a upcoming young director who is filming a  movie by the name of Star, it being about a girl and guy who connect through the streets of L.A. Im so excited to have the opportunity especially working with some one like Taraji P. Henson who is so nice y'all! Any way I will of course be showing you that process as the director is working towards us getting into Sundance. 
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So, Im excited to show you guys more of my life, and my life as a grown up now lol. 
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nessagurl-blog1 · 7 years
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Preparing For Classes To Start
So my parents are finally gone they stayed with me for about a week to make sure that everything was good. We have a few things up in our dorm but it is not really donee. Decided to spend my afternoon with some Mcdonalds and Netflix while I plan my next week coming up.
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nessagurl-blog1 · 7 years
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I was meant to spend my day cleaning my room and shopping for dorm room stuff but instead I went and got food and stayed on my laptop for hours shopping for more summer clothes🙄And now I'm up late when I have to meet my parents in the city tomorrow to celebrate fathers day since they aren't home. I honestly hate traveling from Jersey to New york.
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daja-nae · 7 years
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Nail Garden 2.0 in the works
All the construction/plumbing and what not is finally done and it’s time for the fun part! 
D E C O R A T I N G!!!!
Instead of hiring people, I want to do it myself, you know, to keep busy and my amazing staff wants in on the fun. The hardest thing right now is picking out a color scheme, but once that’s done everything will fall into place! Our services are expanding and we will have a lot more to offer you than just mani/pedis so stay tuned y’all. Badgaldada is coming back better than ever ;)
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nessagurl-blog1 · 7 years
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Snowed In With This Guy
Came over to do homework with me and ended up staying the night, Mom of course was too happy, she loves this boy for me for some reason. 
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justbeinmi-blog · 7 years
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Morning Work Vibez 
Im off to the Vouge offices, writing an article for the Website on up and coming singer,  Cassia Curry, she is super dope and has the eye of a lot of designers for her unique style. Ill be interviewing her in depth about her style so we can have it on the Vouge website in a few days.
Also Im so ready for summer, all of my outfits are ruined from jackets I dont want on...Thanks mother nature, give New York some Shine!
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