#tsitp 2x05 quotes
TSITP 2x05 - “Love Fool” : Jeremiah’s point of view
“- Conrad could have chosen his words better. But he’s not wrong. The truth hurts. All of it hurts.”
“- Our dad was never going to win a Father of the Year award. He was flawed, that’s for sure. But when it counted, he was there at the end. Conrad just couldn’t see it. He didn’t want to.”
“- Sometimes I hate myself for how long it took me to notice it. That invisible force between the two of them. I wanted to tell Conrad that he had no right, that he’d ignored Belly for all these years. But it wasn’t just up to Conrad. It was Belly’s choice, too. So I forced myself to let it go. There were more important things to worry about then, anyway.” 
“- Being around Belly this week has made me remember all over again. And my genius plan to stay pissed at her and keep her at arm’s length is a failure. So I just keep telling myself over and over, it’ll never be me. It’s always going to be Conrad.”
“- When she looks at me like this, I can almost let myself believe she sees me the way she used to see Conrad.” 
“- Does he know how badly I’ve wanted to take Belly’s hand like that? Would he care?”
“- I can remember the exact moment when everything changed. From the first moment I saw her last summer. She’d always been just Belly. A girl I’ve know my whole life, my friend. Except what I was feeling in that moment was so much stronger. I wanted to grab her and hold her and kiss the shit out of her. And the feeling never went away. But I wasn’t the only one. I tried to convince myself for a long time that they weren’t inevitable. That I had a chance. But it’s pretty clear to me now that I never actually did.”
“- I was annoyed with Conrad that day, with everything about him. He’d gotten to take Belly to her prom, and he’d acted like it was some big chore. If it had been me, I would have done it right. I wouldn’t have forgotten the corsage. I’d have given her the perfect night. (I was heartbroken).  - Conrad forgot Belly’s corsage? That’s shitty of him.  (...) - You always remember what makes Belly happy. You still have feelings for her.  (Susannah) - No, Mom. I got over that crush a long time ago.  - You never let anyone see you hurting. Yeah, well, sometimes I think you’re a little too good a being fine. (Susannah) - Well, isn’t that what everyone wants me to be?  - No. Not me. This is all my fault. I got so excited at the prospect of Belly being with one of my boys. It must have been so hard for you, seeing her with your brother. (Susannah) - I don’t want you have to worry about that, Mom. - Promise me. You and Conrad will never let anything come between you. You will always put each other first. (Susannah) - Mom, Con and I are fine. I promise. You don’t have to worry about that, okay? She chose him. They chose each other and I’m... - Her best friend (Shit not the thing to say). This is just the beginning of your story, Jere. And I can’t guarantee anyone’s feelings. Or promise that no one will get hurt. But the fun in life is figuring out where the rest of the story goes. Do you know what my graduation quote was? Amelia Earhart. “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” Remember that. I adore you, sunshine boy. (Susanna)  - My day always loved Conrad better. But I had my mom. She was the only person who ever really saw me. Her and Belly.”
“- My whole life, it’s always been Conrad for Belly. But maybe... maybe, for the rest of the story, it could be me.” 
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TSITP 2x05 - “Love Fool” : Jeremiah x Belly
“- I mean, I’m just going to the screening room. (Jeremiah) - Sounds like an adventure to me. I mean, we never know what we’ll find behind these doors.  (Belly) - It’s a country club, not Narnia. (Jeremiah) - Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” (Belly)
“- Movie nights would always make me think of you. (Jeremiah) - I’d miss you so much. And I’d just think I should call you, but... I wish you had. And I would have answered. I would have come. (Belly) - It would have just made things harder.”  (Jeremiah)
“- Do I have BO or something? I mean, I’ve never seen you turned down a Truth or Dare kiss before. (Belly) - Don’t-don’t do that.  (Jeremiah) - Do what? I’m just trying to talk to you. I mean, before on the, on the boardwalk.... (Belly) - Just stop. Okay?  (Jeremiah) - Why? Why don’t you want to kiss me? (Belly) - Because if I kiss you, I don’t know that I can ever stop. (Jeremiah) - So, um.... What are you saying? (Belly) - I don’t know, Bells, it’s complicated. That thing you said earlier? About “adventure is worthwhile”? Did you mom tell you about that? (Jeremiah) - No, I... saw it on your graduation cap. When my mom went, she, uh, recorded the whole ceremony. I saw you get your diploma. Strut up the stage. I wanted to be there for your day, even if it was, you know... just through my mom’s photo. 
“- Good night, Bells”
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TSITP 2x05 - “Love Fool” : Jeremiah x Conrad
“- I was just hoping that you could... (Conrad) - What? (Jeremiah) - Give you my blessing? (Conrad) - I can’t believe you came here like this. You know what? Just do what you want. You always do anyways. (Jeremiah) - Jere, I want to be with her. And I... really think that’s what she wants, too. But she’s afraid of hurting you, Jere. (Conrad) - Oh, is that right? (Jeremiah) - Yeah. And it’s tearing her up that you haven’t responded to her texts since last summer. (Conrad) - Yeah. Well, I’ve been busy. (Jeremiah) - Jere, I don’t want you to hate us, but I think about her all the time. And it hurts, like, my chest physically hurts, to not be able to tell her that I’m in love with her. (Conrad) - When your brother tells you something like that, there’s only one right answer. Even if it doesn’t feel right at all. I’m not going to be the one to keep you guys apart. So go for it.” (Jeremiah)
“- It’s good seeing you and Belly get along again. I know she missed having you as a friend.”
“- Next time Belly is coming over, can you give me a heads-up or something? (Jeremiah) - I thought you knew everybody was coming over. (Conrad) - Yeah, I did. But if you guys are going to be here together, then I don’t want to be around. (Jeremiah) - Of course, we’re.... (Conrad) - No, it’s better for everyone if we just keep some distance, okay? You do your thing and I’ll do mine.” (Jeremiah)
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TSITP 2x05 - “Love Fool” : Quotes
“- And this asshole won’t even pick up my... calls.” (Conrad)
“- Thank you, Skye, for that bleak as fuck assessment.” (Steven)
“- I mean, for them, losing something is just another excuse to get a... better something. (...) Careful. That’s almost a compliment. (Steven) - Almost. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” (Taylor)
“- Cam Cameron, fountain of gossip. I did not expect that side of you.” (Skye)
“- Actually, I’ve known you a long-ass time. Yeah, you and Bella used to play princess together for years. (Steven) - So? You ran around asking everyone to place doctor. That doesn’t mean you grew up to be a complete perv.” (Taylor).
“- Yeah, but you can’t just... you can’t just smoke random weed. (Belly) --> True imagine it was cut with Fentanly.  - Belly, it’s not random weed. It’s Lost and Found rich people weed. (Taylor) (...) - Why don’t we take this outside before Cam Cameron has a stroke?” (Jeremiah)
“- Steven really hurt me last year. It’s just... It’s not the kind of hurt that just goes away easily. You know? (Taylor) --> This can be applied to Jeremiah.  - Yeah. (Belly) - Or, like, ever, maybe. (Taylor) - Yeah, I get it. (Belly) - I know you do. (Taylor) - I think I loved Conrad longer and truer than anyone in my whole life. And I’ll probably never love anyone like that again. To be honest, it’s kind of a relief. ‘Cause I don’t know, I don’t know if I could survive that. (Belly) - Can we make a pact? Can we just leave first love in the past? Like, where it belongs? I saw you and Jeremy (wtf no one say his name like this) on the boardwalk. And tonight on the couch. There’s something there. Doesn’t matter how far apart you sit, you know? It’s there. (Taylor) - Yeah, I feel like there... could be something, you know? (Belly) - Mm-hmm. (Taylor) - Like this charge building between us. But, you know, then he reminds me how much I hurt him before. I don’t know. I’m like... I shouldn’t even be thinking about him like that.”  (Belly)
“- Come on, man. Nobody’s playing Truth or Dare right. It’s either you go big or you go home. (Steven) - Agreed. This needs to get way more Euphoria.” (Taylor)
“- Does it get any easier? (Jeremiah) - Yeah. It’s always there, you know. The pain starts to... you know, feel more like a scar that it does a scab. Like, sometimes something totally random will set you off. A song she used to play for you or,.... little yellow tree air fresheners she had in her car and the...pain just feels brand-new again. Everything goes back to normal. Eventually. Whatever the hell that means. (Cam Cameron) - Yeah, the fuck if I know.” (Jeremiah)
“- Oh, I wish you boys had gone home. (Aunt Julia) - You’re not getting us to abandon our house, Julia. (Conrad) - It’s not your house, Conrad. It won’t be mine for long, either. (Aunt Julia) - Julia, please. We have an idea, okay? (Jeremiah) - A buyer has made an offer on the house and I’ve officially accepted it. It won’t be mine for long either. The house is sold.” (Aunt Julia)
“- Jere, you don’t have to be a part of this. (Conrad) - What did I say? Just no more doing everything alone. Okay? (Jeremiah) - I’m hoping that since I got the connect from Liam, that they’ll respond by tomorrow. Okay. Well, as soon as they do, we’ll let Julia know that we have an offer she can’t refuse.” (Jeremiah)
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