#tsoa on the other hand.....like ok i can just go to ao3 if i want to read mediocre patrochilles fanfic
thoodleoo · 2 years
ok last thing i will say about this but i just. i dunno! i guess i'm just not the target audience for these myth retellings but if the entirety of how a book is pitched to me is "greek myth but make it feminist and queer!" then i just don't care. i don't!! i've read a variety of retellings/adaptations of/stories that incorporate greek myths aimed at different age-level audiences, and if all you've got to pull me in is to make it gay or whatever, that doesn't excite me. unless you're actually going to engage with the material outside of superficially making it gayer or whatever then you're not really adding much to it for me. i can make dionysus and pentheus have raging sparagmos-sex or whatever in my head on my own. give me something i haven't seen before!!!
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