#tsubakihara x gender neutral reader
Being Tsubakihara’s Manager
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Tsubakihara x GN! Manager
Warnings: pure fluff
AN: sorry it’s been a while since I posted BUT 👀 I still have a dream to write at least 1 set of HC’s per team because I know each one of these bbys has a fan somewhere. It’s me, I am the fan.
You can’t tell me these aren’t some seriously blushie boys
They will simply perish the moment they find out they have a manager
Literally, they could have no clue who you are but once they find out, watch out
Instant protection squad!
They have like six second years so never fear Yn, you are secure
Coach Osado is actually the one who recruited you
He knew you were a good student and capable of managing a team
When he asked if you still needed a club and you responded “yes”, the deal was sealed 🤝🏻
The first person he’s gonna inform is our amazing third year setter, Echigo
That poor boy is exhausted
Literally carrying the teams moral on his back 😅
Needless to say, he’s stoked about having a manager!
However, Coach Osado and Echigo decide not to inform the rest of the team of you
Because there’s nothing better than a good surprise right?
Right : D
So on your first day, you walk into the gym and the boys are already warming up
They stop and look towards you 👀
Freaking so noisy istg-
They watch as your beauty lights up the space, and they all just stare at you
Literally 👁️👄👁️
Someone better make sure to get a mop because there is drool everywhere!
You smile at them and wave, walking over to Coach as Echigo stands and walks towards you both
Teradomari is super confused 🤨 and looks to his friend for answers
Too bad his friend is Maruyama, who is probably definitely simp #1 on Team YN
“Dude don’t stare at them! We don’t even know who they are!” Tera gritted out as Maru snapped from his thoughts
Literally just these goons all ogling you
Hope you don’t have social anxiety Yn 😅
All the second years, Tsukioka, Mikawa, Iwamuro, Atema, Maiko and Kaikake are silently thanking whomever sent you walking into the volleyball gym
Our precious Angel, Himekawa is just staring at you, face blush red as he watches you laugh at something Echigo says
Suddenly Echigo and you approach the team, a huge smile plastered on your face
“Guys this is Yn, our new manager,” he spoke as suddenly the gym went dead silent
Before ultimately erupting into chaos
“Our manager- as in our teams manager?!?” Maru shouts, standing up before running at you and Echigo for a group hug
“As in the collective groups manager?” Tera added
“Like YN’s gonna be at all the practices manager?” Maiko interjects
Echigo 👉🏻😐🙄 yes
“Wait wait- like YN’s gonna travel on a bus with us to tournaments and stuff?” Tsukioka promoted
You this whole time 👉🏻😅
Coach Osado 👉🏻 rethinking this entire decision
“YES- yes YN is our manager!” Echigo finally said, moving his hands in a circle to indicated that he was including everyone
“I’m really happy to be joining you! Thank you for this opportunity!” You smile as the boys instantly die on the spot from how adorable you are
“I think I’m gonna faint!” Maru shouted as you quickly ran over to him
“Do you need water or something?” You said, concerned as his eyes widened and locked with yours
Thankfully Tera became conscious during this process and quickly intervened
“Umm I think he’s ok Yn, here I’ll show you around,” he said, grabbing your arm as you waved to the boys and began about your first day as the teams manager
Now I wish I could say they chilled out, but they in fact, did not 😬
Sure they didn’t almost pass out every time they see you but man did they adore you
They all clamored to help you in anyway they can
There is no way coach has any issues getting these boys to practice
“YN come help me with spikes!” Mary shouts
You 👉🏻 ok 🥰
“No YN I need you to help me with my cross court shots!” Teru interrupts
You 👉🏻 sure 😃
“YN is going to be too busy helping me with serving!” Tsukioka interjects
You 👉🏻 okey dokey 😅
“I need the most help Yn!” Kaikake whines
You 👉🏻 on it 🫠
Good thing Echigo is there to straighten everything out
“Whoa whoa ok that’s enough fighting over Yn! You guys should learn how to practice on your own!”
You 👉🏻*instant relief* 😌
“Besides Yn is going to be too busy helping me with setting to help any of you,” Echigo adds 🙃
“YOU ALWAYS HOG YN!” Maru shouts as Tera and the entire team join in
You 👉🏻 🧍😀
Despite all their fighting, they do agree on one thing
And that’s protect Yn at all costs!
Seriously you probably have better security detail than most politicians YN
Especially at tournaments
Because these boys aren’t only nervous about the game
But now they have to worry about protecting their innocent Yn from boys 😱
At the qualifiers for nationals, these boys are already on edge
You’ve tried to calm them down by giving them words of encouragement by man are they tense
Coach suggests that maybe it would be beneficial for them to eat something to calm their nerves which you agree
But oops- it looks like you forgot the bentos on the bus
Darn it 😏
Oh well, nothing a short brisk walk won’t fix
Only they boys don’t know you have left them because they are too nervous to even function
And while you are on your adventure, there’s a few players who have been paying extra attention to you
High school hormones 🙄
So when they finally see that you’ve escape the guard and are now alone, they decide to pounce
“Hey there! I didn’t know Tsubakihara had such a pretty manager!” On of the boys said
You just blush and continue to walk, knowing you need to feed your boys
“Man I wish we had a cutie like you on our team,” another one of them says as to you
You continue to ignore them because you have a goal!
Back in the gym, it’s Himekawa who first notices your absence
He’s so nervous that his nervous are almost working for him and making him way more vigilant
He looks around confused before Atema finally says something
“What’s up dude?”
“Umm where did Yn go?” Himekawa asks as suddenly everyone looks up
It’s like the nerves just melt away as they all suddenly start to panic
“Omg YN’s lost! We lost our manager!” Maru shouts
“YN was just here a few minutes ago calm down!” Echigo says as coach interrupts
“I sent YN to get some bentos to calm you boys down,” he says as the boys eyes widen
“Like alone?!?” Teru questions
“There’s so many boys here! We have to find YN!” Iwamuro yells as the boys take off in search of you
By this time, you’ve made it to the bus and the now super annoying boys are still following you 🙄
Like please take a hint we have a job to do ok!
Just as you are about to say something, the doors slam open and your entire team comes running out
Literally it’s like that scene where Ukai runs to save Takeda from Inarizaki’s coach
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“LEAVE OUR YN ALONE!” Maru shouts as the boys and you just stare
The boys 👉🏻😐
You 👉🏻🙄
They block you from the other boys as they puff out their chests and assert their dominance
“YN are these hooligans causing you issues?” Tera asks as you stare at him
“I’m fine,” you say
“Why are you bothering OUR manager?” Maiko questions
You 👉🏻 really I’m ok 😅
“We were just making sure nobody hurt them. They were walking all by themselves,” one of the annoying boys said
Oof- that really hit a nerve
“We knew right where Yn was the entire time!” Maru shouted
The team 👉🏻 🤨 we did?
“Yeah we trust Yn to do things on their own!” Atema added
The team 👉🏻 we do?
“So why did you come running-” you started before being interrupted
“Well would you look at the time! Sorry we have to go warm up now!” Tera shouted, pushing you away as the other boys grabbed the lunch boxes and you headed back inside
Once inside the boys deflated, feeling relieved that they had found you safe
“You know, those guys are who we play first,” you smirked 😏
The team 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
Oh it’s on now!
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Kissing His Forehead | Himekawa, Nishinoya, Bokuto
Pairings: Himekawa X Reader (gender neutral), Nishinoya X Reader (gender neutral), Bokuto X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: fluffyyyy 🥺
Author’s Note: Based on a question I got and I couldn’t resist and it’s time to widen my circle of who i write for tehe
Warning: spoilers to season 3 of the show in noya’s!! 
Kissing Their Foreheads | Hinata, Aone, Tsukishima // Kissing Their Foreheads | Oikawa, Kuroo, Osamu // Kissing Their Foreheads | Akaashi, Atsumu // Kissing Their Foreheads | Kenma, iwaizumi, Sakusa
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The stadium was huge, filled with hundreds of people on the audience, all cheering and rooting for their favorite teams
The ceiling was higher than Aoi could ever imagine, lights brighter than ever now that he was standing here at nationals after only seeing older teams play here on tv
He made it with his team, tsubakihara academy
His heart raced rapidly in his chest, filling his ears, it almost blocked out the sound of the announcers as they announced the girls’ teams
He waited outside with all the other teams in line waiting to be announced
The pressure was killer as all the teams lined up and half of them would be gone after today
He wanted to win, he wanted to be the number one team in the nation
But his hands were shaking just before it started
Everyone around him looked so stoic, some so tall and proud in their jerseys
Why couldn’t he be the same as the others?
He clenched his trembling hands, squeezing his eyes shut to focus on his breathing to gather himself
It was almost time. They were about to be called
His eyes shot open feeling the sudden nudge in his arm, turning to see you
You wore a special badge only tsubakihara’s manager had
“Y/N? What’re you doing down here?” His voice cracked through the lump in his throat
“I have to go to the audience section soon but I just had to do this.”
Before he could even ask what, you gently cupped his face, tilting his head down and pushing his hair up, making a clearing on his forehead
You pressed a long kiss right below his yellow headband
“You’ll be okay,” you pulled back, your thumbs rubbing over his dusted pink cheeks, burning beneath your touch. “Good luck, Aoi.”
“I’ll see you later,” you waved as you went off, returning the badge to the team manager, leaving the special area
Aoi’s Heart couldn’t stop racing but for a different reason now- for you
He felt a great wave of confidence wash through him as the doors opened, making way for his team as they followed the previous team standing beside them, walking proudly on the bright teal colored floors
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You couldn’t believe your eyes
The gym roared as the karasuno student section roared at the major win they had just achieved
Karasuno had best Shirstorizawa with the third top ace in the entire country, ushiwaka
The third years celebrated on the court, the rest of the team breaking down, clumping and jumping onto each other in a giant pile
It finally happened
Karasuno would be going to nationals
The shiratorizawa student section and team has gone quiet in disbelief at the outcome where only a smal percentile actually believed Karasuno would win
The great powerhouse school was defeated
You could feel your own eyes watering at the notion, your own heart pumping at watching this intense game that had everyone gripping the edge of their seats
You watched alongside Yachi and tanaka’s sister as Karasuno was announced the winner, representatives for Miyagi in the tournament
Your legs carried you faster than you imagined as everyone began to gather their belongings to head back to the bus to make their way back to Karasuno
“Noya!” You called as you made it down to the court level, running to him
“Oh, Y/N!” Tanaka and Noya called as you sped to your best friends
“Congratulations!” You took a hold of Noah’s head and out of emotions pressed a kiss to his forehead and turning to Tanaka for a hug
The team watched amazed, seeing how Nishinoya would react after knowing he had the biggest crush on you forever
With the adrenaline from the game still pumping in his body now mixing with his feelings for you and how you just k i s s e d him, he almost imploded right then and there
“You all did so well,” you congratulated the team, giving a double high five to Hinata as he bounced higher above you, getting tired remarks from tsukishima, asking how he still had this much energy
Turning back to Noya, he was as frozen as a statue
“Oi, Noya, come on. We have to go,” Tanaka smacked his back. “You’re riding the bus back with us, right?”
“Yep!” You beamed. “Should I give him another one?” You waved your hand above his eyes
“YES!” He boomed.
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The volleyballs hit the ground with loud booms as you watched from the sides, still amazed at how strong Bokuto was
However, none of is straights we’re going in or they were all getting blocked by Nekoma’s captain, Kuroo
The gym the four of you were in was humid from the summer heat that had been beaming down all day
“Damn it!” Bokuto collapses to his knees with a thud
Akaashi let out a sigh already pointing out which number weakness this was
Bokuto’s mood was already pretty down after the training day today, having missing most of his shots or the other team blocked him or was able to dig up his hits
Today was just an off day and he couldn’t help but blame himself
Akaashi and Kuroo took a break as Bokuto balled himself in the middle of the court, hugging his knees
You handed them their towels and water bottles
“Was it really that bad today?” You asked as Akaashi sat himself down beside you
“Nothing worked.” He shook his head
All the compliments and tactics Akaashi and the team usually used to bring out the best in Bokuto was proven to be useless
“Would you please?” Akaashi looked to you, pleading with his eyes
“Leave it to me,” you bounced out of your seat on the bleachers
“Ko~ta~ro~” you sung his name as you came from behind and lightly chopped his shoulders as you walked around him, kneeling down until you were in front of him
He looked at you with the saddest eyes, his hair droopy
“Why’re you so mopey, baby?” He pouted, tilting your head the same way he did
“You’re the ace. This is just a little bump, right?” You cupped his cheek and rubbed your thumb over it
“Remember your ways of the ace.” You held up the shirt of his you wore, reminding him who he was and the principles he followed
“You’ll always be my ace, Kotaro,” you said low enough for it to be just between you two but with the gym silent with Kuroo and Akaashi watching your ways from behind, they could hear just a little bit of what you said
You leaned close and pressed a kiss to his forehead and cheek that instantly boosted his mood
Before you could even react, Bokuto kept from his little ball and tackled you into his arms, turning his body so his back landed on the floor with you on top of him
He smothered your face with kisses, showering you with his love
“What a simp,” Kuroo scoffed as he set his things down
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​ @curiouslilbeast​ @oyasenpai​​ @plantisnotplant​
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