#ttcc reid
ask-reidsgagngo 6 months
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[A live video pops up onto your feed, starting off with a soft static over the screen. You could hear a vague southern accented voice grumbling.] "C'mmonn.. Almost!"
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[After a moment, the camera fades to a clear image of a neon greenish-yellow koala.] "Ah! There we go! Heya darlins. My name is Reid Stock, I use She/They pronouns, and you may know me as the owner of the 'Gag N' Go shop'! I saw a ton a' my peers makin these blogs, and I thought it may-a been interestin' to check out. "
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"Now, before yall' send anything I would love to make one thing clear.. Toons AND cogs are welcome 'ere. Though my job is to sell gags for.. well.. y'know.. I don't really see it anymore than a job, while it is fun to make gags; we do not wish real-world harm onto cogs."
"Well.. that's 'bout it! I just had to make it clear, with some of the toons runnin' round here.. Thank yall' for watchin, and if you're interested, feel free to give a follow!"
(OOC intro below the cut!)
Heya!! My name is Link, and I use they/them pronouns! a ton of my friends have been making ask blogs for their favorite ttcc characters; and I wanted to as well! A small note!! This Reid is my own interpretation.. So she may act a tiny bit different from canon!
I would like to state while Reid is an adult, I am a minor (+ She's from a kids game..), so no NSFW please! Angst is fine, but nothing y'know..
I do have the right to refuse to answer any asks! If it doesn't fit with what I have planned for lore, I may not answer. But! If you want to check in with me to make sure I at least saw it, feel free to shoot me a msg
Interactions will be with @pumpkinslinked !!
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yourlocaltoad 4 days
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They called it a 'Team Bonding Exercise'
anyways um when the law breaks- 馃挜
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filzy-hans 6 days
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Yet another unhinged drawing session with @yourlocaltoad and @phoandori, Reid strapping lil ol' man to the Gag N' Go is peak TTCC art, no one can convince me otherwise.
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st4rstudent 6 months
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tooning it up call that toontown (ba dum tss)
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drayarts 1 year
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honeyfluff-does-art 10 months
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Reid loves her dumb, reckless explosion boys!!!
And they love her too, very much.
Fun fact: Reid is the only one of the BTL polycule who doesn't have a tail. Koalas don't have tails!
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enbyhoneyfluff 10 months
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Approximate height chart of the BTL gang for those who may be curious :3c
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toonsy-doodles 2 years
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A twitter art I made
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kieuecaprie 1 year
So... I finished the main taskline (for now) for Toontown Corporate Clash. I won't say too much about the end but it was definitely a journey to get through, especially when the server started having issues and districts had to be reset which made making and finding groups a bit of a drag.
So, I figured it'd be nice to have a little collection of screenshots I took over the course of my journey. Of course, I won't dump all of them, just a select few I found neat.
There may be spoilers but I think most of the screenshots I'm about to post are just out of context stuff anyhow so... I'm gonna give you a fair warning anyway!
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I believe I posted this a while back effectively saying that I have been playing TTCC and wanted to post this screenshot. I managed to catch the tailend of the St. Patrick's Day code event so I was able to snag some stuff, including the clover that became a mainstay on my deer.
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I think this may have been the first of many buildings I would take on by myself over the course of doing the main taskline so I guess I took this screenshot to comemmorate my first building (plus it was in Toontown Central, where buildings are kind of a rarity even on private servers) and the fact I barely made it out alive.
This was before I learned the power of Prestige Throw, btw, that little prestige gag carried me pretty hard with its self-healing properties.
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I just liked visual bugs and this one kind of tickled me. You can still get on the elevator, it's just bugged for some reason. No idea if this was a server thing or the behavior of the base code of the game that it ran on.
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Funnily enough, BB was the first playground I got to the final kudos rank-up task for just so I could go see Rainmaker, who would otherwise be known as Misty Monsoon if you searched through some ARG stuff (or read the wiki, I guess).
Her fight was an ordeal the first time through and was frightening and was definitely a step up from the easy gameplay of the babby game that came before it.
I spared her, in case you were asking. Fortunately, my group decided to do the same.
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I hated going through YOTT even though I liked the vibe of it all. The dialogue was painful to read but this one with Seymour in particular was chuckleworthy. Kind of appreciated that. Keep at it, TTCC writer's team!
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I think this was taken during my runs through Sellbot Factories for the Sellbot parts. I admit, it was a little nervewracking at first to utilize the group finder because, up to this point, I was just using it to set up groups for battles I absolutely needed to do (Derrick Man, Land Acquisition Architect, Public Relations Representative). No idea why this screencap in particular, maybe I just found the name "Medieval Pheasant" on the Turkey toon to be quite amusing.
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Fishing was my first activity I'd end up maxing on this server. As customary, I grade games based on how fun their fishing is. I'd give the Toontown fishing, as a whole, a decent 7/10. Fish Bingo is a nice sidegame and casting and reeling is super quick, also a good source of currency and ended up filling my bank to the brim.
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A screenshot from... some attempt at mity, I don't know the number tbh. Tried the old "befriend a cog" trick during the mist phase and my heart shattered into a million pieces afterward...
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Going through Mezzo Melodyland (At the time of writing, I have the rank-up task available to go from 9 to 10, gonna hold off on that for now but I'm coming for you, DAVE BRUBOT!), and I run into a taskline about a kazoo maestro who wants me to go find someone who is the kazoo kid. I already knew where this was going but I didn't think they'd actually go through with the bit.
Good one!
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Shut up and leave me alone.
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The only screenshot I ever took in a Cashbot Mint. Honestly thought it'd take a while to clear out the 4 Coin Mints, 4 Dollar Mints, and the 2 Bullion Mints but they were snap compared to the Lawbot and Bossbot facilities... especially in wait time, yeesh.
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Come on, you had to break into Reid's van at LEAST once! I hope she didn't mind me coming in, I mean, I do pay her a ton of jellybeans, after all!
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My first capped track was Throw, predictably. And I think Lure followed soon after and then it took a while before Sound, Squirt, Zap, and Toon Up would join them. Still got Trap and Drop left to go and I don't look forward to levelling Trap again.
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This wizard really wanted the... ahem... minglussy. iamsosorry
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Lawbot Lawfices... They were kinda fun but waiting was a bit of a drag. Although I think at one point, someone pointed out that you could play Toono on the couches. WHY COULDN'T BOSSBOT HQ HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!
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Speaking of, here's a screenshot from a Bossbot Cog Golf Course. Don't tell me which one because they all felt the same to me, and it was at that point that I really felt the drag. This part was probably one of the biggest hurdles imo and I don't blame anyone for not really wanting to do anything related to Bossbots unless they ABSOLUTELY had to. (Speaking of, if any friendos wanted to do cog golf courses, I'd gladly run it because I don't want them waiting half a century for a group.)
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Short detour into the High Roller stuff for MAYpril Toons event. I was sad that I couldn't fight Sads but the High Roller fight was definitely something else. And if they could pull that off for a permanent, non-canon joke of a manager, what could they do for 2.0? Gosh, imagine. The next few are also High Roller related, I had to grind for a bit to get the stuff out of him. (I still need one more item from him, barring another update that adds yet another goalpost, but it takes a while to beat him even with optimal strats.)
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Holy meh, Toriel Toontown real.
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This one is from one of the CEO fights. I took this one because the game was taking its sweet time waiting for everybody and found the cogs with their hands in the same position as the grief kiwi sticker to be quite funny.
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While I was doing the DDL taskline, I ran into this where Featherbedder and a bunch of cogs were just... snoozing. And there was literally nobody fighting them. Guess they just wanted a slumber party, huh?
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Hehehe... yeah, game show. Would be crazy if there was one in Mezzo Melodyland hosted by a robotic green duck who is a fusion of two cog managers that we've previously fought, right?
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And the end of the road, for now. It feels... weird now that I have ALL FOUR task slots to fill up but it'll be a great boon when grinding out those kudos tasks! I'm not quite done yet with TTCC and I don't think I will be for a while, after all, I have drops to collect, suits to perfect, departments to experience fully, and a couple other stuff left unfinished.
I will say that I absolutely enjoyed my time in Toontown Corporate Clash and I wish the team good luck as they push onwards because this is probably the most polished Toontown experience I've ever... erm... experienced.
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yourlocaltoad 25 days
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Some recent stupid doodles
the purple kiwi toon belongs to @phoandori
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yourlocaltoad 8 days
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Been doodling on Magma recently with @phoandori and @clowny-bitch-lamb Here's my half of the doodles with some gay propaganda sprinkled in
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yourlocaltoad 4 days
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Doodles from another crazy magma with @filzy-hans
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honeyfluff-does-art 10 months
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It's Elvis Purrsley Time! Here's the Elvis Purrsley!
Featuring the BTL Polycule concept and also Redd being edgy.
If you're wondering why Elvis is blonde now, it's cause he bleached his hair and grew it out some time after Redd rescued him from his captors that had been holding him prisoner and torturing him basically.
As a result he's got a lot of scars that he keeps covered up.
Scar ref under the cut.
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yes he does have a heart-shaped patch of fur on his chest
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