#ttte big boy 4017
askyoungiron 9 months
Has anyone here ever met any engines from America? Like Pere Marquette 1225 or Big Boy Pacific?
SCOTSMAN: Why yes! Hamilton went to New York for a World鈥檚 fair! She met a few engines there. King George too! He got a bell which has become a regularly stolen item between engines!
I have met a few Americans on my tour over there. Just a few 馃槈
As for a Big Boy? Well now, see for yourself!
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Lovely engine. Wouldn鈥檛 mind being a goal post with 4017 again! 馃槈
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tornadoyoungiron 9 months
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littlewestern 4 months
Let's go for something out there or not really, depends.
Big Boy 4014
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Lord if that ain't an engine. She's a beaut!
Sadly, outside of the steam engines which cameo in ttte, my knowledge and headcanons for real life engines pretty much start and end with Burlingtons and Burlington Accessories.
That said, I do know Flying Scotsman met Big Boy 4017. If he ever came 'round again, I'd love to see him next to 4014 and I imagine I'm not alone in this.
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tornadoyoungiron 11 months
Flying Scotsman & UP Big Boy meeting
UP Big Boy and Flying Scotsman at Green Bay on Scotsman's US Tour. It's unclear which Big Boy this is because of the awfully cropped photos and information, but it's at least something.
The cropped caption suggests it's 4017 BUT the numberplate has X401 or X407, it's a little unclear. Really wish the person who posted these had the sense to not crop it so severely.
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Shout out to @onyx-and-friends who made me aware of this
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